Exalted - Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Rules Hack

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The Mandate of Heavenly Righteousness

An Exalted hack for the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying system.

Quick Links: Sample Characters:

● About this Hack ● Harmonious Jade (Solar Exalt)
● Essential Differences from MHR ● Cathak Meladus (Dragon-Blooded)
● Character Creation ● Strength-of-Many (Lunar Exalt)
● New/Modified Rules ● Amlapura (Sidereal Exalt)
○ Anima Banner ● (Abyssal Exalt)
○ Limit and Limit Break ● (Alchemical Exalt)
○ Stunts ● (Infernal Exalt)
○ Charm Keywords
○ Sorcery & Necromancy Character Sheets:
○ Manses ● Character Sheet
○ Wealth ● Solar Character Sheet
○ Experience Costs ● Dragon-Blooded Character Sheet
● Solar Exalted Rules ● Lunar Character Sheet
● Dragon-Blooded Rules ● Sidereal Character Sheet
● Lunar Exalted Rules ● Abyssal Character Sheet
● Sidereal Exalted Rules ● Alchemical Character Sheet
● Abyssal Exalted Rules ● Infernal Character Sheet
● Alchemical Exalted Rules
● Infernal Exalted Rules
● Fair Folk Rules
About This Hack

1. To create a working hack for the various Exalted character types using the core Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (MHR)
2. To capture as much of the feel of Exalted both setting and mechanics wise without having to make extensive
changes to the the underlying MHR system.
3. To make it easy to translate existing Exalted 2e characters into the hack without losing their feel.
4. To keep this hack inline with the feel and overall crunch-level of the MHR system.

If you have suggestions, questions or the like feel free to leave a comment using the Google Docs commenting system
or post in this rpg.net thread created for discussing this hack. I appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism people
might have to offer.

Thanks to Jeremy757 as his version of an MHR hack for Exalted inspired me to create this hack. Also thanks to Sovem
from his suggestions/contributions to this hack that he made in the rpg.net thread above. Lastly, thanks to Raen425 for his
editing and proof-reading assistance.

A Few Things Worth Clarifying

● I wrote this hack to give myself a means to run Exalted using a system that I could enjoy and have fun with. I have
come to pretty much loathe the mess that the Exalted 2e rules have become even with the errata. However I love
the setting and concepts and want to run Exalted games. After seeing what MHR could do for a superhero game
it seemed a good fit for Exalted and so this hack was born.
● I don’t have an elaborate justification for why I used Virtues rather than some other set of Affiliations or the like.
The short of it: They are very setting appropriate, I like the Exalted virtues, they made more sense than the Solo/
Buddy/Team setup, and it tied into other stuff I wanted to do with the hack.
● There aren’t any solid definitions of the difference between a d6 trait, d8 trait, etc. given in this hack. A very rough
comparison (if you need that sort of thing): a d6 is like a 1-2 dot trait in Exalted, a d8 is like a 3-4 dot trait and a
d10 is like a 5 dot trait.
● There isn’t a huge list of Charm conversion. Just isn’t going to happen especially when it isn’t hard to translate a
Charm into MHR terms using the SFX rules and because it gives you a good bit of control over how they work in
your game and how much emphasis you want to put on them.
● I didn’t level the playing field for the different Exalted types. I went into this with the mindset of cleaving to Exalted
canon so Solars are inherently more powerful, Dragon-Blooded are inherently less powerful. Though the disparity
isn’t nearly as bad as it is in the Exalted system, therefore mixing Exalted types should work better.
● Yes, I put Alchemicals roughly on par with Dragon-Blooded. No, I don’t want to debate how powerful they are. It fit
for what I know about Alchemicals without getting into the “are they Terrestrial/Celestial power level?” debate.
Essential Differences from MHR

Some terms and concepts from both MHR and Exalted have been reworked or renamed both to capture the feel of
Exalted and to minimize confusion where terms from the two games overlapped.
● Advantages: A replacement for Specialties represented by Abilities and Backgrounds.
● Drawback: A replacement for power limits, renamed to prevent confusion with Limit and Limit Break.
● Essence (E): A replacement for Plot Points. A character’s starting Essence is called their Essence pool.
● Panoply: A catch-all power set for representing artifacts, manses, and similar backgrounds as power traits.
● Story Scenes: A replacement term for Transition Scenes.
● Storyteller: What the Watcher is called in this hack.
● Stunts/Stunting: Reworked entirely into an Exalted-like stunting system.
● Techniques: The term used for SFXs based on established Exalted Charms.
● Ticks: Replaces Panels from MHR as a measurement of time.
● Virtues: A replacement for Affiliations from MHR.
● Wealth: This hack’s version of the Resources background from Exalted, renamed to prevent confusion with
resources as a type of trait.

Building Your Dice Pool

When you are building your dice pool for an action you may add one of each of the following traits if they are applicable to
the action or reaction you are taking:
● Exaltation die
● One Virtue die, either at its rating or a d4
● One Distinction, either as d8 or a d4
● One Advantage
● One Excellency
● One Panoply item
● One of your oppositions stress or complication dice, if any
● One asset, if any
● one push die or resource, if any

Spending Essence
Essence can be spent before or after a roll in the same way as Plot Points in MHR with the following exceptions/changes:
● Cannot be spent to add a stunt die (stunts work differently in this hack).
● Cannot add a d10 stunt when activating an opportunity rolled by the ST (since stunts work differently).
● Must be spent to benefit from more than one Technique or Knack as part of an action or reaction (just like adding
extra traits).

Regaining Essence
Essence can be regained in the same way as Plot Points in MHR with the following exceptions/changes:
● Can be regained by using a Virtue at a d4 (works the same as using a Distinction at ad4).
● Can can be regained by stunting (see the New/Modified Rules section below).
● Can be regained through the Manse background (see New/Modified rules section below).
Character Creation

Step 1. Choose your Exaltation

All character must choose what Exalted type they start as. Each Exalted type gets a benefit based on their
type. As well, each Exalted type has an Exaltation die. This die can be used for any action or reaction pool and
represents the raw power gifted to those who Exalt. Gods, demons and other essence-wielding creatures may
have a comparable die rating to represent that they are on equal footing with the Exalted.

● Solar, Abyssal or Infernal Exalted: May take Excellencies up to a d12. Exaltation die: d10. Starting
Essence pool: 3.
● Lunar Exalted: Start with the Lunar Shapeshifting power set and 5 Knacks. Exaltation die: d8. Starting
Essence pool: 2.
● Sidereal Exalted. Start with the Sidereal Astrology power set and 5 Colleges. Exaltation die: d8. Starting
Essence pool: 2.
● Alchemical Exalted: Start with 4 additional Charms and 10 Charm Slots. Exaltation die: d6. Starting
Essence pool: 2.
● Dragon-Blooded: Start with 20 Advantages. Exaltation die: d6. Starting Essence pool: 1.

Exalted characters can use the Anima Effects for their respective Exalted type - such as knowing the time of day,
causing their anima to glow enough to read by, and so on - at no Essence cost.

Step 2. Choose your Caste/Aspect

Select your character’s Caste/Aspect as you would in Exalted. Each Caste/Aspect gets a unique Caste/Aspect
power (see the appropriate section for your Exalted type for the description of their Caste/Aspect powers).

Step 3. Choose your Virtues

Each character starts with a dice rating in each of the four virtues from Exalted: Compassion, Conviction,
Temperance and Valor. A player may add one virtue to any dice pool where that virtue appropriately defines the
character’s action.

● Compassion is appropriate when you are: Taking actions that support, help or aid others. Being selfless
or empathetic. Fighting against suffering or injustice. Letting your sympathy for the light of others guide
your actions.
● Conviction is appropriate when you are: Withstanding hardship and torture. Making tough decisions.
Standing your ground. Resisting being persuaded once you’ve made up your mind. Taking actions driven
by your beliefs or ideals.
● Temperance is appropriate when you are: Letting logic and reason determine your actions. Resisting
temptation. Showing restraint or holding back. Resisting drugs, mind control or illusions. Not letting your
emotions best you.
● Valor is appropriate when you are: Being courageous, bold or brave. Resisting fear and self-doubt.
Taking dangerous risks. Not backing down against a superior threat. Proving yourself in battle. Not
holding back.

Players assign two virtues at a d6 rating, one at a d8, and one a d10. Whichever virtue is assigned the d10
becomes the character’s primary virtue and an appropriate Virtue Flaw for it should be selected and noted on your
character sheet.

A player always has the option of taking a d4 instead of their normal Virtue die and gaining 1E. This represents
them suppressing their virtue and/or acting against it in some fashion. Putting aside their compassion to act cruel,
ignoring their valor to run away, or so forth. Doing so with your primary virtue has the additional effect of stepping
up your Limit Break by one.

Step 4. Choose your Distinctions

Characters start with 3 distinctions which help define who they are, and what they are about. One represents their
Caste the other two are traits you define for your character.

Your character’s first distinction always represents their Caste in some fashion. Usually in a way that represents
why they were Exalted to that Caste.
Examples: Beautiful Sword Prince (Dawn), Legendary Artificer (Twilight), King of Thieves (Night)

Your other two distinctions should represent key traits of your character's background, their personality, or even
just a defining catch phrase that sums them up or drives their actions.
Examples: Ghost-Blooded, Known Anathema, Bull of the North, I Will Not Be Defeated, Nameless Gunslinger

Step 5. Choose your Advantages

Characters start with 15 Advantages. Advantages are rated from a d6 to a d10. An Advantage can be taken
multiple times and each time it is taken you step up the die rating of that trait. Advantages function like Specialties
in MHR allowing you to add them into appropriate rolls or using them to create resources.

Advantages are derived from the Abilities and Backgrounds used in Exalted 2e and are split into those two
categories. Like in Exalted you can have some backgrounds represented more than once such as having both
Allies (Captain Dace) d6 and Allies (The Guild) d8. For sake of cutting down confusion the Resources background
from exalted is simply called Wealth in this hack. Backgrounds restricted to certain Exalted types in the E2e rules
retain those restrictions where it makes sense.

Step 6. Choose your Charms

Characters start with 10 Charms. Charms are a power set inherent to all Exalted types. Charms are taken two
ways as power traits called Excellencies or special effects called Techniques .

Excellencies are rated d6 to d10 and are treated as power traits and each one is represented by the Ability it
enhances. A character should have at least a d6 in a relevant Ability before taking that Ability’s Excellency. The
same Excellency can be taken multiple times, each time it is taken step up the die by one; so a character with a
Melee Excellency at a d6 could take that Excellency again and step it up to a d8, or take it three times to step it all
the way up to a d10. Excellencies don’t require Essence to use, however you may only add one Excellency to a
dice pool at a time without spending Essence. Excellencies are functionally identical to Power Traits in MHR.
Examples: Melee Excellency, Dodge Excellency, Lore Excellency, etc.

Techniques are unique powers based on specific Charms from the original Exalted rules. Players should work
with the ST to work out any Techniques they take. Some Techniques may require Essence to use and many have
special keywords that explain how they function (see below) . For guidelines / suggestions for Techniques, see
the SFXs rules in MHR. Unlike Charms in Exalted, Techniques don’t have minimum trait requirements but it is
recommended that any Charm prerequisites from E2e should be used as a guideline. Only one technique can be
used for any given action or reaction. If you want to use more than one technique you can combo them in a single
action or reaction at the cost of 1E per Technique.

Step 7. Determine your Panoply

Certain backgrounds such as Artifact, Manse and Familiar are intended to give a character a specific lasting
advantage that falls outside of the scope of what resources in the MHR system usually do. As such these
Advantages are represented as part of a special power set called Panoply.

Each background that becomes part of your Panoply is treated as a power trait and gain a free SFX called a
benefit that represents the special qualities of that background. As well, each background in your Panoply has a
drawback as well that should be appropriate to that item.

For example, a player may take a daiklaive as a d8 Artifact Background. This item would be part of his Panoply.
The d8 rating would become the rating it takes as a power trait it could then have a bonus based on the magic
material it is made up created as a benefit SFX and have something similar to the gear limit from MHR as its
drawback. The ST should work with players to define the benefit and drawbacks of their Panoply items. .

Step 8. Define your Milestones

All characters start with two Milestone sets. One for their Virtue Flaw and one for their Motivation. These work
identical to Milestones in MHR.

The character’s Virtue Flaw milestone represents situations that would increase his Limit and should be based on
the character’s highest Virtue. A character’s Virtue Flaw milestone should also contain a brief summary of how
a character acts and what complication they gain when they reach a Limit Break. The Virtue Flaw milestone is
never completed or replaced.

New / Modified Rules

Anima Banner
Every Exalted character has an Anima Banner that is represented by a track that scales from a d4 to a d12 just
like stress.
● at d4 your character’s Caste mark glows weakly.
● at d6 your character’s Caste mark glows brightly and can’t be concealed.
● at d8 you are surrounded by a coruscant aura and your Caste mark becomes a burning golden brand.
● at d10 a burning bonfire of Essence engulfs you.
● at d12 you become surrounded by a burning image totemic to your exaltation.

Characters suffer an Obvious complication equal to their Animal Banner that hinders attempts to hide or remain
unnoticed. A character’s Anima Banner is stepped up every time an Essence is spent on their Caste Power,
Charm Techniques, Sorcery or other essence-based powers. A character’s Anima Banner is stepped back -2 at
the end of a scene. So a character at d6 has no Anima Banner at the end of a scene. While a character with a
d10 requires two scenes before their Anima Banner has completely faded.

Limit and Limit Break

Every Exalted character has a Limit track that scales from d4 to a d12 like stress. When a character gains 3 XP
or 10 XP from their Virtue Flaw milestone, they step up their Limit. A character’s Limit has no effect on them until
they reach a d12. When they reach a d12 they Limit Break and they act in accordance with the short write up of
their Virtue Flaw’s Limit Break effect. Their highest virtue is shut down and becomes a complication defined by the
Virtue Flaw that lasts until the end of the next scene. When this ends they gain 1E and their Limit track resets.

A character who’s Limit track has just hit a d12 can attempt to take partial control and somewhat mitigate the
effects. To do so they must make a roll against the doom pool. The die pool for this action is made up of their
three lowest Virtues. If they succeed, their Limit Break lasts until the end of the current scene and they step back
the complication inflicted.

These stunting rules replace the system used in MHR entirely.
Stunting in this hack borrows from the E2e rules and does away with MHR-style stunts. A character may stunt
any dice action/reaction but only once per action/reaction. The benefits gained from stunting apply to that action/
reaction only.
● +1 Stunt (1 die stunt as per E2e). Step up the lowest die in your pool by +1.
● +2 Stunt (2 die stunt as per E2e). Step up the lowest die in your pool by +2 and gain 1E.
● +3 Stunt (3 die stunt as per E2e). Step up the lowest die in your pool by +3, gain 1E and 1 XP.

Charm Keywords
Some Charm Techniques come with associated Keywords borrowed from the Exalted rules set. This is to help
make converting Charms from Exalted to this hack a bit easier and more concise. The following is a list of
Keywords that Charm Techniques can have and what they represent mechanically.
● Area: These charms hit everyone within a defined area. Any reaction-based charms can only be used if they
work against area effects.
● Holy: When taking an action/reaction against a Creature of Darkness step up any stress / trauma inflicted by 1.
● Counterattack: When making a reaction against an attack, you compare effect dice and apply stress at no
additional cost.
● Flurry: If your action is successful, apply one effect die per target up to a limit of the dice remaining in your pool
at no additional .
● Form: These charms last an entire scene once active, a character can only benefit from one Form charm at a
time and if they want to assume another Form they lose the benefit from their current Form.
● Perfect: A perfect action isn’t rolled and uses its highest die as its effect die. A perfect reaction ignores the
effect die of an action. If a Perfect action is resisted by a Perfect reaction, they cancel out and the roll is made
● Permanent: These charms are always in effect and aren’t restricted by the usual one technique per action or
reaction limit.
● Shaping: These charms are treated as Shaping effects for the purpose of effects that resist Shaping.
● Training: The effect of these charms is treated an asset or resource that persists for a fixed duration.
Sorcery & Necromancy
Sorcery and Necromancy are two special power sets of power SFXs called spells that can only be gained through
taking certain sorcery-based Charms Techniques. When a character first gains a Charm Technique for a circle
of sorcery they gain a spell of that circle and add it to their Sorcery or Necromancy power set to represent the
benefit of that Charm Technique. From then on, they can purchase additional spells of the circle that Charm
Technique unlocks.

Casting spells is a slow and complex process and always requires an investiture of Essence. As such every spell
requires the expenditure of at least 1E and has one of the following Keywords associated with it that determines
how quickly it can be cast.

● Instant: These spells can be used in a single action or reaction.

● Action: These spells take only moments to shape and are usually used in combat. An entire tick must be
spent solely on shaping. You then release the spell as an action on your following tick.
● Scene: These spells are very involved and are not cast quickly or easily. An entire scene is spent shaping
these spells. At the end of the scene you release the spell.
● Act: These spells take a whole act to cast. At least one action scene during the act must be spent solely on
shaping the spell (usually the last action scene in that Act). Only at the end of the Act is the spell released.
Success for these spells isn’t determined by a single roll but instead by how the Act resolves.

While shaping a spell, a character can only make reaction rolls as their actions are taken up by the shaping.
These reaction rolls cannot be supplemented with Charm effects unless the charm lasts longer than the time
required to shape the spell and was activated before the shaping began. For example, a Charm effect that
provides a scene-long bonus to your reaction rolls made to defend yourself would apply but only if an action was
taken to activate it before you started casting.

Spells typically create a Resource that lasts for the duration of the spell. First Circle spells provide Resources no
greater than a d8. Second Circle spells can create Resources up to a d10. While Third Circle spells can create
Resources up to a d12.

Characters with the Manse background can use their manse to regain Essence. To do so they must spend a story
scene resting and taking no strenuous actions. At the end of that scene they may make a Exaltation die + Manse
rating roll vs. the doom pool. On a success they gain 1E.

The Wealth background represents a character’s purchasing power and the ability to buy goods, services, and
even lives in the Age of Sorrows. Like other backgrounds, Wealth can be used to create resources. However
unlike other backgrounds Wealth can be used during any story scene to purchase or acquire anything that can be
bought with money. These purchases are a special type of resources that doesn’t cost 1E to establish and don’t
go away unless they are destroyed, used up or the like. Only mundane items and minor wonders/artifacts to trial
to be presented by another background can be purchased with wealth.

A purchased resource can be taken freely if its one step less than the character’s Wealth rating. So a character
with Wealth d6 could by any number of d4 purchased resources. Purchasing a resource equal to your Wealth
rating requires a bureaucracy roll vs. the doom pool. If that roll fails, you can still take the purchased resource but
doing so steps back your Wealth until the end of the current Event. A character can’t purchase a resource that
exceeds their Wealth rating.

Experience Costs
These experience costs replace the ones used in MHR.

You can spend 5 XP to do the following…

○ Add a new d6 Advantage.
○ Add a new d6 Charm Excellency.
○ Purchase a new Terrestrial Circle / Shadowlands Circle spell.
○ Replace an existing Distinction with a new one.
○ Switch two Virtue traits.
○ Unlock a minor Event resource.

You can spend 10 XP to do the following…

○ Step up a d6 Advantage to a d8.
○ Step up a d6 or d8 Charm Excellency by one step.
○ Purchase a new Charm Technique.
○ Purchase a new Celestial Circle / Labyrinth Circle spell.
○ Unlock a major Event resource.

You can spend 15 XP to do the following…

○ Step up a d8 Advantage to a d10.
○ Step up a d10 Excellency to a d12 (Solar Exalted only).
○ Purchase a new Solar Circle / Void Circle spell.

Solar Exalted Rules

Caste Powers
● Dawn Caste: Spend 1E to step up the lowest die in any reaction roll you make against attacks for the rest of the
● Zenith Caste: Spend 1E for the rest of the scene you don’t have to step back your effect die for actions when your
opponents effect die is higher if that opponent is a Creatures of Darkness. While active, you can burn corpses
with a touch to prevent them from rising as zombies or ghosts.
● Twilight Caste: Spend 1E to step up the lowest die in any lore or occult actions that you take for the rest of the
● Night Caste: Spend 1E to prevent the spending of further Essence from stepping up your Anima Banner for the
rest of the scene. While active, step up the lowest die in any stealth actions you take.
● Eclipse Caste: Spend 1E to sanctify an oath and bind it with essence. If the oath is broken, the oath breaker
suffers a d8 cursed complication until the end of the next action scene. Eclipse Caste characters may also take
Charms Techniques normally restricted to other Exalted types at the cost of 5 additional XP.

Dragon-Blooded Rules
Anima Flux
In addition to the normal effect of their anima banners, Dragon-Blooded also gain Anima Flux as their Anima Banner
is stepped up. When their Anima Banner reaches a d8 or higher they create a scene distinction based on the nature
of their Aspect that persists until their Anima is stepped back below a d8 .

The Great Curse

A Dragon-Blooded doesn’t use the same Virtue Flaws as a Solar character as guidelines for their Virtue Flaw
milestone, but instead should develop an appropriate Virtue Flaw milestone and Limit Break as per the Great Curse
section of the Aspect write-ups in MoEP: The Dragon-Blooded.

Aspect Powers
● Air Aspect: Spend 1E and for the rest of the scene you gain a d6 evasive asset you can use for reaction rolls
made to resist ranged attacks. You cannot be hurt by falling while this is active.
● Earth Aspect: Spend 1E and for the rest of the scene you gain a d6 stalwart asset you can use in reactions rolls
made to resist physical stress or attempt grapple you.
● Fire Aspect: Spend 1E and for the rest of the scene you gain a d6 burning asset you can use in brawling or
grappling attacks you make. Successful brawling or grappling attacks made against you cause the attacker to
suffer a d4 physical stress from the heat coming off you.
● Water Aspect: Spend 1E and for the rest of the scene you gain a d6 flowing asset you can use for any action or
reaction made while underwater. While this is active you can breath underwater and can also walk on water as if it
were dry land.
● Wood Aspect: Spend 1E and for the rest of the scene you gain a d6 lively asset you can use for reaction rolls
made against attacks with wooden weapons. While this is active you are immune to poison and those touching
you suffer a d4 physical stress from your poisonous skin.

● Arsenal: The Arsenal background works like the Wealth background except that items are loaned out to you
rather than owned by you. As well, Arsenal can also be used for any artifact at your organization’s disposal.
● Breeding: A character’s Breeding does not affect their Essence in any way. Instead it is used solely to create
resources appropriate to their refined Terrestrial bloodline. For example, a Dragon-Blooded with Breeding d6
could create appropriate resources such as contacts amongst other well-bred Terrestrials, knowledge related to
their elemental affinity that represents their closer ties to their Aspect, knowing the who’s who of the high breeding
Dynasts, elemental-themed outfits and accessories gifted to them by would-be suitors, and so on.

Charm Keywords
The following Charm Keywords are exclusive to some Dragon-Blooded Charms.
● Cooperative: Step up the effect die by +1 for any action or reaction made with that charm for each time the same
charm has been previously used in the scene by another character. Each character’s use of the charm only
counts once towards this.

Lunar Exalted Rules

Anima Banner
In addition to the normal effect of their anima banners a Lunar Exalt’s Tell becomes obvious the more her Anima
Banner grows. At a d6 or higher a Lunar’s Tell and tattoos cannot be concealed and are visible to any onlookers
unless a Charm, Knack or other effect is active that can conceal them.

Moonsilver Tattoos
Any Lunar Exalt with a fixed Caste has moonsilver tattoos branded to their flesh. These tattoos make them immune
to any effect with the Shaping keyword that would affect their physical form.

Caste Powers
● Full Moon Caste: Spend 1E to step up the lowest die in any dexterity or strength-based actions that aren’t attack
● Changing Moon Caste: Spend 1E to take on the guise of any person you know for a scene. While active, you step
up the lowest die for any social action made to reinforce this guise.
● No Moon Caste: Spend 1E, for the rest of the scene step up the lowest die in any occult-based action you take.
During that scene you may cast any one Action keyword spell you know at no Essence cost.

The Lost Castes

● Half Moon Caste: Spend 1E and the rest of the scene, you step up the lowest die in a pool used for any
perception-based action. While this is active, if the ST tries to interrupt the action order by spending a
doom die they must spend at least a d8.
● Waning Moon Caste: Identical to the Changing Moon power above.
● Waxing Moon Caste: Spend 1E for the rest of the scene you step back the effect die of any physical
stress inflicted on you you by creatures of the Wyld. As well, you don’t have to step back your effect die
for actions when your opponents effect die is higher if that opponent is creature of the Wyld.

The Casteless
● Casteless: You may use the Caste Power of the Caste who’s moon phase it currently is. You have no
moonsilver tattoos. You also begin play with a mutation asset rated at a d8 which you gain access to
when activating your Caste Power. When you use Lunar Shapeshifting in the Wyld the ST can spend a
die from the doom pool to inflict a mutation complication on you.

● Heart’s Blood: This background does not determine your starting animal shapes, a character’s starting animal
shapes are up to player and ST discretion. Instead, this background allows you to create ‘tool-like’ resources that
represent the benefits of your animal forms. For example, a character with Heart’s Blood d6 could be used to
create a d6 flight resource for a raven form, a d6 tracking resource for a dog form, and so on.
● Solar Bond: You can create resources that benefit your Solar mate or benefit you when you are aiding your Solar
mate. Your Solar mate, however, can use your rating in this Background against you as a complication however
each time they do so you gain 1E if their doing so is against your will.

Unlike other Exalts, Lunar Exalted don’t take their Excellencies based on Abilities. Instead their Excellencies are
based on the nine Attributes used in E2e. To account for the greater flexibility of these Excellencies it requires 15 XP
to step up a d6 or d8 Attribute Excellency by one step.
Examples: Dexterity Excellency, Charisma Excellency.

Charm Keywords
The following Charm Keywords are exclusive to some Lunar Exalted Charms.
● Fury: These charms ignore the usual restriction of one technique per action or reaction but only when used with
other Fury charms.

Lunar Shapeshifting (Power Set)

Lunar Shapeshifting is a power set exclusive to Lunar Exalted characters. A character’s Lunar Shapeshifting is
represented in two ways: by their inherent shapeshifting powers granted by the Sacred Hunt and a special set of
shapeshifting-related SFXs called Knacks.

All Lunars start play with a Spirit Shape as outlined in MoEP: The Lunars. Lunar characters can shift between their
human shape, their Spirit Shape, and other animal shapes acquired through the Sacred Hunt at no cost. Lunars who
possess a War Form can spend 1E to take that shape during a scene. Once the 1E is spent, they can freely shift
between that shape and other shapes for the rest of the scene. When a Lunar is in the Spirit Shape they may gain an
appropriate d6 resource based on the natural abilities of that animal see Heart’s Blood above for examples.
Knacks work much like the Knacks presented in MoEP:The Lunars with the exception that they do not have trait
requirements. Prerequisites knacks should still be followed.

The Deadly Beastman Transformation Knack should be handled as follows. Taking Deadly Beastman Transformation
grants a character access to a War Form appropriate to their Spirit Shape. A character’s War Form is designed using
3 mutations rated at a d6 each. You can spend an additional mutation to step up a d6 mutation to a d8. When in their
War Form a character can use these mutations as resources.

A Lunar’s Shapeshifting power set comes with the Form Locked drawback: “Gain 1E and shut down this power set.
You are stuck in your current form. You can recover this power by activating an opportunity or during a story scene.”

Experience Costs
You can spend 10 XP to do the following…
○ Purchase a new Shapeshifting Knack

You can spend 15 XP to do the following…

○ To step up an a d6 or d8 Attribute Excellency.

Sidereal Exalted Rules

Caste Powers
● Chosen of Journeys: Spend 1E to step up the lowest die in all travel and movement based actions taken by you
and all allies you can perceive for the rest of the scene.
● Chosen of Serenity: Spend 1E to step up the lowest die in all performance and socialize based actions taken by
you and all allies you can perceive for the rest of the scene.
● Chosen of Battles: Spend 1E, for the rest of the scene you and all allies you can perceive step back the effect die
of any actions that inflict physical stress.
● Chosen of Secrets: Spend 1E, for the rest of the scene you and all allies you can perceive step back the effect die
of any actions that inflict mental or emotional stress.
● Chosen of Endings: Spend 1E, for the rest of the scene you and all allies step up the lowest die in all actions
taken to inflict physical stress. .

● Salary: A character’s Salary can be freely used to purchase resources rated less than or equal to their Salary
rating. Salary can be used to purchase resources one step higher than your Salary rating but doing so requires a
bureaucracy roll vs. the doom pool. If the roll fails, your Salary is stepped back until the end of the current Act.

Flawed Fate
Sidereals do not have a Virtue Flaw Milestone, instead they share a Milestone called Flawed Fate that represents
kinks in their fate caused by the Great Curse. Flawed Fate is defined as follows:
● 1 XP when you take actions inappropriate for your primary virtue or first gather with a small group of
● 3 XP when you try to change the fate of another in a way contrary to your primary virtue or when you start
working with a group of Sidereals on a project.
● 10 XP when you attempt to change an important fate of many in a way contrary to your primary virtue or
when you finish working on a major project with a group of Sidereals.
The Limit Break for a Sidereals Flawed Fate should use the the guidelines in MoEP: The Sidereals under each
Caste’s write up.

Paradox is the backlash a Sidereal suffers for creating more work for the Pattern Spiders with their crude
manipulations of Fate. Any time any of the following occur a Sidereal gains a d4 Paradox or steps up their existing
● The first time in any scene a Sidereal’s Anima Banner reaches a d8 or higher while they are wearing a
Resplendent Destiny.
● When they create an Ascending or Descending Destiny using Astrology.
● When they act against the behavior defined for a Resplendent Destiny.

At any time the ST may spend a die from the doom pool to activate a Sidereal’s Paradox if inflicting it as a
complication if this is done during an action scene the ST must hand over 1E. Otherwise a Sidereal’s Paradox
backlashes once it reaches a d12.

Sidereal Astrology (Power Set)

Sidereal Astrology is a special power set that can be used to bend the Loom of Fate in one's favor--or to the
detriment of one's enemies. A Sidereal’s ability to manipulate the Loom of Fate with astrology effects is represented
by their ratings in power traits called Colleges.

The Colleges represent constellations in Creation’s horoscope and are defined in MoEP: The Sidereals. Colleges are
rated from a d6 to a d10. Sidereals start with five Colleges and may step up the rating of a College by taking it more
than once.

During a story scene, a Vizier may make a prayer roll based on an appropriate College to create a resource called
a "Destiny". Destines created through Sidereal Astrology always have one of the follow keywords:
● Ascending: These Destinies create a resource that those affected by the Destiny can benefit from.
● Resplendent: These Destinies create a resource that only the Sidereal can benefit from and must
represent an identity assumed by the Sidereal.
● Descending: These Destinies inflict a complication on those affected by the Destiny.

The effect die of a resource or complication created by a Destiny is equal to that of the College used to create it.
Each time a Destiny is used, step it back. If it falls below a d4, the Destiny fades. Destinies do not count as normal
resources or complications and thus may be added to a die pool in addition to those dice.

Destinies normally affect only a single individual until the end of the next action scene. When crafting a Destiny, a
Sidereal may spend Essence to enhance it as follows:
● 1E to expand the effect of the destiny to a defined group or region (Ascending/Descending only).
● 1E to step up the effect die for a destiny (Resplendent only).
● 1E to increase the duration to the end of the next Act.

Ascending and Descending Destinies always have at least one defined condition that must be met before the
resource or complication they provide can be used.
Example conditions: when under the light of the moon, when fighting a greater foe, if they tell a lie.

Resplendent Destinies always have a behavior associated with them and based on the College they were created
from. When using a Resplendent Destiny they have created, a Sidereal must act in accordance to this behavior or
step up their Paradox.

A Sidereal’s Astrology power set comes with the Paradox Backlash drawback: “Gain 1E and lose one active Destiny.
You immediately suffer your current Paradox.”

Experience Costs
You can Spend 5 XP to do the following....
○ Add a new d6 Astrology College.

You can spend 10 XP to do the following…

○ Step up a d6 or d8 Astrology College by one step.

Abyssal Exalted Rules

Caste Powers
● Dusk Caste: as Dawn Caste above.
● Midnight Caste: Spend 1E to cause all corpses within 10 yards to continue to rise as zombie extras that last until
the end of the scene. Afterwards on each of your following ticks a single new corpse, if there are any, rises as an
additional zombie.
● Daybreak Caste: as Twilight Caste above.
● Day Caste: as Night Caste above.
● Moonshadow Caste: as Eclipse Caste above.

● Liege: This background can be used as other backgrounds as per the write-up in MoEP:The Abyssals. Doing so
creates resources normally appropriate to those background but stepped back by 1. Purchases made using Liege
as the Wealth do not step back your rating in the Liege background, only the effective rating at which you can use
it as Wealth.

Dark Fate
Abyssals do not have a Virtue Flaw Milestone, instead they share a Milestone called Dark Fate that represents the
conflict of being creatures of death struggling to serve the Neverborn and yet still interact with Creation. Dark Fate is
defined as follows:
● 1 XP when you promote or defend life or grow close to the living.
● 3 XP when you cling to or reclaim any aspect of your pre-Exaltation life or when directly defying your
Neverborn liege.
● 10 XP when you seek to harm your liege or the greater servants of Oblivion or willingly serve a divine
power not tied to the Void.

Rather than the Limit track used by other Exalts Abyssal characters have a track called Resonance. Like Limit
an Abyssal gains Resonance any time they gain XP from their Dark Fate. Unlike Limit an Abyssal can attempt to
mitigate their Resonance through Atonement or Venting.

Atonement is explained in MoEP: The Abyssals and allows an Abyssal to spend a story scene performing a ritual
to appease the Neverborn. At the end of that scene a prayer roll is made vs. the doom pool. The character’s
Resonance rating is added to the doom pool for this roll. If the roll is a success, the character’s resonance is
stepped back. If the roll fails and the doom pool’s effect die is higher, step up their Resonance.

Venting on the other hand allows an Abyssal to suffer their Resonance before it reaches a d12. They spend
1E and immediately suffer an appropriate complication at their Resonance rating as determined by the ST. At
any point the ST can spend a die from the doom pool to force an Abyssal’s Resonance to vent immediately and
without their control if this is done during an action scene thet ST must hand over 1E.

Alchemical Exalted Rules

Caste Powers
● Orichalcum Caste: Spend 1E to gain a d6 lightning asset that you can use for any action rolls made to cause
physical stress for the rest of the scene.
● Moonsilver Caste:Spend 1E to gain a d6 mercurial asset that you can use for rolls made to move quickly or evade
● Jade Caste: Spend 1E to gain a d6 fortified asset you can use for reaction rolls made to resist attacks for the rest
of the scene.
● Starmetal Caste: Spend 1E to gain a d6 attuned asset you can use for rolls made to discern details or information
or to perform tactical attacks.
● Soulsteel Caste: Spend 1E to gain a d6 dreadful asset you can use for reaction rolls made against attacks
directed at you for the rest of the scene.
● Adamant Caste:



Alchemical Charm Excellencies are called Augmentations and their Charm Techniques are known as Implants.

Augmentations are based on the nine Attributes from E2e rather than Abilities. To account for the greater flexibility of
these Augmentations it requires 15 XP to step up a d6 or d8 Attribute Augmentation by one step.
Examples: Dexterity Augmentation, Charisma Augmentation.

Charm Slots
Because of the nature of their Charms, Alchemical Exalted have a limited number of slots in their Charms power set
which can be used for Augmentations and Implants that they have actively installed in their body. Augmentations use
up one slot at a d6 and an additional slot for every step above that (so a d10 Augmentation is 3 slots). Implants take
up only one slot each.

Charms in a Charm Slot are considered active for that Alchemical and can be used normally. Unslotted Charms
cannot be used as they aren’t currently installed on their body and are being held in the vats for them. During any
story scene an Alchemical with access to a vat can spend that scene in a vat and rearrange their Charm Slots
swapping out which Charms they have active/inactive.

Alchemical Exalted can have their Charms combined together into a single device called an Array. An Array of
Charms is treated as a single Charm Implant with regards to the limit of activating only one Implant per action/
reaction. You have the choice of which Charms in an Array you use when utilizing that Array. The drawback is that an
Array still takes up the usual normal of Charm Slots and can’t be slotted separately any longer.

To create an Array, the Alchemical must visit a vat during a story scene and spend 1 XP per Charm they want to add
into the Array. At any point they can return to the vats and rearrange what charms they have in an Array or remove
Charms from Array entirely and regain the XP spent towards them.

Experience Costs
You can spend 5XP to do the following…
○ Purchase an additional Charm Slot.

You can spend 15XP to do the following…

○ Step up a d6 or d8 Attribute Augmentation. .
Sample Characters
The following example characters are all made as starting characters using the character creation rules above.

Harmonius Jade
Exaltation: Solar d10
Virtues: Compassion d6, Conviction d10, Temperance d6, Valor d8
Distinctions: Wandering Killer (Night Caste), Cool Under Fire, Survivor by Nature

- Abilities: Archery d10, Awareness d8, Dodge d8, Stealth d8
- Backgrounds: Wealth d6

Archery Excellency d8, Awareness Excellency d6, Dodge Excellency d6
● Essence Arrow Attack [Holy]: Each archery attack you make can be made with either flaming arrows, Holy
arrows, or righteous arrows which step up the physical stress caused by your attack by 1.
● There is No Wind: When making an archery attack you can attack regardless of any distance between you and
your target and you ignore any distinctions or complications that might otherwise hinder or impede your shot.
● Easily Overlooked Presence Method: Spend 1E to makes it impossible for others to notice you for a scene unless
you attack them or are somehow made particularly noticeable.
● Shadow over Water: Spend 1E to prevent an opponent from including your physical stress or a complication in
their roll that would prevent you from dodging their attack.
● Lock Opening Touch: You automatically succeed in opening any lock that is not magically locked. Against magical
locks you instead add a d6 to your dice pool.
● Invisible Statue Spirit: As long as you remains motionless you are undetectable unless someone happens to
bump into you.

Eagle’s Rain Powerbow (Artifact) d8.
- Benefit: Step back the lowest die in any reaction pool made to resist attacks coming from this weapon.
- Drawback: Shutdown Eagle’s Rain and gain 1E. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover it.

- Heart of Flint
● 1 XP when the childish actions of others cause you inconvenience or annoyance you can’t ignore.
● 3 XP, +1 Limit when the intemperate behavior of others puts you at odds with them or significantly disrupts your
● 10 XP, +1 Limit when the foolish actions of others causes long term or widespread problems for you or their
actions directly endanger something important to you.
● Limit Break:

- Sins of the Past

● 1 XP: When you hinder or are faced with the horrible actions of those who serve or revere the Yozi.
● 3 XP: When you kill a demon or Yozi worshiper or save people endangered by a demon or Yozi worshipers.
● 10 XP: When you kill a member of the Salmalin or the actions of the Salmalin result in the loss of something you
care about.
Cathak Meladus
Exaltation: Dragon-Blooded d6
Virtues: Compassion d6, Conviction d8, Temperance d6, Valor d10
Distinctions: Legion Artificer (Air Aspect), Devout Immaculate, Well-Intentioned

- Abilities: Athletics d6, Crafts d10, Lore d8, Melee d8, Lore d8, Occult d8
- Backgrounds: Arsenal d6

Crafts Excellency d8, Lore Excellency d8
● Effortlessly Rising Flame: You instantly propel yourself stepping up the lowest die in any athletics action pool to
jump or rise from a prone position.
● Shaping Hand Style: You enhance your hand to function as if it were any kind of tool giving you an appropriate d6
tool asset for the rest of the scene.
● Elemental Concentration Trance: You absorb a week's worth of research materials in a single day.
● Elemental Bolt Attack [Cooperative]: You unleash a d6 air blast as part of an attack action against any enemy you
can see.
● Terrestrial Circle Sorcery: Grants you access to Terrestrial Circle spells.

● Emerald Circle Countermagic [Instant]: Spend 1E and until your next action any unwanted spells of this circle that
target you are countered. You may also use this spell to counter an ongoing Terrestrial Circle spell that you are
aware of and are in the immediate vicinity of.
● Ritual of Elemental Empowerment [Scene]: Spend 1E to imbue an item with a elemental benediction. This item
becomes a d6 resource appropriate to that benediction that lasts until it is destroyed.

Most Terrifying Armor of the Air Dragon (Artifact Armor) d10
-Benefit: Your armor possess lightning gauntlets. This benefit can be used to activate a d8 charged strike resource for
melee attacks or d4 lightning bolt resource for ranged attacks against any enemy you can see.
- Drawback: Shutdown armor and gain 1E. You must spend a story scene repairing and maintaining the armor to recover

Manse d8
- Benefit: Twice-Striking Lightning Prism hearthstone. Spend 1E to step up the highest die in your die pool for this action.
- Drawback: Shutdown this manse and gain 1E. Recover it after the next story scene.

- Mela's Valor
● 1 XP when
● 3 XP, +1 Limit when
● 10 XP, +1 Limit when
● Limit Break:

- Refocus the Realm

● 1 XP when
● 3 XP when
● 10 XP when
Exaltation: Lunar d8
Virtues: Compassion d10, Conviction d6, Temperance d6, Valor d8
Distinctions: Strength-of-Many (Full Moon), Scourge of Slavers, Focused

- Abilities: Martial Arts d8, Athletics d6, Awareness d6, Resistance d8, Survival d8
- Backgrounds: Reputation (Scourge of Slavers) d8

Stamina Excellency d8, Strength Excellency d8
● Bruise-Relief Method: Spend 1E and and step back your physical stress by -1. This Charm has no effect on
physical trauma.
● Ox-Body Technique [Permanent]: Recover immediately from the first d4 of physical stress you take this scene.
● Relentless Lunar Fury [Fury]: Spend 1E to step back your highest stress by -1 and gain a d6 Fury asset for your
next two action.
● Impressions of Strength: Step up the effect die of a strength-based attack by 1 before comparing effect dice.
● Roused Bear Throw: After making a successful grapple attack you can use this charm to hurl your opponent up to
10 yards away from you..

Lunar Shapeshifting
War Form mutations: Bull horns d8, Thick hide d6
● Deadly Beastman Transformation: When in your War Form step up the lowest die in all physical action pools and
you may use your War Form’s mutations as assets.
● Life of the Hummingbird: You can assume an animal or human’s shape without performing a Sacred Hunt. A
small taste lets you assume their form for an hour. Enough to wound them lets you assume it for a full day.
Drawback: Form Locked. Gain 1E and shut down this powerset. You are stuck in your current form. You can recover this
power by activating an opportunity or during a story scene

Cresent Razor Grimcleaver (Artifact) d8
- Benefit: Step up the physical stress inflicted by Crescent Razor by 1 after comparing effect dice.
- Drawback: Shutdown Crescent Razor and gain 1E. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover it.

- Curse of the Mother Hen
● 1 XP: when you go out of your way to help others or are faced with a situation where you can’t help a person.
● 3 XP, +1 Limit when you help someone who does not want your help or you help is refused by those who truly
need it.
● 10 XP, +1 Limit when you put yourself in grave danger to help a group of people or you become completely
unable to help a group of people in desperate need.
● Limit Break:

- End Slavery
● 1 XP: When you free a slave or help them fight for their freedom.
● 3 XP: When you kill a small-time slave trader or intimidate them into changing their ways.
● 10 XP: When you break up a slave trading operation freeing many slaves or depose a key figure in the slave

Spirit Shape: Bull
Other animal shapes: Boar, Camel, Raiton
Exaltation: Sidereal d8
Virtues: Compassion d8, Conviction d8, Temperance d6, Valor dd
Distinctions: Heavenly Courtesan (Serenity), Peerless Performer, Treasured Beauty

- Abilities: Performance d10, Socialize d8, Martial Arts d8
- Backgrounds: Backing (Gold Faction) d6, Connections (Blue Lantern District) d6, Salary (Convocation) d8

Martial Arts Excellency d6, Performance Excellency d10, Socialize Excellency d6
● Perfection in Life: After taking a performance-based action anyone who witnessed the entire performance steps
back the higher of their emotional or mental stress.
● Defense of Shining Joy: Spend 1E to use your Performance Excellency and/or Performance Abilities for and
dodge-based reaction rolls for the rest of the scene.
● Lethal Paper Fan Attack: You can uses fans, sashes, long hems, sleeves and performance-related props as d6
assets for your martial arts attacks.
● Heart-Brightening Presentation Style: Spend 1E to use your Performance, Bureaucracy, Presence and Socialize
Excellencies interchangeably for this action.
● Favorable Inflection Procedure: Spend 1E to create d6 'ingratiated to Amlapura' complication for any individual
that lasts until the end of the Act.

Sidereal Astrology:
The Musician d8, The Lovers d8, The Ewer d6
Plum Blossom [Resplendent Destiny]: Courtesan in the City of the Steel Lotus. Exotic courtesan d8.
- Behavior: “Must fulfill the carnal desires of anyone who pays the price for her services.”

Silken Armor d6
- Benefit: You may use this armor in reaction rolls with any martial arts techniques.
- Drawback: Shutdown Silken Armor and gain 1E. Recover it during a story scene.

- Flawed Fate
● 1 XP when
● 3 XP, +1 Limit when
● 10 XP, +1 Limit when
● Limit Break:

- Courtesan to the Exalted

● 1 XP when
● 3 XP when
● 10 XP when

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