November2018 Newsletter20181029 17165784

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| November 2018 Pilgrim Crier Dear Friends in Christ, ‘The leaves have timed mostly brown and fallen. Aind we've had a sighting of snow fall on October 14", with the temps bouncing up and down as November rolls in and gets colder and darker. But our hearts grow warmer and brighter as we join in numerous opportunities to say thank you. In the midst of this Osseo UCC put on one marvelous Turkey and Meatball dinner with all the trimmings. Congratulations on this spectacular church event which brought in a few hundred to eat in and many more to carry out their meal. Congregational members (women & men) pulled together carrying roasters up and down between kitchens, bringing pies, prepping & cooking food, serving meals and beverages, pies and all with friendly words and smiles! Then, clean-up began! Based on my experience, it went exceedingly fast and coordinated as had everything! | got to meet more members of the congregation which was a joy for this new and not so much “kid on the block”! ‘Then I prepared for my Ordination at my home church in Hales Comers, and was delighted to hear members rented a bus to bring them to the Ordination. [ was and still am so thrilled you were able to join in this ministry celebralion. And | am so proud you were there representing Osseo UCC. Thank you all for sharing in this faith- filled event, and to your driver who got you there and back safely! My thanks to all who couldn't attend and kept my ordination in your prayers! And a special Thank you to the congregation for the special gift you are giving me. I will share more with you when it arrives. Thanks so very much for even more thoughtfulness! A German theologian, philosopher, and mystic Meister Eckhart, born in the 13th century, once said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “thank you,’ it will be enough.” Moving forward, on Sunday, Nov. 4%: > Morning Worship service, we will share in our annual “Totenfest” Celebration of Life as we remember and name those who have died this past year, with a display of their picture, lighting a candle and ringing a chime/bell in their memory. After the service, family members are invited to take the candle with them. We hope you will come and give thanks with us for all the Saints of the past. > 3:00 PM, the Installation of Pastor Lois Buchholz will take place here in our sanctuary. There will be ‘many guests, including our Associate conference Minister Rob MacDougall, and members from the Church and Ministry Team of the Northwest Association along with clergy from the Association and some guest clergy from area Lutheran churches. Our choir will sing for this service. It is my hope many from our congregation will be in attendance, including many who may not have attended since my arrival. The guest minister will be Rey. Dale Stohre. A simple meal will be served following the service. Mark your calendar for this important event in the life of the Osseo United Church of Christ, and plan to attend! Wednesday eve, November 21%, at 7 pm, Osseo UCC will take part in the annual combined Thanksgiving Eve service including the Trinity Lutheran Parish, and held this year at the Osseo Lutheran Church with the Pastor Terry Lorenz preaching. The service will include a joint choir from the 3 congregations and friend. Decorate the Sanctuary - Sunday, Nov. 25, after church we invite you to help us decorate the as we look forward with thanks to celebrating the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Please join us for numerous opportunities in November to participate in the spiritual practice of Thanksgiving, Peace, Pastor Lois Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! A Big Thank You from Women’s Fellowship to Everyone that helped to make our Harvest Supper a great success!!! Thank you to everyone that helped on Tuesday peeling potatoes and rutabagas, ‘to those that helped make meatballs, to those who helped make the dressing! Thank you to those that donated pies, coffee, rolls, coleslaw, cranberries, potatoes, rutabagas and all the other things that were donated! Thank you to everyone that worked on Wednesday cooking, preparing, doing dishes, setting up, pouring coffee, waiting tables, washing roasters, donating food, selling tickets, serving food, carving turkey, mashing potatoes and rutabagas, carrying roasters up and down the stairs, working in the carry out room, purchasing supplies, cleaning up and all the other tasks that were needed done and you stepped up with a smile on your face and helped!!! Thank you all so very much! It is a big effort to put the supper on and it takes a big team to do it! Thanks to each and every one of you!!! We use the money to help the church with its many expenses and donate to needy causes in the areal Thank you to everyone that helped in any way, shape or manner!!! Everyone's help is greatly appreciated|!!! Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! From Women’s Fellowship Lnoffical United Church of Christ - Congregational Church Council Meeting October 11,2018 Dennis called the meeting to order. Ann Soiney opened with a prayer. Attendance: Tanmy Johnson, Dennis Frame, Ann Soiney, Ellen Thompson, uynne Anderson, Cheri Wathke, Mary Robbins. Financial Secretary Report: Submitted and reviewed. ‘Treasurers Report: submitted and reviewed. Mary made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting, Lynne seconded that motion and all approved. Pastor's Report: no report Boards and Committees: Ministry of Worship: Met with Women’s Fellowship to plan the luncheon after Pastor Lois’s installation. Jill Christopherson will be doing the service on October 14", Totenfest will be November 4". Next meeting November 5‘ at Spm. Christian Ed: There was discussion on how to get more people involved in Sunday school so there wouldn't have to have one teacher for grades 4k-7"; that discussion will be continued at upcoming meetings. Safe sanctvary guidelines were reviewed. Jan will email copy to Pastor Tois for her to review and bring to the board her suggestions. Next meeting Novenber 7" at 6pm. Trustees: Glass was repaired in one Sunday school room that was broken from 3 stone hitting it from the lawn mower; sent a thank you to John Becker for donating the glass. Bell Tower louvers were installed; sent a thank you to Stove Potznick for the use of his man lift. Women’s Fellowship: Met with worship committee to plan luncheon for Pastor’s installation thet will be on November 4° at 3pm. Served 397 people for the Harvest supper with s profit of $2961.30. Monday, October iswe will meet to finalize plans for Holly Daze being held on December ‘That's My Pan fundraiser will continue thru October 20". New Business: Budgets due at the November council meeting as well as the incoming board members and officers for 2019 spots. Cheri has met with the ASP/CYA leaders and will continue to be the liaison between the churches. Sign up for the ASP trip will be in a couple weeks. Next meeting November Sth at 6pm. ‘Tammy Johnson, clerk

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