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“MoringaOleifera as a source of Vegetable Oil”

 Juneah Marie Jessica Suello
 Mary Diane G. Cabanig
 Adriane Macapagong
 Althea Jacalan
 Althea NeizSialmo
 Bridget Narte
 Faith Avila
 Francine Budaño
 MerianneMancio
 TheaJieniñaRances
 Yasmin Mae Tilar

In our country today, we are facing many

problems about finding alternatives on our daily needs in
such way that we can save money and it won’t be a threat
to our wellbeing. In this research we tried to find an
alternative to the vegetable oil we use today. As we all
know, the oil process keeps on increasing and the
economic problem is getting worse every year that passes.
The Malunggay or Moringa leaves undergo
process like boiling, blending, cooling and many others in
order to extract the oil. The Malunggay plant has many
uses and it is good for our health. It can also be served as
a medicinal plant. With these facts, we were able to
construct the research paper and come up with good
results. The use of Malunggay as a source of oil was a
good idea which we can account on its benefits stated
above and throughout the paper.
The oil extracted from the Malunggay leaves will
then be used as an alternative of the vegetable oil that we
use today. The materials that are used in this research are
easy to find and Malunggay leaves are abundant in our
country. The oil extracted shows great potential of being a
main source of vegetable oil.
Daily Journal

 Gathering the materials

 Doing the procedures

 Making the first trial

 Making the second trial

 Making the third trial

 Writing about the write ups of our investigatory

1.1 Background Study

Malunggay’s young leaves are edible and

are commonly cooked and eaten like spinach or used
to makes soups and salads. They are an
exceptionally good source of provitamin A, vitamins
B and C, minerals (in particular iron), and the sulfur
containing amino acids methionine and cystine.
Filipinos often use malunggay (MoringaOleifera) in
making halaan or clam soup or a vegetable dish
called ginataangmalunggay. Malunggay leaves are
good for headaches, bleeding from swallow cut,
bacterial and fungal skin complaints, anti-
inflammatory gastric ulcers, diarrhea, and
A vegetable oil is a triglyceride extracted
from a plant. Such as oils has been part of human
culture for millennia. The term “vegetable oil” can
be narrowly defined as referring only to plants oils
that are liquid at a room temperature.
1.2 Statement of the

This study aims to prove that the malunggay is a

source of vegetable oil.
1. Will this be useful to our environment?
2. Is this dangerous to our health?
3. Will people really use this product than the
commercial one?

1.3 Significance of the Study

This study aims to prove that MoringaOleifera

can be source of vegetable oil. If you use this item you
can make much of vegetable oil .You can save money.
Your body will become healthier because it contains
minerals and vitamins that make your body healthier.
We researchers did our best to prove how
important to use our resources in many ways like
vegetable oil.
1.4 Scope and Limitation
This project only uses pure malunggay. It has no artificial
Based on the written articles, malunggay can be used
as a vegetable oil. So we decided to come up with the study of
making vegetable oil out of malunggay leaves.

Review of Related Literature

The review of the related literature of this study focuses on
procedures used to identify teaching and learning styles and
what effect a match between the two has on student
learning outcomes and evaluation of instructors. The
review focuses on a number of different instruments used
to identify teaching and learning styles. The chapter
begins with a definition of learning styles, teaching styles,
and matching, followed by the findings of researchers
using various instruments to measure learning and
teaching styles. The research outcomes germane to
learning styles, teaching styles, and a match between the
two in relation to course grades, final exam scores, and
instructor evaluations are discussed.
MALUNGGAY- it has a Vitamin C, BC (Beta-Carotene)
Protein and Potassium.
Materials and Procedures

1. Malunggay (MoringaOleifera)
2. Blender
3. 3 ½ water
4. Grated Coconut
5. Clean Bottle
6. Clean Cloth
7. Strainer

1. Gather all the materials.
2. Wash the malunggay, the put it in the blender.
3. After putting the malunggay to the blender, put the 3 ½ cup of water
then blend the malunggay together with the water using a blender.
4. Put the blended malunggay to the clean bottle and get the grated
5. Get a clean cloth and put the grated coconut in the clean cloth then
squeeze it until the milk from the grated coconut will be extracted.
6. Then cook the milk extract of the grated coconut.
7. When the oil comes out, get the oil and mix it with the blended
Result and Analysis

1 It smells horrible.
2 It is somehow good but
something is lacking
3 It is now great and presentable
The vegetable oil lasts long, this vegetable oil is
very affordable, chemical free, environmental friendly
and all natural.
Based on the information in the written articles,
malunggay and the grated coconut can be used to make
oil so the researchers decided to come up with the study
of making a vegetable oil out of malunggay and grated

We analyze that our investigatory project is truly
nutritious and effective. So we really recommend this to
those mother who has a child who doesn’t like vegetables.
Conclusions and Recommendations

We researchers have proved that malunggay
(MoringaOleifera) can be a vegetable oil. We give our
best and efforts in making this vegetable oil and make this
useful to us humans. So we cannot waste it because it
useful to our health and our body.


I recommend to the entire buyer of vegetable

oil, to create your own vegetable oil. It can lessen the
expenses because this is cheaper than the commercial one.
You can also replace any malunggay and grated coconut
for the main ingredients.
Juneah Marie Jessica Suello Althea Neiz Sialmo

Adriane Macapagong Bridget Narte

Althea Jacalan Faith Avila

Francine Budaño Thea Jieniña Rances

Mary Diane Cabanig Yasmine Maye Tilar


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