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Northglenn High School

601 West 100th Place  Northglenn, CO 80260

Office: (720) 972-4600  Fax: (720) 972-4739

School Year 2018 - 2019 Teacher Name April Leitshuh

Office (720) 972-4600 Website

Phone (720) 972-2656 Credit 1.0 (.5 each semester)

Email Address Graduation 1.5 credits of general Social Studies needed for
Requirement graduation

Course Name World History

World History and Geography is a yearlong course
examining major historical events and periods
from 1450 - modern day and how geography
impacted these events/time periods. This course
concentrates on humanity’s more significant
political, economic, cultural, and intellectual
achievements. Content includes Eastern Empires,
the Renaissance, Reformation, major revolutions,
Course Description
imperialism, WWI, WWII, Cold War era, and
modern day issues including the impact of scarce
resources. Within Geography, topics typically
include the physical environment; the political
landscape; the relationship between people and
the land; economic production and development;
and the movement of people, goods, and ideas.

Unit of Study Grade Level Expectations/Content Standards Approximate Targeted Date of

Time Spent or Assessment
Percent of time
Unit 1 -Themes of Geography The study of the themes of geography and how they 20 - 25 days September 21
affected different societies through cultural diffusion.
Unit 2 - Revolutions (1700 The study of how changes in scientific and political thought 20 - 25 days October 26
CE - 1800 CE) led to political and social revolutions.
Unit 3 - Industrialization & The study of how the industrial revolution became one of 30 - 35 days December 21
Imperialism (1800 CE - 1914 the major forces of change leading western civilization into
CE) the era of imperialism
Unit 4 - Era of Global Conflict The study of how nationalism, militarism, and imperialism 20 - 25 days February 14
(1914 CE - 1946 CE) led to global conflict in the first part of the 20th century.
Unit 5 - Restructuring the The study of how nations positioned/restructured 25 - 30 days April 5
Post-War World (1946 CE - themselves in the Cold War era, and how it created patterns
1990 CE) for the modern era.
Unit 6 - Changing Global The study of globalization, how the global community is 20 - 25 days May 21
Patterns and the Instability in changing, and how geography plays a role in the
the 21st century (1990 CE - transformation of the geopolitical environment.
present day)

Grading Scale Grade Percentages/Weights

A 90-100 Summative Assessments & Projects 80%
B 80-89 Formative Assessments & Projects 20%
Northglenn High School
601 West 100th Place  Northglenn, CO 80260
Office: (720) 972-4600  Fax: (720) 972-4739

C 70-79
*Weekly progress grades are posted at
D 60-69
F 59 or below

Grading Scale Grade Percentages

A 90-100/B 80-89/C 70-79/D 60-69/F 59 or below
*Weekly progress grades are posted at D

✔+ 100 ✔ 80 ✔- 60 - 0
Grading Policy/Assessment
Grades are based on essays, seminars, student presentations/projects and tests. Assessments and grading standards are applied
consistently to students of similarly demonstrated ability. NO EXTRA CREDIT WILL BE ACCEPTED

Absences: You are responsible for getting make up work. Check in with me after class, during my plan, before school, or lunch,
not during or right before class. Retakes are allowed for any summative assignments. Completed formative assessments may be
redone for full credit. Adams 12 Five Star Schools has revised its student attendance policy (Policy 5113, paragraph 7.1) to
allow make-up work only for excused absences. You will NOT be allowed to make up absences from unexcused. Excused
absences get the number of days plus one to make up work.

Late Work: You lose 10% each day the assignment is turned in late. Assignments are due at the beginning of class.
Food and Drink: You can’t leave class to buy food, nor can your friends deliver you food.
Tardies: Sign in on the sheet when you come in. 3 tardies:Conference, 5 tardies: Referral
Leaving class: You are allowed to leave class only with a pass. Trips to the restroom and water fountain should be made
before coming to class.

Cell Phones and Electronics:

We will use cell phones frequently in this class. Cell phones are expected to be in provided space on your desk face down at all
times, unless instructed by me.
1st offense: Warning
2nd offense: Hand it over, it will be sent to SR, you can pick it up at the end of the day
Plagiarism/Cheating: Will result in a zero for the assignment.

General Expectations As much pressure as you feel to achieve and earn good grades, let’s focus on learning something about
the world around us, about history, and about critical thinking.

Notebooks- I grade notebooks randomly, so you will need one that is just for this class and you’ll need to bring it or leave it
here every day. If you miss a notebook check, you can’t make it up (unless you had an excused absence for the day I check
Group Projects On group projects, students will receive a grade for individual work and a group grade.

Student Expectations
- Making a meaningful contribution to class discussion
- Having on task discussions with your group members
- Helping another student with their work

Not Acceptable:
- Bullying, name calling, making people feel uncomfortable
- Not working to the best of your ability

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