V4 Survey Fundable Fillable Framework

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Q&A Framework

Contact Inf ormation

1. First Name* Last Name*

Company Name* Company Website

City* Country*

State Phone*

Email Address*
Company Overview

2. Please give a concise quick description of your business (1-2 sentences).

Here's an example:

"Netf lix is a web-based sof tware platf orm that allows anyone to enjoy thousands of movies and shows
streamed directly to their home or delivered to their mailbox."
Company Specif ics

3. What industries best describe your company? (Select all that apply.)*

Administ rat ive Services Advert ising Agricult ure and Farming

Apps Biot echnology Clot hing and Apparel

Commerce and Shopping Communit y and Lif est yle Consumer Elect ronics

Consumer Goods Cont ent and Publishing Dat a and Analyt ics

Design Educat ion Energy

Event s Financial Services Food and Beverage

Gaming Government and Milit ary Hardware

Healt h Care Inf ormat ion T echnology Int ernet Services

Lending and Invest ment s Manuf act uring Media and Ent ert ainment

Messaging and
Mobile Music and Audio
T elecommunicat ions

Nat ural Resources Navigat ion and Mapping Payment s

Plat f orms Privacy and Securit y Prof essional Services

Real Est at e Sales and Market ing Science and Engineering

Sof t ware Sport s Sust ainabilit y

T ransport at ion T ravel and T ourism Video

4. List any other industries you think describe your company.

Origin Story

5. Tell us how you got started. A f ree f lowing story of how you got started can really capture an investor’s
attention. This technique can allow investors to connect with your business on a more personal level.
Telling your company’s origin story well will allow you to easily convey the problem you are trying to solve
and how you are trying to solve it.

Here's an example:

The co-f ounder of Dropbox, Drew Houston, a developer by trade, began building the company in 2006
while riding a bus f rom Boston to New York. He had originally planned to do some work on his laptop
during the f our-hour trip, but realized he didn’t have his USB memory stick. Immediately, Houston began
building technology to store his own f iles over the Internet.*

6. What problem(s) are you trying to solve? How do consumers/businesses currently solve this problem with
existing, alternative solutions on the market? What are the inherent shortcomings of those solutions?

Here's an example:

Netf lix realized that f or over 90 million Americans, going to the video store requires f ighting traf f ic,
wandering the aisles and waiting in long lines just to get a single movie.*

7. Please explain how your company solves the problem you previously described in more thorough detail.
Key Features & How It Works

8. Describe the ins and outs of what makes your product or service work, including all relevant key
f eatures.*

9. Who is your target customer? Who will benef it most f rom your innovation?*

10. How big is your market? Is it growing? About how much money is being spent in this space, both on
products like yours and more generally?*

11. Have there been any notable mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, and successf ul exits f rom similar
companies in your industry?

12. Please give us TWO customer prof iles - paint a picture of who your customers are.

Customer Prof ile # 1)*

13. Customer Prof ile # 2)

14. How do you plan to acquire customers/users? If you happen to know, what are your customer acquisition

15. Who are your closest competitors and what are their key strengths and weaknesses?

When listing your competitors, remember to consider both direct competition (companies that of f er the
exact same product or service that you do) and indirect competition (companies that don’t do exactly
what you do, but could be viewed as an alternative to your product or service).

Competitor # 1

16. Competitor # 1 Advantages

17. Competitor # 1 Weaknesses

18. Competitor # 2

19. Competitor # 2 Advantages

20. Competitor # 2 Weaknesses

21. Competitor # 3

22. Competitor # 3 Advantages

23. Competitor # 3 Weaknesses

Your Competitive Advantages

24. What makes your solution stand out? Outline how your product or service is dif f erent f rom existing
solutions on the market, and how those dif f erences help you maintain a strategic edge over them.

25. List the members of the management team, title, primary f unction, and a short background on each
Traction / Accomplishments

Outline any milestones you have achieved in the categories below:

26. Product Development *

27. Customer Acceptance*

28. Patents / IP*

29. Social Proof *

30. Partnerships*
31. Manuf acturing / Distribution*

32. Press Mentions*

Revenue and Pricing

33. Please describe in detail all relevant revenue streams and pricing.*

34. Have you generated revenue? If available, please list revenue history and projections f or the next f ew
years. If no revenue, please list: pre-revenue.*

35. How do your prices compare with your competitions? Why did you price your products this way?
Growth Strategy

36. Outline your ‘Go to Market’ plan. Be as concise as possible as you explain your overall strategy.

37. Do you have any f urther products/services in the pipeline? Include inf o about these f uture plans.

38. Have you developed an exit strategy? If so, what is it?

Fundraise Goal and Structure

39. How much capital are you hoping to raise? What is your goal amount?*

40. What kind of f undraise do you plan on doing? In other words, what type of f undraise best suits your

Equit y

Convert ible Debt

Simple Agreement f or Fut ure Equit y (SAFE)


Rewards Campaign (pre-orders) - only select if you already know t hat you're doing a "Rewards" Campaign

Ot her (Please Specif y t he Macro Det ails)

41. Please list your rewards tiers below:

If you are doing a Rewards Campaign, you are essentially pre-selling your product as dif f erent "rewards"
tiers (pre-order options) to potential backers (supporters). 5 - 10 rewards tiers is typical f or most
campaigns - ideally 7.

42. Company Valuation

43. Pref erence / Options?

44. Valuation Cap

45. Discount Rate

46. Term / Duration

47. Interest Rate

48. What milestones will this f unding allow you to hit?*

49. Please provide an allocation breakdown of how you plan to use the capital you raise.

For example: 25% marketing, 25% product development, 25% key hires, 25% R&D.*

50. Have you already secured any investments this round? If so, how much has been committed?

51. Have you raised f unding previously f or this company? Any prior f unding rounds separate f rom this
current one?
If yes: how much in total, how much per round, when, and any notable investors?
Creative Copy and Design

52. How would you describe your company’s brand voice? Is it more f ormal or inf ormal? Businesslike or
conversational? Do you like to incorporate humor into your messaging?*

53. Do you have any existing pieces of messaging (taglines, slogans, product descriptions, blog posts etc.)
that you have f ound are particularly ef f ective with your audience? Please list them.*

54. Do you have existing branding you’d like us to f ollow? If so, please include the 6-digit/letter hex codes
f or your brand colors, the .ttf (true type f ont) f iles. This will allow us to use the same f onts, and any
other f iles that you’d like to see in your f inished design. You will be able to upload any f iles on the next

55. If you haven’t f ormalized your brand identity yet please point us to some websites that interest you and
explain why (their colors speak to you, you like their image treatments, etc.).
Additional Documents
*If you have any of the following documents listed below that you could also submit with this
framework, please send as separate attachments when being sent with this email:

- Do you have a pitch deck?

- Do you have a business plan?

- Do you have a logo?

- Additional uploads? (Any other documents or resources that

may be beneficial to us)

**Maximum size of each doc up to 5 Mb**

Additional documents that could not f it in the uploads above -- read below
If you have additional documents beyond what you included here or if the f ile size is too large, please do one of two things:

1) You can put all of your f iles together in a Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive f older and share that URL with us in the section below.


2) You can email your additional documents as a .zip or email attachments. Please send that to docs@ fundable.com. You do not need
to do this if you have already uploaded all of your docs via the previous questions.

61. Do you have a Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, or weblink to share your assets with us? Please copy and
paste the shareable f older link below so our team can access and extract the necessary resources.

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