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You are loving, loyal, stable and reliable.

Others will turn to you in their times of need, because at such

times, you can be rocklike in your support. You are slow in your emotional responses, but when finally
stirred up you are capable of overwhelming passions, which you then find equally difficult to let go of.
So be aware that your "stickability” is at one and the same time, your greatest strength and your
greatest weakness and earn to let go gracefully when sticking becomes self destructive!

You are a solid, warm and earthy individual. Family and relationships are of the utmost importance to
you and you need a stable and harmonious environment to feel fully grounded and contented. You
possess an innate love of the simple life and nature’s peaceful energy is something to which you
instinctively respond. However, you also are very attracted to luxury and quality - you love beautiful
objects and receive great pleasure from owning them. In order to feel secure you need to be financially
stable. You will work hard; you persevere through hardship and have the capacity to build up material
stability for both yourself and your family.

Love goddess Venus, lover of all things beautiful, rules Taurus and this vibration also influences your
inner mood making you a sensitive and caring person, which means you are well liked but can be taken
advantage of. When in love, you give your all, but expect the same back. And if you feel suspicious of
your partner, you can be possessive and controlling. When your desires are not met or you are
disrespected in some way and become hurt, you can close off and repress your emotions, giving you
time to sort out in your mind and heart how the land lies. If treated well, you are open, loving, and
sensual; the best ever lover or friend. Your emotions are soothed by your surroundings and you cope
better with life if those surroundings provide security and comfort.

Luna in Taur indică un individ cu multe calităţi, care sunt însă greu de pus în valoare.
Se lasă greu impresionat şi preferă să caute confortul şi situaţiile călduţe, indiferent
de domeniu. De cele mai multe ori, i se potriveşte expresia brânză bună în burduf de
La persoanele cu Luna in Taur atractia pentru natura si pentru traditiile locale este
puternica, la fel si inclinatia spre romantism si relatii sentimentale stabile.

Nativii cu Luna in Taur tind sa se ataseze puternic de prieteni si dau dovada de

multa loialitate fata de munca lor si de activitatile in care sunt implicati.
Un individ cu Luna in Taur are sentimente profunde şi pe termen lung. Se ataşează
total de persoanele dragi, iar nevoia de siguranţă pe plan emoţional este una dintre
cheile personalităţii sale. Nu îi plac schimbările, cu atât mai puţin atunci când vine
vorba de mediul familial şi de persoanele dragi. De aceea, relaţiile îndelungate şi
prieteniile care durează o viaţă întreagă reprezintă normalitatea pentru orice individ
cu Luna in Taur

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