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6.11.2018 Army of Tyranids (2500pt.

) #

Army of Tyranids 2500/∞pt.

Detachments [3]
<Hive Fleet> (Batallion detachment) (622)

HQ [2]
Neurothrope (70)
Claws and teeth;

Neurothrope (70)
Claws and teeth;

Elites [2]
Lictor (45)
Flesh hooks; Grasping talons; Rending claws;

3x - Zoanthropes (120)
§ 3x Zoanthrope (40pt.); Claws and teeth;

Troops [3]
11x - Genestealers (132)
§ 11x Genestealer (12pt.); Rending claws;

10x - Termagants (40)

§ 10x Termagant ; Fleshborer;

10x - Termagants (40)

§ 10x Termagant ; Fleshborer;

Heavy support [1]

Mawloc (105)
Distensible jaws; Scything talons(x3); Toxinspike;

<Hive Fleet> (Batallion detachment) (1424)

HQ [3]
Hive Tyrant (157)
Prehencile pincer tail; Monstrous rending claws; Deathspitter with slimer maggots(x2);

Hive Tyrant (157)

Prehencile pincer tail; Monstrous rending claws; Deathspitter with slimer maggots(x2);

Old One Eye (200)

Monstrous crushing claws; Monstrous scything talons; Thresher scythe;

Elites [1]
3x - Hive Guard (144)
§ 3x Hive Guard ; Impaler cannon;

Troops [3]
10x - Termagants (40)
§ 10x Termagant ; Fleshborer;

3x - Tyranid Warriors (75)

§ 3x Tyranid Warrior (25pt.); Deathspitter; Scything talons;

3x - Tyranid Warriors (75)

§ 3x Tyranid Warrior (25pt.); Deathspitter; Scything talons;

Heavy support [3]

3x - Biovores (150)
§ 3x Biovore ; Spore mine launcher;

2x - Carnifexes (210)
§ 2x Carnifex (105pt.); Monstrous scything talons; Deathspitter with slimer maggots(x2); Enhanced senses;

Exocrine (216)
Bio-plasmic cannon; Powerful limbs;

Genestealer Cults (Batallion detachment) (454)

HQ [2]
Magus (73)
Autopistol; Force stave;

Primus (76)
Needle pistol; Bonesword; Toxin injector claw; Blasting charge;

Elites [1]
10x - Purestrain Genestealers (150)
§ 10x Purestrain genestealer ; Rending claws;

Troops [3] 1/2
6.11.2018 Army of Tyranids (2500pt.) #

5x - Acolyte Hybrids (55)

§ 1x Acolyte Leader (11pt.); Rending claw; Blasting charges; Cultist knife; Autopistol;
§ 4x Acolyte Hybrid (11pt.); Blasting charge; Rending claw; Cultist knife; Autopistol;

10x - Neophyte Hybrids (50)

§ 1x Neophyte Leader (5pt.); Blasting charge; Autogun; Autopistol;
§ 9x Neophyte Hybrid (5pt.); Blasting charges; Autopistol; Autogun;

10x - Neophyte Hybrids (50)

§ 1x Neophyte Leader (5pt.); Blasting charge; Autogun; Autopistol;
§ 9x Neophyte Hybrid (5pt.); Blasting charges; Autopistol; Autogun;

Units: 24

Models: 103

Detachments: 3

Command points: 18 2/2

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