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1. What do you know about an announcement?

This text is for questions No. 2 – 4

To: All students of Harapan Bangsa.

You are required to pay the school fee before the mid test. The test will be held on
10 - 16 October 2009. Those who can't fulfill the requirement will not get the test
card, except you meet the headmaster.

The Mid Test Committee

2. What is being announced?

3. From the text we can conclude that….
4. The word “required” in the text means…..
5. What do you know about an advertisement?

This text is for questions No. 6 – 8

Each year, Summer Session has openings for qualified teachers, teaching assistants,
administrative interns.
 2011 application forms for teachers
 2011 application forms for teaching assistants
 2011 administrative intern application information
For further information please contact Jolene Croteau at 978-749-4406 or
“I can say without doubt that last summer at Andover was the best professional
experience of my life – very challenging, very simulating, and very rewarding.”
…a teacher

6. What is the advertisement about?

7. How many positions does the advertisement offer?
8. When does the Summer Session have openings for qualified teachers, teaching
assistants, and administrative interns?

For questions No. 9 and 10

9. Look at the following picture, what kind of job do you see in the picture?
10. Based on the picture, make your own description about the job.

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