Our Team Work Cited: Organization

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Our Work Cited


Chairman: Logo : https://goo.gl/images/WMqfWg

Arizona Federation
Judah Waxelbaum Red Elephant:
of College
https://pixabay.com/en/elephant-profile-red- Republicans
Vice Chairman:

Nicole Martinez White Elephant:

Jacob Powers
Logo 2:
Treasurer: https://www.facebook.com/AZCollegeGOP/ph
Vianca Rodriguez
Director of Finance:

Wesley Blum Organization

Director of Communication: Judah
Arizona Federation of College
Republicans Waxelbaum
Marcus Medina

Political Director: Judah Waxelbaum Publisher

Publisher Application
Catherine Park
Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555
E-mail: azcollegegop@gmail.com
Website: www.arizona.crnc.org
Organization organizational, financial and logistical attend the nearest College
Overview assistance to Arizona chapters to help Republicans chapter’s events
them grow and or meetings.
Comprised of College Re-
publican chapters across Also listed on our website are
strengthen in
Arizona, the Arizona Fed- steps you can take in to start a
order to fight
eration of College Republi- chapter of College
the liberal
cans (AZFCR) represents
bias on all of Republicans club at your
Arizona College Republi-
our university
cans on the national stage
with the College Republican Arizona campuses.

National Committee
(CRNC) and at the state How to Join
level with the Arizona Re-
publican Party. We are in- Arizona College Republicans currently
dependent of the AZGOP has four chapter throughout Arizona.
and of other groups with Chapters are located at Arizona State
similar names such as the University, University of Arizona,
Arizona Young Republicans Northern Arizona University, and
(who are affiliated with the Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Contact Information
National Young Republican The contact information for each chap-
Federation). As the state- ter can be found on our website Email:
wide organization for Ari- Twitter: @AZFCR
arizona.crnc.org. If you do not attend a
zona College Republicans, Facebook: Arizona Federation
university listed, please feel free to of College Republicans
the AZFCR provides Website: arizona.crnc.org

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