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Modulo Unità Skill Titolo

1 1 Ascolatre Changing lifestyle

2 Leggere Extreme sports

3 Vocabolario Leisure and sports

4 Vocabolario The meaning of phrasal verbs

5 Ascolatre Storm chasing
6 Grammatica The future with ‘will’
7 Vocabolario Metaphorical expressions: Cooking
8 Grammatica Future without ‘will’
9 Revisione Revisione
10 Valutazione Valutazione

2 1 Leggere The story of Jim

2 Vocabolario Idioms: Money

3 Ascolatre Meetings: ‘Straight to the point’
4 Grammatica Prepositions of time
5 Pronunciation Word stress in words with prefixes: de'crease / 'decrease
6 Vocabolario Forecasting
7 Grammatica Modal verbs
8 Grammatica Modal verbs: 'could'
9 Revisione Revisione
10 Valutazione Valutazione

3 1 Ascolatre A denial-of-service attack

2 Vocabolario Phrasal verbs and idioms: understand / not understand
3 Ascolatre Identity theft
4 Pronunciation Word stress in words with suffixes: 'editor / edi'torial
5 Vocabolario Idioms and phrasal verbs: start / stop
6 Ascolatre Media Management
7 Grammatica Reporting verbs (1)
8 Grammatica Reporting verbs (2)
9 Revisione Revisione

10 Valutazione Valutazione

4 1 Vocabolario Figures of speech

2 Parlare Rhetoric in practice: Winston Churchill
3 Parlare Structuring information: Cleft sentences
4 Vocabolario Alliteration
5 Grammatica Adding information: Adjectives and adverbs
6 Scirttura Cleft sentences
7 Grammatica Inversion (1)
Modulo Unità Skill Titolo
4 8 Grammatica Inversion (2)
9 Revisione Revisione
10 Valutazione Valutazione

5 1 Ascolatre Samuel Johnson: The founder of English lexicography

2 Leggere Noah Webster: The founder of American lexicography
3 Vocabolario British English vs American English: ‘train driver’ / ‘engineer’
4 Pronunciation American English / British English
5 Vocabolario British English vs American English: ‘gas station’ / ‘petrol
6 Leggere Tom Sawyer (1)
7 Ascolatre Tom Sawyer (2)
8 Grammatica Verbs with gerunds and infinitives
9 Revisione Revisione
10 Valutazione Valutazione

6 1 Leggere Tax Haven

2 Vocabolario The grammar of change verbs
3 Vocabolario The meaning of change verbs
4 Ascolatre Ascolatre for nuances
5 Pronunciation Word stress in words with suffixes: 'manage / 'manageable
6 Vocabolario Homophones (1)
7 Grammatica Verb complementation
8 Grammatica Linking verbs
9 Revisione Revisione
10 Valutazione Valutazione

7 1 Ascolatre The English / American legal system

2 Vocabolario The grammar of phrasal verbs (1)
3 Vocabolario The grammar of phrasal verbs (2)
4 Ascolatre Cross-examination
5 Vocabolario Words easily confused: Crime
6 Grammatica The passive: The uses of the past participle
7 Grammatica Passive sentences with ‘-ing’ or ‘to + infinitive’
8 Scirttura Two-part phrasal verbs
9 Revisione Revisione
10 Valutazione Valutazione

8 1 Ascolatre Alternative history

2 Leggere Wonderland (1)
3 Leggere Wonderland (2)
4 Grammatica Conditional clauses (1)
5 Vocabolario Phrasal Verbs: 'off'
Modulo Unità Skill Titolo
8 6 Ascolatre Horse psychology
7 Grammatica Conditional clauses (2)
8 Vocabolario Homophones (2)
9 Revisione Revisione
10 Valutazione Valutazione

9 1 Parlare Presentations: Stating the purpose

2 Vocabolario Language functions: Presenting an argument
3 Vocabolario Easily confused words: 'economy' / 'economics'
4 Vocabolario Welcome to our new department.

5 Ascolatre Disposable objects - An imaginary interview

6 Grammatica Adverbial clauses (1)
7 Grammatica Adverbial clauses (2)
8 Scirttura Writing sentences
9 Revisione Revisione
10 Valutazione Valutazione

10 1 Ascolatre Edgar Allan Poe: The inventor of detective fiction (1)

2 Leggere Edgar Allan Poe: The inventor of detective fiction (2)
3 Leggere George Wells: The father of science fiction
4 Vocabolario Phrasal Verbs: make / buy / avoid
5 Grammatica The Past: Past simple and past perfect
6 Grammatica The Past: Past simple and present perfect
7 Grammatica The Past: Time expressions with past simple and present
8 Scirttura Writing sentences
9 Revisione Revisione
10 Valutazione Valutazione
Contents classified according to skills
Ascoltare Parlare

Titolo Modulo Unità Titolo Modulo Unità

Changing lifestyle 1 1 Rhetoric in practice:

4 2
Winston Churchill
Storm chasing 1 5 information: Cleft 4 3
A denial-of-service
3 1
attack Presentations:
9 1
Stating the purpose
Identity theft 3 3
Media Management 3 6
Samuel Johnson: The
founder of English 5 1 Scrittura
Tom Sawyer (2) 5 7
Titolo Modulo Unità
Ascolatre for nuances 5 4
Cleft sentences 4 6
The English / American
7 1 Two-part phrasal 7 8
legal system
Cross-examination 7 4
Writing sentences 9 8
Alternative history 8 1
Writing sentences 10 8
Horse psychology 8 6

Disposable objects - An
8 5
imaginary interview

Edgar Allan Poe: The

inventor of detective 10 7
fiction (1)


Titolo Modulo Unità

1 2
Extreme sports
The story of Jim 2 1
Noah Webster: The founder 5 2
of American lexicography

Tom Sawyer (1) 5 6

Tax Haven 6 1
Wonderland (1) 8 2
Wonderland (2) 8 3
Edgar Allan Poe: The 10 2
inventor of detective fiction
George Wells: The father of 10 3
science fiction
Grammatica Vocabolario

Titolo Modulo Unità Titolo Modulo Unità

The future with ‘will’ 1 6 Leisure and sports 1 3
Future without ‘will’ 1 8 The meaning of phrasal
1 4
Prepositions of time 2 4
Metaphorical expressions: 1 7
Modal verbs 2 7 Cooking
Modal verbs: 'could' 2 8 Idioms: Money 2 2
Reporting verbs (1) 3 7 Forecasting 2 6
Reporting verbs (2) 3 8 Phrasal verbs and idioms: 3 2
Adding information: 4 5 understand / not
Adjectives and adverbs understand

Inversion (1) 4 7 Idioms and phrasal verbs: 3 5

start / stop
Inversion (2) 4 8
Figures of speech 4 1
Verbs with gerunds and 5 8
infinitives Alliteration 4 4

Verb complementation 6 7 British English vs 5 3

American English: ‘train
Linking verbs 6 8 driver’ / ‘engineer’
The passive: The uses of 7 6 British English vs 5 5
the past participle American English: ‘gas
station’ / ‘petrol station’
Passive sentences with ‘- 7 7
ing’ or ‘to + infinitive’ The grammar of change 6 2
Conditional clauses (1) 8 4
The meaning of change 6 3
Conditional clauses (2) 8 7
Adverbial clauses (1) 9 6
Homophones (1) 6 6
Adverbial clauses (2) 9 7
The grammar of phrasal 7 2
The Past: Past simple and 10 5 verbs (1)
past perfect
The grammar of phrasal 7 3
The Past: Past simple and 10 6 verbs (2)
present perfect
Words easily confused: 7 5
The Past: Time 10 7 Crime
expressions with past
Phrasal Verbs: 'off' 8 5
simple and present
perfect Homophones (2) 8 8
Language functions: 9 2
Presenting an argument

Easily confused words: 9 3

'economy' / 'economics'

Welcome to our new 9 4


Phrasal Verbs: make / 10 4

buy / avoid

Titolo Modulo Unità

Word stress in words 2 5
with prefixes: de'crease
/ 'decrease

Word stress in words 3 4

with suffixes: 'editor /
American English / 5 4
British English
Word stress in words 6 5
with suffixes: 'manage /

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