Force 13

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Force 13

Force 13
The international organization formed to bring in the rogue super powered vigilantes and villains of the
world. Operating out of a secret base in the middle of the Antarctic far away from prying eyes. Hunters
use specialized configurable suits to equip themselves with the gear needed to take down a given target.
These men and women are trained to use the suits to their maximum effectiveness and are augmented to
be able to interface directly so the suits act as a second skin to them.
(Need full description and intro)
There are three suits. A light, medium, and heavy. Each will have a number of slots they can have in order
to be altered to create their combat package for the mission. A suit will have slots it accepts at a discount
to encourage each to fit a niche and create a team dynamic. For example, the light exo will be better for
flight or super speed and get those travel powers for free, while the medium will cost one slot for the
same powers. The heavy suit would cost double as it takes more power to fly or make it move fast. I
wouldn’t give too many power options at first. Maybe limit it to 5 to six offensive powers, a handful of
other useful powers. Upgrades can come out later if the one shot were to grow into more than a mini
setting idea.
( This needs rules mechanics established. Idea- powers on cards so players can just lay them down in
front of them instead of looking up each power they equipped their exoskeleton with. There can also be
premade loadout sheets)
The Fortress
This is both the main base of operations and the prison for the super powered criminals captured by Force
13. In the middle of the Antarctic its very environment will keep a good many of their prisoners from
easily getting far should they escape. More importantly its far away from the prying eyes of the public.
(Will need a base schematic for the operations side as well as the prison. Genral NPC guards and their
basic equipment. Rank and structure should be established.)
Force 13 uses Krakens, submarine carriers, to get their teams around the world without being easily
spotted. Once near enough to a target or area of operations they launch their stealth transports, gargoyles,
which are small flying vehicles capable of transporting 4 to 8 operatives and 4 to 6 prisoners depending
on size.
(Stat both vehicles, obtain art)
The missions are generated by drawing three cards. The first card determines he scenario, the second card
the hideout, and the final card the bad guy.
Target List – Stat villains and short description with motivations
1- Animal motif mutant
2- Shapechanger
3- Physical powerhouse
4- Master planner/ Genetic tinkerer
5- Super Psychic
6- Magic based pwoers
7- Leader of super powered nazis
8- Animal motif / experiment gone wrong
9- Super powered quartet
10- Elemental Energy blaster
11- Advanced power suit
12- Shape changer / elemental based-form
13- Super powered crime boss
Location/Hideouts – Do basic layouts for locations
1- Desert military base
2- Mountain top observatory
3- City sewers
4- Moonbase
5- Ocean base
6- City Skyscraper
7- Ocean liner
8- Flying base
9- Old power plant
10- Abandoned mines
11- Dimensional pocket reality
12- Area 51
13- Castle

Scenarios- Do basic write up of various scenarios. About the size of a notecard types.
1- Hostages
2- Creating an army
3- World destroying device
4- Cult worship / dimensional entity
5- Alien invasion
6- Criminal enterprise
7- Robbery
8- Corporate sabotage
9- Assassination
10- Destructive rampage
11- Revenge
12- Mind controlled puppet
13- Attack on force 13 base

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