Daftar Pustaka: Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI), Hal. 53, IEE

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Astuti. I, Sutarno. H, dan Rasim, 2017. The Expert System of Children’s

Digestive Tract Diseases Diagnostic using Combination of Forward
Chaining and Certainty Factor Methods. International Conference on
Science in Information Technology (ICSITech). IEE
Kurniawan. D.A, Sihwi. S.W, dan Gunarhadi, 2017. An Expert System for
Diagnosing Dysgraphia. International Conference on Information
Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE).
Hal.1. IEE
Maharani. S, Dengen. N, Saputra. G. Y, dan Hatta. H. R, 2015. Expert System
Applications for Early Diagnosis Teeth and Oral Disease in Children,
International Conference on Information Technology Computer and
Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE), Hal. 27, IEE.
Novaliendry. D. Yang, C. H, A.Y Denno Guara Labukti, 2015. The Epert
System Application For Diagnosing Human Vitamin Deficiency
Through Forward Chaining Method, International Conference on
Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI), Hal. 53, IEE.
Ramadiani, Aini. N, Hatta. H.R dan Azianil, 2017. Certain Factor Analysis For
Extra Pulmonary Tuberculonis Diagnosis, IEE
Rey, E., Mearin, F., Alcedo, J. et al. Adv Ther, 2017. Optimizing the Use of
Linaclotide in Patients with Constipation-Predominant Irritable
Bowel Syndrome: An Expert Consensus Report, Volume. 34, IEE.
Rukun. S, Hayadi. B. Herawan, Mouludi. I, Lubis. A, Safril, Jufri, 2017.
Diagnosis of Toddler Digestion Disorder using Forward Chaining
Method, IEE
Sajid, A. & Hussain, 2018. Rule Based (Forward Chaining/Data Driven)
Expert System for Node Level Congestion Handling in Opportunistic
Network, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Shofi, Imam M, Wardhani, L.K, dan Anisa, G, 2016. Android Application for
Diagnosing General Symptoms od Disease Using Forward Chaining
Method. IEE
Supartini. W, Hindarto, 2016. Sistem Pakar Berbasis Web Dengan Metode
Forward Chaining dalam Mendiagnosis Dini Penyakit Tuberkulosis
di JawaTimur, Vol.1, No.3, Hal. 147.
Udah. K.I, Nkuma, Chukwudebe. G.A, 2017. Medical Diagnosis Expert System
for Malaria and Related Diseases for Developing Countries, IEE.
Ula. M, Mursyidah, Hendriana. Y, Hrdi. R, 2016. An Expert System for Early
Diagnose of Vitamin and Minerals Deficiency On The Body,
International Conference on Information Technology Systems and
Innovation (ICITSI), IEE.
Windriyani. P, Wiharto, dan Sihwi S.W, 2013. Expert System for Detecting
Mental Disorder with Forward Chaining Method. IEE

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