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The Sunset Crusader

Volume 41 Issue 3 Miami Sunset Senior High NOVEMBER 2018

Miami Sunset’s Newest Assistant Principal: Raydelin Munoz

By: Dominique Cortez ous positions. One of cipal, she still makes the time to offer
Staff Writer Munoz’s goals is to make new ideas to the activities director to en-
more of an impact at sure that the students will have a remark-
Since November of
Sunset, and she believes able year.
last year, previous assis-
that being assistant prin-
tant principal, Mr. Leron
cipal would help her From the outside, the job may look
Cook retired after working
achieve just that. very effortless, but in reality, the job re-
for the Miami- Dade
quires to not only work hard, but to also
school system for 35
The role of assis- be on task with all the assignments given
tant principal isn’t as to them.
simple as it may seem. Assistant principal Ms. Gomez ex-
This left an a very
Munoz and Mrs. Gomez pressed her impressions of Ms. Munoz
important position that
play a big role in the after working with each other on a daily
needed to be filled for the
school being assistant basis, “I am ecstatic to work with her. She
next school year. After
principals. is very dependable, caring, and a great
many applications and
team player. We are lucky to have her as
consideration, it was decided Sunset’s
Her job is to assist Principal Lux part of the administrative team.”
new assistant principal would be Sunset’s
and other staff members in all aspects
Testing Chair, Raydelin Munoz.
of making sure of the school is running After one year of being assistant
as normal and smoothly as possible. She principal, Munoz said that “It has been a
Before landing the position of as-
also works alongside other teachers and difficult transition, but it is a process that
sistant principal, Munoz had worked for
coordinates with them on what is the I still work through every day. I want to
Sunset for over 12 years. She originally
best way to help the students. This continue to work hard for the benefit of
started with the position as a Program
means she works on how students can every teacher, every student, and every
Specialist for the special education’s pro-
reach their academic objectives and she staff member at Sunset Senior High
gram. She then held the position as test
provide support to the eaders of the School.”
chairperson for the school, and briefly
school in order to help them carry out
the handled the activities director posi-
their functions in dealing with students.
tion as well.
Her reasoning for applying for as-
Even though Munoz has a lot of
sistant principal was due to the experi-
duties to fulfil being the assistant prin-
ences she had gained through her previ-

Miami Sunset Senior High Welcomes New Culinary Teacher

By: Victoria Landa
Staff Writer
cupcakes and baking des- one eats, and we should all
Miami Sunset serts. Level three students are be able to prepare food.”
welcomes our new- taking up advanced dishes
Ms. Sosa also
est addition to the and prep meals for special
emphasized the importance
school, the new culi- events.
of teaching her students
nary teacher, Jen-
Sosa comments on her about sanitation and keeping
nifer Sosa.
expectations for her students their station clean while
Sunset’s culi- for the year by saying, “I ex- cooking.
nary program has pect my students to do their
She explained that
always been a vital work, to do their best when
students can gain skills from
part of Sunset’s cul- doing the food, but also
this class, like safety and
ture. At almost eve- learning to follow instruc-
sanitation, baking and read-
ry event there are constantly her experience at Sunset so tions and be able to read and
far and what she expects ing and executing recipes.
sweet and savory treats on execute recipes.”
standby for guests attending. from her students this year. Sosa exclaimed how
She also stated, “I want
Now that Sosa is taking the She gave some insight excited she is to situate into
my students from level three
lead, she will be in charge of about some of the dishes that a new classroom and consid-
to pass their safety and sani-
teaching students of all three her students are learning to ering that she is in a new
tation exams that they have,
levels. The levels range from cook, depending on what lev- school, she has an opportuni-
which is gives them honors
cooking delicious home cook el they are on. ty to start fresh. She has a lot
when they graduate.”
meals, to gourmet advanced of plans this year for her cul-
cooking. Level one students are Sosa believes that culi- inary class that she has yet
learning how to bake basic nary is a really important to mention but all will be re-
The Sunset Crusader foods like biscuits and pies. class that every student can vealed in the events yet to
had an opportunity to sit Level two students will be do- learn from. “It’s a great basic come.
down with Sosa to hear about ing more intricate things like skill to have because every-

Miami Sunset’s Athlete Spotlight: Sno White

By: Felix Palacios in the locker room there wouldn't be order
Staff Writer
among the players.

Playing football is full of challenges

Earlier this week the Sunset Cru-
but being able to push yourself to overcome
sader sat down with senior football player
those challenges is how you become a better
Sno White to talk about how the game of
athlete. Sno White's biggest challenge in his
football has changed his life and to get his
playing career happened during his junior
opinion on your Sunset Football Knights.
year. “Recovering from pulling my hamstring
The football team has had a rough last year was really hard, because I’d keep
3rd season under coach Mandrell Nickle pulling it like every week,” said White.
with a record of 2-6 after winning their
This Knights’ season has also been full
homecoming game. But one of the big sto-
of challenges. When asked on how him and
ries of this season are the seniors, who will
his fellow teammates can improve, White re-
be looking to take the next step in their
plied saying, “We all got to be on the same
playing careers. So, to give us a little in-
page and just stay focused on each game at a
sight on being a senior football player is
time. Another thing we have to work on is the
cornerback Sno White.
maturity because of all the underclassmen on
A lot of people believe that football the team I think we play around too much.”
is all violence and dangerous, but many
of admiration for his coach and isn’t shy Improving the maturity in the locker
people still love the sport to death, fans
about expressing it. room has to start with a leader. In Sno
and players included.
White’s opinion this leader is Marcus Nickle,
The coaches do a lot to prepare the
So, when asked on why he started who is of course coach Nickles’ son. White
team for games, but every player has a dif-
playing football Sno had this to say, “I thinks it’s important for the underclassmen
ferent pregame ritual. When asked about
mostly started playing because it runs in to follow their designated leaders.
what are some of his pre-game rituals White
the family and I’ve just been playing since
said, “I don't do anything that different, it's Now, as this is his last year at Sunset,
a young age.” He also talked about how it
mostly just listening to music to hype me the big question is what school he wants to
teaches toughness, “It's such a tough sport
up.” play for in college or if any schools had
that you got to push yourself to new levels
reached out already. “Honestly, I’ll play for
to get better every time you step on the Being a senior on a high school foot-
any school that gives me the opportunity.”
field.” ball team doesn't only mean that you have
replied White. And when asked what he
the most playing experience, but it also
White’s been playing football at would do after football he said that he would
comes with a lot of responsibility.
Sunset ever since his freshman year which want to be a firefighter.
is also more than three years of playing According to White some of those
After many years of playing football
under coach Nickle. And he had this to say responsibilities are leading the lower class-
Sno White has not only become a great player,
about coach Nickle, “He's hardworking and men at practice and at games, being an ex-
but is now also an excellent example of a role
always believes in us no matter what. You ample in the classroom and on the field and
model, a great teammate, and a hard worker.
can go to him for anything, which is why keeping the spirit in the locker room up. All
“And he’s Tough!” according to coach Nickle,
he's such a great coach.” Just like many of these things are very important to keep-
which is why he is an example of a true ath-
other players on the team, White has a lot ing the team functioning as without leaders

Miami Sunset’s Cross-Country Team Celebrates Their Big Win at Districts

very important part of their success.
By: Hurma Aziz
Staff Writer Cross-country season lasted about
a tough six months, with over a hundred
On Wednesday, October 24, Miami practices. The boys practice six days a
Sunset’s cross-country team brought a week and three hours each day.
huge win back to the school, winning
first place at their annual district meet. Coach Castaing comments, “In
comparison to previous teams, there's a
The team was super excited for sense of responsibility to each other, if
this accomplishment as the team had on- one misses a practice, there's a conversa-
ly got fifth place last year. Although the tion that's had, and they I think that's
team made it to regionals, there was still why they're so successful.” The team has
hope that more good things are ahead a sense of family, they're all very close,
for the long distance runners. that’s why they function better as a
Sunset’s cross-country team show-
cased their improvement by surpassing This win was only the beginning
their rival teams, the Braddock Bulldogs for the future of the team, and yet there’s
and Ferguson Falcons. This rivalry has more that is left to come. The team will
been going on for five years and finally now focus on excelling at Regionals brin-
Sunset prevailed by going undefeated ing another win to Sunset and eventually
this season. than we know ourselves. He has high move on to States.
expectations for us and the motivation
Coach Eric Castaing was very never stops coming. Not only is he my
proud of the team’s win, and his hard coach, be he is also my mentor.” Quote of the Month
work and effort into training the team
won't go unsung. Raul Dominguez, a senior, that “Only by giving you are able to
joined only this year says, “Coach
receive more than you already
Mohammad Aziz, a senior, that Castaing is dedicated. He loves his ath-
has been on the team for three years letes and we love him. If it weren't for have.”
says, “I've been coached by Castaing for him, I would have quit a very long time Jim Robin
almost three years. He knows us more ago.” The team sees Coach Castaing as a

The Truth Behind Black Friday

By: Misela Soto
Staff Writer
Big screen HDTVs may
For many years, mil- be seen marketed at only 300
lions of people have lined up dollars. This may not seem
at storefronts to get the best suspicious to most, but when
deals that Black Friday offers. taking a closer look, you can
notice that most of these tele-
Although chaos has visions do not come from
been a product of Black Friday brand names.
because of the illusion people
are saving a lot of money, Some items don't even
what many don't realize is the have a model number. These
misconception of these Black are two key aspects that show
Friday “deals.” you if a television is a deriva-
Black Friday is often re-
ferred to as the “biggest sale Besides the false deals
event of the season,” yet the and misleading advertise-
sales are not saving people ments, Black Friday also caus-
money as much as they think es trouble between customers.
they are. With such huge crowds of peo-
ple aiming to buy the same
Companies take ad- they will only put a very low sion of a sale that is unlike products, it is no surprise that
vantage of Black Friday and amount on extremely any other done before. fights break out.
use manipulation tactics to “discounted” items. When
gain profit. With the right those items run out, custom- Another common trick People become overly
methods companies make it ers are already in store or used is the selling of deriva- competitive and this causes
seem as if people are getting online. Therefore, they are tives, or lower-quality ver- several issues. The Public
the deal of a lifetime. more likely to buy something, sions of name brand prod- Broadcasting Service mentions
even if it’s not on sale. Buyers ucts. Items such as TVs and reports of fights, pepper-
A study done by The become impulsive and pur- other electronics are general- spraying, and even the occa-
Wall Street Journal, shows the chase unnecessary items. ly the items that mostly copy sional shooting. Some cus-
pricing data of a wide range of these higher-quality prod- tomers even rob stores, ran-
products. It was found that, at On Black Friday, stores ucts. Essentially, derivatives sack them, or dump their mer-
differing times throughout the will also raise the original are made with cheaper mate- chandise.
year, most items were priced prices on their products. rials.
below Black Friday price They will proceed to add a If you want to go Black
points. This is something re- ridiculously large discount. Companies do not Friday shopping this year,
tailers wouldn’t want consum- Customers then feel as if spend a lot of money buying think of all these factors be-
ers to know. they are saving a huge or making these products. forehand. They could save
amount of money. The reality Therefore, it is possible for your time and money.
These same retailers is that buyers may end up them to market these items
use several methods in order paying the true original price at very low prices. It is only
to lure customers into buying of the product. This allows much later that consumers
their products. For example, companies to create the illu- realize their buying error.

Sunset Brings Great

Miami Sunset’s Credit Union is Now Open Opportunities to Students
By: Emily Batista
By: Kari Halteman Staff Writer
Staff Writer at the Credit Union says, “I
love the friendly environ- Miami Sunset Senior High is always seek-
Miami Sunset’s ment and all the people I ing better student education and success in every
Credit Union is open get to spend my time with aspect. One great opportunity offered to the stu-
again and ready for there.” dents is an outstanding internship program pos-
business. Located in Bryant Lola, a stu- sible through the NAF organization, which stands
room 175, students are dent who has been a teller for National Academy of Finance.
at liberty to open their at the Credit Union for two
own bank account and The program is available to sophomores
years now and is a proud
receive many opportuni- employee added, “I genu- and juniors, aged fifteen and up. Mr. Williams is
ties such as scholarships, saving accounts, inely love working at the Credit Union,” he the school Lead Teacher in charge of this pro-
online banking, and much more. adds,“That’s why I tell everyone to either gram. The program first started out for NAF jun-
The Credit Union is a member-owned join or make an account, they’ll love it too.” iors going into their senior year. Miami Sunset
financial cooperative, controlled by its mem- Seemingly, all students who volun- Senior High has five NAF programs which include
bers and operated on the principle of people teer to join get to know Mr. Terence Wil- information technology, hospitality, engineering,
helping people, providing its members' credit liams, the Credit Union’s sponsor and man- health sciences, and finance.
at competitive rates as well as other financial ager, as well as the head of the Finance
services. Academy. He will help put you on the right The internships start in the summer be-
In Sunset, students can take ad- track to getting a job after high school or a fore your senior year. There are currently many
vantage of many benefits that the Credit Un- summer internship. organizations partnering up with NAF, allowing
ion has to offer. For example, the Credit Un- for things to become bigger than just the acade-
If you’re a student who is interested
ion offers internship programs. in opening a Credit Union account, you will my. A few involved include: Children’s Trust,
The internships last four weeks dur- need to enter a 5$ deposit to secure your Miami Dade County, Royal Caribbean, and Chase
ing the summer, where students can get work account, your social security number, and Morgan. In an interview with students involved in
experience at a real business and even earn some form of identification. the internship, Bryant Lola, currently in 12th
money from doing it. The Credit Union is open on Tues- grade stated, “This program has really helped me
If a student is in the Finance Acade- days and Thursdays, from 10:45 am to 12:45 in learning how to act in a professional work-
my, they can work at a real-world Bank/ pm. place.”
Credit Union that is close to Sunset. The Credit Union has a lot to offer for All in all, the internship program is
Students from Miami Sunset also work everyone, so come over and open a credit amazing for kids wanting a head start in their
at the Credit Union during the school year. union account. Will we see you at the CU? career and to have a good look into their work-
Senior Yionmikal Roque, a teller who works place and how it operates.

Student of the Month Teacher of the Month Staff of The Month

Genesis Torrez Maricel Castillo Joe Faas

Maricel Castillo is a psychology teacher and

now teaching biology at Miami Sunset. She
has devoted many hours to the schools’ bowl-
ing, girls soccer, and badminton teams. Cas- How long have you been security
tillo is one of the most involved teachers in guard?
Unweighted:3.461 Weighted:4.179 Sunset and values and appreciates every one About 15 years, two and a half at
of her students. sunset.
What activities/sports/clubs do you
do? How long have you been teaching?
What is the best part of your job?
Student government, DECA, FBLA, About 22 years To serve and protect. It’s a very im-
National Honors Society, and in my
Why do you continue to teach? portant role and I enjoy what I do.
spare time I enjoy swimming.
How do you balance school and I think that this was my mission in life. I was
What did you initially want to do as
put here to work with high school kids and to
your activities? a career?
try and change their lives.
I make sure to write everything in
What is the best part about teaching? A sports agent. I became a security
my planner, being the oldest of three
siblings I have to work round every- The best thing about teaching is working with guard because it’s a way to find and
one’s schedules, so my planner kids and seeing that lightbulb go off when a recruit athletes. You get to see them
keeps me organized. kid gets something. Its what drives me to in school, so you see their attitude
keep teaching it’s the best part of my job. and the way the student acts, you see
Who/ What inspires you? how they function to know if their
Did you always want to be a teacher?
My mom, she is always teaching me good enough to get.
new life lessons. For example, think It was always one of my options. No matter
less do more, and to be determined. how many times I’ve changed my mind, What exactly do you do as a securi-
teaching was always there I always wanted to
ty guard?
What are your plans after high do it. I think if my first choice wasn’t even
school? teaching I would’ve ended up teaching any-
way. To keep the outsiders out and pro-
The plan right now is to continue my tect the students within these walls.
studies. I want to stay along the lines How do you keep your students motivated?
of hospitality and tourism because I What advice would you give to the
Students never know what to expect with me,
do see myself traveling a lot in the I never do the same thing over and over. I students of Sunset?
future. keep them on their toes with experiments
and movies and whatever else to keep them To work hard and study, it should be
What is your drive to continue do-
ing better? everyone’s goal to graduate and even
What motivates you? after that to continue to work hard.
Making my parents proud, that’s my
number one motivation. It’s the best My son, Jonathan, he means the absolute
Do you enjoy working at sunset?
feeling in the world. world to me. I try to be the teacher I want my
son to have in the future. These kids are the
What is the best part about Sunset? future knowing that I’m teaching the future Yes, and it pays the bills.
We all feel like a family. Being a keeps me very motivated. That and I just love
to teach! What is your favorite thing to do
small school, some see it as a bad
thing, but I think it’s a good thing. What is your ideal student? when you get off work?
You see familiar faces every day and I like to go home and cook. I love
My ideal student is one that follows me con-
everyone for the most part is really cooking, my family owns a Greek res-
tinuously throughout the year, challenges me
welcoming. and in return keeping me on my toes. Also, taurant, so I’ve been cooking my
Why are you in the activities that the kid who’s well rounded overall, involved whole life for the most part. Cooking
you’re in? in clubs, sports, and just more than a smart is an art and requires time, so I did-
kid in my class. n’t pursue cooking as a career since
I feel passionate about everything
What is the best experience you’ve had as a there’s a lot of pressure on cooks in
that I’m in, I don’t just join things to
teacher? the kitchen.
a them to my resume. I like doing
things all the way, everything I do I love when students come back and tell me
will help me with life skills in the fu- that because of me and my class I’ve made a
ture and in the workforce, so I don’t difference in their life. I made a difference in
want to give anything less than my the classroom but also their lives and its very
full attention. touching.

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