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Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank MIST M.SC.

M.Sc. in EECE Admission Test Question of MIST
Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) with co-operation of পুঁইশাক আর ঢ ড়
ুঁ শ তত্ত্ব
Collected from: Raihan (IUT’11)
Time: 90 minutes Full Marks: 80
Exam Date: 11 March 2016 Venue: MIST

1. Nodal Analysis : Find i, value of all resistances were given

2. Find average value, RMS value

3. What is single energy transient and double energy transient. Classify transient according
to cause and give example.
4. What is the antenna size of 1800 GSM.

6. Write full form : GPRS, GSM, EPROM, DFDM. (Avi g‡b bvB)
7. Condition for parallel operation of alternator.
8. Write characteristics of ideal transformer.
9. Write characteristics of ideal Op-Amp.
10. Write advantage and disadvantage of Nuclear Power Plant from the perspective of
11. VCC, VB, RC, RB, β were given. Find IB, IC and IE.
Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank MIST M.SC. ADMISSION TEST-2016
12. What is feedback ? What kind of feedback is used in a amplifier and oscillator.
13. A voltage source has complex impedance and variable load is connected across it. Derive
the condition for maximum power transfer theorem.
14. Draw small signal model of the following circuit :

15. Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (PMMC) related . Given , I=100µA. Find
resistance values for 50V, 100V and 150V range. (ঠিকমত মনে োই)

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