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RENMARK WEST PRIMARY SCHOO) a morse @ stan Honesty — Respect ~ Responsibilty November 2 2018, Tnreference to Damanjit Nijar: “Training and Development Damanjit has attended three full day Visible Learning Corwin training days. Dananjt has fully participated in numerous staff training sessions dealing with a range of topics including, parts of English, Numeracy and Learner Well-being. Damanjit has attended Partnership Moderation sessions ‘Application of Training through observations: Corwin Visibte Learning. Damanjit has hed exposure to Learning Tntentions an Success criteria, Damanit has put into practise this knowledge with fastidious thoroughness, Inher planing anc programming, Dananji aligns her curriculum overviews to Visible Learning by planning clear Learning Tntentions ond Suecess Criteria, oso aligning them to ACARA: she is very clear about what she wants the students to learn, ‘Through my numerous observations of Damanjit working with her class, I have seen her thoroughly iscusses the Lecrning Intentions and Success Criteria with her students before and during and after the lessons, Students have been able fo orticulate the Learning Intentions and thei learning and whether they are successful to me Damenjit applies Learning Dispositions to the schools agreed areas of the curriculm. Students were able to tell me what Learning Disposition(s) they were using, Damenjit has used data from Reading levels and Morrison and McCall testing to determine students needs, whether extension, or intervention, ‘Mederation: Damanyit has worked across two sites on moderation tasks; She has collaboratively worked with two different teachers on numeracy units Feedbocke Feedbock has been one of the topes covered in both Corwin and staff meeting teining sessions ‘thot Demanjit has attended, Through my engoing observations of Damanjit, T have watched her develop skill to ive constructive feedback about their learning to her students, Damanjit has also asked for and respended to the feedback that Ihave given her after observations, ‘Cormunication eile: Damanjit has hed numereus informal chats and constructive discussions with me about her own learning and the learning of her students. Damanit is keen to learn and asks clarifying questions about issues and learning 10 make sure she has the main point(s) correct. Mary Mattner 7 “Tmpact Coach 20:8

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