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Fall 2018 Issue

The Unrein Family 2018 Inside this issue

Who are the Unreins? Quinn’s First Year
Our little family consists of 7 members (3 of which are at College ...... 1
animals!) Tammy Unrein, aka Mom, is the leader of the
Daisy’s Story . 2
circus. She makes sure everything is order, no one is dy-
ing or missing their appointments, and that no animal Jude’s Business 3
goes unrescued. She is a superhero, as she battles with
Tammy and Chad4
hip pain daily, but handles it better than any of us could.
She works at K. Hovnanian homes as a Project manager.
Next, in-house English teacher, professional handyman, Important Dates
and Mr. Magoo is Chad Unrein, aka Dad. He works at
10/7 Jude’s B-day
Brophy College Prep as an English teacher, football
coach, and baseball coach. Everyone goes to him to in- 11/24 Quinn’s B-
cessantly ask questions about their essay or Facebook day
post, which I’m sure he loves. Jude is the baby of the
family, and at the ripe age of 14, he’s got a business 11/30 Quinn comes
called “All4it Clothing” while still being heavily involved home!
in photography, skateboarding, and baseball. He goes to
Mountain Sky Junior High and is getting amazing grades.
Go Jude! Last up for the human members of the house is
Quinn. Quinn is currently a professional student at Arizo-
na State University (Barrett, the Honors College to be ex-
act) and is studying Elementary Education! She comes
home a lot to see her family, dog, boyfriend, and neigh-
borhood. She’s very happy because she really feels as if
education is her calling. As for the furry friends, we have
Daisy (Quinn’s dog), Miley (Jude’s dog) , and Mighty
Mouse (Tammy’s kitten). They are all loved very dearly.
Quinn’s First Year at College
Quotes of
Quinn began her first year in college at Arizona State University in
the Week August. She is in Barrett, the Honors College as well as the Mary Lou
Fulton Teacher’s College. She is studying Elementary Education be-
cause she believes that education is one of the most important things
in our world, and knows that she can make a big impact on the lives
Family is the of children by
most important teaching. So far,
support system she’s loving her
that anyone experience in the
teacher’s college
could have. and is feeling very
confident in her
decision to declare
Your family is it as her major.
your built in She comes home
almost every
best-friend! weekend to see
her family, so
she’s glad that she
didn’t decide to go
out of state.
Quinn loves her
roommates, and they’ve decided to room together again next year,
which she’s excited about. So far, she has loved all of her classes and
is doing well in them, which keeps her motivated to get straight A’s.
Her favorite class is her Child Development class because she has a
wonderful professor that promotes and excellent way of learning that
she hopes to use when she teaches in a classroom of her own. Quinn
was riding her bike to many of her classes until recently, when she
went to get her bike from the bike rack only to discover her lock lay-
ing on the ground , severed in half, and her bike gone. Now, she
walks. College is a lot of work compared to high school, but Quinn
actually finds that her work ethic has improved from high school to
college. Her first semester has only a month left, which will probably
fly by. She’s excited to see how the next semester goes, and is even
more excited to start taking more classes that relate to her major.
Daisy’s Story
The Unreins are known for being animal lovers. They’ve ended up with quite a few furry
friends by means of rescue. Our old cat , KitKat, was rescued from an abandoned house in
Mexico. Our dog Baja was rescued by us when he was on the list to be euthanized at the
pound. We rescued our cat Stanley when he had nowhere else to go. We took in a Guinea pig in
order to help out a friend, which ended with us getting another one to keep it company. Need-
less to say, we are quite the family of animal lovers. However, no story is like Daisy’s. Quinn
found Daisy at a Thanksgiving rodeo out in Buckeye, AZ. She and her friends were out driving
around the rodeo grounds when they spotted a
little brown dog in the field. This wasn’t atypical
of rodeos, people let their dogs roam all the
time. However, it was hot, and the girls didn’t
want to pass up the opportunity to help this dog
if it was lost. The cute pup was dirty and a little
skinny, as well as hesitant to approach the girls.
When she did, though, the girls picked her up
and took her in the truck, They let the announcer
know that they’d found a dog, and they an-
nounced over the loudspeaker that a dog had
been found. Meanwhile, the girls and the dog
were getting acquainted as they offered her wa-
ter and food. No one came to claim the dog, so
she followed Quinn around all day, which led to
Quinn becoming attached to her. Tammy kept
reminding Quinn that they couldn’t keep the
dog, and that got increasingly harder for Quinn
to hear. It became obvious that this dog didn’t
have an owner, and a vet came over to look at
the dog. It turned out the dog was pregnant ,
and since she looked like a Corgi (which are ex-
pensive and highly sought-after dogs), people
began telling Quinn that they’d take her and raise the puppies. Quinn had become very at-
tached to the dog, which she now called “Daisy”, and Daisy followed Quinn everywhere. When
people would offer to take Daisy, Quinn would get very sad at the idea of giving her up. Tam-
my insisted that Quinn couldn’t keep the dog, but she saw how much they both loved each
other. Long story short, Quinn talked Tammy into letting her keep the dog, which Chad was-
n’t too happy about. Daisy had 5 beautiful puppies that look nothing like her, and we kept one
and named her Miley. Daisy now loves to be with Quinn, go on walks and hikes, and she loves
to play with the kitten, Mighty Mouse.
Teen Boys Launch Business at age 13
When you think of an entrepreneur, you usu- always looking for fun and creative new de-
ally think of a mid-20’s kid that has a start-up sign ideas. In his free time, Jude actually
of some sort. You usually don’t think of a two reads up on entrepreneurship and marketing
13 year old best friends. Jude Unrein and in order to help his company flourish, which
Drake Cole, best friends, decided to start isn’t something you see from too many young
All4It Clothing Company, a tshirt company kids. Drake and Jude hope to continue to
that sells very comfortable and versatile grow their business exponentially within the
shirts for both skaters and the average Joe. next few months and are hoping to get more
Jude juggles schoolwork, baseball, skating, creative and professional.
and All4It at the young age of 14. They’ve
sold out of their first batch of shirts and are

“To wanted
create attention,
clothing that
or quote
story here.”
one.” -Jude Unrein

The Story of Tammy and Chad

It all started in a bar. Kind of. Tammy and through their problems.” They’ve gone
Chad both worked at a restaurant called “The through quite a few animals together, most
Cork and Cleaver” in their late 20’s. The two of them being Tammy’s idea with Chad’s ob-
quickly became work friends as they shared a jection, but both are animal lovers no matter
similar sense of humor. Chad silently took a what. Tammy and Chad have ben deemed a
liking to Tammy, but decided that he would blessing by everyone around them, and they
just be himself and treat her as a friend be- are loved by all.
cause “she was too pretty for me, anyway.”
Well, apparently that tactic worked, as Tam-
my and Chad started dating. They tied the
knot in April of 1998 and gave birth to Quinn
in November of 1999. Jude was born in Octo-
ber of 2004. Quinn tells us that “My parents
set a really great example of a good relation-
ship for me. They’re always laughing and hav-
ing a good time and know how to work
Back Page Story Headline
This story can fit 175-225 words.
If your newsletter is folded and mailed, this story will appear on the back. So, it’s a good
idea to make it easy to read at a glance.
A question and answer session is a good way to quickly capture the attention of readers.
You can either compile questions that you’ve received since the last edition or you can
summarize some generic questions that are frequently asked about your organization.
A listing of names and titles of managers in your organization is a good way to give your
newsletter a personal touch. If your organization is small, you may want to list the names
of all employees.
If you have any prices of standard products or services, you can include a listing of those
here. You may want to refer your readers to any other forms of communication that
you’ve created for your organization.
You can also use this space to remind readers to mark their calendars for a regular event,
such as a breakfast meeting for vendors every third Tuesday of the month, or a biannual
charity auction.
If space is available, this is a good place to insert a clip art image or some other graphic.

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