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General Meeting

OCTOBER 9, 2018
Regents Park
St Bernardines P&F Meeting Minutes 09/10/18
St Bernardines P&F Meeting Minutes 09/10/18

Meeting Opened: .............................................................................................................................. 3
Attendees:......................................................................................................................................... 3
Apologies: ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Confirmation of Previous Minutes: .................................................................................................... 3
Councillors Report: ............................................................................................................................ 3
Treasurers Report:............................................................................................................................. 3
Principals Report: .............................................................................................................................. 4
Uniform Shop: ................................................................................................................................... 4
Business Arising from Previous Minutes: ........................................................................................... 4
School Disco .................................................................................................................................. 4
Battery World – Battery Recycling ................................................................................................. 4
Year 6 Graduation.......................................................................................................................... 5
Prep Orientation ............................................................................................................................ 5
First Swing – Golf Program............................................................................................................. 5
General Business: .............................................................................................................................. 5
World educator’s day .................................................................................................................... 5
Whole School Assembly ................................................................................................................. 5
Christmas Concert ......................................................................................................................... 5
Next Meeting Tuesday 13 November 7pm ......................................................................................... 6
Guest: John Marinucci Principal St Francis Creatmead at 6:30pm................................................... 6
Appendix A – Attendance Record ...................................................................................................... 7
Appendix B – Principals Report .......................................................................................................... 8
Appendix C – Uniform Shop Report ................................................................................................... 9
St Bernardines P&F Meeting Minutes 09/10/18

Meeting Opened: Notes Taken By:

7:05pm Clinton Pattison

Per attached attendance record – Appendix A

Rebecca Groves (P&F Secretary), Rhiannon Cameron, Catie Kelly, Alisha Friend,
Julie Lawson, Fiona Barrett, Cr Cherie Daley

Confirmation of Previous Minutes:

Previous minutes dated 1 September 2018 were endorsed as true and accurate
Moved: Annette Darlington Seconded: Nick Gallen

Motion - Carried

Councillors Report:

Business arising from Logan City Council;
 Nick Galen and Kate Thomas to meet with LCC re Road Access for proposed
alternate egress traffic path for vehicles.
 Review of retaining wall and footpath to be followed up with LCC & Cr Daley –
KT to undertake 10/10/2018.

Treasurers Report:
Presented by Kate Thomas in lieu of Alisha Friend
 Expenditure $3,375.89 August 2018
$3,290.13 Sep to Date
 Balance at Bank $22,608.57

M: Kate Thomas S: Clinton Pattison

Motion - Carried
St Bernardines P&F Meeting Minutes 09/10/18

Principals Report:

Refer Appendix B

Uniform Shop:

Report - Refer Appendix C

Business Arising;
 Uniform orders placed for Prep’s and Grade 1 placed ready for new year.
 Review of possible alternate hat supply
 Prep orientation – volunteers organised to assist
 Prep & Year 1 parent helpers (to assist with reading workshops etc.) still
required for following years. This will be communicated at orientation.

Business Arising from Previous Minutes:

School Disco
- Drinks ordered
- DJ confirmed
- Food ordered
- Volunteers confirmed
- To be advertised through multiple channels and media sources
- Go into News Letter
- After school care advised of event
- Set up to be commenced as early as practicable
- Food is available for all persons, not just students

Battery World – Battery Recycling

- Browns Plains Battery World not geared up properly yet to provide full service.
- Committee to remain in contact with BW @ BP to have recycling bins
available for new year
- Due to territory requirements, other BW’s are not permitted to encroach in this
territory. BW & P&F to continue communication to enable a phase in of
St Bernardines P&F Meeting Minutes 09/10/18

Year 6 Graduation

 Parent helpers Year 5 – KT to write to parents

 Preparation of Sienna
 Photography – P&F to organise for photography of graduating students and
their families. Photography session to be undertaken prior to commencement
of graduation
 Food – P&F to arrange catering (Finger foods, low volume) RG to draft a letter
to families of Years 5 & 6 with Ashleigh from admin to distribute.

Prep Orientation

 KT to give presentation

First Swing – Golf Program

 AF to follow up with First Swing

 Speak with Kylie Hoffman – Year 2 and son to be Prep mum as Director of
First Swing is personal friend.

General Business:
World educator’s day – P&F to arrange for a morning tea. KT & FB to arrange

Motion – The P&F authorise Kate Thomas to spend up to $300 to cater for World
Educators Day

M: Megan Behn S: Annette Darlington

Motion - Carreid

Whole School Assembly – Friday 5 December 2018

Christmas Concert

Motion: That the Year 1 park be available for families and to be used as a picnic
ground prior to children being required to go to their classrooms for preparation of
the Christmas Concert. A coffee van to be invited to be present during this time –
5:00pm to 6:00pm BYO Food & Non Alcoholic Drinks only.
St Bernardines P&F Meeting Minutes 09/10/18

M: Kate Thomas S: Megan Behn

Motion – Carried

Next Meeting Tuesday 13 November 7pm

Guest: John Marinucci Principal St Francis Creatmead at 6:30pm

St Bernardines P&F Meeting Minutes 09/10/18

Appendix A – Attendance Record

Kate Thomas P&F President - Unsigned

St Bernardines P&F Meeting Minutes 09/10/18

Appendix B – Principals Report

Principal’s Oct Report

Excellent Learning & Teaching

It has been a great start to the term as the children settle in after the holidays. A
focus this year has been on improving whole school reading and writing. Our data
reveals our children’s reading and writing has improved again this year. This is due
to a whole school language and practice that is consistent across classes and year
We are also in the process of organising our staffing for next year, during this term
staffing will be finalised at the end of the year we will be able to let parents know
whose class your child is in.

Strong Catholic Identity

A reminder this term we will be having a whole school mass on Monday of the last
week, parents are welcome to attend. We will also have the Yr 6 graduation and
farewell assembly, this is in addition to the regular class masses that occur on
Wednesday. Our Christmas concert will occur on Tuesday 27 November.

Building a sustainable future

Work is continuing with the planning of refurbishing the top floor of Aquila over the
Christmas holidays. At the beginning of next year we should have 24 out of our 28
classes refurbed with air conditioning. We are continuing the process of applying for
a building grant to refurbish the remaining classes and apply to refurbish the
administration block. This will be stage 4 of our master plan.

Nick Gallen
St Bernardine’s School Regents Park
St Bernardines P&F Meeting Minutes 09/10/18

Appendix C – Uniform Shop Report

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