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August 2002

Materials Letters 55 (2002) 327 – 333

Formation and investigation of sol–gel TiO2 –V2O5 system

T. Ivanova a, A. Harizanova a,*, M. Surtchev b
Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Blvd. ‘‘Tzarigaradsko chaussee’’ 72, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, Blvd. ‘‘James Bouchier’’ 5, Sofia, Bulgaria

Received 15 March 2001; received in revised form 1 November 2001; accepted 5 November 2001


A TiO2 – V2O5 colloidal solution was obtained with a stability of more than 2 years. Xerogels, dried at 80 BC and treated at
300 and 560 BC, were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD)
measurements showed that the sample treated at 300 BC is amorphous, and crystallization began after 450 BC. Vanadium-doped
titanium dioxide thin films were prepared by using sol – gel dipping technique. Highly transparent TiO2 – V2O5 coatings were
formed on quartz substrates. The optical properties of the sol – gel mixed thin films were characterized as a function of the
annealing temperatures from 200 to 650 BC. D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sol – gel; Titanium dioxide; Vanadium oxide; Coatings

1. Introduction The mixed oxide system TiO2 – V2O5 could be ob-

tained by different deposition techniques. Specifically,
The transition metal oxide films have found wide the sol – gel method offers a simple and cheap syn-
applications as gas sensors [1], catalyst [2], and in op- thetic route for the preparation of nanocrystalline thin
tical electronics [3]. Since titanium dioxide is one of films. It should be noted here that titanium – vanadium
the most important materials in the industry, its pro- oxides also find applications as electrochromic mate-
perties have been extensively studied. Apart from this, rial [9] and lithium cells [10].
it has shown interesting photocatalytic [4] and electro- In this work, we report a sol – gel route for obtaining
chromic behavior [5]. mixed oxide system. The TiO2 – V2O5 powder samples
On the other hand, vanadium pentoxide films have are characterized by XRD and FTIR analysis. The
received significant attention during the previous years, coatings are obtained by a dipping method on quartz
and they are studied mostly due to their broad industrial substrates and are optically investigated by UV-VIS
applications in optical switching devices [6], in humid- spectrophotometry.
ity sensors [7], secondary Li batteries, and also as elec-
rochromic electrodes [8].
2. Experimental

Corresponding author. Fax: +359-2-754016. The TiO2 – V2O5 system is prepared by the sol – gel
E-mail address: (A. Harizanova). method. Fig. 1 shows the scheme of preparation of the

0167-577X/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 5 7 7 X ( 0 2 ) 0 0 3 8 7 - 7
328 T. Ivanova et al. / Materials Letters 55 (2002) 327–333

Fig. 1. Scheme for the preparation of TiO2 – V2O5 sol.

colloidal dipping solution. The first step is the for- dropwise with continuous stirring and cooling. The
mation of titanium dioxide sol: the precursor is tita- two solutions are mixed and aged for 1 week at room
nium ethoxide (Fluka, > 97%), introduction of 1.4 M temperature, getting a red color. Experiments with
acetic acid causes an exothermic reaction, gelation is different Ti/V ratios were carried out. In this paper,
obtained when 60 mol of water is added. One molar we investigate the solution with the highest stability
acetylacetonate is used as peptizant. More details of up to 2 years and with the formula 0.97TiO2 –
the formation of titanium dioxide sol are given in 0.03V2O5.
Ref. [11]. The vanadium component involved as V2O5 The thermal transformation of xerogel and the for-
powder is dissolved in hydrogen peroxide (30%). The mation of crystalline oxide were observed with X-ray
reaction is strong exothermic, and so H2O2 is added powder diffraction. X-ray analysis was performed
T. Ivanova et al. / Materials Letters 55 (2002) 327–333 329

with a URD6 diffractometer with secondary graphite The optical properties of the mixed oxide thin films
monochromator using Cu Ka radiation (35 kV, 20 deposited on the quartz substrates were characterized
mA) and applying the step method with 0.05B step and by UV –VIS Perkin-Elmer spectrophotometer in the
constant counting times per step —15 s. Two different range of 250 –800 nm as a function of annealing tem-
configurations of the experiments have been ap- perature.
plied —the standard Bragg –Brentano and the graz-
ing-incidence asymmetric X-ray diffraction (GIAX
RD). 3. Results and discussions
The analyzed samples for the XRD observation
were dried at 80 BC in air and the obtained xerogels 3.1. Infrared study of titanium –vanadium oxide sys-
were additionally treated at 300, 430, and 560 BC for 1 h tem
in air.
Gel powders were dried at 80 BC and a part of them FTIR investigations were made for the TiO2 –V2O5
was thermally annealed at 300 and 560 BC for infrared samples treated at three temperatures: dried at 80 BC
spectroscopy. Then, the samples were incorporated in and annealed at 300 and 560 BC for 1 h in air. The
KBr pellets. The analysis was performed with Fourier highest annealing temperature was chosen for com-
transform infrared spectrophotometer Perkin-Elmer parison with similar investigation for the pure sol – gel
1600 in the regions 480 – 4000 cm 1. titanium dioxide.
Uniform coatings of TiO2 –V2O5 on quartz sub- Fig. 2 shows the spectrum of xerogel dried at 80 BC.
strates have been obtained by dipping in the colloidal The band at 3851.3 cm 1 (not shown here) could be
solution (the withdrawal speed around 10 cm min 1). assigned to octahedral vacancies and designated as
After drying at 80 BC for 2 h, the films had been put 3+
6Ti –OH [12]. A characteristic band of the associated
under thermal treatment up to 560 BC in air with the hydroxyl group appeared around 3417 cm 1 (not
rate of 10 BC min 1 and after that, cooled down with shown here). The 1762.7 cm 1 band is considered to
the rate of 20 –25 BC min 1. be the CMO monomer stretching vibrations [13]. The
We obtained pure TiO2 coatings by a similar sol – set of the two bands at 1711 and 1280.8 cm 1 is attri-
gel method [11], and were used for comparison. buted to the m(COO) vibrations of an acetate ligand.

Fig. 2. FT-IR spectrum of TiO2 – V2O5 xerogel, treated at the temperature of 80 BC in air for 1 h.
330 T. Ivanova et al. / Materials Letters 55 (2002) 327–333

The frequency separation value Dm = 430.2 cm 1 of pounds [16]. The group of peaks 1500– 1622 cm 1 is
this doublet suggests an existence of a monodentate attributed to the bending vibrations of water molecules.
acetate ligand [13,14]. The bands at 1660 –1630 cm 1 The CH3 groups’ stretching vibration is found at
are owed to the vibrations of HCO3 group. 1403.1 cm 1 [13]. The band at 1088 cm 1 is assigned
The absorption bands, which appeared in the to the bond TiUOUC. Another absorption band,
spectrum between 1000 and 1100 cm 1, are attributed situated around 1048 cm 1, appeared only at the
to the OR groups linked to Ti [13]. The characteristic spectrum for that temperature. Some authors [17] are
absorption peak of titanium ethoxide, which is the attributing this band as VMO bond of oxide-like
precursor of the sols, appears at 933.3 cm 1 [15]. The structure. At the higher annealing temperature, this
band around 818.9 cm 1 is suggested to belong to the band has disappeared. The 880 cm 1 band is assigned
vibrations of polyhedral TiOn with coordination num- to the OUO stretching vibration in H2O2 as it is re-
ber less than 6 [14]. The absorption peak at 663.8 ported that hydrogen peroxide is not released at the
cm 1 may be described as the same as the vibration of temperature of 350 BC [18]. The absorption peak at 601
TiO6 octahedral with different kinds of ligands. The cm 1 is assigned to the VUO bond.
weak band at 487.7 cm 1 is assigned to the influence Fig. 4 shows the spectrum of sample treated at
of the vanadium component. 560 BC for 1 h in air with comparison of pure tita-
Fig. 3 shows the FTIR spectrum of the TiO2 –V2O5 nium dioxide sample treated at the same condition.
system at the annealing temperature of 300 BC in air. The water incorporation is found with two groups
The weak absorption band at 3793.1 cm 1 is probably of peaks: at around 3550 cm 1 (not shown here) and
due to octahedral vacancies and designated as 6Ti3+ – around 1630 –1610 cm 1, characteristic of stretching
OH. The 3665.7 cm 1 band is characteristic for tetra- and bending vibrations of water molecules. The main
hedral-coordinated vacancies and designated as 4Ti4 – absorption peak of pure TiO2 (Fig. 4, curve 1) as-
OH. The broad band centered at 3382.0 cm 1 is due signed to TiUO bond appeared at 511.9 cm 1. The
to the stretching vibration of the OUH bond. The spectrum of the mixed system (Fig. 4, curve 2) shows
bands around 2974.8 cm 1 are attributed to the stretch- a number of bands at the low-frequency region. The
ing vibration of the CUH bond of the organic com- band at 604.3 and 590 cm 1 can be attributed to the

Fig. 3. FT-IR spectrum of TiO2 – V2O5 xerogel, treated at the temperature of 300 BC in air for 1 h.
T. Ivanova et al. / Materials Letters 55 (2002) 327–333 331

Fig. 4. FT-IR spectrum of TiO2 (curve 1) and TiO2 – V2O5 (curve 2)

xerogels, treated at the temperature of 560 BC in air for 1 h.

Fig. 5. XRD spectra of TiO2 – V2O5 xerogels treated at the tem-

VUO bond, appearing in the lower annealing tem- perature of 300 BC (curve 1), 430 BC (curve 2), and 560 BC (curve 3)
perature spectrum. The peaks at 493.9 and 468.4 cm 1 in air for 1 h.
are assigned to the TiUO bond.

3.2. X-ray powder diffraction

Fig. 5 presents XRD patterns of the xerogels trea-

ted at the temperatures of 300, 430, and 560 BC in air
for 1 h. The TiO2 –V2O5 powder annealed at 300 BC
shows no peaks and has a characteristic view of an
amorphous material. The sample treated at 430 and
560 BC is crystallized, showing an appearance of the
anatase phase titanium dioxide (according to JCPDS
card 21-1272) without any peaks attributed to the
vanadium oxide. Other authors also reported that
when the concentration of vanadium component is
smaller than 15%, there is no significant indication for
the presence of vanadium oxide [19]. Previous study
[11] on the formation and behavior of the sol – gel
titanium oxide system determined that the crystalliza- Fig. 6. UV – VIS spectra of sol – gel TiO2 – V2O5 thin films, treated at
tion began at 560 BC in the anatase phase of titanium the temperatures of 300 BC (curve 1), 400 BC (curve 2), and 500 BC
dioxide. In that case, the small amount of vanadium (curve 3) in air for 1 h, deposited on quartz substrates.
332 T. Ivanova et al. / Materials Letters 55 (2002) 327–333

Fig. 7 compares the transmittance spectra of the

pure sol – gel TiO2 and TiO2 – V2O5 thin films on
quartz substrates treated at 560 BC for 1 h in air. The
vanadium additive to titanium dioxide changes signifi-
cantly the transmittance in the 250– 500 nm region.
Both the curves in 500 – 800 nm looked relatively
plane and horizontal, with transmittance for pure
titania 5% higher.
The absorption was calculated from the transmit-
tance spectra (Fig. 7). The energy band gap values
were evaluated from the relation ahml(hm Eg)n for
indirect allowed transition (n = 2). From linear extrap-
olation towards the zero absorption of the plot of
(ahm)1/2 versus hm, we found Eg for the sol – gel-pre-
Fig. 7. UV – VIS spectra of sol – gel TiO2 (curve 1) and TiO2 – V2O5 pared films.
(curve 2) thin films, treated at the temperature of 560 BC in air for 1 The calculated values of Eg are: for the TiO2 –
h, deposited on quartz substrates. V2O5 film, Eg = 3.32 eV and for TiO2, Eg = 3.67 eV.
The refractive index and thickness of titanium –
additive decreases the crystallization temperature of vanadium oxide coating on quartz substrate at the an-
the anatase TiO2. nealing temperature of 560 BC were measured by LEF
3M ellipsometer at k = 638.2 nm. The values are
3.3. Optical properties of the TiO2 – V2O5 thin films n = 2.27 and d = 77.5 nm.

Uniform coatings were obtained by the dipping

method on quartz substrates and were optically char- 4. Conclusion
acterized by UV – VIS spectroscopy. The samples
were annealed at different temperatures from 200 to The present work demonstrates the possibility of
650 BC. The sample treated at 560 BC in air for 1 h is preparation of sol –gel TiO2 – V2O5 system. The stabil-
compared with pure TiO2 coating treated at the same ity of the obtained sol is more than 2 years, which
condition. makes it useful and suitable for industrial applications.
Spectral transmittance was measured in the 200 < The prepared thin films are highly transparent, uniform
k < 800 nm wavelength range by use of a Perkin-Elmer with a one-layer thickness around 77 nm. Their optical
330 spectrophotometer. All the samples are very trans- quality and very good adhesion towards different sub-
parent at the visible region. The measured samples are strates (ordinary glass and conductive glass) make these
with comparable thicknesses. thin films promising for wide range of applications.
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