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3 Input/Output Devices·
Q.1: Complete the following statements.
(i) · A standard arrangement of keys on a keyboard is the _ _ __
(ii) A mouse is a pointing device used to select _ __ _
(iii) A trackball is almost like a . Turned upside do\vn.
(iv) Translating voice to text is a capability known as___;:__..;....;;..___ _
(v) VDU is an . device.
(i) QWERY (ii) various options (iii) mouse
(iv) voice recognition (v) output

Q.2: Tick the following statements either True or False.

(i) Input devices are used to enter only data into a computer. True/False
(ii) Alphabet keypad consist of keys from A to Zand 0 to 9. True/ False
(iii) A scanner picks f very bit of the scanned text. True/False
(iv) The disk drives are known as 1/0 devices. True/ False
(v) A CD-Writer is an 1/0 device. True/False
(i) False (ii) False (iii) True
(iv) True (v) False
Q.3: Encircle one choice A, B, C or D in each case.
(i) Which of the fol lowing is an output device.
a. Keyboard
b. Mouse
c. Disk
d. Scanner

(ii) Spacebar on a keyboard is a part of the:-

a. Alphanun1eric keypad
b. N un1eric keypad
c. Function keys
d. Screen navigation and editing keys
(iii) Which of the following is not a pointing device.
a. Mouse

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b. Joystick '
c. Trackball
d. None of these
(iv) Which of the following is used to produce soft copy.
a. Laser -Printer
b. Plotter
c. CD-Writer
d. Dot-Matrix Printer
(v) The number of colours a CGA monitor disp lays are:-
a. 4
b. 16
c. 64
d. 256
(i) c (ii) A (iii ) B
(iv) C (v) A

Q.4: Match the items given in Column I with those given in Column II.
Colµmn I Column ll
i) Hardware a) · Booting Processs
ii) Software b) LPT
iii) Serial Port c) Phys ica l Co mponents of
a computer system
iv) Parallel Port d) Procedure necessary to
run the computer
v) ROM e) COM
(i) e (ii) c (iii) d
(iv) a (v) b

Q.5: Name two very important input devices and describe their
purpose in computer system.
The two very important input devices are keyboard and mouse.
Keyboard is an important input de vice used to enter data and instructio n into a
computer. A standard arrangernent of keys is the QW ERTY arrangement. Popular
keyboards have enhanced QWERTY arrangement designed for easy entry of
numbers. Such keyboards have numeric keypad at the right of the standard ke yboard .

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A keyboard is connected with the system unit through a dedicated keyboard
port that contains signal as well as power lines. As soon as a key is depressed for a
character a signal for that character is generated that passes directly to the main
torage of the computer.

Fig: Key boa rd

A mou e is a u eful input device. It is a po inting device used to select various
options. A mouse is a , 11all hand-held unit with t.wo or three buttons as shown in
f'igurc bel ow. lt can roll over a small ball. When moved over a surface or pad it
mo\'e a malI object (often an arrow) across the scree n. A mouse can also be used to
dra\ pictur on the screen and edit text.

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Fig: Mouse

Q.6: Name different areas of a keyboard and some key functions.

Ans we~ ~
/\ kcvb 1ard may be divided into four general areas.
I. ·1) rewriter areas or Alphanumeric Keypad
2. Numeric K1.;ypad
3. Functions Keys

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.+. Screen Navigation and Ed iting Key
There are I0 or 12 function ke\'s !ah~ led as I- I. f 2.. .... .... r l 0 or FI. F2,
..... . 1: 12. These are located on the left or at the top of the keyboard. These arc used to
instruct the computer to perform certain comm::rnd . These keys are providing short
cuts for duing routine tasks on a computer.
Alphabets, special characters and numbers keys arc similar to a stan lard
typc\vriter. This 8rea is used to type general information.
N U !\i1 Ell IC KEY PA 0
The numeric keypad acts like a calculator kc., paJ on the right idc )r the
kc) board. which performs t\\ o functions.
I. Can serve as a calculator
2. Controls the movements of the cursor.
These keys are provided to move cursor around the screen. Many program s
use these keys to navigate from left to right or top to bottom around the screen.
Function kc}'S perform di ffcrent tasks in di ffcrent software package .
The desc1:iption of commands assigned to function keys under the BASIC mode .
Fl LIST Functi n sed to display the Iin cs f ~our ~rogra111 on the screen
F2 RUN Function Used to execute a ~rogram from its beginning
FJ LOAD Function Used to read a program from a storage device and store it
. .
111 111 a1n 111 e111 ory
1·4 SA VE Function Used to store a program on a storage de vice from
memory ·-
F5 CONT Functi on Used to resta11 a program Jtler it has been tempora rily
interrupted by a stop or CTRL+~REAK.
F6 LPT I Function Used to transfrr data from the video screen lo the line
1:7 TRON Function Refers to "trace on . This function causes the line
numbers of program lines to be displayed a · these lines
are executed
F8 ROFF Function Refers to .. trace off'. This function cancels TRON
F9 KEY Function Used to change the function of the other function key
1: I 0 SCRELN Used to return · program to the character mode from the
Function graphic mode and also to turn oft' the color

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Q.7: What is a mouse? How it works?

Answe~ .
A i11o use is an input de vice. Unlike the ke. 'b ard where: the information i.
LY! ·c.L mouse i · 3 pointing de ice [\nd i ~ u ed t s .lcct va ri ous options. ;\ mou se
c nsi. ts t fa mall hand-held unit 'V ith ne. t\.vo r thrc\,; buttons and a small ball at
th e bL tt rn ( n \.vhich it can r II. As the mou e i. rn ovl'.d <l\.:ros · the desk l n a n1 ouse
pad. it guide a ~rnal l loca t r symbol ( ftcn an atT0\\, a r . · hair · ur a cur or). which
1110 c ~ across he crecn . Nlouse an als be u ed t dra w pict ures on the scree n and
dit text.
Fig : J\l u. c and pad

Q.8: Describe the working and uses of a trackball.

/\ track all i · a rx lnting device J lmo t like a m u e turned upside dow n. The
u-.;c r cu 11 tru Is the · urso r on th e sc reen by ru 11 ing a pla. tic ba lI \ ·ith a fingertip or \ rist.
·1~ ) ·\l.'.C uk' ·u rn rnand~ \\ ith a track ba 11 , one r m re butt ·n are pres: ed. much in the .
.':lp1c \ \ ti ) t1 · is J 1H.: \\ ith a m tL e. The cursor cnn be moved around on th~ . creen by
r 1II i ng t h · ha 11 "' il h 'l th u mb or fi ngcr.
I r' ·kball i-; po pular among u. er. f laptop c mputers when space is limited
and may be mo unh.:J 11 either idc of the keyboard . · r handicapp~d people who
ma~ ha • di fli ult) pre . ing keys on a standard keyb ard 1r using a mouse the
lr~lc~ta ll ma t ~t h e ansvver since it d e not require to moves th e entire arm to use it.

Fig: Trackball

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Q.9: What do you know about scanner? How scanner text can be
Scanner is an input device . It is also called Optical Rc~1Jl!r or Digital Scanner.
It scans or reads text and picture printed on u paper and c11tcrs them directly into the
(0111 pu tcr memory.
The advantage of a scanner i. that the LL er need not type the input data in.
Thi s is a fast and accurate method for ~ntcring data into the computer.
, The scanner takes electronic images of text or ricturcs from the paper. It
breaks each image into light and dark dots and stores them into the computer memory
in machirn: codes. Scanned text can be edited by OCR software. Optical Character
Ri..:cognition (OCR) software translates the scanned document int te'.'(t that ca n be
The image scanner is useful because it translates printed images into an
electronic format than can be stored in computer's memory. The stored image can be
transferred into a paint program or directly into a word processor. You can use
software to organize or manipulate the electronic image.

Fig: A flathed scanner

The maj or types of scanners are Flatbed scanner and Hand-hclJ canner.
Scanner differs in resolution; the more Jot a scanned image containcJ, the sharper it
is. (\n inexrensive scanner produces images at about 300 J ots per inch or 600 dri
(dots per inch). The more expensive scanners produce images at a hi gher rcsoluti.on.

Q.10: What is meant by voice recognition? Explain.

A voice rccogn it ion system compares a ~crson · s Ii ve speech to t hci r stored
voice pattern. Larger organizations sometimes use \ oicc \ crification _')stems as ti me
anJ attendance devices. rv1any companies also use this technology for access to
sensitive Illes and networks. Some financial services use voice veritication systems to

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ecure telephone-banking transactions. These systems use speaker dependent voice
recognition software. This type of software requires the computer to make a profile of
y ur voice. That i you train the computer to recognize your inflection patterns.
; ·~· ,_ . .....:


Fig; Voice recognition

Q.11: What is a color monitors? Describe some features of different

colored monitors.
A monitor is an output device that allows you to view the functions and
programs a computer processes on a screen. The monitor is the screen part of the
computer. When you press any-key in letters on the keyboard. you will see them on
the monitor. This is called outputting informat1on.
The monitor displays text, numbers, photo , and animation. A connects the
monitor to the video card. A video card is a circuit board that fits inside the computer.
It a Ilows both text and images to be shown on the screen.
The first monitors invented were monochrome monitors. They were to show
only black-and-white images. But these days, monitors are more commonly in full
color, they can show all the colors of the rainbow.

Fig: LCD Monitor Fig: CRT Monitor

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There are two types of monitors:
o CRT Monitor
o LCD l\!lonitor
The Cl,{T monitors are a lot like television set~ using the ame CRT or
athode Ray Tube technol ogy. The CRT 1nonitor has two major parts· the screen and
the cathode ray tube (CRT). The screen is the front of the monitor and CRT is fitted
in si de the monitor.
Another monitor type i LCD or Liquid Crystal Display. LCD monitors are a
lot Iike CRT monitors without the bulkiness but they do not have CRT. LCD
rn oni tor use a flat , I ightwe ight surface filled with mi II ions of tiny glass bubble , each
havin g a phosphor ic covering. The e phosphoric coverings glow to create an image .
LCD \.:recns provide clarity and ni cker-free viewing .
Q.12: Explain the difference between impact printers and Non-Impact
A printer is a device that prod uces hardcopy on th e pap r. Printers are
commonly used in business to get the documents printed on paper. Depe nding upon
th e printing mcchan ism used, printers fa II into two cat cgories i .c.
• Impact printers
• Non impact printer.
An impact printer produces images by striking an inked ribbon with a hamm er
) I' a ct of pins, pressing ink fr m the ribbon onto a piece of a paper.

Impact printer arc the olde t print techn ologies, which are still in producti on.
Sl me of the large t printer com pan ie continue to manufacture, sc iI an d supp rt
irnp8ct printe rs. lrr1puct printers are mo t useful in specialized environments whe ;e
lo\ -cos_t printing is required. The three most common forms of impact printers are:
I. Dot-matrix Printer
2. Daisy-Wheel Printer
3. Line Printer
A non-impact printer produce images on paper without striking the page in
an ' \Va y.
There are several types of non-impact printers called thern1al and electrostati c
prinkr ·. These printer. use a chemically coated paper on \ hich the character are
c\ p<"."cd by so me mean such a a laser. This means that these printer ca n produce a

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printed image without striking the paper. Because the printing device is simple and
has no mobbing parts, these printers are inexpensive to manufacture and silent. Very ·
fast non-impact printers are capable of printing. more than 24 pages per minute.
Common kinds of non-impact printers are ink-jet and laser printers.

Q.13: Explain the working of a dot-matrix printer.

~The dot-matrix printer is an impact printer as shown in figure below. It uses
tiny pins arranged to hit the ribbon and the paper. In dot matrix printer, each letter is
_formed wit the combination of dots as shown in figure below. A dot matrix may
have 9, 18, 24, Or 32 pins arranged vertically in a print head. The dot n1atrix printer
arranges pins to print dots that form characters and all kinds of images. A normal dot
matrix printer has speeds varying from 50 to 600 characters per second. The carriage
width of a printer also varies ranging from 80 columns to 132 columns. A standard-
width printer prints 80 characters per line.
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Fig: Dot ~1atrix Printer Fig: Daisy Wheel Printer

Q.14: Explain how Ink-jet printer differs from Laser printer?

Ink-jet printer work in the same way as dot matrix printers except that ink jet
printers have fine nozzl~s in ~tead of tiny pins _used in dot matrix printer head.
Nozzles spray a stream of ink o~to the paper. Because the ink is put directly
_on the paper therefore, these printers require ink in reservoirs instead of ribbon. Since
no mechani al movement is involved, hence these printers are much quieter and have
speed of about 200 characters per second. Ink jet printers are also available which
have more than one ink reservoir, each with a different color. The colors can be
chosen through software to allow the printer to print in rainbow colors. Thus a full
color graphic image from a computer screen can be obtained very quietly on paper.
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Fig: A colored 'nk jet printer

La er rrinter. arc the fa test n-impact printers. These printers us~ la er and
electr -photographic te ·h11ol0sy an d ha ve printing , peed greater than 2.Q,000 line
- ~er. n~ i t
tcl .;\ bit-n:app~d image .uf a pa g~ is fo~mcd in the computer by ~ oftware.
hi s 1magd 1 tran. Ierred t th e •n nter. whic h activate a laser beam. The la er bean1
duplicate the i1n age n a r wtin ) dru11 and forms a charged image on it. The ima l
is trarL ferrcd n the I ape· that pa .:i e · between the dnnn and a posi ti el. charged
con na wit\.: . The d L of the toner fo rming the image get fu sed onto the P'll er under
th ~ ·o m bi ned eff" t f heat and pre · ure \.Vh ~ n pa ·i ng th ough the r 11 r. The printed
re sult from a laser printer is im re sive and be ual"

· Q.15: What is a plotter? How it works?

Pl ucr is a .· (,: ' i ~1l output device, v hich 1. · u. cd to produce high quality,
ptTl'cctl ) pr )! nrt i ~rn al hard cop_ utpu t. Pl tt r arc e igned t pr duce lar 0 e
d ra \ 1 ng~ ~) r ima ge . such a, con 'tructi n p Ian _ for bu i Id in ..., r blue print · for

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nechanical devices . . Plotters have been used in autom ti c and aircraft de ign ,
opological surveys·; architectural layouts and other im i lar c mp lex drafting jobs.
A pl tter is composed of a pen~ a moveable carri age, a drum and a holder for
hart paper. Both the pen and the paper can move .up and down and back and forth .
his permits ery detailed drawings. Some plotter having c lo red pens can make ·
olored drawings als .


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Fig: A Plotter with a colored graphic output

There are two types of plotters, which are as follows
a. Drum. plotter . b. Flatbed pl otter
A. Drum Plotter
n the drum pl otter, the pens and tht: drum m ve concurrent! in different
axes to produce the image. Drum plotters are u ed to pr duce co ntinu ou
output, uch a plotting earthquake activity or for I ng graphic output. ·uch a ~
structural view of a skyscraper.
B. Flatbed Plotter
On ~ orne natbed pl tters, the pen mo es in both axe while the paper remain s
tati onary . H< wever, on most desktop pl tters. both paper and pen mo e
co ncurrentl y in much the dame way as on drum pl otter

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