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INDEX NO :-EU/IS/2007/MS/31.




1. What is HRM and how do you define it?

2. Why do you want to study HRM? Illustrate its


3. What are the roles of HR manager in the dynamic


4. Define a model of HRM which could be used for any


5. What are the Functions of HR manager? differentiate it

from functions of Personnel manager?

Question No: - 01
What is HRM and how do you define it?

Human Resource Management ("HRM") is a way of management that links people-

related activities to the strategy of a business or organization. It is the process of acquiring,
training, apprising, & compensating employees, and of attending to their labour relations,
health and safety, and fairness concerns.

HRM that deals with management of HR in an organization. It is the human side of

the organizational Management or Business administration. HRM is also called by several
alternative names such as:

 Personnel Management (PM)

 People Management.
 Manpower Management. &
 Staff Management.

Some definitions of HRM:-

 “HRM is the effective management of people at work. It examines what can or should
be done to make people both more productive and more satisfied with their working

 “HRM is the use of several activities to ensure that human resources are managed
effectively for the benefit of the individual, society and the business.”

 Edwin Flippo defines HRM as “planning, organizing, directing, controlling of
procurement, development, compensation, integration , maintenance and separation of
human resources to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are

 “HRM is the efficient and effective utilization of human resources to achieve goals of
an organization.” (H.D.P.Optha.)
 (John Storey, 1995) Human resource management is a distinctive approach to
employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the
strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an
integrated array of Cultural, structural and personal techniques.

 A strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organisation`s most

valued assets-the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to
the achievement of its objectives.

 HRM is effective management of people at work. It examines what can or should be

done to make people both more productive and more satisfied with their working.

 HRM concerns human side of the management of enterprises and employee’s

relations with their firm. (Graham & Bennett)

 HRM is the use of several activities to ensure that H.R are managed effectively for the
benefit of the individual, Society and the business. (Schuler).

From these several definition we can summarize some features of HRM or
characteristics or nature. There are:

 HRM involves management functions like planning, organizing, directing and


 It involves procurement, development, maintenance of human resource.

 It helps to achieve individual, organizational and social objectives.

 HRM is a mighty disciplinary subject. It includes the study of management

psychology communication, economics and sociology.

 It involves team spirit and team work.

 It exists within an organization.

 It has policies, practices, and systems influencing employee.

Question No :- 02.
Why do you want to study HRM? Illustrate its important?

To work with people effectively, we have to understand human behaiour, and we have
to be knowledge about the various systems and practice available to help us build a skilled
and motivated workforce. At the same time, we have to be aware of economic, technological,
social, and legal issues that either facilitate or constrain our efforts to achieve organizational

Staffing the organization, designing jobs and teams, developing skillful employees,
identifying approaches for improving their performance, and rewarding employee successes-
all typically labeled HRM issues are as relevant to line managers as they are to managers in
the HR department.

 Learning HRM in ways that make your learning more meaningful and applicable to
the workplace.
 We can understand human behaviour in the workplace and can manage it more
 Human resources are the most important resources that managers utilize to achieve
goals of an organization.
 Quality of other functional fields of management heavily depend on quality of HRM
in an organization.
 HRM is a vital responsibility of every manager.
 HRM contributes to organizational success and then societal success.
 Management of employee is more difficult than managing other resources.

Question No :- 03.
What are the roles of HR manager in the dynamic

In this role, the HR professional served executive agendas well, but was frequently
viewed as a road block by much of the rest of the organization. While some need for this role
occasionally remains — you wouldn’t want every manager putting his own spin on a sexual
harassment policy, as an example — much of the HR role is transforming itself.

Role: ranges from managing process to managing People. The following are the key roles;

 Strategic Partner:-

HR managers carries out HR environment scanning, reviews corporate strategic
plans, aligns them, and executes HR strategy for building a competitive
 Administrative Expert:-
HR managers facilitates and ensures through proactive human resource practices
the administrative efficiency performance levels of the human resource.

 Employee Champion:-
HR manager can help the organization greatly by making it people friendly so as
to ensure increased employee contribution, competence, commitment and

 Change agent:-
continuous adaption to changing environment is essential for success of every
organization. But, incorporating external changes requires significant internal
change and HRM can easily renew the organization by managing the changes
efficiently & effectively. Thus, he can build courage to change and endure.

 Resource person.:-
HR manager facilitates learning systems, thinking, mental models and order in
action. He can help create the learning culture through active participation of all
people and initiate behavioural interventions. HR manager has to build a positive
culture around deep core values, and empowering leadership styles.

Question No :- 04
Define a model of HRM which could be used for any
There are several HRM models which are used by organizations. These HRM models
that seek to demonstrate analytically the qualitative difference between the traditional
personnel management HRM. Some HRM models are:

 The Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna model.
 The Havard model.
 The warwick model.
 Model of HRM by opatha.

The Following model developed by Opatha (1995,2002) in respect of HRM. There is

Job design.
a sequential process from job designing to induction. It implies that job design has to be done
first and then job analysis and then HR planning and so on. In respect of functions from
performance evaluation to labour relations, usually sequential process does not exist. In fact it
Job Analysis.
can be observed that all these HRM functions are performed are performed concurrently in a
large organization.

A model of HRM developed by Opatha.

HR Planning.
Evaluation. Procure right people at the right
times to do the right jobs.
Training & Retains the most appropriate
Development. employees within the
Selection. Get and improve organizational
commitment of the employees.
Generate the enhance job
involvement & organizational
Hiring. citizenship.
Pay Management
Motivate employee job
8 satisfaction.

Induction. Enhance job satisfaction.


Management of
Incentives Strategic goals:

Improve employees’
Employee productivity.
Movements. Employee development.

Increase quality of work life.

Health & safety. Ensure legal compliance

Ensure customer compliance.


Generic Purpose:
Handling Generate & retain an appropriate
and contented human force,
which gives the maximum
Labour Relations individual contribution to
organizational success and
progress of success.
Another HRM model is Harvard 'map' of HRM. This is probably the most seminal
model of HRM and has had a major influence on academic debate on the subject.

'We noted that the Harvard Business School generated one of the most influential
models of HRM. The Harvard interpretation sees employees as resources. However, they are
viewed as being fundamentally different from other resources - they cannot be managed in
the same way. The stress is on people as human resources. The Harvard Map or model
outlines four HR policy areas:

1 Human resource flows - recruitment, selection, placement, promotion, appraisal and
assessment, promtion, termination, etc.
2 Reward systems - pay systems, motivation, etc.
3 Employee influence - delegated levels of authority, responsibility, power
4 Work systems - definition/design of work and alignment of people.

Havard Model of HRM.

Question No :-05
What are the Functions of HR manager? Differentiate it
from functions of Personnel manager?

The human resource (HR) manager position is vital to the successful operation of a
business. These managers perform such tasks as hiring, training, and maintaining a healthy
workplace environment.

The responsibility for HRM functions rests with every manager in the organization
being concerned. Every manager has a certain set of subordinates who need to be managed.
Every manager has to perform functions of managing these subordinates.

Human Resources Generalists, Managers, and Directors, depending on the size of the
organization, may have overlapping responsibilities. In larger organizations, the Human
Resources Generalist, the Manager, and the Director have clearly defined, separated roles in
HR management with progressively more authority and responsibility in the hands of the
Manager, the Director, and ultimately, the Vice President who may lead several departments
including administration

Personnel manager versus HR manager.

The difference between personnel management and human resources, the difference
can be described as philosophical. Although personnel management shares a platform with
HRM on some key issues. But there are some points of dissimilarity.

Traditional personnel manager tend to be parochial, striving to influence line

managers, whereas HRM is integrated into the role of line managers, with a strong proactive
stance and bias towards business.

Difference. Between the Personnel manager and HR manager.

No. Dimensions Personnel and Industrial HRM
Relations (IR)
Beliefs & Assumptions
1 Contract Careful delineation of written Aim to go beyond aontract

2 Rules Importance of devising clear ‘Can-do’ outlook; Impatience with
rules / mutually ‘rule’
3 Guide to management Procedures ‘Business-need’
4 Behaviour referent Norms / Custom & practice Values/ Mission
5 Managerial task vis-à-vis Monitoring Nurturing
6 Nature of relations Pluralist Unitarist
7 Conflict Institutionalized De-emphasized
Strategic Aspects
8 Key relations Labour management Customer
9 Initiatives Piecemeal Integrated
10 Corporate plan Marginal Central
11 Speed of decision Slow Fast
Line Management
12 Management Role Transactional Transformational leadership
13 Key managers Personnel / IR specialists General / business/ line managers
14 Communication Indirect Direct
15 Standardization High (e.g:- ‘parity’ an issue) Low (e.g:- ‘parity’ not seen as
16 Prized management skills Negotiation Facilitation
Key layers
17 Selection Separate, marginal task Integrated, Key task
18 Pay Job evaluations (fixed grades) Performance-related
19 Conditions Separately negotiated Harmonization
20 Labour-Management Collective bargaining contract Towards individual contracts
21 Thrust of relations with Regularized through facilities Marginalized (with expectation of
stewards & training some bargaining for change

22 Job categories & grades Many Few

23 Communication Restricted flow Increased flow
24 Job Design Division of labour Teamwork
25 Conflict Handling Reach temporary truces Manage climate & culture
26 Training & development Controlled access to courses Learning companies
Foci of attention for
27 Personnel procedures. Wide ranging cultural, structural
& personnel strategies.

 Srinivas R. Kandula. (2003). Human Resource
Management in Practice. India: Printice Hall.

 Michael Armstrong. (2006). Human Resource

Management Practice. India: Kogan page ltd.

 Tapomoy Deb. (2006). Approach to Human Resource

Management. Delhi: Atlantic Publication.


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