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Week 3: Lesson Plan 3 (Note Values, Time Signatures & Railway


Topic area: Rhythm Stage of Learner: Year 7 Syllabus Pages:

Date: 12.10.17 Location Booked: HF3 Lesson Number: 3/6

Time: 76 minutes Total Number of Printing/preparation

students: 18

Outcomes Assessment Students learn Students learn to

Syllabus Lesson assessment
 Recognising the shapes, Identify the pulse, beat and time
outcomes Literacy – Correct names and values of signature of a variety of different
4.1, 4.3, 4.7, musical names for some basic musical music.

4.8, 4.9. note durations. 
 Count appropriately to the beat of
Numeracy – Lesson Recognise aurally and the music in duple, triple and
Life Skills links in with respond to the quadruple time. 

outcom previous work on characteristics of Write out rhythms using correct
es rhythms and beats marches and waltzes.
 note values.

in particular note Learn about the Compose and perform own rhythm
duration. importance of the using correct note values, time
rhythm within words. signature and produce this through
graphic notation.

Cross Curriculum themes & Explicit subject specific concepts and skills
General capabilities

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep 1.2 Deep thinking
understanding of important, substantive concepts, skills understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to knowledge communication
engage in higher-order thinking and to communicate
substantively about what they are learning.

Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality 2.4 Social Support

This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where criteria 2.5 Students’ self-
students and teachers work productively in an 2.2 Engagement regulation
environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy 2.3 High 2.6 Student direction
sets high and explicit expectations and develops positive Expectations
relationships between teacher and students and among

Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity

This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
meaningful and important to students. Such pedagogy 3.2 Cultural 3.6 Narrative
draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge knowledge
and identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, 3.3 Knowledge
and with multiple ways of knowing all cultural integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within
the lesson.
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson
1.4: Higher Through implementation of multiple high thinking activities that draw a
Order high focus rate to note values and mathematical equations.
2.2: A lot of engagement throughout the lesson with group activities,
Engagement performance expectations and games incorporating metalanguage being
“note values”.
3.4:Inclusivi This is expressed through the amount of collaboration and group work
ty throughout this lesson.

Tim Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centr
e ed
5 Two lines outside the classroom.
 Teacher: Enforce classroom T
Instruct students of expectations.
 expectations, DIN
Books out complete the do it now, while teacher
marks roll.
 Student: 2 Lines, Books out

 and complete DIN
Lesson Objectives:

- Recap on Pulse, Beat and Note Values.
 Resources: Whiteboard,
- Introduction to Time Signatures
- Listening Activity
- Rhythms of a Railway

DIN: Demonstrate an illustrative example of
pulse and beat in your book.

10 Ask the DIN question to the class and write Teacher: Explain DIN get T/S
student examples of pulse and beat on the student answers. Recap on
 Note values using Whiteboard

Recap on Note Values. Draw a semibreve, Student: Provide answers for
minim, Crochet, Quaver on the board add the DIN and fill out note value
equivalent rests and question student’s table into books.
knowledge on names and length of the note
 Resources: whiteboard

**Show & Tell – Metronome

(Relevance keeps the beat steady with the set

15 Time Signatures
 Teacher: Show students how to T/S

Go through a quick demonstration on the board read time signature.
of simple time signatures and provide musical Demonstrate simple time
 signatures = 2/4,3/4,4/4 using
2/4 = March 
 song example. Create multiple
¾ = Waltz (Swan Lake Waltz - Tchaikovsky
 examples of time signatures
4/4 = (Cups – Anna Kendrick) 
 for students to problem solve.

 Allow 2 for advanced students
Demonstrate for students how to read time focus these examples on
signatures compound time signature. 

Top Line = How many beats per bar. 
 ** Highlight importance of bar
Bottom Line = What kind of beats. 
 line, bars and time signature

Teacher will then create multiple examples of
simple time signature on the board for students Student: Learn about time
to figure out in their books. “Check student signature simple and
understanding of bar, bar line and where time compound. Complete problem
signature can be found on sheet music” 
 solving task and listen to

 musical excerpts.
Extension: Compound Time Signature Examples.
6/8, 9/8. 
 Resources: Whiteboard,
Compound Time is based on Dotted beats and Musical excerpts from YouTube
feels like three beats per bar. Folk music is an playlist “practicum”
example genre of Compound Time.
25 Listening Activity 
 Teacher: Play examples for S
“Hung Up” by Madonna. (4/4)
 students to recognise time
“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” Nursery Rhyme signatures on their own.

“ Nothing Else Matters”- Apocalyptica Cover Student: Listen to clips and
 write down what time

 signature they are. 

Ask students to tap along to the pulse. Students
may use their legs to stomp the pulse or tap the Resources: YouTube,
pulse on to their legs or clap the rhythm. After Whiteboard
they have found the pulse/ beat they will need
to find the time signature of this piece by
clapping the time signature. 

35 Rhythms of the Railway
 Teacher: Hand out composition S

Hand out Sydney railway sheet and Composing task in pairs. Explain task
Railway Music task. Students will need to requirements. Explain
complete the composition activity in pairs expectation of Time signature
following the sheet requirements. must be present on the score
and rhythmic pattern. 

Student: Complete
composition task following task
requirements and teacher
Resources: “Compositional
Railway” Task Worksheet

55 Teacher to come around and check out progress Teacher: Observe groups and T
and listen to performances. Teacher may select check progress/ performance.
a group to perform to the class for reflection on
the time signature used and the rhythmic Student: Perform/ present for
patterns. teacher.

72 All students are to return to their desks and Teacher: Dismiss Class T
participate within class discussion until the bell.
Student: Leave the room
What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when
preparing this lesson?

A lot of group work activities meaning lesson flow and organisation is vital.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

4.1 Practicing and performance of their rhythmic piece.
4.3 Group and solo performance within “composition”
4.7 Listening skills through the musical examples for
time signature
4.8 Demonstrated through discussion of note values,
time signatures and recap of beat and pulse.
4.9 Interpretation of scores is acknowledge through the
composition activity example “and all stations to”

Other considerations
Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that
you are demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that
should comply with the standard.

Graduate Evidence within this lesson

2.2.1 Clear and logical lesson sequence with examples that provide
evidence of content through delivery and use of technology.
1.2.1 Providing engaging lessons allows students to learn by
experiencing content through a “hands on” approach.

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/
eliminated in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well
as other WHS policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be
applied in this lesson?
Noise Level,

Use of Instruments – Incorrect handling of instrument, movement of the

Student safety (groups)
Classroom space.

Resources Attached:
You must list all the resources that you have created or found in this space.

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