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GDC Technology Ltd.

Setting up Dolby 3D using HFR IMB on 9.0

This article documents the process for Dolby 3D setup on 9.x software.

 Dolby 3D filter wheel, filter controller and 3D projector macro for Dolby 3D (these
should be set up on the projector during Dolby 3D installation)
 Dolby 3D glasses (required for color correction measurements)
 Dolby 3D test patterns (this can be downloaded from the link in Step 2)
 Dolby 3D license upgrade

1. Preparation and Enabling the Dolby License

Contact GDC staff and acquire Dolby 3D license prior to setting up the Dolby 3D system in
the GDC server. The license must be requested by contacting the GDC service staff via
email and GDC will respond with a link to download the encrypted file. Copy this file to a
USB stick and proceed to the following steps to apply the Dolby 3D license:
a. Plug in the USB in the server while the server is turned on.
b. From The SMS screen on the GDC server, click on [Configuration] and enter the
password under Maintenance Access.
c. Under the General tab, click [Assistance].
d. Click [USB Disk] and enter the file password.
e. Select the Dolby license file from the drop down menu.

2. Test Pattern Content Files:

Download Dolby3D test patterns (Red/Green/Blue/White) at
If prompted; Username: visitor
Password: wiije67
Then unzip the file and copy to a USB stick, and ingest the package into the server. Please
note that these test patterns are the 3D version.

3. Setting up the Projector

Set a 3D projector macro correctly for Dolby 3D mode. For 9.x software with G4 IMB, the
following settings are required for Dolby3D corrected output:

Projector input selection PCF file

444 progressive DCDM_XYZ_185 / DCDM_XYZ_239

Setting up Dolby 3D using Software vers. 9 and HFR IMB July 2013
GDC Technology Ltd.

4. Calibrating the Dolby 3D colors

1. Setup the Dolby3D filter wheel, Dolby3D filter controller, and glasses (this step should be
taken care of by a Dolby3D installation engineer).
2. The server should be able to access the projector and filter controller from the network.
Note: When using a Barco projector the Dolby3D filter controller is integrated in the
projector software, the server does not need to control the filter controller.

3. When the filter controller needs to be controlled from server, acquire the Dolby3D filter
controller IP, turn it on and enable Dolby3D function on server with the following steps:
From The SMS screen on the GDC server go to:
a. [Configuration]  Enter Password under Maintenance Access
b. Click on CineCanvas tab
c. Under the 3D option, select Enable Dolby 3D Correction.

If network control of the Dolby 3D filter controller is required, click on the [Dolby 3D
Configuration] button, check the 'DFC IP Address' checkbox, and enter the Dolby3D filter
controller IP on the 'DFC IP Address' dialog. Shown in figure 1 below.

Figure 1 : Configuration Menu – CineCanvas tab, Dolby 3D Configuration

Setting up Dolby 3D using Software vers. 9 and HFR IMB July 2013
GDC Technology Ltd.

5. Using “The Wizard”

Connect your laptop, open a browser and point to ‘http://server-ip/cgi-bin/dolby3dConfig’
for example,
You should see the following UI:

Figure 2 : Configuration Menu – CineCanvas tab, Dolby 3D Configuration

Please note the following

 For SX-2000 AR server (up to 9.0-build131), please note that the instructions on the
Dolby 3D configuration web UI may mention 'Measure in YCbCr 3D mode.' However, all
measurements must be made in XYZ mode for 9.x software. These instructions on the
Web UI will be updated correctly in a future version of 9.x software.

 Check that the previously ingested 3D test patterns in the content manager. The clips
'FS-RED-3D', 'FS-GREEN-3D', 'FS-BLUE-3D' and 'FS-White-3D' should be available for
playback on the SMS playlist management screen.

Figure 3 : Color Mode Message

Use the following steps to calibrate Dolby 3D colors:

1. Ensure Dolby 3D is disabled on the server.
2. Make sure the Dolby 3D filter wheel is enabled on the projector.
3. Click Next Step, if on the page displayed in Figure 2 above.

Setting up Dolby 3D using Software vers. 9 and HFR IMB July 2013
GDC Technology Ltd.

Note: The values provided for "Measure un-filtered color primaries" section on the
Dolby 3D configuration web UI are standard color values. It is recommended to leave
these values unchanged unless advanced configuration is required.
4. Play each of the'FS-RED-3D', 'FS-GREEN-3D', 'FS-BLUE-3D' and 'FS-WHITE-3D'Dolby 3D
test patterns ingested previously and take color measurements for each clip through the
Dolby 3D glasses provided.
5. Fill in sections for "Measure left eye filtered color primaries" and "Measure right eye
filtered color primaries" on STEP 2 of the Dolby 3D configuration web UI on the server
6. Click "Save Measurements" to save, then click "Compute"
7. Computed coefficients will be displayed, check and click "Next Step" to continue.
8. Enable Dolby 3D on the server. See 'Enabling Dolby 3D for the server' section above
9. Play the 'FS-WHITE-3D' Dolby 3D test pattern, and take white point and luminance
measurements for this clip through the Dolby 3D glasses provided.
10. Fill in sections for White Point and Luminance in STEP 4 of the Dolby 3D configuration
web UI on the server
11. Click "Save Measurements" to save, then click "Compute"
12. Computed coefficients will be displayed, check and click "Save Coefficients" to complete

Figure 4 : Dolby 3d Color Correction Wizard

Setting up Dolby 3D using Software vers. 9 and HFR IMB July 2013

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