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Advantage of true \false item

True false item is sentence about which students must be decide the veracity

 They are very easy to grade

 More information is sampled from a lot of content.
 True false questions are among the easiest to write, and can be scored electronically.
 Sample a large amount of learning per unit of student testing time.
 Many points of information can be assessed short time can be more valid and reliable b/c they
allow more items for a given testing period .
 All levels of the taxonomy can be assed with the true false item.
 Scoring is easy, fast, objective and typically quite reliable.

Disadvantage of true-false item

 Tends to be very easy
 50-50% chance of guessing
 Tends to be law reliability
 True false items can only test for factual information
 They allow for a high probability or 50% of guessing the correct answer.
 They limit assessment tower level of learning or knowledge and comprehension.
 Possibility of confusing statements due to the difficulty of writing statements which are explicitly
true or false
 Can often lead an instructor to favor testing of trivial knowledge
 True false questions are limited in what kinds of student mastery they can assess.

Principle of true false question or item

There are many serious limitation associated with true –false items consequently many experts
recommended that they not be used nevertheless there may be instance when you might want
to use them .below or guidelines that if followed should help you minimize many problems
associated with these items

 Avoid negatively stated items especially double negative.

 Attest should present only one idea which can be judged as true or false.
 Keep statements short in length un ambiguous.
 The truth of question should not be based on minor point in the question .in other word
students should never be tricked.
 Debatable question should be connected to a source when they refer to opinion or theory.
 Avoid tricky items.
 True false items should be appositive way.
 Some objective are open

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