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KETTLE REBOILER: Detailed Calculation

Getting the mass flow rate of the steam entering:

Q(duty) = 17530000 kJ/hr
F = Tower Bottoms S = Saturated Steam
V = Boil- -up C = Condensate
B = Butane

S (mass flow rate of steam)

Q(rated) = 17530000(1.10)
= 19283000 kJ/hr

Getting the Area

Using the equation
Qrated =

U = 900 W/m2-0C

Getting the number of tubes, Nt
To know the number of tubes, we must first know the ID, OD and BWG of the tubes. BWG can be
attained based on the minimum thickness wherein:
; P = Design Pressure
D0 = Outside Diameter
Assumption: C = Corrosion Allowance
D0 = 0.0254 m SE = Allowable Stress
Y = Coefficient for materials
2 0
SE = 16 kip/in @201.37 C
For Carbon Steel A53 Grade A Type S
C = 1.5 mm for mildly corrosive (ex. Steam)

*Note: Design pressure =(0.5 x Operating Pressure + Operating Pressure)

gineering Handbook 6th Edition

@tmin = 0.7 ; BWG = 14
OD = 0.254 m
ID = 0.02118 m
Getting the Surface Area per Tube

Number of tubes, Nt

Number of Actual U- tubes (2 tube passes)

N = 94 tubes

Getting the Shell Inside Diameter

Edition, determination of shell diameter can be seen in table of TEMA. At 1.25 in
triangular pitch, with Outside diameter of 1inch and for the first calculation, the number of tubes is 188
with a two pass u-tube. From the table, the inside shell diameter is 21.25 inch or .53975 m.

Checking the L/D ratio whether it is in range, , 9.035 is in range from 5-10.

For the determination of tube bundle diameter, we can use the equation, wherein in
k=.249 and n= 2.207 for 1.25 triangular pitch. Therefore Db = .51087 m

Determination of Heat Transfer coefficients of Kettle Reboiler


I. Determination of inside tube heat transfer coefficient, hi (Condensation of Steam)

Steam (Vapor) Entering Condensate (Liquid) Leaving
Saturated Temperature = 201.3 C Saturated Temperature = 201.3 oC
Saturated Pressure = 15 barg Saturated Pressure = 15 barg
Steam Flow rate @ rated capacity, = 3.048 kg/s Condensate Flow Rate @ rated capacity, = 3.048 kg/s
Steam Density = 7.895 kg/m3 Condensate Density = 852.0 kg/m3
Thermal Conductivity of Condensate (Liquid) = .6633 W/m-K
Viscosity of Condensate (Liquid) = .0001326 kg/m-s
Number of tubes (using the actual u-tubes (Nt = 2*(Actual number of tubes))) = 94
Length (16ft) = 4.877m

For the determination of heat transfer coefficient, we used the equation for condensation inside tubes
with a stratified flow model that can be seen in Towler, p.877 section 12.10.4.

, wherein
KL = thermal conductivity of liquid (W/m-K)
µL = viscosity of liquid (Ns/m2)
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)

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