Art Mini Lesson Revise

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Angelica Villegas

Art 300
Grade level: Kindergartner
Number of students: 24 Time required: 1hr 30 min.
Art form: Painting
Emotion Painting

Objective: Students will be able to identify elements of art

in their painting by using lines, shapes/ form,
and color to make patterns in order to express
their feelings.

Materials: A lager sheet of heavy paper ( one per student),

tempera paints, crayons, paint brushes, water,
empty containers, mixing trays ( wax paper is an
inexpensive option), paper towels, newspaper,
pencils, old shirts or painting smocks (protect
children clothing).

Vocabulary: emotion, color, line, happy, sad, angry, tempera,

share, design.

Background knowledge: 15 minutes

1. Talk about: emotions, what does the
word emotion mean? What kind of
emotions do we experience on a day to
day basis.
2. Talk about: color, how does certain
colors make you feel?
3. Talk about: lines, what types of lines are
there? Straight, Zigzag, Jagged,

Room Set up: 1. If your class is not set in group form,

move desks to form groups of 6
2. Avoid front facing rows
3. Have desk storage space facing inwards,
making it inaccessible to the student
(reduce clutter)
4. Have desk completely clutter free, to
ensure an easy and spacious work area.
Activity: 1 hour
1. Warm up students by asking them to
draw different types of lines (using pencil
on a black piece of paper) based upon
certain feeling.
Ex: draw happy lines, draw angry lines

2. Once everyone is warmed up began

working with the paints. Make sure each
children has access to paintbrush (one per
color), water and access to primary
colors (red, yellow, blue)

Explain :
Give a quick demonstration how paints are used
properly and set any rules they need to follow.
Today they will be working with a special type
of paint called “tempera” it is a fast drying paint.
Show students how to use the paintbrushes:
(always clean brushes before dipping to a new
fresh color, treat the blushes properly by not
squishing them down on the paper )
Review color mixing:
yellow + blue= green
Red + yellow = orange
Red + blue = violet
Independent work:
Each student can now think on an
emotion or feeling which they will paint with
different paint colors, lines, textures and shapes.
Allow student to work on their piece of art for
about 40-50 minutes, encourage them to stand
back from time to time to have a really good
look at what they are doing. Are the desire
feeling starting to appear in their painting?

Display: 1. Once paintings are dry, pin/ tape them

on an empty classroom wall.
2. Have a student’s stand up and look at
each of the paintings on the wall
3. Ask then to think about the feeling the
painting is portraying.
Visual Thinking: 10-15 minutes
1. What do you see? (description)
2. What does the work expresses?
3. What do you think about the work, and
why? (informed preference)

Visual Arts Content Standards:

1.3 Identify the elements of art (line, color, shape/ form, texture, value, space) in the
environment and in works of art, emphasizing line, color, and shape/form.
2.1 use lines, shape/form, and color to make patterns.
2.5 use lines in drawing and paintings to express feelings.

Grading Rubric

Student Name: ______________________________ Grade: _____________Date: __________

The project shows that the student:

1.Followed directions
2.understood new concepts
3.used creativity, did not copy another students
4.Finished work completely
5.Used time wisely
6. Put name on back of paper
Total Possible Points: 18 Comments:

=1 =2 =3

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