Catalyst Windows Instructions

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1 - Anaconda

To complete the installation, you’ll require Anaconda, a platform powered by Python. The reason is that
pip does not work well for Windows because the standard pip package index site, PyPI, does not yet
have Windows wheels for some packages, such as SciPy. Anaconda solves this problem because it
includes a package and dependency manager.

There are two Anaconda versions. Currently, Catalyst is only compatible with the Python 2.7 version, so
make sure to download the appropriate version. If you already have the Python 3.6 version of Anaconda
installed in your system, you can install Catalyst by creating a Python 2.7 environment. For more
information, go to the following link:

You can download Anaconda (Python 2.7 version) at the following link:

In the installation process, select Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable. Otherwise, the “pip”
and “conda” commands (used later in the process) won’t run in the command prompt.

2 – Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7

This package contains the compiler and set of system headers necessary for producing binary wheels for
Python 2.7 packages.

If not already in your system, download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7. You
can find it at the following link:

Installation process steps

1. Open Command prompt

2. Update Anaconda packages with: conda update –all
3. Install virtualenv with: conda install virtualenv
4. Create a virtual environment for Catalyst that includes Anaconda’s system packages with:
virtualenv --system-site-packages catalyst-venv
5. Activate the virtual environment with: catalyst-venv\Scripts\activate
6. Install Catalyst using pip: pip install enigma-catalyst
7. Test the installation:
a. Download the “” file at the following link:
b. In the command prompt, use cd to get into the folder where the previous file is located
c. Type: catalyst ingest
d. Type: catalyst run -f --start 2015-3-1 --end 2017-6-28 --
capital-base 100000 -o bah.pickle

A successful installation should display the following graph:

Any questions please reach out to @40gomez on Enigma’s slack group.

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