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FALL 2018 NUCL 200

HOMEWORK #8 [140 pts]

DUE 09 NOV 2018

1. Suppose we have two planar sources each emitting S neutrons/cm2 and place them at right
angles to one another. Derive the expression for the flux and current as a function of distance
from the line of intersection of the sources in a plane bisecting the angle between the sources.
The figure below will help understand the geometry to make the calculation. Consider how the
current in the x- and y-directions will be related and what that will mean along the line x = y. [25


2. The neutron flux in a certain reactor is given by
𝜙 = 𝐴 cos(𝛼𝑥) sin(𝛽𝑦) 𝑒 −𝛾𝑧 ,

where A, , , and  are constants. Calculate the neutron current in the reactor as a function of x,
y, and z. [15 pts]
3. Calculate the fuel utilization and infinite multiplication factor for a fast reactor consisting of a
mixture of liquid sodium and plutonium, in which the plutonium is present to 3.0 w/o. The density
of the mixture is approximately 1.0 g/cm3. [20 pts]
4. Consider a critical bare slab reactor 200 cm thick consisting of a homogeneous mixture of 235U
and graphite. The maximum thermal flux is 51012 neutrons/cm2s. Using modified one-group
theory, calculate [55 pts TOTAL]

(a) Buckling of the reactor [Use extrapolation distance of d =0.71/[s(1-2/3A)] [10 pts]
(b) Critical atomic concentration of uranium [10 pts]
(c) Thermal diffusion area [10 pts]
(d) 𝑘∞ [5 pts]
(e) Thermal flux and current throughout the slab [10 pts]
(f) Thermal power produced per cm2 of this slab [10 pts]

FALL 2018 NUCL 200
HOMEWORK #8 [140 pts]
DUE 09 NOV 2018

5. A fast reactor assembly consisting of a homogeneous mixture of 235U and aluminum is to be

made in the form of a bare infinite cylinder. The atom densities of these constituents are NF =
0.00395×1024 for 235U and NA = 0.0234×1024 cm-3 for aluminum. Estimate the critical radius of the
infinite cylinder. [25 pts]

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