Blue Star Master Manual

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Level Two – Master Level

A natural healing method of truth

and light channelled by Makuan
Founders: John Williams & Gary Jirauch tspw

The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

Cindilee Ecker-Flagg, CT-CRA#02-094

Shihan, Reiki Master, Facilitator,
International Instructor
4 th Generation Intuitive 2
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

Blue Star Celestial Energy

A natural healing method of truth and light

channelled by Makuan

Blue Star Celestial Energy

Master Initiation Symbols

So-Kuto -Rei



Akor-O s


Ab -O s-Ka

Mekom 3
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004


This Symbol represents centripetal force and creates a vortex going

up, trans mitting the intent to the unmanifest, like opening a door.

Blue Star Celestial Energy is not projected through the physical

universe, it is transferred through the dimensionless unmanifest by
means of the point doorway opened by the spiral vortex action of
the So -Kuto-Rei symbol for the specific purpose of intent.

This symbol is the power symbol. It is also used in the initiation rite
process to open the initiate to receive / transmit Blue Star Celestial

The Blue Star Celestial Energy Initiate “lifts up (his/her) heart to

God”, spiralling the energy in a clockwise motion to the count of 21,
then states the intent / purpose / request.

This activity activates the left brain polarity. 4
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This symbol represents centrifugal force and creates an outward

counter-clockwise energy vortex bringing down energy to the 5
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Initiate, potential from the unmanifest, God’s answer, His

instrument, the intent of the Master realised for the Initiate during
the initiation rite. The Fah-Ku-Rei symbol is used together with the
So -Kuto-Rei symbol during the healing process for all components
of manifestation on all levels, in both inner and outer time.

The Blue Star Celestial Energy Initiate visualises / feels the Father
Spirit energy flowing through, creating a counter-clockwise spiral
and counts to 21.

This activity activates the right brain polarity. 6
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Cri-Mo-Os 7
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This symbol is the combination of So -Kuto -Rei and Fah-Ku-Rei and

is the symbol of manifestation. It dissolves negativity, automatically
raising the vibrations of the area surrounding it, its energy fields
ranging from the etheric template to infinity when directed correctly
by intent.

Cri-Mo -Os can be used to remove obstacles from one’s path and it
provides indication of the procedural steps required to attain the
desired end results, acting as a facilitator in the physical, emotional
and intellectual realms.

It dispels static, unfocussed energy and provides for rhythmic

centring inducing precision in all activities. It can be used to deflect
radiation and microwaves in the auric field. 8
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This is the symbol of “awakening”, clearing a p ath through the

chakras, giving kundalini an unimpaired flow initiating the advance 9
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to spirituality, vibrating with the colour purple. It brings realisation

to one’s potential and devotion to one’s purpose. It is the Blue Star
Celestial Energy symbol of magic, bringing in times of need, the
protective forces of the ethers, providing stabilisation through
grounding to the limitless resources of the universe. It is the symbol
of harmony facilitating peace within the physical, emotional and
intellectual structures as well as within the materialistic world,
bringing accord to the environment, transmuting negativity and
instilling resourcefulness. It can be used to expedite meditative
travel to the realm of the “all knowing”, accessing the rituals and
knowledge o f “old dreaming”. Akor-Os is the universal group Master
symbol and can be used for group initiation rites. Akor-Os is the
Blue Star Celestial Energy Master Initiation symbol, representing
the forces of initiation into wisdom and the mystical realm.

Akor-Os is drawn in 23 strokes and divided into 3 parts. The upper

third represents the “Higher Self”. The middle third represents the
etheric tube that the initiate passes through for transference. The
lower third represents the vehicle for transference.

The top third of the symbol which represents the “five pointed star”
is also a representation of the Ancient Egyptian symbol called the
“rising star”. It also represents “Spirit”. This part of the symbol is
also connected with the “Cosmic Christ” or “Mystery of the
Christos”. The upraised lines represent the symbol of the “Risen

Focus on this part of the symbol during the initiation rite to connect
the Initiate to the “Gold Chord” which is the connection point for all
light workers who are “One in Christ”, those who join together in
“one spirit” at this time to help heal the planet and guide all on it
through the polar shift and essential earth changes, thus minimising
the destruction to the planet and themselves. Proper focus in the
initiation rite will harness “Universal Life Force Energy” in the
Initiate and prevent it from being used in a negative or destructive

Line one represents “The Golden Chord”. When lines two and three
are drawn and crossed, you have created two open ended triangles,
with the Golden Chord moving through it. The “X” represents the
female energy with line one representing the male energy and the
intersecting point represents creation. This meeting in the centre
represents the “Mystery of the Incarnation”. It can also be
considered in essence “The Risen Christ” or the ability to move
through The Golden Chord and become an angel in the process.

The top third of Akor-Os balances out male and female energy,
earth and sky, yin and yang, whatever polarity you want to balance. 10
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Parallel lines meet in time and become the “X”. You can look at it in
either way, the female energy catching up to the male energy or
the male energy catching up to the female energy.

Line four represents movement in time and space to get from point
“A” to point “B” through the etheric tube or “Rainbow Bridge”. We
are three dimensional beings and in order to break through time
and space we have to use the fourth dimension. In order to travel
through the fourth dimension, you have to become almost two
dimensio nal. In both the fourth and second dimensions, you have
the ability to make the world flat again. You sort of flip through it,
so you transfer through the Light Body and you become physical

Line five represents the physical plane to ensure that you land back
on earth and to protect you from getting “lost” in the astral planes.

Akor-Os is used as an attunement symbol allowing the Initiate to

“ground” the Gold Chord between two or more polarities,
dimensions and in its advanced achievement two or more people.
We are the “Ark of the Covenant”, we “travel” through duality. We
hook up vertically and horizontally. With a duality, dimension or
another person, one step at a time. You encircle yourself with the
Gold Light. Then you put your pyramid down. Then you put the “X”
through the pyramid and anchor the Gold Chord into the physical
body. This is how you move through the physical. You project out
the Gold Light through the Hara centre, at the same time sending a
golden spiral out through the third eye. Y ou bring the two forces
together and become the triangle – you become THE TRINITY!

If you are using this symbol with another person, you must become
aware of the movement from the physical to the spiritual and then
back to the physical. You must be in the same spiritual balance with
the person you are using the process with. It’s like squares; you
and another person are “squared” and are thus representative of
the earth, solidity and grounding. You become wholes, two
complete persons within the square.

Lines six and eight represent the two polarities, two dimensions,
two persons involved – the two “parallel lines”.

Lines seven and nine the completion, the total balance, the two
complete dualities, dimensions and persons. Together they make
the three worlds or the trinity, the trilogy – the three in one, total
protection. You cannot get to the other side of where you are going
if there is nobody or “no-thing” there. You must work with a 11
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concept or another person and “move” with it or them “in balance”.

You must work in twos or threes.

Use Akor-Os to line up all the chakras by empowering line five with
the Mother Earth Energy. Then send that energy up line four, the
Golden Chord going up the extraordinary you, lines one, two and
three. After you make contact with the Blue Star Celestial Energy,
reverse the process and send the Father Spirit Energy back down
line four and into the planet self, line five.

Lines ten through sixteen represent the energy generator. It is the

voltage of this generator that is projecting the animating, life
sustaining Blue Star Celestial Energy into the Initiate. The mundane
life of the Initiate is protected by the pyramid structure of the
generator. Mother Earth Energy is protected by the four triangles
you build up when signing lines ten through sixteen.

You accelerate the energy by the completion of line sixteen and

“take off” from the capstone of the pyramid via line seven to the
second half of the bottom third of Akor-Os. Shift your perception to
utilise Father Spirit Energy at this point. You have to be able to
separate from the Earth and draw in the Spirit Energy down. You
must work to then balance and combine the Earth and Spirit

Remember and utilise your Mer-Ka-Ba Breathing.

Move back slightly with line eighteen. So you do front and back. You
do a double take! You go down with line nineteen then across with
line twenty and up with line twenty -one to create the cornerstone of
the pyramid which is your anchor to the planet, so, you’re not
getting “lost in space”. Travel inwards now. Use the Golden Spiral –
line twenty -two, to travel and when you are ready to return, use
line twenty -three to bring yourself back outwards to the planet and
re-enter the main door of the pyramid. Remember, we are
travelling from the physical realm, to the spiritual and then back to
the physical. That’s what the Blue Star Celestial Energy system is all
about! 12
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This Blue Star Celestial Energy Master symbol represents purity in

all aspects of all planes of being, supporting the potential of the
individual, instilling guidance from the source of all life.

It opens and activates both the crown and solar plexus chakras,
providing for synthesis between the intellect and spirituality
inducing a “wise instinct”. Zel-De-Fila aligns the physical body with
the etheric and astral bodies, producing a balancing and
preventative energy.

The symbol balances the male / female energies bringing out the
qualities of clarity, clear spirit and balancing all aspects of the
personality. It can provide insights into the rites of ceremonial
magic and is useful for the treatments of disorders of the heart and
spine. Zel-De-Fila is the empowering symbol for the Blue Star
Celestial Energy method. 14
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This Master symbol balances and stimulates the development and
movement of the kundalini. It stimulates from both the base and
crown chakras for free flow of movement via the spinal column and
the inner pathway of light, helping to distribute the appropriate
amount of energy to each portion of the body. It provides for a
stable connection between the physical and ethereal nervous
systems, energising the total system.

Ab-Os-Ka helps the individual effort to alter one’s state of mind and
emotions through the energetic adjustment of personal dissonance
in order to regain balance. It tends to produce the energy which is
predisposed to discourage chaotic, disruptive and disorganised
growth, emitting Celestial Energy to stabilise and produce order
within the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual systems.

It can be used to evict disorders at the commencement of the

symptoms. It has shown marked success in treating disorders of the
spine, bone, cellular structure and the equilibration of sexual
energies. The Ab-Os-Ka symbol is useful for extracting negative
psychic energy from the chakras and transmuting the energy to a
beneficial state. 16
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This is the symbol of purity assisting in the intense focussing

necessary for healing the earth, banishing and discouraging
destructive forces and the purification of the ethers. It accesses the
spiral leading to enlightenment, correcting disorientated, trapped
energy. It helps to align the auric and physical bodies, to the full
light spectrum and rebirths releasing blockages to the spiritual path.

When the symbol is drawn on the hands it can bring out emotions
hidden from one’s consciousness, taking away by intent, the
negativity. Visualised in a silver light during the ritual healing and
the transmission of information from one’s spiritual guides. Mekom
is the Eye of God, the manifestation of force.

This symbol stimulates chakra -connecting perfection.

Mekom is the lunar eye of Ra. 18
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Manifesting with Blue Star Celestial Energy

Darkness having no real existence is merely the absence of light.

The smallest amount of light banishes darkness; the real light of
Spirit has absolute power over the forces of evil. The Blue Star
Celestial Energy Adept therefore actively seeks the Light of Celestial
Energy, transcendence with an open heart. The Adept should
understand that the unmanifest contains the forces of evil as well as
good; it is the source of all things. The Light is the will of the
unmanifest to change and experience itself through its emanations,
the darkness being the inertia, resisting this will.

The rituals of Blue Star are designed to focus the desire of the
adept to draw down the Light with intent, allowing the Light to
speak in them about truth and justice, as though they were actually
physically present in the world.

The notion of goodness existing in the minds of the respected pillars

of society often has little in common with the innate sense of good
stemming from the heart of the Adept merged w ith the
transcendent Energy of Light, Blue Star Celestial Energy, an inner
sense of good precipitating the Light.

To project Blue Star Celestial Energy, the Master Adept must

physically create a pulse of energy and wrap it around itself
clockwise to give it a spinning motion, drawing it upon itself. This
shrinking vortex of the So-Kuto-Rei symbol concentrates the force
of the pulse to a point. This point is guided by a bead of Light by
intent directed to the object of desire – joining the Adept by intent
to the object of intent, action in the fifth dimension – the intent will
pick up the means of accomplishing its tasks from the limitless
possibilities of the unmanifest emerging from the veil into the world,
into manifesting through the expanding counter-clockwise vortex
(moving inward) of the Fah-Ku-Rei symbol.

The inward spiral (moving outward) of the So-Kuto -Rei indicates a

focussing and projection of intent opening the door of the
unmanifest for a specific purpose, that is, intent expressed to God.
The outwards counter-clockwise energy spiral is the opposite
representing intention realised, God’s answer and the potential from
the unmanifest. 19
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Blue Star Celestial Energy is probably not projected through the

physical universe. It is transferred through the dimensionless
unmanifest by means of the doorway opened by the action of the
So -Kuto-Rei symbol, returning to manifestation first as a psychic
reality at the awareness level, then by reaction manifesting on the
physical level.

In the Blue Star Adept ritual, the Adept transmits the intention of
the So -Kuto-Rei to the unmanifest and at the close, initiates the
outward spiral of the Fah-Ku-Rei to stimulate on a physical level the
answering pulse from the Light, completing the cycle of

The ray of intent implies cause and effect. The desire of the Adept,
residing at the point of self, is extended by the intent to unite with
its object, like a psychic knife opening the doorway with the So-
Kuto -Rei, the Adept bridges between the unmanifest and cre ation.
To project intent through the self, for the energy never travels
through space; going through the unmanifest and re -emerging at
the object of desire, the act of creation from the limitless
possibilities of the unmanifested precipitation into manifested by the
expanding vortex of the Fah-Ku-Rei moving inward.

Blue Star Celestial Energy, The Chakras and the

Why can we assume that a relationship between sun signs,
representing the earth-related zodiacal position of the sun and the
colour of the planets exists and can be experienced through the
chakras? Because all Cosmic entities – planets, man, animals and
plants – are directly influenced by Cosmic vibrations and in turn
influence the Cosmos. This has now been scientifically recognised,
since the position of the planets determines the angle and intensity
of their rays which affects life on earth. Humans are born inside the
Cosmic envelope to grow and eventually to die.

In the human body, the microcosm, the planetary forces are

represented by chakras located along the axis of the spine.
Depending on which of these centres the Adept Master chooses to
consider as his point of self, his PERSONAL universe will be coloured
and influenced by a certain bias of forces. However, as all the
chakras lie within the self, existing at different circles of being,
spreading the chakras along the spinal column allows us to 20
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experience each one as a separate essence. Since in esoteric terms

the perceived body is considered to be an illusion created by self
and self is all, the exercise that follows may be useful to the Adept
Master assisting him to shift his point of view anywhere within the

By mentally entering any of the chakras, the Blue Star Master can
experience the essence of the related planet with his senses from
inside the planet as the light of his spirit is coloured by and with the
nature of the planetary being.

Triangulation Exercise

To enter one of the seven chakras, the Blue Star Master uses the
method of triangulation detailed in the initiation process. This is the
most important three dimensional orientation for man on this earth.

The Adept Master mentally extends three rays from the chosen
chakra into the three dimensions of space.

The red ray should be extended VERTICALLY from the chosen

chakra up through the top of the head and down between the legs.
The blue ray should be extended HORIZONTALLY out of the sides of
the body from the chakra. The yellow ray should be extended
HORIZONTALLY through the front and back of the body.

Next, mentally enter the point where the rays intersect; visualise an
intense blazing white light. Visualise the world from the perspective
of this point.

Next, visualise the white ball of light assuming the colour of the
chakra’s related planet and imagine the entire universe slowly
whirling around this new centre of awareness. The symbol for the
planet can be used to reinforce the exercise by visualising it within
the colour of the planet.

In this table of correspondence, the potential of the planets are

considered linearly and the order is determined by their attraction
to the polarities of male-female and light and shadow. 21
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Crown Sun Yellow

Brow Mars Red
Throat Venus Green
Heart Mercury White
Solar Plexus Jupiter Orange
Sacral Saturn Blue
Perineum Moon Purple

Personal Symbol Exercise

Finding the God/Goddess within YOUR symbol to protect your
PERSONAL link with the infinite – your centre point of the universe.

Take your personal symbol and visualise and amplify the symbol in
your mind’s eye – enter your symbol. NOW be absolutely secure in
your symbol and start to rotate it clockwis e, slowly at first but
increasing the rate of the spin.

Continue this spin, eventually allowing yourself and your symbol to

guide you to slow down, coming to a halt somewhere in outer time.

Look around you and you will see the archetype in your mind’s eye,
representing the other half of your natural spiritual polarity.

Once established, this personal God/Goddess, your symbol, should

be used when undertaking any form of psychic work, time travel or

Advanced Mer-Ka-Ba Breathing Technique


The lower third of Akor-Os can be used in combination with the

Sado symbol for astral travel, travelling in twos and creating a Blue
Star Celestial Energy shift.

Begin by p erforming the basic and intermediate exercises. After the

completion of step seven take a deep breath and then exhale. 22
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Then sign the Akor-Os. Put yourself in the pyramid. Bring down the
Golden Light from above. Triangulate the light out through your
hara or the appropriate chakra you are working with. Spiral the
energy out of your third eye to the other person or dimension of
your destination. You will then use the Sado as the connecting

After you have signed Line eighteen, the Cornerstone, sign the Sado
symbol and send the energy out the Sado spiral with the intent you
are travelling in peace to bring the Blue Star Celestial Energy for
Galactic healing. After you have completed the healing, come back
through the Sado spiral and return to the Akor-Os cornerstone and
move from lines nineteen through twenty-three to return to the
physical world.

The Blue Star “Os-Mo-Ro-Pup” Celestial Energy of

Light and Truth Initiation process

Note: These initiation process instructions are deliberately vague.

Attempting initiations without knowledge and training necessary is
unethical and may be harmful to those you are working with.

Preparations :

1. Explain the process to the initiate

2. Place the initiates in a circle, backs to the centre.

3. Seal the area with the Akor-Os (the awakening and group
initiation symbol), the Zel-De-Fila and the Af-Ma-Fo healing
symbol invoking the Blue Star Celestial Energy and Light.

4. Next, the Blue Star Master emphasises his / her central position
in the universe by triangulating the three colour axis through the
heart chakra and picturing a blazing intense blue five pointed
star, representing Blue Star Celestial Energy, at their
intersection. This is the most important three dimensional
orientation for man on earth and precedes all Blue Star rituals.

5. The Master then places the Akor-Os and then the Zel-De-Fila
symbols on the palms of the hands and then places the Zel-De-
Fila symbol in each psychic energy centre in his / her body,
starting at the base centre, opening to the Blue Star C elestial
Energy. 23
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6. The Blue Star Master then draws the Cri-Mo -Os symbol in the air
to tap the potential of the unmanifest.

Note: The subconscious works on the level of symbols that are

below the level of language and only through the subconscious can
the Master tap the potencies of the unmanifest, which is forever
closed to the conscious mind.

Blue Star Initiation Process

1. Open the initiation through the So -Kuto-Rei drain down the
student’s spine; follow this with Fah-Ku-Rei down the spine,
opening the doorway to and connecting the student to, the
potential of the unmanifest.

2. Place your hand on the crown initiating centre and with the
sacred violet breath, blow in the appropriate initiation symbols,
one at a time, “bringing the initiate to life with the Blue Star
Celestial Energy by visualising the divine aspect of each symbol
radiating rays of violet light that enter the initiate as well as the
Master, picturing the divine light of the symbol merging with
oneself and the initiate at the heart chakra”; while guiding and
picturing each symbol moving through the initiate’s skull, lodging
at the medulla, the principal point for the divine entry of energy,
as you silently intone the hekau of the symbol.

3. Bring the initiate’s hands to the crown initiating point and insert,
in the case of the MASTER LEVEL EMPOWERMENT, the symbols
used in step two in exactly the same manner and then circulate
each symbol through the Golden Triangle and clap your hands on
the initiate’s hands GENTLY to seal. In the case of the
PRACTITIONER INITIATION insert the appropriate symbols,
guiding them to the medulla in the same way as above and then
circulating each symbol through the Golden Triangle, clapping
your hands GENTLY on the initiate’s hands, to seal.

4. Next, at the front heart initiation point, place the appropriate

symbols through the initiate’s fingers, tapping the end of the
fingers three times, in accordance with Cosmic law, that all
requests from the subtle dimensions are repeated in triplicate,
“alerting” the conscious mind, the reasoning faculties and the
third making contact with the psychic or essence of Blue Star
Celestial Energy. The Master guides and pictures each symbol
circulating through each vital centre and back into the initiate’s
heart centre. 24
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5. Next, the Blue Star Master opens the initiate’s hands and inserts
the appropriate symbols for this level; brings the hands together
holding them in front of the initiation heart point and blows the
divine breath from heart to root, to crown and back to heart.

6. Return to the back of initiate and extend thumbs to the initiate’s

back heart chakra and visualising each symbol as you insert
them into this centre, picturing the radiating rays of violet light
from each symbol.

7. Keeping the thumbs on this centre, the Master exhales through

the crown chakra the initiation affirmation picturing it going
down to the initiate’s heart.

8. Bring your thumbs to the base of the initiate’s skull and seal the
initiation using the appropriate symbols.

9. Return to the front and give exhaled-blessing in the modified

attitude of the Solar God, Heru-Par-Khret.

10. The Blue Star Master once again reaffirms his / her position at
the heart of the universe by triangulation and intones a prayer of
gratitude for the divine help received in this Os-Mo-Ro -Pup Blue
Star initiation.

Blue Star Celestial Energy

Initiation symbols for each level



Mer-K a-Ba




Zoh-V a

Ta-Ma-R a-Sha 25
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So-Kuto -Rei


Cri-Mo-O s



Ab-Os-K a


Master Empowerment : Place the Initiation symbols (Master) in hands

and all Practitioner symbols.

Discovery of the Divine – The Rite of the child

The crying need for our time is for each of us to rediscover who and
what we truly are. So often we giv e up our power and miscreate our
realities through forgetfulness of the one absolute truth that
everything that GOD/GODDESS is, I am! All of our problems, fear,
depression, illness, poor self-image stem directly from an imagined
separation between THE MOST HIGH and ourselves.

The solution is to discover in a very real way, through personal

experience, our own divine being. The TOWER RITE OF THE CHILD,
taught by the EDNAS ANANAEL, is designed to bring us, in a
practical and powerful way to just that discovery. You may wish to
memorise it or read it into a tape recorder with gentle meditative
background music of your choosing. Take time for suitable pauses
wherever you find the pause mark “///”.

First, say a brief prayer of invocation and protection or set up a

circle of divine force. Next, lie down or sit comfortably, close your
eyes and follow along, listening to the tape you have made:

Relax and let your breathing become deep and easy let your whole
body relax and let go and feel your whole body begin to slip away to
a place that is safe and secure just relax and be ‘aware’ as your
mind begins to enter a realm where it is no longer limited by space
or time. 26
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Look deep inside yourself to that point of brilliant white light

…breathe deeply into this light as one blows upon a spark, bringing
it into full flame…breathe deeply into this light once more and it
becomes bigger…brighter…more intense…filling your entire body
with billowing waves of healing white light…breathe deeply into this
light once again…it increases further…bigger….brighter…filling every
fibre of your being to a bursting point…/finally, breathe deeply into
this light once again…building it and expanding it…it bursts free,
wrapping you in a warm billowing cloak of healing white light.

Notice that this light doesn’t seem to come from anywhere. It is just
there…the light is here; because you are here…you are this light.
This light is you!

Now, become aware of a clear blue steel shield surrounding

you…protecting and unfolding you…nurturing the safety of your
spirit…above your head within this shield is a brilliant sphere of
shining light. This is the Kether Crown, the God/Goddess window.

Take a moment and decide for yourself: what is the greatest thing
you can achieve in this life?…and once again, take a moment to
decide with the whole essence of your being to become the greatest
thing that you can become in this lifetime…and finally, take a
moment more to commit yourself to begin making a single step of
progress towards becoming the greatest thing that you can become
in this lifetime…as soon as you do, notice that the God/Goddess
window opens…spiralling down in swirling sparkles of shining silver
and gold energy…this swirling energy fills your mystic shield and
seals it, reinforcing it with all the omnipotent power of The Most

Feel the light within you answer and echo as a reflection of the light
now streaming down around you and know that these two are not
two, but one…as above, so below, as within, so without…just feel
and be aware, as this shining swirling flow penetrates every pore of
your being…energising…strengthening….calming…balancing…and
healing each and every organ….lifting away all darkness…all
shadows of sorrow…past hurts///old pains and
angers///disconnecting and sealing away all openings of loss and
weakness///all negative connections///all lifted and blown away by
this shimmering swirling force from the Kether Crown///internalise
this energy deep within your centre///and know that this light
doesn’t come from anywhere///it’s just there///the light is
here;because you are here///you are this Light. This Light is
you///(Extended pause)///and when you are ready, let your mind
return to a ‘normal’ state. Let all your body functions return, to
healthy normal levels///slowly become aware of the air on your 27
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skin///the chair///the ground///your own breathing body///slowly

move fingers and toes///your head from side to side///and when
you are ready, just open your eyes///return///return///return.

This exercise is the first practice given to initiates of the Ednas

Ananael teachings. It is given to raise the personal vibration level of
the initiate and begin the process of true initiation. Try it for a while
as a daily practice. It speeds up personal growth, greatly stimulates
and empowers our psycho-spiritual powers and resources and helps
insulate us from any perceived psychic or magical influence. It is
the core curriculum of Ednas Ananael. All members, from the
initiate to the advanced adept, practice it.

Ascension Meditation

Begin with the Rite of the child or relaxation exercise or you may
use this exercise as a continuation of the Reiki Meditation

In this centre of God///decree with full knowledge of the eternal

truth///that everything God is you are///the light of God surrounds
you///the love of God fills you///the poer of God protects you///the
spirit of God protects you///wherever you are God is///I honour the
place in you where the entire universe resides///I honour the place
in you of love, of light, of truth, of peace///I honour the place within
you where if you are in that place in you and I am in that place in
me, there is only one of us///so that the next time you sit waiting
for something to begin you realise that there is nothing that needs
to begin, for the beginning, the mid dle and the end are already who
you are///and now release all time current time contracts to the
light///bind separately all misqualified energies///and render them
harmless///rise above the earth’s sphere///feel yourself surrounded
in the light///surrounded in the presence///as we call in the
presence of the Lord Sunanda Jesus, the incarnator///the
Christ///the ascended Masters///Germain///Mary///Kuthumi///El
Morya///the messengers///the brotherhood of Ashtar///and the
Archangels///Michael///Gabriel///Raphael///Uriel///feel yourself
rising high above the earth’s sphere///floating///rising from the
physical body///floating tether like a lotus within a pond///we call
upon the Archangel Michael///to sever the connections that prevent
us from rising. We call upon Michael to use his violet blue flame
sword to sever psychic connections to each and every human
creation///we move upward///we use///and become aware of a
point within the body///next move into the space where we become
this inner point///become aware///move into your own
breath///experience it///hear it///become aware of the energy
behind the breath///the spirit///the breath of life///which pre-dates
all creation///and moves within you with each breath that you 28
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

take///energy expands and opens the awareness///and the heart to

the presence of the divine breath///you are lifted
higher///easily///comfortably processing your issues in a feeling of
divine union///and ecstasy///the entire physical body begins to
transform as it is bathed in the ray of ascension///starting with the
feet///moving upwards from the toes///every cell is
transformed///every strand of DNA
corrected///straightened///recomposed///and freed of external
influence and tampering///you are healed at the DNA level///the
sub cellular level///as the ray fills your body and you are
transformed into a transparent body of radiant white light///moving
up to the knees///the waist///increasing with greater
momentum///moving up the spine///the stomach///up through the
chest///and heart area now///the hands are affected now///they too
are transformed at the cellular and sub cellular level///and the
waves move up the hands///up the fingers and down intothe
wrists///arms///and elbow///up the shoulders///up the neck///up
through the head and crown///and you are fully transformed into a
fully functional being of power and divine light///around you float all
the shining rays of the chakras///all density and darkness has been
transmuted and fallen away to the earth///like ashes///burned
away///transformed by the flame of the fire of divine light///the
brilliant fiery red rises from the deepest level of your being///the
brilliant orange of Indian summer shines around you///the purest
yellow of the purest amber shines and swirls around and within
you///the green of the perfect emerald uplifts you in peace and
love///the vast blue ocean of air deepens your serenity///the blue
deepens and indigo, a palette of colours is displayed///you see
things in their proper perspective///you understand///you
know///you forgive///swirls of violet inspire you///your imagination
soars with the phoenix///a billion stars twinkle in the night, white
light///swirling into the shining clarity of a pure and perfect quality
point///all seven colours sing in unison///a beautiful
harmony///your heart is purified///you are ready to accept a new
you///the emotional body is repaired and reformed///the energy
template is perfected///and completed///and your body and your
life move forward with strength///courage///power///and
conviction///(extended pause) (general close). 29
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

Ascended Masters Reiki Guide Meditation

We have all looked up at the stars and no one seems to be able to

provide answers to our questions…This meditation is designed to
encourage your mind to expand and to develop your intuition and to
help you heal yourself. In our journey to the centre of the universe
we will meet our Reiki guides and visit the Council of Ascended
Masters, spiritually progressed people, Reiki guides and helpers.
(Long pause)…close your eyes and focus on your breathing…be
aware of your body…focus on your heartbeat and your breath…and
visualise your roots extending down into the earth…and from the
base of your spine…and as you exhale, imagine yourself releasing
any tension and toxins in your body…down your roots and back into
the earth where they are recycled…(pause)…imagine yourself
releasing any tensions and toxins in your body…down your roots
and back into the earth where they are recycled…(pause)…and
when your roots have gone down as far as they can go…and when
your body is feeling lighter and more opened…reverse the process
and begin to draw energy up from the earth…(pause)…the earth
energy is healing and nourishing…the earth energy is healing and
nourishing…continue to exhale tension and toxins from y our body
and inhale this healing earth energy…(pause)…and when you’re
ready visualise a one-person spacecraft…with a transparent
cover…see the capsule shining and bright…see yourself climb in to
the spacecraft and pull the transparent cover over you…sealing
yourself into this beautiful, personal, silver spacecraft…it is air-
conditioned and as you travel, you will be able to feel the jets
streams of cool fresh air which will be with you for the whole
time…(pause)…and now just relax, feel safe and feel secure, feel
yourself being lifted up off the ground by a gradual build up of
energy…until you find yourself travelling through the
universe…(pause)…and as you go along you will pass galaxies and
stars…stay relaxed and note with interest everything that you
see…stay relaxed and note with interest everything that you
see…(pause)…and now in the distance you will see a small white
light…which becomes larger and larger…larger and larger…until it
eventually fills your horizon…(pause),,,now as you reach this light
you can see a tunnel…and your spacecraft automatically enters this
tunnel…(pause)…and now after a short journey you will arrive in a
brightly lit hall with a domed roof…(pause)…and your Reiki guide
will be there to greet you...(pause)...and now your Reiki guid e
takes off the transparent cover of your spacecraft...and helps you
out...greet your guide and relax...(long pause)...your Reiki guide
takes you into a room in which a blue haze is flowing back and
forth…back and forth…swirling around…this is Blue Star Reiki
Energy…healing and soothing…you take a seat in the centre of this
room where you find yourself absorbing this soothing and healing 30
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

Blue Star Reiki Energy…and at this moment if you have any

particular ailment…feel the affected part of your body…your
mind…your emotions…absorbing the soothing and healing Blue Star
Reiki Energy…(long pause)…feel the energy swirling through your
body reaching all parts of your body and your mind and your
emotions…feel the energy swirling through your body…reaching all
parts of your body and your mind…and your emotions…feel the
ailment and all tension leaving you and disappearing…relax now and
enjoy the soothing Blue Star Reiki Energy…swirling around and
throughout your body…relax now and enjoy the soothing Blue Star
Reiki Ene rgy swirling around and throughout your
body…(pause)…and now after a while your Reiki guide takes you to
a large room…in which is a group of wise people…the Council of
Ascended Masters is sitting in a semi-circle…and you will sit in the
centre of the room opposite them…(pause)…you are aware of a
feeling of total peace and contentment…and you will know you are
absorbing knowledge telepathically…from these spiritually
progressed people…(pause)…relax and absorb the feeling of total
peace, contentment…and knowledge…relax and absorb the feeling
of total peace, contentment and knowledge…(pause)…don’t expect
to know at this point what you are being told…this information and
knowledge will manifest itself when it is needed…(pause)…this
information will manifest itself when it is needed…relax and absorb
the feeling of total peace, contentment and knowledge…and know
that this information will manifest itself when it is needed…and now
after a while your Reiki guide will lead you back to your
spacecraft…fastening the cover securely over you and your craft will
be guided back through the tunnel and back into the
universe…(pause)…and now you feel the pull of the earth’s
gravity…and you will return safely landing upon layers of energy…to
be let down in the place you started out from…and now relax and
travel through the universe…(pause)…see the stars and the
heavens…and feel the pull of the earth’s gravity…you are now
returning safely to earth…(pause)…you are now landing upon layers
of energy…very lightly…from where you started from…relax…and
now open the hatch of your spacecraft and get out…feel your feet
upon the earth…see the trees and the blue sky…relax and be quiet,
peaceful…and slowly…very slowly…open your eyes…you are now

This is your star

(Long musical intro)…now take a deep cleansing breath and close

your eyes…there is a myth that everyone has a certain star…all the
stars are not for everybody…and everybody has a particular
star…this is a beautiful myth…and in this meditation you can find 31
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

one star which belongs to you…and to which you belong…now enter

your sacred space…feel your roots extending into the earth…from
the base of your spine…and from the soles of your feet…feel your
roots going deeper and deeper…into the earth until they locate a
shimmering silver stream of liquid light…flowing swiftly into the
deepest part of the earth mother…and allow all tensions and toxins
in your body…to release down your roots…into the clear silver liquid
light…in the deepest part of the earth mother…and now start to
bring the clear liquid light up through your roots…and into your base
chakra…feel it moving through your whole body…soothing and
healing…feel it moving through your whole body…soothing and
healing…and feel the clear liquid light entering all the cells of your
body…and feel yourself pulsing with silver liquid light…feel yourself
pulsing with silver liquid light…filling all the cells of your
body…soothing and healing…and now like a fountain, the silver
liquid light energy from the earth mother continues to rise all the
way up to the very top of your head…this is your crown
chakra…connecting you to your God consciousness…to your higher
self…now continue to visualise the grounding earth energy rising up
from the centre of the earth…moving through each cell of your body
and each of your chakras in turn…as it rises through each of your
chakras in turn…it now erupts out of the top of your head…as a
great current of liquid light…as it surges up…see it flowing out…and
cascading down…all around you like a fountain of light…clearing and
cleansing your body…and harmonising all your chakras…and
now…when you’re ready…feel that there are branches of energy
shooting out of the top of your head…and connecting you to the
stars…see the branches of energy shooting out of the top of your
head…connecting you to the stars…and go up…through the top of
your head…and feel yourself expanding…go up through the top of
your head and feel yourself expanding…feel yourself becoming all-
inclusive…in that feeling…see and feel the stars moving around
you…and in this expanded state of consciousness…feel immensely
blissful…and sit quietly for a while…(long pause)…and now look very
carefully…you can find one star that belongs to you…and to which
you belong…and now look carefully and find the one star which
belongs to you and to which you belong…and because you are made
of light…as are the stars…you will feel a certain affinity between you
and your star…(long pause)…and now you have found your
star…feel yourself begin to vibrate as light…as does your star…your
star is on the same wavelength as you are…this is your star…now
just dwell awhile and meditate on your star…(long pause)…and as
you meditate slowly allow your star to come inside you…look at
your star…see your star within…and when you start feeling your star
within you…feel it just below your navel…and deposit it
there…deposit your star, two inches below your navel in your
hara…(long pause)…soon you will feel light arising inside you…as if a 32
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

star has already in reality…burs t forth…you will feel this and know
from now on others will feel this also…that a certain light has now
started to surround your body…and your face has become your
star…others will see that a certain light has surrounded your
body…and your face has become your star…you have found your
star…(long pause)…now think of yourself as a small lake…think of
yourself as a small lake and your star is deeply reflected inside
you…see your star outside you…and see it reflected inside
you…(long pause)…feel a great joy rising out of it…this is your
star…(long pause)…your body is now surrounded by this certain
light…and your face has become your star…notice your
breathing…become aware of your body again…feel yourself
connected to the energies of heaven and earth…flowing thro ugh
each chakra…remember in Japan there is a certain myth that
everyone has a certain star…and everyone has a particular star…this
is a beautiful myth…and you have found your star…(long
pause)…the light is here because you are here…you are this
light…this light is you…and now slowly…very slowly…open your
eyes…you are a star.

The Five Additional Chakras

8. THYMUS – Thymus Gland, Immune System, Physical Heart.

Chakra location between the physical heart and the throat.
Purpose is to balance the third and fourth dimension. Colour –
Turquoise. When balanced is seen like the planet Saturn, a solid
core with three visible rings. CRYSTALS – Apophylite,
Aquamarine, Celestite, Tourmaline Quartz, Turquoise, Zircon.
Exercise : Visualise the energy flowing from the heart and the
throat chakras to the Thymus filter higher vibrational
electrostatic energies and convert this to electromagnetic energy
to be stored in the pelvic girdle for greater healing and physical
immunity to disease. Feel the love that radiates in the Thymus
between this dimension and our higher self and guides.

9. CAUSAL – Centre in the back of the head three to four inches

behind the crown. Connected to the cerebellum, the storehouse
of the records of the Causal body. Peace of mind and mental
silence are necessary to connect with this chakra and connect
this to the other three transpersonal chakras. No Colour.
CRYSTAL – Kyanite. Exercise : Meditation at this point facilitates
attunement to the inner realm of the Soul and sweet silence and
peace of mind is achieved by restoring PERSONAL 33
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

IDENTIFICATION WITH your Soul and soothing the turbulent

tides of life.

10. EARTH STAR – Located six inches below the soles of the feet.
Physically attuned to life on this planet. When this is fully
activated and aligned to the three upper chakras it weaves
golden white threads of the interpersonal Divine into and through
the realm of the humanly personal creating a new fabric of
worldly existence of our own being and the material substance of
our own planet. CRYSTAL – Hematite . Exercise : Sun Meditation
and Connecting with Soul Star.

11. SOUL STAR – Located six inches above the top of the head: it
is the intercommunication link between the seven human
chakras, the Earth Star and the Stellar Gateway. When activated
it is seen as a double helix vortex. The Soul Star and Earth Star
are complementary halves of the same whole. CRYSTAL –
Selenite. Exercise: Psychic cleansing of the mental pollution and
the lower astral mind can be cleared by visualising a golden
white orb of energy radiating above the Crown Chakra.

12. STELLAR GATEWAY – Located twelve inches above the top of

the head. Communication link between the Soul Star and the
higher spiritual realms of the Buddhic, atomic and Cosmic
dimensions. This chakra is incapable of being attached to any
one individual, maintains supreme impersonality that can never
belong to any one being. It is the force that is all things. Exercise
: alignment of the Soul Star and the Stellar Gateway must be
achieved by daily meditation, determined effort, living wisdom,
undying compassion and a constant permanent connection to
Divine guidance in human affairs.


1. Using connected breath have awareness at the base. Breath in

and draw the energy up the front through the Chakras as it
crosses over at the throat and goes up the back of the head to
the crown. Without holding, breathe out as the energy flows
down the front of the head, crosses over at the throat and goes
down the back to the base, where you immediately breathe in
and c ontinue. Be aware of the chakras as golden orbs as the
energy flows through them. Do this six times.

2. Standing, awareness at the Earth Star, breathe in and feel the

light from the Earth Star move up through you to the Soul Star.
Hold the breath as you connect then breathe out as the light
from the Soul Star travels down through you to the Earth Star. 34
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

Hold the breath as you connect then breath in as you bring the
light back to the Soul Star. Do this nine times, start and finish
with the Earth Star.

Blue Star Celestial Energy Lineage

John Williams and Gary Jirauch

Donalda Louks

Joanne Podzamecki

Cindilee Ecker-Flagg 35
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

Cindilee Ecker-Flagg, CT-CRA, ACR, HSMI

Shihan Master Teacher

Born and raised in the southern part of Ontario Canada, Cindilee is a wife and
mother of 5 beautiful children.
Her educational background begins in 1988 after graduat ing from a 3-year
diploma program of Animal Care Technology. After full time practice in the
veterinarian field in the year of 2000 she made the decision to work full time in
her home based business “The Sacred Place Within” established in 1998. In
2001 “The Sacred Place Within-Journey Begins” was born as an integrated step
along her path of teaching upon returning from South Dakota. For one’s true
Journey Begins Within that Sacred Place. Currently she teaches private, local
and international certified courses and workshops.

Her instruction of over 300 students in the healing modalities of Usui Reiki,
Karuna Reiki, Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, 7 Facet Seichim, Magnified
Healing, Blue Star Celestial Energy, Axiatonal Re-alignment, Certified
Aromatherapy Massage and Native teachings and healing sessions.

Currently trained in Gendai Reiki-Ho under the guidance of her Master she is
able to attune students seeking this energy lineage from Doi Hiroshi, the
supervisor of Gendai Reiki-Ho given his attunement from Koyama Kimiko Sensei
President of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Japan.

She is also a registered Master Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association.

She holds a position as a Certified Instructor and director on the board for the
Ontario College of Reflexology since 1998.

She joined the staff of Stone Temple Institute as an Instructor in February

2002. Since this time she has been instructing Healing Stone Massage trainings
consistently each month in Canada.

With passion and dedication Cindilee is active presenting as a guest lecturer,

holistic healing expos appearances, radio, and newspaper and television
interviews to promote the Holistic Health Modalities. 36
The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning 3/26/2004

Her inner light is extensively shared with the gifted assistance of her family,
friends, students, clients and Internet connection internationally.

2003 brought much transformation upon her journey. Her travels to England to
view Stonehenge, New Mexico to journey with the Navajo people into the Holy
Lands and the gifting of her Native Spirit name 'Daanis Niizhwaaswi
Nmishoomsag' ~ Daughter of Seven Grandfathers. The Creator brought forth
the strength allowing her to take a total integrative step in the final name
change to “The Sacred Place Within Academy of Learning.

She is active in providing professional intuitive guidance for over 3 years

through Psychic Chat, Oralin and Psychic Junction/Psychic Kontact.
Please visit Oralin to view her page of ‘Shared Teachings & Insights’ that will be
located on a monthly page.

For more information about her work and her current educational qualifications
and studies please visit for
scheduled appearances, courses and workshops. 37

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