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INTERVIEW: Trouw Nutrition Studies Show

Feed Additives Besting Antibiotics in

Poultry Production
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20 Sep 2018 Source: Feedinfo News Service

20 September 2018- The US's decision to restrict the use of antibiotics in animal production was one
of the most momentous developments in the feed additives sector for years. However, in many
respects, the American industry is still finding its feet in terms of how to maintain performance while
minimizing or eliminating recourse to antimicrobial solutions. This makes gatherings such as the
Poultry Science Association's annual meeting, held this July in San Antonio, especially important as a
venue to share research on science-based solutions to keep animals healthy and productive.

Among the presentations at this year’s PSA annual meeting were multiple studies by Trouw
Nutrition, focusing on topics including organic acids in drinking water, the effects of copper
and zinc, and a measurement of the performance benefits of synergistic combinations of feed
additives—important to understanding how feed additives can make the move away from
antibiotics cost-effective. Feedinfo followed up on these themes with Maarten van der
Heijden, Trouw Nutrition’s Program Manager Lead, to learn more about the company’s
[Feedinfo News Service] One of your trials tested a diet including
Presan-FY, Selko-pH, and IntelliBond C. Can you talk about the
synergies between these different feed additives?

[Maarten van der Heijden] All three products have a different mode of
action. While Selko-pH targets gram-negative bacteria, Presan-FY targets
gram-positives. Also, the butyrates in Presan-FY have a beneficial effect
on gut integrity and enterocyte quality. These products reach different
portions of the intestine, each in a particular location where they are most
effective. That’s possible due to the slow release capacity of one and the
buffered organic acids in the other. Additionally, switching the copper
source from inorganic to hydroxy (IntelliBond) allows less interaction
with feed components. Having less trace mineral tied up with diet
antagonists, increases the amount of essential nutrients available for
absorption and utilization. You can see that the combination is ideal; these
feed additives make more nutrients available and make the gut ready to
absorb them.
[Feedinfo News Service] These feed additives have already proven
their efficacy in other settings. What was new about these trials, and
why were they important to Trouw Nutrition?

[Maarten van der Heijden] Although poultry genetics worldwide are

more or less equal, the circumstances under which these birds are kept are
very different. There are big differences in terms of feed quality, climate
systems, breeding, brooding and health management. In order to meet our
customers’ needs more precisely, we conduct trials that resemble real
production situations.

Trouw Nutrition is now running global validation trials with our existing
products in the major poultry producing countries, involving key
stakeholders and experts from universities around the world. The aim is to
show that our products have a positive impact on animal productivity
under all kinds of circumstances in different regions. This also helps us to
adjust our integrated feed-farm-health approach to the local circumstances
of our customers, reaching the most economically solid solution in each
situation. Maarten van der Heijden
Program Manager Lead
Trouw Nutrition

[Feedinfo News Service] Tell me about the results of the trials: how did the feed
additives compare to the diets which included antibiotic growth promoters?

[Maarten van der Heijden] The animals in the trial with the drinking water product showed
equal performance in terms of feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared to the AGP (BMD
50ppm) in the feed, in the first phase. In the final phase and overall period, the FCR
significantly improved for birds on the drinking water additive compared to the AGP.

In the trial where a combination of feed additives and water additives were used, the results
showed similar FCR compared to AGP (BMD 50ppm), presenting similar production costs.
[Feedinfo News Service] Trouw Nutrition has stated that little attention is paid to water
as a delivery system for antibiotics alternatives. What did you find when you compared
results of acidified drinking water to those of in-feed antibiotics? What makes this
strategy different from in-feed organic acids?

[Maarten van der Heijden] If we consider the fact that animals drink twice the amount of
water as the amount of feed they eat, there is no doubt that water is a strategic vehicle for
products. Our products are buffered, which means that more active molecules are available in
the intestine for a possible effect on the microbiota. Furthermore, when animals are sick or
feeling less optimal, they will stop eating, but to a certain extent, they will keep drinking,
giving an extra opportunity for the consumption of the product and its beneficial effects.

When comparing in-feed antibiotics to drinking water additives, the results show that
additives perform as good and even better than AGPs. That means that profitably reducing
antibiotics is possible.
[Feedinfo News Service] Several of your recent trials have focused on the effects of
copper and zinc in their hydroxychloride form, including trials to test their effects on
performance parameters and bone quality, as well as their synergistic effects with
organic acids. Can you talk about how your understanding of hydroxychloride minerals
has evolved over the last few years, particularly since Trouw Nutrition acquired this

[Maarten van der Heijden] Hydroxy trace minerals represent a completely new technology
in trace mineral nutrition. Each hydroxy trace mineral (zinc, copper and manganese) is
designed to deliver more biologically available trace metal across the intestinal wall. Making
them available to the animal in this way, supports essential physiological systems and cost-
effective performance. Initially our research was focused on relative bioavailability and live
animal performance- based observations. However, recent research efforts are directed
towardmoving in a different direction. We are working on understanding the inherent benefits
of hydroxy trace minerals to a more optimized immune function in the animal and its impact
on specific performance parameters such as carcass yield and meat quality. Given the unique
structure and stability of hydroxy trace minerals they can avoid negative reactions in feed and
the gut, thereby increasing the level of essential trace metals delivered to the animal to
support optimized well-being, performance and product quality.
[Feedinfo News Service] Do you think it remains relevant to demonstrate to the industry
the performance benefits of alternatives to antibiotics? Is there much to prove in terms
of the efficacy of organic acids and similar feed additives?

[Maarten van der Heijden] It is still indeed relevant to show producers the options they
have to reduce or eliminate antibiotics from the growing process, since many people are still
sceptical about this approach.
The increasing amount of data we have to support our findings in this field helps us to prove
to animal producers the potential of our feed-farm-health strategy. Next to that, performing
trials under different conditions around the globe helps us to optimize our approach for each
customer in their specific situation. That way, we can adjust our integrated offer to the
specific needs and situation of each customer.
[Feedinfo News Service] How important are events like the PSA for Trouw Nutrition to
remain engaged with the American market? Do you receive useful feedback on the
research you are presenting there?

[Maarten van der Heijden] Attending events globally is important for us in two ways. First
of all, they are a good opportunity for us to share our latest knowledge with the industry, but
secondly and most importantly, being present at those events helps us to be in touch with the
trends in the industry and the daily challenges of poultry producers. This helps us to keep our
innovation strategy on course and ensures our offer is relevant for customers.

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