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Diagrammatic Derivation of Gradient Algorithms for Neural Networks

Article  in  Neural Computation · January 1996

DOI: 10.1162/neco.1996.8.1.182


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2 authors, including:

Eric A. Wan
Portland State University


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Submitted to Neural Computation, March 1994.

Diagrammatic Derivation of Gradient Algorithms

for Neural Networks

Eric A. Wan and Francoise Beaufaysy

Deriving gradient algorithms for time-dependent neural network structures typically requires nu-
merous chain rule expansions, diligent bookkeeping, and careful manipulation of terms. In this
paper, we show how to use the principle of Network Reciprocity to derive such algorithms via
a set of simple block diagram manipulation rules. The approach provides a common framework
to derive popular algorithms including backpropagation and backpropagation-through-time with-
out a single chain rule expansion. Additional examples are provided for a variety of complicated
architectures to illustrate both the generality and the simplicity of the approach.

1 Introduction
Deriving the appropriate gradient descent algorithm for a new network architecture or system con guration
normally involves brute force derivative calculations. For example, the celebrated backpropagation algorithm
for training feedforward neural networks was derived by repeatedly applying chain rule expansions backward
through the network (Rumelhart et al. 1986; Werbos 1974; Parker 1982). The actual implementation of
backpropagation may be viewed as a simple reversal of signal ow through the network. Another popular
algorithm, backpropagation-through-time for recurrent networks, can be derived by Euler Lagrange or or-
dered derivative methods, and involves both a signal ow reversal and time reversal (Werbos 1992; Nguyen
and Widrow 1989). For both these algorithms, there is a reciprocal nature to the forward propagation of
states and the backward propagation of gradient terms. Furthermore, both algorithms are ecient in the
sense that calculations are order N, where N is the number of variable weights in the network. These prop-
erties are often attributed to the clever manner in which the algorithms were derived for a speci c network
architecture. We will show, however, that these properties are universal to all network architectures and
that the associated gradient algorithm may be formulated directly with virtually no e ort.
In section 2, we review the basic framework for gradient descent adaptation and error propagation. In
section 3, we show how to transform a neural network architecture into a reciprocal network using a set of
 Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology, P.O. Box
91000, Portland, OR 97291.
y Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4055.

simple block diagram manipulation rules. The reciprocal network directly speci es the adaptive algorithm,
providing a formal derivation that requires no explicit algebra. Whereas the original network corresponds to
a nonlinear time-independent system (assuming the weights are xed), the reciprocal network is a linear time-
dependent system. Several examples are provided in section 4 to illustrate the simplicity of the approach.
Algorithms are derived for a variety of structures, including feedforward and feedback systems. A formal
proof of the method is given in Appendix A.1
The concepts detailed in this papers were developed in Wan (1993) and later presented in Wan (1994).

2 Network Adaptation and Error Gradient Propagation

In supervised learning, a neural network is provided with a training set of input vectors and associated
desired output vectors [fx(0); d(0)g; :::fx(K); d(K)g]. Let us de ne W as the set of variable weights which
parameterizes the neural network. Training amounts to nding the speci c set of weights that minimizes
the cost function:
J= Lk (d(k); y(k)); (1)
where k is used to specify a discrete time index (the actual order of presentation may be random or sequential),
y(k) is the output of the network associated with input x(k), and Lk is a generic error metric that may
contain additional weight regularization terms.
For illustrative purposes, we will work with the squared error metric, Lk = e(k)T e(k), where e(k) is the
error vector. In most problems, a desired output is speci ed at each time step. However, in some problems
(e.g., terminal control), the desired output is de ned only at nal time k = K. Therefore, we de ne the
error vector e(k) as the di erence between the desired and the actual output vectors when a desired output
is available, and as zero otherwise.
According to gradient descent, the contribution to the weight update at each time step is
W(k) = ? @W(k) @J ; (2)
where  controls the learning rate. Note that we evaluate @J=@W(k) rather than the instantaneous gradient
@(eT (k)e(k))=@W(k). This is essential for the desired Network Reciprocity result.
There are several possibilities for the actual adaptation procedure depending on the speci c nature of the
application. The weights may be iteratively updated at each time step according to W(k), or the gradients
may be accumulated for an entire pass through the training sequence followed by a single batch update.2
With a nite length training sequence, adaptation involves repeatedly cycling through the training sequence
for time k = 1 through K. If at the begin of each pass through the training sequence, a new set of initial
input values x(0) are applied, we e ectively minimize E[J], where the expectation is taken over the initial
values of the inputs.
1 The method presented here is similar in spirit to Automatic Di erentiation (Rall, 1981; Griewank and Corliss, 1991).
Automatic Di erentiation is a simple method for nding derivative of functions and algorithms that can be represented by
acyclic graphs. Our approach, however, applies to discrete-time systems with the possibility of feedback. In addition, we are
concerned with diagrammatic derivations rather than computational rule based implementations.
2 The gradient may also be accumulated for use in second-order optimization methods.

At the architectural level, a variable weight wij may be isolated between two points in a network with
corresponding signals ai (k) and aj (k) (i.e., aj (k) = wij ai (k)). Using the chain rule, we get
@J @J @aj (k) @J
@wij (k) = @aj (k) @wij (k) = @aj (k) ai (k); (3)
and the weight update becomes 3
wij (k) = ? j (k) ai (k); (4)
where we de ne the error gradient
4 @J :
j (k)= (5)
@a (k) j
The error gradient j (k) depends on the entire topology of the network. Specifying the gradient descent
rule necessitates nding an explicit formula for calculating the delta term. Backpropagation, for example, is
nothing more than an algorithm for generating these terms in a feedforward network. In the next section, we
develop a simple non-algebraic method for deriving the delta terms associated with any network architecture.

3 Network Representation and Reciprocal Construction Rules

An arbitrary neural network can be represented as a block diagram whose building blocks are: summing
junctions, branching points, univariate functions, multivariate functions, and time-delay operators. Only
discrete-time systems are considered. A signal located within the network is labeled as aj (k). A synaptic
weight, for example, may be thought of as a linear transmittance, which is a special case of a univariate
function. The basic neuron is simply a sum of linear transmittances followed by a univariate sigmoid
function. Networks can then be constructed from individual neurons, and may include additional functional
blocks and time-delay operators that allow for bu ering of signals and internal memory. This block diagram
representation is really nothing more than the typical pictorial description of a neural network with a bit of
added formalism.
Directly from the block diagram we may construct the reciprocal network by reversing the ow direction
in the original network, labeling all resulting signals i (k), and performing the following operations:
1. Summing junctions are replaced with branching points.
ai δ

aj δ

al δ

2. Branching points are replaced with summing junctions.

a δi

a δj

a δl
In the general case of a variable parameter, we have aj (k ) = f (wij ; ai (k)), and Equation 4 becomes wij (k) =
?j (k) @w
@aj (k )
ij (k )
, where the partial term depends on the form of f .

3. Univariate functions are replaced with their derivatives.
ai (k) f( ) aj (k) δi (k) f ’(ai (k)) δj (k)

Explicitly, the scalar continuous function aj (k) = f(ai (k)) is replaced by i (k) = f 0 (ai (k)) j (k),
where f 0 (ai (k))4=@aj (k)=@ai (k). Note this rule replaces a nonlinear function by a linear time-dependent
transmittance. Special cases are:
 Weights: aj = wij ai, in which case i = wij j .
wij wij
ai aj δi δj

 Activation functions: an (k) = tanh(aj (k)). In this case, f 0 (aj (k)) = 1 ? a2n(k).
aj (k) tanh( ) an (k) δj (k) 2
1 - an(k) δn(k)

4. Multivariate functions are replaced with their Jacobians.

{ { { {
ai an δi δn
aj ao δj δo
a (k)
in F( ) aout (k) δ (k) F’(ain(k)) δout (k)

am ap δm δp

A multivariate function maps a vector of input signals into a vector of output signals, aout = F(ain).
In the transformed network, we have in (k) = F 0(ain (k)) out (k), where F 0(ain (k))4=@ aout (k)=@ ain (k)
corresponds to a matrix of partial derivatives. For shorthand, F 0(ain (k)) will be written simply as
F 0(k). Clearly both summing junctions and univariate functions are special cases of multivariate
functions. Other important cases include:
 Product junctions: aj (k) = ai (k) al (k), in which case F 0 = [al (k) ai(k)]T .
ai (k) δi (k)
l k)
aj (k) δj (k)
a i(
al (k) δl (k)

 Layered networks. A multivariate function may itself represent a multi-layer network. In this case,
the product F 0(ain (k)) out (k) is found directly by backpropagating out through the network.

ai an δi δn
aj ao δj δo

5. Delay operators are replaced with advance operators.
a (k)
q-1 aj (k) = ai (k-1) δ (k) = δ (k+1) q+1 δ (k)
i j j

A delay operator q?1 performs a unit time delay on its argument: aj (k) = q?1 ai (k) = ai (k ? 1). In the
reciprocal system, we form a unit time advance: i (k) = q+1 j (k) = j (k + 1). The resulting system is
thus noncausal. Actual implementation of the reciprocal network in a causal manner is addressed in
speci c examples.
6. Outputs become inputs.

ai original an = yn δi reciprocal δ n = − 2e n
aj network ao = yo δj network δ o = − 2e o

By reversing the signal ow, output nodes an (k) = yn (k) in the original network become input nodes
in the reciprocal network. These inputs are then set at each time step to ?2en (k). (For cost functions
other than squared error, the input should be set to @Lk =@yn (k).)
These 6 rules allow direct construction of the reciprocal network from the original network. Note that
there is a topological equivalence between the two networks. The order of computations in the reciprocal
network is thus identical to the order of computations in the forward network. The signals j (k) that prop-
agate through the reciprocal network correspond to the terms @J=@aj (k) necessary for gradient adaptation.
Exact equations may then be \read-out" directly from the reciprocal network, completing the derivation. A
formal proof of the validity and generality of this method is presented in Appendix A.

4 Examples
4.1 Backpropagation
We start by rederiving standard backpropagation [3] using the principles of Network Reciprocity. Figure 1
shows a hidden neuron feeding other neurons and an output neuron in a multilayer network. For consistency
with traditional notation, we have labeled the summing junction signal sli rather than ai , and added super-
scripts to denote the layer. In addition, since multilayer networks are static structures, we omit the time
index k.
The reciprocal network shown in Figure 2 is found by applying the construction rules of the previous
section. From this gure, we may immediately write down the equations for calculating the delta terms:
< ?2ei f 0 (sLi ) l=L
i = > 0 l X l+1 l+1 (6)
: f (si ) 
> j  wij 0  l  L ? 1:
By Equation 4, the weight update is formulated as
wpil = ? il alp?1 : (7)

apl-1 +
si snL yn
+ f( ) + f( )


+ s jl+1

Figure 1: Block diagram construction of a multilayer network.


l δnL
f ’(si l) + f ’(snL)


+ δjl+1

Figure 2: Reciprocal multilayer network.

These are precisely the equations describing standard backpropagation. In this case, there are no delay
operators and j = j (k) 4= @J=@sj (k) = (@ eT (k)e(k))=@sj (k) corresponds to an instantaneous gradient.
Readers familiar with neural networks have undoubtedly seen these diagrams before. What is new is the
concept that the diagrams themselves may be used directly, completely circumventing all intermediate steps
involving tedious algebra. It should further be emphasized that this approach still constitutes a formal
derivation, as we prove in the appendix.

4.2 Backpropagation-Through-Time
For the next example, consider a network with output feedback (see Figure 3) described by
y(k) = N (x(k); y(k ? 1)); (8)
where x(k) are external inputs, and y(k) represents the vector of outputs that form feedback connections.
N is a multilayer neural network. If N has only one layer of neurons, every neuron output has a feedback
connection to the input of every other neuron and the structure is referred to as a fully recurrent network
[9]. Typically, only a select set of the outputs have an actual desired response. The remaining outputs have
no desired response (error equals zero) and are used for internal computation.
Direct calculation of gradient terms using chain rule expansions is extremely complicated. A weight
perturbation at a speci ed time step a ects not only the output at future time steps, but future inputs as

x(k) y(k)
N (k)


δx(k) δ(k) -2e(k)

N’(k) δy(k+1)

Figure 3: Recurrent network and backpropagation-through-time.

well. However, applying the Network Reciprocity rules (see Figure 3) we nd immediately:
(k) = y (k + 1) ? 2e(k)
= N 0(k + 1)(k + 1) ? 2e(k): (9)
These are precisely the equations describing backpropagation-through-time, which have been derived in the
past using either ordered derivatives [8] or Euler-Lagrange techniques [2]. Network Reciprocity is by far the
simplest and most direct approach.
Note that the causality constraints require these equations to be run backward in time. This implies a
forward sweep of the system to generate the output states and internal activation values. These values must
be stored in memory to allow implementation of the time-varying reciprocal system in a backward sweep.
Also from rule 4 in the previous section, the product N 0 (k) (k) may be calculated directly by a standard
backpropagation of (k + 1) through the network at time k.4

4.3 Cascaded Neural Networks

Let us now turn to the more complicated example of two cascaded neural networks as illustrated in Figure 4.
The inputs to the rst network are samples from a time sequence x(k). Delayed outputs of the rst network
are fed to the second network. Often, the last network represents the model of some physical system, and
the rst network is used to prewarp or equalize the driving signal.
The cascaded networks are de ned as
u(k) = N1 (W1 ; x(k); x(k ? 1); x(k ? 2)); (10)
y(k) = N2 (W2 ; u(k); u(k ? 1); u(k ? 2)); (11)
4Backpropagation-through-time is viewed as an o -line gradient descent algorithm in which weight updates are made after
each presentationof an entire training sequence. An on-line version in which adaptationoccurs at each time step is possible using
an algorithm called real-time-backpropagation (Williams and Zipser 1989). The algorithm, however, is far more computationally
expensive. The authors have presented a method based on ow graph interreciprocity to directly relate the two algorithms
(Beaufays and Wan 1994a).

x(k) -1 -1 u(k) -1 -1
q q q q

N1 N2

Figure 4: Cascaded neural network lters.

where W1 and W2 represent the weights parameterizing the networks, x(k) is the input, y(k) the output,
and u(k) the intermediate signal. Given a desired response for the output y of the second network, it is
a straightforward procedure to use backpropagation for adapting the second network. It is not obvious,
however, what the e ective error should be for the rst network. In this case, the chain rule is simple enough
to apply directly to nd the instantaneous error gradient:
@e2 (k)
= ?2e(k) @y
(k )

?2e(k) @y(k) @u(k) @y(k) @u(k 1) ? @y(k) @u(k 2) ?
@u(k) @W1
@u(k 1)? @W1
@u(k 2) @W1 ?
= 1 (k)
+ 2 (k )
@u(k 1)
+ 3 (k )
@u(k 2)
? (13)
@W1 @W1 @W1

where we de ne
4 ? 2e(k) @y(k)
i (k)= i = 1; 2; 3:
@u(k ? i)
The i terms are found simultaneously by a single backpropagation of the error through the second network.
Each product i+1 (k)(@u(k ? i)=@W1 ) is then found by backpropagation applied to the rst network with
i+1 (k) acting as an error. However, since the derivatives used in backpropagation are time-dependent,
separate backpropagations are necessary for each i+1 (k). These equations, in fact, imply backpropagation
through an unfolded structure as illustrated in Figure 5, and is equivalent to weight sharing. (Le Cun et al.,
1989). In situations where there may be hundreds of taps in the second network, this approach leads to a
very inecient adaptation algorithm.
A more ecient algorithm for nding the delta terms may be arrived at by returning to the method of
Network Reciprocity. The original cascaded networks are transformed into the reciprocal structure shown
in Figure 6. Simply by labeling the desired signals, gradient relations may be written down directly:
u (k) = 1 (k) + 2 (k + 1) + 3 (k + 2); (14)
[1 (k) 2 (k) 3 (k)] = ?2e(k) N20 (u(k)); (15)
i.e., each i (k) is found by backpropagation through the output network, and the i 's (after appropriate
advance operations) are summed together. The weight update is given by
W1(k) = ? u (k) @W @u(k) ; (16)
1 (k)
in which the product term is found by a single backpropagation with u (k) acting as the error to rst
network. Equations can be made causal by simply delaying the weight update for a few time steps. Clearly,

x(k) x(k-1) x(k-2)
q-1 q-1 q-1 q-1 q-1 q-1

N1 N1 N1

u(k) u(k-1) u(k-2)

N2 y(k)

Figure 5: Cascaded neural network lters unfolded-in-time.

extrapolating to an arbitrary number of taps is also straightforward. This new algorithm is far more ecient
than the earlier direct gradient calculation method: we completely avoided backpropagation through a
redundant unfolded network.

δ (k)
q q q q
δ (k) δ (k) δ (k)
1 2 3

N’ N’
1 (x(k)) 2 (x(k))

Figure 6: Reciprocal network for cascaded neural lters.

4.4 Temporal Backpropagation

For xed synaptic weights, a feedforward network forms a static mapping from input to output. A more
complicated model can be constructed by replacing all scalar weights with discrete time linear lters to
provide dynamic interconnectivity between neurons. The lters represents a more accurate model of axonal
transport, synaptic modulation, and membrane charge dissipation (Koch and Segev 1989; MacGregor 1987).
Mathematically, a neuron i in layer l may be speci ed as:
sli (k) = Wijl (q?1 ) alj?1 (k) + wbias (17)
ali (k) = f(sli (k)); (18)
where a(k) are neuron output values, s(k) are summing junctions, f() are sigmoid functions, and W(q?1 )

spi (k) +
s il (k)
ail (k)
+ f()

wij wij
ail (k) q-1 q-1 q-1
wij(0) wij(1) wij(2) wij(M) sij (k)
+ sj (k)
sij (k)

δi (k)
f ’(si l (k)) +
δij (k)

δij (k) q q q
wij(0) wij(1) wij(2) wij(M) l+1
δj (k)

δj (k)

Figure 7: Block diagram construction of an FIR network and corresponding reciprocal structure.
are synaptic lters.5 Three possible forms for W(q?1 ) are:
w Case I
> M
W(q?1) =
w(m)q?m Case II (19)
> m=0
> PM
> ?m
> m=0 a(m)q
P Case III
1? Mm=1 b(m)q?m
In Case I, the lter reduces to a scalar weight and we have the standard de nition of a neuron for feedforward
networks. Case II corresponds to a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) lter in which the synapse forms a
weighted sum of past values of its input. The resulting network forms a spatial and temporal distributed
system. Case III represents the more general In nite Impulse Response (IIR) lter, in which feedback is
permitted. In all cases, coecients are assumed to be adaptive.
Figure 7 illustrates a network composed of FIR lter synapses realized as tap-delay lines. The scalar
multiplication in the traditional synapse model has been replaced by a convolution. These networks have
been utilized for a number of time-series and system identi cation problems (Wan 1993a,b,c).
The time domain operator q?1 is used instead of the more common z-domain variable z?1 . The z notation would imply
an actual transfer function which does not apply in nonlinear systems.

Deriving the gradient descent rule for adapting lter coecients is quite formidable if we use a direct
chain rule approach. However, using the construction rules described earlier, we may trivially form the
reciprocal network also shown in Figure 7. By inspection we have
il (k) = f 0 (sli (k)) ijl (k)
0 l
= f (si (k)) wijl+1 (n)jl+1 (k + n)
j n=0
= f (s (k)) W l+1 (q+1 ) l+1 (k):
0 l
i ij j (20)
Consideration of an output neuron at layer L yields
jL (k) = ?2ej (k)f 0 (sLj (k)):
These equation de ne the algorithm known as temporal backpropagation (Wan 1993a,b). The algorithm may
be viewed as a temporal generalization of backpropagation in which error gradients are propagated not by
simply taking weighted sums, but by backward ltering. Note that in the reciprocal network, backpropaga-
tion is achieved through the reciprocal lters W(q+1 ). Since this is a noncausal lter, a delay for a few time
steps in the actual weight update is necessary to implement the on-line adaptation.

y(k) δy (k)
b(1) b(2) b(3) b(1) b(2) b(3)

x(k) q-1 q-1 q-1 δx (k) q q q

a(1) a(2) a(3) a(1) a(2) a(3)

Figure 8: IIR lter (controller canonical form) and reciprocal IIR lter (observer canonical form).

In the IIR case, each adaptive lter performs the following operation:
M M PM ?m
y(k) =
a(m)y(k ? m) +
b(m)x(k ? m) = m=0 b(m)q
m=1 m=0
1 ? m=1 a(m)q ?m x(k) (21)
where x(k) corresponds to some internal activation value, and y(k) is the output of the synapse feeding a
summing junction. A controller canonical realization (Kailath 1980) for the IIR lter is drawn in Figure 8.
Using direct chain rule methods, Back and Tsoi (1991) have derived complicated algorithms for the IIR
networks involving order N 2 computations. Using the reciprocal construction rules, however, we can easily
determine how to propagate the delta terms through the IIR lter in only order N computations. By
inspection from Figure 8 we have:
M M PM +m
x (k) =
a(m)x (k + m) + b(m)y (k + m) = P m=0 b(m)q y (k) (22)
1 ? m=1 a(m)q+m
m=1 m=0
Note that the realization of the reciprocal lter corresponds to a noncausal observer canonical form (Kailath
1980). For the entire IIR network, we simply propagate error terms backward through the network in a

manner symmetric to the forward propagation of lter terms. As with backpropagation-through-time, the
network must be trained using a forward and backward sweep necessitating storage of all activation values
at each step in time. Equation 20 for temporal backpropagation still applies with W(q+1 ) representing a
noncausal IIR lter.

y(k) δy(k)
κ1 κ2 κ3 κ1 κ2 κ3

κ1 κ2 κ3 κ1 κ2 κ3
x(k) q -1
q -1
q -1 δx(k) q q q

(a) (b)

x(k) δx(k)
κ3 κ2 κ1 κ3 κ2 κ1

κ3 κ2 κ1 κ3 κ2 κ1
q-1 -1
q -1
q y(k) q q q δy(k)

(c) (d)

Figure 9: Lattice lters: (a) FIR, (b) reciprocal FIR, (c) IIR, (d) reciprocal IIR.

In the case of IIR lters, stability of the system becomes an issue. Note that the poles of the forward
IIR lter are reciprocal to the poles of the reciprocal lter. Stability monitoring can be made easier if we
consider other realizations of IIR lters. Figure 9 shows an all-pole lattice IIR lter and its corresponding
reciprocal structure. Also shown is a lattice implementation of an FIR lter6 . Stability is guaranteed for
the IIR lattice if the magnitude of each coecient is less than 1 (Haykin 1991). Regardless of the choice of
the lter realization, network reciprocity provides a simple uni ed approach for deriving a learning algorithm.

The above examples allow us to extrapolate the following additional construction rule: Any linear sub-
system H(q?1 ) in the original network is transformed to H(q+1 ) in the reciprocal system. This is just the
generalization of replacing time delays q?1 with time advances q+1 .

4.5 Time-Delay Neural Networks

Similar to FIR networks are time-delay neural networks (TDNN) illustrated in Figure 10. (Each circle in the
gure represents a neuron. A line represents a layer of weights.) A TDNN consists of a feedforward layered
network in which the outputs of a layer are bu ered several time steps and then fed fully connected to the
next layer. Published methods for adapting the networks involve unfolding the network to a static equivalent
and then using a batch update for a given training sequence (Waibel 1989; Waibel et al. 1989). The reciprocal
network for the TDNN is shown in Figure 10. It implies a new more ecient on-line algorithm equivalent to
6 In related work (Beaufays and Wan 1994b), Network Reciprocity was used to derive an algorithm to minimize the output

power at each stage of an FIR lattice lter. This provides an adaptive lattice predictor used as a decorrelating preprocessor to
a second adaptive lter. The new algorithm is more e ective than the Griths algorithm (Griths 1977).

y(k) -2e(k)

q q

-1 -1
q q q q

-1 -1
x(k) q q δ(k) q q

Figure 10: TDNN and reciprocal network.

temporal backpropagation for FIR networks. (The replacement of summing junctions by branching points
and sigmoids by their derivatives is not detailed in the gure.) To completely specify the algorithm we need
only add formal notation.

4.6 Neural Control Architectures

r(k) u(k)
x(k-1) x(k-1)
N(k) P(k)


δr (k) δu (k)
Plant δp (k) -2e(k)
δx1 (k) δx2 (k)
N’(k) Px’(k), Pu’(k) δx3 (k+1)

Figure 11: Neural network control architecture and reciprocal counterpart.

For the nal set of examples, we consider feedback systems for neural control problems. A generic nonlinear
plant may be described by
x(k) = P (u(k); x(k ? 1)); (23)

where x(k) is the state vector for the system and u(k) is the control signal. The goal is to drive some of the
states to desired values using a multi-layer neural network to generate the control signal:
u(k) = N (r(k); x(k ? 1)); (24)
where r(k) may constitute some external reference signal. It is assumed that full state information is available
for feedback. This common neural control con guration is illustrated in Figure 11. The desired response
for the system may be acquired using a model reference (e.g., a second order linear plant), or using a linear
quadratic regulator type approach (Narendra and Parthasarathy 1990; Landau 1979). For terminal control
problems such as robotics, the desired response may exist only at the nal time step, and the necessary
trajectory of controlled states must be generated by the network (Plumer 1993; Bryson and Ho 1975).
In order to adapt the weights of the controller, it is necessary to nd the gradient terms u (k) = @J=@u(k),
which constitutes an e ective error for the neural network. Directly from Figure 11 we have:
p (k) = N 0(k + 1)u (k + 1) + Px0 (k + 1)p (k + 1) ? 2e(k) (25)
u (k) = Pu0 (k)p (k): (26)
These coupled equations are well known formulas for backpropagation-through-time applied to a con-
troller structure (Nguyen and Widrow 1989; Werbos 1992). Px0 (k) = [@ x(k)=@ x(k ? 1)]T and Pu0 (k) =
[@ x(k)=@u(k)]T are Jacobian matrices for the plant. Hence we assumed the availability of either a mathe-
matical model for the plant or possibly a neural network model of it. If a neural network model exists, the
product P 0  represents a backpropagation through the network model.

r(k) u(k)
Controller Plant
q-1 q-1
q-1 q-1

q-1 q-1

q-1 q-1

N(k) P(k)
y(k-1) q-1

Figure 12: Neural network control using nonlinear ARMA models.

A limitation of this system is the need for full-state information x(k). More often only some observation
y(k) of the plant output is available. Figure 12 illustrates a possible solution in which we have assumed a
nonlinear Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) model for both the plant and controller. Alternatively,
an FIR or IIR network could be used to replace the standard multi-layer network.
Applying the principles of Network Reciprocity, we arrive at the system for gradient propagation illus-
trated in Figure 13. Equations can be written down simply by adding further notation.

δr (k) δu (k)
Controller Plant
q q
q q
δp (k) -2e(k)

q q

q q

N(k) ’

Figure 13: Reciprocal network for control using nonlinear ARMA models.
5 Summary
The previous examples served to illustrate the ease in which algorithms may be derived using Network
Reciprocity. One starts with a diagrammatic representation of the network of interest. A reciprocal network
is then constructed by simply swapping summing junctions for branching points, continuous functions with
derivative transmittances, and time delays with time advances (a linear subsystem H(q?1) is replaced with
H(q+1 )). The nal algorithm is read directly o the reciprocal network. No messy chain rules are needed.
The approach provides a uni ed framework for formally deriving gradient algorithm for arbitrary network
architectures, network con gurations, and systems.

A Proof of Network Reciprocity

We need to show that the method of Network Reciprocity constitutes a formal derivation for arbitrary
network architectures. The outline of the proof is as follows:
1. A perturbation is applied to some speci c node a (k) in the network. It is shown that the perturbation
propagates through a derivative network that is topologically equivalent to the original network. The
derivative network is a time-dependent structure.
2. The derivative network is systematically unraveled in time to produce a linear time independent ow
graph. Normalizing the ow graph signals by the perturbation, and taking the limit as the perturbation
approaches zero, provides the output gradient @J=@a (k)4=  (k).
3. Next, the principle of ow graph interreciprocity is evoked to reverse the signal ow through the
unraveled network. Summing junctions are swapped with branching points, and inputs with outputs.
4. The reverse ow graph is raveled back in time to produce the reciprocal network. The input, originally
corresponding to a perturbation, becomes an output providing   (k).
5. By symmetry, it is argued that all signals in the reciprocal network correspond to @J=@ai (k)4=i (k).
We now proceed with the full proof of the principle of Network Reciprocity:

1. We will initially assume that only univariate functions exist within the network. This is by no means
restrictive. It has been shown (Hornik et. al 1989; Cybenko 1989; Irie and Miyake 1988) that a feedforward
network with two or more layers and a sucient number of internal neurons can approximate any uniformly
continuous multivariate function to an arbitrary accuracy. A feedforward network is, of course, composed of
simple univariate functions and summing junctions. Thus any desired multivariate function in the overall
network architecture is assumed to be well approximated using a univariate composition.
We may completely specify the topology of a network by the set of equations
aj (k) = Tij  ai (k) 8j (27)
T 2 ff( ); q?1 g; (28)
where aj (k) is the signal corresponding to the node aj at time k. The sum is taken over all signals ai (k)
which connect to aj (k), and Tij is a transmittance operator corresponding to either a univariate function
(e.g., sigmoid function, constant multiplicative weight), or a delay operator. (The symbol  is used to remind
us that T is an operator whose argument is a.) The signals aj (k) may correspond to inputs (aj 4=xj ), outputs
(aj 4=yj ), or internal signals to the network. Feedback of signals is permitted.

The goal is to nd @J=@aj (k) for each node in the network. We cannot proceed, however, by simply
taking derivatives of Equation 27 (the derivative is not de ned for a delay operator q?1). Therefore, we add
to a speci c node a a perturbation a (k) at time k. The perturbation propagates through the network
resulting in e ective perturbations aj (k) for all nodes in the network. We would like to know how the
perturbations are related through the network.
Through a continuous univariate function in which aj (k) = f(ai (k)) we have, to rst order:
aj (k) = @a j (k) a (k) = f 0 (a (k))a (k);
@ai (k) i j i (29)
where it must be clearly understood that aj (k) and ai (k) are the perturbations directly resulting from
the external perturbation a (k). Through a delay operator, aj (k) = q?1 ai(k) = ai (k ? 1), we have:
aj (k) = ai (k ? 1) = q?1ai (k): (30)
Combining these two results with Equation 27 gives
aj (k) = Tij0  ai (k) 8j; (31)
where we de ne
T 0 2 ff 0 (ai (k)); q?1g:
Note that f 0 (ai (k)) is a linear time-dependent transmittance. Equation 31 de nes the derivative network
which is topologically identical to the original network (i.e., one-to-one correspondence between signals and
connections). Functions are simply replaced by their derivatives. This is a rather obvious result, and simply
states that a perturbation propagates through the same connections and in the same direction as would
normal signals.

∆a* (k) ∆a* (k) q-1

k k

∆y(k) ∆y(k)

Figure 14: a) Time dependent input/output system for the derivative network. b) Same system with all delays
drawn externally.
2. The derivative network may be considered a time dependent system with input a (k) and outputs
y(k) as illustrated in Figure 14a. Imagine now redrawing the network such that all delay operators q?1 are
dragged outside the functional block (Figure 14b). Equation 31 still applies. Neither the de nition nor the
topology of the network has been changed. However, we may now remove the delay operators by cascading
copies of the derivative network as illustrated in Figure 15. Each stage has a di erent set of transmittance
values corresponding to the time step. The unraveling process stops at the nal time K (K is allowed to
approach 1). Additionally, the outputs y(n) at each stage are multiplied by ?2e(n)T and then summed
over all stages to produce a single output J 4= Kn=k ?2e(n)T y(n).

k k+1 k+2 K
∆a* (k)

∆y(k) ∆y(k+1) ∆y(k+2) ∆y(K)

-2e (k) -2e (k+1) -2e (k+2) -2e (K)


Figure 15: Flow graph corresponding to unraveled derivative network.

Summarizing, we have formed a structure with input a (k) and output J. By removing the delay
operators, the time index k may now be treated as simply a labeling index. The unraveled structure is in fact
a time independent linear ow graph. By linearity, all signals in the ow graph can be divided by a (k)
so that the input is now 1, and the output is J=a (k). In the limit of small a (k)
lim J=a  (k) = lim
? 2e (n) T y(n) (32)
a (k)!0
 a (k)!0 n=k
 a (k)
XK @ y(n)
= ?2e(n)T @a  (k) (33)

k k+1 k+2 K
δ (k)

-2e (k) -2e (k+1) -2e (k+2) -2e (K)


Figure 16: Transposed ow graph corresponding to unraveled derivative network.

XK @ e(n)T e(n)
=  : (34)
n=k @a (k)
Since the system is causal the partial of the error at time n with respect to a (k) is zero for n < k. Thus
XK @ e(n)T e(n) XK @ e(n)T e(n)
 =  (35)
n=k @a (k) n=1 @a (k)
= @a@J  (k) (36)
=   (k):
The term   (k) is precisely what we were interested in nding. Unfortunately, we have at this point a rather
unappealing structure. Furthermore, calculating all the i (k) terms would require separately propagating
signals through the unraveled network with an input of 1 at each location associated with ai(k). The entire
process would then have to be repeated at every time step.

3. The next step in the proof is to take the unraveled network (i.e., ow graph) and form its transpose.
This is accomplished by reversing the signal ow direction, transposing the branch gains, replacing summing
junctions by branching points and vice versa, and interchanging input and output nodes. The new ow
graph is represented in Figure 16.
From the work by Tellegen (1952) and Bordewijk (1956), we know that transposed ow graphs are a
particular case of interreciprocal graphs. This means that the output obtained in one graph, when exciting
the input with a given signal, is the same as the output value of the transposed graph, when exciting its
input by the same signal. In other words, the two graphs have identical transfer functions. This basic
property, which was rst presented in the context of electrical circuits analysis (Pen eld et al. 1970), nds
applications in a wide variety of engineering disciplines, such as the reciprocity of emitting and receiving
antennas in electromagnetism (Ramo et al. 1984), and the duality between decimation in time and decima-
tion in frequency formulations of the FFT algorithm in signal processing (Oppenheim and Schafer 1989).
Flow graph interreciprocity was rst applied to neural networks to relate real-time-backpropagation and
backpropagation-through-time by Beaufays and Wan (1994a).
Returning to the problem at hand, if an input of 1:0 is distributed along the lower horizontal branch of
the transposed graph, the nal output will equal   (k). This   (k) is identical to the output of our original
ow graph.

4. The transposed graph can now be raveled back in time to produce the reciprocal network:

δ (k)



Since the direction of signal ow has been reversed, delay operators q?1 become advance operators q+1 . The
node a (k) which was the original source of an input perturbation, is now the output   (k) as desired. The
outputs of the original network become inputs with value ?2e(k).
Summarizing the steps involved in nding the reciprocal network, we start with the original network,
form the derivative network, unravel in time, transpose, and then ravel back up in time. These steps are
accomplished directly by starting with the original network and simply swapping branching points and sum-
ming junctions (rules 1 and 2), functions f for derivatives f 0 (rule 3), and q?1's for q+1 's (rule 5).

5. Finally we note that the selection of the speci c node a (k) is totally arbitrary. Had we started with any
node ai (k), we would still have arrived at the same result. In all cases, the input to the reciprocal network
would still be ?2e(k). Thus by symmetry, every signal in the reciprocal network provides i (k) = @J=@ai (k).
This is exactly what we set out to prove for the signal ow in the reciprocal network.
To tie up loose ends, consider isolating the set of signals ain (k) corresponding to the inputs of some desired
multivariate function, and the set of signals aout (k) corresponding to outputs. Thus aout(k) = F(ain(k))),
where by our earlier statements, it was assumed the function was explicitly represented by a composition of
summing junctions and univariate functions. F is restricted to be memoryless and thus can not be composed
of any delay operators. In the reciprocal network, ain (k) becomes in(k) and aout (k) becomes  out(k). But
4 @J
 in(k)= = @ aout (k) T @J = F 0(a (k)) (k): (38)
@ ain (k) @ ain (k) @ aout (k) in out

Thus any section within a network that contains no delays may be replaced by the multivariate function
F( ), and the corresponding section is the reciprocal network is replaced with the Jacobian F 0(ain (k)). This
veri es rule 4. QED.

This work was funded in part by EPRI under contract RP801013 and by NSF under grant IRI 91-12531.

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