Branding: Nombre de La Asignatura: Parcial de Estudio

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Nombre de la asignatura: Branding

Parcial de estudio: Primero

Nombre de la asignatura: Branding
Parcial de estudio: Primero

Branding isn’t just an exercise we go through to keep ourselves busy or make our jobs seem more
complicated than they really are. It’s a necessary part of increasing market share, generating ROI, and
building a fan base. In short, in a skeptical world, branding is the development of trust, and trust is a
conduit to revenue.

Companies know that branding could help transform their organizational lives and reputation in the
market they work for. And how can you use this knowledge to become a more fulfilled company? The
answers to these questions lie in the discipline and strategies of building strong brands. What if you
could take a page right out of the corporate book of business development and use it to craft and
implement dramatic and important changes in yourself and a as a consequence in the development
the company you work for? Successful brands present a consistent message and create an
emotional bond with consumers. Don’t we all want to convey a consistent message and create a
similar emotional bond with those important people around us? Absolutely! This is the reason why this
subject will provide you with enough tools to manage your personal and corporate brand.

Asesoría didáctica
All the company has to do with the brand and the message it gives to the audience. The mission,
vision and values a company has to lead its activities gives the marketer the path to create the brand,
the logo and more than that the image it projects to the market it belongs to.

There is a well-known market for products based on the price you define for each of them, in other
words, based on the “monetary value products have”, generic companies can survive, turn a
profit, and be financially successful. These companies will be limited in terms of their upward
potential because price is not an emotion and loyalty isn’t built on cost savings.

Brands have a greater ability than generics to act with their market and stand out with one or more
unique qualities that make them more desirable. More important than that, brands have the power
to create an emotional connection and bond with their audience, generating a loyal consumer based
on the fact that consumers can become brand advocates. In conclusion, expectation is built into the
generics model—consumers. For brands, however, expectation is developed over time with continued
fulfillment of the brand promise, usually based on far more significant issues than price.
Nombre de la asignatura: Branding
Parcial de estudio: Primero

Actividades de aprendizaje

Actividad de aprendizaje 1.1.

Resultado de To know and understand marketing basics in order to prepare the road for a successful
aprendizaje brand.
 The basics of Marketing
Contenido  Swot Analysis
 Marketing strategy and marketing plan

1. Research three different meanings of brand and branding as well as Market and
Marketing. Write them down. Once you have finished, explain the relationship between
the four definitions. Try to be concise when presenting you answer.

2. Teacher will send workshops titled as above, through the virtual platform in the files
section. They are different workshops to be completed and delivered as part of the
Planteamiento de
study guide. Complete the workshops and include them in the answer of this activity.
la actividad
3. Let’s suppose you want to be hired to manage the university copies center. Present the
swot analysis for this particular business. Finally complete it with two offensive and two
defensive strategies based on the comparison and the relationship of the different
aspects of a company. Finally, will you decide to manage the business or not? Why?

Read, complete and analyze basics of branding
Criterios de
Research, specific proposals and analysis based on information proposed.

Actividad de aprendizaje 1.2.

Resultado de
To know and understand marketing basics and law interference with branding.
 Marketing ethics
Contenido  The market environment
 Legal aspects of branding
Teacher will send different workshops as didactic material through the virtual platform.
They are 3 different workshops to be completed and delivered as part of the study guide.
Complete the workshops and include them in the answer of this part.
Planteamiento de
la actividad Present an example of a company in your town that follows green policies and has
environmental philosophy towards its activities. Explain your answer in no more than half a
page supporting it with strong arguments.

Orientación Read, complete and analyze marketing environment and the legal aspects involved in
didáctica company’s responsibility facing environment wellness.
Criterios de
Research, specific proposals and analysis based on information proposed.

Actividad de aprendizaje 1.3.

Nombre de la asignatura: Branding
Parcial de estudio: Primero

Resultado de
To know and understand positioning and marketing.
 Branding 1
 Branding 2
 Brand values
 Branded content
Teacher will send additional material through the virtual platform. They are four different
workshops to be completed and delivered as part of the study guide. Complete the
workshops and include them in the answer of this part.

Once you have finished the workshops you have to:

Planteamiento de
la actividad
 Prepare synoptic chart with all the information of the four workshops.
 Prepare a branding lingo glossary. It has to have the word, the meaning or
explanation and two examples that may clarify the concept. Fifteen words are

Read, complete and analyze marketing environment and the basic aspects of branding
Criterios de
Research, specific proposals and analysis based on information proposed.

Actividad de aprendizaje 1.4.

Resultado de
To know and understand logos and packaging
 Logos
 Materials and containers
Teacher will send additional material through the virtual platform. They are two different
workshops to be completed and delivered as part of the study guide. Complete the
workshops and include them in the answer of this part.

Planteamiento de 1. With the information given please present:

la actividad a. One example of each kind of logo.
b. Present one example of each kind of logo that you invented.
c. Prepare a logo and a slogan for you. Personal branding is involved in this

Read and comprehend the wokshops send by the teacher.
Criterios de
Research, specific proposals and analysis based on information proposed.
FORMATO DE Archivo de Microsoft Office.
Envíe las actividades de aprendizaje a través de la plataforma, mediante la sección
Contenidos, en un archivo cuyo nombre debe ser:
Formato: G#.Apellido.Apellido.Nombre.Asignatura

PREGUNTAS O Envíe sus preguntas o dudas a través de la plataforma: utilice la sección Enviar correo
DUDAS y marque el nombre de su tutor.

Puntaje por actividad

Nombre de la asignatura: Branding
Parcial de estudio: Primero

Actividades de aprendizaje

Actividad de aprendizaje 1.1. 5
Actividad de aprendizaje 1.2. 5
Actividad de aprendizaje 1.3. 5
Actividad de aprendizaje 1.4. 5
Suman 20

“En caso de que para el examen sea estrictamente necesaria la

consulta de tablas, fórmulas, esquemas o gráficos, estos serán
incluidos como parte del examen o en un anexo”.
El tutor de la asignatura

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