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ME 251 Dynamics Homework #2

Issued 2018 Sep 6 Due Sep. 13

※ Estimate hours you spent to complete this homework including course review: hrs.
(숙제의 난이도 조절을 위해 학생들의 숙제 풀이 소요시간을 모니터 하고자 하니
대략적으로 숙제 및 숙제를 위한 공부시간을 기재하시오)

1. (10 pts) Derive the acceleration equation as shown below in Normal-Tangential and Polar
coordinate, respectively. When do you use N-T coordinate and/or Polar?

 a N T  v e t  en
 
 p o la r r  r
 
e r  2 r  r e 

2. (10pts) A football player releases a ball with the initial conditions shown in the figure 2 below.
Determine the radius of curvature  of the path and the time rate of change v of the speed at
time t = 1s and t = 2s, where t = 0 is the time of release from the quarterback’s hand. Shown your

3. (10pts) A golf ball is launched with the initial conditions shown in the figure 3 below. Determine
the radius of curvature of the trajectory and the time rate of change of the speed of the ball (a) just
after launch and (b) at the apex. Neglect aerodynamic drag. Show your work.

4. (10 pts) In the design of timing mechanism, the motion of the pin P in the fixed circular slot is
controlled by the guide A, which is being elevated by its lead screw as shown in Figure 4. Guide
A starts from rest with pin P at the lowest point in the circular slot, and accelerates upward at a
constant rate until it reaches speed of 175mm/s at the halfway point of its vertical displacement.
The guide then decelerates at a constant and comes to stop with pin P at the uppermost point in
the circular slot. Determine the n- and t-components of acceleration of pin P once the pin has
traveled 30o around the slot from the starting position.
ME 251 Dynamics Homework #2
Issued 2018 Sep 6 Due Sep. 13

5. (10 pts) Consider the portion of an excavator

shown. At the instant under consideration, the
hydraulic cylinder is extending at a rate of 150
mm/s, which is decreasing at the rate of 40 mm/s
every second. Simultaneously, the cylinder is
rotating about a horizontal axis through O at a
constant rate of 10 deg/s. Determine the velocity
v and acceleration a of the clevis attachment at B.

6. (15 pts) (a) (10pts) Rotating of bar OA is

controlled by the lead screw which imparts a
horizontal velocity v to collar C and causes pin P to
travel along the smooth slot. Determine the values
of r ,  where r = OP, if h = 160mm, x = 120mm,
and v = 25mm.s at the instant represented.

(b) (5pts) Determine the values of r,  if the

velocity of collar C is decreasing at a rate of 5mm/s2
at the instant in question.

7. (10 pts) The vertical shaft of the industrial robot

rotates at the constant rate . The length h of the vertical
shaft as a known time history, and this is true of its time

derivatives h , h as well. Likewise, the values of l , l, l

are known. Determine the magnitude of the velocity and

acceleration of point P. The lengths l 0 , h 0 are fixed.

ME 251 Dynamics Homework #2
Issued 2018 Sep 6 Due Sep. 13

8. (15pts) (a) (10pts) A car is traveling at the constant speed of 60 km/h as it rounds the circular curve
of 300-m radius and at the instant represented is at the position  = 45o. Car B is traveling at the
constant speed of 80 km/h and passes the center of the circle at this same instant. Car A is located with
respect to car B by polar coordinates r and q with the pole moving with B. For this instant determine
vA/B and the values of r ,  and as measured by an observed in car B.

(b) (5pts) Determine the values of r,  as measured by an observer in car B at the instant represented.

9. (10 pts) Determine the velocity of cart A if cylinder B has a downward velocity of 1 m/s at the
instant illustrated. The two pulleys at C are pivoted independently

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