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NIM :171011250449


A vacation is one activity that I really like, afew month ago in early 2018 precisely in January , I went
to Bandung, the city dubbed Paris Van Java , I visited one of the places of entertainment that was never
deserted by visitor namely TRANS STUDIO BANDUNG located on stret Gatot Subroto No.289 .
The road to Trans Studio Bandung is very easy because of its location in the city that can be reached by
public or private vehicles .
in this entertainment venue the are various kinds of rides that shouldbe enjaoyed among them “the
lost city,central studio, magir corner and many more “
to rides the lost city is very suitable for children because the vehicle can train agility, courage, and
livelines in the child.
then for central studio rides suitable for teenagers and adults in his there is a Yamaha racing coaster
game that is very spur adrenaline.

Trans Studio Bandung oper every day on the hour :

- Monday to Friday : 10.00 -21.00
-Saturday and Sunday : 09.00 - 22.00
- Nasional holiday : 09.00 – 22.00

As for its only adminission .

-Monday to Friday : 150K
- Saturday and Sunday : 250K
-Nasional holiday : 250K
-VIP (without queuing ) :250K

For all the rides it is notin change anymore because it includes the cost of tickets
Before going home I took the time to sop by a vehicle “other world” where it is very challenging test
of guts because in there is there is a figure that suddenly appeared to welcome visitors whocome into
the vehicle (but it’s just a ghost )
After being satifiedto enjoy various kinds of rides , it’s right at 21.00 I go to home and yesterday I
going to Jakarta again . such ecperiences I have never forgotten .

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