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What is autoleveller ?

Autoleveller is a device which is present on carding as weel as drawframe

machine to correct the variation in linear density ( weight per unit length ) of
delivered sliver. This is done by changing draft of the drafting system, according
to the variation in feed material.
Objective of autoleveller:
The object of an autoleveller is to measure and monitor the variations in sliver
thickness continuously and to change the draft accordingly so that more draft
will be applied to thick places and less to thin places so that the resultant sliver
delivered will be more regular. There are following advantages offered by an
autoleveller system:
1. Improved production and better productive efficiency
2. Even sliver appearance
3. Fewer end-breakages in subsequent process
4. Less wastage
5. Lower count cv % can be expected

According to the basic principle of operation, autoleveller can be

classified into two main groups:
 Open loop system
 Closed loop system

Open loop system:

Most of the drawframe autolevellers are open loop autolevellers. In open
loop autolevellers, sensing is done at the feeding end and the correction is
done by changing draft. This is very effective levelling system as compared
to close loop because in open loop system the correction length in open loop
system is many times smaller than closed loop system. However, in closed
loop system, delivered sliver is of required linear density.
In case of open loop system, as the delivered material is not sensed for its
linear density to know whether the correction has made or not.
Open loop autoleveller
Closed loop autoleveller
In closed loop system, the delivered sliver is sensed for its linear density and
correction is done by changing total draft. Closed loop autolevellers are mainly
used on carding machine . but the modern carding machines have sensing at the
feed rollers as well as at the delivery calendar rollers.

Closed loop autoleveller

Advantages of Autolevelling:

1. All variations are corrected.

2. Count c.v.% will be consistent & good, hence the yarn will be suitable
for knitting.
3. Thin places in the sliver, hence in the yarn quality will be low.
4. Ring frame breaks will come down, hence pneumfil waste will be low.
5. Fluff in the department will be less, therefore uster cuts will be less.
6. Fabric quality will be good because of lower number of fluff in the yarn.
7. Labour productivity will be more.
8. Machine productivity will be more.
9. Idle spindles will be less.
10.RKM c.v.% will be low, because of low number of thin places.
11.Workability in warping & weaving will be good, because of less no. of thin
places & lower end breaks in spgn & winding.
12.Low sliver U%, hence yarn U% will be good.
13.Production will be more accurate in autoleveller draw frame compared to
non autoleveller draw frame.
14.Variation in Blend percentage will be very less, if both the components
are autolevelled before blending, hence fabric appearance after dyeing will
be excellent.

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