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24h Chrono Entrepreneurship Challenge – India

IISER Pune – 30th Nov. - 1st December 2017

India strongly promotes innovation and entrepreneurships towards its communities of young
students and researchers, considering the science and technology sector as one of its main priorities
to ensure its social and economic development.
Taking advantage of this vibrant environment, an Indo-French “24h Entrepreneurship challenge” is
being organised in the framework of the “Bonjour India”, a platform which will celebrate the
Innovation and Creativity of the long-lasting partnership established between France and India.

This challenge organised for the first time in India by ANRT (National Association for Research and
Technology) and Novancia Business school from France and IISER Pune from India, with the support
of the Sector for Science and Technology of the French Institute in India (French Embassy), is open to
any Indian master and doctorate students invited to explore their entrepreneurship spirit. For 24h,
eight teams of 7 selected participants will be invited to elaborate a business model of
enterprise/start-up, based on an innovative concept/product. More than a simple challenge, this
event is also a pedagogic event where participants will gain an invaluable opportunity to broaden
their research and entrepreneurial skills while establishing interdisciplinary and international
Participants will be guided by mentors and experts who will help them to elaborate their project that
will be then presented in front of a jury of distinguished personalities. The winning team will be
invited in France for a one-week cultural and S&T tour, and will attend the annual edition of the
French 24h for entrepreneurship contest, which has been run in France since 2011 by the ANRT and
Novancia Business School.


General concept organization

56 selected participants - 8 teams of 7 Master and PhD students each.
8 thematic domains:
 Transport
 Health care
 Water and environment
 Energy and biomass
 Communication IT
 Waste management
 Digital matters and Big data
 Robotics, mechanics & ergonomics
Social Sciences and Humanities will be also considered as transversal

Selection will be on individual basis and teams will be formed afterwards by the coordination
Teams will compete to design an innovative and profitable start-up concept. All during the event
participants will attend small workshops and access expert mentoring to provide them with the skills
to go through the process.
Working by teams, participants will be challenged to design a start-up in one of the 8 scientific fields
covered. Over a continuous 24 hour period, each team will require resilience, creativity, teamwork
and a willingness to take risks in order to come up with a pitch to win over a jury of experts,
entrepreneurs, scientists and managers.

Programme of the event (see detailed programme in annexure)

The event will start by a general introduction and presentation of the event at 9 am on Nov. 30th.
The 24h challenge will officially start at 1:00 PM on Nov. 30th and will end 24h later on Dec. 1st at
1:00 PM
Teams will be then invited to pitch their project in front of the Jury for pre-selection of the two
finalist teams who will then pitch in front of the jury and all the participants to select the winner.

Call for candidatures and application

 Candidates are invited to apply by email :
 The deadline for applications : 22 September 2017
 The selected candidates will be notified by email by 1st October 2017 onwards.

Application file & Guidelines (see attached form)

• Application form
• Copy of ID or Passport
• Curriculum vitae and track record (3 pages max, including any professional experiences and the
5 most relevant publications if any)
• Letter of support from a Faculty member /supervisor of the Indian institution where the
applicant is registered

Candidates must be a Master or PhD students and be registered in an Indian academic

All costs relating to flights, accommodation and meals will be covered for the 2-day event.


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