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Violence, a

global public
health problem
L.P. Raquel A. Barrón Alamilla
Violence has probably always been
part of the human experience. Its
impact can be seen, in various
forms, in all parts of the world.
Each year, more than a
million people lose
their lives, and many
more suffer non-fatal
injuries, as a result of
interpersonal or
collective violence.

Overall, violence is
among the leading
causes of death
worldwide for people
aged 15–44 years.
This year, Mexico
reaches record
number in
homicides in May.

Experts even say it

could be the most
violent year in its
There were 2,890
intentional homicides
just in May; but overall,
in 2018 it’s been
around 20.506
intentional homicides
and 24,004 crimes
against life and
integrity, which
includes criminal acts
such as personal
injuries and femicides
in Mexico.
Figures of
homicides in
Mexico in 2018
between January
and May.

• Source: Victims of Crimes of the

Common Jurisdiction, Ministry of the
Interior of Mexico. May 2018
• Figures of intentional homicide,
kidnapping, extortion and vehicle theft
1997-2017. January 2018
The figure is worrisome
considering that between
January and May of 2018
13,298 intentional
homicides were reported
and the figure reported in
2017 in that same period
of time was 9,945, and in
the first five months of
2016 there were 7,656
intentional homicides.
Does all violent acts are framed
in there?

But… even
Do people report all violent
more cases?

Do people know what is violent?

Many people do not know
what it is, so when they are
victims they do not know
what they are and
unfortunately social networks
do not help to inform properly
and they even promote
violent behavior patterns.
The World
Health The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or
Organization actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or
community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of
(WHO) resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment
or deprivation.
violence as:
The W.H.O. violence
classifies violent
acts into three
broad interpersonal
categories violence
according to
collective violence
Suicidal behavior,
includes suicidal thoughts
and attempted suicides.
violence Self-abuse, in contrast,
includes acts such as self-
• This subtype of violence is largely between family
members and intimate partners, usually, though not
exclusively, taking place in the home.
• It could be child abuse, intimate partner violence and
Family and intimate abuse of the elderly.
partner violence

violence • This subtype of violence between individuals who are
unrelated, and who may or may not know each other,
generally taking place outside the home.
• It includes youth violence, random acts of violence,
rape or sexual assault by strangers, and violence in
Community institutional settings such as schools, workplaces,
violence prisons and nursing homes.

Unlike the other two

broad categories, the
subcategories of
collective violence
suggest possible
motives for violence
committed by larger
groups of individuals or
by states.

Physical Sexual
The nature of
violent acts Involving
Psychological deprivation or
No single factor explains why some individuals
behave violently toward others or why violence
is more prevalent in some communities than in
Now… about others.

the root of
violent Violence is the result of the complex interplay
of individual, relationship, social, cultural and
behavior environmental factors. Understanding how
these factors are related to violence is one of
the important steps in the public health
approach to preventing violence.
Ecological Community
model for
violence Relationships

Classwork time!
Look for the ecological model for understanding
violence and make an infographic.

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