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Are you looking for Automation Anywhere Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced or

Freshers, you are at right place. There are lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the
world. According to research Automation Anywhere has a market share of about 0.3%. So, You
still have opportunity to move ahead in your career in Automation Anywhere Development.
Mindmajix offers Advanced Automation Anywhere Interview Questions 2018 that helps you in
cracking your interview & acquire dream career as Automation Anywhere Developer.

Q1) What are the basic Differences between Automation Anywhere and Blue Prism?

Automation Anywhere(AA) Vs Blue Prism

Features Automation Anywhere BluePrism
Easy to learn and understand even Knowledge on programming to manage
for a beginner. business objects.
Re-usable blocks are created using BP Libraries can be reused with other
Re – use
smart adapters processes as well.
Moderately capable. Capability is very less.
Accurate with web, desktop and citrix as
Accuracy Moderate accuracy.
Robots Both front and back office robots. Only back office automation.
Architecture Client-Server based architecture. Client-Server based architecture.
Access Only app-based access. Only app-based access.
Microsoft Technology C#
Reliability Highly reliable Best in terms of reliability.
Related Article @ Compare RPA Tools

Q2) What do you mean by automation? What are its benefits?

It is basically a process to automate the tasks and process with the help of automatic equipment
which are based on technology. It is helpful for the businesses to consider automation as it
enhances efficiency and cut down the errors from several business processes and transactions.
Also, the human interference can be avoided up to a great extent. A number of processes can be
automated with the use of specific equipment and expertise.

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Q3) When exactly you will automate a test?

There are certain cases when we can consider the same. For example, repeating tasks. During such
a scenario, automating a test saves a lot of time as well as Human efforts. In addition to this, test
with more than one data set can be made more efficient through this approach. Also, regression
test cases, as well as Smoke & Sanity tests are also the conditions when automating a test is a good
option. However, the final decision is always based on Return-on-Investment.

Q4) What do you know about the common steps that are involved in Automation anywhere
The very first thing is to select or consider the test tool. After this, the next step is to define the
scope of automation anywhere followed by the steps planning, designing, as well as development.
Next step is Testing execution and final step is maintenance. It is necessary to follow the steps in
the defined sequence to eliminate confusion.

Q5) What are the important factors that must be taken care of while planning Automation
Before doing anything, the very first thing to pay attention to is selecting the Automation tool that
is beneficial. It is necessary to pay equal attention to the framework in case it is present. The test
environment setup is also necessary to e considered on priority. Another factor that matters a lot
is identifying the test Deliverables. In addition to this, factors such as the timeline of the project
and its execution are the other factors that must be taken care of during the planning phase.

Q6) Is it possible to use Automation Anywhere testing for Agile method? What are the
factors that can affect it?
Yes, it’s possible. However, there are conditions in which it is not useful. The very first thing is
frequently changing the needs of Agile testing. In such a case, it is not possible to use it. Many
times there is need of the complex level of documentation. In such situation also the testing for
agile method is not useful. However, in case of continuous integration, it is possible to use it

Q7) What are the automation tools you are certified in?
The answer to this question depends on you. You can mention here about the tools you have good
command or skills in. Generally, it is asked from experienced professional in the Automation.

Q8) What are the features you would look while selecting a tool for automation anywhere?
The tools must be easy to use and have test environment support available simply. It must have
debugging ability for the smooth operations. It is quite true that testing image and objects are the
important aspects in the Automation Anywhere. Therefore, it must have a better image and object
testing ability. Also, it must be capable to test the database. Object identification, as well as
multiple framework support, are the other features that must be there in a tool for Automation

Q9) Name any five things which you can automate?

Smoke Sanity test suite, Automation behind GUI, build deployment, smoke test suite, as well as
test data creation.

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Q10) What factors are important to consider for scripting standard for Automation
Anywhere Testing?
For every ten lines of code, there should be three lines of code. Maximum use of framework
wherever possible is also an important factor Proper indentation, Uniform naming convention,
Error handling and management are some of the factors that must be considered.

Q11) Name any two important tools for Automation anywhere testing?
There are several tools but the ones that are considered as best are Rational Robot and QTP. Both
of them are equally powerful and help to get results that are totally error free.

Q12) What are the reasons for not considering manual testing in automation anywhere
The biggest issue is it needs a lot of additional resources as well as it’s a time-consuming process
if done manually. There are certain chances of lots of errors that can declare their presence due to
inaccuracy. When projects are time bounded or when they are extremely large, obvious, it’s not a
wise option to consider manual testing. It can degrade the performance of resources performing
testing due to losing interest by performing the same task again and again in a short time span.

Q13) What do you know about the type of framework that is used in Automation Anywhere
There are four important frameworks that are commonly used. First is Keyword Driven
Automation Framework. Next is Data-driven automation framework. The third is Hybrid
Automation Framework and last is Modular automation framework.

Related Page: Different Types Of Automation

Q14) What is Selenium? What do you know about it?

It is basically a framework for the test suite that is widely considered in Automation anywhere
approach. Selenium is open source and can be very useful when it comes to automating the mobile,
as well as web environments. Its wide support to scripting languages such as Python, Ruby, Java,
PHP, Perl, and so on makes it one of the best framework.

Q15) What do you mean by QTP?

It stands for Quick test professional and is basically an Automation tool that is considered in test

Q16) What do you mean by Sikuli?

It is basically an important tool in Automation that can simply be used when it comes to graphical
user interface. It makes use of VIM method and contains several web elements.

Q17) What are the uses of Sikuli?

Sikuli is a powerful tool that can be used for automating the flash objects, as well as websites.
Whenever there is a need of simple API, it can simply be used. Also, it can be integrated with a
number of frameworks such as Java, .Net. Windows based applications can be automated simply
with the help of Sikuli. Moreover, it is possible to link it with other tools such as Selenium.
Q18) How you will handle errors in automation anywhere approach
Modern tools used in the scenario are powerful for this matter. The fact is automation softwares
are equipped with an error-handling mechanism to spot the errors that often declare their presence.
In case any manual action is required, the same can be done by building a logic in the system. This
can be done based on nature and the exact cause of the problem.

Checkout Blue Prism Interview Questions

Q19) In Automation Anywhere approach, what exactly you will automate first?
Modern automation softwares are equipped with one of the best features and i.e. they can calculate
ROI and provide useful information on tasks that offer advantages and simply help in knowing
what exactly to be automated first. Obviously, this cut down the confusion that often comes due
to the priority of automation. Suggestions from the employees in case of its implementation in a
business can also be taken so that complex processes can be automated first and employees’ burden
can be reduced. It is true that this can enhance their efficiency.

Q20) What types of different systems are required for Automation Anywhere??
Any type of system can be considered because there is no necessity of back-end coding. This is
one of the leading advantages of this approach as well.

Q21) What is the purpose of Automation Anywhere and what are the challenges associated?
Automation Anywhere is a good approach that aims to save time and cut down the human errors.
It is basically a form of artificial intelligence that is helpful in making the tasks and processes more
superior in every aspect. The biggest challenges associated in the present scenario are skills
shortage and sometimes cost. However, a lot of tasks can be made run without a break without
worrying about their failure.

Q22) Compare Sikuli and Selenium?

Both Sikuli and Selenium are powerful tools that can be used in Automation Anywhere. However,
both have their own pros and cons associated with them. Sikuli supports automating the flash
objects while Selenium doesn’t. Sikuli is useful for automating the Windows as well as web
applications. On the other side, Selenium can work only on web applications. A visual match is
present in the Sikuli whereas Selenium lacks the same.

Q23) What should be paid attention to during the task creation?

A lot of methods are available to ensure Automation is under control and is actually not wasting
money, time and efforts. Task creation is basically a useful approach that simply let the automation
process work reliably provided you engaged only those in the processes who have good skills.

Q24) What should be the best strategies to work on Automation according to you?
The very first thing is to pay attention to the fact whether the process can actually the automated
or not. Sometimes it is possible but there are more cons than pros. This should be examined
carefully in the initial phase. Next strategy is to consider small implementation and then building
up slowly. This will surely tackle the complex processes. At the same time, there is need to pay
attention to another important fact and i.e. information security. It is an important task and must
be designed as early as possible. Another strategy that must be considered is to transform the
operation which can be done through the best available tools.

Related Page: Introducing Robotic Process Automation

Q25) Is it possible to achieve 100% automation?

Yes, it is possible but generally extremely complex. Complete automation even has a lot of
disadvantages too. Generally, it is not the primary target in any automation process and operations
that aim the same is not considered in most of the projects based on automation.

Q26) What do you mean by a framework?

It is basically nothing but a group of structure of an automation suit. It also provides a lot of useful
information on several aspects such as Data reporting in case of larger projects, Handling test data,
Environment files handling, Coding standards associated, Handling & maintaining elements,
Handling logs, as well as handling properties files.

Q27) Name a few automation tools you heard about? Are all tools free?
There are lots of tools available and not all of them are free. Selenium and JMeter are basically
open source. The paid ones are Load Runner, RFT, DTP, Rational, Ranorex.

Q28) What are the tasks that should regularly be monitored in Automation?
Running the scripts regularly is a good practice. It must be considered on priority as through this
practice it is possible to keep a close eye on scripts and any errors if they come can be detected
immediately. Identification of strategies which are reusable and writing it in a separate file is
another practice to be followed. Adding appropriate comments and following the coding
conventions are the other useful strategies.

Q29) Name the different recorders available in Automation Anywhere?

Object Recorder, Easy recorder, and Web recorder

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Q30) What are the characteristics of a good framework in Automation Anywhere?

Many times there is a need to change certain things associated with automation due to a diverse
array of reasons. This can be done only if the framework is adaptable to them. A good framework
always has this feature. The scripts must be independent of everything. A framework must follow
all the practices related to coding. In addition to this, a framework must be reusable. Having a
reporting feature is another important characteristic that any framework must have. In addition to
this, it must have a feature to integrate with other applications and framework.

Q31) Is it possible to read PDF through Automation Anywhere?

Yes, it is possible.

Q32) What Are The Insert Mouse Commands in Automation Anywhere?

The Inset Mouse Commands Are : 3
They Are
Mouse Move - set To and From location
Mouse Click - force the mouse to a specific location
Mouse Scroll - scroll through one or more screen pages

Q33) How to Use Comments In Automation Anywhere?

Use comments as an outline
Use comments to provide an overview of the task or task section
Help document modular code
Allow someone else to understand the task
Make the comments distinct: ********** this is a comment *************

Q34) When to Add Comments in Automation Anywhere?

When first starting to create the task when starting a new task section
When adding a business rule
When starting and ending a LOOP of IF/ELSE statement
When opening a new application
When transferring control to a sub-task

Q35) What is Insert Mouse Command & How to use it?

Provides the ability to automate menu navigation
Display and select from sub-menus
To use the Insert Mouse move command
In the TaskEditor

 Drag the insert mousemove command to the appropriate step in tha task
 Click and hold the Capture button for the from and To mouse positions
Q34) What Are The Predefined Variables in Automation Anywhere?
Automation Anywhere supplies two predefined variables for each task

1. Prompt-Assignment- a single value variable

2. My-list-variable - a list variable

Open an exisiting Task

 Add the prompt-value as message box command variable

 Run the task
 In the variable manager change the value in the prompt command
 Run the task

Q35) How Schedule a Task in Automation Anywhere?

 Once automation has been created; a schedule can be assigned to run the task
 A Scheduler and a schedule manager are provided within AA to assist in managing task
 Time based scheduling options can launch a task to run on specific days, weeks or
months of the year
Q36) Schedule Manager

 The schedule manager can be used to view, add, or edit any of the previously created task
 Launch the manager by clicking on schedules in the or access through Tools
 Schedules can be created, edited, or delete in this window by using the buttons at the top
of the screen
HelpFull Hint:: Use the Date, Week and Month tabs or select specific dates to navigate between
the different schedules that have been created based on various time requirement.

Q37) Trigger Manager

 Display, enable, disable, add, edit, or delete triggers by using the Trigger Manager tool
 Launch the manager by clicking on Triggers in the main AA window or access through
 Add, edit, or delete a trigger using the provided buttons
 Enable and disable triggers using the checkboxes next to each trigger or the box for all

Schedule A Task To Run When Excel Is Opened

Q38) How-To Automate Windows Tasks Using Actions in AA?

Resize window :

 Use when a window size needs to be adjusted, not just maximized or minimized
 Click the “Capture” button, then draw a rectangle around the desired dimensions of the
window using the mouse

Get Active Window Title:

 Use when a window title needs to be assigned to a variable that is required during the
Add a Window Action Command to Close Window

Q39) How To Use the Object Recorder Tool?

The Object Recorder tool is capable of capturing window objects and controls such as:

 Text from drop-down menus

 List boxes
 Mouse click actions
 Buttons
 Status from radio buttons and checkboxes

To launch the Object Recorder

 Click new and select object recorder or click the object recorder link
Q40) Using the Object Recorder
 Once the Object Recorder has been selected, choose the application from the select
window drop-down box and click “Record” to begin capturing the recording
 A menu will appear to help guide the recording
 While recording, choose a control action to view the control properties of each action
 Click the stop button to end the recording

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Q41) Editing Multiple Delay Commands Using Bulk Edit?

To save time editing and automation, multiple Delay and key store tasks can be selected and
edited together
>>This example walks through editing delay commands

 Filter to isolate the delay commands

 Right click any of the tasks display and select “Bulk Edit”
 Set the desired values in the Delay/With window
 Click save to apply the changes to each command
Q42) Manage Windows Control Command

 Useful when needing to capture window control properties, such as buttons, listbox
items, text boxes, menu tabs, combo boxes, check boxes, and tables
 Once these commands are captured, specifications can be performed or they can be
assigned to variable commands

Q43) What Are The Available Windows Controls List?

 Button
 Radio button
 Combo box/drop down
 tab/tab item
 menu/menu bar/menu item
 Table
 edit(text box)
 Checkbox
 Get text
 list/list item
 tree/tree item

Q44) Manage Windows Control Command

All windows controls respond to the following actions

 Left mouse click

 Double click
 Right mouse click

Begin by dragging the manage windows controls

Command into the task action list
Select the desired application from the drop-down box, refreshing if necessary
Click and old the “capture” button or click the record button to capture the required tasks
Check the capture a control of a specific type box in order to isolate a specific capture command
Select the action that needs to be performed, then click save

Use the manage windows control command on calculator on programmer mode to:
Determine which radio buttons are active

Hint: Capturing a control of a specific type can help in avoiding errors that could occur when
clicking on certain controls that possess various attributes.

Q45) Pattern Based Data in Automation Anywhere?

Pattern data has one or more data elements spread over multiple web pages
Can read the data into a list variable or CSV file using the Web Recorder
Navigate to the data to be extracted
Select the extract data option, then select pattern based data
Highlight the first piece of data to be extracted
Highlight the second piece to set the pattern
Specify the column name
Save the extract data field to display the extract multiple data menu
Q46) What Are The Uses Of Delay/Wait Commands?
Delays are useful when performing repetitive tasks to a window or when a window/application is
slow to load
Wait command is useful to ensure window loads completely before utilizing the window
Delay options:

 Specify a number of seconds or milliseconds (0.001 seconds)

 Specify a random number between a set ranges
In An Existing Task
Assign A 20 Millisecond Delay
Assign A 4 Second Delay
Execute The Task

Q47) What Are The Supported Versions of Windows In Automation Anywhere?

 Windows XP (only for the classic logon screen)

 Windows2000
 Windows 2003
 Windows Vista
 Windows 7
 Windows 8

String Operation Commands In Automation Anywhere and How We Can Use

Those Commands

Q48) Before –After Command

 Us this command to specify a range of text to extract, using Before and After keywords
 To refine your “Before-After” string command you can use the ‘OR’ or ‘AND’ Logical
 Use the ‘AND’ operator to ensure ‘Before’ and ‘After’ conditions are met
 Use the ‘OR’ operator to ensure either ‘Before’ or ‘After’ condition is met
 Specify the number of characters to be extracted, starting from the first character after the
before keyword
 The extracted string can be trimmed to remove leading or trailing spaces, and you can
save the string to a variable

Q49) Join Command

 Joins all of the elements in a list variable into a single string

 Can only be used on a list variable
Q50) Length Command

 Provides the length of a specified string

 Best Practice- Create a list variable with a text entry in each row
Q51) Replace Command

 Works like a normal find-replace routine

 Select the number of times a substring is replaced in the source string
 Reverse Command
 Reverses the selected source string
Q52) Split Command

 Split the selected source sting into 2 or more destination strings

 Use a specified delimiter where to split the string
 Select the number of times a string is split
 Output must be in a list variable
Q53) Substring Command

 Create a new string from the designated source string

 Assign a starting point for the new string
 Assign a length of the new string
Q54) Trim Command

 Remove spaces from a text string

 Trim from left or right
Q55) Run Script Command

 Provides the ability to run other scripts from a task

 VB scripts
 Java scripts
 Pass parameters to the script
 Return value to the task
Q56) What are the debugging tasks concepts?
Debugging eliminates unwanted results
Find out what you do not know
review/execute one command at a time
Know what is in all of your variables
Look for blanks and spaces
Do not assume anything
Keep code simple
You can create bug-free automation
Error handling is not debug

Q57) Using snap point in debugging?

Works similar to breakpoints
Adds screenshots while debugging a task
Recaptures screenshots while the task is running
Use the visualize tab in the task editor to view the layout of the current task

From the task editor

Turn on enable debugging
Set multiple breakpoint
Set multiple snap points
Execute the task
Q58) Screen capture command
Used to capture the entire desktop, active window or specific area
Use the overwrite box to keep just the latest image

Q59) Using task editor filters in dubugging task?

Filter allows for the customization of the task editor window
Commands can be displayed or hidden based on selected criteria
Mouse MOves
Mouse clicks
Application windows

From the task editor

Use filters to hide mouse movements
Use filters to hide specific windows

Q60) Does Automation Anywhere support to build SQL commands?

No, Automation Anywhere does not build SQL commands or stored procedures

Q61) SQL Query subcommand in Database?

Specify the session name
Specify a SQL select command
Designate a maximum number of records to read
Designate a maximum amount of time for the query to run
Specify a CSV file to receive the data

Open an existing task

connect to an acess database using the ODBC link
Add SQL select statement to show the data in message box

Q62) Image Recognition command

Use the Crosshair to select a particular spot of an image during the task runtime
Q63) Image Recognition OCR command in Automation Anywhere?
The OCR Command provides the ability to capture the image and read it as text
Q64) Capturing the Image for OCR
Capture window specifies a window title of the image to capture
Capture area subcommand to designate a portion of the image to review
Capture image by path opens an image based on the supplied path
Capture image by URL captures an image located on a webpage
Q65) Process of using the OCR command in image recognition?
Specify an image
Select the OCR engine
Set a threshold amount to determine OCR accuracy
Assign the extracted text value in a variable

Helpful Hint

 Use the view capture text button and image preview to experiment with the threshold
setting to achieve desired results
 TOCR is the default OCR engine. MODU requires an additional OCR license

Q66) Email system variables with a loop to determine the scope of the automation
Email From - returns the emails From Address
Email To- returns the emails to address
Email CC - returns the emails address
Email Subject - returns the email subject
Email Message - returns the text of the emails message
Email Received Data - returns the received data for the email
Email Received Time - returns the Received time for the email

Q67) Use the Object Cloning command to recognized objects in Automation Anywhere?
Example Actions::
Get Name - Usually applicable to text-box, button, label
Get all children name/get all children value get value
Click Actions - Left Click, right click, double click
Append/Set/Get Text
Get/Set Cell
Set cell by index/ set cell by text
Get cell text by index/ get cell index by text
Get total columns/get total rows
Export to csv
Get property
Capture information on the calculator
Perform several object cloning actions
PDF Integration Commands In Automation Anywhere and How We Can Use Those

Q68) FTP/SFTP Command

Provides the ability to upload and download FTP/SFTP files
Perform website backups

 Connect/Disconnect
 Put Files - uploads files
 Get Files - download files
 Put Folder - upload an entire folder
 Get Files - download an entire folder
 Delete/ rename files
 crete/ delete / change folder
Q69) Merge Documents Subcommand
Use the add button to add multiple files to be merged
Provide user and owner password if required by the files
Q70) Split Document Subcommand
Split a PDF file by:

 Specifying a number of pages per file

 Selecting a range of pages
 Separate by blank pages
 Based on previously set bookmarks

Q71) Encrypt document subcommand

Grant permissions
Select one or more permissions
Select the encryption level
Q72) Decrypt Document Subcommand
Provide the proper password
Specify an output file

Extract some field data text from a PDF

Encrypt and decrypt a PDF
Merge and split a PDF

Q73) What are the process steps in PDF integration?

Using the “IRS Form-1040” PDF
Extract some field data text from the PDF and display in a message box
Extract structured and lain text from the PDF
Encrypt and decrypt the PDF
Merge and split the PDF
Save and Run your task

Q74) Web service command

Web service command is a convenient mechanism for exchanging information
Specify or build the URL
Provide authentication information
Enter header parameter(s)
Specify the output location
Specify whole or selected response
Q75) Internet Connection Command
Internet Connection Command connects to the internet over a dial-up connection
Select the dial-up connection option
Specify number of attempts
Specify to reconnect if fail to connect
Q76) Use of open program / File command?
Open program/File Command is used to automatically launches file or program
If a program requires command line parameters, provide these parameters in the parameters text
If required, provide the directory path for the program in the “Start in” Path text box and
Automation Anywhere will verify that this path is valid
Insert the current window title in a task
Create a command to launch the notepad
Open a file on the desktop
Q77) The XML Command captures and manipulates data that has XML formatting
Start XML session
End XML session
Insert node
Delete node/attribute
Update nodes
Validate XML document
Save session data
Execute XPath function
Q78) What are the subcommands that are provided by Terminal Emulator?
Send Text/ Get Text
Set Field/ Get Field
Get all fields
Q79) What are the objectives using the Automation Anywhere Control Room?
Server settings
Registering a client
Uploading tasks
Comparing files
Active directory command

Q80) What Enterprise Control Room does?

The Enterprise Control Room provides the main dashboards from which all of the automation
projects can be managed
The Enterprise Control Room centralizes the control, security, and collaboration

Q81) How can we use Enterprise Control Room?

Monitor all tasks that are running and scheduled on all clients
Deploy hundreds of tasks simultaneously with a mouse click
Manage the number of connected clients and repository files
View status for deployed tasks in real time using the operations room
Manage security through user privileges and configuration of clients
Maintain central repository for automated tasks for ease of reuse and collaboration

Q82) Control Room Registering a client

Registering an automation client (robot) to the control room allows the client to communicate
with the control room
On the client registration window
Enter username and password
Or use the active directory
Q83) What are the subcommands that are provided by Active Directory command?
The Active Directory command is used to read from and edit users in the active directory
The active directory command provides the following subcommands

 Create / modify user

 Create / modify group
 Search
 Get property

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