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Thales AIM and AMHS Newsletter September 2010

ince the latest AIM and AMHS newsletter, the commitment and experience of
the ANS team have been proved again as many systems have been successfully
accepted by our customers, some new contracts awarded and the work
methodology rewarded by a level 3 certificate of CMMI (Capability Maturity Model
Integration) for the three fields of Management program, Engineering system and
Software development.

The end of 2010 will mark the beginning of the “ICAO FPL 2012 enhancement”
integration in Thales AMSS and AIM product lines. Thus, associated software
upgrades could now be proposed to prepare for this upcoming evolution.


nd of June 2010, Thales Air Systems signed a contract with CIT Lao Ltd, the
company providing Aeronautical Services for the Department of Civil Aviation of
Lao for an AMHS system.

CIT Lao Ltd and Thales will continue together the excellent work done during the last
decade for the Laotian civil aviation. The AMHS system will be installed in the first part of
2011 and pave the way of a new era for the aeronautical ground-ground communications
for the Lao Republic’s Democratic.


UROCONTROL renewed his confidence in THALES for the re-engineering of the
ENA (EAD Network Adaptor) module. This critical component allows national
AIM systems to be interoperable with European AIS Database (EAD). It is used
since 2003 by many Aeronautical Service Providers.

The new release of the ENA should be delivered by THALES in the first semester of
2011. This project certifies THALES expertise and high technical skills in Aeronautical
Information Management software built for more than 15 years.

Thales Air Systems


n the 28th of April 2010, ROMATSA successfully upgraded its Aeronautical
Message Switching infrastructure by commissioning the AERMAC/AMHS
solution of Thales.

ROMATSA’s AMHS System is another European node to be delivered by Thales after

Bulgaria (Ministry of Defence), Austria and Portugal.

The new system, based on the AERMAC Product line, complies with the latest standards
for AMHS transactions, and includes AMATIS component, the new web based User Agent
solution of Thales.

As part of this program, 3 systems (operational, test and contingency) have been
deployed in about 8 months. During this short period of time, Thales also delivered the
safety related materials allowing ROMATSA to comply with the European regulation. The
completely integrated user interfaces and the validated concept of operations allowed an
efficient training plan, reducing significantly the project deployment schedule.

The cut-over operation has been performed in just one night thanks to the high maturity
of the AERMAC Product solution – and to the full dedication of the Thales team on

AMHS Interoperability tests with other european countries are already scheduled.

ROMATSA expressed its satisfaction especially in regards of the low level of disruption
in its day-to-day operations and of the mastering of the deployment schedule by Thales

As explained by Gabriel Dumitrescu – DR Bucharest Director: “The delivery schedule was

met and the performance and the commitment of the Thales Air Systems project team
was exceptional


hales delivered an AMHS compliant switching system in Sofia (Bulgaria) in less
than 5 months. The fully configured system has been delivered to Balkantel who
is responsible for the deployment within the Bulgarian MOD infrastructure.

This short schedule project has been successfully managed thanks to the high maturity
level of the AERMAC/AMHS Product line. The AERMAC software can be installed,
configured and validated with minimum efforts. The unmatched ergonomic look and feel
of the integrated client application (AERMAC A2M) allows, through a quick and efficient
training phase, the straightforward handling of the system by the operating staff.

This achievement demonstrates that simple AMHS implementation programs can be

reasonably managed based on a “COTS delivery strategy”.

Thales AIM and AMHS Newsletter September 2010


n July 2010, the Taiwan Final system Acceptance was awarded for the ATMAS
Program. This major program contained several AIM modules developed and
integrated by the ANS department such as: a centralised AIXM database
(AIXM+ product), AIS management module (ANAIS Product), ANAIS Internet Briefing
module, AGC Charting module from our partner “CGx AERO in SYS”.

Furthermore, this advanced system provides a complete integration with EUROCAT

ATM Center (called ATMAS), a FIDS interface providing Web Services to airlines, and a
sophisticated replication mechanism between the 2 remote sites.

The ATMAS systems shall now enter into a period of operational transition managed by
ANWS and supported by Thales Australia (within the scope of the 3 year warranty period)
with a target of full cutover in 2011.


n the framework of a global ATM infrastructure renewal, Thales delivered a suite of
its leading market solutions including Eurocat/X, ANAIS and AERMAC/AMHS. The
whole system has been accepted on site in April 2010.

Thales again demonstrated its unique capability to deliver complex multi-segment systems
in a turn-key manner. The de-facto integration between the various Thales products
reduces significantly the risk level in regards of System-to-System interfaces, and allowed
a straightforward system deployment on the customer site.

This integration has been enhanced to exchange information directly in AMHS format
between AERMAC/AMHS and Eurocat/X, thanks to the sharing of the same AMHS API
between these two systems. For the AERMAC/AMHS system, it is a new site ready for
AMHS operations in this region.
ANAIS will be operated as the new integrated AIS (Aeronautical Information Services)
System. The system will provide Pre-Flight functions including Flight Plan submission and
integrated Briefing compilation/distribution.


n September 2010, Bahrain CAA (BCAA) accepted the ISS (Information System
Services) component developed and integrated by ANS department as a module of
a wider ATC system.

The ISS module offers the capabilities to display on multiple clients any data and documents
published by the data administrators or received from external systems. The client software
is based on light client technologies – i.e. Web browser display, and can therefore be run
on any type of web capable PC or workstation.

Thanks to its modular design, the ISS module has been successfully connected to an
external AIS system and is able to display Integrated Briefings.

Thales AIM and AMHS Newsletter September 2010


he ATM’s domain Air Navigation Services (ANS) activity has
just obtained level 3 of CMMI (Capability Maturity Model
Integration) for the three fields of Management program,
Engineering system and Software development.

In order to reach this result with almost 89% of trails completely

implemented, 4700 tests were provided and 15 interviews were
organised. The evaluation team were particularly appreciative of the
product strategy that was put in place, the use of processes specifically
adapted to the activity (responsive and highly competitive) and research
for continuous understanding of their clients (web portal).

This success, which concludes these last two years following the incorporation of ANS into
Thales Air Systems at the beginning of 2008, confirms the maturity gained by the teams.


he Egyptian civil aviation NANSC
recently organized a seminar
focused on Aeronautical Information
Management (AIM) solutions.

The event took place in Cairo and gathered

more than 50 customers, ranging from
day-to-day operators to highest-level
management. The day was organized
around presentations and demonstrations
of the different products that make up
Thales’s AIM solution.

NANSC specific needs have been thoroughly detailed and Thales has been able to demonstrate
its state-of-the-art know-how. Within Thales AIM solution, it is the cartography product which
raised particular interest thanks to its modern Human-Machine Interface. As a consequence
of this very recent seminar, NANSC has already modified some current specifications

Thales AIM and AMHS Newsletter September 2010


he fifth Global AIM Congress was held in Beijing, human factors, need to be considered when planning
China from 22nd - 24th June 2010 under the and preparing an AIM migration program. Information
sponsorship of the Air Traffic Management was also provided about the NOPIA system deployed
Bureau (ATMB) of the Civil Aviation Administration of at the SIA (French AIS) by THALES – demonstrating
China (ATMB/CAAC). With a theme entitled «Building how the NOPIA solution is actually meeting the real
the Future», the event welcomed more than 250 challenges and operational needs of the SIA.
visitors from 50 countries.

Thales’s stand, considered to be one

of the most impressive, received a
large number of potential clients,
notably delegates from the ATMB and
many other customers of the region.
Four of our products were presented
including AIXM+, eAIP, charting (by CGX
partner) and ANAIS Internet briefing.
Thales Stand was one of the few were
“real products” demonstrations were
available. Alain Tardivel also presented during an industrial
keynote, the «AIM change process». The presentation
pointed out that, beyond standard compliance aspects,
other key elements, such as operational, institutional and


s previously identified in latest AIM and AMHS newsletters, ANS
department is involved in SESAR work-packages related with the
Aeronautical Information Management domain. The following paragraphs
are a follow-up on the status of Thales involvement in these work-packages.

8.1.4 project: Aeronautical information (AIS, Airport Mapping, Airport Network, Terrain and Obstacles)
After green flag has been given by the SJU to this project, execution phase kickoff meeting has been held in
Bruxelles in June 2010. During this meeting the activities of each contributor to the project has been refined.
Thales, due to its recognized knowledge of AIXM model gained through numerous AIM projects, has decided
to focus its activities on the definition and validation of the future model for aeronautical data called “AIRM”.

8.3.3 Project: Identify and Develop Aeronautical Information ATM Services

Execution phase kick-off meeting has been held in Stockholm in September 2010. In this work-package,
Thales decided to use its experience in web services implementation (for instance in the scope the Internet
Briefing system implemented in Austria) to concentrate its activities on services definition and validation.

13.2.2 Project: Aeronautical Information Management sub-system definition

This project is still in the initiation phase. Due to the hard work of all the project contributors,
the schedule to deliver the PIR to the SJU is foreseen by mid September 2010.
In this project, Thales, as one of the industry contributor, will take its part to the implementation of the next
generation of AIM systems fully compliant with SESAR project outcomes and fully interoperable with each other.

Thales AIM and AMHS Newsletter September 2010


ately THALES designed optimized hardware architecture for the server sub-systems hosting its AIS/AIM
and AMSS product lines. This new architecture integrates the up-to-date hardware constituents based on
HP Proliant DL G7 server units. These server units are embarking the most recent technologies and are
providing the highest level of performance never achieved in this range of server systems.

Based on these high performance constituents, Thales designed a fully redundant server architecture with the
possibility to include fiber-optic connected and highly scalable storage array. The solution can either be integrated
into a single cabinet or distributed between two separate buildings. The same system design can be deployed for
hosting the various software applications of the THALES AIS/AIM and AMSS suites (i.e. ANAIS, AIXM+, AES/EIB,

Thanks to the high density of the server and disk array constituents, it is actually feasible to integrate all AIS/AIM
and AMSS systems into one single cabinet, thus allowing to optimize server footprints in space constrained technical


AERMAC and AIM solutions latest flyers are now available directly on Thales web server from the following links:



Contacts Division Air Systems
Parc tertiaire Silic
AMSS: 3, avenue Charles Lindbergh
BP 20351
94628 Rungis Cedex France
Tél. : +33(0)1 79 61 40 00

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