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The Preparatory Committee for the Third Scientific Student Conference

which was organized by Taiz University in partnership with Al–saeed University during the period from:
26 to 28 –December,2017 attests that the student /

Abdulaziz Saif Ali Mansoor.

has participated in the "Conference" in the axis of (Technical & Engineering Sciences) titled :
(Densification of Millimeter -Wave Wireless Access Network for 5G)
……We wish him all the best and continuous progress…...

Professor, Dr - Adam Alshamiri Professor, Dr – Khaled Alwosabi

Vice-Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Conference Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Conference

Ali Abdulhameed Abdulsafi has worked for our school as a teacher from 2015 to 2016. Mr.
Mohammed was distinguished in his performance and competent in his work.
This certificate was given to him as an appreciation to his great efforts.

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