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Collaborative Group Presentation Scoring Rubric


Stage Overview Thorough review of Review of the stage Review of the stage Does not provide a
the stage that the covers the main is lacking, but review or provides
individual has points, but may be includes some an inadequate
selected for the missing certain basic information. review of the stage
presentation. relevant details for the presentation.
about the stage.

16-20 points 11-15 points 6-10 points 0-5 points

Individual section Complete review of Somewhat Vague description Does not provide an
covers challenges, the challenges, complete review of and review of the adequate description
issues, and problems issues and problems the challenges, challenges, issues of the challenges,
encountered during encountered during issues and and problems issues and problems
the stage. this stage of problems encountered encountered during
development. encountered during this stage of this stage of
during this stage of development. development.
0-5 points
16-20 points 11-15 points 6-10 points

Individual section Thoroughly reviews Adequately Somewhat reviews Poorly or does not
reviews the the similarities and reviews the the similarities and reviews the
similarities and differences between similarities and differences similarities and
differences between the interview and differences between the differences between
the interview and research/stage between the interview and the interview and
research/stage overview. interview and research/stage research/stage
overview. research/stage overview.. overview.

16-20 points 11-15 points 6-10 points 0-5 points

At least 2 outside 2 outside resources 2 resources are Only 1 outside No outside resources
sources are utilized are used (beyond used, but the resource is used. are used.
for the individual the textbook) resources are not
section. from peer-
reviewed evidence-
based sources.

3-4 points
5 points 1-2 points 0-5 points

Organization Presentation is well Presentation is Presentation is There does not

organized. All fairly well poorly organized. appear to be any
components of the organized. One or Three ideas do not organization of the
presentation serve a two ideas do not seem to fit with the presentation. Many
purpose. seem to fit with the overall purpose. parts of the
overall purpose. presentation do not
seem to serve any

9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 0-4 points

Aesthetic Quality Presentation is Presentation is Has some aesthetic Has no or little

appealing to the mostly pleasing to value. The aesthetic value and
audience. The the audience. The presentation looks no effort appears to
presentation is very presentation looks somewhat messy be put into the
pleasing to the eye pleasing to the eye and unorganized. presentation. The
and has some kind of and is fairly presentation looks
organization. organization. messy and

5 points 3-4 points 1-2 points 0 points

Writing Mechanics All writing used in Most of the writing Parts of the writing Writing that is used
the assignment is used in the used in the lacks clarity and is
accurate. Spelling, assignment is well assignment are confusing. There are
grammar and written, but has a well written, but numerous errors in
punctuation are few errors. There there are many spelling, grammar
100% accurate may be one or two errors. Some errors and/or punctuation.
minor spelling in spelling,
errors, grammar grammar and/or
and/or punctuation.
punctuation errors.

5 points 3-4 points 1-2 points 0 points

Effort A lot of effort Appears some Looks like Little to no effort

appears to have effort was put into presentation was appears to be put
been put into the the presentation. done in a hurry. into the
presentation. Looks like There are pieces presentation.
Presentation looks presentation is that do not make Presentation looks
complete and all mostly complete, sense. like it was thrown
parts work together. but needs a few together at the last
little touch ups. moment.

9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 0-4 points

APA Format Reference list is Reference list has Reference list has a Reference list is not
100% correct APA one of two minor few minor errors in provided or is not in
Format errors in APA APA Format. APA format.

5 points 3-4 points 1-2 points 0 points

Total: /100

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