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EDFD548: ASSIGNMENT 1, Lesson Planning

Student name:______________Alexander Betcher____________________________________


Content: Overview and Context very Overview and Context Overview and Context Overview and Context Overview and Context
clearly and succinctly clearly and succinctly communicate most of the communicate only some communicate only some
Plan for teaching (LO5)
communicate all of the communicate all of the important information of the important of the important
important information (year important information (year (year level, the specific information. information.
level, the specific learning level, the specific learning learning context etc).
The lesson sequence is The lesson sequence is
context etc). context etc).
The lesson sequence is poorly organised. Some very poorly organised.
The lesson sequence is very The lesson sequence is well satisfactorily organised. aspects of the content, Little or no evidence of
well organised. The content, organised. The content, The content, objectives, objectives, curriculum the content, objectives,
objectives, curriculum links objectives, curriculum links curriculum links and prior links and prior knowledge curriculum links and prior
and prior knowledge are all and prior knowledge are knowledge are identified. are identified. knowledge.
comprehensively and clearly identified.
A satisfactory level of Some aspects of Little or no evidence of
unambiguously identified.
A high level of constructive constructive alignment is constructive alignment are constructive alignment.
Excellent constructive alignment is clearly evident evident between learning evident.
Time and content
alignment is clearly evident between learning outcomes, outcomes, lesson
Time and content coverage and are very
between learning outcomes, lesson content/activities, content/activities,
coverage and are not well poorly matched to the
lesson content/activities, resources and assessment. resources and
matched to the target year target year level and
resources and assessment. assessment.
Time and content coverage level and curriculum. curriculum
Time and content coverage and are well matched to the Time and content
and are very well matched to target year level and coverage and are typically
the target year level and curriculum. matched to the target
curriculum. year level and curriculum.

Pedagogy The lesson plans and The lesson plans and The lesson plans and Some appropriate Little or no evidence of
subsequent discussion subsequent discussion subsequent discussion strategies to support appropriate strategies to
Demonstrate a range of
provide very clear evidence provide clear evidence of an provide evidence of some learner engagement, support learner
effective strategies to
of a highly appropriate of appropriate range of appropriate strategies to including classroom engagement, including
support learner
effective strategies to effective strategies to support learner organisation are evident, classroom organisation.
engagement, including
support learner support learner engagement, including but are limited and/or
classroom organisation
engagement, including engagement, including classroom organisation. inappropriate.
classroom organisation. classroom organisation.

Teaching Strategies for The lesson plans and The lesson plans and The lesson plans and Some teaching strategies Little or no evidence of
diverse learners: subsequent discussion subsequent discussion subsequent discussion that meet the needs of a appropriate teaching
provide very clear evidence provide clear evidence of provide evidence of some narrow range of learners strategies that meet the
Develop and implement of highly appropriate and appropriate teaching satisfactory teaching and to support inclusive needs of diverse learners
appropriate teaching very engaging teaching strategies to meet the needs strategies that meet the student engagement in and to support inclusive
strategies to meet the strategies to meet the needs of a range of learners and to needs of some learners learning are present, but student engagement in
needs of diverse learners of a wide range of learners support inclusive student and to support inclusive are limited and/or learning.
and to support inclusive and to support inclusive engagement in learning student engagement in inappropriate.
student engagement student engagement in learning
(LO4). learning

General Capabilities The lesson plans and The lesson plans and The lesson plans and The strategies that build Little or no evidence of
subsequent discussion subsequent discussion subsequent discussion the students capabilities strategies that build the
provide very clear evidence provide clear evidence of provide some satisfactory in one or more of the students capabilities in
of a range of highly highly appropriate strategies evidence of appropriate General Capabilities are one or more of the
appropriate strategies that that build the students strategies that build the present but are limited General Capabilities
clearly build the students capabilities in one or more students capabilities in and/or inappropriate.
capabilities in one or more of of the General Capabilities one or more of the
the General Capabilities General Capabilities

ICT The lesson plans and The lesson plans and The lesson plans and Some ICT based Little or no evidence of
subsequent discussion subsequent discussion subsequent discussion learning activities and ICT based learning
critically analyse and
provide very clear evidence provide clear evidence of provide some evidence of resources are present, activities and resources
responsibly create ICT
of the incorporation of a the incorporation of quite the incorporation of but are limited and/or
based learning activities
range of highly relevant and relevant and engaging ICT relevant and engaging inappropriate.
and resources (LO6)
engaging ICT based based learning activities ICT based learning
learning activities and and resources. activities and resources.

Communication and Your submission was very Your submission was well Your submission was Your submission was not Your submission was
Professional well structured and clearly structured and clearly satisfactorily structured satisfactorily structured poorly structured and
Presentation written/presented. Accurate written/presented. Only and written/presented. and written and/or many written and/or serious
spelling, grammar and occasional, minor spelling, Minor spelling, grammar communication errors errors existed.
punctuation were used grammar and punctuation and punctuation errors existed.
throughout errors were present were present

Grade : 14/24 (C)


• Further inclusion of cognitive verbs in your lessons plans, particularly in your lesson objectives and
rational, would have strengthened your lesson plans.

• Opening activity in Lesson Plan #1 would have been more suitable if students could answer questions
correctly to foster ‘student by-in’ and engagement – you don’t want students disengaged from the start
because they got questions wrong at the beginning of the lesson.

• Your overview and context communicated all of the relevant information about the school’s context.

• There was little evidence of differentiation techniques throughout the lesson sequence despite attempts at
varied activity lengths to support student with ADHD – A Year 7 boy with suspected ADHD would struggle
with engage with any activity, especially individual reading or research, for 20-25 minutes.

• Your submission appropriately integrated ICT based learning and resources.

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