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7 Computer Software
Q.1: Complete, he/folio ing statements. ·
(i) AnJ. ·. ,~;) ~ Jacts as an interface between the hardware and the
.arplication sonwarc. '
(ii) Device drivers is a 5pJi ~ . software. ~
(iii) DOS i ntcrnt commands arc stored in the~/'r11d&'i f ;;/J Ii le.
(iv) Type · after the prompt to change the default drive to drive
A. ·_ !
(v) Cl !DIR is a DOS ·,. {Vf,J!, . command.
(vi) CHKDSK is a DOS ti/uJ'!il command.

(i) ope·racing ystcrn (ii) service (iii) COMMAND.COM
(iv) A (v) internal (vi) external

Q.2: Tick the following statements either True or False.

(i) Compiler is a type of application software. True/False·\
(ii) A program in high level language is called an object
program. True/False t I
(iii) Database management software is an application
software. J)ue/False
(iv) Operating system resides i_n RAM \ hen the computer is
ON. J(ue/False
(v) DOS Shell provides a GUI. \Y{ue/False
(vi) The default can never be changed. \y6e!False
(i) r-alsc (ii) False · (iii) True
(iv) True {v) True (vi) True

Q.3: Encircle one choice A, 8, C or D in each case.

( i) ~crpretcr is a type of
01· System Software
b. Service Software
· c. Utility Snflware
d. Applicatic1n Software
(ii) \V hich of the fol lowing is the characteristic(s) of an operating system?
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a.Controls basic input output devices
b.A Ilocate system resources
c.Managing storage space
~ All of the above
(iii) Which of the follo wing is not a single user operating system?
c. DOS Shell
, d/ None of the above
(iv) V\vh ich of the rollow ing is not an executable command?
a. CLS
c\.,J( REM
c. R -N
( ) \\'hi ch r the !'o ll o' ·ing is a DO internal command ?
t ,. . LR/\SE
b. f ~ DIT
d. ~Y . ·

(i).1\ ( ii ) I) (iii) D
( i\) H ( \ ) t\

Q.4: Match the iterns given in Column I with thqse given in Column II.

Column I J Column II
1----, ) --,··-
-~ -
1_:1·d--i-n-l2--l -
~ _o<-~ ~L~ -~~~- =:_· a) Furrnal Disk
ii) S\\ it ch (_ / l_1)_ _ ._C
_'trn: pa1y _l_-·i_k_ _ _ _ _ ___.
iii) n~i>f- ·-~- ~ g___ - H~~-- l) __ _,_~i _tll_·l _a_r_1k_·________ __..,
i\ ) I·( !I~ ~v1 ;\ I __ _ t,l.t _i __ I J _ _ _1_31._H_)_t i_n__g·- - - - -- -----l
v) 1:c f, c) ivli..Jilic s l'ommand ·
r - - - - - --
~-~----------- - -_,_
-·1-_ (________
) Prim th e current lilc
_ _ _ __ ___.
~--------------- _ I --'k_,)_
_..._ __C_n_n_te_n_b_1_1_·t_c x_·t_ _ _ __ _____,
( i) d (ii) c (iii ) g
( i \') J ( \) b
Q.5: Clearly define the terms, data and information, given an example
in e'ach case not mentioned in the book.

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Raw facts are called data. The term we use to describe the signals with witch
computers work is called data. Data is the words, numbers and graphics that describe
people, events, things and ideas. A representation of facts, concepts or instruction s in
a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or process in g by
humans or machines is called data. In short data means collection of raw facts. E.g.
class student result wise.
Processed data is called information. Data be omes information when you u e
it as the basis fo'r imitating some action or for making a decision. Information then i_
defined as the words, numbers and graphics used as the basis for ,actions and
decisions. So the conversion of raw facts into a usable form is known as information
e.g. Class wise student result.

Data Processing Information

No te:
Some times the information of the some data becomes the data for the further
info rm atio ~

(d s· the names of various types of data, give examples in each

'C ·. case.
All computer programs use one or more of the fol lowing type of data.
• Numeric Data
• Alphabet Data
• Alphanumeric Data
Numeric data is used to represent different quantities on which arithmetic is to
be performed e.g.marks of different students, sales reco rds of goods at a hop etc.
Mostly this data is represented as integers· or real numbers e.g. 45, 929, -85.09 etc.
There are two types of numeric data. r
• Integer
• Real Number
Integer data consists of positive and or negative whole numbers including
zero. For example +40.-59 etc.
Real Number

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Real data co'ntains numbers which may be fractions or incremental including
integer numbers. r or examples 4 .5, 78 .3.+ and etc.
A Iphabct data only consists or a li.\ed set nf ulphahct ic c haractcrs c .g. data
consisting of English alphahets A. IL C ... .. Z as wcl I as a. h. c .... 1. Wc can use these
English alphabets to represent names of sludt!nts in a class. This Jaw is represented as
a sequence of characters and no 1.uithmctic orcrations can he carried out on it.
Alphanumeric data cor~tains alphabet ~ . numbers Jnd other special characters
i.e. $, #, o/o etc. Example of such data can be telephone 11u111hcrs and addres ses such
as, 042-5758912 and House# 128. Street 4m XYZ Col<..111~. Lahore etc.

Q.7: What is meant by machine language? Explain.

Machine language is the only language that a computer understands directly
without any translation. It is the binary language. It is the language of o·s and 1·s. It
consists of strings of binary numbers.
The binary codes are very difficult to memorize for human beings that is why
a mach inc language is cumbersome for a user.

Q.8: In what respect a high-level language is different from a low-level

High-level languages arc more suitable for human use than machine languages
and enable the programmer to write instructions easily using English words and
familiar mathematical symbols. These symbolic languages are called high-level
languages. These high-level languages consist of simple English sentences, whiclYare
very to understand and memorize for human being.

Fig: Difference between high-level and low-level

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Both the machine and assemble languages are called low level language . An
a sembly language is one· step higher than the machine language in human
readabi Iity. A machine language consists of totafly of numbers and i a Im o t
impossible for humans to read. In an a.ssembly language, so me of these numbers are
rep laced by human readable symbols called language for humans and almost of the
same efficiency as machine language for computer operations. ·An assembly lan guage
i a combination of mnemonic operation codes and symbolic codes for address.
· Assembly language is very efficient but it req uire good skills for
pr gramm ing. A program written in an assembly language is trans lated into a
machine language befor~ computer can understand and exec ute it. A computer
program, which translates an assembly language program into its equivalent machine
lan guage · i called as embler.
A program can be· written in a .much shorter tim e and mu ch precise ly when a
high level l,anguage is u ed. A program written in a high level language can bt
executed in any computer system, which has a compiler for" that programming

Q'.9·; Name a.t least four high-le~el languages and describe any two of
• J

these high-level languages.

Some of the more popular high-level language are :
• BASIC (Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
• FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation)
• COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)
BASIC was developed in 1964. It is sufficientl y close lo nglish and is one f
the mo t wide! u ed and easy-to-learn high level la guage. ven a person with little
or no knowled ge of computer programming can learn it quickly. BASIC can be u cd
for both business a_nd cientific applications. Th problem with BA IC is that it h~ ~
no standard version. It has been modified into different ver ion b different
computer manufacturers e.g. QBasic, GW-BASlC, Turbo BASIC
FORTRAN was developed in 1957 for IBM computers. It was de igned to
so lve mathematical, scientific and engineering problems. FO RTRAN was one of the
cn rliest languages to introduce the concept of modular pro ramming. FORTRAN i a
·tandard high level language. If has been revised many times. One of its version
FO RTRAN 77 appeared in 1978.
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.Q.10: What is the significance of an ·assembly language?
The difficulty in understanding the machine language to the user was resolved
by symbolic coding using simple Engli sh-like words which the user can understand
more easil y. These expressions are then translated into machine language. This
concept has lead to thl! development of a large number of different high-level
programming languages which are easy to use and understand. In assembly language,
all operation codes of the machine language are substituted by letters and symbols
called mne~onic by the manufacturers. An assembly language program cannot be
executed directl y by a computer. The mnemonic operation codes and symbolic
addresses must be translated into a machine language for the computer to understand.
That is why this language is more suitable for human use than machine language and
enables the programmer to write instructions easily using E~gli sh words and familiar
mathematical symbols.

Q.11: What is an operating system? Mention various types of operating

Operating system provides link between the user and the· computer. It enables
the user to have complete control over the comrutcr system by commands through
the keyboard or any other input device. The supervisor part of an operating system
resides all the times in the memory (RAM) of the computer after the computer is
turned on . An operating system performs the following tasks:-
• Controls basic Input and Output devices
• Allocates system resources
• Manages storage space
• Supports application software
• Maintains security
• Detects equipment failure
This enables the user to achieve high efficiencies of which the processing
systems are capable. Operating systems can be classified as:
• Single User Operating System
• Multi-user Operating System
Single user operating systems are used on individual systems- or Personal
Computers. These operating systems reside on disks and are called Disk Operating
Systems (DOS). Some of the most widely used single user operating systems are:-
• OS/2

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Windows 95
Multi-user operating systems are used for data processing on large computer
systems. They enhance the potential of computer systems ·with multiprogramming,
multiprocessing and timesharing facilities making them suitable for large
organizations. Some of the multi-user operating systems are:-
• Windows NT
• Windows 2000 Server

Q.12: What is DOS?

DOS stands for "Disk Operating System". It is a program. which acts as an
interface between the user and the computer hardware. DOS allows manipulation of
. files and programs by interpreting and processing the commands typed by the user.
The DOS software is automatically copied from a floppy disk or the hard
drive into the computer's memory whenever the computer is turned on or booted
(made a computer ready to be used by putting in its instructions). DOS is not an
application package that you start and then exit when done. This is an operating
system runs from the moment you turn the computer on until you turn the machine
off. The major tasks the DOS must carry out are:-
• to control input and output devices
• to enable user to load and execute program
• to maintain an orderly system of data in the disk

Q.13: What is the difference between DOS and DOS Shell?

DOS is an operating system used on PCs (Personal Computers). The
Operating System is software which controls the hardware of the machine (the disks.
keyboard. mouse, monitor, etc.) and allows the user's programs and packages to be
run on the machine. It is the interface between your word processor or spreadsheet or
other program and the electrical signals which the CPU (the Central Prqcessing Unit
or Processor). the hea11 of the computer ..
Sometimes DOS is stored on a Diskette. hut normally it is stored on th~ I lard
Disk, and it is easier to use when it is. As with all progran1s (or sottware), different
parts of DOS are brought into RAM and executed as they are needed.

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DOS Shell
DOS Shel I is a program that attempt to pro ide an easi r interface t DL , ·
is ~n c:\ternal command. which comes as a fi le \Vith DOS . DOS shell pro ides a
grarhical front end to DOS commands all owing most of them to be exec uted u in~;
the mouse. '"·ith minimal keyboard input.
To run the DOS shell program type "DO SH LL" at co mmand prompt and
pn:ss return key. .
Once DOSSI IELL is lau nched th e lir t sc reen di sp lay a menu bar to th e top,
direct!\ hcncath it a li st of dri CS which C3 1i be accc'sscd. and thcn three 'lll all
\\ind<J\\ S. The \\indO\\ S arc the Directory Tree \\ind,,. (in wh ich :ou se lect a
director} on tlu~ currently hi ghlighted drive ). the Files \Vin <.h)\' (disrlayin g th e
L'lll1lcnts of the se lected directory). and ~l tvlain wincl ov\' givi11 L!. ac cess to th e DOS
co111111a11d prompt.
·1he sc reen should look similar to th e li!!urc bclo\\ .
;~ ·qfOt~

Direct1ry lree C:\•.•

[-J II 0 ~
( l Rf~ _DATA AP\! .JN[ . 2'1
c 1 E(CCL AUT HOR~O .G ~P 3. 912
l•lrt ~PP ~ AUT HORIA .G~ P S.~ I S
t •1 rt om er {))'.jR D t &O . J~( 76
(I] NEJ WA~E 1))R Dl80 . E~E !27.488
[ l SHOWCA~E ~JP.01 .HI[ 1. 332

C•l ll'lf1Md Pronpt

~:) - D~ QBui..t
!Did; Utilit ies l

Q.14: Name the types of commands used in DOS and describe at least
five commands of each type.
There are two types of DOS commands:
lnternul commands are a part of th e DOS program CO 1 1AN D.COM . and
are loaded into memory when yo u boot your computer. These co mrn ~rnd s urc needed
to be used most often, although they are not seen whe n we di spl ay the di 'k directory
of lilenames on our screen. Some internal DOS c mrnancl s arc:
(i) CLS
This command is used to clea r th e ere en of a monitor.
Syntax: CLS
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DJ 't
This command is used to displays a list of current directory . files and
subd i rec tori es.
Syntax: DIR [drive:] [p~th] [filename] (/p] [/w]
e.g. DIR
(iii) CHOIR (CD)
This command is used to displays the current directory or changes the current
(default) directory.
· Syntax: CD [drive:] [path]
e.g. CD Ali
(iv) COPY
Th is commands is used to copies one or more ti lcs to another location .
Syntax: COPY ffilc name] fsourcc].[Jcstination Jircctory]
e.g. Copy !\Ii.Doc.A:
(\') DEL
This command is used to deletes one or more specified liles from the disk.
Syntax: DEL [drive] fpath] file name f/p]
e.g. DEL Aslam.Doc
External commands are programs, \\.hich c. · ist on the DOS disk or the hard
disk . They are run when you type their name on the command line. For example,
typing FORMAT at the DOS prompt results in a progra m called FORMAT.COM
being cxc·cuted. ·
External ·commands are not frequently used and DOS saves valuable memory
space by loading them only when required. Some of the external commands are:
(i) CHKDSK .
t'his command is used to checks the validity or a disk and reports the total
space. used and free space on the selected disk.
Syntax·: CHKDSK ldrive] [path] [(fJ [Iv]

(ii) SYS
This command is used to creates a bootable dri ve and installs the main DOS
files . Syntax: SYS [drive I:] [path] drive2:
e.g. SYS A:
(iii) TREE
1 his command is used to displays directory structure.
Syntax: TREE [drive:] [path] [/fl [/a]
e.g. TREE

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(iv) XCOPY
This commands is used to copies files (except hidden and system file ) and
directories, including subdirectories.
Syntax: XCOPY source [destination] [/aj/m] [/d :date] [/p] [/sJ [/c] [Iv]
e.g. Xcopy*.* A:
This command is used to deletes all files and subdirectories in a directory.
Syntax Syntax: DEL TREE [/Y] [pathname]
· e.g. DELTREE*.*

Q. 15: What is meant by booting the system?

/ Answer:
I The term boot or ?ootstrap, when used with computers, means sta rt or sta rtup.
When we boot our computers, we are turnin g it on and loading the Disk Operating
System (DOS) .inlo our computer's memoryJ The sequence of events that occur
between the time you turn on your computer and the time it i ready for yo u to is ue
commands is referred to as the boot process. At the completion or t_he boot up proce s
the system gives a DOS Prompt as soon as it is ready for operation . '

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