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. I i rt.,ir
. '. :'. .::li. ,rlll:i :lt:ill:alll,lll:
€ram r
The olphobet, numbers 4

.w o lan, plurols . lmperotives 56

0e, subject pronouns 12

@ Present simple 60

.@ hove I hos 66

this, that, these, those 20

of lime, when
@ Prepositions of ploce 26
'@ Prepositions 72

.W rhere is, There ore 30

@ Question words 76

Presenr conrrnuous 80

@ Possessive odjectives 36

Possessive's 40 GrEmmor Reference B8

Word List 94
@ have got [t4

.@ can 50
r;* /o". This is mY Porrot' corkY'
i .,4.i

i'r oo"..

And I'm Brion.

We're oll friends!


: 'C' is for Corky! j

rn) The olphqbet

A(I -
'\-t- Gg t

Hh ta

a Nn i



\rrYt Qq Uu

Xx Yy Zz



one two Ttve
, :- : a-'-- .:,

.. ,i
6 789 l0 I
six -\ever I Frl rr rr
^:^L. nlne ten i;

"' :

eleven :..twelve thi*een :fourteen fifteen

t7 18 19
sixleen : seventeen , '' eighteen : nineteen

W Wrf;te t*.le first letter snd flnd the nqme of the cnirnsl.
'! ..Q....orillo
3 ........obbit
4 ........lligotor
& ........ox
7 ........lephont

The onimol is o :G

'W Wr&te, drcxw snd fimd the numben

&a o o oo
&& + + o + oao
** o o oo

W Recd the cade snd find the secret phrase.

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 H=7 l=8 K=9
N=10 O=11 R=12 T=] 3 U=14 V=1 5 W=16 Y=17 Z=18

seven one fifteen five

stx fourteen

sixteen eight thirteen seven

eighteen eleven five

twelve eight one ten

four one fifteen

ten four

three eleven twelve ntne seventeen

iii:- : li rL. ii..rll

1l :, ,i..,,.:: .,

o lon, -s plurols

seven books on oronoe

four oronges

twenty onts

Consononts: h dfor
*,5 tEi
qf .: VWXVZ
Vowels: a - su

.:.r'l' .: i " r"..

.. .. : r. ,:l
.r::. r. :..r..
']1]. .|:]1.. l .l i '.:..
.:: r::.-.: i.-.rr.r ,: rrr:ralli:-i::

q book
q fish
o toy
q hot
q window
ffix'mw $&mss *w* ms€sh"

i:: W*"*ee"

3 obog three ..?.q.SS.......

ff o coke four .
3 oboy six ...
4 o frog ten ....
S on opple twenty
S o girl seven
'f o bee twenty
* o window nine .
S o boll five ..
:s on eye two .

o / on, -es plurols

U/ t4 ?,d#)

o bus two buses
o gloss three glosses
q brush four brushes
o wotch five wotches
o box six boxes
o tomoto seven tomotoes

o boby two bobies

o cherry four cherries

o boy ten boys

o toy seven toys


witch monkey

brush pototo

r) :.i!t'i L*, t::i:. ::::i :.: : :::i :

o fox grr;.baolfr o cherry o boy o box on olligotor

o dress o bus o bee o strowberry o boby

6 10
7 11
irregulor plurols

',. .

child children
mon men
lrregulor nouns chonge in
womon women different woys in the plurol.
tooth teeth
foot feet
mouse mice

l:.ff:'' /' Some irregulor nouns don't '
sheep sheep plurol
chonge in the pl
fish fish

.{ et


N child
-r! ' r,:a,t-,:':1.:t.i.

\ o mon (6) o foot

o desk (3) o mouse
o fish (12) o cherry
o womon (2) o tooth
o boby o gloss

p _F.-Kr"ffi"€il.&


i:1L..,, .::.. i
: .: ".; ..1 ...,4....... .:, f....'
":'. . t* ,.:'-.:. .:i,.t

I om, you ore (negotive, question)

n I om o bollerino!
Am I pretty?

Yes, you ore.

I'm o bird!

r:il::.:: You oren't o bird!

I'm o bird! No, I'm not!
j:t1::.:':::rr' " ':t::l::i:l..j::,,ai:::i r:.]r ii:.t]:
:t lir.,,, 'i,..,, , ' ,t ' ., .:.,., ..,,.,.,,. '.,r.,1, '.:]"

lom I om not
I'm o bollerino. I'm not o bird.
You ore pretty. oK.
You ore not
You're You oren't

. i',,t,
"t ...ttttt,t,.t--... r... ............,.$.

Yes, you ore.

Am I pretty? No, you ore not. / No, you oren't.
^ you
Yes. lom.
No, lom not. / No. I'm not.

When we speok, we use short forms: I'm, you're, I'm not, you oren't.
We use short forms to onswer no: No, I'm not. No, you oren't.
t: But we use long forms to onswer yes: yes, I oll. ,i.:. yes, l+. ,,,-

! .::
r&jrit* #J?? *r ilr'*.
I..:i:. Dove. 'i hoPPY?

You .... ... not hoPPY. l ...... I seven?

&#s'{€* *fuc shq3r* f*r'rc.

: You ore hqppy. ..).t-..'.r..:i.ji'1..
:l I om not ten.
.: You ore not sqd.
: I om silly!

**rc$e €h* **s"reet w-*rs$*"

! I'm AAn".Ifo teocher? .? l'm / Am I good?
-i You're / Are you ten? 3 You're / Are you OK.
3 l'm / Am I eight. * l'm / Are you o bird?

L***<, r*m* w** wr€€*.

.... I o boy?

. No. you............ !

a4/ *
I good?

ill ,&*€c. *x* *.{e*3*sL

ten? .l o pupil? * o teocher?

hoppy? { o bird? * clever?

S*r".v 5w** v*!*s.

he I she / it is (negative, question)

Look! lt's o new CD. Ohl Rex Rock? ls he o good singer?

Yes, he is. He's verv

good. Listen!

A-ndt o
Oh, no! He isn't
goodl He's terriblel

:i,.,'.t::l: I.., I' :r

He He
ts o good singer. is not o good singer.
She She
's o CD. isn t o CD.
It It

he Yes, he is.
o good singer?
ls she she
o CD?
it No, it isn't.


Y fr
(@ = she

,'ltt:';.":t.:,: :::. ii. :: :.:,.i't,.::": ,:'; I j:1".:,

(Zoe) ..::.i.'..:...... hoppy. (the girl) toll.

(Brion) ...... clever. (the mouse)
(the cD) new. (the mon) o teocher.

t:i ** *r c: t::ri'.i* :' :'1.:'.

Brion is No,toll. Brion toll. He

The cot is block. No, the cot .. .... block. lt ...... grey.
CorlcT is o girl. No, Corky .... o girl. He ... ... o boy!
Zoe is ten.
No, Zoe ...... ten. She . ...... nine.
The box is big. No, the box . ...... big. lt ....' ..' smoll.
Dove is No,silly. Dove silly. He funny!

o cowboy?

o plone.

" "'t ' J:,,,



, {l
> ),,

2 t,,,,,,&

toll? funny? .::. o teocher? eight?

1'l:l.r l,i:i. i:i ,

we / you / they ore (question, negotive)

Dove, Zoe! Are

4i {* you here?

Yes, we ore!

They're very
good friends.

We We
ore friends. ore not friends.
You You
're here. oren't here.
They They
, .: ,.:i:l:rl ll rl ,iiirr,,::,
, , '.,,,, ,.,., ,l', 1,,,,,, r-'1

WE Yes, WE ore.
Are you you
they No. they oren't.

Singulor Plurol
you you
he, she, it they
Wek*- H*ask* *r
Doveondl/friends. friends.
= Zoe ond Brion / not sod. sod.
.: The CDs / good. good.
My friend ond | / pupils. pupils.
.=: You ond Brion / hungry. hungry.
The lions / big. big.

&,Vc'i** qxx*sti*rex #*tr *s391tr*8"*"

they / pupils? *:*. . 1*.*x. .,r.qi:iip. i. Yes, they ore. ];

= you / teochers? Are you teochers? No, ...5.*..*.fF.T.. l:
l: we / bod? No, you oren't.
you / hungry? Are you hungry? Yes, .
we / short?
No, you oren't.
1,4they / good? Are they good? No,

:,;3.4 L**X<* r*gd gs"g$ wr$te.


hoppy! hungry

you/not/bod. 5 she / not / funny! S it / block ond white.

you / good! it / o pondo?

I r# F$my # S#rcT*. Whw* $* $*? Yc$$cs €uxrrxs.

Its big ond grey. Whot is it? porrot pondo
ls it on elephont? elephont

robbit olligotor
,'re mouse
il9'r !1i:: -Yqll lyl,j
Use your English (Units 1-2)

o Look, qsk ond onswer. Then write.


ffi @

1 m's ..911.J9Y.929: -s4 lt's

2 It's.......... 5 lt's
3 Its.......... 6 rt's

@ Count ond soy. Then write.

I$II ..len.sherylep. 4 666

*h&rR& 5


%s 6*hw
fio Listen und tick y'.
n 4A n
1 A Zoe is hoppy. The clossroom is big.
B Zoe isn't hoppy. n B The clossroom is smoll. n
2 A Brion is o good singer. n 5A The cherries ore good. n
B Brion is o bod singer. n B The cherries ore bod. n
3 A lt's on iguono. l 6A They ore good friends. n
B lt's on olligotor. n B They oren't good friends. n

r: :, 11 il il il r; i illlihiiliiliiilill

O Look qnd reod. Put o tick y' ar o cross X in the box.

1 They orent frogs. I 2 She is fifteen.

3 They ore s
hort. n 4 He isnt o pupil.

5 They qren't old. 6 lt is red. T
Ask and onswer.
1 ..1:............ Zoe six?
2 ..Sfg......... olligotors green?
3 . teeth PurPle?
4 . Dove short?
5 . strowberries brown?
6 . Corky o bird?
7 . I o teocher?
I . You nine?

r' Introduce yourself.

Hello. I'm Som.
r' Tolk obout people, onimols or things.
Anno is my friend.
ls the dog hoppy?
The cherries qrent good.

this I thot

{t D
Now Corky, this is
o wotch. OK? Thot is o clock.

This is o photo. ... onO tfrot is o piiiuref

It's o good picture!


ll,ts:,!:,:' o wotdr.
is*+::ii::l$*Sa o clock.

,. We use fhls + o singulor verb to tolk

obout something neor.
' We use thot + o singulor verb to tolk
obout something for.
t.ut._. j::,:1,1r:t:=::,:-:r-tti:r:.1::j:t:i;i1l:t:tttii& i;; :: :liitl

e $rs&* *$"ss *mvregt wo*'d,

@& I ffiz rhot is o horse.

@ B This / Thot is o boy.

@ 5 This / Thot is o bog.

@ & This / Thot is o fish.
@ ? This / Thot is o boby.
wep & This / Thot is on opple.

I h B-ww$.q cffid wn!*e questlosrs snd &mswers"

ls *,"?i* o r-shirt ..t.p..t?.*!.......... q wqtch? o school bog?

Sq , il i:r l{,


o choir? o CD?

lr -Tes* y*ur pcn&nrer. Yek* tuarms.

ls thot o door?
ls this o pencil?

*/u1 No. isnl,
Yes, it is.

/b--4.-- L

these / those

Those qre beors over there.

These ore
pcndos here.

These ore chimps on d These ore sondwiches ond

those or e gorillos. those ore burgers over there.
/a' t I
Yes, oll right Cort<Y!

', ,,1


Singulor This r5 o pondo.

Plural These ore pondos.

Singulor Thot is o beqr.
Plurol Those ore beors.
iirt'i'L* i*;rsr* {ji' ;:irql:ie?.

w ' ....::.:........ ore hoppy children.

.; .].i:,.u.1..... ore sod children. sre*:l@.
Vn: 'FfFr ':
ore red kites.

ore green kites. il@

il 3 ..... .. ore smoll T-shirts.

l) {; ....... ore big T-shirts. $w*
G, @ ': ........ ore green dinosours.
L. ...-;.*.."
ore brOwn dinOSourS. s:x*x@
r'1,'t'1*q :-1 *i' 1j:"i:,.,

This ..;j:....... o big cor. !; These . red pens.

Those :: Those ... green opples.
Thot . ... o smoll window. ..: This .. .. o clever dog.


,:: o frog? =i white
.: o chimp? ::: o big fish? a iguonos?

Are these green birds? . i Yes, they ore. :

..'....-..... .-:

ls this o frog? : No, it isn't. lts on iguono.

Whot is / What ore
It's o pencil.
Whot's this? Whot's thot?


It's o schoolbog!

Whot ore these? Whot ore those?

They're shoes!

Whot's thot?
Grrgh! Mmmph!

.1...':,:tliliitltlll11.,;...1r..:, l.',,,
1.,,,,,,:ll :l, 1;,.1,l'l''1l:i'1

Singulor Whots this?

Its o schoolbog.
We onswer the question
Plurol Whot ore these? Whqt's this / fhof? with
They're shoes. It's ... .

We onswer the question

Whot ore these / those?

rr , 1,:.:r.,,,- 1,::,-,,

with Thev're ... .

Singulor Whots thot?
Its o pencil.
Plurol Whot ore those?
They're books.
i .l:.., .|.,, :'.:-1 :. , ,r .: : : .: i ,

-G -*116 these thot those lt's They're

Whot s Whot's . Whot ore


o picture.
Whot's ?
Whot ore ..


....... school bogs.


$li].] li.! i.: ii-i t:,:,i

Whot ore those? ,

Whots this? They're fish.

': lts
o hot. t<'t,A>-:e
--+rs{I /-(4-A
a=Gd 4T--.-3
,# __s.-\

& %{Ls)b

%^ H

Yes, doctor. Five Where's CorkY? He's on the choir.

{! tb o'clock. Thonk You

Oh, no!

He's in the box! t

He's under the toble now! Come on, CorkYl

He's next to You, Zoe! . Good boY!

Ouch! He's behind the sofo! Where is he now?

3l.rl,. :11,l Oh, COfky!

Bye byel

,.l:r::.:j'a,'t: is
Where she?

n G3 next to s

under the toble.

& on {s
in front
in the box.
in front of the sofo.

G under (pm
ffi behind

Corky is in / under Zoe is on / behind Brion is behind / next to
the bed" Dove. Zoe.


rrr I

Corky is on /in Zoe is on ,/ under Corky is in front

the box. the toble. of / next to Dove.

Where s Zoe? Where's the CD? Where's the boll?

I No! She s Its... . the toble. ...
It's . the cor.

Where's the cor? Where s the rubber? Where s Brion?
It's . the house.
. th._{.t
lt's ....."..,.,. He's . ... the door.

Where s the school?

It's the pork.
4 Where is, Where ore

Where is ...?
Its / Hes / Shes ...
Wheres... ?

Wheres the vose? lts on the toble.

\Mere ore .. . ? They're ...

Where ore the flowers? They're in the vose.

i*ncliq. il r*+$* €:i:"1 r'r{'';:

in on (x2) under behind (x2) in front of next to

3 Where s Brioni He's ..:,.;..:..t..:'. the toble.

g Where s the birthdoy coke? It's ..i.:r........ the toble.
3 Where ore the flowers? They're ..... the vose.
4 Where ore the toy cors? They're ..... the toble.
S Where's Corky? .
He's .... the two girls.
S Where s Zoe? She's ..... the sofo.
7 Where's Dove? .
He's ... Zoe.
ffi Where ore the presents? They're .... the sofo.

*r F*evk*.
i:- :.
...::'..::........ on the toble.
the glosses? ...... in the box.
the CD? under the book.
the boys? behind the girls.
Zoe? next to Brion.
the opples? in the bog.

ii s"Ftm t$"*s q s: es€,* *grs"

He s on the toble.

They're under the smoll toble.

They're behind the sofo.

Shes on the sofo.

He's in front of Zoe.

They're next to the blue box.

He's under the toble.

at They're in the blue box.

ilr r=Eq$y
ffi *Y?*s?!sry g{€$E?*,
\ A: Look of the picture in Exercise 5. Ask questions obout it.
B: Look of the picture in Exercise 5. Then close your book ond onswer the questions.

i Where s Corky? j
': e1";' ,*"-----*"-'*-"-'
': ,. He s on the sofo.
,' t\\1..

I No, he s on the toble. ,

::]\&r sw{xp v'*$*s"

Look! There's There's o kite in the sky!
o bird in the tree!
'fl !B

i !.-
ls there
coke in tl

.v.. 3p th 4,. 4c
No, there
There ore four onts on the gross.

There's o bosket
There s o funny
behind you!
cloud in the skY!

Positive There is There ore four onts.

o kite.
There s

Negotive There is not There ore not

o Donono. two sondwiches
There isn't There qren't

ls there o coke? Are there three oPPles?

Short onswers Yes, there is. Yes, there qre.
No, there isnt. No, there orent.

Use the short form when You speoK.

'/cu con olso use it when You wrlte.
i:it:t:.lE !i\.aj r: 11,:i:: rtr.,: +t,,t,t:::;:,

flere(i/ ore o kite in the sky.

There is,/ ore four onts on the gross.
There is,/ ore o sondwich in the bog.
There is./ ore six eggs in the bosket.
There is / ore eleven children in the closs.
There is./ ore o flower on the toble
There is / ore two birds in the tree
ere o There is / ore o choir behind you.
in the

t.1tj,N\ nmfl nt|. !,'d,ff)r.


ls there o pizzo? th ett

Are there four bononos?
Are there three sondwiches?
ls there o tomoto?
; Are there three oronges?
ls there o plote?
Are there four cokes?
ls there on egg?
ls there on opple?
Are there three glosses?

@ loot< ond write questions ond

4 two cokes?

5 o big plote?

6 o tomoto?

7 two green opples?

@ choote ond write.

1 ont on the gross?

2 three pencils in the Pencil cose?
3 cot on the sofo?
4 o box in front of the TV?
5 three T-shirts in the bog
6 umbrellos in the box.

@ loot ond write the correct sentences.

+ There s o box under the toble.

5 There ore two T-shirts on the floor.

6 Therel o school boq on the bed.

@ nstona onSwer.
Whot is there in your friend s room?

Yes, there is.

No, there orent.

There s only one choir!
I o desk? 4 two windows? I o TV?
2 two choirs? 5 o toble? 8 six posters?
3 o bed? 6 o bike? 9 o computer?

Now swop roles,

Use your English (Units 3-5)

@ eoint, osl< and qnswer.

Whot is this? Whot's thot?

Its on olligotor. Its o chimp.

1 olligotor 3homsters 5 puppies 7 iguono

2 chimp 4 goldfish 6 conories I porrot

@ Circle the correct word(s).

A: Look qt1 this/ these photo!
B: Who isz thqt / those?
A: 3This / Hes my brother.4He / Thot is one yeor old in this photo.
B: where 5he is / is he?
A: Hes 6under / in the kitchen tqblel
B: He s funny!

Now drqw q picture und write o diologue.

Look ot ............................... photo!
B: Who ...............................?

yeorlyeors old in this photo.

B: Where ...............................?


ro Listen qnd drdw lines.

W .9'-1-

@ffi @r

ffif @

ffi Look ot Exercise 4. Ask ond onswer,
,h"d' 1
Where's the clock? ..ll]9..9.?'................. t o"rt.
\ ? ............................... the cDs? the bed.
3 ............................... plone? bed.
4 ............................... flsh? DOWt.
............................... bog? ..........--................... door.
6 skqteboord? ............................... Dox.
7 ............................... books? bed.
I ............................... glosses? oox.

o Ask obout your portner's room. Then write.

ls there o bed? B: Yes, there is.
Where is it? B: lts next to the window.
Are there books? B: Yes, there ore.
Where ore they? B: Theyte in o box, under my bed.

a nexL Lo Lhe window

books n Qry' Ask obout ond identify things thot ore
pen9 n neor or for.
M73 ? ayer T - Whots this? - lt\ o pen.
4eeK T - Whqt qre those? -Theyore kites.
'N T { Sqy thot something exists.
I There\ on qpple in the bog.
aaya T { Sqy where someone or something is.
The shoes qre under the chair

Fmssessf; we md.ieetfr w#$
And this is our teocher.
Hello! lm zoe ond this is mY
Mrs Brown.
closs DVD. This is my clossroom.

Where is her heod?

This is my friend.
This is my porrot.

Where ore my legs?

Where ore his eyes?
It's o terrible DVD!


you your
, Alwoys use o noun ofter o
ne hrs
possessive odjective.
5ne ner This is my cldssroom.
This is our teocher

we our

you your

they their
{.ir{le th* ce{text wtxvd.

\-_teoc19r' ,,.

,/'rh"[id, th;i\
\ losket. .../

L.aela nd ws"tte tlis ttr HEr"

..:.''::.... . cop ls otue. ii is cop rs green.
..: ............ T-shirt is green. T-shirt is yellow
............ leons ore short. jeons ore long.
............ Snoes ore brown. shoes ore white.
............ rucksock is purple. rucksock is grey.

Fr.!t the rvorrls irr tNxe *{,}rrett mrriw.

'1 is,/ skoteboord / his / This.

'i. nome / Co(ky / is / My!
.i clossroom / Our / big / is.
i t, bog / is / Her / brown.
i / dog,/ white ,/ Their.
h lts / oronge / nose / is.

Possessive odjectives

your (x2) our his her (x2) mY (x2)

These ore ............ friends. ............

' nome s Zoe ond ............ nome's Dove.
r' Hil .1.:i1....... nome s Brion.
Whot s your nome? I

1 ls thot ............ ,, This is ............ bus!

, closs teocher? ', Goodbye Vicky!

Goodbye Brion!

Miss Toylor.

.'t :,".
this / our clossroom? . ..'.:1..';.;.;1.;.:.1..,;1.:.,1..',.'.t.t. 1;.:;,. 1;1:.'1 1:...

this ,/ your pencil cose?

those / his glosses?
thot / her schoolbog?
these ./ their books?
@ neoa ond write one word.
Hi! I'm Zoe. I'm in Closs 7. This is our clossroom.
It's very nice. And this is 1.91.{f.......,.. closs teocher.
nome is Mrs Brown. WeVe got on
ort teocher. too. 3. .. .. . .. ... .. .. . nome is lvlr Show.
These ore clossmotes. This is Nikki ond
this is Diono. Theyte sisters.

tnrs rs " pet iguono. lts green ond brown.

nome is Coco.

fl neoO. Then drow ond write obout your friend,

This is mg Jriehd. His hol1te Is

Ooue. He is tott. His hoir is short
ohd his eqes ore brooh.


r @ etoy o gome. who is it? Tqke turns.

A: Describe o person in your closs.
B: Listen to A. Who is it?

Her hoir is long. Her eyes ore brown.

Her T-shirt is white. Her shoes ore pink.
ffimmgmgsfiwe 'ffi


Its very funny!

Erm ... They re your shoes.

And the shoes?

zoe! scorecrow her scorecrow

Dove!T-shirt his T-shirt

The scorecrow's shoes its shoes

, zoes scorecrow is funny. s = possessrve s.

' Her scorecrows funnY. b=is

', The shoes ore Brion's. s = possesstve s.

Brion s cross.

itliji!i1:.(: i
Zoe..ii.... scorecrow is funny.
Dove........ T-shirt is old.
Dod........ trousers ore purple.
Corky........ bowl is red.
The blue shoes ore Brion

l,_t;':,,1,,: , re:,it,11 ,:t tit,,,j 1t:':it:+.,





D)., bike is green. bike is green.

bike is block. bike is block.
bog is pink. bog is pink.
hot is purple. hot is purple.
inline skotes ore red. inline skotes ore red.
T-shirt is blue. T-shirt is blue.
Whot colour is Chloe3 bike? Whot colour ore Kotie s inline skotes?
Its green. Theyte red.

'tir!.} l-ool{, read snd write.

Emmo Peter
1 Whot colour is ..i..r.11l9..?..?.?9.i....... ...'..': lL's brown. F\
? Whot colour ore ..Fn]I 9..i .:t'1.f1919999S.1 .i.rt.qg.l.q. . purple. 66\Fd\
3 Whot colour is ....................................... green.
................ reo.
@ w
s otue.
7 ................ 9rey.
................ yelow

fi#:lt ReucN, {h(}q}se qnd wrlte.

*ffi ffi
Corlqs Dove s Zoe s my (x2) your

Heyl Those ore

Dove! Dove!

Corky Pete r

qP l;;F3

hdve got (negotive, question)
l\,a <rrrnri<o you got o
^^1 ^
ii i, for you! chocolote egg for me?

Yes. I hove.
Here you orel t I hovent got o

., Chocolote eggs! .."Y1)\ ll- \, chocolote egg

Lookl They ve got

o modei plonel

Now lve got three

chocolote eggs!

nove ool o chocolote egq. hove not got o chocolote egg.
ve oot o model plone. hoven t got o model plone.

They They

you you
q chocolote egg?
-o model plone?
you you
No. hoven t.
theY they
l.ook. cho$se nnd write.

funny noses o pizzo gtLjc€n66fr big feet o green bike


lot o

Write the negotive.

.N Tnor t hat,o-'l aal
They ve got o model co[ o model cor.
2 Youve got o new bike. o new bike.
l I ve got o red pen. o reo pen.
4 WeVe got on jce creom. on ice creom.
5 They ve got o porrot. o porrot.
6 You've got o green kite. o green kite.

: Write q uestions ond 0nswer5,

they ./ o wotch?
..U ty.e.lI: s. p?.!. g..v.s!.sl ?
Yes. they haYe.
2 we / o new teocher?
No, we
3 | ,/ o red nose?
No. you
4 you / o rubber?
Yes, I

5 they ,/ o computer?

hos gol negotive, question)

She s got the comero

riD Are you reody? Where s the comero?

got the comero.

Zoe hosn't got it. 5m el

Dove hosn t got it!

Who s got

nos gol the comero. hos not got the comero.
srx legs.
hosn t got srx legs.

he he hos.
the comero?
Hos she got she
six legs? No. hosnt.
rt ir
1e r0
i. ,,t !.\i(., tit)t:itlt ij,ti.:j: \Aii'11::i;1.

: I Zoe s got o mouse.

..::)i1.1 .1;1,11,.r.t1!..;1t1!.iL. r.qlin,.:iiit li. ilqi ..ri..2.t1:t.;.1i; ,

The boy hos got two cots.

The girls hove got o robbit.

The womon hos got o fish.

The cot hos got short fur.

The dogs hove got red collors.

i,\:-'.!,, , r:i:t:t! .1,1it,,:1,1)\tt it::.ta:


o cot i o CD ployer o comero

j Bridn d l

,/ l,'_::, _f _ r' i- ?'!

,? . ,i,- ,),,,
..:. r......1... 1.....,:.
i...................... O COt? !
o CD ployer?

i .,,.'..,.., r,,,,.,r....,.,,,,,.,.........,.,,, O COt? o comero?

o CD ployer? r, .......................................OCOmero?

ffi hos gol (oll forms)

N:ir{tre tYxe x)rrgit"\tt (€tr.

ItgygrlDl hosn t got o comPuter.

He've,/ s qot brown hoir.
Poulo ond Simon hos hove got new bikes
lvly dog hosn't hoven't got o long toil
We've/ sgotocoke.
A: Hos./ Hove Suson got on i-pod?
B: Yes. she hove,/ hos.
A: Hos /Hove your mum ond dod got o digicom?
B: No, they hosnt / hoven t.
A: Hove / Hos you got brothers ond sisters?
B: Yes, I hove./ hos.
inline skotes. I

ljiiiil l-oole, reod mfld write.

o rubber?

new shoes?
l:i fnetsrl, chncse cnd write.

got Hove ve got (x2) hovent got s got (x2)

Deor Jode,
t t
g -oJ -.............. -. o
p et p orrot.
His holll.e's Corkq.
He 2.............. - -""' ---- funhq heod'

Porrots 3....','...',....,....,.".'"" noses'

T[vg a -....-....................'.... beoks'
Corkg ' .-.-..-........'.............'. o big beok'
...-....-....... gouT o pel?


i L,|.ow ond w te.

Write o letter to Zoe obout your pet or o friend s pet. Look ot the words for help.

foce eors nose toil legs fur cute funny pretty soft

Dear Lae ,
l've got / Mg frtendts gaL
Its nome is


Ask ond finswer" -fcl(e ta.rrns.

HOVe yOU got o pet?

Yes, I hove. I ve got o

cot. ,/ No. I hovent.
you ,/ o pet? 5 your fomily / o DVD ployer?
2 you ./ o bike? 6 your dod ,/ o cor?
D 3 your friends ,/ bikes?
+ you,/ posters in your room?
your mum,/ o digitol comero?

Hello. corky! I m Yes. lcon wolk ond I

Donny ond lcon tolkl con jump! Lookl


- @ -r{.4'!:" t
Con you wolk? Yes. but you cont donce!

r''- tro-. I

Oh, yes lcon! Lookl Donny con fly, too!


YOU You you you

tolk. .' tolk?
she con -
She connot -. con.
con jump. jump. jump?
II It con't '' flv?
No. it cont.
fly. fly.

They They theY they

Q wit" con or conL

1 He.c.9.!... ploy bosketboll. 2 He ................ reod. I t . .............. . wolk.

4 She count. 5 They ................ fly. 6 He................ swim.

7 They................ sin9. 8 She................ ride o 9 lt ................ jump.
@ wite ttt" correct sentences.
Bobies con fly.
..?gF.i.r :..g g n.'.1. !.r.a,
Bollerinos cont donce.
..lq.!er!ng:. ssn.l.Q.r9?.:.........
3 Fish con wolk.

4 lvlonkeys con't jump.

5 Teochers cont reod.

6 Teddy beors con run.

7 Frogs con t swim.


() "!N t,t!tj:N ii{':i7 t'irr t'l:.i:

Ul!rl:i:r:)lLll.,r l---r :t*!irtz- --\

He con t ................ the door! i

/,-.---.---- y";;;;;
the door with this key'

we con t!

,1, ir-{,i:r'dd sr {i/-.i 'd{rrit*.

l--c:t9* f'y ,/ ride o bike I
i Zoe sing r"/ run fost r/
i arr.r &
Brion eaDqve donce x ploy bosketboll o'l

l ..191"1........ corlg fly?

r'l he ride o bike? No.
Zoe sing?
she run fost?
Brion ond Dove donce?
theY PloY bosketboll?

. tt'.t- :t tlt: ! r.\.t+ .tt . thk^\t:t:.

iort 'f rrCe n ll'1.i.
Zoe ............................... ond
Brion ond Dove ............. but
Put the questions in the correct order. Write true onswers.
1 you / Con / a/ cor / drive ?

..9.qn.lrp.v..\riy: .t..r9r3.. .. ..
horse / a / Con ride / you?/
bosketboll / ploy / Con / you?

the / you / ploy / guitor / Con ?

5 run/you/Con/fost?

6 you / Con./ swim ?

I @ nst ond onswer. Complete the chort obout your portner.

Yes, I con.

No, I con't.

, F i-
t5 fuNe$1
,&)S l.**-&
I :*o,,.4, , "/.*-
'- ! I
t-:r-:: ,#^t,.g tF \Sgi
'q6&" |.-

I@ rett the closs obout your portne!'.

Rose con ride o bike but

she conl ride o horse.

Now swop roles.

Use your English (Units 6-9)

fi (} Listen ond write T (true) or F (folse).

1 Nicks got o bike. I4 Kote s bike is green ond Yellow.
2 Nick hosn't got o skoteboord. f, 5 Kotes got o cot. x
Kote con't ride o bike. ! 6 Her cots nome is Ollie. tr
@ Lool(, reod ond correct the sentences.
1 Solly con t run.

Sondros got o skoteboord.

4 Som con wolk.

5 Ben ond Joson conl skote.

6 Diono's got o CD ployer.

() uoot< cnd find. Then write.

It's Ben's skaLeboord . 2

# Circle the eorrect word.
A: ls this 1you,/ your CD ployer?
B: No. it isnt. lts ZPeters,/ Peters'. 3He./ | hovent got o CD ployer.

A: +You con / Con you ride o horse?

B: No, | 5con,/ cont but Icon ride o bike!

A: ls thot 6Tonys brother,/ Tony brothers?

B: No, it isnt. Tony Thovent /
hosn t got o brother. He's shos / got o sister.

A: eHos,/ Con Anno swim?

B: l0Yes ,/ No, she con. She s very good. Con you swim?
A: Yes. | 1r om con./
Do the puzzle. Simd the secret word!
;',E 69


1 They... fly. 5 lve ... o BMX bike.

6 Zoe isn't o boy. She is o
7 ,{ /dr.t"y
This is Zoes bqg. lts ... bog.
Hi! We ore Zoe ond Dove.
This is Brion. He is... frlend. Its Som ond Helens cor.
4 Dove ... swim ^1
Its ... cor.
A: Hove you got o dog?
7 riF B: Yes. 1 ... .

w Tolk obout possession.

My bike is red. This is John s house. WeVe got o dog
Tolk obout obility.
I can ride d horse. Tom cont swim.


Soy 'Goodbye', Robbiel


Go to the door! No, stop! Dont

go to the door! Come here!
Robbie. sit down. stond up.
don't go to the window.

Soy 'Hello'! Don't go to the door!

Turn left! Don't turn left!
Go to the door!

.itt l-0ol(, chOose und write.

stond up go ,sfl16 close open write sit down soy


2 ................ to the doorl 3 ................ the doorl

4 ................ the window! 5 6

T 7 ................ yournome1 I ................ Goodbye !

, i'.:r Put the words in the correct order.

'twindow ,/ the / to / co t ..Qp..!p .!!
' 2 book,/ your ,/ Reod !
3 two / Write / nomes !
4 on,/ Sit / choir / the !
5 your ./ Drink,/ milk !
6 your ./ Eot./ spinoch I

go open !-offf srl don't turn don t eot soy

on this choir!
to the pork!
my chocolotel
your booksl
'Hello l

lll l)

reod ( ) come ( ) sit ( ) €le'e ( ) tolk( ) open () eot ( )

Hello. Zoe Don't ....................... ihe window

Dovel lve got o cold!

the door, Dovel '.,'.,.,'.,.,.,'.'.,'.' my oooK'
Brion ! ....................... to mel

on thot choir. Brion.

my chocolotes. Dove!

me. Dovel Go
Zoe. Get well
i..tat'.:;ii : .t " :,j, )!r,i lta€,.

School Rules

s? <D
..: :r:.ri.."1.. i:l ;.i:'............. i n cto ss

(e to your teocher. 5.-ffi


M€ .... sweets. ii

,:' \'1.'tl u .i;ti t'!:,,(-'..

A: Give instructions to your portner.
B: Listen to A ond follow the instructions.

i Count to five.

open mouth / count ,/ to five

close,/ eyes srt down
wnle / nome '':., toke off ,/ shoes
soy./ Goodbye' touch / nose
stond up soy ,/ 'Hello'

;)i \1t iI i:: :!.;:,i).r t..

l, yoLt, we, they (negotive, question)

Con you tell me obout

your doy? lt s for my

Yes. of course. get up ot

I I hove breokfost. I
seven o clock. drink o gloss of milk.

Do you

l90 to school. No. I don t. friends
N4y In the evening ldo
ond I toke the bus. my nomeworK.

Y^,, get uP ot 7 o'clock.


You do not
getup ot 7 o'clock.
,;,- hove breokfost every doy. hove breoKost every doy.
vve We dont
do homework in the evening.
-,ney oo nomeworK in the evening.
I They

We use the presenl

simple to tolk obor]t
qet up ot 7 o clock?
Yes. do.
things we do regulor

Do Yo'
iove breokfost every doy?
we do homework in the evening
rney No, they dont.
Positive $/ Negotive X
', ldrink milk. r ..i"lerLll.din.{.... teo.
L We ploy bosketboll. we ..491:1.C|99..... rootboil.
rl You toke the bus to school. You ........................ o toxi.
-i They reod comics. They ........................ books.
I We eot bononos. We ........................ strowberries.
n I get up ot eight o clock. | ........................ ot seven oclock.

\ lrite frL,est.ior-ls nmd nngwe,rs.

up I,)9..99.i1.991..1,,P....... ot seven o'ctock?
you ./ get Yes. t..{?.:.........
they./ drink .. juice in the morning? No, they ................
1 you,/ like .. cherries? No, I
.a they ./ toke the bus every doy? they
you ,/ do your homework
in the evening?

Look" rend snd write"

/i-.- 'yt.;G'\
'\__jle ryrn orn Ing

brush I go€ like,r

ploy ? wotch ? eot,li

11 ha,

fr,1I\4mm! Chocolote No, she doesn't!


It sfor Viclq. Todoy is her birthdoy.

Vlcky doesnl like chocolote coke.
Does she like chocolote coke?
'- - / You re very noughtyl Vicl
She likes music!
loves chocolote coke!

Yes. but Dove doesnt know!

Thots right! Go ond
buy o CD for Vlcky.

L" likes drocolote coke. does not like chocolote coke.
- runs fost.
doesn't run fost.
; It

ne Yes, he does. We use lhe present

like chocolote coke?
Does she
run fost?
she simple to tolk
it No, it doesnt. obout focts.

Spelling rules: 3rd person singulor

Verb--s I Verb+-es
. /tke - /t(es ]"ao - does
. ploy 4 plclys . go r goes
. sit ". slts | . wosh - woshes
. wotch - wotches

@ choor" qnd write.

toke drink

Negotive X
1 Vicky ..{i!9.9....... chocolqte coke. sh. doesn't like,.,,.,,.,., .^ih^^r.
rP rulrr.
2 The cot ................ milk. It............... .......orongejuice.
3 Brion ................ books. He ................................. comics.
4 Dove ................ footboll. He ................................. tennis.
5 Zoe ................ the bus to school. she ................................. o toxi.
6 Corky ................ ice creom. He ................................. tomotoes

Friday- watch TV
Satqida) - wash Dad s car
S,r-rnday - do rny horneworl(

I zoe ..e1.9!.?..YPl.!yLF911..... every rridoy.

2 5he ............................... ot eleven o'clock every Soturdoy. They do these things
3 She ............................... to the pork every Sundoy. every weeKend.

Brion ............................... TV every Fridoy.

5 He ............................... his dods cor every Soturdoy.
6 He ............................... his homework every Sundoy.

o Look dt Exercise 5. Write questions ond ond onswers,

1 ..Q991....... zoe ..Pl.qg..W! ! 9gF.g.t{...... everv Fridov?
...Yg.9.,.t1'tg.dgss, .. ...... .. ... . .....
she ............................... ot seven o'clock everV Soturdov?
. l!9, 9!.q.4sq:nll,.l.l.c.s+!p. ye t!
rl?.yl.r p.:9llel,
.. to the cinemo everv Sundov?

4 ................ Brion ............................... TV every Fridoy?

he ................ his homework everv Soturdov?

All forms

{t It We ................ in the
gorden. We ................ TV. We
| . :. . .. ..
, .' . : . . . .
i .......................forschoo|!
Soturdoys. I

eleven o'clock. I


like get up 9o

go,; ploy .- ride .' .i like i' e;t tod"t i; riiilti '

1-.'ii r i:t1 i,it).,,:i':s ;:: t,.,:i :: r":'.:. r.i,t,,i ti t''! tii'i

Vicky: 1..i1,'.......... you like ice creom?
zoe: Yes, 12.......... . .... .
Vicky: corky like ice creom, too?
zoe'. Yes. he 4................. . And he likes pizzo.
But he 5. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . like spinoch.
Vicky: you ond your friends come to the z
pork every weekend?
Zoe: Yes. we 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dove ond I ploy
bosketboll. Brion reods books.
you ploy bosketboll ot the
Vicky: No. I s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . But I ploy tennis every Soturdoy.
Zoe. your mum ond dod ploy tennis?
Vicky: No, they rr Iney '.............. . IKe sporr.

() neoo, choose ond write.

@ Wit" obout your Soturdoy.

I @ loot dt Exercise 10. Ask ond onswer.

Now swop

f , @ *,t the closs obout your pqrtner.

Rose gets up ot nine o clock.

After breokfost she goes swimming

Hello. little sister! Dove. do you
hove o block pen?
'r lil


No. I don t.
hove o blue p€
Hi, Suzie!
1 T|+{r:--\
Thonks. Do you Greot! Now do you I hove o present for you!
hove o smotl box? hove red ribbon?

Yes. I do.

Red ribbon? -" Dove. Suzie hos

Hmm .. . Here. present for you.

I / You ,/ We ,/ They hove o pen.

l/You/We/fhey oo nol
o pen.
oon t
HelShe/lt does not
HelShe/lt hos o present.
doesnt ^ ^ra<ant

Dol/you / we / they pen? l/you/we/they do. / dont.

hove Yes, ,/ No,
Does he,/ she / it present? he/she/it does. / doesfi '

Houe ond hove got meon the some.

hdve hdve got
I hove o pen. got o pen.
I ve
Do you hove o pen? Yes. I do. Have you got o pen? Yes. I have.
I 'Lt'tfil,i ,,1,flr!

i..'-lh9 :--::::::--:.:
o goldfish

ll,: ::u:::: o long toil .i

rx ii L.ottl< n"t t:"x.e:'t t:iie 1. Writ* qu*:1,'t;itt(\5 t1nt1 t.itxr;,\*!a{5.

1 .1ir9.i...... Dove ..l:i!\i.i. .. ... . o little brother? No. i'tt ,.1aes,;,'f..

Zoe ................ o goldfish? Ye5.

:i Dove ond Brion ................ o model plone ?
I the olligotor o long toil?
Zoe, Dove ond Brion o picnic bosket?
Brion ................ o new bike?
@ loot. write the correct sentences.

1 Zoe hos red hoir. ihe doesn'L hove red hoir, She hos brown hoir.
2 Brion hos smoll glosses.
3 Dove ond Brion hove long hoir.
4 corlg hos o smoll beok.
5 Viclg hos o green dress.
6 The frogs hove short legs.

{15 @ eut ttt" words in the correct order. Write true dnswers.
1 vou / Do / red ./ hoir / hove?
Dp soq.hs.u.r..r.".4..tq,r.?...... ...... . . ...Ye9.,.1..4.q.,./.N.s...l.Csnll'
z o bike / best friend / Does / have / Your?

3 we / teocher ./ hqve / Do ./ o new ?

4 beqks / people ./ Do / hove ?

5 hove / you / o computer / Do ?

6 o frog / Does / hove / o toll ?

@ Cnoose ond write.

hos (x2) comes ptoy

Dsor Liso,
Mg teocher's hot,rte is Mrs Jones, Shel . .!. .. .. . .. ... .. gourlg
and,preltg. Herc2 ................ o photo! She
tohg, brolon hoir ond green eges- She 4 ................ houe o
big cor but sh€ 5 ................ o huge dog. His nome 6

................ Bobbrl. Eu€rg Frtdorj Bobbq 7 .. .. ... .. ... .. .. to

our school ahd u,e 8 ................ roith him. 9

riou houe o photo of r1o ur teoqhet?



@ Wlt" obout your teocher. Answer the questions

1 Whot is your teochers nome?
2 Does your teocher hove long or
short hoir? Nlg teacher's nqme ts
Does your teocher hove brown, She / he has
blue or green eyes?
Does your teocher hove o cor?
5 Does your teocher hove o pet?

@ etoy o go-e.
A: Think of o person in the closs.
B: Guess the person.

Yes. she does.

Yes, she does.

Now swop roles. Yes, it is.

Use your English (LJnits iffi-I2)

fi .xilr r-isten cnd tict( /.

A Open it. u 4A Wotch TV. T
B Eot it. T B Go to bedl T
A Don't turn left. T 5A Dont eot itt n
B Dont sit on it! T B soy 'Hello" f
A Drink it. I 6A Run to the doorl u
B Reod it. T B Dont tolkl I
qircle the correct word.
",,.:jt get up,/ gets up ot seven o'clock every doy.
1 I
Peter wolk,/ wolks to school in the morning.
J We ploy / ploys bosketboll every Sundoy.
4 They don't / doesnt hove homework every doy.
My mum dont ./ doesn t like tennis.
6 Does / Do Corlq like ice creom?
7 Do your friends go,/ goes swimming every Fridoy?
I Does ,/ Do you hove o porrot?

# Write questions.
1 you / get up ./ six o'clock'.r.!9pk.?.
2 you / wolk / to school ? ..P..q.g.sir.wq{K.h..:sbpc.t.?...........
? your dod,/ drive / to work ?
4 you ,/ hove ,/ homework / every doy ?
5 your mum / warcn / Iy ?
6 you / hove / brother or sister ?
7 your best friend / hove / o pet?
I you,/ go to bed./ nine o'ciock?

#t Ask qnd cnswer the questions in Fxercise 3.

Do you get up ot six o'clock?

No. ldon't. lgetup ot

eight o'clock

@ choor" ond write.

drinks hos (x3) doesn't runs eqts six qreen


Write about your pet monster!
My pet nonster l..hqs....... q big, red heod ond
rhree 2 ................ eyes. ft 3................ four legs
ond 4................ orms. ft 5................ hove
big eors
but it 6................ o big
fts legs ore short but it 7................
It 8................ rubbers, pencils qnd brushes.
fi e................ tomoto juice.

@ Choose ond write.

o ^^a
..1):y11..................... this book. tt's very funny!
o Write b Reod c Wotch

.. TV every doy.
o We donl wotch b Do we wotch c Dont we wotch

Helen ond Chris ............................... o red cor.

o doesn't hove b dont hove c hovenr
.. eot fish?
o You do b Does they c Does he

.. the window pleose. I'm cold.

o Close b Open c Stop

.......... big windows?

o Hos your school b your school hos c Does your school hove

I ,Give ond understond instructions.

Turn right here.
Dont open the window.
y' Tolk obout routines or things you do regulorly.
I drink mitk every doy.
Morid doesn't get up eorty.

Prepositions of time

iI t9

:-r ,r' r..e' q iq i i:ii"\.'
When is your
birthdoy, Brion?
. l;'
; :ll ! rr j-
; ;ill,fr: I When is Peters porty:

birthdoy s in June. On Sundoy.

Its in \ >o /#
Februory Do you like

tw swimming?

Whot time do
in the summer.
you go to bed?

t holf post ten

0t + trme: ot ten o'clock / holf post eleven

on + doys: on Soturdoy ,/ Sundoy

/n + months: inJonuory,/ April

ir] + seosons: in the summer ,/ winter
l-ook ond write.
7^6 ^A+. ,,^ aL seven o'clock.

.- ^t L.^tc ^^^t
Brion hos breotdost ..9|...!19.t.t..P9?.1..?.9y.9L.......

3 School storts

4 The children hove lunch

5 They go home

6 Corky goes to bed

€& Choose ond write.

Ju ly October Jonuory August November April Februory lvloy

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

ffi ert ttt.

doys of the weel< in the correct order.
Fridoy Tuesdoy Sundoy Wednesdoy lMondoy Soturdoy Thursdoy


@ w'it" f' o, o".

'|The school porty is............ Fridoy.
2 School finishes ............ July.
We go to the beoch ............ the summer.
The footboll motch is ............ Soturdoy.
My fomily goes on holidoy ............ August.
6 It's co|d............ the winter.

When? Whst time?

it: r;txt:1, r1,!.J,1i.t l1ltn| ffill't.t ! fi.r:tl:i:.h

When ore the swimming lessons? .. o ln the ofternoons.

',.. b At four o clock.
When is the school summer Porty?
Whot time does the Porty stort?
.-, c On Thursdoys.
When dre the donce closses? d on Fridoy. 6ih June.

j ) t: t:,:n: li:!':l
I it,
) .: .: .:. : :,,. | .,i' I

on + doys ond dotes on Tuesdoy, 1 oth April

n + ports of fte doY in the morning / ofternoon / evening

/" We soy 'on the

on Tuesdoys = every Tuesdoy

in the ofternoons = every ofternoon

When is your birthdoY? on the 1 1 th of June.

When do you get uP?

Whot time ...? At 7 o'clock.

i ,:::1)i':, \.j'1!, Ti :it.ii:l t: |,,a ) . '\!t) | i

tli t'::
'i tt rir; ai t:/ I ::'

When is the school shop open?

When does the compinq holidoy stort?
When ore the music lessons?
When is bosketboll Proctice?

@ Write obout Zoe.

Tuesdoys / hove o music lesson
.0..1 .I-qec4.qgg.ghe..h.q.s..e..nggi-c..{,e.9pcf.:...............................

Wednesdoys ,/ ploy bosketboll

3 Thursdovs ,/ swimmino lesson

4 Fridoys ,/ ploy volleyboll

5 Soturdoys / go to the pork

@ Look, reod ond write.

A: ..ldlig.n. is your birthdoy?
e: ..9n...... the fifrh of tvtoy.

2 A:. ............ is Vicky s porty?

B: ............ Soturdoy.
3A: ............ time does the porty stort?
B: ............ six o'clock.
4 A'. do you do your homework?
B: the ofternoon, ofter school.
5A: ............ does your school close?
B: .,.......... June.
6A: ............ do you go to the cinemo?
B: ............ Soturdoys.
@ ntt qnd onswer, Toke turns.
? When is your birthdoy?
? On the 2 5th ofJune.

be ./ your birthdoy? 5 you ,/ do your homework?
you / get up? 6 you ,/ go to bed?
3 you / hove English lessons? 7 you ./ go on holidoy?
4 you / wotch TV?
It's my friend.
Anno. She s
new ot school.
f,I How old ore you?
When's your birthdoy?

Who s this?

Hi! How
ore you?
I on the

Where do you live? How mony brothers ond Heyl Dont qo!
sisters hove you got?

) F

Anno I

neor here.

who is (Whos) this? Its my friend.

Whot is (Whots) your oddress? Its 20 Green Street.

whot colour is (\/vhot colours) your bike? Its red.

Whqt time do you get up? I get up ot seven o'clod<.

where is (Where s) your house? Its neor the school.

When is (When's) your birthdoy? Its on the 15th of lvloy.

How ore you? l'm flne.

How old is (How olds) Anno? Shes nine.

How mony brothers hos she got? She's got one brother.
,,,i..i.,li tf a^rn tif,t/,:!s t:intl. rwrnt!::]i.t.
I When s Tom s birthdoy?
_ iY tm ten.
I How ore you? rr lts my brother, Nick.
:, How old ore you? r rve got twelve.
.9 Who s this?
:. How mony pens hove you got?
(i They'restrowberries.
e lts on the 14th of September.
6 Where s the coke? .i' At 15 Porthq Gordens.
7 Whot ore these? q Chocolote.
g Where do you live? t! lts purple
I Whot s your fovourite food? i lts on the toble.
'i 0 Whot
colour's your bog?
, l'm fine.
J, '".!rftf tnc t*\'y?t1 ,.nru,tj\it,

tve got one siGi.-')

Who s / Whots this?

She s my friend, Vicky.

Who ,/ How ore you?

How s ,/ Wheres Zoe?


I Idont know'l
Question words

4t it

How old Whot time lofi who Where

Its six o clock on Soturdoy. 's

lm not very well.
ore you Corky?

i She's ot Anno s house.

................ is Anno?

, She's nine. lt s her birthdoy todoy.

' She s zoe's new friend.
/.Theyte ot Anno s porty ond I m here
porty finish?

ldont knowl

thot? Helen. She s my friend.

It s
posters lve got three posters.

They're on the toble.

Peters birthdoy? It s on the 1 Zth of November.
the porty stort? li storts ot holf post seven.
your friend? She isnt very well.
o Put the words in the correct order. Write true onswers.
1 orc / old / you,/ How,
2 your / Whens / birthdoy ?

3 do / Where / live / you ?

4 food ,/ Whots / fovourile / your ?

5 fovourite,/ your,/ singer,/ Who! ?

6 CDs / got / How mony,/ you,/ hove ?

I @ f-oot ot Exercise 5. Ask ond onswer. Write.

@ry R@ YCLET

@ Wit" about your friend.

l, we, you, they (question, negotive)
Dovel You oren t
ploying bosketbolll
singing on TV! You re sewrng I

We're doncing I

They're eoting
:-, spinoch! Am I

We use the present continuous

for something thot is
om ,
om not
'm not hoppening ot this moment-
m srn9rng.
ployrn9. ploying.
ore -,
ore nol

're _,ney
oren I

Am I Yes, .

NO, om not / 'm not.

we Yes. We ore
donclnq a
Are you you
they ore not / re not.
ijt \dr'flite,
Positive I Negotive /
(reod) (qotctt;,
1...ry..f.qqqi19............ o book. t. .ry. 19.!..WW.91 !I9... rv.
(do) (plov)
We.....-......................... our homework. We............................... bosketboll
(eo0 (drink)
They............................... ice creom. They............... .. . .......... oronge juice.
(tolk) (listen)
Y0u............................... to your friend. You............................... to me.
(rlv) (wolk)
You................................ You................................

i:l.i wrst"s hoppening now? Write true onsvvers.

'! Are we studying English? tes, we are,
0 2 Are you weoring o T-shirt?
3 Are your friends ploying bosketboll?
4 Are we looking ot our books?
5 Are your mum ond dod working?
6 Are you listening to your teocher?

l-ook, remd ond write.

Where ore Zoe, Dove

whot ..qi!..... they
1do? ? go? 3 wolk t/
Sorry. Corky. We
to the cinemo ond we re lotel

,t listen X ptoy X. go d
he, she, if (question, negotive)

Hello. corkyl W ore you doing?

lr il
lm bored! 'rl

zoe isn't ploying with mel
She's reoding o mogozine
Oh. Corky. this
is for you.

Woit! l m coming with you

You're my best friendl
Yes. she s re Chocolote! For me?

: ' ,'' ,

t5 reoding o mogozine. rs not reoding o mogozine.

s sleeprng. isn't sleeping.

. ^ Yes. he ts. Whot she doing?
ts .'- . ': i
she sleePlnq -
reoornq o moqozlnei
she Where ts he going?
't No. it t5n I. Who singing?
t"fiolt firxd write.


*rr*- * 'ft....-

(reod,/ listen to) ,

l'<! :n'nn la
Brion . lifl.'.f ..19.9.{1f,9 ...... . o mogozine. He..:..ill'..'.:1:ilJ.i.Y....... music.
Corky ............................... chocolote. He............................... milk.
Dove ............................... bosketboll. He. o model plone.
4 (tolk/ reod)
Anno ............................... to Brion. She............................... o book.
5 (sleep/climb)
The cot................ under the tree. I t . ............................. . the tree.

ii.ii:i Loold ot the picture in Fxercise 4. Wr;te questions &nd dslgwars"

'l Corky ,/ sleep? ls ..c-q 1.19..:.!.9 ! P.,.t g .. ...t No. he i:;n't.
? Zoe,/ look qt the birds? ls ?

f, the cot,/ drink milk?

4 Brion /
listen to music?
5 Anno,/ do her homework?
6 /
Vicky ploy bosketboll?

i'iiir Reod the onswers. Then wa'ite the q uqsti$ris.

Where ! l 9. !2 !.U..P.1.9.U.t.1 ! They're ploying in the pork.
? Who Brion s listening to music.
3 Whot Dove's weoring jeons ond o T-shirt
4 Who Vicky is ploying tennis.
5 Whot Corlg s drinking milk.
6 Where They re going home now.

All forms

donce '-t E ') doncrng swlm mm l- swrmmrng

come coming run nn :a,
close closing stop pp -" stopping
rrde riding sit sitting
write *)t g wntrng

tii'tl:'11,.\i:/',1:ti:iN l:: !....:: :: Be coreful with the spellingl l

sleep ;.' sleeping

our homework!

i do ,.' JUmp r. oonce ,.

1........................ chocolote!
the window? I
Look, Corky! Yummy!

''t"'li;,... ... .. .... ,.. ;;;i

We con do our homework.

eot , come
drive sing run wotch sit write fly ride swim

pldy + -ing = pldying ddnce + -ing = ddncing stop+-ing=stopping

't ................................... 4................................... 7
4................................... 5 ............................ ...... 8
3................................... 6................................... 9

she,/ drive / her new cor ' we / run .. they,/ write,/ o test,

you / sleep he / swim they / study

: t,'
A: Look ot the picture in Exercise 4. Ask questions obout it.
B: Look ot the picture in Exercise 4. Then close your book ond onswer the questions.

,; -!
\f (!,fr-1v;^ 'ff;:,'n glhk*,;,b:r {,k . rn'trtrl; "tr :ir- -."''t ffi:}

1tl 1..1st *n rftid t rrtxtilr,

1 Tom goes ski-ing --. -.-.-._-- o in August.
?, Betty s birthdoy is -''.. b ot holf post two.
J, The footboll motch is in the morning.
4 somontho usuolly hos lunch -..-.--- d in the winter.
5 ln Austrolio it isn't very cold e in June.
6 Dovid never wotches TV f on the 1 oth of June.

ti:,,:, W*nA. 1,",n]rt(,) ntvttNt: tNllt ui#,,i ^uui.'t'nn!'

Ryon is o student. He is ten yeors old ond

he lives in London. He s got two brothers.
He likes music ond films. He hos piono
lessons on Wednesdoys ond he olwoys
goes to the cinemo on Fridoys.

His best friend is Nick. He is eleven yeors

old. He hosn't got o brother or o srster
but he s got o cot. three homsters ond o
porrot. Nicks house is next to Ryons. In
the morning, they wolk to school together'

'i!j.ql .1.. Ten.

\tlhere d.cet he iivt:. :' ln London.
7, like? Music ond films.
4 to the cinemo? On Fridoys.
5 Nick? Ryon's best friend.
i; Nick got? Five.
1 go to school? They wolk.

i --------*--
Im ten Yeors old. .)
\. i. _

1 How old? 4 When / 90 out with / friends?
? Where / live? , Where / go?
t, whot / like? fi, Who / fovourite pop stor?
ffi loot<, choose ond write.

ploy eot sing swim drink reod sleep run



@ no tn" puzzle. Find q secret messoge from zoe, Brion, Ddve & corl<y!
I The young mon in Exercise 4 is ...
z The month ofter Moy.
3 A: ... do you go to the pork?
B: On Soturdoys.
4 The boys in Exercise 4 ore ... volleyboll.
5 The porty is ... the 25th of August.
6 My birthdoy is ... July.
1 I get up ... holf post seven.
The ... in Exercise 4 is eoting.
9 A: ...s this? B: lts my new CD plqyer.
10 A: ... ore my books? B: Theyte on the desk.

# Soy when things hoppen.

She goes to school ot I o'clock
V Tolk obout whot is hoppening now
Alon\ ploying footbol l.
His bit'thdoy is on the sth of Moy. We're watching TV.
V Ask for specific informotion.
Who is your teacher?
How mony books hove you got?
Grcmmor Reference

Unit 1

. We use c with words thot begin with a consonont: b c dJ g hj h Lm n p q r s t v w x I z

a bag acot adog aJrog a kite a Pen a rubber a teacher a window
a zebra
. We use cn with words thot begin wLth o vowet: o e i o u
an a igator an elephant an iguana 4n ostrich an umbrella

. To mohe the pturot oJ most nouns, we odd -s ot the end oJ the word'
a book two books
o cake Jour cakes
an orange three oranges
. ->
To moke the plurol oJ nouns thot end in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x cr.d -o, we odd es ct the end oJ
-, --
tne woro:
a bus two buses a w[tch 4' three witches
a dress three dresses a Jox |'as 1svs5
a brush four brushes a tomato six tomatoes
. -the plurol oJ nouns thqt end in consonont + -y, we chonge y to -i qnd qdd -e5:
To moke-+-
a babg two babies - --
a cherry- + four cherries
a strawberry two strawberries
. To mche --
the pturot oJ nouns thot end in vowe[ + -g , we.iust odd -s ot the end oJ
tne woro:
a toy four toys
a monkeY a' two monkeYs


. Some nouns do not odd s, -es or -ie.t to moke the ptural. They chonge in dlfJerent wogs,
a child * two children a tooth three teeth
q rnan + Jour men a Joot lvYP JssT

a woman +two women a 4s45s -- Jive mice

. Some nouris do not chonge ot ot[ in the p[uro['
o sheeP+- three sheeP - ->
a Jisha- two Jish
a:1t crn ff 0,r V. e 1 er en?e
positive, negotive

tom tm I Om nol tmnot

YOU Ore Youte You ore not You orent
Heis/Sheis/ltis Hes/Shes/lts /
He / She lt i5 not /
He / She lt isn't
We ore not We orenl
You ore Youte You ore not You oren t
They ore They're They ore not They oren t
lom q bollerino. -t lm o bollerino. We ore pupils. + Wele pupils. He is not toll. + He isnttoll.

0€: questions, short onswers

Am l? Yes, you ore. No, you oren t.

Are you? Yes, ! om. No. I m not.
ls he / she / it? Yes, he / 5he / it is. No, he,/ she,/ it isnt
Yes, you ore. No. you orenl.
Are you? Ye5, We Ore, No. we orent.
Are they? No. they orent.

Am I o bird? Yes, you ore- / No. you orent.

WmwX ffi
hove got: positive, negotive

I hove got lve qot I hove not got I hoven t got

You hove got You ve got You hove not got You hovent got
He hos got Hes got He hos not got He hosnt got
she hos got Shes got She hos not got She hosnt got
It hos got It hos not got It hosnt got
We hove got We ve got We hove not got We hoven t got
You hove got You've got You hove not got You hoven t got
They hove got Theyve got They hove not got They hoven t got
I hove got o red pen. "+ lve got o red pen. She hos not got o porrot. -7 She hosnt got o porrot.

:r Reference

hove gofl'questions, short qnswers

To moke o questlon. we
put the subject between
hove ond got.
Yes. you hove. No, you hovent
Hove I got? You hove got o btke
Yes, I hove. No, lhovent. + Hove you got o bike?
Hove you got?
/ / No. he she / it hosnt.
/ Peter hos got a brother'
Hos he / she / it got? Yes. he she it hos.
Hove we got? Yes. you hove. No. you hoven t. 4 Hos Peter got o
Yes. we hove. No, we hovent. brother?
Hove you got?
Yes, they hove. No, they hovent
Hove they got?

Hove they got o kite? Yes they hove / No they hovent

w,,hmnft W


To moke o question. '
we put the verb
Yes. you con. No. you cont.
I can lconl Con l? He cqn swtm
Con you? Yes. I con. No, I cont.
You con You cont -+ Con he swim?
Con he? Yes, he con. No, he conl.
He con He conl
Con the? Yes, she con. No. 9he con t.
She con She cont
Yes, it con- No. it conl.
t con It con t Con it?
Con we? Ye5. you con. No, you cont.

Con you? Yes, we con. No, we conl.

You con You cont
Con they? Yes, they con. No, they conr.
They con They cont

I con ploy bosketboll. Con she sing? Yes she con / No she cont'

Wmwf- 31
iPresent simplel positive, negotive
fl-camk !
We odd -s to the third
person He.5he- /il
eot I wolkto school every oaY
I do noteol I don t
Ieol He / l\ly brotherwolks ta
You do not eot You don't eot
You eqt schoal every doY.
He / She / lt eots He / She / lt does not eot /
He She '/ lt doesnl eot
We do not eol We don't eot
You do not eot You don t eot
They do not eot They dont eot
They eot
| 9o to school every doy. My brother ploys bogketboll every
Gi"0ffim0r Pel'erence

Do I eot? Yes, you do. No, you don t.

Do you eot? Yes. I do. No, ldont.
Does he / she / it eot? Yes, he / she / it doe5. No, he / she / it doesn't
Do we eot? Yes, you do. No, you dont.
Do you eqt? Yes, we do. No, we donl.
Do they eot? Yes, they do. No, they don t.

Do you like pizzo? Yes. I do. / No, ldont.

To moke o question, we put the subject between the ouxiliory verb do or does ond the moin verb:
I like chocolote cake. -+ Do you like chocolote cake? Does Zoe tike chocolote cake?

,s,betting,rutes for the third person singulor (hei, she,':itl


. To moke the third person singutor (he, she, lr) oJ most verbs, we odd -s,
Like+ Iikes
pla! -* plays
srf + .slrs
. We odd es to verbs thot end in -0, -s, -ch, ss, sh or x:
do + daes
go + goes
watch -4 watches
wash -t washes
I lihe ice cream. He lihes pizza.
We pLay Jootball everg Saturday. She plays tennis.
I go home at three o'clock. He goes home at Jour o,clock.

-:- eie renceR

|.1n"",4 1ffi

hove / hsg', Positive, negotive

I nove I do not hove dont hove I

You hove You do not hove You dont hove

He / She / It hos He / She / lt does not hove He / She / lt doesnt hove
We do not hqve we dont hove
You hove You do not hove You dont hove
They hove They do not hove They don t hove

I hove two sisters. My brother hos o bike. We dont hove o cot.

hove / hos: questions, short qnswers

Do I hove? Yes. you do. No, you don t.

Do you hove? Yes, I do. No. ldonl.
Does he / she / it hove? Yes, he /
she / it does. No, he / she / it doesnt.
Do we hove? Yes, you do. No. you donl
Do you hove? Yes, we do. No, we don t.
Do they hove? Yes. they do. No. they dont.

Do you hove red hoir? Yes. l do. / No, ldon't.

WmfiK 4ffi
nt continuous: positive, negotive

lom singing om not singing

I l m not singing

You ore singtng You ore not singing You orenl singing
/ /
He She lt is singing He / She / lt is not singing He / She / lt isnt tinging
We ore singing We ore not singing We oren t singing
You ore singing You ore not singing You orent sinqing
They ore singtnq They ore not singing They orent !inging
i:ittlnmrr Eeler.)fice

uous: questions,

Am lsinging? Yes. you ore. No, you orent.

Are you singing? Yes. I om. No, l m not.
Is he / she / it singing? Ye5. he / she / it is. / /
No, he she it isnt
Are we singing? Ye5. you ore. No, you oren t.
Are you singing? res. we ore. No, we oren't.
Are they singing? No, they oren't.

To moke o question, we put Am / ls / Are fist. then the subject, then the -ng verbl
He is wdtchina W. + ls he watchino W?

To mo[e the pres€nt continuous oJ most verbs, we od.d -lng to th€ €nd oJ the verb,
do 4 doing
eat ", eating
reod -treading
sleep + sleeping
taLk + talking
When the verb ends in e, we drop the -e ond od.d. -ing.
come +coming
dance 4 dancLng
write + writing
When the verb ends in o consonont + vowel + consonont, we do.-rble the consononr ond
add -ingl
swim -, swimming
run + running
stop + stoppLnq
sit -t sitting
When the Jinol consonont is -w, -x or -y, we do not double it:
grow -+ 9rowing
Jix a Jixing
ptay +ptaying
study "t studying


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