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Daily activities

What’s a typical morning like in your home ?

Greg O’ Neal
Well, I’m pretty busy. I get up early. I check my messages, and I listen to a
cd. Then I study.

Jennifer Lee
Oh, I don’t like evenings. Our house is so noisy. My brother watches TV,
and my sister plays games on the internet.

Amanda Sanchez
It’s crazy. We get up early, so I eat a sandwich in the car. My father
doesn´t have breakfast – he drives.

Alex Stern
Well, I have breakfast, and my sister has tea. We both read a magazine.
We´re pretty quiet. We don´t talk a lot.

Check the statements that are true for you.

____ I eat breakfast every morning.

____ I get up early every morning.
____ I go to college in the evening.
____ I read the newspaper every day.
____ I listen to the radio every day.
____ I watch TV every afternoon.
____ I check my e-mails every day.

Rewrite the sentences that are not true for you in the negative form.

E.g. I don´t eat breakfast every morning.


Present Tenses
I listen to rock. I don’t listen to jazz.
You eat lunch. You don’t eat breakfast.
He watches movies. He doesn’t watch soap operas.
She studies in the morning. She doesn’t study in the afternoon.
It has long ears. It doesn’t have short ears.
We get up early. We don’t get up late.
They work in an office. They don’t work at a bank.
Verb endings: he, she, it

drink - drinks
do - does
eat - eats
get up - gets up
go - goes
have - has
like - likes
listen - listens
play - plays
study - studies
watch - watches
work - works

Complete these sentences.

1. Brian _____________ (have) two sisters.

2. I ________________ (like) video games.
3. We ______________ (walk) every day.
4. They _____________ (not / get up) early.
5. Sally _____________ (not / drive) to work.
6. Roger ____________ (wash) his car every weekend.
7. You ______________ (not / have) a girlfriend !
8. Laura _____________ (study) English and Spanish.
9. Josh and Mark _____________ (play) soccer on Saturdays.
10.Lynda _____________ (stay) home every evening.
11. He _______________ (go) to the club on Sundays.
12. John ______________ (work) on weekends.

Correct the mistakes.

1. We doesn´t get up early.

2. Jerry read the newspaper every morning.

3. Sarah don´t use an alarm clock.

4. John doesn´t sings in the shower.

5. They exercises every morning.

6. I doesn´t like classical music.

7. Karen and Richard gets up late every day.

8. You watches TV every day !

9. He have a beautiful car.

10. Peter doesn´t studies in the evening.

11. She study in the morning.

12. The boys doesn´t play soccer on Sundays.

Time expressions

every day
every morning
every afternoon
every evening
every night
on Monday(s)
on (the) weekends
on weekdays
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
at night
before lunch
after dinner

Unscramble the words and write questions.


1. your brother / a car / does / have ?


2. work / does / mother / your ?

3. in the evening / you / study / do ?


4. live / do / in Canada / your parents ?


5. volleyball / your best friend / play / does ?


6. to music / do / listen / every day / you ?


7. your teacher / like / does / chocolate ?


8. take / before / a shower / you / do / breakfast ?


9. your father / TV / does / watch / dinner / after ?


10.go out / do / on weekends /you and your friends ?

Ask and answer the questions above.


Kinds of music
pop – rock – dance – disco – rap – salsa – country – new age – jazz
blues – rhythm and blues (r&b) – hip hop – heavy metal – classical

Complete the chart with the words above. Then compare with a partner.
I like… I don’t care for… I can’t stand…

_____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________

Kinds of movies
a comedy movie – an adventure movie – a western – a thriller – a
a science fiction movie – a horror movie – a cartoon – a war

Write the name of a movie for each category.

a comedy movie -
an adventure movie –
a western –
a thriller –
a musical -
a science fiction movie –
a horror movie –
a cartoon –
a war movie -

Ask and answer. Talk about your favorite types of music and movies.

1. What kinds of music do you like ?

2. When do you listen to music ?
3. Who’s your favorite singer ?
4. What’s your favorite band ?
5. What kinds of movies do you like ?
6. When do you go to the movies ?
7. Who’s your favorite actor/actress ?
8. Do you buy a lot of cds/dvds ?
9. When do you like to listen to music ?
10.Do you prefer to go to movie theaters or rent movies ?
Find someone who...

... goes to college every night. ___________________

... goes to the movies twice a month. ___________________
... eats pizza on Friday nights. ___________________
... studies English twice a week. ___________________
... goes to the gym three times a week. ___________________
... surfs on the Internet every day. ___________________
... goes to church every Sunday. ___________________
... sleeps late every night. ___________________
... wakes up early every day. ___________________


Analyze the following sentences:

I always have dinner at home.

He never has lunch at home.
She sometimes plays volleyball with her friends. or...
Sometimes she plays volleyball with her friends.

We conclude that adverbs like always, usually, often, sometimes,

hardly ever and never are used...

a. before the principal verb.

b. after the principal verb.

“Sometimes” can also be used at the end / in the beginning of

the sentence.


1. John swims sometimes at the club.

2. We hardly ever travel on holidays.

3. Karen usually listen to music while driving.

4. They hang out with their friends always.

5. Sometimes play I video games with my son.

6. Bob and Lucy often has lunch with their parents on Sundays.

7. My neighbors wake up never late.

8. He rents movies on weekends usually.


1. Do you always watch TV in the evening ?

2. Do you sometimes watch TV shows in English ?

3. Does your father usually watch soccer games on Sundays ?

4. Do you sometimes have dinner in front of the TV ?

5. Does your mother often prepare lunch on Sundays ?

6. Do you always rent movies on weekends ?

7. Does your brother/sister always watch movies late at night ?

8. Does your best friend often travel on his/her vacation ?

Ask and answer the questions above with a partner.


A: How often do you have English classes ?

B: I have English classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
A: How often does she clean her apartment ?
B: She cleans her apartment three times a week.
A: How often do they check their e-mail ?
B: They check their e-mail every day.

Time expressions
once a week
twice a month
three times a year
Answer the following questions.

1. How often do you go to parties ?

2. How often do you do you travel ?


3. How often does your mother/wife prepare “feijoada” ?


4. How often does your best friend come to your house ?


5. How often do you do your homework ?


6. How often does your brother/father go to the gym ?


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