Kevin Masukawa 012984734 Kmasuakw: Philosophy Minor Declaration Form (2017-2019)

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o Original Declaration

o Revised for substitutions

Philosophy Minor Declaration Form (2017-2019)

Name: Kevin Masukawa Student I.D. #: 012984734

Email: kmasuakw Major: Business Catalog: 2017-2019

University requirements for minors:

• At least half of the units must be from upper-division courses (300- or 400-level), and at least
half of the units must be taken at Cal Poly.
• Not more than one-third of the courses in a minor can be graded Credit/No Credit (CR/NC),
except for courses which have mandatory CR/NC grading.
• A minimum overall 2.0 GPA is required for completion of the minor.

Required course: ........................................................................................................................... 4 units

PHIL 230 Philosophical Classics: Knowledge and Reality (4) (C2)
Or PHIL 231 Philosophical Classics: Ethics and Political Philosophy (4) (C2)

Approved Electives—Select from the following:........................................................................ 4 units

PHIL 309 Early Greek Philosophy through Plato (4) (C4)
PHIL 310 Aristotle and Hellenistic Philosophy (4) (C4)
PHIL 313 Early Modern Rationalism (4) (C4)
PHIL 314 Early Modern Empiricism (4) (C4)
PHIL 315 Kant and 19th Century European Philosophy (4) (C4)

Approved Electives— Select from the following:....................................................................... 4 units

PHIL 321 Philosophy of Science (4) (C4)
PHIL 331 Ethics (4) (C4)
PHIL 411 Metaphysics (4)
PHIL 412 Epistemology (4)

Additional PHIL Electives (at least 4 units at the 400 level) .................................................... 12 units

Total Units .................................................................................................................................... 24 units

Request: Substitute PHIL 230/231 with PHIL 4 from Foothill College
GE Course Substitution/Exception form submitted

I certify that the above-named student has declared the Philosophy Minor, and that any
substitutions noted above shall satisfy the requirements for the minor.

Signature: Date:
Philosophy Minor Advisor

Distribution: (Original) PHIL dept. à (Scan) CLA Advising à Evaluations Office

Copy: Student PHIL Minor 2017-2019.pdf

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