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It is a brief record of writing something to assist the memory or for future important references.

Notes are usually being taken to record the speeches or dictations after listening to it or after
reading any materials like a book, magazine or an article. It is initiated to refer whenever needed
and may be reproduced in the desired manner. This is article is on note making examples.

Importance of Note -Making

The process of grasping knowledge is vast and unlimited. Our memory is not able to store so
many information altogether, hence notes making is quite handy and helpful. With the assistance
of note making, we may recall the entire information of past events. For the students, it makes
their preparation less strenuous.

Thus, note making helps in:

 Keeping information handy whenever we require.

 Recollecting and recalling past events said or heard.
 Delivery of speeches for debates/discussion, writing an essay and revising lessons before

How to make notes:

 Reading of passage or the extract provided
 While reading the extract, underline the important key sentences. It helps in the formation
of the titles and subtitles.
 Make a rough note of all important and main points to be included and then give them a
logical sequence.
 Use a format which is applicable to the extract and write down the summarization of the

Points to remember while making notes

 They should be precise and to the point.
 They should have all the relevant and important information of the extract.
 All information should be systematically divided, and subdivided.
 Use universally relevant symbols and abbreviations necessary and provide key to the
 The main title should be short and apt to the extract.
 Try to avoid any long sentence as a title unless it is a common proverb. It must reflect the
essence of the extract.

Notes must be written in points and must be listed one after another and must be numbered

Points to be avoided while making notes

1.Avoid the usage of full sentences.

2.Do not lift portions of the paragraph to form the notes.

3.Do not include irrelevant parts of the extract while taking down notes.

Mechanism- Note Making

 Usage of abbreviation:

1. Capital letters to be used for first letter of the words for (eg: UNO, NCERT etc.).
2. Usage of abbreviations and symbols (for e.g. >, < @, % etc.)
3. Commonly used in newspapers and magazines. (gov., sec., Bio.)
4. Key to be used for own short forms

(For e.g. Trans.=Transparent)

Note: Students must use at least four abbreviations in board exam.

 Proper Indentation

1. Title (reflects the main theme of the extract and carries 3 marks, it should not be more
than 1/3 of the passage length)
2. Subheadings (grasp of the passage by the students)
3. Try to use only phrases and avoid using full sentences

Marking Scheme for Note Making

 Title- 1 marks
 Abbreviations (at least four)-1 marks
 Subheadings with 2-3 sentences -3 marks.

Passage for note making examples

The cosmetics industry is growing day by day. Big cosmetics giants make tall promises of
flawless skin beauty upliftment, but on a contrary, there is an ugly side of this so-called beauty
products. Many health hazardous monsters are hiding in these products. Studies and researches
are showing that cosmetics usage is toxic, they contain chemicals and other chemicals which can
cause cancer. Some brands of talcum powders which are used every day contain asbestos.

Unfortunately, consumers, particularly woman, are carried away by the telling and attractive
advertisements. Very rarely do they read the contents of the cosmetics they use. For instance, the
skin lightning creams which are available in India has hundreds of brands available each
promising to make skin tone lighter, spot free and fairer. Research has proved that these products
contain potentially hazardous chemicals like ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, p –
phenylenediamine and toluene diamines. It causes skin irritation, pimples etc.

According to a report in the UTUSAN CONSUMER, temporary dyes contain metallic

substances, like lead, which are toxic and can be absorbed through the scalp into the body. These
temporary dyes are derived from Benzedrine, known to produce bladder cancer
. Likewise, have you ever tried to look beyond the glow of nail polishes to its effects? Nail polish
remover contains an ingredient called acetone which can cause your nail to become brittle and
split. However, acetone is less toxic when compared toluene, another ingredient found in the nail
polish. The basic ingredient used in nail polish is formaldehyde resin which can discolor the
nails. It is a colorless gas with a strong, irritating smell, used also as an antiseptic for killing
germs. Formaldehyde is also known by other names like methanol and meth aldehyde.

It may be interesting to know that of all the cosmetics lipstick is the most toxic and dangerous for
three reasons. Firstly, women who apply lipstick swallow the chemicals directly. Secondly, it
gets absorbed through the tender lip skin. And, finally, lipstick not only harms the user but also
her mate.

Make notes on the above passage in a suitable format using recognizable abbreviations
wherever necessary. Assign a suitable heading to the passage.


Title: Cosmetics – A Hidden Monster.


1.Cosmetic industry and its promises

(i)tall giants with fake promises

(ii)hazard. to health

2.Reports of researchers

(i) cnts. harmful chemicals like ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

(ii) causes skin irritation, pimples

3.Report of research organisations.

(i) temp. dyes cntn metallic substances, like lead

(ii) temp. dyes are derived from Benzedrine, caus. bladder cancer

(iii) nail polish cnts. formaldehyde resin which can discolour the nails.


1. Cnt =Contains
2. hazard= hazardous
3. temp=temporary
4. caus=causing

Cosmetics industry is growing day by day. Research has proved that these products contain
toxics which is harmful to health and can cause deadly diseases like cancer. Harmful chemicals
like Benzedrine are present in temporary dyes which may lead to bladder cancer. Research has
also suggested that regular use cosmetic product like lipstick is also unhealthy.

Learn more about the 10 tips which help you in taking notes effortlessly.

A report is a part of a documentation which is sharp and short and specially written for a
particular purpose and audience. A report consists of specific and important information which is
analyzed and applied to a particular problem or issue, often making recommendations for future
action. A report should be in clear and well-structured format so that the information is easy to
locate and follow.

Requirements and content of a report may vary business to business and departments to a
department. A report provides a brief of instruction and guideline and an outline of the purpose
of report, audience, and issue or problems.

To make a good report follow these instructions-

 Understand the purpose of the report

 Gather, evaluate and analyze relevant information
 Structure material in a logical order
 Present your report according to the instructions in a particular manner
 Make appropriate conclusion
 Make thoughtful and practical recommendations where required.

Types of reports—

Routine reports- Routine reports are written on daily basis for daily process and goal
achievement at regular interval.

Research reports- These reports are written for a specific research and topic and provides a
conclusion to the findings.

Technical reports- These reports are written for IT and technical purposes which conduct
technical experiments and analysis.

Report writing and report service are very essential for every organization and business. Reports
can be generating for both technical as well as business parameters. Technical report provides
data which recorded in the monitoring systems. The business report provides data from the
Ticket Registration System.

Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of
marketing.[1] The product, called copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness
and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.

Copywriters help create billboards, brochures, catalogs, jingle lyrics, magazine and newspaper
advertisements, sales letters and other direct mail, scripts for television or radio commercials,
taglines, white papers, social media posts, and other marketing communications.
They are generally known as website content writers or copywriters if their work appears mostly
on the Internet. A content writer helps create online advertisements, web pages, email
newsletters, blog posts and social media posts

“Copywriting is the art and science of strategically delivering words (whether written or spoken)
that get people to take some form of action.”

Brands that work with copywriters hire these skilled professionals to create everything from blog
and article copy to social media content and product descriptions – depending upon what they
need at a given moment.

Right now, the field of copywriting is exploding as more and more brands migrate to e-
commerce and the development of an online presence. Because having a website also creates an
immediate and pressing need for quality content, brands around the country and the world are
hiring professional copywriters at shocking rates

An agenda is a list of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up, beginning
with the call to order and ending with adjournment. It usually includes one or more specific
items of business to be acted upon. It may, but is not required to, include specific times for one
or more activities.

Agenda means things to be done. It is usually sent along with the notice of the meeting. It is a list
of the topics to be discussed in a meeting.

Sometimes the agenda is prepared after the circulation of the notice in order to include the
member’s opinion. If the subject matter of the meeting is secret, the agenda may not be
circulated. Some definitions of agenda are as follows:

According to Rajendra pal and Korlahalli, “Agenda is document that outlines the contents of
a forth coming meeting.”

Features or characteristics of agenda

The features of agenda can be stated as follows:

1. Generally, agenda is sent along with the notice of the meeting.

2. It is written at the end but before or after the signature of the convener of the meeting.
3. It is arranged according to the importance of the end.
4. Controversial topics should be written at the end.
5. The topics are determined by the secretary with consulting the higher authority or the
convener of the meeting.
6. It is written in brief but explicit manner.

Minutes, also known as minutes of meeting (abbreviation MoM), protocols or, informally, notes, are
the instant written record of a meeting or hearing. They typically describe the events of the meeting and
may include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related
responses or decisions for the issues

Minutes may be created during the meeting by a typist or court reporter, who may use shorthand
notation and then prepare the minutes and issue them to the participants afterwards. Alternatively, the
meeting can be audio recorded, video recorded, or a group's appointed or informally assigned secretary
may take notes, with minutes prepared

Generally, minutes begin with the name of the body holding the meeting (e.g., a board) and may
also include the place, date, list of people present, and the time that the chair called the meeting
to order.[14]

Since the primary function of minutes is to record the decisions made, all official decisions must
be included. If a formal motion is proposed and seconded, then (regardless whether it passes) this
is recorded.[15] The voting tally may also be included.[16] The part of the minutes dealing with a
routine motion might note merely that a particular motion was "moved by Ann and passed". It is
not strictly necessary to include the name of the person who seconds a motion.[15] Where a tally
is included, it is sufficient to record the number of people voting for and against a motion,[16] but
requests by participants to note their votes by name may be allowed. If a decision is made by
roll-call vote, then all of the individual votes are recorded by name.[16] If it is made by general
consent without a formal vote, then this fact may be recorded.

The minutes may end with a note of the time that the meeting was adjourned.[17][18]

Minutes are sometimes submitted by the person who is responsible for them (often the secretary)
at a subsequent meeting for review. The traditional closing phrase is "Respectfully submitted"
(although this is no longer common), followed by the officer's signature, his or her typed (or
printed) name, and his or her title
Circular letter is one of the oldest types letter. This kind of letter originated in ancient time when
people felt the necessity of circulating any message to a large number of people at a time in the
same way.

Generally, the letter that is used to circulate any special message to a huge member of audiences
at the same time is known as circular letter. It is one of the cost effective means of circulating
information or introducing new products to mass people. However, circular letters are not only
used in business, but also in social, political and personal affairs.

Prof. W. J. Weston said, “A circular letter is one which is meant to be read by a number of
correspondents. It is of the nature of an advertisement and is usually a business announcement or
an attempt to advance business.”

From the above discussion we can say that circular letter is a kind of written announcement that
is distributed to a large number of people to convey any commercial or non-commercial message
at minimum time, costs and efforts. Drafting circular letter is purely an art. It should be drafted in
such a way that can attract readers’ attention and can serve its purpose.

Importance or advantages of circular letter

Circular letter circulates information relating to a company, its products and services etc. to a
large number of people at a time. It plays an important role in the growth and development of

Office circular means written communication to be moved within the

organization. It is issued to make the people concerned informed of the
general matters of the organization. In the words of R. Pal and J. S.
Korlahalli "Office circulars are meant to convey some information to a
large number of people. Such information are usually of general nature and
not confidential."

Thus, office circular is a written method of exchanging information by

which the written message of higher level are sent to lower level for their
information. By means of an office circular many people are made informed
of the same matter simultaneously. It is an important means of
establishing written communication about 'official matters among the
employees of an organization.

An office circular can be made to reach the concerned people in two

ways— (i) hanging on the notice board and
(ii) distribution of copies of circular to the readers.
In many organizations a notice board is hung near the main gate used for
entry or exit. Copies of the circular are hung on the board. Of course
many organizations follow the practice of hanging circulars on notice board
fixed on walls adjacent to different departments of the organization. Of
course, where readers are more or numerous, many copies of office circular
are distributed among the readers with or without their signature.

A dissertation will show that the writer knows her subject, the key facts and different points of
view in it – but it also advances a point of view resulting from original research. Remember that
‘original’ does not mean ‘something that’s never been done before’ but rather ‘something that
you do for yourself’.

A dissertation also “gives evidence of the candidate’s mastery […] of scholarly method”. This
sounds terribly daunting but don’t be put off. The phrase is telling you that you will have to lift
your game to write a successful dissertation. ‘Scholarly method’ means that you will be expected
to do more and better reading and research than for a standard undergraduate essay. It means that
your work will display accuracy and skill in its investigation and discussion of a subject. It
means that your discussion will give evidence of critical analysis i.e. standing back from your
subject and weighing up pros and cons. It means you will show that you understand that, for
example, aspects of particular theories or viewpoints are open to question

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