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October 31, 2018

Summer Vacations
Barcelona, Spain
Last Summer I went out of the country for the second time in my Inside this issue
life. I traveled all the way to Europe with one of my best friends
and her family. The first place we explored while in Spain was Bar- Barcelona, Spain ................... ..1

celona. While we were here, we visited the La Sagrada Familia and Malaga, Spain ....................... ..1
even learned that it was still being worked on and will be finished Gibraltar, UK……………………….2
in the future. It was a breathtakingly beautiful sight and I cannot Oahu, Hawaii ........................ .2

wait to travel back again in the future to see the finished master- Newport Beach, California….….2
piece. The second place we got to visit was Park Guell. Park Guell Catalina Island, California…...….3
was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was so amazing to Palm Springs, California…….…..3
see the intricate stonework and all the visitors that it attracted. My
Laguna Beach, California……...3
favorite view in the park was to sit on the stone bench and see the
view of the city of Barcelona. Visiting Barcelona was such a fun Detroit, Michigan……….………..4

experience and I am really glad that I was able to see what life was
like for the local people and cannot wait to go back one day! Important Dates

5/22 Schools Out!

Malaga, Spain 6/15 Family Pool Party
7/4 Fourth of July Barbe-
The second place I got to visit while on my European adventure cue
was traveling to the coast to Malaga, Spain. One word I would use 8/5 Cousins 10th Birthday
to describe Malaga is beautiful. We stayed at a beach resort on the 8/10 Neighborhood Block
Mediterranean Sea and it was really fun to swim in a different body Party
of water rather than the Pacific Ocean. Although I love the beach,
one of my favorite things we did in Malaga was visit the Centro
Historico and walk around the crowded streets to get lunch or din-
Pictures from Gibraltar Gibraltar, United Kingdom
The third and final destination on my European adventure was
visiting Gibraltar, United Kingdom. Gibraltar is most famously
known for the giant rock that people can be taken up onto or hike
and at the top, you can see the most beautiful view. My favorite
part about being in Gibraltar was eating their food! I have never
had authentic fish and chips before so we felt that it was the per-
fect place to give it a try.

Oahu, Hawaii
I have been to Hawaii three times before but
I would have to say this trip was my absolute
favorite. I traveled to Oahu with my best
friend and her family this past summer. Our
vacation was filled with long beach days,
Pictures from 4th of July adventure, and shopping of course! One of
my best memories was when we went zip
lining all day but my favorite was hiking
to the Haleiwa waterfall. Our signature lunch
meal was a bacon cheeseburger with virgin
lava flows! I made some of the best memo-
ries of my life on this trip and I can’t wait to
make it a tradition when we all have families
of our own.

Newport Beach, California

Newport Beach was more of a “staycation”
for me and my family this summer because
we live so close! We rented a beach house
for a week in August and it was so nice be-
cause I was able to invite all of my closest
friends to hangout with me and my family
for the week. The week was spent with
countless bike rides down the boardwalk and
one too many ice cream trips down the pier.
This was a vacation that I will truly never
Catalina Island, California
Something different that my close friends and
I did last summer was take a sunset cruise to
Catalina Island. We live so close to this pretty
place and it’s crazy to say that I have only
been there one time previously. We considered
this a “girls trip” and spent one night on the
island and enjoyed each other's company. We
all decided to go to a fancy dinner that night
and proceeded to treat ourselves with a gour-
met banana chocolate chip pancake breakfast.
We caught the boat home the next day in the
afternoon and kissed the girls trip goodbye.

“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots

instead of feet, he said.” - Rachel Wolchin

Palm Springs, California Laguna Beach, California

One of my favorite trips last Summer was go- Laguna Beach is one of my all time favorite
ing to Palm Springs with 30 of my closest spots in California. This was another stay-
friends. We rented a giant Airbnb house for cation for me and my girl friends. One of our
the weekend and spent quality time together. favorite restaurants to eat at is The Cliff which
We celebrated three birthdays and barbecued is located on Pacific Coast Highway. My fa-
every day. It was about 110 degrees everyday vorite thing to eat there is the calamari burger
there so we spent our days in the pool and our and favorite dessert to share is their brownie
nights bonding over good meals and fun lava cake. For this trip we ate good food, en-
games like corn hole and flag football. It was joyed each other's company and stayed one
so fun to be with all of my closest girl and guy night at the Surf and Sand Resort. I love that
friends for the weekend and it is a tradition we live so close to the ocean and can enjoy fun
that we will carry on for the future summers to nights like these whenever we are all free to
come. get together.
Detroit, Michigan
My final vacation last summer was a trip to Detroit,
Michigan. I traveled here with one of my best friends to
visit her Aunt Julie. While we were here, we went to a
Tigers game and the icing on the cake was they won!
Other fun things that we did were go to their family cot-
tage house on the lake and go see the local shops on a
boardwalk. I got to meet my friend Noelle’s little cous-
ins and her entire extended family. It was so much fun
to swim in the lake and play games with her little cous-
ins and spend time with her aunt. My summer was filled
with so many vacations and life long memories that I
am sure I will never forget. Summer 2018 was my fa-
vorite summer yet.

More Pictures from Summer 2018!

Taylor Canada
38 El Morro, RSM, CA

Phone: (949)702-7010

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