MGMT 310 Project Plan Final Deliverable

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Project Plan

MGMT 310A, Section 002

September 20th, 2018

Team #53
Nicole Deffley
Barclay Hughes
Avery Jones
Alex Murillo
Sarah Senne
Blake Tawney
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
In an effort to remain in communication and ensure that all work is of quality, our team is
planning on meeting on Sundays at 6:00pm and Tuesdays at 7:00pm, each meeting lasting
between one to two hours. During these meetings we will check each other’s work, confer on
the research that has been gathered, and make decisions regarding the project. In regards to
our research, we will be focusing our attention on the Lululemon branch located in the La
Encantada Mall in Tucson, Arizona. From this location, we will form a rapport with the manager
of the branch and three to five of the sales representatives. We will subsequently provide them
with surveys we will construct. We plan on going to Lululemon on October 5th, 2018 and
speaking to the manager about our questions that we have developed for him/her. After this
initial meeting, we will create surveys based on the manager’s responses and then deliver the
surveys to three to five sales representatives by October 12th, 2018. Our goal is to utilize these
surveys to identify two underlying issues within this branch of Lululemon and have our data
collected before November 1st, 2018. The survey responses we receive will be very beneficial
to our research efforts as they will provide valuable insight into the OB/MGMT related issues of
this branch. Additionally, they will illuminate a disparity between the feelings of the manager and
the lower level employees. The surveys administered to the employees will consist of ten
multiple choice and two short answer questions covering organizational commitment and
motivation systems. After we have given our surveys, collected the data, and identified two
underlying issues within the La Encantada branch of Lululemon, our goal is to then utilize the
databases provided to us and any other pertinent resources to formulate potential solutions for
the problems we identified. We plan on having our solutions devised and finalized by November
7th, 2018. We plan on achieving all of the aforementioned goals through a combination of
consistent and effective communication, equal contributions from all team members, utilizing our
resources to their fullest extent, and abiding by our strategic plan. The written portion of our
project in its entirety will be finished on by November 10, 2018 and the presentation will be
recorded and finalized by November 17, 2018.

Plan for Collecting Data

We will be in direct contact with the manager and sales representatives at the local Lululemon
store located in La Encantada. We will do this by calling the Tucson branch and setting up a
meeting the manger. After this, we will go into the store and meet with the manager directly;
asking them our devised questions stated below. Following contact with the manager, we will
gain information from three to five employees by asking them to complete a survey to gain
further knowledge of the local company’s structure and what OB/MGMT related problems they
might be experiencing. This survey will contain 10 questions using the Likert scale; rating their
answers on a 1-5 scale: 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agree”. They will also
complete two short answer questions. These questions will be centered around the
organizational commitment and motivation systems, and we will we also be looking for any
discrepancies in managerial responses and employee responses. Our goal is to not only
recognize the problems but also to discover where they originate. We will then compare the
results we received, with research we have found from online databases and articles. In
addition, we will look at comments from other employees found on glassdoor to compile as
much information as possible. We will use the interview, surveys, and outside research to
secure the most accurate data possible.

Questions for Manager

The following questions will be asked in short answer format:
1. What does the organization do to make sure employees remain committed?
2. Is there a high turnover rate?
3. Does the organization offer rewards besides pay? Incentives? Employee recognition
program? Promotions?
4. Does your branch use individual, team, department goals: or all three?

Questions for Employees

The following 10 questions will be asked on a Likert scale:
1. I assist others in my group with their work for the benefit of the group.
2. I volunteer to do things for my work group.
3. This organization has a great deal of personal meaning for me.
4. I do not feel like “part of the family” at my organization.
5. I feel that I can/will advance quickly in this company.
6. I stay at this job only for the financial benefits.
7. I would feel guilty if I left this job.
8. I can’t leave this job because my manager would be disappointed in me.
9. I feel motivated at work.
10. I feel that my opinions and considerations are taken into account when decisions are
The following 2 questions will be asked in short answer format:
1. What would you change if you were the manager of this branch?
2. Any additional comments?
Gantt Chart

Work Breakdown Structure

Start Date End Date Description Duration (Days)

20 - Sep 26 - Sep Author Project Plan 7

(Whole Team)

5 - Oct 10 - Oct Communicate with Lululemon Retail Manager 6

(Nicole & Sarah)

10 - Oct 16 - Oct Visit the Retail Location to Give Survey (Avery, 7

Alex, & Blake)

13 - Nov 17 - Nov Complete Individual Report Parts 5

(Whole Team)

15 - Nov 18 - Nov Revise Major Report 4

(Whole Team)

18 - Nov 18 - Nov Submit Major Report 1

19 - Nov 19 - Nov Major Report Due 1

(Whole Team)

19 - Nov 20 - Nov Team Presentation 2

(Whole Team)

5 - Dec 5 - Dec Pitch Off 1

(Whole Team)

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