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CHIEF Trump’s reputation is on the line

AIMS TO He’s not on the ballot,
but he’s made this
RESHAPE election about him.
Credit for a GOP win
or loss will be his.
SYSTEM By Noah Bierman

Beutner is developing dent Trump held the stage
last month in Mississippi
a proposal that would and, amid his usual attacks
decentralize authority on Democrats and immi-
grants, told the crowd why
by dividing district he was really there.
into 32 ‘networks.’ “I’m not on the ballot, but
in a certain way, I’m on the
ballot,” he said.
By Howard Blume “I want you to vote,” he
and Anna M. Phillips added. “Pretend I’m on the
Los Angeles schools chief Since that declaration,
Austin Beutner is working by Monday on the eve of the
on a plan to radically re- midterm election, Trump
shape the nation’s second- has held two dozen rallies in
largest school district by Tony Dejak Associated Press nearly as many states. He
shrinking the central bu- PRESIDENT TRUMP in Cleveland on Monday. He told supporters last month: “Pretend I’m on the ballot.” has fired off dozens of en-
reaucracy and moving deci- dorsements on Twitter,
sion-making closer to cam- flooded Fox News with his
puses. allies and aides and stood
The aim is to boost stu-
dent success and save mon-
ey at a time when officials in-
sist that grave financial
It’s election day
Questions about voting
As Cox pushes for upset, onstage with candidates
whose names he’d just
learned to pronounce. He
has implausibly promised a
problems threaten the Los
Angeles Unified School Dis-
trict’s solvency.
Under a proposal being
on Tuesday? Here are
some answers.
How to find your
polling place
Newsom builds his cachet tax cut before the election,
ordered troops to the border
and released a campaign ad
that drew such widespread
developed confidentially, Visit the California criticism for its naked ap-
Beutner would divide the secretary of state’s Governor hopefuls make final stops on election eve peals to the racial resent-
system into 32 “networks,” website, ment undergirding his polit-
moving authority and re- elections/polling-place, ical strategy that even Fox
sources out of the central of- or call the state’s voter By Phil Willon stopped running it.
fice and into neighborhoods. hotline (800) 345-8683. and Dakota Smith In short, Trump has
He is expected to make his What time polls open made the midterm election
plan public next month. Polling places will be open The final days of Califor- about himself — and his
In L.A. Unified’s down- from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you nia’s 2018 race for governor rhetoric to stoke fear and re-
town headquarters, man- are in line at 8 p.m., do not unfolded more as an exten- sentment of immigrants —
agers and other employees get out. Under California sion of the contentious bat- more than any predecessors
recently have been asked to law, voters in line at 8 p.m. tle between California and in memory.
explain their duties — and to are allowed to vote. President Trump than a Presidents historically
justify why their jobs should Vote-by-mail contest pitting Democrat have realized that the
continue to exist in a leaner, ballot options Gavin Newsom against Re- midterm elections are refer-
more localized school sys- Vote-by-mail ballots must publican John Cox. endums, at least in part, on
tem. be postmarked on election Newsom, the clear front- their performance. Trump,
The network strategy is day and received by your runner, glided into election as he so often does, has said
not a plan to break up or end county elections office no day rallying for a Demo- the unspoken part out loud:
L.A. Unified, but it could later than three days after cratic incursion into Orange He is on the ballot.
transform how the school election day. Or you can County and other long-held Al Seib Los Angeles Times “Whether we consider it
system functions. take it to any polling place Republican turf. As he aids LT. GOV. Gavin Newsom, center, has focused on or not, the press is very much
“The superintendent is in your county between fellow California Democrats Trump and helping fellow Democrats in close races. considering it a referendum
trying to move toward a de- 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. locked in tight congressional on me, and us as a move-
centralized system that puts If you have races, Newsom’s efforts to ment,” Trump reportedly
the student first,” said one problems voting help his party’s quest to take told supporters during a
person close to the process You can report any control of the House of Rep- [See Trump, A6]
who was not authorized to possible illegal or resentatives could add to his
comment publicly. “He’s try- fraudulent election activity political cachet as a top
ing to generate better educa- to the secretary of state by leader of the Trump resist- A diverse pool
tional outcomes. That’s the calling (800) 345-8683, ance.
No. 1 goal. or by emailing Cox, meanwhile, contin- of candidates
“Savings from the central ued to offer a bleak portrait Women and minorities
[See Beutner, A8] If you aren’t of Democratic control in from Vermont to Cali-
registered to vote California, accusing New- fornia could make his-
You can still vote through som and other party leaders tory Tuesday. Here are
Arrest was kept what’s known as of turning the state into a the ones to watch. A2
den of homelessness and
secret by district conditional voter
economic despair. His rallies
LAUSD waited over two
registration. To find out
with GOP congressional
Trump ad pulled
where you can vote
weeks to tell parents of a conditionally, visit candidates ginned up some NBC, Fox News and
man found near a school media coverage, providing Irfan Khan Los Angeles Times Facebook stop running
with an arsenal of weap- — Los Angeles Times Cox with with a small dose of REPUBLICAN John Cox, left, has panned the state’s the anti-immigration
sons. CALIFORNIA, B1 [See Governor, A7] gas tax and vehicle fees and pushed for Proposition 6. commercial. BUSINESS, C3

Iranian oil exports, 2017

In Utah, this dog was no one’s friend China
South Korea 14

Turkey 9
This feral canine wasn’t killing for food; he seemed to be killing for fun Italy 7
Japan 5
France 5
By David Montero United Arab Emirates 5
Other 13
WEST VALLEY CITY, Source: Energy Information Administration Los Angeles Times
Utah — Some took to calling
him Cujo. Others dubbed
him Zorro. At least one
named him Jack. For most
around these parts, howev-
er, he was simply known as
Iran defiant as U.S.
The Dog.
His tan and dark fur coat
was, for a German shepherd
mix who hadn’t had an
restricts oil exports
owner in two or three years, and to ensure a stable global
remarkably well groomed. New sanctions let top oil market. Most have scaled
Early on, his presence was back imports and all are
barely noted. He ran among importers of crude under pressure to find other
other dogs — including a keep buying for now. suppliers.
small mob of yipping Chi- The countries granted
huahuas — that roamed the By Tracy Wilkinson waivers include China, In-
streets and fields without dia, South Korea, Turkey, It-
leashes or cares. aly and Japan — Iran’s top
But as summer peaked, WASHINGTON — The six customers, responsible
something changed in The Trump administration for more than 75% of Iran’s
Dog. Alex Goodlett For The Times slapped tough U.S. sanc- oil exports last year. Waivers
Few were suspicious of ALPACAS GRAZE on the farm at Roots Charter High School in West Valley tions on Iran’s energy, bank- also were granted to Greece
him at first, when some City, Utah, where a German shepherd mix roamed and killed 40 animals. ing and shipping industries and Taiwan.
chickens were found dead in Monday but granted waiv- The White House had de-
the neighborhood. Could’ve ers to the six largest import- manded countries cease all
been foxes or even an overly ers of Iranian oil, leaving imports of Iranian oil within
aggressive badger, local ani- gaping holes in the White six months or face punitive
mal control thought. It Financing secure ‘El Chapo’ jury Weather House effort to punish measures when President
Partly sunny.
wouldn’t be the first time on Grand project selection begins L.A. Basin: 75/56. B6
Tehran for what it considers Trump withdrew from the
chickens fell prey to some- Construction is set to New York’s hottest ticket? regional terrorism. Iran nuclear deal in May.
thing wild, residents said. begin soon on the long- The seats of the 12 jurors Printed with soy inks on Secretary of State Iran’s oil exports have fallen
Then Chandler Cald- planned Frank Gehry- and six alternates in the partially recycled paper. Michael R. Pompeo said by about half since then to
well’s goat, Buddy, was designed mixed-use trial of Mexican drug eight governments would be slightly more than 1 million
found dead on the farm at project across from Walt kingpin Joaquin Guzman. allowed to continue import- barrels a day.
Roots Charter High School. Disney Concert Hall. People seem eager to ing Iranian oil for the time Trump acknowledged
And an 8-month-old goat BUSINESS, C1 serve. NATION, A5 being due to what he called Monday that imposing blan-
[See Dog, A8] “specific circumstances” [See Iran oil, A4]
A2 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M

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Among ‘the most diverse candidate group,’ these are the ones to watch
fixed rate. Partial withdrawals are not permitted and early withdrawals
prior to maturity date may be assessed an early withdrawal penalty.
Additional terms and conditions may apply. Additional fees may By Jaweed Kaleem
reduce earnings on the account. © 2018 Banc of California, National
Association. All rights reserved. Member FDIC.
In Georgia, voters could
elect the first black woman
to become a U.S. governor.
In Michigan and Minnesota,
two candidates could be the
first Muslim women elected
to Congress. In Vermont,

Go from the first openly transgender

governor could win.
One of the most diverse
pools of candidates ever

listed to seen in the U.S. is up for

election on Tuesday, and
many of them will mark
historic firsts if voted into

sold with office. They’re running for

offices ranging from gover-
nor, House and Senate to

Hot Property.
state legislative, mayoral,
city council and school
board positions.
“This is the most diverse
candidate group I’ve seen in
my political career,” said
Ross Morales Rocketto, who Alyssa Pointer Atlanta Journal-Constitution
has worked on Democratic GEORGIA GUBERNATORIAL candidate Stacey Abrams, left, shown with sup-
campaigns for 15 years and porter Oprah Winfrey, could become the first black female governor in the U.S.
last year co-founded Run for
Something, a progressive
political action committee
that formed to recruit mil-
lennials to run for office.
Of the thousands of
diverse candidates that
political scientists, activists
and political action commit-
tees have tracked, the vast
majority are running on
Democratic tickets. That
trend matches long-stand-
ing data that Republican
voters and candidates are
more likely to be white while
the Democratic side tends
to be more diverse.
Still, Republicans are CJ Gunther EPA/Shutterstock Paul Sancya Associated Press
also poised to make history, CHRISTINE Hallquist is TLAIB, a Palestinian American, is widely expected
with a candidate from Or- a transgender candidate to win former U.S. Rep. John Conyers Jr.’s seat in
ange County who could for governor in Vermont. Michigan. She was running unopposed until recently.
become the first Korean
American woman in Con- a progressive group that Christine Hallquist tor is Native American and a
gress, one in Rhode Island trains and tracks Asian and Hallquist, a Democrat, member of Coeur d’Alene
who would be the state’s Pacific Islander Americans made history by winning her Tribe, once serving on the
first Asian American gover- running in the midterm party’s primary in Vermont tribal council.
nor, and one from Hawaii election. in August to become the A win on Tuesday would
who could be that state’s “You’ll find at least 20 first openly transgender make Jordan the first Na-
first openly gay man in Asian Americans and Pa- candidate to be nominated tive American governor in
Congress. cific Islanders running for for governor on a major- the country.
According to the Demo- federal office and easily up party ticket.
cratic Legislative Campaign to 40 for state legislative Andrew Gillum
The former chief execu-
Committee, there are 6,066 positions,” he said. “What tive of Vermont Electric The Florida governor’s
state legislative races on gets harder to track is city Cooperative is running race, in which Democrat
Tuesday with more than council, mayoral and other against Republican Gov. Gillum is running against
5,300 Democratic candi- local offices that are no Phil Scott. Recent polls Republican Ron DeSantis,
dates in the running. About doubt changing in their have shown Scott with a is one of the most closely
1,100 are nonwhite Demo- makeup.” double-digit lead over Hall- watched in the country, with
crats. More than 275 candi- Here are some key races quist. polls that show a divided
dates in those state races to watch. If Hallquist wins, she will electorate.
are nonwhite Republicans. be the first openly transgen- Gillum, the African
There are several rea- Stacey Abrams American mayor of Talla-
der governor in the U.S.
sons for the diverse slates of Democratic candidate hassee, accuses DeSantis of
candidates. One factor is Abrams could become peddling in racism. DeSan-
that the country is becom- Georgia’s first black gover- Young Kim tis has hit back, saying his
ing more diverse, with nor and the first black wom- California Assembly- opponent practiced “cor-
groups such as Muslims an governor in the country. woman Young Kim is run- ruption in action” as mayor.
who were not as politically Abrams is in a heated battle ning to represent the 39th The president has endorsed
active a decade ago becom- with Republican Brian Congressional District, DeSantis and rallied for
ing politically organized. For Kemp, who is the Georgia which includes parts of Los him, tweeting that he’s
many Democratic first- secretary of state. Polls Angeles, Orange and San “strong on borders, tough
timers, surveys have shown indicate the election could Bernardino counties. on crime & big on cutting
that opposition to President be among the closest in the Kim, an immigrant and taxes.”
Trump also spurred them to country. Republican, is vying for the Gillum will become
action. But it’s not only The race also gained seat left open by retiring Florida’s first black gover-
because of his policies. national attention after the GOP Rep. Ed Royce. nor if he edges out his com-
“One unintended effect Abrams campaign accused A win would make Kim petitor.
of Donald Trump is that he Kemp, who oversees elec- the first Korean American
has alleviated fears of peo- tions, of voter suppression. woman in Congress.
Sharice Davids
ple who who thought they
were unqualified for office,” Allan Fung and Deb Haaland
Rashida Tlaib
Sayu Bhojwani said. She’s Fung, a Republican, is Both Democrats, Davids
the founder of New Ameri- and Ilhan Omar running against Democratic and Haaland may become
Reach homebuyers where Southern can Leaders, an organiza- Tlaib, a Democrat run- incumbent Gina Raimondo the first Native American
tion that trains immigrants ning in Michigan for former to be governor of Rhode women elected to Congress.
Californians look first for real estate news. and their descendants to U.S. Rep. John Conyers Jr.’s Island. Davids would represent
Make the most of your marketing budget run for office, and the au- seat, is widely expected to The Cranston mayor, Kansas, where she is run-
thor of “People Like Us: The win. A Palestinian Ameri- who is the son of Chinese ning against four-term
with a call to our real estate experts at New Wave of Candidates can and former state legisla- immigrants, has trailed his Republican incumbent
(213) 237-6130. Knocking at Democracy’s tor, Tlaib was running unop- competitor in polling, but if Kevin Yoder in the 3rd Con-
Door.” Bhojwani referred to posed until recently. he wins he will make history gressional District.
Trump’s lack of formal Omar, a Somali refugee as the state’s first Asian Haaland would repre-
political experience before and Democratic Minnesota American governor. sent New Mexico, where she taking on the presidency.

The diversity cuts across
legislator, is running for the
congressional seat of Rep. Paulette Jordan
is up against Republican
Janice Arnold-Jones in the
racial groups and is more Keith Ellison against Re- Jordan, a Democrat, 1st Congressional District.
present in local elections, publican Jennifer Zielinski. faces Republican Brad
said political strategist If elected, Tlaib and Little in the race for Idaho jaweed.kaleem
Varun Nikore. He’s presi- Omar will become the first governor.
dent of AAPI Victory Fund, Muslim women in Congress. The former state legisla- Twitter: @jaweedkaleem
L AT I M E S . C O M T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 A3

Activist’s horrifying death roils Ukraine
By Sabra Ayres Friends of Handzyuk
said she was undeterred by
MOSCOW — A Ukrain- those who stood in her way,
ian activist known as a fear- and was a defiant voice
less anti-corruption cam- against the misuse of power,
paigner and member of the particularly within the po-
country’s young reformist lice force in Kherson.
movement has died, three “It was Katya who
months after an acid attack brought the Maidan to
that left more than 40% of Kherson; she was right there
her body covered in burns. when we tore down” Lenin’s
International human statue, said Inna Zelena, a
rights groups said the death spokeswoman for the Kher-
of Kateryna Handzyuk, 33, son City Council, referring to
highlights the risks facing Handzyuk by her shortened
Ukrainian activists who first name. The city hall was
openly criticize the govern- a quiet, sullen place on Mon-
ment. In the last nine day, the day after Handzyuk
months, local human rights died, Zelena said.
organizations have recorded “We are all thinking what
more than 50 attacks needs to happen in this
against civil society activists country so that we can fi-
and human rights defenders nally speak freely and not
in Ukraine. Several ended in have to worry about the lives
fatalities. of our friends and relatives,”
The lack of government she said in a phone inter-
oversight in protecting view. “It is hard to believe in
against and prosecuting justice when something like
such attacks “sends a mes- this happens.”
sage that the authorities tol- Genya Savilov AFP/Getty Images Even before Handzyuk’s
erate such attacks and as- PEOPLE hold signs reading, “Who are Handzyuk’s killers?” outside Ukraine’s Interior Ministry in Kiev. Ac- death, pressure on the gov-
saults,” Human Rights tivist Kateryna Handzyuk’s death months after an acid attack highlights the risks facing government critics. ernment to find her attack-
Watch said in a statement. ers pervaded Ukrainian so-
Five years after the start On Aug. 31, Handzyuk anniversary of the start of high-profile part of that eastern region of Kharkiv, ciety. On Sunday, a sign still
of a popular street revolu- was leaving her house in Ukraine’s Maidan revolu- movement in Kherson, was found hanged in a forest. hung over the entrance to
tion that sought to pivot the Kherson, a southern port tion. On Nov. 21, 2013, tens of where friends say she was He had been investigating a Kherson’s city hall reading,
country toward Europe, city 280 miles south of the thousands of protesters undeterred in her fight local wastewater treatment “Who ordered the attack on
Ukraine continues to strug- capital, Kiev, when a group gathered in the capital city’s against police corruption. plant’s apparent dumping in Handzyuk?”
gle with corruption and a of attackers threw what po- Independence Square to The United States and a river. Supporters have Similar signs were held
lack of independent courts. lice later determined was demonstrate against then- other Western nations have urged police to investigate up by members of Ukraine’s
Handzyuk’s death is “yet about a quart of battery acid President Viktor poured billions of dollars his death as a homicide. parliament on Monday.
another sign of how shallow on her head. Prosecutors ini- Yanukovich’s backtracking into supporting Ukraine’s Both cases remain un- Shortly before her death,
and fragile Ukraine’s trans- tially listed the attack as on a promise to sign a trade- new pro-Western govern- solved. Handzyuk spoke of a con-
formation really is, espe- hooliganism, but after an and-association agreement ment under promises that Amnesty International nection among the dozens of
cially when it comes to cor- outcry from across Ukraine, with the European Union. the country would adopt and Human Rights Watch attacks against civil society
ruption, law enforcement they changed the classifica- The Maidan revolution economic and political re- have urged the Ukrainian activists in Ukraine since
and government reform,” tion to attempted murder. eventually forced Yanu- forms. government to address the 2017. The government wasn’t
said Matthew Schaaf, the di- Five people believed to be kovich, an ally of Russian But since then, local ac- dangers facing civil society. doing enough to protect
rector for Freedom House in involved in the attack were President Vladimir Putin, to tivists such as Handzyuk Frustration in Ukraine them, she said from her hos-
Ukraine. arrested. Four of them flee Ukraine in February 2014 who have challenged those over a lack of prosecution for pital bed in a Kiev burn unit.
Civic activists and jour- pleaded guilty and said they with the help of Russian spe- in power accused of corrup- the crimes has grown. But in “Why do we encourage
nalists are an essential “anti- took money for the attack. cial forces. A new generation tion have found themselves September, Atty. Gen. Yuri people to civic activism
septic to corrupt and abu- Police have failed to identify of pro-Western reformists in the line of fire, sometimes Lutsenko angered many when we can’t defend
sive systems,” Schaaf said. who ordered the attack, and activists emerged from literally. when he placed part of the them?” she asked.
“Yet when these people un- which Ukrainian activists the political upheaval and In September, Oleh blame for the attacks on the
cover corruption and take claim is a lack of will from the dedicated their work to root- Mikhaylyk, an anti-corrup- activists.
risks for their community highest offices of govern- ing out corruption and tion activist, was shot in the He told a parliamentary Ayres is a special
like Kateryna did, they are ment to prosecute such building a country based on southern city of Odessa. He committee about “the at- correspondent. Special
increasingly targeted with crimes. Western standards of remains in the hospital. In mosphere of total hatred correspondent Ian Bateson
threats, violence and some- Handzyuk died Sunday, democracy and rule of law. June, Mykola Bychko, an en- toward authorities ... in Kiev contributed to this
times deadly retribution.” just weeks before the fifth Handzyuk became a vironmental activist in the planted by some civic activ- report.

Caravan migrants begin

arriving in Mexico City
Police estimate up to
3,000 have stopped at
a sports complex to
rest and recuperate.
By Patrick J.


sands of Central Americans
from the migrant caravan
that has become a divisive
campaign issue in the U.S.
midterm election have be-
gun arriving in Mexico City, Alfredo Estrella AFP/Getty Images

still hundreds of miles from CENTRAL AMERICAN migrants from the caravan Big 5 banks Synchrony Bank
the border. arrive at a sports stadium on the outskirts of Mexico
The migrants were being City, still hundreds of miles from the U.S. border.
directed to a sprawling
sports complex on the capi- better life,” she said. But many have been of-
tal’s outskirts, where they
were given food and water
and provided basic services.
Juan Antonio Lopez, 16,
left Honduras more than
three weeks ago with two
fered rides, hitched rides on
trucks or jumped on buses
bound for the Mexican capi-
How do your savings
The migrants began
streaming into the city over
the weekend and by midaf-
older sisters and several
nieces and nephews. He said
that at times they’d gone
tal. Church officials and oth-
ers helped pay bus fares, mi-
grants said.
rates stack up?
ternoon Monday police esti- without food or water and The route through Mexi-
mated as many as 3,000 had battled fatigue. co City represents a detour Find out at
settled into the sports com- “Sometimes my sisters of hundreds of miles for the
plex near the city’s interna-
tional airport. Officials ex-
felt desperate, but we had to
keep going, pushing for-
U.S.-bound migrants. The
more direct course to the
or call 1-800-753-6870.
pect about 5,000 by Wednes- ward.” U.S.-Mexico frontier would
day. Like others, Lopez said have been through Tamauli-
The sports facility was he was undeterred by Presi- pas state, which borders
hastily converted into shel- dent Trump’s vows that they Mexico’s Veracruz state and
ter for the migrants. Various would not be allowed into Texas.
tents provided meals, mat- the U.S., where many of the Caravan organizers said
tresses, clothing and other Hondurans have relatives. the exhausted and ailing mi-
necessities. Portable toilets “Hopefully the president grants — who have traveled
lined a long fence, and water will soften his heart and hundreds of miles, mostly on SPECIAL RATE 15-MONTH CD

for washing was provided in open the door of his coun- foot — needed time to recu-

huge blue tanks. try,” said Lopez. “We are not perate and rest in the Mexi-
Doctors and nurses of- bad people. We suffered a lot can capital. Many are suffer-
fered medical aid to those in our countries and all we ing from colds, blistered feet, minimum
who needed it while volun- want is a better future. Peo- insect bites and other ail- opening
teers arrived with food, toys ple in the United States ments. Caravan representa- deposit
and clothing. Clowns and
musicians entertained the
should not be afraid of us. We
just want to work…. We are
tives were also seeking to
meet with Mexican political
travelers. not criminals.” leaders in the country’s capi-
“It feels great to be here, Mexico City officials said tal.
after so long on the road,” they would be able to pro- It was not clear how long
said Nixa Nunez, 33, who vide for the migrants despite the caravan participants
traveled from Honduras the fact that the city is facing planned to remain in Mexico
with her three young daugh- a major water shortage this City nor where precisely
ters. “But this is just a tem- week as workers try to repair they planned to head along
porary stop. We all want to the city’s aging water infra- the almost 2,000-mile U.S.-
go to the United States.” structure. Mexico border. Synchrony Bank has consistently earned the
She cradled her young- The caravan has frag-
est, Gladys, 4, in her arms. mented in recent days. Par- patrick.mcdonnell Bankrate Safe & Sound® 5-Star Rating!*
The child was suffering from ticipants traveled mostly on
a cold and had already been foot through Chiapas and Twitter: @PmcdonnellLAT *Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 10/2/18 and subject to change at any time without
treated for dehydration dur- Oaxaca states in southern Special correspondent notice. A minimum of $2,000 is required to open a CD and must be deposited in a single transaction. A
ing the trip, Nunez said. Mexico and then crossed Cecilia Sanchez in The penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals. Fees may reduce earnings. After maturity, if you choose
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daughters, so they have a cruz over the weekend. contributed to this report. AWARDS: Bankrate Safe & Sound 5-Star Rating earned for 2014 through 2018.
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Iran calls sanctions illegal, unfair

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Andrews before heading to
Cleveland for an election eve
rally. “So I’m not looking to
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from Iran in the first five SECRETARY of State Michael R. Pompeo, left, and Treasury Secretary Steven T.
“Great for folks who have trouble hearing the TV.” CNET months of this year, ac- Mnuchin announce sanctions against Iran’s oil, banking and shipping industries.
counting for about a third of
Iran’s oil exports, according “Each of those [eight] ... tions. We’re determined to administration. He said
to Chinese government has already demonstrated prevent that.” China joined most of the rest
data. significant reductions of the Dozens of international of the world in sanctioning
Great Sound. Made Simple. India, Iran’s second larg- purchase of Iranian crude auto, pharmaceutical and Iran before 2015, although
est customer, imported an over the past six months,” other companies pulled out Beijing did not acknowledge
800-946-2152 average of 577,000 barrels a Pompeo said. of Iran, or canceled plans to that publicly.
30-Day Home Trial | Free Shipping | day this year, or about 27% of “We continue negotia- set up business there, ahead Adam M. Smith, who
® ZVOX & AccuVoice are registered trademarks of ZVOX Audio. Tehran’s supply. India has tions to get all of the nations of Monday’s sanctions. In worked on sanctions at the
ORDER AT ZVOX.COM OR AMAZON - announced it will end the im- to zero.” addition, the Belgium- Treasury Department and
ports this month. He said sanctions im- based Swift network for the White House in the
Turkey gets most of its oil posed in May have taken a making international pay- Obama administration, said
from Iran, nearly 7 million huge bite out of Iran’s al- ments has confirmed it will the waivers made sense from
barrels in May, but has been ready troubled economy. In- cut off links with some Irani- a practical point of view. The
weaning itself away and flation and unemployment an banks, isolating Iran from Trump administration is
turning to Russia for sup- have soared and the na- the international financial “trying to foment support
plies, according to the Ener- tional currency has fallen system. for a purely unilateral struc-
gy Market Regulatory Au- sharply against the dollar. Iran’s critics applauded ture and not make angry
thority, which monitors oil Rising prices and shortages the administration’s move. those who they want to be on

IS MEMORY production and sales.

South Korea’s oil imports
from Iran dropped to 6 mil-
of basic goods have spurred
domestic protests.
In addition to oil exports,
“The implementation of
a maximum-pressure, full
economic blockade on Iran
their side,” he said.
Few outside analysts ex-
pect the sanctions will
lion barrels in May, from a the latest sanctions target is the only way to force the achieve the administration’s
LOSS AFFECTING high of 18.5 million barrels in
March last year.
More than 20 smaller im-
more than 700 individuals,
companies, vessels and air-
craft, including major banks
regime to change its malig-
nant behavior,” said a state-
ment from United Against
stated goal of persuading
Tehran to abandon its “ma-
lign behavior,” including its

YOU OR SOMEONE porters have cut their im-

ports of Iranian oil to zero,
costing Tehran $2.5 billion in
and shipping companies.
Many of the targets were
not placed under secondary
Nuclear Iran, an advocacy
group chaired by Joseph
Lieberman, the former sen-
production of ballistic mis-
siles and support for mili-
tant groups in Lebanon,

YOU LOVE? lost oil revenue since May,

the administration said.
The White House said
sanctions, however, mean-
ing other countries or for-
eign companies can do busi-
ator from Connecticut.
Iran argues that the
sanctions violate a unani-
Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere
in the Middle East.
Pompeo also announced
U.S. suppliers would expand ness with them without risk- mous United Nations Secu- exemptions for work at three
production, and that Saudi ing U.S. penalties. rity Council resolution that of Iran’s nuclear sites that
Arabia would also boost pro- That omission could be endorsed the 2015 nuclear “impede Iran’s ability to re-
duction, to compensate for strategic, analysts said, giv- accord. The deal lifted inter- constitute its weapons pro-
People aged 50-85 with memory loss any shortfalls. U.S. crude oil
traded 0.55% lower and the
ing the administration a
stick for the future. Indeed,
national economic sanc-
tions on Iran in exchange for
The projects at the Arak
or early Alzheimer’s disease may be benchmark Brent crude oil
slid 0.41% lower, within the
John Bolton, Trump’s na-
tional security advisor, said
the dismantling or destroy-
ing of its nuclear infrastruc-
heavy-water reactor, the
Bushehr commercial nucle-
eligible for a local research study. range of normal trading.
Pompeo said the eight ex-
additional sanctions are
ture, and intense monitoring
and inspections going for-
ar reactor, and at the For-
dow uranium enrichment fa-
emptions did not weaken “Iran, right now, is in the ward. cility, a key feature of the
the sanctions program, escape and evasion mode,” Some analysts said the Obama-era nuclear disar-
For more information, call which he called an “unprece- Bolton said on Fox Business sanctions may not carry mament deal that Trump
dented campaign of econo- Network. “They’re going to much weight if Iran’s cus- has abandoned, will be al-
1-877-838-7597 mic pressure.” try and get around the sanc- tomers can keep buying oil. lowed to continue under
“If China does not go strict international supervi-
along, this will not be very ef- sion, Pompeo said.
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L AT I M E S . C O M WSCE T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 A5

‘El Chapo’ trial a hot ticket in New York
The greatest burden for
By Sonja Sharp prospective jurors may not
be Guzman’s notoriety, but
NEW YORK — The trial the trial’s extraordinary
of Mexican drug kingpin length.
Joaquin “El Chapo” Guz- Cogan warned that the 12
man got off to a dramatic jurors and six alternates
start Monday as an eager co- could be seated for as long as
terie of would-be jurors — 12 weeks, which will elimi-
among them a professional nate many who would other-
Michael Jackson imperson- wise be qualified to serve.
ator — was ushered inside a Most of those struck for
federal courthouse in Brook- cause Monday told the court
lyn to audition for 12 of the that serving would be a
most prestigious roles in hardship.
town. At day’s end, 46 prospec-
“No moonwalking,” tive jurors had been ques-
Judge Brian Cogan warned tioned and 17 dismissed.
the hopeful, who was among “You’ve got to find some-
the first to be questioned body who’s got nothing to do
during voir dire. for four months,” said
Only 100 of the 920 New Matthew Galluzzo, a former
Yorkers who returned the New York City prosecutor
court’s 35-page question- and practicing defense at-
naires were still in the run- torney. “You might be talk-
ning by the first day of jury ing about a lot of retirees.”
selection, which saw the A more uniform crowd
leafy blocks around the could bode well for U.S.
courthouse for the Eastern attorneys, who rely on good
District of New York ringed group dynamics to secure a
with New York Police De- conviction, the former pros-
partment patrol cars and ecutor said. Their ideal
armed guards standing sen- Mark Lennihan Associated Press jury would be made up of
tinel in a stinging autumn GUARDS ring the courthouse in Brooklyn on the first day of jury selection for a Mexican drug lord’s trial. men and women who are
rain. U.S. marshals in T- both agreeable and civic-
shirts roamed the halls of cartel heads to court the dication, fans of Vice News come after jurors and their minded.
the courthouse with eager subject of a prestige podcast and the chatty true crime families,” she said. “I feel un- Jurors interviewed in the
K-9s on leashes and Glock and a popular crime drama, podcast “My Favorite Mur- safe.” morning trended much
pistols holstered at their which Cogan said could der” are probably already But attorneys kept on an younger, with a few in their
hips. muddy the jury pool. out. So is anyone bold immigrant who said he grew 20s and the majority ap-
Guzman dressed up for One man was struck for enough to acknowledge up in Medellin when the city proaching middle age. A
the occasion, appearing in a cause after acknowledging “personal views about peo- was Colombia’s cocaine younger jury won’t necessar-
blue suit and a white shirt he’d Googled the name on ple of Mexican descent” that capital. ily help the defense, but cer-
with Studio 54-sized lapels, his jury questionnaire and would prevent them from “When I was still young, tain personalities might,
unbuttoned to mid-chest. read Guzman’s Wikipedia being impartial. Attorneys there was a lot of terrorism Galluzzo said. Defense at-
He took notes and shuffled page, which calls the defend- on both sides focused on going around my city,” the torneys tend to want one of
papers as the judge ques- ant the “most powerful drug those who said they sup- potential juror said, adding three things: someone too
tioned the first 20 potential trafficker in the world.” An- ported legalizing marijuana, that his father adores so- timid to convict, too over-
jurors just a few feet away. other said she’d tried the de- as well as Spanish speakers called narconovelas, soap whelmed to follow the case,
He has pleaded not guilty fendant’s eponymous Net- and people with strong feel- operas that dramatize the or a juror who holds his opin-
to 17 counts of drug traffick- flix series, now in its second ings about police and coop- lives of drug traffickers. But ion like a grudge.
ing, conspiracy to murder season, but didn’t watch it erating witnesses. he called those shows “fan- “For a defense, a hung
and firearms violations. SINALOA cartel chief because “it was kind of bor- A young woman who said tasies” and said they jury is a win,” Galluzzo said.
Unlike most Americans Joaquin Guzman is the ing.” She insisted knowing she watched the Netflix wouldn’t influence his ability “They’re looking for contrar-
who get called for jury duty, subject of a podcast and a about the show wouldn’t col- show “Narcos” was axed af- to be fair. ians who will disagree for the
those interviewed Monday popular crime drama. or her judgment, since “ev- ter she told the judge she A woman in her late 20s sake of disagreeing, take a
seemed genuinely eager to eryone has a show about might see images of the with long brown hair and a position and never change
serve. Guzman will join the brought in more than 1,000 them.” drama in her head and think poncho-style cape was their minds. I’m always look-
ranks of mobsters John potential jurors. Those men “I’m waiting for my Net- of Guzman. asked about Ayn Rand’s ing for a few folks to cause
Gotti and Vincent Basciano, were tried on home turf, and flix show,” Cogan joked. Another was cut after “The Fountainhead” after chaos in the jury room.”
whose career-ending ap- Guzman was extradited So who will make the cut? saying she was too scared to indicating it was her favorite
pearances in the Eastern from Mexico in 2017. But the If questions from the 118- serve. “What scares me is book. Another shared a be- Sharp is a special
District courthouse each face of the ruthless Sinaloa item juror survey are any in- that I read his family will loved thriller with the judge. correspondent.

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A6 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M


Carolyn Kaster Associated Press

AT A RALLY on Monday in Fort Wayne, Ind., President Trump greets supporters. He can claim a personal victory if Republicans fare better than expected in voting.

Trump’s name, reputation on the line

[Trump, from A1] tion he hates more than any Party even more than “Of course it’s a refer- statehouses and governors’ win control of the House. By
phone call Monday. Later, other: loser. Reagan,” said Newt Ging- endum on him,” said Matt mansions. most accounts, that would
when a reporter asked Regardless of Tuesday’s rich, the former Republican Schlapp, a Trump loyalist On Monday, Trump first count as a loss for Trump,
whether the election is more outcome, Trump’s immer- House speaker and a close who is chairman of the said Republicans would do especially given his person-
about his style than any- sion in the campaign has ally of Trump. “He has polar- American Conservative “very well” in the House and alization of the election and
thing else, he replied: “I tethered the Republican ized the election on the is- Union and whose wife is a Senate races. Then he his talk of red waves.
don’t think so, but I mean, I Party to its outsider presi- sues he believes in, on his top White House communi- pointed to the tough history Yet members of both
am willing to accept that.” dent more fully than ever. terms, despite the news me- cations aide. “He’s dominat- of presidents’ parties in parties expect Trump will
It’s a high-risk strategy Two years ago, disclosure of dia. You can argue whether ing politics. He’s dominating midterm elections — only accept little in the way of
for Trump. If Republicans the “Access Hollywood” tape or not it’s the right gamble. every news cycle. If the Re- three times in the last cen- blame, no matter what hap-
emerge better than proj- — which revealed Trump But it’s his gamble.” publicans have a halfway de- tury has the president’s pens. “He doesn’t operate by
ected in Tuesday’s results, boasting of sexual assault Trump’s allies say his de- cent night, he’s going to de- party gained House seats in the usual rules,” said Jim
he can claim another unex- years ago — forced Republi- cision was relatively easy: serve a lot of credit.” a midterm — before settling Manley, a Democratic con-
pected victory, demoralizing cans to decide whether to He’s essentially on the ballot And if they don’t? “The on a prediction that Repub- sultant who was a senior ad-
Democrats and striking fear stick with Trump. Now the anyway; he might as well same,” Schlapp acknowl- licans would do “pretty well.” visor to the former Senate
into a party already worried midterm election — replete own it. Democrats have cho- edged. Privately, allies inside Democratic leader, Harry
about defeating him in 2020. with the president’s appeals sen not to overtly frame the In recent days, Trump and outside the administra- Reid of Nevada. “I don’t ex-
If Republicans do poorly, to racial resentment — has election around Trump, em- has tried to diminish expec- tion say they believe Repub- pect any sort of introspec-
losing one or both chambers forced them to decide phasizing issues such as tations some, stepping back licans will maintain control tion from this president.”
of Congress, Trump will bear whether to embrace him as healthcare instead, in part from his predictions of a “red of the Senate, perhaps win- Manley worked in the
much of the blame and have well as all he stands for. because they know he is om- wave” that would carry Re- ning another seat or two, but Senate in 2010, when Demo-
to contend with a descrip- “He owns the Republican nipresent in voters’ minds. publicans into Congress, they expect Democrats to crats lost control of the
House in that year’s
midterm election and came
away with a narrower major-
ity in the Senate. Then, Pres-

A look at the likely outcomes for Congress ident Obama grappled pub-
licly with what he labeled a
“shellacking,” just as Presi-
dent George W. Bush la-
tives will be hard-pressed to est rates and illegal immi- become law. rent 51-seat majority would mented his “thumping” in
By Sarah D. Wire go back on their word. That gration: the Democratic- First, any Democratic give them more cushion in 2006, when Republicans lost
could mean Pelosi would controlled House. Senate majority would those cases where only 50 their majorities in both the
WASHINGTON — Tues- face a serious challenge for House Democrats may probably be narrow, short of votes are needed in the Senate and House.
day’s election boils down to speaker. not be able to push their the 60 votes needed to avoid Senate. Like other presidents af-
three likely scenarios. If Democrats end up bills into law, but they are a Republican filibuster. And The GOP effort to repeal ter defeat, Obama and Bush
After the surprising re- with a cushion of more than certain to use their new even if legislation passed in Obamacare, which was were forced to rethink their
sults in the 2016 presidential 15 seats — meaning they majority — and the powers both chambers, Trump pushed through using spe- agendas and their strate-
election, pundits are reluc- gain 38 additional districts that go with it — to pursue a could veto it and Democrats cial budget rules, failed by gies, and at least make over-
tant to make predictions. or more on Tuesday — that variety of investigations into would probably lack the just one vote. And the con- tures to the opposing party.
But expectations are gener- job becomes much easier. Trump Cabinet members votes for an override. firmation of Brett M. Ka- No one expects that sort
ally that Democrats will gain Progressives could keep accused of misusing taxpay- That same math would vanaugh to the Supreme of language from Trump,
the 23 seats they need to their word and vote for er funds; to subpoena protect Trump from im- Court became a real nail- should Republicans endure
take control of the House another Democrat, but Trump’s tax returns and peachment, which requires biter because of the doubts big losses. If they lose the
but may lose ground in the Pelosi would still have the look into his business ties; a two-thirds vote in the of just two or three GOP House, the casualties are
Senate, allowing Republi- support she needs to regain to reopen the House inquiry Senate. moderates. likely to be most, if not all, of
cans to widen their 51-49 ma- the gavel. into his campaign’s link to Democrats would prob- Republicans have said the party’s remaining mod-
jority. A Democratic takeover Russia during the 2016 cam- ably try anyway to pass a they would try to resume erates, the Republicans will-
Here’s a look at what’s of the House — while Re- paign; and quite possibly to series of bills, as political their effort to repeal Oba- ing to be occasional Trump
likely in store for the next publicans keep the Senate pass articles of impeach- messaging for the 2020 race macare and pass another critics, leaving the most con-
Congress, depending upon — very likely means there ment against the president, and to force Trump and tax cut. But even with gov- servative lawmakers in his
the outcome: will be no major legislation depending upon how big the Republicans to make un- ernment under one party — own mold.
passed by Congress over the Democratic majority is. comfortable votes. But as it is now — such efforts Gingrich said he is confi-
Democrats win the next two years. It may also A Republican-controlled again, gridlock would reign. won’t be easy without gain- dent that Sen. Mitch Mc-
increase the chances of Senate is unlikely to convict The one area in which ing some measure of bipar- Connell, assuming the Ken-
House, Republicans another government shut- Trump. Under GOP control, Democrats would have a tisan support — something tucky Republican is back as
keep the Senate down if the divided govern- the Senate is expected to freer hand is investigating Republicans have shown the majority leader, would
This seems the mostly ment can’t even agree on resume its efforts to reshape the Trump administration. little interest in securing continue to help Trump
likely scenario. Democratic funding measures to keep the federal judiciary by They would control numer- over the last two years. stock the courts with con-
enthusiasm has been high the lights on. filling hundreds of lifetime ous committees with broad One important new servatives and thwart at-
since the day after the 2016 House Democrats may positions with young con- powers to demand informa- dynamic will be who takes tempts by House Demo-
election and remains strong very well pass a progressive servatives, something the tion from the adminis- over from retiring House crats to pass their agenda.
headed into election day, wish list of campaign fi- House has no say in. tration. They could enjoy Speaker Paul D. Ryan. That would leave Trump’s
putting seats once assumed nance reform, gun control, much stronger leverage in House Majority Leader legal team to fight off House
to be safe into play in the helping young immigrants, Democrats win setting government Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakers- investigations.
final days. President Trump protecting special counsel budgets, but chances of a field) has been crisscrossing Gingrich, who led the
and national Republicans Robert S. Mueller III or even
the House and government shutdown the country for months House after President Clin-
largely turned their atten- Medicare for all. But all such the Senate would also grow. raising money and cam- ton and the Democrats for-
tion in recent weeks toward measures would probably It’s a long shot, particu- As for Trump, a Demo- paigning for Republicans. feited control of the House
keeping the Senate, signal- be dead on arrival in the larly given the recent polling cratic-controlled Congress, He’s the front-runner, and Senate in 1994, predic-
ing they recognize how Senate. There are some in key toss-up Senate races. like a Democratic House, though the party’s hard- ted Trump might split
difficult it could be for Re- issues, such as infrastruc- Democrats would need to would become his target right wing appears unsold Democrats in the House by
publicans to hold enough ture, on which both parties sweep them all, and then and scapegoat, leading to on him. proposing bipartisan infra-
seats to keep the House. might find agreement. But still pick up additional seats more attempts to bypass If the GOP House major- structure legislation.
House Minority Leader the odds of passing some- in deep-red states. the legislative branch with ity narrowed, the next But Trump talked of do-
Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran- thing significant, particu- But if Democrats win executive actions and or- speaker’s job would be even ing that after his election in
cisco) boldly predicted that larly in the run-up to the both chambers, expect ders. harder, with a more conser- 2016, then failed to follow
Democrats will win back the 2020 presidential race, are things to get combative very vative conference to work through. And most ob-
House. low. And even if both cham- quickly. Republicans with and less wiggle room servers say, don’t bet on
Democrats need 23 bers were to pass a bill, Democrats would move for intraparty disagree- Democrats cutting a deal
additional seats to retake Trump could veto it and forward on legislative pri-
hold the House ments. Republicans might with him. After the last few
the chamber. But the mar- House Republicans are orities that have gotten little and the Senate have to work with Demo- months of campaigning,
gin of the majority will be unlikely to help override his traction since Republicans This outcome would be crats if they want to get all Democrats know their vot-
important. A slim majority decision. gained control of Congress, Republicans’ ideal, in part but the most noncontrover- ers are enraged by Trump,
of, say, fewer than seven Bottom line: Expect the such as healthcare and because there’s a decent sial legislation through the so rather than compromise,
seats, will make it much gridlock in Congress to get protecting so-called chance that they will widen chamber. they are expected to pursue
harder for Pelosi to both even worse. (Believe it or Dreamer immigrants. They their Senate majority on For Democrats, a scenar- investigations that would
regain the speaker’s gavel not, yes, it can.) Trump’s could pass a bill to protect Tuesday given the number io in which Republicans further polarize the parties.
and, assuming she does, window to get money for his Mueller from being fired by of Democratic seats that are keep both chambers would “His rhetoric has become
keep the Democratic caucus border wall, push through the White House. They vulnerable in states Trump be transformative. Expect a so unhinged, I think it’s go-
united. That’s because some another tax cut or repeal could try to scale back some won. lot of soul-searching, a ing to be much more difficult
progressive Democratic Obamacare is probably of the tax perks given by It’s unlikely they would further shift toward the left for him to do stuff,” Manley
candidates have promised closed. But Trump will gain Trump and Republicans to win enough new seats to and a movement to replace said.
they would not vote for a convenient scapegoat to corporations and the rich. give them a filibuster-proof, Pelosi.
Pelosi for speaker. If they blame for stock market But realistically the chances 60-seat majority. But even a noah.bierman
win, those new representa- turmoil, crime, rising inter- remain slim that any would slight boost from the cur-
L AT I M E S . C O M T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 A7


Cox, Newsom make final pitches

[Governor, from A1] his claim that the Demo-
much-needed public expo- crat’s policies hurt the city.
sure before election day. “Who are we fighting?
“Newsom really doesn’t The San Francisco values,”
have a path to lose, and Cox Cox said at a Sunday rally for
doesn’t have a path to win,” Denham, as dozens booed at
said Raphael Sonenshein, the city’s mention. “Take a
executive director of the Pat look at that city. It used to be
Brown Institute at Cal State a wonderful city. It was run
Los Angeles. “The incentive by my opponent — I would
for Newsom is that, if he’s say run into the ground.”
seen as helping Democrats Cox, a wealthy business-
win House races in Southern man from Rancho Santa Fe,
California, which is where seemed to relish his final
the real action is this year, days on the campaign trial.
his political influence will He said he remains confi-
grow.” dent that he’ll do well Tues-
The most recent public day.
opinion polls show Newsom And Newsom let down
with a seemingly insur- his guard Monday, laying
mountable lead. Demo- out plans for his transition
cratic backlash against to the governor’s office.
Trump is expected to spike “We’ve got a lot of work to
voter turnout in California, do on housing, homeless, is-
giving Newsom even more of sues of affordability. Those
an edge. remain stubborn,” Newsom
Newsom was careful to told reporters. “The gover-
avoid appearing overconfi- nor, I hope it’s me, we got to
dent as he campaigned hit the ground running this
around Southern California week in a transition to start
last weekend. But his cau- to address those issues is-
tion was belied by the signifi- sues in a much more mean-
cant time he’s spent helping ingful and deliberative way.”
other campaigns in the last In a USC Dornsife/Los
month. The two-term lieu- Angeles Times poll released
tenant governor rarely ut- in mid-October, Newsom
tered Cox’s name, instead fo- dominated California’s two
cusing on the president. Al Seib Los Angeles Times biggest population centers,
“Trump and Trumpism LT. GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM, second from left, campaigns for governor Monday in L.A. Polls have shown the the Bay Area and Los Ange-
is on the ballot,” Newsom Democrat consistently leading Republican businessman John Cox in the race for California’s top elected office. les County, home to just
told reporters during a cam- under half the voters in Cali-
paign stop in Baldwin Hills ugees over the last 15 years, Orange County, a onetime two more terms of another They have been paying so fornia.
on Monday morning. “As saying the state embraces Republican stronghold. Democrat. And luckily we’re much for housing, for food, As a candidate and as
long was we have some sta- diversity and human rights. They joined rallies for going from the oldest gover- for electricity that have been lieutenant governor, New-
bility, California will thrive. “We are here at this criti- Democratic congressional nor to one that’s pretty driven up by the special-in- som says he’s visited South-
But if we don’t take back the cal moment, not just to step candidates Katie Porter in young.” terest groups that control ern California on almost a
House and Trump succeeds, up and step in because I Irvine, Harley Rouda in Aboard his “Help is on Gavin Newsom, that control weekly basis for nearly a dec-
and then doubles down on don’t think it’s a gross exag- Costa Mesa and Gil Cisneros the Way” campaign bus, Cox the Legislature,” he told the ade. He has joked that he’s
everything he’s done the last geration, the world is look- in Buena Park. hit many of the same con- crowd gathered at Kim’s been eyeing a run for gover-
two years, California will be ing to California at this mo- On Monday, he began his tested congressional dis- campaign headquarters on nor ever since being elected
in the crosshairs.” ment to make the right deci- final stretch of campaigning tricts. He threw a rally in Sunday. lieutenant governor in 2010.
At a rally in Newhall on sion,” Newsom said to the in Los Angeles before head- Carlsbad on Friday with Re- When Cox’s bus rolled “He’s been working
Saturday for Democrat crowd Saturday. ing up to Modesto for a rally publican congressional can- into Santa Clarita on Sat- toward this moment for
Katie Hill, who is trying to Annie Guidice, a film ed- with Democrat Josh Harder, didate Diane Harkey, who is urday, he was met with sup- eight-plus years,” said Rusty
unseat Rep. Steve Knight itor from Woodland Hills, who is trying to unseat Rep. vying to succeed retiring porters festooned in red, Hicks, president of the Los
(R-Palmdale), Newsom drove up to Newhall to hear Jeff Denham (R-Turlock). Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista). white and blue. One wore a Angeles County Federation
roused a packed auditorium Newsom speak. She also vol- He ended the day with an Over the weekend, Cox shirt that read, “If you live of Labor. “It’s undeniable
of campaign volunteers and unteered to help the Hill election eve party in San stumped for GOP congres- here, Trump is your presi- that the message that he has
supporters, calling on them campaign with its get-out- Francisco with Harris and sional candidate Young Kim dent.” had throughout his cam-
to be the “antidote” to the the-vote efforts, in her first Gov. Jerry Brown. in Rowland Heights and in- Cox whipped up the paign has resonated with
fear and anxiety he said has experience assisting a politi- Brown told the crowd — cumbent Republicans crowd with a chant of “Yes voters, which put him in a
been stirred by Trump and cal campaign. some of whom waited in line Knight in Santa Clarita and on 6,” a reference to the bal- great position to carry that
his allies in Congress. “It’s just such a critical, for two hours beforehand — Denham in Modesto. lot proposition that would message all across the state
Newsom ridiculed immensely terrifying time,” that Newsom is the “ener- As Newsom cast Trump repeal the state’s increased … as a standard bearer for
Trump for trying to rally his said Guidice, 49. “I person- getic, visionary young gover- as California’s bogeyman, gas tax and vehicle fees. An- California values.”
political base by fearmon- ally feel like I have to be en- nor” California needs. Cox branded himself a polit- other roar of approval came
gering over the caravan of gaged in the process “People get a little tired of ical savior to end the gloom when he promised to cancel
Central American migrants whether or not someone is you in politics, they do,” and doom in the state cre- plans for the state’s $77-bil-
making their way to the involved in my local area.” Brown said at the rally in the ated by decades of Demo- lion high-speed rail system. Times staff writers
United States. He noted that Newsom was joined by city’s Mission District. cratic rule. He again took aim at Christine Mai-Duc and
California, in contrast, wel- U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (D- “We’ve had two terms of a “The people of this state Newsom’s tenure as mayor Jazmine Ulloa contributed
comed more than 100,000 ref- Calif.) as he campaigned in Democrat, me. Then we get have been taxed enough. of San Francisco, repeating to this report.

Kansas could shift toward the Democrats

opponent. hurting Kelly more than
State is showing some “He was a very liberal Re- Kobach, by presenting an
publican governor,” Kobach option for anti-Kobach Re-
fatigue with deep said of Graves. “It’s a recur- publicans who still don’t
conservatism, and the ring theme, these so-called want to vote for a Democrat.
Republicans say they’re en- Last week, Orman’s
GOP could well lose dorsing the Democrat.” treasurer, former state Sen.
the governor’s race. Kelly has won an en- Tim Owens, an anti-Kobach
dorsement from a second Republican, resigned from
By Matt Pearce Republican former gover- the campaign for exactly
nor, Mike Hayden. that reason.
Running on a message of “It is time to unite behind
HUTCHINSON, Kan. — stabilizing the state educa- Senator Laura Kelly and
On Monday, former Kansas tion budget and other public stop Kris Kobach,” Owens
Gov. Bill Graves, a Republi- services hurt by the econo- said in a statement, adding:
can, did what a lot of former mic chaos of the Brownback “This is a critical election for
elected officials do: He hit years, Kelly rejected the idea Kansas. We cannot risk the
the trail again to campaign that the election was a refer- future of our state.”
on behalf of an up-and-com- endum on Trump. And someone out there
ing candidate. “No, this election is all appears to be trying to drive
Except there was some- Photographs by Charlie Riedel Associated Press about Kansas; if anything Kelly supporters into Or-
thing highly unusual about KRIS KOBACH is hindered by the deep unpopularity of former Kansas Gov. Sam it’s a referendum on the man’s camp. Two Kelly sup-
the candidate, Laura Kelly, Brownback. Kobach has high negative ratings, even among fellow Republicans. Brownback administra- porters showed the Los An-
who arrived with Graves at a tion,” she said. “That’s what geles Times duplicate cam-
bookstore in this small town got us where we are, and I paign-style text messages
in central Kansas. think that’s what people they had received Monday
Kelly is a Democrat. want to slam the door on.” on an issue that matters
Graves was trying to help de- The election could deter- deeply to many Kansans.
feat the candidate from his mine whether Kansas ex- “Laura Kelly used to have
own party, Kris Kobach, the pands Medicaid coverage an A rating from the NRA,” it
secretary of state. under the Affordable Care said. “Greg Orman has con-
“Every vote is going to Act. Moderate Republicans sistently supported com-
count, and we just can’t let in the state Legislature al- mon sense gun laws. Vote
this one get away from us,” lied with Democrats to pass Greg Orman. It matters.”
Graves said, urging the expansion only to see it (Kelly received the gun asso-
crowd holding Kelly signs to vetoed by Brownback. Kelly ciation’s A rating in 2008 but
get their friends to the voting supports expansion and has since been given an F
booths. Kobach opposes it. rating for embracing some
Kansas, where Republi- “The support for Medi- gun control policies.)
cans outnumber Democrats caid expansion all across The messages were sent
by at least 14%, is poised to Kansas has been a surprise. from separate phone num-
shift leftward for Tuesday’s That’s a bit of a change from bers, both of which were
election, with Democratic several years ago,” Kelly said “disconnected” when The
candidates polling competi- in an interview in Hutchin- Times tried to call.
tively in the races for gover- son, attributing part of the Nick Connors, a spokes-
nor and two of the state’s LAURA KELLY , the chief rival to Kobach in the Kansas gubernatorial race, is reaction to rural hospitals in man for the Orman cam-
four congressional districts. hoping more voters in the conservative state are ready to support a Democrat. the state shutting down over paign, said the message did
In the congressional financial woes. “People are not come from the campaign
races, Kansas Democrats lators who backed Brown- state’s Republican party are candidates in a statistical very, very enthusiastic — and speculated, without
have undoubtedly benefited back were swept out of office at odds over Kobach, whose tie. about that.” providing evidence, that it
from the national surge of in 2016, as weary Kansas vot- hard-line positions on immi- Even among Republi- Which is one reason that was some kind of ploy by
energy from liberals seeking ers defied the national pat- gration and voting laws cans, Kobach has “unusually Kelly has the support of Democrats or Republicans
to win Democratic control of tern that brought Trump to align him closely with high negatives,” said Patrick John Buser, a 77-year-old re- to discredit Orman.
Congress as a check on the power and voted in more Trump. Miller, a political science tired refrigeration engineer Connors rejected the
Trump administration. moderate Republican and Kobach, a nationally professor at the University from Arlington who wears a idea that Orman was a
In the governor’s race, Democratic legislators. known figure, enjoys near- of Kansas. “In the polling, cowboy hat and identifies as spoiler and predicted Or-
the momentum to the left is The tax cut was repealed universal name recognition he’s losing about 20% of Re- an independent. man would win the election,
more homegrown. It traces soon afterward. Brownback in the state, but a recent Fort publicans to Laura Kelly.… “We’ve got to keep our despite his low poll num-
back to conservative Repub- left office early this year Hays State University There is a chunk of his own hospitals,” he said. bers. “The Democrats and
lican Sam Brownback, a for- when Trump named him survey of Kansas adults party that does not care for The X-factor in the race is Republicans aren’t entitled
mer governor whose 2012 tax ambassador-at-large for re- found he is burdened by a him.” a third candidate, Greg Or- to anything,” Connors said.
cuts sent the state govern- ligious freedom and Lt. Gov. 49% disapproval rating com- At a busy GOP campaign man, a well-known business- “You can’t be a spoiler when
ment into a financial and po- Jeff Colyer took over tempo- pared with 17% disapproval office in Wichita filled with man running as a centrist in- the system is already rot-
litical tailspin and made him rarily. for Kelly, a soft-spoken state volunteers, Kobach was dis- dependent. ten.”
deeply unpopular. Now, the conservative senator from Topeka. The missive of Graves’ cam- Polling between 8% and
Many conservative legis- and moderate wings of the latest polls showed the two paigning for his Democratic 9%, Orman is thought to be
A8 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M

Canine seemed to be killing for fun

[Dog, from A1] ces, but there were some
was missing — the remains people who were deliber-
found later in a field. A ately sheltering that dog
mother goat that survived even though they knew full
was found with a huge chunk well the dog was a problem
of her hindquarters ripped that needed to be resolved.”
out. City officials made their
Soon, sheep were found move official in September:
dead. More chickens too. They intended to destroy
Piglets. The carnage was The Dog.
costly. Students at Roots In a memo Morris issued
Charter take out loans to to West Valley City Police
buy the animals and — with Chief Colleen Jacobs and the
about 40 animals dead city attorney, the animal
—The Dog’s savagery had services division requested
cost them more than $7,000. permission to euthanize The
But more troubling for Dog in accordance with
Tyler Bastian, the school’s American Veterinary Medi-
principal, was this: The Dog cal Assn. guidelines. Gun-
wasn’t killing for food. He shot is listed as an appropri-
seemed to be killing for fun. ate method, according to the
“It was pretty nuts,” Bas- organization.
tian said. “We’re an urban Morris said it wasn’t an
farm in the middle of the city easy call, noting that West
and to have a situation Valley City operates a no-kill
where a dog is aggressive shelter.
enough to take down an al- “We’re not in the business
paca — it was pretty mind- of euthanizing animals,” he
boggling. Not only taking it said. “We’re in the business
down, but ripping it to of giving animals homes. It
pieces. It was also disturbing was a difficult for our staff
for the students.” because they work in animal
Nobody knew exactly services because they love
where The Dog came from, working with animals.”
how old he was or how he Alex Goodlett For The Times But the reported —
ended up in this urban-rural JAKE WINKLER , 17, kept watch over the livestock with other Roots Charter High students. Guard animals though unverified — attack
community west of Salt — a donkey and llama — that were brought to the farm seemed to keep the killer dog at bay, the senior says. on the child left them no
Lake City. choice, he said.
There were rumors that Olivia said. “My friend said, On Oct. 11, Morris said, a
he belonged to a homeless ‘You have to get here.’ ” former law enforcement offi-
man who either died or was When she arrived at the cer who used to train Ger-
swept up when authorities farm, Demeter was dead. man shepherds with K-9
broke up a nearby encamp- Olivia wept. units reported The Dog ran
ment. He could’ve been “It was like my whole past him into a field near a
abandoned, some thought. world crashed down,” she church not five minutes
Most agreed The Dog had said. from where the school farm
been roaming the area for She said she hated The was. Officials said The Dog
two years, gradually becom- Dog with the kind of had been tracking sheep.
ing more feral. loathing reserved for an un- The officer, Morris said,
The Dog was smart and repentant killer. used a shotgun. The Dog
cunning, though, said Layne Bastian said the school was dead in moments. “It
Morris, community preser- beefed up security and was a humane way to go,”
vation director at West Val- brought in a llama and a Morris said. The officer’s
ley City. Not only had he donkey — both known as name was not made public.
found residents who would guard animals that could kill Morris said the officer felt
look out and occasionally The Dog if he entered the conflicted “but knew it had
hide him, he slowly learned pen. to be done.”
to recognize the animal con- The donkey in particular Although the students at
trol trucks and personnel in came highly regarded — Roots were relieved, not ev-
uniform. boasting a resume that in- eryone reveled in the news
He proved to be increas- cluded a coyote he had killed that The Dog was dead.
ingly difficult to nab. in northern Utah. His name Had The Dog been killed
Richard Horrocks, a 72- was Gus, and the reputation the day after her lamb had
year-old resident who lived of his powerful kick pre- been found dead, Olivia said
on a corner near where the Baylie Johnson ceded his arrival. she would’ve been “ec-
dog could be seen trotting THE FERAL canine believed to have menaced the town for two years. Some resi- “One kick and that dog static.” Now, she felt torn.
down the road, half-wheezed dents would hide the dog; others tried to hunt him down. On Oct. 11, he was shot. would be dead,” Jake Wink- “I was sad because a life
with laughter as he recalled ler, 17, said of Gus. had been taken. The dog was
the attempts to catch The and there were fears the mer at the station who dropped it and disap- Jake, who owned a dairy living its life,” Olivia said.
Dog as the months wore on. hunting parties might get worked overnight, remem- peared.” cow named Carol, said the “But I was also happy be-
“You’d see seven dog- out of control. bered leaving her building at One day The Dog killed hired protection appeared cause it means the dog won’t
catcher trucks all lined up Officials wanted to avoid 2 a.m. and seeing “all these Olivia Davis’ sheep. to help. The Dog seemed to kill anymore.”
trying to get him and it was something out of “Jaws,” in parked cars with their head- Olivia, 17, saw the sheep steer clear of the farm’s new Bastian said some of the
like a cartoon,” he said, which a flotilla of disorga- lights on aimed at the ani- when it was born in Decem- muscle. farm animals still remain a
standing in his yard with two nized recreational boaters mals” on the farm. She said ber and named it Demeter — But away from the farm, little skittish. Caldwell said
dogs running around a headed out to sea to catch the students would sit on the the Greek goddess of agri- The Dog was even more the goat injured by the ca-
patch of squash and dried the deadly shark. Morris hoods of their cars, keeping culture. She said she came to brazen. There was a report nine is allowing people to ap-
cornstalks. “Keystone Kops. said there were reports of watch. Roots Charter because she he had gone after a child, proach her now. Carol, the
That dog had them running cars trying to hit The Dog as Nate Cable took to camp- had struggled at the public who fended off the animal dairy cow, and a few of the al-
in circles.” he ran in the streets. Eventu- ing in the fields around the high school after her mother with his bike. Morris said pacas are settling into old
Morris said that not all ally West Valley City Animal farm. He and several other died five years earlier. that was a signal they routines.
the neighbors were helping Services brought in more students had fashioned a She saw a chance at rais- needed to redouble their ef- Flocks of chickens
shelter the dog, however. He manpower to help. dog-catching snare made ing livestock and working forts. squawked in the early-morn-
said the area where the And still, The Dog kept with PVC pipe and wire. with animals as a way to Morris said cooperation ing chill, and summer had
school stands also hap- killing. Nate, 17, said one night he work through her grief, and among the neighbors wasn’t given way to fall. Nearby,
pened to be a place where Students tried to protect encountered The Dog by ac- it gave her a sense of pur- always easy. Gus the Donkey munched
generations of cockfighting their animals, showing up cident. pose. Demeter was her first “There is a certain rebel- on hay and Cuzco the Llama
fowl were raised. The Dog early and staying late to It was dark and he heard sheep, and she had big plans lious streak — a little bit of stood guard next to him,
had taken out some of those watch over the livestock. a low growl as he walked to for her. There would be fairs those on the edge and inde- looking over a fence toward a
prized roosters, and a few of The school’s farm, located his parked car. and shows and a future. pendent, the don’t-tell-me- field with wild grass, twist-
the owners had formed on the property of a country “He was close,” Nate said. Then she got a call. how-to-live-my-life flavor to ing trees and hidden places
hunting parties to track him music radio station, was set “I dropped everything, in- “I was at home. I had that area,” Morris said. where The Dog once lived.
down. up with surveillance cam- cluding my hat. Then he been sick that day and my “Which I respect and we try
Other residents had eras. picked it up and started to best friend called me and to respect that a little bit david.montero
placed a bounty on The Dog, Sarah Hilton, a program- walk away with it. Then he said The Dog had attacked,” when it comes to ordinan-

Beutner plan would radically reshape LAUSD

[Beutner, from A1] The teachers union has re- trict-run schools begin to project,” the email said, “so
bureaucracy could be jected those forecasts. operate like independent make sure that the functions
plowed back into education Beutner’s push to be su- charter schools. are easy for someone outside
at the school level,” he said, perintendent was champi- Charters are exempt of your office to under-
“as well as [used] to deal oned by philanthropists and from some regulations that stand.”
with the fiscal crisis the dis- civic leaders who largely govern district-run schools The work of Ernst &
trict faces.” view L.A. Unified as a failed and most are nonunion. The Young and Kitamba is being
Beutner declined to com- institution, with its looming school district plays no role paid for by the recently es-
ment on the plan, saying it fiscal problems and student in a charter’s day-to-day tablished Fund for Equity
would be premature to talk test scores that trail state management, though it and Excellence, which pools
about a work in progress. averages. They see in Beut- does decide every five years philanthropic resources for
The Times learned de- ner — a wealthy business- whether to renew a charter’s local education. Donors in-
tails of Beutner’s developing man without a background right to operate. clude the Ballmer Group,
strategy through docu- in education — a leader with According to some insid- the California Community
ments and interviews. Its the financial savvy and out- ers, Beutner’s plan seems Foundation, the California
broad outlines were con- sider’s perspective neces- like rearranging the deck Endowment, the Eli and
firmed by numerous people sary to shake up an en- chairs because six regional Edythe Broad Foundation
involved in the planning who trenched and complacent district offices already exist and the Weingart Founda-
requested anonymity. system. and deal extensively with lo- tion.
This is not the first time a Some specifics of Beut- cal schools. Academic coor- In 2007, New York experi-
superintendent has pro- Al Seib Los Angeles Times ner’s plan probably will dinators in those offices mented with substantially
posed reorganizing L.A. Uni- SUPT. Austin Beutner’s plan comes at a time when a change, but this outline ap- oversee students’ grade-by- replacing its centralized bu-
fied. contract dispute with teachers could lead to a strike. pears to have emerged: grade progress in key sub- reaucracy with several doz-
Some past attempts have 8 The networks of schools jects such as math and Eng- en networks, some run by
been short-lived or fell far 1,500 parents, teachers, ad- board members than others would be based mainly on lish. the city’s Department of Ed-
short of expectations. Moves ministrators and communi- — apparently to try to min- geography. District staff members, ucation and some operated
meant to save money some- ty members in a series of imize leaks. 8 Each network would in- however, are nervous. by nonprofit groups.
times turned out to be costly. meetings since August. Although change in the clude elementary, middle “Nobody knows what the The networks drew
In 1993, the district an- How the networks would district rarely comes easy, and high schools — with co- future is going to look like for mixed reviews, in large part
nounced it would divide the be shaped and what duties Beutner has the added chal- hesive academic programs the district or for their jobs,” because they weren’t geo-
system into 32 self-govern- they would have still is being lenge of making his push at a for students as they prog- said one central office staff graphically based. They
ing “clusters.” That plan ulti- refined, with the assistance time when an ongoing con- ress through the system. person who asked to remain were also criticized for mud-
mately morphed into anoth- of consultants paid for by tract dispute with the teach- 8 Each network would re- anonymous. “Ernst & Young dying the lines of authority.
er — and another and anoth- outside philanthropy. One of ers union could lead to a port to one of several re- is evaluating positions in ev- The decentralization cut
er. the consulting firms, strike. gional headquarters. ery division along the lines of costs, but it had little effect
“If the underlying serv- Kitamba, has senior execu- One district argument is 8 Staffing at the central whether they are discre- on students’ academic per-
ices are not different or bet- tives who have been involved at the center of both the con- district office downtown tionary.” formance.
ter, then the structure in high-profile reform efforts tract negotiations and the would be sharply reduced, One email obtained by After about eight years,
doesn’t matter much,” said elsewhere in the country. “reimagining” plan, as it is as would its spheres of au- The Times that has been cir- the networks were largely
another insider, who asked London-based business often referred to internally. thority. culating in the fiscal division dismantled. The nation’s
to remain anonymous. “If consulting firm Ernst & Beutner repeatedly has 8 Schools and their net- set out the task to those be- largest school district re-
you end up reorganizing for Young is working on the goal pointed to analyses that works would have more con- ing asked to justify their turned to a system that em-
the sake of reorganizing, you of improving efficiency. conclude L.A. Unified is now trol in key areas such as hir- roles: “Please work with your powered regional superin-
can cause a lot of chaos.” A major restructuring spending $500 million a year ing and budgets. teams to identify four to six tendents.
Although the internal would require approval by more than it takes in. With- Major elements remain primary functions that your
planning has been confiden- the Board of Education. out change, according to under discussion. One topic Division performs. howard.blume
tial, officials say they have Beutner has been working projections, reserves will of debate has been how “The superintendent’s
collected input from about more closely with some run dry in three to four years. much to let traditional dis- office is the audience for this

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A10 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N

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ELECTION 2018 rushed up to them

shouting and shaking his

The Times recommends... fist, and I — an English war

bride who’d survived so
close to the horror inflicted
by the Nazis — stood there
uesday is the last day to vote in the 2018 midterm elections. Voting will take place at with tears streaming down

T polling stations around Los Angeles County, and ballots may be mailed in as well —
but they must be postmarked no later than Tuesday to be counted.
Los Angeles County voters can look up their polling locations by visiting
my face.
Not here! Not here!
Nena Kelty
locator. Residents of other counties can check
Election-day rides on Metro buses and trains are free; ride-sharing services have also an- ::
nounced plans to cut their fares on trips to and from polling places. Parking restrictions will
be relaxed within a block of each polling place in the city of L.A. As a Jew whose grand-
mother’s entire family was
Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Voters are advised to go early in case of long lines, Rodrigo Abd Associated Press killed in Hungary by the
although the rules permit anyone already in line when the polls close to cast their ballots U.S.-BOUND migrants hoping to find rest and Nazis, I feel I have to com-
and complete the process. medical care in Mexico City get a ride in a truck. ment on the feeling of fear
Full analysis and explanation of The Times’ recommendations are available online at by many Jews. The Times endorses in many but not all contests, so most
voters will see additional races on their ballots besides those listed in the recommendations
Pilgrims on their way This fear is not of white
supremacists, but from
far-left crowds in cities and
Re “Weary migrants keep pressing north,” Nov. 4 universities. Many Jewish
students are harassed by
CONGRESS Proposition 6 Thousands of active-duty U.S. troops likely will not be other students on the left.
(Gas and vehicle tax repeal): No spending this Thanksgiving with family and loved ones. Republicans are harassed
U.S. Senate: Dianne Feinstein
They have been ordered to our southern border to assist in restaurants and other
Proposition 7 public places by leftists,
STATE OFFICES (Permanent daylight saving time): Yes efforts to stop the men, women and children who may
even encouraged by a
ask for asylum in the United States.
Governor: Gavin Newsom Proposition 8 Democratic member of
The asylum seekers know our president does not want
Lieutenant governor: Ed Hernandez (Revenue caps at dialysis clinics): No Congress.
them. They know the obstacles that await them. But they This is how the brown-
Secretary of state: Alex Padilla Proposition 10 seem to have an unwavering confidence and hope in the shirts in Germany got
(End restrictions on rent control): Yes humanity and righteousness of the United States that started.
Controller: Betty Yee drives their continued trek toward a better life in a
Proposition 11 Barbara Kimelman
Treasurer: Fiona Ma perceived promised land. Tarzana
(Ambulance and emergency worker paid
Their perseverance resembles a pilgrimage. President
Attorney general: Xavier Becerra breaks): Yes
Trump has not extinguished their hope, nor should he ::
Insurance commissioner: Steve Poizner Proposition 12 extinguish ours. The caravan should serve as an
Superintendent of public instruction: (Standards for animal cage sizes): Yes inspiration and a reminder to all Americans of who we Ross provides an im-
Tony Thurmond are and what we still represent. portant reminder of a
L.A. CITY MEASURES William Goldman little-known period of Los
APPELLATE COURTS Measure B (Study municipal bank): No Palos Verdes Estates Angeles history and how a
small group of men could
Supreme Court justices: Yes Measure E (Align election dates): Yes help put an end to the Nazi
Court of Appeal justices: Yes Measure EE (Align election dates): Yes While Trump persists in ride these scooters, but wave of intimidation and
labeling the thousands of when you colonize a city infiltration in Southern
STATE MEASURES L.A. COUNTY OFFICES people approaching our thoroughfare, you are California.
southern border an “inva- violating the law. These But like any good his-
Proposition 1 Sheriff: Jim McDonnell
sion,” his critics have in- laws are clear and not tory lesson, this has stark
($4-billion bond for housing programs): Yes Assessor: Jeffrey Prang sisted that the caravan is debatable. applicability to the pre-
Proposition 2 nothing of the sort. Bird’s lawsuit will ulti- sent. The Nazis chose the
(Mental Health Services Act funding for L.A. COUNTY MEASURE If that is the case, why is mately be its downfall. The Jews as scapegoats; our
housing): Yes Measure W (Storm water capture): Yes a “home invasion” consid- issues of violating existing president chooses immi-
ered an illegal and forceful city laws, including access grants as his. The Nazis
Proposition 3 entry to an occupied pri- for disabled users along told innumerable lies to
($8.877-billion water bond): No vate dwelling? According these thoroughfares (when gain political support; our
Office No. 4: Alfred A. Coletta
Proposition 4 to many news reports, scooters are all over the president tells lies daily.
($1.5-billion children’s hospital bond): Yes Office No. 16: Sydne Jane Michel participants in this cara- place blocking the side- The comparison may, to
Office No. 60: Holly L. Hancock van have made clear that walks), are going to set a some, seem out of place. I
Proposition 5 regardless of the opposi- precedent for every future hope it is, but I fear it is not.
(Property tax break portability): No Office No. 113: Michael P. Ribons tion of the U.S. government challenge. Ken Goldman
to their activity, they plan Bernard Lax Beverly Hills
to cross the border any way Gardena
they can.
If a homeless person
looking for food and shelter
U.S. meddling in
breaks in and enters the Bird has some brass Latin America
The end of an era for voting Los Angeles Times’ offices,
what would security per-
sonnel do? They would call
stating that a California
law contains a clause that
gives motorized scooter
Re “White House slams
‘troika of tyranny’ in Latin
the police, and the home- riders the same rights on America,” Nov. 2
hen I head down to Lo- I guess it’s because the new system

less person might be the road as drivers, bicy-
gan Elementary School sounds impersonal, the civic engagement charged with a crime. clists and motorcycle If Americans are won-
this morning to cast my version of a big box store that’s automated Isn’t that what the riders. dering why our democracy
vote in the general elec- to the point that you can be in and out with caravan intends to do? From my observation in is in shambles, they would
tion, I must remember to little or no human interaction. That’s fine Why should they be treated San Diego, the vast major- be wise to pay attention to
take a good look around. This neighborhood for buying groceries, but casting a vote feels differently? Anybody who ity of Bird riders use the U.S. foreign policy.
school has been my main polling site for more satisfying to me when I recognize my wishes to come to this sidewalk, not the street. I As evidenced in the
more than a decade. But it will probably be neighbors and there’s a little bit of a line and country should do so le- would venture to say this article on National Securi-
the last time I cast a vote here. some effort required to remind me that I’m gally, as I did many years observation runs true in ty Adviser John R. Bolton’s
ago. Beverly Hills and other tough words for Cuba,
In fact, everyone who votes Tuesday at participating in a sacred democratic act
Raul De Cardenas cities as well. That is most Venezuela and Nicaragua,
one of Los Angeles County’s 4,800 election with millions of other people. It’s why I’ve
Los Angeles likely why the accompany- U.S. foreign policy is ag-
day neighborhood polling stations should never switched to mail voting. Filling out a
ing picture to this article gressive in nature — one
be prepared to say goodbye to the place. form on the couch doesn’t deliver the same :: was of a helmetless person could even say it is preda-
Most will close for good after this election, as sense of accomplishment as marking up a riding a Bird scooter on the tory. For decades it helped
the county prepares for a major update of its ballot standing with my fellow citizens. Regardless of what we sidewalk. to topple elected foreign
voting processes in time for the March 2020 There’s something cathartic, too, about think about immigration Therein lies the prob- governments around the
presidential primary as part of the state’s punctuating each vote with a firm thrust of or the plight of the ap- lem. Injuries to pedestrians world.
2016 Voter’s Choice Act. the ink pen, something you just can’t repli- proaching migrant cara- and riders are so frequent Americans cannot be
Voting in Los Angeles County has cate on a touch screen. van, we should consider that San Diego County’s outraged only by this ad-
changed little in the past 50 years. The only For me, voting is associated with people the causes that drive trauma centers have an- ministration’s domestic
significant change was to replace punch and places, and some of the places have hordes of people away from nounced they are tracking lunacy; they must also
cards with ink-marked cards. So the next been odd: a two-car garage at a private their homes, precipitating patients who are treated “resist” U.S. aggression
election is bound to be a bit jarring. Virtually home in Riverside festooned with American crises worldwide. Among because of scooter acci- abroad.
everything about in-person voting will be flags; a lighting store in West Los Angeles; a them are corruption, dents. In two weeks, a group of
different. Instead of thousands of polling tiny cafe in Echo Park that squeezed a few hunger, warfare, poverty Lawsuits, anyone? concerned people from Los
stations opening at 7 a.m. in school audito- voting booths between the bar and tables. I and environmental degra- Gary Valdez Angeles will be going to the
riums, community center common rooms, seem to remember casting my first-ever bal- dation. San Diego border in solidarity with
fast-food restaurant lobbies, retail display lot in a church basement in San Francisco. One rarely mentioned the caravan of Central
cause is climate change. :: American migrants. To us,
rooms and other locations, there will be 200 But I can’t promise that’s correct. It was a
Central America and Mexi- they are refugees of U.S.
to 300 strategically located one-stop vote long time ago, and I was more interested in
co are particularly vulnera- If electric scooter com- military and economic
centers opening 10 days before the election, participating in my first election than in my
ble to sea-level rise and the panies want to claim their policy — chickens coming
increasing to at least 1,000 for the final four surroundings. droughts, floods, hurri- customers have the same home to roost.
days of voting. There were times when I was the only canes and deadly heat- rights as drivers, bicyclists Rachel Bruhnke
Voters will no longer be tied to one specif- person at a polling station. Other times, I waves it makes worse and and motorcycle riders, they San Pedro
ic neighborhood polling place on one par- had to wait for an open booth, giving me more frequent. Perhaps need to start by having
ticular day; they will be allowed to show up time to chat with the always-friendly poll walls and soldiers can keep users follow the same laws. ::
at any of the county’s voting centers on any workers, say hi to neighbors and pat their the migrants out this time, The photo accompanying
day they are open. There may even be pop- dogs. In November 2008, the line outside the but not the next time or the the article says it all: It One great achievement
up voting centers at farmer’s markets and school was so long a friend had time to make next as climate change shows a helmetless user of the Obama adminis-
other places where people congregate for a sandwich run. Yet the people queuing up worsens. riding on the sidewalk. tration was to begin open-
short periods of time. were so excited to take part in what would Strategies to exclude Can you blame Beverly ing American doors of
Even the county’s odd InkaVote be a historic election of the first black U.S. migrants can’t exclude Hills for banning these friendship to the millions of
contraption will be gone, replaced with sleek president that I heard no grousing about climate change, which scooters? They are a men- Cuban citizens who had
touch-screen setups that allow voters to en- the wait. must be confronted ag- ace. been economically op-
ter their selections in newly designed voting It’s possible my neighborhood school will gressively both to save Kathleen Battersby pressed for more than 50
stations (no more narrow, rickety privacy be selected as a one-stop voting center in ourselves and to “solve” Los Angeles years.
booths) or to download their selections March 2020. It’s a fairly big space, centrally immigration. Otherwise, Now, the national secu-
any attempt to keep mi- rity advisor to the presi-
from a smart phone, then print out a com- located and just a block away from a major
pleted ballot. transit corridor. But that doesn’t mean it
grants out will be doomed
to failure.
Goose-stepping dent, John R. Bolton, an-
nounces that our Treasury
It is expected to be an altogether im- will be the same, or that I will be back. Not
proved voting experience — efficient, con- with so many other convenient options.
Carol Steinhart
Madison, Wis.
in Glendale Department has “ex-
panded the list of busi-
venient and cost-effective. That’s good for democracy, I know, but may- Re “Echoes of Kristall- nesses that it believes are
So why do I feel a little melancholy about be not great for the memories. nacht,” Opinion, Nov. 4 controlled by Cuba’s mili-
it? — Mariel Garza
Bird versus When I read Steven J.
tary or intelligence services
and are off-limits to U.S.
Beverly Hills Ross’ op-ed article on the
reaction by L.A. Nazis to
trade or commerce.”
In other words, the
Re “Scooter firm sues Kristallnacht in 1938, an doors that had been
EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong Beverly Hills,” Nov. 2 experience I had in Glen- opened by President
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Norman Pearlstine dale decades ago flashed Obama in Cuba will soon
I am all for alternative through my mind. be shut.
EDITOR AND CREATIVE DIRECTOR transportation, but even I In the years after World David N. Hartman
Scott Kraft Kris Viesselman see the complete chutzpah War II, I was walking north Santa Ana
SENIOR DEPUTY MANAGING EDITOR of Bird suing Beverly Hills on Glendale’s main north-
Kimi Yoshino over the city’s ban on mo- south thoroughfare when
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS torized scooters. suddenly I was aware of
Sewell Chan, Colin Crawford HOW TO WRITE TO US
The public right of way eight young men dressed in
Len De Groot, Shelby Grad, Mary McNamara, is just that — intended for Nazi uniforms marching in Please send letters to
Angel Rodriguez, Michael Whitley the public. Let’s not even step along the sidewalk. For
Opinion discuss the safety and Everyone around was submission guidelines, see
FOUNDED DECEMBER 4, 1881 Nicholas Goldberg EDITOR OF THE EDITORIAL PAGES irresponsibility of the horrified by them. or call
majority of the people who One distraught man 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.
L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 A11


Weak parties, weak democracy Evidence

The two major political parties
often do more to organize voters effectively
around single issues or personalities than
Among the many problems with the
rotting out of the parties is that the rot
for a more
are in decline. This might be
why partisanship is so strong.
the parties do. The Kochs, Tom Steyer,
George Soros and Sheldon Adelson serve as
party bosses, only outside the parties.
Technology is another, less obvious force
spreads. The parties are supposed to be
where politics happens.
McConnell’s point about money in poli-
tics is analogous to the larger trend. When
siphoning power from the parties. For
instance, as political historian Michael
Barone has noted, the telephone dealt a
you take political power out of the parties,
other actors seize it.
When wielded by people who aren’t future
t is perhaps the central irony of our grievous blow to political conventions, supposed to be in the politics business, that
politics today: We live in an incredibly where insiders have outsize power. power corrupts. This is why every Academy
polarized and partisan moment, but “Until the 1960s, the national convention Awards ceremony is peppered with asinine
our political parties have never been was a communications medium,” Barone political jeremiads, and why late-night By Jonathan Salk
weaker. writes. “Political leaders in the various comedy hosts serve as de facto Democratic

As odd as it sounds, political parties in states seldom met each other, outside of Party organizers. nxious about the state of the
democracies have an important anti-demo- sessions of Congress, during the four years It’s why people like Jerry Falwell Jr., the country? You’re not alone. Sev-
cratic function. Traditionally, the parties between presidential elections.” The tele- president of Liberty University, act like en in 10 Americans across all
shaped the choices put to voters. Long phone eliminated the need for the face-to- social gospel ward heelers. It’s why the age groups report negative
before voters decided anything in the pri- face negotiations. Today, political conven- cable news networks spend so much of their feelings when asked about
mary or general elections, party bosses tions are little more than infomercials for time rallying voters in one direction or what’s happening today in the United
worked to groom good candidates, weed presidential candidates. another. And it’s why countless pundits and States. Democrats are somewhat more
out bad ones, organize interests and frame The internet and cable TV have acceler- allegedly objective reporters serve as unof- pessimistic than Republicans.
issues. ated the eclipsing of parties. Opinion web- ficial political consultants. But what if there were a rational, evi-
In the modern era, the story of party sites and TV and radio hosts now do more It’s also why Donald Trump could lever- dence-based argument for optimism?
decline usually begins in the aftermath of to shape issues and select candidates than age his celebrity to seize the GOP nomina- There is. But we have to step back from
the 1968 presidential election. The move the parties do. It’s a bit like comic books. tion, and why someone like Oprah Winfrey two- and four-year election cycles to see it.
toward primaries and the democratic selec- Readership of comics has been in steady could be next. Much further back.
tion of delegates took power away from the decline, but movie studios and toy manu- There are other, larger forces at work. I’ve been thinking about our hope for
bosses. facturers still feed off the brands created The decline of strong independent institu- the future for about 40 years, starting
After Watergate, there were more re- generations ago. tions — religious, civic and familial — has when I co-wrote a book called “A New Re-
forms, curbing the ability of the parties to The weird thing is the American people people searching for other outlets to find a ality” with my father, polio vaccine inven-
raise and spend money freely. This led to didn’t seem to notice. The largest voting sense of meaning and belonging. Identity tor Dr. Jonas Salk. Back in 1981, we used
the rise of political action committees, bloc in America today call themselves inde- politics, populism and nationalism are scientific data to show that humans were
which raise cash independent of the formal pendents, but most of them tend to be as filling that void. fast approaching the point where global
party structure. As Sen. Mitch McConnell partisan as everybody else, while “pure That’s happened before, but when it did, population growth would peak and then
(R-Ky.) said during the floor debate over independents” are less likely to vote at all. the parties were there to filter, constrain slow down. We built a case that after this
the McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill And yet, Americans keep talking about and channel those passions in a healthy inflection point, human societies increas-
in 2001, “We haven’t taken a penny of money partisan politics as if the parties are in direction. The Potemkin parties can’t, or ingly would value cooperation, conserva-
out of politics, we’ve only taken the parties charge, and base voters on the left and the won’t, do that anymore. The result is a tion, long-range thinking and inter-
out of politics.” right keep railing against the party estab- nation of partisans decrying partisanship. dependence. At the same time, the tenets
Outside groups — the National Rifle lishments, like mobs unaware that they’re related to rapidly accelerating popula-
Assn., Planned Parenthood, unions, etc. — kicking dead horses. tion growth — competition, unbridled ex-
ploitation of resources, short-range
thinking and independence — would re-
That inflection point has arrived.
After millennia of acceleration, popula-
tion growth is finally slowing. Worldwide
improvements in health, sustainable de-
velopment and the education of women
have led people to have fewer children. If
current U.N. projections bear out, the
global population will plateau around the
end of this century, then likely begin to de-
This remarkable change divides hu-
man existence into two phases. In the first,
natural resources — as well as advances in
industry and technology — seemed lim-
itless. Humanity was expanding exponen-
tially, and the population groups that grew
the fastest, competed most effectively and
exploited others were the most successful.
History clearly demonstrates the societal
values of this era: competitiveness, inde-
pendence, unfettered consumption.
The second phase, our future, is an era
of slowing, when we’ve accepted the pres-
ence of limits on growth and consumption.
In this period, we will be increasingly de-
pendent on one another for survival. Col-
laboration becomes the most effective
strategy for using resources, but also for
avoiding competition that could lead to
catastrophic famine or war. Promoting
worldwide health helps us all by stabilizing
social conditions. In this era, values of co-
operation, interdependence and sustain-
ability will emerge. Success will mean
bridging divides and taking approaches
that benefit all rather than the few.
To be sure, long-range prediction is
hardly an exact science — and others insist
we are headed for the collapse of civiliza-
tion. So what makes this optimistic predic-
tion about our values scientific rather than
just idealistic? It reflects how humans are
likely to adapt to the predictable condi-
tions of the near and distant future. In-
creasing population puts pressure on us to
Mike Nelson EPA/Shutterstock improve quality of life in all regions. Infi-
LONG LINES at polling stations, like this one at West Los Angeles College in Culver City, keep some people from voting. nite growth is impossible. So we will re-
spond, as other human societies have
done, by balancing our relationship with

Why people don’t vote

nature and with each other.
The likelihood of this change is hard to
discern from our current vantage point:
We’re right in the middle of the con-
tentious transition between the two value
systems. Clashes and conflicts are inevi-
table, and we see them playing out on an
By Noah Berlatsky
Instead of shaming Even basic bureaucratic requirements,
such as voter registration, reduce turnout.
individual, national and global level: sus-
tainability vs. consumption, interdepend-

very election season, we hear a Countries with automatic voter registration ence vs. isolationism, promoting the well-
similar message: People who don’t
vote are failing to fulfill their civic
non-voters, we should — Canada, for instance — have much higher
voting rates than the United States.
being of all vs. looking out for ourselves. It’s
overwhelming and we can hardly imagine
duty. It has been particularly loud
in the lead-up to this year’s
make voting easier. The Pew Research Center recently found
that the United States trails other devel-
where it will end. Will civilization survive?
Will humanity? Will the planet?
midterm. oped countries when it comes to voter turn- It is terrifying to contemplate. In the ab-
That’s understandable. We are facing a out, ranking 31 out of 34. sence of a coherent narrative for the future,
future in which millions may lose healthcare ers to have a current street address, which The news media often show images of many are futilely turning to the values of
and rising temperatures could result in eco- amounts to a significant barrier for many long lines at the polls as a sign of a healthy the past, hoping that doing so can exempt
logical disaster. Meanwhile, our govern- residents of Native American reservations, democracy and committed citizens. But us from facing what’s coming. It can’t.
ment is setting up detention camps for chil- where it is common to have only a post office long lines at the polls are actually a sign that Opening up our minds to what we do
dren at the border. box. democracy is failing. The more time it takes know will help us meet the future more suc-
If you don’t care about all of this enough Barriers to voting for marginalized citi- to vote, the more people will be discouraged. cessfully. We know the change in direction
to vote, the logic goes, you must be entitled, zens may seem distinct from the barriers Lines are often longest in black and Latino of the population curve. We know that will
selfish and morally bankrupt. faced by non-voters who have the right to communities, which have fewer resources to inevitably alter economic, environmental
Certainly this was many people’s reac- vote but simply don’t bother. But disenfran- begin with and may be targeted by Republi- and demographic realities. From there, we
tion to a widely read New York magazine chisement works on a continuum. Some can politicians hoping to lower Democratic can deduce what changes will promote a
article about 12 young people who said they policies explicitly exclude marginalized turnout. future in which we survive by adjusting to
might not vote. people from voting; others make voting Voting in America is unnecessarily diffi- planetary limits.
The problem with getting angry at non- more difficult. cult, often by design. To paint non-voters as Navigating the transition requires ar-
voters is that, in many cases, non-voting If you have resources, education and free lazy, apathetic or morally culpable obscures duous, even heroic work at all levels of soci-
isn’t an individual moral failure. The United time, it’s relatively easy to pay attention to the fact that we erect a wide range of barri- ety — changing policies, values and behav-
States has long embraced policies that cre- politics. If you’re constantly struggling to ers to keep people away from the polls. ior with respect to climate change, sustain-
ate barriers to voting. make ends meet, it’s more difficult. A functioning democracy needs an en- able development, health, education (es-
Framing all non-voters as privileged Similarly, voting may seem like a small gaged public to hold its elected officials ac- pecially for women), and distribution of
jerks shifts the criticism away from the peo- commitment of time and money. But if you countable. That's why efforts to expand the wealth and resources, while resisting the
ple who are working to prevent citizens from are an employee who can’t get time off work franchise and remove barriers to voting are allure of clinging to the values of the past.
voting. without losing an hour or two of pay, the hur- so vital. This may be idealistic, but it is far from im-
America has a long history of voter disen- dle is much higher. In Florida, for example, a referendum on possible.
franchisement. At the beginning of the re- This helps to explain why, in the 2014 the ballot this election could restore voting This optimistic scenario is as evidence-
public, only property owners were allowed midterm election, 75% of people making less rights to 1.5 million ex-felons, including a full based as today’s widespread fear or pes-
to vote. White women didn’t gain the right to than $10,000 a year and 69% making less 21% of all black adults in the state. simism. Humankind has demonstrated
vote until 1919. Black men and women didn’t than $30,000 didn’t vote. At the other end of Oregon has a new law that automatically the ability to solve seemingly unsolvable
get the right to vote until 1965. the income scale, people who made more registers people to vote when they interact problems. We can do so again. If we can
This tradition of disenfranchisement than $100,000 — 22% of the population — with the DMV. It has contributed to a 4% in- broaden our outlook beyond the next few
continues today. In many states, felons lose composed 30% of voters in the 2014 midterm crease in turnout between 2012 and 2016, the months or years, there are rational rea-
voting rights. It is no coincidence that the election. biggest jump in the country. sons to be hopeful about our future.
people convicted of felonies and incarcer- When you make voting more difficult, Many Americans don’t vote because our
ated in the criminal justice system are dis- you discourage less affluent voters. Republi- system is designed to keep them from doing Dr. Jonathan Salk is a practicing
proportionately African American. cans in Wisconsin passed strict voter ID so. That’s what we should be angry about — psychiatrist and teaches at the UCLA
Voter ID laws also target marginalized laws in 2016. Sure enough, the law dispropor- and what we need to change. David Geffen School of Medicine. “A New
voters, who are less likely to have driver's li- tionately affected poor, often black voters, Reality,” the book he coauthored with his
censes or other forms of state identification. driving down turnout in urban areas and Noah Berlatsky is the author of father, Dr. Jonas Salk, has been newly
One such law in North Dakota requires vot- possibly costing Hillary Clinton the state. “Corruption: American Political Films.” updated and republished.

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CALIFORNIA T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

LAUSD kept
secret armed
man’s arrest
near campus
students were unsettled
Suspect charged with enough to run away, but they
did not report the incident
multiple felonies after to the administration, a dis-
guns, ammo are found. trict spokeswoman said.
On Oct. 8, a parent called
in a report but a police
By Howard Blume patrol could not find the sus-
By any measure, what Then on Oct. 11, one or
happened outside Reed more of the girls reported
Middle School one day last seeing the truck again.
month was scary: A man School police confronted
with an arsenal of weapons Polsky, approaching him
was found hanging out on and asking, “What are you
the edge of campus — the doing here?” said Gilbert
same man who just the week Gamez, president of the Los
before had tried to lure Angeles School Police Assn.,
schoolgirls to his truck. [See School, B4]
School police thwarted
any possible bad outcome,
Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times and the man is now headed
THE YWCA OF Greater L.A. is ending a program that sheltered foster youths at the Hollywood Studio Club. to prison. But for some par- DECISION
ents at the Studio City cam- CALIFORNIA
pus, relief mixed with anger ■■■■■■

In homelessness crisis,
— because the Los Angeles The pivotal battles for
Unified School District control of the House
waited more than two weeks
to acknowledge what had
“We receive robocalls
two causes now at odds
from LAUSD and Reed
when someone even sneezes
but aren’t made aware of
this until weeks after his ar-
rest,” said Michelle Vick,
whose daughter is in eighth
YWCA ends foster program, plans women’s shelter
grade. “Beyond madden-
In a statement, the dis-
trict indirectly acknowl-
By Nina Agrawal
sources behind one group of needy peo-
ple instead of another, highlighting an
the street,” said Faye Washington, chief
executive of the YWCA Greater Los An-
edged the frustration, not-
ing that the administrative
office in that area is “review-
inherent conflict as the county seeks to geles. “That never is and never has been ing its protocols for parent
A YWCA program that has provided reduce widespread homelessness. part of our mission.” notifications.”
shelter and services to foster youths in “I don’t think you get to say that you Mayor Eric Garcetti’s office backed The events leading up to Here are five factors
a historic Hollywood building is shut- are making all of these strides in solving the women’s shelter, which is set to the arrest of Russell Polsky, to watch for in tight
ting its doors Wednesday, leaving sev- homelessness when you are swapping open this month on the club’s vacant 60, began Oct. 5, according to
eral of the young adults scrambling for one vulnerable community for anoth- third floor, as part of the mayor’s “A accounts by district and law
contests on Tuesday.
a place to live. er,” said Milinda Kakani, a supervising Bridge Home” program. enforcement sources.
The charitable organization plans attorney at Public Counsel, a public in- Garcetti aides said they were not Polsky had parked his By Michael Finnegan
to open temporary housing for home- terest law firm that is assisting the aware until last week that the foster red truck during school
less women at the Hollywood Studio youths. youth program, run on the second hours at the end of a cul-de- Of all the things nobody
Club — an L.A. landmark that opened County and YWCA officials said the floor, would be closing. sac abutting the fenced can predict in the epic con-
nearly a century ago as a residence for foster program was a pilot that each “Under no circumstances would we southeast perimeter of the gressional contests in Cali-
women aspiring to work in the fledgling party had the option to discontinue as establish a new program at the expense school. He was on one side of fornia on Tuesday, the big-
movie industry. the contract term neared its end. They of foster kids,” said Matt Szabo, the fence, and three girls gest is just who will show up
The unexpected closure of the foster said providing stable housing for foster Garcetti’s deputy chief of staff. were on the other. He asked to vote and who won’t.
care program has sparked criticism youths remains a priority. The program at the YWCA began in them aggressively if they Nearly 4 million Califor-
that Los Angeles County is putting re- “The YWCA is not kicking youth on 2016 in re- [See Foster youth, B4] wanted to pet his dog. The nians cast their ballots early,
mostly by mail. That sug-
gests higher-than-average
turnout for a midterm, but
short of a presidential-elec-

2 inmates dead tion spike.

Voters who lean toward
Democrats are most prone
to skip elections, strategists

in likely suicides
say, so the higher the turn-
out, the better the prospects
for Democrats.
“If you’re having a big

at San Quentin
turnout, it’s coming from
somewhere, and it’s more
likely to be coming from the
low-performing universe of
voters historically,” said Bill
Carrick, a Democratic con-
the inmates had that desig- sultant in Los Angeles.
Convicted killers on nation. The Republican Party
The first incident began holds just 14 of California’s 53
death row are found about 11:15 p.m. Friday, when House seats, and that turf
unresponsive in their staff found Urdiales — a for- could shrink still further
mer Marine who brutally Tuesday if the voter back-
cells within 48 hours. killed eight women, includ- lash against Donald
ing five in Southern Califor- Trump’s presidency is as
By Alene nia — unresponsive during a strong as polls suggest.
Tchekmedyian security check in the prison’s Most of the nearly $300
highest security unit, the million spent on the state’s
Two death row inmates Adjustment Center, where Rich Pedroncelli Associated Press House campaigns has gone
have died after they were new arrivals are housed A REPORT MADE public last week accuses state prisons of providing poor men- to just a half-dozen races, ac-
found unresponsive in their while they are processed. tal healthcare for inmates. Above, a medical worker monitors a prisoner in 2008. cording to the nonpartisan
cells, less than 48 hours Correctional officers California Target Book elec-

Prison psychiatrist rebukes

apart, at San Quentin State tried to save him with CPR, tion guide. In all six of those
Prison. but he was pronounced dead districts, Republicans are
Authorities believe An- a minute after midnight. defending a seat that Demo-
drew Urdiales, 54, and Viren- About 10:15 p.m. Sunday, crats are trying to snatch
dra Govin, 51, killed them-
selves over the weekend, the
California Department of
Corrections and Rehabilita-
staff found Govin unrespon-
sive in his cell in the North
Segregation housing unit.
He was pronounced dead 15
a ‘troubled system of care’ away.
[See Election, B4]

tion said. There is no indica- minutes later.

tion the two deaths are re- Since California reinstat- lowed it. He alleges in the 161-page
lated, but the back-to-back ed capital punishment four Officials hid issues in The woman, identified document that the Califor- ICE moves to
incidents raise questions decades ago, 25 condemned only as Inmate Patient X in nia Department of Correc- silence visitors
about security measures at inmates have died by sui- treatment of mentally federal court documents, tions and Rehabilitation has
the prison. Both inmates cide. In that same period, 79 ill inmates, he says. had not been given medi- concealed issues surround- Volunteers are barred
had their own cells. have died of natural causes, cation despite being listed ing the adequacy of mental from detention center
Terry Thornton, a 13 have been executed by the as “psychotic” while at the healthcare and staffing in unless they agree to
spokeswoman for the de- state, and 11 have died of By Hannah Fry California Institution for prisons from officials who confidentiality. B2
partment, said prison other causes. California has Women in Chino in 2017. could mandate changes.
guards are required to check more people on death row — The woman sitting in a A report written by Dr. “This group has created a Motion to drop
on inmates in segregated 740 — than any other state. Chino prison cell had Michael Golding, the chief biased and inaccurately pos- Weinstein case
housing at least every 30 Florida is second, with 346, screaming fits every 15 min- psychiatrist for the prison itive picture of what is actu- Film producer’s New
minutes, but she did not according to the Florida De- utes for four hours before system, detailed the inci- ally a troubled system of York attorney argues
know the time of Urdiales’ partment of Corrections. she finally lay on the floor dent in a report made public care,” Golding wrote. D.A.’s prosecution is
and Govin’s last cell visits. Urdiales was sentenced and ripped out her eye. last week to highlight how The report, based on his deeply flawed. B3
She said inmates under sui- to death a month ago by a Guards rushed in amid the state allegedly has failed visits to various state pris-
cide watch have constant su- jury in Orange County for blaring alarms, but they to care for some of its most ons, was filed in federal court Lottery ...................... B2
pervision, though neither of [See Suicides, B6] were too late. She had swal- vulnerable inmates. [See Prison report, B6]
B2 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M


ICE aims to silence detainees’ visitors

Freedom for Immi-
Volunteers are barred grants, an Oakland-based
national organization that
from detention center coordinates visitation pro-
unless they sign a grams at detention facili-
ties, tried contacting ICE in
confidentiality form. October on SOLACE’s
Shortly after the organi-
zation sent its letter, ICE
SAN DIEGO — Immi- blocked Otay Mesa detain-
gration officials have ees’ access to the organiza-
stopped allowing a volun- tion’s hotline, Executive
teer group to visit people at Director Christina Fialho
Otay Mesa Detention Cen- said.
ter unless its members “It seeks to silence critics
agreed not to talk with the and prohibit the public from
media or other groups learning important infor-
about conditions inside. mation about treatment in
Immigration and Cus- detention,” said Fialho,
toms Enforcement said whose group released a
members of Souls Offering report in July documenting
Loving and Compassionate more than 800 complaints of
Ears must sign the Volun- hate-related abuse in immi-
teer Code of Ethics to be in gration detention, including
compliance with the agen- at Otay Mesa.
cy’s detention standards. This week, SOLACE
The group so far has re- volunteers began meeting
fused, arguing that the with staffers at congres-
standards don’t require sional offices around San
them to sign away their 1st Diego to ask for help.
Amendment rights in order “The people we tend to
to visit detainees. see are the people who have
“I think they’re circling suffered incredibly,” Gelb
the wagons to stop people Nelvin C. Cepeda San Diego Union-Tribune told one office’s staff. “It’s
from knowing what’s going THE MAIN entrance to Otay Mesa Detention Center in San Diego. Since 2012, volunteers with Souls Offering not for us that we want it
on inside,” said SOLACE Loving and Compassionate Ears have made more than 1,450 visits to at least 800 immigrants at the facility. reinstated. This is a service
volunteer Steve Gelb of for people with nothing.”
Mission Valley. “It gives ICE volunteers speculated that ren Mack said the change To David Loy, legal direc- ness selling food at farmers
more impunity.” either the political climate came from an “internal tor of the American Civil markets, spent more than kate.morrissey
Since 2012, SOLACE or critical media coverage of pre-audit” of volunteer Liberties Union in San nine years in detention
volunteers have made more conditions in detention programs that found SOL- Diego, the restrictions in the while his case was being Morrissey writes for the San
than 1,450 visits to at least facilities may have led to the ACE was not in compliance code are unconscionable. appealed. Diego Union-Tribune.
800 immigrants at Otay change, but they could not with the Performance- “I don’t say that kind of “It’s a blow to the detain-
Mesa. They try to give de- think of a specific report Based National Detention thing lightly,” Loy said. ees,” Owino said of the
tainees who don’t have that might have led to the Standards, which is what “This is an absolutely un- program’s suspension.
anyone to visit them a feel- restrictive language. the agency uses for its facili- constitutional attempt to “They have nobody to talk
ing of humanity, emotional The confidentiality ties. stifle speech and evade to, nobody to go to.” Lottery results
support and hope. sections of the new code “Each volunteer must go accountability.” He recalled the changes Tonight’s Mega Millions
“Without SOLACE, require volunteers to agree through a facility orienta- Loy has sent a letter he felt when he started Estimated jackpot: $70 million
people who are detained at not to share information tion and agree to applicable threatening legal action if getting visits from SOLACE Sales close at 7:45 p.m.
Otay have very little way to they acquire without writ- facility rules and pro- ICE doesn’t reinstate SOL- volunteers. “In detention, For Monday, Nov. 5, 2018
communicate with the ten permission from the cedures,” Mack said. “Vol- ACE. they make us feel like we’re
outside world,” said Angela warden. unteer applicants are re- Immigrants previously nothing,” Owino said. Fantasy Five: 1-2-8-16-29
Fujii, who coordinates the The volunteers worry quired to complete the code detained at Otay Mesa said This isn’t the first time Daily Four: 1-0-4-3
program through the First that if a detainee were to tell of ethics package and re- visits from volunteers were ICE has suspended the San
Daily Three (midday): 1-7-0
Unitarian Universalist them about abuse at the quired dress code.” life-changing. Diego program over a refus-
Church. “It’s a very vulnera- facility, they wouldn’t be SOLACE volunteers “It gave me hope to be al to sign forms that had Daily Three (evening): 3-1-3
ble population that we know able to speak up. They also hadn’t signed the form but free again,” said Yousra, confidentiality clauses. Daily Derby:
is now suffering and being took issue with a part of the had submitted information, who preferred not to give In 2013, after volunteers (1) Gold Rush
neglected.” form that says they “repre- including Social Security her last name because she’s raised concerns about alle- (12) Lucky Charms
The new requirement sent” CoreCivic, the for- numbers and photo IDs, for still in fear of the country gations of sexual abuse at (11) Money Bags
took volunteers by surprise. profit company that owns background checks when she fled. “They are still Otay Mesa, ICE introduced Race time: 1:41.48
They said they thought they and operates Otay Mesa. they joined the program. supporting me and being by a similar form and tempo-
had a good relationship with “It seems like we’re being The detention standards do my side to stay strong and rarily suspended SOLACE. Results on the internet:
ICE and had been told the put in a straitjacket,” said not require the facility rules keep on fighting.” After the media got in-
General information:
agency appreciated their volunteer Kathy Smith of to include confidentiality Sylvester Owino, who volved, volunteers were
(800) 568-8379
work. Scripps Ranch. clauses in CoreCivic’s volun- came to the U.S. from Kenya allowed to continue without (Results not available at this number)
At recent meetings, ICE spokeswoman Lau- teer form. and now has his own busi- signing the form.

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L AT I M E S . C O M T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 B3


Suspect Fire
held in official
fatal gun dies
By Jaclyn Cosgrove

Detectives have a sus-

pect in custody and are in-
terviewing the person about
a shooting that killed one
and injured two others at a
detox facility in Marin Veteran Costa Mesa
County, officials said Mon-
day. captain was off duty
Authorities identified the when he was struck
suspect as Davance Lamar
Reed, a 37-year-old transient while riding his bike.
who was dating one of the
victims, according to the By Hannah Fry
Marin County Sheriff ’s Of-
fice. Reed made statements An off-duty Costa Mesa
to detectives that linked him fire captain who was struck
to the crime scene. Al Seib Los Angeles Times while riding his bicycle by a
Investigators deter- ELECTION EVE PORTRAIT driver suspected of being
mined that the shooting was under the influence of drugs
Tony Thurmond, running for state superintendent of public instruction, poses for a selfie with Margie
an isolated incident and that has died, fire officials said
the community was under Granado of the California Teachers Assn. at a rally for House candidate Gil Cisneros in Buena Park. Monday.
no threat. Capt. Mike Kreza was
The Sheriff ’s Office said riding his bicycle east on Ali-
authorities received a call at cia Parkway in Mission Viejo

Weinstein’s lawyer seeks to

1:33 a.m. from the Helen Vine about 8 a.m. Saturday when
Detox Center in San Rafael a van struck him. When
reporting that staff mem- sheriff ’s deputies arrived,
bers had been shot. Kreza was lying in the road-
Deputies arrived to find way “with visible head and

dismiss entire criminal case

three people with gunshot body trauma,” the Orange
wounds. County Sheriff ’s Depart-
One man, whose identity ment and Costa Mesa Fire
has not been released, died and Rescue said in a joint
at the scene. Another man statement.
and a woman — identified as “Words alone cannot de-
facility employee Anthony scribe the immeasurable
Dominguez Mansapit, 32, ual assault charges dis- heartache felt by his friends
and Brittney Kehaulani Mc- By Richard Winton missed. and family, including his fire
Cann, 30 — were taken to That charge involved for- family,” Costa Mesa Fire and
Marin General Hospital and Harvey Weinstein’s New mer actress Lucia Evans, Rescue wrote on Twitter on
are in the intensive care unit, York lawyer is seeking to dis- who told a New York police Monday. “RIP brother Mike,
authorities said. Authorities miss the remaining five fel- detective that she exposed we love you!”
said McCann was dating the ony sex crime charges her breasts to Weinstein in a Kreza was an 18-year vet-
suspect. against the beleaguered restaurant in 2004 and that eran of Costa Mesa Fire and
The Helen Vine Recovery movie producer, arguing he offered her a job in ex- Rescue. Kreza had been un-
Center, at 301 Smith Ranch that the entire Manhattan change for oral sex. Evans responsive and in critical
Road in San Rafael, is a li- district attorney’s office’s was among the first to condition over the weekend
censed 26-bed coed facility prosecution of the case is accuse Weinstein in an arti- before he died Monday. He
that offers both detox and deeply flawed because of cle last fall in the New Yorker. was surrounded by family
residential substance use “admitted police miscon- The dismissal came as a and friends, according to the
disorder treatment. Clients duct.” wedge seemed to appear be- Fire Department.
can stay up to 30 days for Attorney Benjamin Braf- tween the Manhattan prose- The Costa Mesa Fire
detox and up to 90 days for man filed a 137-page motion cutor’s office and the New Fighters Assn., the firefight-
residential treatment. Last Monday, saying the grand York Police Department’s ers’ union, wrote on
year, the staff at Helen Vine jury indictment was tainted sex crimes unit. Det. Nicho- Facebook that Kreza was in
saw more than 900 patients. by police misconduct and las DiGaudio was removed training for Ironman Arizo-
The center is run by failures to disclose key evi- from the investigation after na, a triathlon consisting of a
Buckelew Programs, the dence, including a text mes- it was revealed that he alleg- swim, bicycle ride and mara-
largest provider of commu- sage from one of the produc- edly did not tell prosecutors thon.
nity-based mental health er’s accusers. of evidence pertaining to Ev- Costa Mesa fire and po-
and support services in the In the text, Mimi Haleyi ans. lice officials and hospital
North Bay. The organization seems to seek to meet with Brafman is now seeking staff gathered outside Mis-
sees almost 10,000 people in the producer seven months Mark Lennihan Associated Press to undermine Haleyi’s accu- sion Hospital in Mission Vi-
Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Men- after he allegedly sexually NYPD Det. Nicholas DiGaudio, right, shown escort- sations with her own com- ejo on Monday morning as
docino and Lake counties. It assaulted her. ing Harvey Weinstein into court in May, was removed munications. Haleyi, who Kreza’s body was loaded
also runs the North Bay Sui- “Hi! Just wondering if u from an investigation into the movie producer. made her identity public, into a white van to be taken
cide Prevention Hotline. have any news on whether has said Weinstein forcibly to the county coroner’s office
harvey will have time to see tion of the evidence would was originally charged with performed oral sex on her in Santa Ana. Two motor-
jaclyn.cosgrove me before he leaves? x Miri- reveal all the sexual acts sexually assaulting three while she was on her period. cycle officers led the van am,” she wrote in February were consensual and that women between 2004 and Brafman previously re- away from the hospital.
Twitter: @jaclyncosgrove 2007, according to Brafman’s the grand jury never saw the 2014. Since a grand jury in- leased more than 40 seem- Firefighters stopped on
Times staff writer Alene motion. communication. dicted Weinstein, Brafman ingly flattering emails from several freeway overpasses,
Tchekmedyian contributed Brafman’s filing again as- Weinstein surrendered to has succeeded in getting one an unidentified accuser in climbed to the top of their
to this report. serts that a true presenta- New York police in May and of the felony first-degree sex- which she repeatedly seeks trucks and saluted to their
to meet with Weinstein after fallen friend as the van made
authorities said he raped its way through Orange
her in a New York motel. County.
Brafman has argued that Costa Mesa community

Donations pour in for teacher the emails reflect a long-

term consensual relation-
ship; they were not shown to
the grand jury that indicted
members, some of whom
had never met Kreza,
dropped off flowers and
cards at fire stations. The

arrested after punching student

Weinstein. firefighter’s death was also
In the motion filed Mon- met with an outpouring of
day, Brafman said that he support from fire and police
been informed by the lead agencies across the state.
prosecutor that DiGaudio “He was a hero and
told the unidentified accus- passed away too early in
dismissing him and I would geles sheriff ’s station. He er that she “should delete life,” a Laguna Beach Police
Scores defend music not doubt if the student’s
parents are looking into
‘This is not the was
anything she did not want
anyone to see before provid-
Department statement
Monday on Twitter said.
instructor, saying he pressing criminal charges,” first time that Mr. $50,000 bail, according to ing [her] phones to our of- “Our hearts go out to his
was pushed by teen’s Jimenez wrote on the Go-
Riley is attacked; Sheriff ’s Department in- fice.” He allegedly then said, family and the Costa Mesa
FundMe page. “I am sure Mr. mate records. He is sched- “We just won’t tell Joan” Il- Fire Department.”
use of racial slur. Riley will need money to pay
any fines, fees and lawyers.”
physically or uled to be arraigned Nov. 30,
authorities said.
luzi-Osborn, the lead prose-
A GoFundMe page set up
to support Kreza’s wife and
By Hannah Fry and
Hailey Branson-Potts
On social media, scores of verbally. He is a Riley could not be DiGaudio is a veteran sex three young daughters had
people have defended Riley, reached for comment after crimes investigator who has raised more than $96,000 as
saying that he was pushed to great person and a the incident, but he did served on the NYPD for of Monday.
Online donations are
streaming in for a Maywood
the brink and that the stu-
dent was out of line for using
great teacher.’ record a video thanking peo-
ple for donating to the Go-
more than 30 years, said Det.
Michael Palladino, presi-
Authorities said the
driver of the van, Stephen
high school music teacher a racial slur. But some par- — Cecilia Diaz FundMe account. dent of the union that repre- Taylor Scarpa, 25, of Mission
who was arrested after a vi- ents have expressed outrage Jimenez, In a statement, officials sents NYPD detectives. In a Viejo, had “multiple pre-
deo went viral showing him over the incident. who started a GoFundMe page with the Los Angeles Unified statement, Palladino dis- scription medications” in his
punching a 14-year-old stu- “We all may have mixed for music teacher Marston Riley School District said they missed the development as vehicle. Scarpa was arrested
dent in the face after the boy feelings about what hap- were “extremely disturbed” irrelevant and accused the on suspicion of felony driv-
used a racial epithet and pened,” Jimenez wrote. “But by reports of the fight. district attorney’s office of ing under the influence and
threw a basketball at him. please do know that this is him, then walks back to the “We take this matter very attacking DiGaudio to cover was booked into the Orange
The fight Friday in the not the first time that Mr. front of the classroom where seriously and do not con- up its own failings in the We- County Jail in lieu of $100,000
Maywood Academy High Riley is attacked; physically the student is standing. He done violence or intolerance instein case. bail.
School classroom led to the or verbally. He is a great per- calmly tells the student sev- of any kind,” the statement More than 80 women
arrest of teacher Marston son and a great teacher.” eral times to leave, then sud- read. “Los Angeles Unified is have accused Weinstein of
Riley, 64, who is black, on Students told KTLA that denly starts punching. cooperating with law en- sexually inappropriate con-
suspicion of child abuse. De- the confrontation began af- The two trade punches as forcement in investigating duct since stories in the New
tectives with the Los Ange- ter Riley asked the boy to other students scramble this incident.” York Times and the New
les County Sheriff ’s Depart- leave the classroom because around them, some shriek- Several parents gathered Yorker exposed decades of
ment’s Special Victims Bu- he wasn’t wearing a proper ing. Riley hits the student outside the school Friday allegations against the pro-
reau are investigating. uniform. numerous times, and a night to express their anger ducer.
Cecilia Diaz Jimenez, Cellphone video record- woman in a yellow safety over the incident, NBC Los From London to Los An-
who says she works for the ed by other students shows vest tries to intervene. Angeles reported. geles, more than two dozen
Los Angeles Unified School the boy standing next to his The boy was pulled from “Just the fact that he’s criminal investigations were
District and previously teacher, swearing at him and the room by campus staff. hitting a child — it’s not conducted into allegations
worked at Maywood Acade- repeatedly using racial slurs. The student was taken to right,” one woman told the stretching back three dec-
my, started a GoFundMe “What’s up, bro?” the stu- a hospital, where he was station. ades. Prosecutors are still
page for Riley over the week- dent says as he stands close treated for moderate in- reviewing several investiga-
end. As of Monday night, and throws the basketball at juries and released, accord- tions from Los Angeles and
more than 2,600 people had Riley. “Why you wisecrack- ing to the Sheriff ’s Depart- Twitter: @Hannahnfry Beverly Hills police. Costa Mesa Fire Department

donated more than $65,000. ing, my … ?” he asks. ment. hailey.branson MIKE KREZA was an
“Be mindful that the Riley walks away as the Riley was arrested and richard.winton 18-year veteran of Costa
school district is looking at student continues to insult booked at the East Los An- Twitter: @haileybranson Mesa Fire and Rescue.
B4 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 WSCE L AT I M E S . C O M

Arrest was kept

secret by LAUSD
[School, from B1] that school police success-
who described the en- fully filed multiple charges
counter at a recent school against an individual who
board meeting. was found in possession of
“He said something to firearms in our area re-
the effect: ‘I’m just kicking cently.”
back,’ ” Gamez said. “Next, After seeing the incident
the officer asked him if he reported more fully on local
had any weapons. He said, TV news stations the next
‘Yes, I do.’ ” day, some parents felt the
Officers arrested Polsky district intentionally under-
and recovered a loaded stated the incident.
short-barreled shotgun, an “The message was vague
unloaded AK-47-style as- and gave so few details that
sault rifle, an unloaded and my takeaway was it had
unregistered semiauto- nothing to do with the
matic handgun, loaded rifle school,” Vick said.
magazines and a bag con- The next day, Gamba
taining ammo. sent a second message, ac-
School police said that knowledging the media re-
Polsky did not appear ports: “Please know that we
poised to use his weapons. worked closely with school
“At no point, starting police on this matter, and
from the beginning on Oct. that our students and staff
11, did we feel there was any were not in any danger.”
threat or any serious cause L.A. Unified and other
to alarm anybody about this districts have struggled with
arrest,” said Sgt. Julie Spry, how much to tell families Al Seib Los Angeles Times
public information officer about distressing incidents. GIL CISNEROS , a candidate in the 39th District, addresses supporters at a rally on Monday in Buena Park.
for the school police. “It was Parents at numerous
unusual in this location, but schools in recent years have

5 factors to watch in races

it is not unusual to recover been angered to find that the
these kinds of weapons from district has frequently failed
adults.” to disclose information
According to public re- about employees accused or
cords, Polsky was born in convicted of sexual miscon-
New Mexico, has lived at duct.
times in Studio City and Parent fury led the school [Election, from B1] by mail, so the evening’s first Rohrabacher? time aide to Royce, can at-
Venice and may have worked system to establish a policy The concentration of tally should not look too bad tract an unusually high
in the past as a production that it would provide basic spending in districts now for the GOP, said Paul Will Latinos vote in large number of Asian American
assistant. He had a previous information within 72 hours held by Republicans is a sign Mitchell, vice president of numbers? voters, it might be enough to
conviction on an alcohol-re- about the misconduct-re- of the lopsided state of play Political Data, a nonparti- The rising clout of Latino keep this seat Republican.
lated offense. lated removal of an employ- nationwide in the battle for san firm that tracks voting voters is the primary reason
The district attorney ee, provided that such notice control of the House. patterns. California has drifted from How badly will Democrats
charged Polsky with three would not compromise an In Orange County, where Voters who cast ballots in the Republican Party over perform with white blue-
gun-related felonies and investigation. The district’s four of the party’s House person typically skew the last two decades. It’s also collar voters?
three misdemeanor counts regional superintendents seats are in jeopardy, and in toward Democrats, so the one of the main forces erod- In upscale suburban dis-
of child annoyance. He can choose to limit or pro- other suburbs from coast to outlook is unlikely to im- ing Orange County’s stand- tricts like the 45th in the
pleaded no contest on Oct. hibit disclosures. coast, many voters repelled prove for Republicans once ing as a GOP stronghold. Irvine area of Orange
24 to one felony count of pos- The Reed incident, how- by Trump are shifting the initial numbers are re- But interest in the County, white voters with
session of an assault weapon ever, did not involve an em- toward Democrats, endan- ported, Mitchell said. midterm election among college degrees pose a major
and was sentenced to 16 ployee and so did not fall gering the Republican ma- If Republicans “are losing Latino voters hasn’t threat to the GOP incum-
months in state prison, said under the policy. jority, polls show. any of those seats in the matched the intense levels bent, in this case Rep. Mimi
Ricardo Santiago, a spokes- Still, the common-sense GOP leaders have all but early vote, they are going to seen among white voters Walters. Those voters have
man for the L.A. County dis- test should have applied, given up on one of the races, lose the seat,” he said. with college degrees, espe- turned especially hard
trict attorney. said parent Julia Bricklin, offering virtually no help to cially women. against Trump, and their
The school police depart- whose daughter matricu- Diane Harkey, the Republi- Can party loyalty save Rep. Latinos are a younger support for Democrat Katie
ment on Oct. 30 mentioned lated from Reed in June. can vying against Democrat Dana Rohrabacher? population, on average, with Porter, a consumer lawyer,
the arrest on social media to Even before finding the Mike Levin to succeed GOP In coastal Orange less voting history. In past could cost Walters her seat.
highlight its good work. The weapons, “the school had Rep. Darrell Issa in the County, GOP Rep. Dana contests, many have focused But more blue-collar sub-
department didn’t post knowledge of somebody try- coastal 49th Congressional Rohrabacher faces a storm on the election only in the fi- urban districts, such as Re-
sooner, Spry said, to avoid ing to lure young females District straddling San Di- of attack ads by Democrat nal weeks. A big Latino turn- publican Rep. Steve
interfering with the investi- and didn’t alert the parents. ego and Orange counties. Harley Rouda and his allies out Tuesday could put Knight’s in the 25th Con-
gation. There were two lapses in re- Democrats need to gain in the 48th Congressional Democrats over the top in gressional District on the
That same day, Reed porting.” 23 seats across the country District. key races. One of them is in northwest edge of Los Ange-
Principal Jeanne Gamba to win control of the House, Rohrabacher, who has the 10th Congressional Dis- les County, could be a
sent the district’s first cam- howard.blume giving California an outsize weathered years of sour trict in the Modesto area, tougher challenge for Demo-
puswide message to par- role in the battle for control headlines over his friendly where 28% of registered vot- crats. Trump’s strongest
ents: “I am calling to share Twitter: @howardblume of Congress. California’s posture toward Russia, has ers are Latino. Republican base of support is white men
vote count is notoriously been badly outspent, and he Rep. Jeff Denham is trying to with no college degree.
slow, so the results in multi- has attracted less help from fend off a challenge from Knight’s Democratic ri-
ple contests could remain national party leaders than Democrat Josh Harder. val, Katie Hill, a former
uncertain Tuesday night. similarly endangered Re- leader of a nonprofit that
“This thing could stretch publicans. Will party leanings tran- provides services to the
out for weeks,” said Kevin But Republicans hold a scend ethnicity? homeless, has attracted
Spillane, a Republican strat- 10% advantage in party reg- Latinos typically favor more than $18 million in in-
egist in San Diego. istration over Democrats in Democrats in California dependent spending by
Here are five things to the district, giving the in- and, for the most part, so do Democratic groups, in part
watch for in the California cumbent a stronger founda- Asian Americans. to help her overcome this ob-
contests: tion than any of the other In the 39th Congres- stacle.
five GOP candidates in close sional District race to suc-
How many besieged Repub- races in Southern California ceed retiring GOP Rep. Ed michael.finnegan
licans will survive the and the Central Valley. Royce of Fullerton, philan-
early-vote test? Conservative bastions thropist Gil Cisneros, a Lat-
Shortly after the polls such as Newport Beach, San ino Democrat, is facing Re-
close at 8 p.m., the first tal-
lies to be released will be the
Clemente and Huntington
Beach voted for Trump in
publican Young Kim, an im-
migrant from South Korea.
mail ballots that arrived be- the 2016 presidential elec- The inland Orange
fore election day. tion, even though Rohra- County district’s voters are Go online for earlier articles
Los Angeles School Police Republicans tend to out- bacher’s district as a whole 24% Latino and 21% Asian. If in this series looking at
AN ARSENAL of weapons was seized from Russell perform Democrats among favored Democrat Hillary Kim, a former state assem- issues and voter groups key
Polsky after his arrest outside Reed Middle School. voters who cast ballots early Clinton. Will they stick by blywoman who was a long- to the midterm election.

Abrupt closure of foster youth program draws criticism

[Foster youth, from B1] dential support to the com- “From a landlord’s per-
sponse to state legislation munity,” she said. “To use spective, they’re not the
that allowed young people to this building as we are doing most attractive tenants,”
stay in foster care until age is precisely the reason that said Leslie Heimov, the cen-
21. Mrs. Cecil B. DeMille in- ter’s executive director.
The county Department tended in the first place.” “When they can’t find per-
of Children and Family Serv- Constance Adams, wife manent housing, they end
ices has struggled to provide of the famed director, helped up on skid row, in adult
adequate housing and serv- establish the studio club to homeless shelters or worse.”
ices for so-called transition- provide young women aspir- Children and Family
age youths, who still need ing to make it in Hollywood a Services said its staff mem-
adult guidance but also seek decent place to live. bers are making sure af-
independence. Alize Hogan, 20, had been fected individuals have ac-
The YWCA’s dormitory living at the studio club since cess to their savings ac-
setup and emphasis on job January. After learning the counts and are matched to
readiness were meant to of- program would close, he an appropriate living situa-
fer a hybrid of independent went to stay with his sister in tion.
living and support. Program the Crenshaw district, Washington said her em-
providers put money for where he said he has been ployees have been helping
each participant into a sav- “sleeping on the floor with youths come up with “delib-
ings account every month, the roaches.” erate” transition plans,
with the money accessible to Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times Hogan said he plans to though she declined to pro-
participants when they THE YWCA will lease space for a women’s shelter, sparking criticism that L.A. save money from his job at vide details. She added that
turned 21 or left the pro- County is putting resources behind one group of needy people instead of another. Jimmy John’s to move into a the YWCA continues to
gram. place of his own, perhaps in serve young people, includ-
“The intent behind that Services officials have been space in its building to said. Lancaster or the Mojave ing 400 at a housing program
was to learn economic self- satisfied with the program, PATH, a homeless services But under Measure H, Desert. He would prefer that downtown.
sufficiency, and also to have according to the depart- provider. transition-age youths have to another transitional pro- As the last young people
money for first and last ment. They renewed their PATH will contract with also been identified as a pri- gram, he said. remaining at the Hollywood
months’ rent” when they contract with the YWCA af- the Los Angeles Homeless ority. “I don’t want to be in the Studio Club pack up their
left, Washington said. ter one year and planned to Services Authority to pro- Washington said her mo- same situation again,” he belongings, the YWCA pre-
Children and Family do so again this year. vide short-term shelter and tives were not financial. said. pares to welcome its newest
But the YWCA’s Wash- services at the site for up to She said the building, Hogan said he received residents on Nov. 15.
ington said the program ne- 64 women, including trans- which was designed by little to no help from YWCA Szabo, Garcetti’s deputy,
ver operated at full capacity. gender women. A total of Hearst Castle architect Julia staff or his Children and said the site was appealing
Under the agencies’ con- $974,280, funded through the Morgan and appears on the Family Services social because it offered vacant
tract, Children and Family Measure H sales tax, has National Register of His- worker. space in the heart of Holly-
Services paid the YWCA been allocated for eight toric Places, was underused. Kakani said that has wood, where there are many
Home Seller $3,500 a month for every months. “A building of that size, been a consistent complaint homeless people.
Mistakes enrolled client, up to a maxi- Kakani, of Public Coun- you’ve got to operate ... at among the seven people But there was never any
Free Report reviews 7 Costly mum of 30 clients and $1.26 sel, said the homeless au- maximum in order to keep it Public Counsel is assisting. discussion of displacing
Mistakes to Avoid Before million per year. The money thority and Children and functioning,” she said. At least five, she said, have young people, he said.
Selling Your Home in 2019. came from the state, and the Family Services appear to be Moreover, Washington not found a new home. “We would like to see if
Free recorded message YWCA would not have re- competing. said, opening the bridge The Children’s Law Cen- there’s any way this pro-
1-833-884-0563 ceived the maximum allot- “Presumably there will be housing program would en- ter, which represents all chil- gram can be continued ei-
ID# 1000 ted amount if the program more Measure H money and able the YWCA to serve dren in dependency court, ther on site or at another lo-
BE Parker, Agent, CA DRE 2058362, EXP Realty was not full. the concern is that other more people. confirmed that some of its cation,” Szabo said.
Under the new arrange- providers will also find this “That is the heartbeat of clients will be without fixed
ment, the YWCA will lease money more attractive,” she the YWCA, to provide resi- housing.
L AT I M E S . C O M T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 B5


Feminist rewrote rules of theater staging, including the act- teacher who served as direc-
By Charles McNulty ing, was arranged to strip tor of INTAR’s Hispanic
the habits of conventional Playwrights in Residence
aría Irene perception so that life, both Lab in New York and con-

M Fornés, the
ing Cuban-

ure in the off-off-Broadway

wright who was a pivotal fig-

movement, died Oct. 30 at 88

theatrical and societal,
could be seen anew. The
trademark naivety
Fornés’ characters was
matched by a production
style that understood just
how profound stillness,
ducted workshops at thea-
ters (including the Mark Ta-
per Forum) and universities
in the U.S. and abroad,
Fornés helped countless
writers find their voices.
The playwright’s legacy
after a long battle with Alz- sparseness and playful hu- lives on as much in her plays
heimer’s disease. mor could be. as in her students, a group
Michelle Memran, the di- Commercial success that includes Pulitzer Prize
rector of the 2018 documen- wasn’t in the cards for winner Nilo Cruz and Mac-
tary about Fornés, “The Fornés as it was for her male Arthur “genius” grant win-
Rest I Make Up,” and part of off-off-Broadway peers ner Luis Alfaro. Her influ-
the network of artists and Shepard and Lanford Wil- ence on Latinx theater —
friends who stood by her side son, both of whom revered passed down by former stu-
during Fornés’ more than 12 her. Broadway, with its rigid dents such as Eduardo
years in care facilities, con- rehearsal procedures and Machado, Caridad Svich
firmed her death. staid expectations, was anti- and Migdalia Cruz, who
Arguably the most influ- thetical to all she stood for. have become master teach-
ential American dramatist But even prominent non- ers themselves — is incalcu-
whose work hasn’t become a profit theaters across the lable.
staple of the mainstream country had trouble accom- Fornés, like her most fa-
repertoire, Fornés, a nine- modating an artist who mous character Fefu, was at-
time Obie winner, carved a cared more about collective tracted to “exciting ideas,”
special niche in the Ameri- process than institutional even if others found them
can theater. hierarchies. dangerous or repellent. “You
Although she was not as The relative scarcity of see,” Fefu explains to an out-
well-known as fellow theater her highly regarded work on raged friend,” “that which is
maverick Sam Shepard, her our most visible stages is exposed to the exterior … is
playwriting exerted a simi- why it was so significant smooth and dry and clean.
lar magnetic pull on genera- when New York’s Signature That which is not … under-
tions of theater artists in- Theatre Company devoted neath, is slimy and filled with
spired by her liberating ex- its 1999-2000 season to her fungus and crawling with
ample. plays. worms. It is another life that
Admired by academics, Off-off Broadway and is parallel to the one we man-
her profoundly original and fringe theaters were Fornés’ ifest. It’s there. The way
deeply humane plays are natural home. If widespread worms are underneath the
regularly taught in seminars fame was denied her, she stone. If you don’t recognize
on political, feminist, queer was a totemic figure to many it … it eats you.”
and experimental theater. theater academics and art- The line ends in a whis-
But Fornés can’t be con- ists. Tony Kushner was one per, but in her brave witness-
signed to the university cor- Alison Forbes of the many playwrights ing of brutality, poverty and
ner of specialized syllabi. In- SHE TOOK HER OWN PATH drawn to understand, as he oppression, Fornés left re-
deed, no survey of 20th cen- María Fornés won nine Obie Awards and carved a niche in American theater. put in a tribute essay, “the sounding theatrical testi-
tury American drama would Fornés magic” — the way mony to what is most tender,
be complete without a sam- “politics, psychology, and nurturing and fun-loving in
ple of her work. direction of Herbert Blau. plished director. Explorato- collaborated closely with de- formal experimentation co- the human spirit.
“Fefu and Her Friends,” With her roots firmly ry in her directorial methods signers on premieres of her habit in the house of Narra-
her best-known play (first planted in New York’s bur- yet always firmly in control, own plays and on occasional tive Realism as if nothing charles.mcnulty
produced in 1977) and a geoning off-off-Broadway she made full use of her visu- productions of classics. were more natural.”
landmark of feminist play- scene, Fornés would go on to al arts background as she Every element of the A celebrated playwriting Twitter: @charlesmcnulty
writing, is as interesting for- write more than 40 plays
mally as it is politically and that would rewrite the rules
psychology. “Mud” and “The of the American theater.
Conduct of Life,” her two In the preface to a collec-
masterpieces from the 1980s,
scrubbed sociology to its
theatrical essence. Her early
works from the 1960s, such
as “The Successful Life of 3”
tion of Fornés’ plays, Sontag
describes her former part-
ner as “a writer of bicultural
inspiration, one very Ameri-
can way of being a writer,”
OBITUARY NOTICES Place a paid Notice:
and the musical “Prome- and an “autodidact whose Search obituary notice archives:
nade,” caper with absurdist principal influences were
energy. neither theatre nor litera- AMEZCUA, Charlie FUJII, Melvin T. GORRIN, Ann Gertrude SAUNDERS, Wayne Alan
Later works grapple with ture but certain styles of September 1, 1928 - October 30, 2018 Melvin T. Fujii, age 72 passed away Mount Sinai Memorial Parks - October 9, 1932 - November 2, 2018
on October 1, 2018. Predeceased by Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076 A longtime resident of Santa Monica.
AIDS (“Enter the Night”) painting and the movies.” Charlie was born in his parents, Thomas and Sumiyo Fujii
Los Angeles, California. Born in East Moline, Illinois, to Leonard
and the culture she left be- Fornes’ writing can be and his brother, Robert Fujii; he is Keith and Viola Maimi Saunders. He
hind that was always with disarmingly direct. “Her lan-
He graduated from survived by his son, Thomas Edward HILL, Lois Jean
Roosevelt High School was predeceased by his sister, Shirley
(Magaly) Fujii; granddaughter, Abigail
her (“Letters From Cuba”).
Fornés was born in Ha-
guage is like that real thin
crystal that, when you pour
and then went on to serve in the
United States Navy for four years. After
Fujii; he is also survived by nieces,
nephews and other relatives.
Lois Jean Hill (April 29, 1942 –
October 25, 2018) succumbed to
her battle with lung cancer at her
Anne Donovan and survived by his
brother-in law, James Donovan, 3 To place
vana in 1930, and immi- a drink, you’re afraid the his discharge, Charlie returned to the
LA area and returned to his education,
Private family services were held
on Saturday, November 3 at Fukui
south Los Angeles home. She was
predeceased by her husband, Homer
nieces Andrea Ervin (Vinton), Karen
Donovan and Christine Donovan an obituary
grated to the U.S. with her glass will crush from the (Greg), and 2 great-nephews, Cole and
mother and a sister in 1945 weight of the liquor,” play-
receiving an AA degree from East
Los Angeles College, a BA from UCLA
Mortuary “Chapel in the Garden” in Los
Harry Hill, Jr., and daughter, Carolyn
Myracks. She is survived by five adult
Morgan Ervin.
He was a generous and caring man.
ad please go
and a Master’s degree in Psychology
after the death of her father.
They settled in New York,
wright Harvey Fierstein told
critic Don Shewey.
from California State University in Los
Angeles. Charlie worked at various
children, Paul (Sharon), Jacquelyn,
Joel, Charles (Virna) and Larry
A master mason and an active member
of the Pacific Railroad Society. He
online to:
and she became a natural- The plays, often centered (Christina); 18 grandchildren, three also enjoyed model trains, collecting
positions upon graduation: Counseling
ized U.S. citizen in 1951. on female characters long- Psychologist at the Veterans GAYDEN, David Court great-grandchildren, one aunt and coins, square dancing, classic cars and
May 29, 1932 - October 24, 2018 three sisters-in-law. anything Disney. Wayne will be greatly
Gifted in the visual arts and ing for the education and en- Administration, Director of the Head
Start Program, Counseling Supervisor David Court Gayden passed away
Lois retired after 25 years of
dedicated service to the Early
design, and possessing only lightenment they hope will at the Youth Training and Employment peacefully on Wednesday, October 24 Services will be held at Inglewood
a piecemeal formal educa- lead to a less constricted ex- Project in Los Angeles. In 1972 he in Grapevine, Texas.
Childhood Division of LAUSD.
A celebration of life service for
Park Cemetery on November 8 at 9am. placeobituary
tion, Fornés initially set her istence, unfold as a series of began his career at East Los Angeles Lois Jean Hill will be held Saturday,
College as the Veterans’ Counselor, Dave was born in Orange, California, November 10, 2018, at 10:00 a.m., at
sights on becoming a paint- tableaux whose simplicity Disabled Students Program and on May 29, 1932 to Elsie Edmonds
er. belies their emotional Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Cemetery Lots/Crypts
finally as a Counselor and Professor and Forest Gayden. He grew up in 1300 East 50th St., Los Angeles, CA
She studied with the ab- power. Scenes are distilled, of Psychology. He retired from the Sacramento and Los Angeles. He 90011. In lieu of flowers, the family
College in 2014. He was most proud of served in the U.S. Navy from 1951 to WANTED: Graves at Rose Hills, Forest
stract impressionist Hans and spatial composition encourages donations in her memory Lawn & other cemeteries Buy-List-Sell
his work at the College, especially since 1953. After his service, he worked for be made to the Thomas Jefferson High
Hofmann and traveled for a takes precedence over con- he was also a graduate. North American Aviation and later 800-256-7111 Broker
School Alumni Association, 1319 E.
few years in Europe, where ventional plot.
He is survived by his wife of 54
embarked on a 25-year career at NBC. 41st St., Los Angeles, CA 90011 or the or call
she saw Roger Blin’s original The playwright’s social Agretta Epps Scholarship Fund, 2419
production of Samuel Beck- conscience is expressed not years, Kathleen, daughter Colleen, son He married Veronica Vivian on Griffith Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90011. To place 1-800-234-4444
Charles, daughter-in-law Lucia, his October 11, 1975, with whom he
ett’s “Waiting for Godot” in in prescriptive answers but beloved granddaughter, Amber, and recently celebrated their 43rd wedding
MONKARSK, Eugene Max
an obituary ad
Paris, a watershed experi- in an abiding interest in sisters Rosemarie and Martha. anniversary. Dave is survived by
ence for her. characters historically rele-
The graveside funeral will be held at
Veronica, their two children, Greg and
Sarah Gayden and their spouses; and
Mount Sinai Memorial Parks -
Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076
please go
As Fornés told the Village gated to the voiceless mar-
Voice’s Ross Wetzsteon, “I gins.
Oakwood Memorial Park, Chatsworth,
at 10 am on November 7, 2018.
five grandchildren: Andrew, Nicholas,
Gavin, Caroline and Grant. online to:
didn’t speak any French at “Most critics and theater-
all. But I understood the goers,” Fornés told New York
world in which it took place, I magazine in 1985, “are so To place
got the rhythm. And it used to seeing plays in only an obituary ad
turned my life upside down.” one way — What is the dram- please go online to:
Still figuring out her path atic conflict? What are the
when she returned to New symbols? — that they go or call
York, Fornés fell into writing through their entire lives 1-800-234-4444
by trying to help her lover, looking for the same things.
Susan Sontag, then a philos- If they don’t find what they or call
ophy instructor at Colum- expect, they’re discon- 1-800-234-4444
bia, get started on a novel. certed. But I can’t ‘plant’
“I had all this creative en- things that way, like a treas-
ergy that I had to use,” ure hunt where you need a
Fornés recalled. “I never map. To me a play is more
really loved painting. Still, I like a path I just follow, never
might never have even knowing where it’s going to
thought of writing if I hadn’t end up, letting the material
pretended I was going to guide me step by step.”
Elwood Len Doughty
show Susan how easy it There are many ways to October 2, 1925 - October 31, 2018
was.” bungle Fornés’ path-break-
Elwood Len Doughty passed away at
“Tango Palace,” Fornés’ ing plays in performance so, 93 years of age of natural causes. He
first play, premiered at the to realize her dramatic vi- was predeceased by his wife of 62
Actor’s Workshop in San sion in three dimensions, years, Mary Joan Doughty, on October
16, 2018.
Francisco in 1963 under the she became an accom- Born in Malvern, Arkansas, Len enlisted in
the Navy in 1943 during World War II. He had
distinguished service earning several medals. After
honorable discharge, Len earned his high school
diploma and joined his father in the L.A. County
Medical Center Ambulance Service.
During this time, Len met the love of his life,
Mary Joan Clanton who was in the Los Angeles
County Medical Center School of Nursing. They
married in 1956. In 1957 Len joined the L.A. County
Sheriff’s Department where he served honorably Rhoda Suzanne Breverman
for 27 years. During his career as a Deputy Sheriff
Len was a part of the Special Enforcement Bureau September 7, 1923 - November 1, 2018
and Internal Affairs. He retired from the department
with the rank of Sergeant. Born to Murray and Harriet Guttenplan, in New York. Rhoda passed
Len enjoyed camping and road trips across the away at the age 95. Rhoda received her bachelor’s degree and met
USA, Canada and Mexico with family and friends. her beloved husband, David of 69 years, at Ohio State University.
He and Mary were active members of the Wally Rhoda and David settled in Los Angeles where she was a prominent
Byam Airstream Caravan Club, each becoming and active member of the community, tirelessly advocating for numerous Jewish
presidents of the local chapter and attending many and Zionist principles. Rhoda was a founding member of the Kinneret Group of
international rallies where Len was the official Hadassah and had served as a past President of the former Los Angles Big
photographer. He and Mary traveled abroad to Asia Chapter. Rhoda also was a Keepers of the Gate, a member of the National
and enjoyed cruises to Alaska, Hawaii, US Paciic Board, and the Liaison to Hadassah Southern California for the Past Presidents
Coast, Panama Canal and South America with Advisory Council. A strong leader with a desire for serving others, Rhoda’s
wonderful friends. Len also enjoyed his hobbies, greatest passion was in ighting for the strengthening of Israel and the
including gardening, landscaping and photography. advancement of Jewish causes.
Len was a loving husband, father, father-in-law, Survived by son Robert (Susie) and Michael (predeceased), four
grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle, brother and grandchildren, Scott, Craig (Samantha), Julie Krauss (Peter) and Leslie; three
Hero Theatre friend. He is loved and will be missed by his family great-granddaughters, Alexa, Allison, and Natalie; great-grandson, Wesley, and
including children, Len Jr., Ron, Susan, James, many nieces and nephews.
LASTING LEGACY Steven, along with 16 grandchildren, ive great- In lieu of lowers donations may be made to Hadassah Southern California,
Fornés, right with Elisa Bocanegra of Hero Thea- grandchildren and a multitude of friends. Amelia & Mark Taper Hadassah House, 455 South Robertson Blvd., Beverly
tre, helped countless writers find their voices. Services to be held November 9, 2018, 3:00 PM Hills, CA 90211.
(arrive 2:30 PM) at Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills. Services will be held Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 12 p.m. at Hillside
Memorial Park Mortuary, (800) 576-1994.
B6 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Coastal clouds followed by sunshine: Upper-level impulses will move through Southern California, Stormy election day: Windy, wet weather will reach from the Great
creating a deep marine layer. This will bring widespread low clouds and fog to the coast and inland Lakes through the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Damaging wind
valleys through Wednesday. An area of high pressure will build into the basin areas by the end of the gusts and flooding downpours will affect some regions. Snow will
week, raising temperatures and the potential for Santa Ana winds. blanket areas in the northern Plains and Rockies.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
Today 75/56 78/53 72/57 62/30 88/61 Anchorage
Fog to sun Sunshine Fog to sun Sunny Sunny 30/25
Wednesday Partly sunny 73/55 Sunny 77/53 Partly sunny 69/56 Sunny 63/29 Sunny 88/61
Thursday Sunny 79/54 Sunny 79/56 Sunny 75/56 Sunny 54/21 Sunny 86/58
Friday Sunny 84/52 Very windy 77/50 Sunny 81/52 Very windy 53/20 Sunny 79/52
Saturday Mostly sunny 79/57 Partly sunny 79/53 Mostly sunny 77/56 Sunny 57/21 Sunny 82/54
Los Angeles Basin: Low clouds and fog early, then low clouds and fog along clouds Wednesday.
clouds and fog along the mostly sunny and warm the coast early, then mostly Low desert: Sunny and very
coast and in some inland across the interior. Clouds sunny. Low clouds and fog Seattle
warm. Clear tonight. Sunny 54/44
areas early, followed by and fog will return tonight. along the coast tonight. with high clouds
sunshine. Coastal clouds Ventura/Santa Barbara: Local mountains: Sunshine Wednesday.
and fog will return tonight. Chicago New York
Patchy low clouds and fog and warm. Clear and cool San Francisco Bay Area: Denver
50/33 65/52
Valleys/canyons: Sunshine in the morning, then mostly tonight. Sunny and cool. Mostly 50/22
and remaining warm. sunny. Low clouds and fog High desert: Sunshine and clear tonight. More
Mostly clear tonight. return late tonight. warm. Clear tonight. Warm sunshine Wednesday and Las Vegas
Orange County: Coastal San Diego County: Patchy and sunny with a few high Thursday. Los Angeles 76/52
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available
Houston Miami
South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality 85/71 87/75
BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 80/51 Hesperia
Santa Ojai75/49 76/43
Barbara 76/47 Simi Valley
70/47 78/50 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 78/53
70/54 73/53
76/53 73/54
Yucca Valley
U.S. cities
UCLA Fairplex 78/51 High 94 in McAllen, Texas
Oxnard San Bernardino
Westlake 73/56 LA Downtown 79/53 Ontario Low 11 in Burns, Ore.
Village Woodland 75/56 79/53 80/53
Santa Barbara Co. Hills Whittier Monday Today
77/53 Chino
81/52 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
Height Period Direction Santa Monica Hills 80/52 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO.
1-3’ 9 sec WSW 72/57 76/56 Fullerton 79/44 Albuquerque 66 43 -- 65 38 Su
Torrance 76/56 Amarillo 67 45 -- 69 37 Su
Ventura Co. 72/56 Santa Ana Anchorage 30 14 -- 30 25 Pc
Height Period Direction Long 73/58 ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm Atlanta 65 56 .11 75 53 Ts
2-4’ 9 sec WSW Beach Newport Irvine 80/46 Springs Atlantic City 58 49 .47 69 55 R
73/59 Beach 73/57 88/61 Austin 80 51 -- 84 68 Fg Taken at 3 p.m. Monday
Los Angeles Co. Mission Viejo Baltimore 57 44 .52 69 45 Ts
69/59 Temecula Billings 49 38 .02 32 17 Sn
Height Period Direction 73/56 Spokane 49 38 Tr 46 32 Sh
Laguna 77/46 Birmingham 70 56 .54 75 53 Pc Springfield, Mo. 53 38 .28 59 40 Fg
2-4’ 9 sec SW Beach San Boise 53 31 -- 51 30 Pc Tallahassee 81 65 -- 82 67 Ts
69/58 Clemente Boston 52 42 .20 61 52 R Tampa 86 73 -- 86 70 Pc
Surf and sea Orange Co. Brownsville 89 70 -- 89 77 Pc Tucson 82 50 -- 84 54 Su
Height Period Direction 70/56 SAN DIEGO CO. Buffalo 58 43 .02 59 43 R
POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICO Oceanside Tulsa 70 42 -- 67 43 Su
2-4’ 10 sec SSW Burlington, Vt. 47 31 .03 55 48 R Washington, D.C. 58 53 1.44 69 49 Ts
Inner waters: Wind variable at about 5 72/50 Casper 45 29 Tr 38 17 Sn
knots. Wind waves 1-4 feet; west and Wichita 66 43 .07 60 36 Su
San Diego Co. Charleston, S.C. 76 67 1.38 83 66 Pc Yuma 87 58 -- 86 57 Su
south swells of 2 feet. Height Period Direction Escondido Ramona Charleston, W.Va. 66 51 .13 69 45 R
Surf zone: The risk for strong rip 2-4’ 10 sec SW 75/52 77/47 Charlotte
55 .36
44 .05
currents will be moderate today at all Poway Acapulco 92 76 .08 86 77 Pc
Cincinnati 60 49 .16 61 42 W
area beaches, except in Santa Barbara Cleveland 61 48 .09 59 40 W
Amsterdam 53 41 -- 64 47 Pc
County, where the risk will be low. Tides UV index Colo. Springs 56 32 -- 50 25 Su
Athens 74 59 -- 69 58 Su
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. Baghdad 71 58 .31 71 55 Pc
Minutes to burn for San Diego Columbia, S.C. 71 61 .26 81 56 Ts
Bangkok 93 77 -- 94 79 Su
Station Time Wind Waves Temp Today 7:50a 6.3 Hi 1:33a 0.7 Lo sensitive people Columbus 60 50 .01 60 41 W
Barbados 86 79 .30 87 79 Sh
Las Vegas, 45
71/60 Concord, N.H. 41 27 .03 52 44 R
Morro Bay 4p VAR5 6/9 59/66 8:32p 4.9 Hi 2:25p -0.2 Lo Beijing 53 34 -- 53 30 Hz
Los Angeles, 45 Dallas/Ft.Worth 81 51 -- 77 58 Su
Santa Barbara 4p VAR5 2/9 65/66 Wed. 8:20a 6.4 Hi 2:06a 1.1 Lo Phoenix, 45 Berlin 60 50 -- 62 46 Pc
Denver 56 34 -- 50 22 Su
9:18p 4.6 Hi 3:05p -0.4 Lo San Francisco, 45 Buenos Aires 84 65 -- 76 53 Pc
Ventura 4p VAR5 2/9 65/66 Des Moines 47 36 .19 47 29 Pc
Cabo San Lucas 86 70 -- 88 70 Su
Zuma Beach 4p VAR5 1/9 67/66 Almanac Detroit 57 48 .13 55 39 Sh
Cairo 78 66 -- 78 64 Pc
Marina del Rey 4p VAR5 1/9 67/67 Duluth 39 34 .08 41 28 Cy
Monday downtown readings Sun and moon Calgary 23 21 .10 23 11 Sn
Hermosa Beach 4p VAR5 1/9 66/67 El Paso 79 59 -- 78 52 Su
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Cancun 86 79 .09 86 74 Pc
Today’s rise/set New Moon Eugene 59 44 .02 58 34 Pc
Cabrillo Beach 4p VAR5 1/9 67/69 High/low 77/61 77/61 69/53 Copenhagen 51 48 .33 53 47 Pc
Nov. 7 Fairbanks 11 -2 -- 9 -3 Pc
Hunt’n. Beach 4p VAR5 2/9 66/68 High/low a year ago 70/59 73/58 66/58 Los Angeles County Dublin 52 48 .38 53 45 R
Fargo 43 28 -- 37 19 Sn
Newport Beach 4p VAR5 2/9 66/66 Normal high/low for date 75/55 75/52 72/50 Sun 6:17a/4:56p Edinburgh 52 47 .09 58 50 Sh
Flagstaff 60 30 -- 60 29 Su
Dana Point 4p VAR5 2/9 66/65 Record high/date 94/2012 96/2012 98/1976 Moon 5:07a/4:47p First Quarter Frankfurt 61 50 -- 61 43 Pc
Grand Junction 56 28 -- 53 26 Su
San Clemente 4p VAR5 2/9 67/66 Record low/date 41/1881 43/2011 40/1956 Nov. 15 Geneva 58 46 -- 57 44 Pc
Grand Rapids 50 46 .10 51 37 Sh
Orange County Havana 86 67 -- 87 68 Pc
Oceanside 4p VAR5 2/10 67/65 Precipitation Green Bay 46 42 .07 47 34 R
Sun 6:16a/4:55p Full Moon Ho Chi Minh City 91 76 -- 94 78 Pc
Solana Beach 4p VAR5 2/10 66/67 24-hour total (as of 4 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Hartford 46 37 .13 60 44 R
Moon 5:06a/4:45p Nov. 22 Hong Kong 84 71 -- 83 74 Su
Mission Beach 4p VAR5 2/10 66/67 Season total (since Oct. 1) 0.57 0.85 0.14 Helena 48 37 .01 34 22 Sn
Istanbul 68 63 -- 65 58 Pc
Avalon 4p VAR5 2/9 68/66 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 0.10 0.02 0.02 Ventura County Honolulu 84 76 .07 85 71 Su
Jerusalem 62 52 .10 62 53 Sh
Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 0.80 1.01 0.99 Sun 6:22a/5:00p Last Quarter Houston 86 61 .03 85 71 Ts
Wind speed in knots; wave heights in feet/intervals in seconds; Johannesburg 83 60 .06 77 48 Ts
Humidity (high/low) 100/46 89/44 96/67 Moon 5:12a/4:50p Nov. 29 Indianapolis 55 45 .18 54 39 W
temperatures for sea/air Kabul 72 8 -- 68 34 Su
Jacksonville, Fla. 83 67 .21 86 66 Pc
Kingston 88 77 .02 87 76 Pc
Kansas City 51 34 .29 51 30 R
California cities London 61 46 -- 61 51 Pc
Las Vegas 76 56 -- 76 52 Su
Madrid 52 48 .50 53 46 Cy
Monday Today Wed. Monday Today Wed. Monday Today Wed. Little Rock 65 43 .80 68 50 Su
Manila 91 79 .05 89 77 Ts
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Louisville 64 51 .15 64 45 Pc
Mecca 91 75 .07 92 73 Ts
Medford 58 42 -- 57 33 Su
Anaheim 80 54 -- 76 57 75 55 Laguna Beach 69 56 -- 69 58 69 57 Sacramento 79 50 -- 76 40 76 46 Mexico City 76 53 .08 76 54 Pc
Memphis 68 46 .92 69 50 Pc
Avalon/Catalina 71 53 -- 65 56 66 56 Lancaster 83 63 -- 78 39 78 39 San Bernardino 84 53 -- 80 53 79 52 Montreal 43 32 .14 54 44 R
Miami 85 73 -- 87 75 Pc
Bakersfield 74 53 -- 75 49 76 49 Long Beach 73 61 -- 73 59 71 58 San Clemente Pier 71 45 -- 70 56 70 55 Moscow 46 34 -- 42 33 Pc
Milwaukee 51 44 .17 50 34 W
Barstow 82 57 -- 80 49 81 48 Mammoth Lakes 72 41 -- 65 24 65 22 San Diego 70 60 -- 71 60 70 59 Mumbai 92 78 -- 95 80 Hz
Minneapolis 45 37 .12 41 29 Cy
Beaumont 76 53 -- 77 46 76 45 Mission Viejo 74 51 -- 73 56 73 55 San Francisco 70 50 -- 70 49 70 51 New Delhi 78 61 -- 80 53 Hz
Nashville 72 52 Tr 69 44 Pc
Big Bear Lake 70 41 -- 62 30 63 29 Monrovia 80 54 -- 73 54 73 54 San Gabriel 78 61 -- 77 55 77 54 Oslo 44 39 .01 46 41 Sh
New Orleans 83 64 -- 83 71 Ts
Bishop 77 35 -- 74 33 75 35 Monterey 64 50 -- 68 46 69 47 San Jose 75 50 -- 76 48 76 49 Paris 66 46 -- 64 46 Pc
New York 53 47 .22 65 52 R
Burbank 77 52 -- 76 53 75 52 Mt. Wilson 81 58 -- 69 45 69 44 San Luis Obispo 83 44 -- 79 46 80 49 Rio de Janeiro 75 68 .08 80 69 Cy
Oklahoma City 69 45 -- 70 43 Su
Camarillo 73 52 -- 73 53 72 51 Needles 85 57 -- 85 57 85 56 Santa Ana 72 56 -- 73 58 70 57 Rome 66 57 .54 70 56 Cy
Omaha 50 37 .15 49 27 Pc
Chatsworth 78 54 -- 78 53 77 53 Newport Beach 66 59 -- 69 59 69 58 Santa Barbara 70 52 -- 70 47 70 49 Seoul 61 38 -- 63 45 Cy
Orlando 82 68 .09 86 67 Pc
Chino 83 50 -- 80 52 78 52 Northridge 79 51 -- 80 53 78 53 Santa Clarita 85 51 -- 80 51 79 52 Stockholm 48 36 .05 50 39 Cy
Philadelphia 56 44 .54 68 49 R
Dana Point 68 54 -- 69 56 69 55 Oakland 70 48 -- 71 45 71 48 Santa Monica Pier 76 64 -- 72 57 69 56 Sydney 81 65 .02 90 71 Cy
Phoenix 84 59 -- 84 60 Su
Death Valley 90 55 -- 86 55 84 55 Oceanside 70 52 -- 72 50 70 52 Santa Paula 76 46 -- 75 49 75 50 Taipei City 83 73 .10 87 73 Su
Pittsburgh 61 46 .13 63 40 R
Del Mar 69 58 -- 70 58 69 57 Ojai 78 42 -- 76 47 76 50 Santa Rosa 81 42 -- 78 39 78 41 Tehran 65 46 -- 57 47 Sh
Portland, Maine 43 31 .03 52 47 R
Escondido 79 52 -- 75 52 74 51 Ontario 81 55 -- 79 53 77 54 Simi Valley 80 52 -- 78 50 77 51 Tokyo 71 59 .14 68 60 R
Portland, Ore. 58 49 .01 57 40 Sh
Eureka 59 47 -- 59 41 60 38 Oxnard 70 53 -- 69 53 69 53 Tahoe Valley 65 27 -- 62 25 61 20 Toronto 52 43 Tr 58 41 R
Providence 51 39 .06 62 50 R
Fallbrook 76 50 -- 73 50 72 50 Palm Springs 87 61 -- 88 61 88 61 Temecula 78 49 -- 77 46 77 46 Vancouver 55 46 .03 52 39 Pc
Pueblo 63 34 -- 57 26 Su
Fillmore 80 46 -- 78 49 77 50 Pasadena 80 57 -- 76 55 76 54 Thousand Oaks 74 52 -- 75 51 74 51 Vienna 56 50 .01 61 46 Pc
Raleigh 62 54 .86 76 50 Ts
Fresno 76 53 -- 74 48 75 46 Paso Robles 81 39 -- 79 36 80 36 Torrance 73 57 -- 72 56 71 55 Winnipeg 39 27 -- 34 19 Sn
Rapid City 49 36 .02 39 15 Pc
Fullerton 77 61 -- 76 56 73 55 Pomona/Fairplex 79 52 -- 79 53 77 51 UCLA 76 59 -- 73 56 71 55 Zurich 55 45 -- 63 40 Pc
Reno 64 35 -- 62 30 Su
Hemet 80 57 -- 80 46 80 47 Poway 80 46 -- 73 56 72 55 Van Nuys 80 55 -- 79 54 78 54 Richmond 62 51 1.22 74 48 Ts Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Hesperia 84 55 -- 76 43 77 43 Redding 76 56 -- 77 47 77 50 Ventura 69 53 -- 70 54 69 54 St. Louis 51 43 .41 59 40 Pc foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz;hazy
Huntington Beach 71 56 -- 70 58 70 58 Rialto 83 58 -- 79 53 77 53 Whittier Hills 76 56 -- 76 56 74 55 Salt Lake City 53 37 -- 49 32 Pc Sh showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow;
Idyllwild 68 45 -- 69 49 68 49 Riverside 82 51 -- 79 44 76 45 Woodland Hills 80 49 -- 81 52 78 51 San Antonio 78 58 Tr 83 69 Fg Sf snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy;
Irvine 73 56 -- 73 57 71 56 Wrightwood 70 57 -- 66 45 67 42 San Juan, P.R. 84 78 .55 83 73 Sh Tr trace. Notes: National extremes are for NWS
L.A. D’ntown/USC 77 55 -- 75 56 73 55 Forecasts provided by Yorba Linda 79 52 -- 76 55 75 54 Santa Fe 60 34 Tr 60 31 Su stations; excludes Alaska and Hawaii.
L.A. Int’l. Airport 74 62 -- 70 58 69 57 AccuWeather, Inc. ©2018 Yosemite Valley 72 41 -- 70 43 68 40 Seattle 56 51 -- 54 44 Pc Missing data indicated by “xx”.

Doctor rebukes prison care 2 inmates die in

[Prison report, from B1]
as part of a lawsuit against The California
with them through a crack in
a cell door where conversa-
ing of all the facts,” she said.
“We have worked closely
apparent suicides
the state that has spanned tions can be overheard, Gol- with lawyers representing
nearly three decades and as- Department of ding said. The system, he prisoners, as well as the [Suicides, from B1]
serts that psychiatric care in wrote, is “by no means con- court appointment moni- the Southern California
prison is a constitutional Corrections and ducive to good patient care.” tors, for many years to im- slayings he carried out while
The report has come at a
Rehabilitation Sometimes inmates face
significant delays between
prove the mental health of
inmates, and our dedicated
stationed at U.S. Marine
Corps facilities in the area.
precarious time for the state ‘has created a scheduled appointments and well-trained staff will His spree began in 1986,
prison system. A federal because they are transferred continue to provide appro- when he attacked Robbin
court determined in 1995 biased and to new prisons, Golding said. priate care and treatment.” Brandley, 23, as she walked
that prisons had failed to
provide proper treatment
inaccurately With each transfer, the
agency resets the clock on
Golding alleges another
key problem is that medical
to her car in a dimly lit park-
ing lot after a piano concert
ANDREW Urdiales, left,
and Virendra Govin were
for thousands of mentally ill
positive picture of appointment times; so if an
inmate is transferred multi-
decisions, including the
drugs inmates need and the
at Saddleback College in
Mission Viejo. He stabbed
found unresponsive.

A judge at the time or- what is actually a ple times, he or she can wait type and frequency of care her 41 times in the back, He had been sentenced
dered the appointment of a
“special master” to oversee
troubled system up to nine months between
psychiatrist appointments,
they require, often are as-
signed to psychologists in-
neck, chest and hands with a
hunting knife.
to death for the Illinois mur-
ders, but after the death
psychiatric care reforms and
to work with experts to de-
of care.’ despite the court mandate
that patients wait no longer
side prisons rather than psy-
chiatrists, who are medical
He was also convicted in
the 1988 murders of Mary-
penalty was outlawed in the
state, he was ordered to
velop improved programs. — Michael Golding, than three months between doctors. This can lead to dis- ann Wells, 31, in San Diego, serve life in prison without
Headway in recent years has chief psychiatrist appointments, the report crepancies in decisions that and Julie McGhee, 29, in Ca- parole. In 2011, Urdiales was
led both sides to anticipate a for the state’s prison system states. can be problematic for pa- thedral City, as well as the extradited to Orange
return to state oversight, but Mental healthcare in tients, he said. Palm Springs killings of County to stand trial.
the latest report could throw prisons isn’t a waning issue In the case of the woman Tammie Erwin, 18, in 1989, Govin, who owned a Stu-
a wrench in that plan. lems Golding alleges is that for the state. A study pub- who ripped out her eye, the and Denise Maney, 32, in dio City motel, had been on
Michael Bien, an attor- patients frequently aren’t lished by Stanford Law psychologist who evaluated 1995. They were all shot in death row much longer. He
ney representing state pris- being seen on time or in School in 2017 notes that her did not call a psychia- the head. was sentenced to death in
oners receiving mental spaces that give them the even as the overall state pris- trist to administer drugs, de- Urdiales killed three 2004 by a Los Angeles
health treatment in the case, freedom to talk openly with on population declines, the spite doctors later saying women in four months in Illi- County jury in the slayings of
said he was prepared to ac- mental health staff. prevalence and severity of the patient had given every nois before he was arrested a business rival and her
cept a proposal to reduce The report claims that mental illness among those indication that she needed in November 1996 in Indiana three relatives during a bit-
psychiatric staff positions by the state Department of in the state prison system medication immediately after officers saw him in his ter dispute over an alley that
nearly 20% when he received Corrections mischaracter- are on the rise. More than even if it was given by force. truck loitering in an area separated their properties.
Golding’s report. That ized how frequently inmates 30% of California prisoners Nurses and psychologists known for prostitution. Offi- The family members
agreement has since been are seen by psychiatrists; receive treatment for seri- said the failure to provide cers found a gun in his car were strangled with plastic
called off. Data provided to the court ous mental disorders, an in- medicine was not a root that he was not permitted to garbage bag ties, beaten and
“The bigger impact is we boasts that 90% and 94% of crease of 150% since 2000, ac- cause of the patient remov- carry and confiscated it. A burned when Govin, his
felt we were ticking off the appointments were on time cording to the study. ing her eye. year later, Chicago police brother and a business part-
last couple of issues before in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Vicky Waters, press sec- “The tragedy is that any matched Urdiales’ gun to ner set the woman’s Holly-
we could end the case,” Bien Golding contends that less retary for the California De- competent psychiatric phy- bullets recovered from the wood Hills home ablaze.
said. “Now I have to go back than 50% of inmates are seen partment of Corrections sician or general medical bodies of the three victims. Govin’s brother has been on
and check all those assump- on time. and Rehabilitation, rejected physician would have medi- Urdiales was linked to the death row since 2005 in the
tions. The most serious Patients also aren’t Golding’s allegations in a cated the patient, and likely Southern California slay- same case.
thing is the allegation that brought to psychiatry ap- statement on Friday. the patient’s eye would still ings after his arrest. He gave
misrepresentations were pointments in confidential “The department be in her head had that hap- a chilling confession in 1997 alene.tchekmedyian
made to the court. That offices, Golding wrote. In- strongly disagrees with this pened,” Golding wrote. that stunned veteran inves-
really forces all of us to ques- stead, the psychiatrist individual’s allegations, and tigators, offering calm and Times staff writer Hannah
tion what’s been going on.” searches the prison yard for looks forward to a fair and calculated descriptions of Fry contributed to this
One of the central prob- patients or communicates thorough review and hear- Twitter: @Hannahnfry the killings. report.

BuSINESS T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S

DOW 25,461.70 ▲ 190.87 S&P 500 2,738.31 ▲ 15.25 NASDAQ 7,328.85 ▼ 28.14 GOLD $1,229.80 ▼ 1.10 OIL $63.10 ▼ 0.04 EURO $1.1418 ▲ .0020 U.S. T-NOTE (10-yr.) 3.19% ▼ 0.02

With a construction
loan, work on the
$1-billion Frank Gehry
complex downtown
can begin this month.
By Roger Vincent

Since Related Cos. first

got the contract in 2004 to
build the massive Grand Av-
enue project, there’s been a
housing boom and bust, a fi-
nancial crisis and a new ex-
plosion of residential con-
struction downtown.
Yet throughout that pe-
riod, the $1-billion complex
Photographs by Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times designed by world-re-
THE REVIVED Bay Theatre, which opened in 1948 and later was a hardware store, is an anchor for Rick Caruso’s Palisades Village. nowned architect Frank
Gehry has failed to materi-
alize at its coveted site

Cinepolis’ Bay Theatre

across from the Walt Disney
Concert Hall.
On Monday, the New
York developer took a giant
step to finally kick off the
project considered by many
to be the last large piece of

remake is all about luxury the redevelopment puzzle

that is Bunker Hill.
Related said it has
$630 million in construction
financing from German
lender Deutsche Bank in
hand, and work on the proj-
Five-screen cinema in Pacific Palisades even has a 35mm projector to attract film buffs ect will begin this month.
“The last major hurdle
has been crossed,” said Rick
Vogel, a senior vice president
at Related. “We now know
By Ryan Faughnder that this project is going to
get built.”
Cocktails, recliner seats and in-theater dining have The complex scheduled
become fixtures of luxury cinema in Los Angeles’ tonier to be completed by 2021 has
communities. long been viewed as a poten-
So, to appeal to wealthy locals and celebrities in the tially transformational addi-
affluent Pacific Palisades neighborhood, Mexican thea- tion to the Bunker Hill
ter chain Cinepolis had to up its game with the revival of neighborhood, which has
the classic Bay Theatre. lagged behind in the nearly
The company’s new five-screen theater, which will two-decade renaissance
have its official opening Friday, features new coastal- that has rejuvenated much
themed menu items, vegan options and an exclusive of downtown.
wine list. And to accommodate famous directors, the The open-air complex of
company even modified one of its auditoriums to house apartments, condomini-
a rare 35mm film projector that can be used for private ums, movie theaters, restau-
screenings. rants and shops promises to
“For the Pacific Palisades, we started thinking of how enliven a city block that has
can we make this more special,” said Luis Olloqui, chief been mostly dead for half a
executive of Cinepolis USA, whose headquarters are in century. It will replace an ag-
Dallas. “We’d been serving the luxury market in U.S. [See Project, C4]
since 2011, so we know what the upscale clientele wants.”
Cinepolis’ 250-seat luxury theater is the latest exam-
ple of an ongoing push by cinema owners to create fanci-
er experiences to draw discerning patrons. Theaters
have faced long-term attendance declines amid rising
competition from streaming and entertainment options
in the home.
It’s time
The high-end services don’t come cheap. The latest
Cinepolis venue, nestled in L.A. billionaire Rick Caruso’s
recently opened Palisades Village retail and dining com-
to block
plex, cost more than $10 million to construct, executives
said. The theater will charge up to $27 per adult ticket,
making it one of the most expensive admissions in the
BARTENDER Latashia Parker mixes a drink for moviegoers at a soft opening
last week for the Bay Theatre, which will have its official opening on Friday.
But analysts say the investment can pay off by en-
couraging patrons to spend [See Theater, C3] phones

A couple of

For Uber, a delicate dance with Saudi money years ago, a

Florida man
was fined
$48,000 by
the Federal
years ago, the money helped Communi-
Slaying of journalist Uber settle its war with Didi cations
Chuxing in China, fortified Commission
puts a harsh light on its position against rival Lyft for employ-
the kingdom’s 10% Inc. and empowered then- ing an illegal signal jammer
Chief Executive Travis during his commutes to
stake in the company. Kalanick ahead of a long, prevent nearby drivers from
pitched battle with investors using their cellphones.
By Eric Newcomer who ultimately pushed him I can relate. I bet you can
out. Now, the deal is drawing too.
Even as Uber’s lawyers fi- Uber into a global reckoning It’s illegal to have a cell-
nalized the details of the over the business world’s re- phone in your hand while
deal, they still couldn’t quite lationship with Saudi Ara- behind the wheel in Cali-
believe it would really hap- bia. fornia and at least a dozen
pen. The Saudi Arabia gov- Bloomberg has learned other states. But that
ernment was set to give the that through direct and indi- doesn’t stop people from
San Francisco start-up rect holdings, the Saudi gov- doing it.
$3.5 billion, an astronomical ernment owns more than Not a day goes by with-
amount. 10% of the ride-hailing com- out encountering thought-
The company’s legal pany. Its board also includes less, self-entitled fools en-
team had to double-check Saudi official Yasir Othman dangering themselves and
that it was even possible to Rumayyan, managing direc- those around them by talk-
send that much money in a tor of the kingdom’s sover- ing or texting while on the
single wire transfer. But on eign wealth fund and an ally road.
June 1, 2016, the Saudi Public of Saudi Crown Prince Mo- That’s why I’m calling on
Investment Fund sent Uber hammed bin Salman, the the auto industry to install
Technologies Inc. the cash fund’s chairman. As the fall- signal-jamming technology
in one lump sum — still the out from the slaying of Wash- in steering wheels so drivers
largest single investment ington Post columnist Ja- (but not passengers) are
from a foreign government mal Khashoggi at the hands unable to give in to the
in a venture-backed start- of Saudi agents roils Silicon temptation of playing with
up. Valley, there is arguably no their gadgets while piloting
The sprawling conse- company more deeply inter- Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times 2,000 pounds of steel at
quences of that mega-deal twined with Saudi Arabia IN 2016, Uber received $3.5 billion from Saudi Arabia’s investment fund. Above, a speeds topping 60 miles an
have yet to fully unfold. Two [See Uber, C6] woman waits for an Uber in Riyadh in 2015, when women weren’t allowed to drive. [See Lazarus, C4]
C2 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 WSCE L AT I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S

Activision stock
is bedeviled by
‘Diablo’ outcry
By Ryan Vlastelica and Bailey Lipschultz

Activision Blizzard Inc.’s stock price got hammered as

video gamers took to social media to criticize a new
mobile game that they say failed to live up to the storied
The new “Diablo Immortal” mobile offering fell short
of some fan expectations for the popular desktop games.
Players lashed out on Twitter and in the comments sec-
tion of the YouTube trailer with the hashtag, #NotMyDia-
There’s even a petition on to cancel the
launch, and it has more than 31,000 supporters. Activision
shares sank $4.65, or 6.7%, to $64.34, its lowest close since
Ross D. Franklin Associated Press Jan. 2.
ONLINE RETAIL giant Amazon is expanding free shipping to all customers through the holidays, with no “I’m not against having a mobile game too, but not in-
minimum purchase required. Above, Amazon workers pack up an outbound shipping truck in Phoenix in 2013. stead of a PC game, We’ve been waiting for far too long for
another Diablo 3 expansion or better yet, Diablo 4,” one

Amazon takes free shipping

petitioner said. Another called it an “absolute slap in the
face of all the fans who stuck with blizzard through the
mess that was diablo 3, hoping that we’d finally get a good
diablo game.”
The criticism stands in contrast to comments by stock

to next level for holidays

analysts, who have applauded the Santa Monica compa-
ny’s efforts and defended its rationale.
“Diablo was supposed to be Blizzard’s first shot on
goal into the big global mobile game market,” Jefferies an-
alyst Timothy O’Shea wrote. “The Diablo franchise is
popular in the U.S., China, Europe and Korea.”
imum purchase or member- Amazon’s shipping costs for Paula Rosenblum, co- Brokerage Wedbush estimated “Diablo Immortal”
By Rachel Siegel ship required. In March, fiscal year 2017 totaled nearly founder and managing part- could contribute annual revenue of as much as $300 mil-
Target said shoppers who $22 billion, O’Shea said, with ner of Retail Systems Re- lion after its rollout, and that it “should expand the fran-
The battle for the hottest spent at least $35 or used a about $7.4 billion in the search, said Amazon’s chise’s audience to hundreds of millions of players.”
prices this holiday season is company credit card could fourth quarter. The retailer pledge will be tested through The video game’s trailer on YouTube racked up more
spilling into a new arena: the get free two-day shipping. In posted just more than $3 bil- its third-party Prime op- than 2.9 million views in the last three days. However,
fight over free shipping. previous holiday seasons, lion in profit in 2017. erators that sell and ship more than 431,000 viewers elected to dislike the video,
As Walmart, Target and Target offered free standard Still, the promise of free their products through Am- compared with 16,000 likes.
Amazon launch a price war shipping. shipping doesn’t guarantee azon’s website. While those
for merchandise in the Walmart will continue to shoppers will get their goods third-party shippers gener- Vlastelica and Lipschultz write for Bloomberg.
weeks before Thanksgiving, offer free two-day shipping on time. Retailers of all sizes ate profit for Amazon, they
they are now wooing cus- in the United States on pur- often grapple with a surge of “could be a thorn in [Ama-
tomers with the promise of chases of $35 or more. It is holiday orders carried by zon’s] side” if they leave cus-
fast, efficient, no-cost ship- also expanding its free two- FedEx, UPS, the U.S. Postal tomers hanging, Rosenblum
ping. On Monday, Amazon
upped the ante by expand-
ing free shipping to all cus-
day shipping to third-party
marketplace sellers.
“Amazon took out a po-
Service and other third-
party shippers that must
contend with a huge spike in
As Target and Walmart
signal to Amazon that they
Amazon may pick
2 areas for HQ2
tomers through the holi- tential challenge to its su- demand. “are not going to roll over,”
days, with no minimum pur- premacy,” Cohen said. Amazon is also adding Rosenblum said Amazon’s
chase required. The retail “ ‘Free’ is a very addictive seasonal, full-time drivers to move is just the latest in the
and tech giant is also offer- drug.” supplement delivery during “race to the bottom.”
ing Prime Members free Cohen said Amazon has the holidays. Those drivers “As far as I can tell, price
same-day delivery on more “a chokehold on competi- will add to the fleet of tradi- parity has been achieved,”
than 3 million items. Prime tors” largely because of the tional carriers, smaller-scale Rosenblum said. “Once you
members, who pay $119 a revenue generated through delivery partners and inde- can achieve shipping cost
year for the service, already Prime memberships, which pendent contractors who parity, then it becomes very Inc. will choose two locations for its new
receive free two-day ship- Bezos most recently put at earn $18 to $25 an hour deliv- interesting.” second headquarters, according to the Wall Street Jour-
ping with no minimum pur- more than 100 million world- ering Amazon packages nal, which cited an unidentified person familiar with the
chase necessary. wide in his annual share- through the Amazon Flex Siegel writes for the matter.
It’s a move, analysts say, holder letter. But dominat- program. Washington Post. Last year, the e-commerce giant announced plans to
that Amazon hopes will edge ing e-commerce is particu- invest $5 billion in a second headquarters and hire as
out its bricks-and-mortar larly crucial for the tech gi- many as 50,000 people there, setting off a frenzy of interest
competitors and maybe ant. According to market from cities in the United States and Canada. It has an-
even lock in new Prime sub- research from Mintel, al- nounced 20 finalists and is scheduled to make a final deci-
scribers going into 2019. But
with grand promises come
high risks: Fall short on get-
ting customers their pre-
most half of holiday shop-
pers expect free shipping.
Charlie O’Shea, lead re-
tail analyst for Moody’s,
New airline lifts sion by the end of the year.
The company will choose two locations instead of one,
according to the Journal, which said one location lacked
sufficient technology talent. The investment and new
sents in time, and those
shoppers go elsewhere.
“This is going to boil
down to: ‘How do I want to
noted that Amazon isn’t sell-
ing the majority of its prod-
ucts in physical stores, as is
the case with Walmart and
off in Carlsbad jobs would be split evenly between the two locations, the
Journal said.
Amazon also may want to avoid criticism that its ar-
rival in a new town overwhelms the area. The company
shop? Who’s the cheapest in Target. O’Shea estimated who made his fortune in a has fueled an economic boom in its hometown of Seattle,
price? And who do I trust the that bricks-and-mortar California Pacific aims motley career that included where it is also often blamed for traffic problems and sky-
most?’ ” said Mark Cohen, stores with comparatively golf course and resort proj- rocketing housing costs that squeeze some residents out
director of retail studies at strong online presences, to serve north San ects and running a regional of the city.
Columbia Business School. such as Best Buy, don’t even Diego County fliers. airline. The Washington Post reported Saturday that
To be sure, Target and incur 20% of revenue One-way fares on Califor- Amazon was in advanced discussions with the Washing-
Walmart are playing ball. through e-commerce. nia Pacific typically range ton, D.C., suburb of Crystal City, Va., for the second
Last month, Target an- While free shipping is one By Phillip Molnar from $99 to $149. According headquarters. An Amazon spokesman declined to com-
nounced that from Nov. 1 to of the easiest promotions a to its website, a round-trip ment.
Dec. 22, it will offer free two- retailer can offer, O’Shea After years of trying to ticket between Carlsbad and Some of the contenders are near one another and draw
day shipping with no min- said it comes at a steep price. get off the ground, a start-up Reno, leaving Friday and re- from the same labor pools. New York City and Newark,
airline in northern San Di- turning Monday, would cost N.J., are among the finalists, as are Washington, D.C.;
ego County can celebrate about $378. The airline al- northern Virginia; and Montgomery County, Md. Ama-
the start of flight service. lows two checked bags with- zon could choose one metropolitan region and still have
California Pacific Air- out a fee, matching South- to negotiate with multiple states and local governments
lines was founded eight west, the largest carrier in for tax incentives.

years ago by entrepreneur California by traffic. Los Angeles is also on the list of finalists.
Ted Vallas, now 97, but was California Pacific ac-
delayed by disputes with quired its current fleet and
San Diego County, which operating certificate in May,
owns McClellan-Palomar when it bought Aerodynam-

SPECIAL Airport in Carlsbad.

For years California Pa-
cific would announce it was
close to offering service,
then go quiet.
On Thursday morning, it
ics Inc. for an undisclosed
price. Aerodynamics, based
in Georgia, operates feder-
ally subsidized Essential Air
Service routes from Denver
to Pierre and Watertown,
Lowe’s to close 51
sites; four in state
was time for the inaugural S.D. The company has about

flight. Yet mechanical prob- 100 employees, up from 50 in

% lems delayed the launch.

With little fanfare, the first
flight left Thursday night.
“It’s a smart idea to try to
build air service out of Carls-
By Samantha Masunaga

Shortly after 6 p.m., the bad, because there’s been Lowe’s Cos. Inc. will close 20 “underperforming” stores
airline’s Embraer ERJ-135 growth north of the city cen- in the United States, including four in California, the
twin jet left Carlsbad and ter,” said Henry Harteveldt, home-improvement chain said Monday.
pierced the sky on its way to a travel industry analyst The Mooresville, N.C., company also said it will close 31
San Jose. with Atmosphere Research stores, offices and specialty facilities in Canada to focus
“There’s a feeling of get- Group. But, he added, “they on its most profitable stores and “improve the overall
ting the weight lifted off our don’t have an easy road health of its store portfolio.” Lowe’s said it has almost
Annual Percentage Yield shoulders,” said Ryan Di- ahead of them.” 2,300 stores across North America.
Vita, the airline’s director of Many people who travel “The store closures are a necessary step in our strate-
sales and marketing. “Now, frequently for work are gic reassessment as we focus on building a stronger busi-
it is down to making every- deeply tied to a particular ness,” Marvin Ellison, Lowe’s chief executive, said in a
thing as solid as possible. airline, because of company statement.
We’re feeling good.” travel policies and a strong The store closures, all in the United States and Cana-
California Pacific is start- affinity for frequent flier pro- da, are set to be completed by the end of January, Lowe’s
ing with flights to San Jose grams, Harteveldt said. spokesman Steve Salazar said in an email. Store liquida-
and Reno, and it plans to “The business traveler has tion sales are expected to start Thursday and last about
add Las Vegas and Phoenix to be wooed away from in- nine to 12 weeks, he said.
later in the month. Its fleet is cumbent providers,” he said. Lowe’s will offer affected employees the opportunity to
made up of four 50-seat Although Southwest won’t transfer to similar roles at nearby stores. Employees who
DOWNEY LOS ALAMITOS CARSON Embraer jets. be flying its Boeing 737s into aren’t offered a new job will be eligible for severance pack-
8545 Florence Ave 10701 Los Alamitos Blvd 510 W. Carson St The concept behind the Carlsbad, it could make life ages, Salazar said.
Downey, CA 90240 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Carson, CA 90745 airline is that people in difficult for the newbie by of- The California stores set to shut are at:
northern San Diego County fering fare cuts and other en- 8 26501 Aliso Creek Road, Aliso Viejo

could take plane trips with-
out having to drive roughly
an hour to San Diego Inter-
national Airport. California
ticements aimed at travelers
in San Diego and Orange
8 13300 Jamboree Road, Irvine
8 720 Dubuque Ave., South San Francisco
8 750 Newhall Drive, San Jose
This news comes less than three months after Lowe’s
Pacific is the only commer- phillip.molnar announced it would shut all of its Orchard Supply Hard-
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. 13-Month Certiicate Account special cial carrier offering service ware stores, a subsidiary it owned for about five years.
rate quoted efective 9-24-18 and is subject to change without at the Carlsbad airport. Molnar writes for the San Lowe’s shares edged up 25 cents, or 0.3%, to $97.07 on
notice. Certiicate is available to new Members or an existing Member
deposits new money transferred from another inancial institution. The carrier is a long-held Diego Union-Tribune. Monday.
Personal Accounts only. Minimum deposit to open is $1,000 to
qualify for special rate. Unless directed otherwise, upon maturity, dream of Vallas, a serial Bloomberg was used in
Certiicate will rollover into a standard 12-month Certiicate. Early entrepreneur from the area compiling this report.
withdrawal penalties may apply. Membership is subject to eligibility.
L AT I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 C3

Backlash over Trump campaign ad AMC
Facebook, NBC, Fox
News stop running the
week. That version blamed
Democrats for Braca-
montes’ ability to enter the
United States illegally; the
version that ran during
“Sunday Night Football” did
not explicitly blame Demo-
By Meg James

NBCUniversal said Mon-

day that it is pulling Presi-
Fact checkers have noted
that Bracamontes, who is
from Mexico, entered the
United States illegally more
dent Trump’s controversial than once — during the ten-
anti-immigrant campaign ure of President Clinton, a
advertisement, hours after Democrat, and that of Presi- Network promotes 2
the spot ran prominently dent George W. Bush, a Re-
during “Sunday Night Foot- publican. in effort to centralize
ball.” Fox News said it de- Bracamontes first ar- management. Source
cided to quit running the rived as a teenager in 1993
commercial as well, and when Clinton was in office. says fewer than 40
Facebook stopped accept- He was deported in 1997 af- positions will be cut.
ing it as a paid ad, although ter serving time in Arizona
the social media giant still for possession of narcotics
allows users to post the vi- Randy Pench TNS for sale. By Stephen Battaglio
deo. THE TRUMP ad contains footage of Luis Bracamontes, who killed two Northern By 1998, he apparently
The 30-second advertise- California deputies in 2014 while he was in the country illegally. was back again; according to AMC Networks, the
ment, which Trump un- the Sacramento Bee, maker of one of TV’s biggest
veiled last week, features im- Florida, West Virginia and Fox News Channel or Fox cover content posted by records show he was ar- hits, “The Walking Dead,”
ages of long lines of people Indiana. The president fre- Business Network,” Mari- users, so people can still put rested in Phoenix on drug announced Monday that it
marching, evoking a group quently blames Democrats anne Gambelli, Fox News’ video of the ad on their pages charges that year and then, will centralize the manage-
of migrants making their for the stalemate over immi- president of ad sales, said in and share it with their for unknown reasons, re- ment of its cable channels
way through Mexico. The ad gration reform and has a statement Monday. friends. leased by the office of then- and program production.
also contains footage of Luis made prominent mention of Some other news organi- NBC faced criticism for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Sarah Barnett, who has
Bracamontes, a man who the migrants fleeing Central zations, including CNN, re- running the advertisement, Arpaio. headed AMC’s BBC Ameri-
killed two Northern Califor- America by making their fused to run the spot. which draws a direct line Arpaio is a prominent ca channel since 2014, is be-
nia deputies in 2014 while he way through southern Mexi- Trump faced reporters’ from immigrants to crime, Republican and supporter ing elevated to president, en-
was in the country illegally. A co. questions about the contro- even though studies have of Trump, and last year he tertainment networks. She
voice-over on the advertise- The ad ran once during versy before he boarded Air shown that immigrants do received an executive par- will maintain oversight of
ment then says: “America “Sunday Night Football,” a Force One on Monday. The not commit more crimes. don from the president after BBC America and add chan-
cannot allow this invasion. high-profile matchup be- president said he wasn’t But Trump has made the being convicted of criminal nels AMC, SundanceTV and
The migrant caravan must tween the New England Pa- aware of the flap. correlation many times, in- contempt for violating a fed- IFC to her portfolio.
be stopped.” triots and the Green Bay “We have a lot of ads, and cluding during his June 2015 eral court order to stop ra- David Madden, president
The commercial, which Packers. “Sunday Night they certainly are effective, announcement that he was cially profiling Latinos. of programming for AMC,
many have branded as rac- Football” draws among the based on the numbers that running for president. Bracamontes was ar- SundanceTV and AMC’s
ist, then urges viewers to highest ratings in television, we’re seeing,” Trump said. NBC began having sec- rested and repatriated to production studio, will also
“Stop the Caravan. Vote Re- and Sunday’s installment He also shrugged off the idea ond thoughts about airing Mexico a second time in 2001. oversee show development
publican.” It concludes with generated the highest rat- that people have com- the commercial, which was He appears to have returned at BBC America and IFC.
a Trump voice-over saying: ings for a network program plained about the commer- paid for by the Donald J. to the United States within a He will report to Barnett.
“I am Donald Trump and I in more than six months, ac- cial. “A lot of things are offen- Trump for President cam- year, while Bush was presi- AMC Networks is also
approve this message.” cording to preliminary sive,” he told reporters. paign committee. dent. putting the marketing func-
The controversy comes in Nielsen numbers. Ratings “Your questions are offen- “After further review, we He lived in Salt Lake City tions for AMC, BBC Ameri-
the run-up to Tuesday’s cru- estimates suggest more sive a lot of times.” recognize the insensitive na- until 2014, when he shot and ca, SundanceTV and IFC
cial midterm election, which than 20 million viewers On Facebook’s platform, ture of the ad and have de- killed Sacramento County under Linda Schupack, who
will determine the makeup watched the game, which the ad reached millions of cided to cease airing it Sheriff ’s Deputy Danny Ol- has been promoted to presi-
of Congress for the next two New England won. The ad viewers before the social net- across our properties as iver and Placer County Sher- dent of marketing, enter-
years. also was in rotation Monday work decided to stop run- soon as possible,” an NBCU- iff ’s Det. Michael Davis Jr. tainment networks.
Dozens of governorships morning on cable news ning it Monday. A Facebook niversal spokesman said in a He was convicted of those Marc Juris remains presi-
also are up for grabs around channel MSNBC. spokesperson said the social statement Monday. “It will killings this year and is on dent and general manager of
the country. Fox News distanced itself network rejected the ad be- cease to air on any proper- death row at San Quentin WE tv, AMC’s female-ori-
Trump has been cam- from the commercial. “Upon cause it “violates Facebook’s ties moving forward, nation- State Prison. ented lifestyle channel,
paigning strenuously in re- further review, Fox News advertising policy against ally or locally.” which mostly airs un-
cent days, holding rallies in pulled the ad yesterday and sensational content.” The Trump released a longer scripted programming.
battleground states such as it will not appear on either advertising policy does not version of the video last Twitter: @MegJamesLAT The New York-based
company will streamline its
overall workforce, eliminat-
ing fewer than 40 positions
across AMC Networks,

Luxury which has about 2,000 em-

ployees, according to an exe-
cutive familiar with those
plans who was not author-

ized to publicly disclose
Ed Carroll, chief op-
erating officer for parent
company AMC Networks,

goes said in an interview that

AMC Networks will operate
more efficiently by having its
four entertainment net-

all out
works under each executive.
Under the previous struc-
ture, program creators were
pitching the same ideas to
development teams at the
[Theater, from C1] different networks.
more money on food and “It gives us more leverage
drinks that they might oth- and an ability to see the
erwise spend at bars and whole playing field,” Carroll
restaurants. said.
“They’re catering to their The moves follow the de-
clientele,” said MKM Part- parture of Charles Collier,
ners analyst Eric Handler. who last month announced
“You’re in the high-rent dis- he would leave his post as
trict there, so a premium president of AMC, Sun-
theater makes a lot of dance TV and AMC Studios
sense.” to become chief executive of
Cinepolis’ Pacific Pali- entertainment for Fox, the
sades movie house is just the company to be spun off from
latest in a wave of upscale 21st Century Fox after the
cinema construction. AMC sale of most of its assets to
Theatres, the world’s largest Walt Disney Co.
cinema operator, started Carroll said the restruc-
retrofitting its auditoriums turing was planned well
with recliners years ago. before Collier’s decision to
Leawood, Kan.-based AMC Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times exit.
opened a dine-in theater MOVIEGOERS at a soft opening of the Bay Theatre in Pacific Palisades enjoy the luxury amenities in one of Barnett’s rise comes after
serving Marina del Rey in the five screening rooms. The seats are twice as expensive as the leather recliners in Cinepolis’ other theaters. she developed the drama hit
2012. “Killing Eve” for BBC Ameri-
Boca Raton-based chain Palisades location, Olloqui store after its demise in 1978. tional space in the projec- ca. The mystery series saw
IPic Entertainment has lo-
cations in Pasadena and
‘They’re catering said. New dining options in-
clude vegan spring rolls with
“In the right communi-
ties, luxury theaters work,”
tion booth to fit both the
large old-style machine and
its audience grow every
week during its eight-
Westwood, featuring to their clientele. Thai peanut sauce; a kobe Caruso said. “They’re obvi- a contemporary digital proj- episode run this year.
gourmet food and waiter beef burger with bacon and ously responding to a need in ector. Like all broadcast and ca-
service, and Texas-based You’re in the sriracha mayo; and a bri- the market.” The addition of the ble channels, AMC Net-
Cinemark in 2015 opened a
high-tech nine-screen multi-
high-rent district oche sandwich with sauteed
shrimp, blended cheeses
Amid the modern accou-
trements, the theater also
equipment — the only op-
erating 35mm projector in
works is facing a challenging
environment as more view-
plex in Playa Vista. Cinepo- there, so a and pickled strawberries. imparts a certain amount of Cinepolis’ circuit — in- ers are streaming their fa-
lis, for its part, operates its “We wanted to do a little nostalgia from a bygone era. creased costs by $150,000 to vorite shows online and
own luxury theater in anoth- premium theater twist to the menu ... and de- Patrons entering the small $200,000, Olloqui said. spending less time watching
er Caruso complex, the
Promenade at Westlake.
makes a lot of velop dishes that would ap-
peal to the tastes and the
lobby pass under a large-let-
tered marquee sign, inspired
Executives expect the
heavy investment will pay off
conventional TV.
The company has been
“People are willing to
spend more on a higher-
sense.’ lifestyles of the people in the
community,” he said.
by architect S. Charles Lee’s
original design for the Bay
by attracting film buffs and
industry types. The com-
making investments in over-
the-top streaming video
quality experience,” Han- — Eric Handler, The revived theater Theatre. pany is in talks with major channels, including the re-
dler added. analyst with MKM Partners serves as an anchor for Pali- The 35mm projector, in studios to hold screenings cent acquisition of Acorn, a
Pacific Palisades repre- sades Village, the latest de- particular, is a throwback at there, including events for service that offers British
sents the most recent velopment by Caruso, a time when cinemas have classic films. Hollywood drama programs.
Southern California expan- Cinepolis’ other theaters, known for retail-restaurant- transitioned almost entirely heavyweights who have AMC also offers cable
sion for Cinepolis, the executives said. The chairs, residential complexes in- to digital projection. homes nearby could poten- and satellite companies a
world’s fourth-largest thea- boasting adjustable head- cluding the Grove in Los An- The company decided to tially use the auditorium as channel called AMC Pre-
ter circuit by number of rests and footrests, appear geles and the Americana at make the addition after Cin- an intimate screening room miere, which gives subscrib-
screens. It’s the eighth Cine- in only two other U.S. ven- Brand in Glendale. The epolis Chief Executive Ale- for their projects. ers its programs on demand
polis location in Southern ues: the lounges and VIP 125,000-square-foot com- jandro Ramirez discussed “Even though the indus- and without commercials
California and the 21st in the zones at the Miami Dol- plex, spanning three acres, the possibility with filmmak- try has moved forward with for an additional monthly
United States. phins’ Hard Rock Stadium features 40 boutique stores, ers earlier this year. Many technology, there is still fee.
The largest of the new and at the San Francisco restaurants and cafes, continue to prefer the look some value in doing things AMC Networks Inc. stock
venue’s auditoriums seats 77 49ers’ Levi’s Stadium. smaller footprint than Ca- and feel of film to digital differently,” Olloqui said. closed Monday at $61.86, up
people, while the smallest The lobby bar includes ruso’s other projects. technology for their movies, “And sometimes, different nearly 3% on the day.
holds 30. The theater’s sand- cocktails and a craft beer se- Caruso said Cinepolis especially when hosting means the way it used to be.”
colored seats, made by a lection. About 30% of the was the ideal partner to re- events for industry peers. stephen.battaglio
Barcelona-based manufac- menu items, which patrons vive the Bay Theatre, which The company had to relo- ryan.faughnder
turer, are twice as expensive can order from their seats, first opened in 1948 but was cate a projector from anoth- Twitter:
as the leather recliners in are unique to the Pacific converted into a hardware er theater and create addi- Twitter: @rfaughnder @SteveBattaglio
C4 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S

Major stock indexes

Dow industrials
Daily %
Grand crosses major hurdle
S&P 500 2,738.31 +15.25 +0.56 +2.42 [Project, from C1]
Nasdaq composite 7,328.85 -28.14 -0.38 +6.16 ing parking structure —
S&P 400 1,870.39 +7.99 +0.43 -1.59 sometimes known as the
Tinker Toy garage — located
Russell 2000 1,547.51 -0.47 -0.03 +0.78
between 1st and 2nd streets
EuroStoxx 50 2,957.49 +11.94 +0.41 -6.93 along Grand Avenue, facing
Nikkei (Japan) 21,898.99 -344.67 -1.55 -3.80 the Gehry-designed Disney
Hang Seng (Hong Kong) 25,934.39 -551.96 -2.08 -13.32 Hall.
Source: AP The Grand will have a
mix of shops and restau-
MARKET ROUNDUP rants spread among a series
of landscaped open terraces,

Stocks mostly up;

along with a roughly 430-
seat cinema complex on the
east side above Olive Street.
There will be a 20-story

Apple slides again Equinox hotel with 309

rooms and a 39-story resi-
dential tower with 113 condos
and 323 apartments. Re-
lated will offer subsidized
The S&P 500 rose 15.25 rents to low-income tenants
associated press
points, or 0.6%, to 2,738.31. for 20% of the apartments.
The Dow Jones industrial The project got a financ-
U.S. stocks mostly rose average rose 190.87 points, or ing boost last year when a
Monday. Financial and 0.8%, to 25,461.70. The Nas- Chinese company provided
healthcare firms gained, daq composite fell 28.14 a $290-million capital infu-
while Apple and other tech points, or 0.4%, to 7,328.85. sion, but there were doubts
firms continued to fall. Asian The Russell 2000 index fell about its viability amid re- Gehry Partners / Related Cos.

indexes fell on weak econo- 0.47 of a point to 1,547.51. peated postponements and THE GRAND Avenue project, shown in a rendering, will have shops and restau-
mic data in China and a lack Stocks dived in October, massive residential, retail rants among a series of landscaped open terraces. It is set to be completed by 2021.
of progress in U.S.-China but last week was the mar- and hotel construction
trade negotiations. ket’s best week since March. downtown in the years since struction on this dynamic, years and “will help com- al center at the north end,
Warren Buffett’s Berk- One reason for that rebound it was first approved. transformational project plete the cultural-civic dis- said office landlord Christo-
shire Hathaway, a conglom- was increased optimism Construction financing is that promises to remake and trict” that includes the con- pher Rising, whose com-
erate that owns Geico and about trade talks, as Chi- a loan used to help pay for enliven the Grand Avenue cert hall, Museum of Con- pany Rising Realty Partners
other insurance businesses, nese officials and President construction and is typically artistic and cultural center temporary Art, the Broad owns buildings there. “Now
led the rally in financial Trump said a phone conver- secured just before work be- of downtown.” and Ramon C. Cortines it will be a real community
stocks after posting strong sation between Trump and gins. In this case, construc- Los Angeles County Su- School of Visual and Per- like a New York borough.”
results over the weekend. Chinese President Xi Jin- tion will begin late in a real pervisor Hilda Solis and City forming Arts. The Grand “is going to
Drugmakers including Eli ping had gone well. On Mon- estate cycle that began after Councilman Jose Huizar, “This was a long time open up Bunker Hill so it’s
Lilly also climbed. Apple day, Xi promised to reduce the last recession, but it’s who represent the Bunker coming and will be a great not an island,” Rising said.
took another sharp loss, costs for importers and raise not unusual for projects of Hill neighborhood, released addition to the entire re- “It will be a nice bookend” to
which knocked the tech gi- consumer spending power, this complexity and dura- statements of support Mon- gion,” Broad said. the booming South Park
ant’s market value below the but he did not address the tion to come together with- day for the project. With financing, plans and neighborhood being built
$1-trillion mark. technology policy dispute out regard to cycles that in- “I am pleased that the permits now in place, Vogel near Staples Center, he said,
Real estate companies, between the United States fluence smaller devel- Grand has closed financing said work on the Grand will and the two will be con-
utilities and other high-divi- and China — a key part of opments. and we are moving to the get underway starting with nected by rail.
dend stocks finished with the trade impasse. Related is developing the next stage of this devel- preparations to demolish It will take about a year to
solid gains as high-growth Berkshire Hathaway said Grand with its partner Core opment,” said Solis, who the Tinker Toy garage. knock down the parking ga-
stocks such as tech and in- its profit quadrupled in the USA, a joint venture of also serves as the chairwom- The shabby open-air rage, dig a hole deep enough
ternet companies slipped. third quarter as the value of China Harbour Engineering an of the Los Angeles Grand parking structure was in- for a five-level underground
Smaller and more U.S.-fo- its investments climbed. Co. and CCCG Overseas Avenue Authority, which tended to be temporary parking garage and bring
cused firms also lagged. Berkshire bought back al- Real Estate. CCCG Over- oversees development on when it was built after Bun- the foundation of the Grand
Big technology compa- most $1 billion in stock dur- seas is a subsidiary of China Bunker Hill. ker Hill’s once-fancy resi- level to Grand Avenue, Vogel
nies and small companies ing the quarter, the most in Communications Construc- “This project will create dential neighborhood was said.
were hit hard during the years. Its Class B stock tion Group, one of China’s permanent jobs and build bulldozed in the 1950s and Another year will be
market’s slump in October. climbed 4.7% to $216.24. largest state-owned compa- much-needed affordable 1960s in an urban renewal spent topping out the tallest
Tech companies fell as in- Other insurers and banks nies. housing in my district,” Solis project intended to create a tower at 39 stories and the
vestors worried about the also rose. Gehry released new ren- said. “With Frank Gehry’s vi- new corporate and cultural year after that completing
trade dispute and about an Apple fell 2.8% to $201.59, derings of the project in Jan- sionary design supporting a center for the city. the interior work.
increase in interest rates, deepening a slide that began uary and at the time Related variety of community-sup- Urban renewal brought “We have done what
which could erode their fu- last week. The stock tum- executive Ken Himmel said porting mixed-use devel- cultural institutions such as many people said would be
ture profits. Smaller compa- bled Friday after Apple is- that he expected construc- opment, I am excited for the the Music Center and a crop impossible,” Vogel said, “to
nies are vulnerable to higher sued a weak fourth-quarter tion to begin by early fall. future of Grand Avenue and of impressive high-rise office finance a Frank Gehry-de-
interest rates because they forecast and said it would “We are excited that this the larger neighborhood.” towers to the hill but left signed mixed-use project in
tend to carry more debt. stop announcing how many important milestone has Los Angeles philan- yawning gaps that the downtown L.A.”
Earnings for companies iPhones it sold each quarter. been achieved,” Himmel thropist Eli Broad, who has Grand Avenue Authority
in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Benchmark U.S. crude said Monday in a statement. supported Grand Avenue was set up to fill.
index are on track to grow slipped 0.1% to $63.10 a barrel. “We look forward to cele- improvements for decades, For many years, Bunker Times staff writer James
about 20% this year, and Brent crude rose 0.5% to brating with all of Los Ange- said Monday that the Grand Hill has been “really just a Rufus Koren contributed to
analysts expect company $73.17 a barrel. Natural gas les as we commence con- has been in the works for 14 big office park” with a cultur- this report.
profits to grow an additional soared 8.6% to $3.57 per 1,000
10% next year, according to cubic feet after forecasts for
FactSet. But Jim Paulsen, cold weather. Heating oil
chief investment strategist rose 1.1% to $2.20 a gallon.
for Leuthold Group, said
that might be too optimistic
because costs and interest
rates are rising and global
Wholesale gasoline fell 1% to
$1.69 a gallon.
Bond prices rose. The
yield on the 10-year Treasury
It’s time to block drivers’ cellphones
economic growth could slip. note fell to 3.20% from 3.21%. [Lazarus, from C1] driving now, you’ll use what-
hour. ever wingspan you have to
Admittedly, the matter is get around the jamming
complicated. technology,” he said.
“If it’s an option for par- The trick, said A. Lee
ents to get their kids off on Swindlehurst, a professor of
the right footing and devel- electrical engineering and
To advertise op safe driving habits, that computer science at UC
in this directory, go to could be a real safety bene- Irvine, is “to find a sweet, fit,” said Rosemary Shahan, spot where only the driver’s
or call 1.800.528.4637, ext.72769 president of Consumers for device is jammed,” regard-
Auto Reliability and Safety, less of where he or she holds
a Sacramento-based advo- their phone.
ADVERTISING ATTORNEYS cacy group. This is technically feasi-
“But if it’s envisioned as a ble, he said, “but it would be
way to modify the behavior a challenging design.”
of all drivers, it seems un- Maybe we don’t want to
likely that those who are the go the jamming route. May-
worst offenders in terms of be instead we equip all
using their phones would be Daniel Hulshizer Associated Press cellphones so that if their
inclined to purchase that A MAN talks on his phone while driving in New Jer- sensors and cameras detect
option,” she told me. sey in 2004. The situation has not since improved. motion, or if they see that
And if such technology the user is rapidly raising

WORKPLACE was mandatory, Shahan

observed, “what about
being able to reach 911 in an
radar, Global Positioning
Systems (GPS) and wire-
less networking services
What if that technology
could be flexible enough to
not interfere with medical
and lowering their eyes
while driving, they don’t
permit texting.
RIGHTS emergency where it’s not
safe to pull off the road, or to
The FCC states in no
devices such as pacemakers
or insulin pumps? Or with
Marwan Krunz, a profes-
sor of electrical and com-
• Discrimination use a phone to navigate or uncertain terms that “these streaming-music services? puter engineering at the
• Harassment get directions?” devices pose serious risks to What if, most impor- University of Arizona, said it
These are big questions. critical public safety com- tantly, it didn’t mess with also may be feasible to de-
ATTORNEYS • Wrongful Termination But we’re facing a big prob- munications, and can pre- law enforcement or emer- velop jamming technology
• Retaliation • Disability lem. vent you and others from gency calls? that blocks incoming sig-
• Pregnancy Leave The National Highway making 911 and other emer- “It could be done,” said nals but doesn’t prevent
Traffic Safety Adminis-
tration says 37,133 people
gency calls. Jammers can
also interfere with law en-
Todd Humphreys, an asso-
ciate professor of engineer-
outbound calls, which
would address the issue of
INJURIES? Call for FREE Consultation
died last year in motor
vehicle crashes, and more
forcement communica-
ing at the University of
Texas at Austin. “Properly
emergency situations.
The point is that there
310-273-3180 than 3,000 of those deaths
involved distracted drivers.
Thousands more people are
injured annually by drivers
“Jamming devices create
serious safety risks,” P.
Michele Ellison, chief of the
agency’s Enforcement Bu-
calibrated, the jamming
would be enough to over-
power the driver’s phone
near the steering wheel but
are potential solutions out
there, as long as federal
authorities are open to
who take their eyes off the reau, says in a statement on not quite enough to over- No one at the FCC re-
road. the web page. “In the com- power passengers’ phones.” sponded to my repeated
I reached out to the ing weeks and months, we’ll He said the jammer requests for comment.
Alliance of Automobile be intensifying our efforts could use algorithms to That Florida guy who
Manufacturers, an industry through partnerships with adjust its output relative to was hit with the $48,000 fine
9255 Sunset Blvd. #411, LA 90069 group, to get a sense of law enforcement agencies to changes in cell signal apparently had been jam- where carmakers stand. crack down on those who strength as a vehicle moves, ming people’s cellphones on
Scott Brickell, ESQ. Bryan Goodman, a spokes- continue to violate the law.” so the jamming field re- the freeway for a couple of
• Auto Accidents • Wrongful Death
• Rear End Crashes
HOME IMPROVEMENTS man for the organization, There it is. mained consistent. years. He was charged with
• DUI Victims • Brain Injuries said automakers take the The FCC, however, is However, there’s always “use of an illegal device” and

• All Types of Cases • Se Habla Español matter seriously. wrong. the human factor. was told to knock it off.
• No Recovery, No Fees “We can all agree that The agency is living in a Humphreys noted, cor- Points for chutzpah,
hands on the wheel and eyes world where low-power rectly, that some knuckle- though.
TUBS,SINKS,COUNTERS&TILEWALLS on the road continue to be
critical to safe driving,” he
signal jammers might have
a range of about 30 feet,
dragging drivers (my words,
not his) would be tempted
More people are killed
every year by distracted
FAST ANSWERS TILE said, adding that cellphones while more advanced gear to skirt the jamming field by driving than were killed in

“were never designed to be could block all transmis- holding their phone at arm’s the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
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used while driving.” sions within the size of a length or leaning way back That should make it obvious
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But there’s only so much football field. These obvi- in their seat. we’ve got a major public

FIBERGLASS REG. TUB $325 the industry can do, Good- ously raise public safety “This might lead to a safety threat on our hands.

man insisted. He emailed questions. situation that’s even more Doing nothing shouldn’t
$$ me a link to an FCC page
addressing the issue.
It says that “federal law
But what if small-scale
jamming technology could
be installed in a steering
dangerous than the one
we’re trying to prevent,” he
be an option.

David Lazarus’ column runs

5894104 prohibits the operation, wheel with a range of just T. Charles Clancy, execu- Tuesdays and Fridays. He
Valid until
11/30/18 marketing or sale of any inches — not enough to tive director of the Hume also can be seen daily on
type of jamming equipment, affect surrounding vehicles, Center for National Security KTLA-TV Channel 5 and
PROFESSIONAL REGLAZING including devices that inter- or even other occupants of and Technology at Virginia followed on Twitter fere with cellular and Per- the car, but sufficient to Tech, had the same @Davidlaz. Send your tips
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preparations for a bank- line options and shifting relationships with vendors
ruptcy filing if the retailer fashion tastes. In April, Gap and customers.
can’t reach an out-of-court Inc.’s Weddington Way brid- David’s — based in Con-
deal with its creditors, ac- al brand announced plans to shohocken, Pa., and owned
cording to people with close within the next few by buyout firm Clayton Du-
knowledge of the matter. months, after J. Crew Group bilier & Rice — skipped an
The goal is to ease the Inc.’s decision in 2016 to shut Oct. 15 interest payment on Coins shown
chain’s debt load of about its wedding dress business. its $270 million of 7.75% un- not actual size
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tiated restructuring plan ei- closed its doors in 2017. the request of its creditors to

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discussions are supposed to restructuring proposals for visors for loan and bond
be private. David’s has no
plans for major store clo-
sures or liquidations, and
the business would keep op-
weeks. Early discussions
contemplated a rights offer-
ing backed by existing note-
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Uber can’t easily sever ties to Saudis

[Uber, from C1] not announced that he’s
than Uber. withdrawing as an advisor to
That’s complicating ef- Neom, the Saudi mega-city
forts by Uber’s current CEO, project. Kalanick’s links to
Dara Khosrowshahi, to put a the country stretch back be-
new face on the company as fore Rumayyan proved a
it moves toward an initial faithful ally during his fight
public offering targeted for with the board, to 2016, when
early next year. Khosrow- he met with Prince Moham-
shahi, an Iranian immi- med at San Francisco’s Fair-
grant, was one of the first to mont Hotel.
pull out of a Saudi-led in- Kalanick’s association
vesting conference in Octo- with the Saudi government,
ber. But he’ll have a harder however unpopular, is not
time severing his company’s exactly surprising. The Uber
broader relationship with a co-founder has long had a
government that’s now been reputation for a win-at-all-
implicated in the grisly costs mentality.
killing of a journalist. But Khosrowshahi has
What follows is the tried to build a more princi-
strange story of the massive pled reputation. He has en-
deal that has already shaped shrined “We do the right
one of the world’s most valu- thing. Period,” as one of the
able start-ups, and whose ef- company’s cultural values.
fects will ripple well into the Much of Khosrowshahi’s
future. This account is based first year at Uber was spent
on interviews with more apologizing for Uber’s past
than half a dozen current or transgressions. It now ap-
former employees and in- pears he’ll have another one
vestors, all of whom spoke on to add to the list.
condition of anonymity in It will be a delicate task.
order to protect their rela- Khosrowshahi’s position is
tionship with Uber. particularly interesting be-
The financial opportuni- cause of his Iranian heritage,
ty in Saudi Arabia first ap- Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times which he has talked about
peared on Kalanick’s radar UBER was already operating in Saudi Arabia, where it pitched its service as a safe way for women to get frequently in public appear-
in 2016. That spring, then- around in a country where they were not allowed to drive, when it received $3.5 billion from the government. ances. Iran has long been a
Uber executive David foe of Saudi Arabia, and the
Plouffe, Barack Obama’s would have to call a truce, that May, Uber’s policy team then resigned a week later. one person said. tension between the two
former campaign manager, and that cash on hand would added Princess Reema bint When he took over, Khos- Then, in October, jour- countries is thought to be
was making a three-city tour be a key part of leverage in Bandar Saud, a member of rowshahi set to work trying nalist Khashoggi was killed shaping the ongoing fallout
to Cairo; Dubai, United Arab the ultimate deal. The com- the royal family and a vocal to salve Uber’s many scan- in the Saudi Consulate in Is- around Khashoggi.
Emirates; and Riyadh, pany with more money, it women’s rights advocate in dals, and there was little in- tanbul, Turkey, trying to Executives involved in
Saudi Arabia. Uber was al- was clear, could hold out the region, to its global pol- dication that its ties to Saudi pick up his marriage papers. cutting the deal with Saudi
ready operating in Saudi longer and win better terms. icy advisory board. Arabia would ever become Allegations started piling up Arabia said there isn’t much
Arabia, where it pitched its So when Apple Inc. in- Two months later, Uber one of them. By 2018, things that Prince Mohammed was that Khosrowshahi can do
service as a safe way for vested $1 billion in Didi reached a deal with Didi. were going so well that Uber involved in orchestrating to extricate Uber from its
women to get around in a Chuxing in May 2016, Uber Though it was largely a tacti- effectively re-upped its rela- the killing. deep ties to the kingdom.
country where they were not panicked. The company had cal retreat, Uber could still tionship with the country by Within days, the killing The best hope for resolving
allowed to drive. raised plenty of money, but it make billions in China, and raising $9.3 billion in funding became a full-blown public Uber’s Saudi stigma, insid-
In Riyadh, Plouffe met was spending it on unprofit- Kalanick declared victory. in a deal led by SoftBank relations disaster for Saudi ers said, is for the company
with top Saudi officials, in- able businesses all over the But the triumph was fleet- Group Corp. The enormous Arabia and its U.S. business to go public, giving it more
cluding Public Investment world. ing. While the deal forced check was a coup for Khos- partners, after nothing else latitude to reshape its
Fund manager Rumayyan. It was against this back- Didi to the negotiating table rowshahi as Uber’s new seemed to stick. board. Public companies
In those talks, Plouffe drop that Uber started to and furthered Uber’s global CEO. And behind the scenes Plunged into crisis mode, have little control over their
learned more about the discuss a possible deal with expansion plans, within a were the Saudis, who pro- Uber board member Ari- investors, potentially ab-
Saudi government’s plan to the Saudi sovereign wealth few months cracks in the vided $45 billion in funding anna Huffington was one of solving Uber of some of the
diversify its investments and fund. The terms were rela- new alliance were starting to for the $93-billion SoftBank the first to pull out of the blame for an autocratic bed-
reduce its dependence on its tively straightforward. The show, and Kalanick’s prob- Vision Fund. Saudis’ October conference. fellow.
vast oil industry, said two Saudis would buy shares at lems were growing. As recently as this sum- Uber privately wrestled with So far, Uber’s strategy
people familiar with the dis- the same price as a previous By 2017, Uber was roiled mer, when Saudi Arabia what it should do. Execu- appears to be waiting out
cussions. The Public Invest- investment led by Tiger by a series of scandals over lifted its prohibition on fe- tives implored Khosrow- the public backlash. The
ment Fund declined to com- Global Management that its workplace culture. And male drivers, Uber’s rela- shahi to move swiftly, pre- company’s board met last
ment for this story. year, valuing the business at the Justice Department had tionship with the kingdom dicting accurately that there week in a marathon meeting
At the time, Uber was $62.5 billion. The Public In- started looking into allega- appeared trouble-free. would soon be a mass exo- attended by the entire
thirsty for more money. The vestment Fund had one pri- tions that Uber violated American conventional wis- dus of executives from the board, including Kalanick
company was deeply em- mary request: It wanted a bribery laws in its business dom saw Prince Mohammed event. Khosrowshahi called and Rumayyan. Khosrow-
broiled in a drag-out fight in board seat. Uber agreed. dealings around the world. as a liberalizing force, de- Rumayyan to tell him that shahi was scheduled to pre-
China with local rival Didi When it came time to an- The result of that investiga- spite the anti-corruption he would not attend. sent his plan for 2019 as Uber
Chuxing. The two compa- nounce the deal, there was tion is still unclear. purge in 2017 that was viewed One man, however, did prepares for a public offer-
nies were spending billions some trepidation inside As Uber’s crises as a bid to concentrate not publicly distance him- ing. And Rumayyan’s status
discounting rides and re- Uber’s policy and communi- mounted, a group of in- power. The relationship had self from the Saudis. Kalan- as a director, the company
cruiting drivers in an at- cations team about taking vestors turned on Kalanick been so productive that ick was spotted in Riyadh said, is unchanged. At least
tempt to crush each other. Saudi money. The primary that summer, kicking off an- Uber was considering dou- the week of the conference. for now, Khosrowshahi
Gaining market share had objection centered around other power struggle. Facing bling down in the region with And unlike other leaders, in- seems willing to ignore the
turned into a question of gender discrimination in the an intervention (that nota- an acquisition of Dubai ride- cluding tech incubator Y Saudi in the room.
who could light more money country, and in particular, bly did not include Ru- hailing company Careem. Combinator’s Sam Altman
on fire. the ban on women driving. mayyan), Kalanick an- Today, Uber is still consider- and former U.S. Energy Sec- Newcomer writes for
By 2016, Uber realized it In an effort to build goodwill nounced a sabbatical and ing making the acquisition, retary Ernest Moniz, he has Bloomberg.

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T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S

Kings Clippers
know keep
it’s time calm
to look and
inward carry on
They keep their
composure and the
If the Kings lead despite some
had new
spring in their heated moments.
legs during
their first CLIPPERS 120
practice MINNESOTA 109
under interim
coach Willie By Andrew Greif
Desjardins on
Monday, if they moved At several points last
through his drills with more week during their three-
purpose than they had game trip, the Clippers left
shown in the weeks leading arenas frustrated that their
up to John Stevens’ firing, composure had broken and
it’s because they were moti- games had been lost be-
vated by guilt as much as by cause of it.
a desire to please the man Monday night they held
who will try to salvage what firm as the Minnesota
has been a drearily unsuc- Timberwolves cut their lead
cessful season. and got in their face, the
When Darryl Sutter was Clippers holding on for a 120-
fired, players barely re- 109 victory at Staples Center.
strained themselves from The Timberwolves (4-7)
publicly singing “Ding lead the league in drama but
Dong! The Witch is Dead,” could not produce enough
at the top of their lungs. suspense late thanks to a
Stevens’ dismissal was cutting dunk from the Clip-
different. It sobered them, pers’ Danilo Gallinari that
as it should have. created a 10-point lead with
Sutter had berated and Kent Nishimura Los Angeles Times 66 seconds left. The Clippers
belittled players toward the BRUINS SOPHOMORE Kris Wilkes, shown driving the ball down the court against USC last season, (6-4) exhaled from there.
end of his coaching term. hopes to improve his NBA draft stock after flirting with pro basketball after last season. “Our composure was a lot
They were grateful for his better just all throughout
guidance during their 2012 the game,” forward Tobias


and 2014 Stanley Cup runs, Harris said. “It’s something
but their relationship with to grow on as a unit and obvi-
him had turned irreconcil- ously we’re not going to be
ably sour long before the perfect at that. It’s a game,
divorce became official in we’re competitors, we’re go-
April 2017. Stevens’ main ing to be emotional but we

flaw was that he failed to stir just got to continue to move
players’ emotions, but an on to the next play every
experienced team should time.”
have done that on its own. They did that enough
This time, players knew the Monday in a game that also
blame was on them, not the served as a study in con-
coach. trasts: one team raving
Team captain Anze
Kopitar called it “a sad day.” Return trip to NCAA tournament is within reach about its locker-room har-
mony, the other enduring a
And it was. “We’re certainly public breakup with its All-
responsible for it. We didn’t Star guard weeks after he
play up to our potential and NO. 21 UCLA BRUINS USC TROJANS asked for a trade.
we know it. And he lost the The player in question,
job because of it,” Kopitar
Alford’s job could be on the line Boatwright ready for senior season the Timberwolves’ Jimmy
said of the message sent His contract runs through 2021, but UCLA’s coach The most familiar face in the program looks to Butler, scored 20 points but
when general manager Rob may need a big season from his young and talented prove himself to NBA scouts while leading USC [See Clippers, D4]
Blake fired Stevens and squad to keep his job. The Bruins, who lost to St. back to the NCAA tournament. It’s no small task
assistant Don Nachbaur on
Bonaventure in a play-in game last season, could for a player who has struggled with injuries and
Sunday. “We’re talking
about the reset button, solidify their coach’s standing by making a deep now has to take over a team that replaced three
that’s the last resort, the
last chance, really, for us to
get it going and really not
[See Elliott, D6]
run in March. D7

Today vs. Purdue Fort Wayne, 6 p.m.
starters from a year ago. D7

Today vs. Robert Morris, 8 p.m.
seeks to
L.A. wins bid to revoke
host the World NGB
Urban Games USA Gymnastics’
status as the national
governing body of its
hosting rights to the 2021 sport is in jeopardy.
Nontraditional sports Games, if the 2019 event is
By David Wharton
successful. The games will
and esports will be be held just south of Los An-
featured. Soon-Shiong geles International Airport Days after American
in El Segundo. gymnast Simone Biles con-
is a sponsor, organizer. The World Urban Games cluded a historic perform-
is expected to draw 700 ath- ance at the world champi-
By Meg James letes, 300 referees and thou- onships, the U.S. Olympic
sands of spectators to the Committee announced it
Los Angeles has been se- five-day event next Septem- Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times will seek to banish the na-
lected as the inaugural host ber. The competitions will be ALVIN KAMARA of New Orleans scores one of his two touchdowns against the tional organization that
city for the World Urban part of a large outdoor festi- Rams on Sunday. The Saints have won seven straight after losing their opener. oversees her sport.
Games, a new international val with food, music, art and The drastic move in-
competition that will feature digital entertainment, in- REVIEW AND PREVIEW volves the USOC filing a
nontraditional and emerg- cluding esports, the Global complaint to revoke USA

Saints in driver’s seat

ing Olympic sports such as Assn. of International Gymnastics’ status as a na-
skateboarding, three-on- Sports Federations an- tional governing body, initi-
three basketball and BMX nounced Monday at its ating a potentially complex
freestyle cycling. headquarters in Lausanne, adjudication process.
Los Angeles Times owner Switzerland. If the revocation is suc-
Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong “This will be the world’s loss, and New Orleans wres- The Rams have yet to cessful, an entirely new or-
agreed to underwrite the first World Urban Games, They control own tled away the NFC steering lose back-to-back regular- ganization might have to be
event to woo the World Ur- and what better place?” wheel from the Rams with a season games under coach created to run American
ban Games to the Los Ange- Soon-Shiong said. “We are destiny in NFC, but 45-35 victory at the Super- Sean McVay, but they can- gymnastics with the 2020
les area. The biomedical the melting pot for the na- they face tougher dome. not breathe easy with Pete Summer Games in Tokyo
entrepreneur, who also is a tion in regards to sports.” The 7-1 Saints have four Carroll and the Seattle less than two years away.
part owner of the Lakers, de- The region has 11 major road than Rams. remaining opponents who Seahawks coming to town. “You might be asking
clined to disclose the size of professional teams, ranging have winning records (Cin- The last meeting of these why now?” USOC Chief Exe-
his investment, but said he from the Dodgers and Rams, cinnati, Pittsburgh, and teams, in October, came cutive Sarah Hirshland
plans to bring on additional to the Galaxy, Sparks and Carolina twice), whereas down to the Rams convert- wrote in an open letter Mon-
sponsors to help cover the Ducks, and it is home to elite the 8-1 Rams have two (Kan- ing a fourth-down keeper by day. “The short answer is
costs. athletic programs at UCLA NEW ORLEANS — Now sas City, Chicago). After Jared Goff to hang on for a that we believe the chal-
Los Angeles edged out a and USC. that the Rams have lost, Sunday’s games, the win- 33-31 win. lenges facing the organiza-
bid by Budapest, despite a The World Urban Games, there’s one indisputable ning percentage of the The Seahawks might be tion are simply more than it
reported $10.5-million however, will feature “a new truth about the NFL. Saints’ remaining oppo- an underwhelming 4-4, and is capable of overcoming in
pledge last month from generation of sports,” ac- Nobody’s perfect. nents was .579, while the coming off a home loss to its current form.”
Hungary. Los Angeles was cording to the GAISF, which Heading into Week 10, Rams’ remaining oppo- the Chargers, but with the USA Gymnastics has suf-
also conditionally awarded [See Urban Games, D5] every team has at least one nents were .483. [See Farmer, D2] [See Gymnastics, D8]
D2 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S

10 Kings courting Latino fans
NEXT: SUNDAY VS. SEATTLE, 1:15 P.M., CH. 2 By Tom Hoffarth
Not much gets lost in
translation during a Kings
NEXT: SUNDAY AT OAKLAND, 1 P.M., CH. 11 Spanish-language radio
broadcast. Especially on a
CHARGERS call like the one Francisco X.
Rivera delivered on KWKW-
at AM (1330) during the second
Sacramento period of last Thursday’s
7 Kings-Philadelphia Flyers
SpecSN game from Staples Center:
“Kovalchuk con el pase,
at Portland MIL. el disparo que es intercep-
7 12:30 tado, una vez mas Carter,
Prime Prime otra vez Carter y el gol! Gol
CLIPPERS … Gooooool … Gooooool …
anotado por Jeff Carter … Y
DUCKS MINN. CALGARY que bonito se siente cantar el
7:30 7:30 7 gol de los Kings!”
FSW, Prime FSW FSW Got it? In the span of a Christopher Wohlers Courtesy of L.A. Kings
KINGS couple of seconds, Ilya Ko- BROADCASTERS Francisco X. Rivera, left, and Nano Cortes are helping the
valchuk takes a pass, a shot Kings reach out to Spanish-speaking fans. Their next broadcast is Nov. 24.
at Kings CALGARY MINN. is blocked, Jeff Carter shoots
7:30 7:30 7 again, then another shot, Still, the timing can come to measure success of this it. In their 25 seasons, the
Prime, FSW Prime Prime and Carter … puts the bis- off as odd. There’s a 20-year Spanish-language reintro- Ducks have never tried a
DUCKS cuit in the basket, right? gap between this attempt duction is by digital feed- Spanish-language partner.
So there’s no confusion, and the last Kings Spanish- back on social media. Espe- In the NHL, only Vegas, Chi-
Shade denotes home game Rivera holds that final note language radio feed, when cially if Rivera’s calls keep cago, Florida and San Jose
in an extended primal punc- Rodolfo Hernandez and Fer- going viral. have expanded their Span-
tuation that mirrors Andres nando Gonzalez did it for “God love him, he’s into ish-language reach.
Cantor during a World Cup KWIZ-FM (96.7). The Kings it,” Altieri said of Rivera. Rivera, who has worked
TODAY ON THE AIR soccer match. allowed that deal, as well as “He’ll have his own style. I for Spanish-language Spec-
TIME EVENT ON THE AIR “My plan was to make it one with English-language thought his play-by-play trum, Fox TV and the Ga-
BASKETBALL just sound like a soccer goal XTRA-AM (690), to expire was smooth and enthusias- laxy, and is the Spanish-lan-
5:30 p.m. Washington at Dallas TV: NBATV — he shoots and scores!” as the dynamics changed in tic even if someone like me guage radio man for LAFC,
said Rivera, a 36-year-old the couple of seasons after didn’t completely under- will rejoin partner Nano Cor-
native of Mexico City who Wayne Gretzky’s departure stand Spanish. Hockey is tes next on the Nov. 24 Kings-
3:30 p.m. Siena at Providence TV: FSW
studied broadcasting at from L.A. still being introduced to the Vancouver game.
3:30 p.m. Loyola (Md.) at St. John’s TV: Prime Long Beach State. And if you buy into the re- Hispanic community in Rivera said he has anec-
3:30 p.m. Chicago State at Indiana TV: Big Ten “Before the game, every- search presented last Au- some ways after all these dotally heard that the Kings’
3:30 p.m. Wagner at Seton Hall TV: FS2 one seemed to be asking, gust, the Spanish-only years. With all we have going, first broadcast was a way to
4 p.m. State Farm Champions Classic, Michigan State vs. TV: ESPN ‘How you going to call a sports cable channel Spec- this guarantees we can pen- bridge the enjoyment of a
Kansas goal?’ I know how Andres trum Deportes decided to etrate into the Hispanic game between younger His-
4 p.m. North Carolina at Wofford TV: ESPN2 has his goal call for soccer in cease operation after a six- market on this platform.” panic and Latino sports fans
4 p.m. Lenoir-Rhyne at Tennessee TV: SEC the U.S., but to be honest, I year run when it cited that The Dodgers have the and older family members.
4 p.m. Morgan State at Villanova TV: FS1 wanted to try something dif- Spanish-speaking viewers deepest connection to a “Our main target should
5:30 p.m. Norfolk State at Michigan TV: Big Ten ferent. But I guess I decided were content watching the Spanish-language carrier, be people of Latino descent,
5:30 p.m. IUPUI at Xavier TV: FS2 to give the people what they English-language feeds of going back to 1953 in Brook- first- or second-generation,
6 p.m. Florida at Florida State TV: ESPN2 wanted to hear. There was so the Lakers, Galaxy and lyn. They have alternated who also watch soccer and
much demand for it, I went other live events with sec- mostly between ESPN’s love a Spanish-language
6 p.m. Purdue Fort Wayne at UCLA TV: Pac-12,
with loud and screamed ondary audio programming KWKW-AM (1330) and Uni- call,” Rivera said. “With all
from the top of my lungs.” providing a Spanish option. vision’s KTNQ-AM (1020) due respect, I think there’s a
6 p.m. South Alabama at Auburn TV: SEC
Then there was Rivera’s The Kings are almost five since coming to L.A. in ’58. need and hunger for any-
6 p.m. Maryland Baltimore County at Marquette TV: FS1 personal tagline: “And it seasons removed from their KWKW currently has the thing Spanish language. A
6:30 p.m. State Farm Champions Classic, Duke vs. Kentucky TV: ESPN feels so good to call a Kings last Stanley Cup run. Yet the Lakers, Rams, Clippers, An- puck is still a puck but a
7:30 p.m. Western Kentucky at Washington TV: ESPNU goal!” franchise rebooted an idea gels and Galaxy. KFWB-AM puck that’s flying can be a
8 p.m. Brigham Young at Nevada TV: CBSSN The immediate goal for championed for several sea- (980) has the LAFC and ‘disco volador.’ A lot of words
8 p.m. Portland State at Oregon TV: Pac-12 the Kings’ 10-game experi- sons by Jonathan Lowe, the Chargers, who have kept and phrases I don’t think
8 p.m. Robert Morris at USC TV: Pac-12LA ment with a Spanish-lan- AEG Sports senior VP of three other Spanish-lan- need direct translation. Not
COLLEGE FOOTBALL guage package on Los Ange- business development and guage affiliates in San Diego even cross-checking or icing.
4:30 p.m. Kent State at Buffalo TV: ESPNU les’ ESPN Deportes affiliate brand strategy. and Mexico. It can be challenging, but
GOLF is expanding its brand in a Mike Altieri, the team’s USC football tried Span- I’m comfortable knowing
major media market. The head of communications ish language for some home the listeners are often bilin-
8 p.m. LPGA Tour, Blue Bay, first round TV: Golf
latest demographic re- and broadcasting, recently games starting in 2000 and gual and communicate well
search shows 38%, account- decided to disconnect from kept it for 11 seasons, but in English but understand
4:30 p.m. Edmonton at Tampa Bay TV: NBCSN ing for 3.3 million people, terrestrial radio and estab- hasn’t had it since 2013. and follow Spanish. It’s in-
7:30 p.m. Ducks at Kings TV: FSW, Prime speak Spanish as a primary lish the English-speaking UCLA football or basketball credible. I think this will just
R: iHeart, 830 language in L.A. County. Kings feed on the iHeartRa- tried online versions of keep building.”
HORSE RACING Nearly 50% of residents iden- dio app and online stream. Spanish-language games
5 p.m. Race Night featuring Pocono Downs TV: TVG tify as Hispanic or Latino. He said the immediate way from 2008-2010, but that was
9:45 a.m. UEFA Champions League, Red Star vs. Liverpool TV: KFTR, UDN,
Unimas, TNT
9:45 a.m. UEFA Champions League, Monaco vs. Club Brugge TV: Galavision
11:45 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
UEFA Champions League, Tottenham vs. Eindhoven
UEFA Champions League, Inter Milan vs. Barcelona
UEFA Champions League, Napoli vs. Paris
TV: Galavision
Veteran quarterbacks thriving
4:45 p.m. CONCACAF, Mexico vs. Jamaica TV: UDN
[Farmer, from D1] those clubs are heading in a win, they’re 2-6 and head- sive end Danielle Hunter
10 a.m. USTA Women’s Pro Circuit Las Vegas, early round TV: Tennis
defensive vulnerabilities the opposite directions. The ing into the Kansas City collected 31⁄2 sacks and
5 p.m. USTA Women’s Pro Circuit Las Vegas, early round TV: Tennis Rams showed against the Chargers have won five in a wood chipper. Lamar Jack- returned a fumble 32 yards
Saints, Seattle quarterback row; the Raiders have son isn’t the starter in Balti- for a touchdown in the
Russell Wilson is a daunting dropped four straight. It more, where the Ravens fourth quarter.
challenge. seems like a lifetime ago have lost three straight. No time for Stafford to
AROUND THE NFL Meanwhile, the Saints that they were angling to be Then again, the hottest exhale, either. The Lions
boast the NFL’s longest roommates in Carson. hand in the league is only in play at division-leading

Elway sticking with winning streak, seven

games, and are led by Can-
ton-bound quarterback
A couple of other sea-
soned quarterbacks are
directing division-leading
his second season, and the
first as a starter.
The Chiefs’ Patrick
Chicago on Sunday.

Le’Veon who?

Broncos head coach Drew Brees, who Sunday

had his 22nd game with at
least four touchdown passes
and no interceptions — tied
teams: Pittsburgh’s Ben
Roethlisberger and Wash-
ington’s Alex Smith.
This time of year always
Mahomes has passed for at
least 300 yards in eight
consecutive games, tying
him with Andrew Luck
If there’s chatter about
Le’Veon Bell in Pittsburgh
these days, it isn’t coming
from the Steelers locker
Etc. with New England’s Tom seems to be a critical junc- (2014) for the longest such room. The team doesn’t
associated press
Washington lost more Brady for the most in NFL ture for rookie quarter- streak in history. seem to miss the All-Pro
than a quarter of its starting history. backs, who a year ago would Mahomes, who appeared holdout, not with the way
John Elway says he’s go- offense in one fell swoop, Brees and Brady are have been weeks from wrap- in his 10th career game replacement running back
ing to “stay the course” with with receiver Paul Rich- among several quarter- ping their college seasons. Sunday, has passed for 3,185 James Conner is playing.
Denver Broncos head coach ardson and guards Bran- backs thriving in the twi- In the NFL marathon, yards and 29 touchdowns. Conner ran for 107 yards
Vance Joseph. Elway told don Scherff and Shawn light of their careers. The teams are only hitting the He’s the only player ever to and caught passes for 56
Broncos broadcasting part- Lauvao all going on injured Chargers’ Philip Rivers is, 13-mile mark. pass for at least 3,000 yards more in a 23-16 victory at
ner Orange & Blue 760 that reserve due to season-end- too, notching a 105.9 rating The picture isn’t too in his first 10 career games. Baltimore.
he’s encouraged by the ing surgery. ... A.J. Green, in a 25-17 win at Seattle. pretty for the latest crop of With 1,085 yards from
team’s improvement despite Rivers has started 200 first-round quarterbacks. Sack machine scrimmage, Conner is the
Cincinnati’s top receiver, is
its 3-6 record, which is iden- likely to miss Sunday’s game consecutive games, dating Baker Mayfield’s Cleveland Minnesota’s defense has only player in Pittsburgh’s
tical to last year’s mark after against New Orleans with a to Sept. 11, 2006. Only three Browns have lost four in a come to life and figures to be storied history to roll up at
nine games. foot injury. The Saints, also other quarterbacks have row and fired a coach; Sam a headache for opponents in least 1,000 yards in the
“There’s enough good thin at receiver, reportedly achieved that milestone: Darnold’s New York Jets the second half of the sea- team’s first eight games of a
things that are going on as will work out Dez Bryant Brett Favre (297 consecu- have dropped three in a row, son. The Vikings get a week season.
far as us and the way that and Brandon Marshall on tive games), Eli Manning Josh Allen is injured in off and, boy, did they earn it. Next up, Carolina on
we’re playing,” Elway said. Tuesday. ... Buffalo’s Josh (210), and Peyton Manning Buffalo, and the Bills have In Sunday’s 24-9 victory Thursday night.
“I’m much more encouraged Allen resumed throwing and (208). lost four straight; and even over Detroit, Minnesota
this year than I was last could play Sunday. The Chargers play at though Josh Rosen’s Arizo- sacked Matthew Stafford a
year.” Oakland on Sunday, and na Cardinals are coming off club-record 10 times. Defen- Twitter: @LATimesfarmer

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L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 D3

Sturgis kicked
to the curb
ticularly pretty, but they
By Jeff Miller were effective. And it was all
by design.
They believed in him Lynn explained that the
enough to give him a two- veteran was instructed to
year contract, to stick with keep the ball from Seattle re-
him through a rough start turner Tyler Lockett.
and to go back to him when “He did an outstanding
he returned from injury. job,” Lynn said. “I don’t care
But when two more if it was a knuckleball or a
blown extra-point attempts ball kicked close to out of
and a missed field-goal try bounds. But he did a good
Sunday forced the Chargers job keeping the ball out of
to scramble to hold off Seat- that returner’s hands.”
tle 25-17, the belief in Caleb Lockett finished with
Sturgis expired. three returns for only four
The team released the yards. Jones routinely
veteran kicker Monday and kicked away from Lockett,
promoted rookie Michael with one of his punts knuck-
Badgley from the practice ling awkwardly toward the
squad. sideline.
Coach Anthony Lynn “Donnie has that savvy to
said the Chargers still might keep it out of his hands,”
try out or add another kicker Lynn said. “If you gotta give
this week. But barring an- up a few yards here, I’d
Gregory Shamus Getty Images other move, Badgley will be rather give them up on the
MARCUS PETERS of the Rams has a hold on New Orleans’ Michael Thomas here during the third quarter of the kicker Sunday at Oak- kick than give them up in
Sunday’s game at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, but the Saints were the ones who held onto the victory. land. coverage.”
“I’d like to give him the
RAMS REPORT keys to the car and let him go
Liuget is starting
drive,” Lynn said. “But we’ve
to come around

Team looks to rebound

talked about bringing in an-
other kicker to maybe kick Defensive tackle Corey
off, maybe help in that area. Liuget missed the first four
“That’s something that games because of a positive
we’re just looking at. You test for performance-en-
hate to do something like hancing drugs. When he re-
that because you lose depth turned, the Chargers began
fensive coordinator Wade ception, in Sunday’s 25-17 Talib remains sidelined at other positions.” working him back into the
By Gary Klein Phillips’ one-and-a-half sea- loss to the Chargers that while recovering from ankle Badgley was seven for rotation slowly.
sons with the franchise. The dropped the Seahawks’ surgery. The soonest he seven on extra points and Liuget advanced to the
His team’s eight-game Rams had not given up more record to 4-4. could return from injured re- three for three on field goals point where he was able to
winning streak ended in New than 43 points before the Rams cornerback Mar- serve would be Week 13 while filling in for Sturgis in start Sunday, the Chargers
Orleans, but Rams coach Saints eclipsed that while cus Peters struggled in Oc- against Detroit. Weeks 6 and 7. Of his 12 kick- trying to go as big as possible
Sean McVay will put anoth- amassing 487 yards. tober against the Seahawks, McVay said the Rams fo- offs, however, only two went up front against the run-
er streak on the line this “They were getting out of and he struggled against the cused on acquiring an edge for touchbacks. happy Seahawks. Liuget,
week against the Seattle the huddle, tricking us with Saints. rusher, not a cornerback, at Defensive end Isaac listed at 6 feet 2 and 300
Seahawks. a bunch of formations and He gave up multiple long last month’s trade deadline. Rochell praised Badgley, pounds, played 53 of 81 de-
Under McVay, the Rams stuff,” defensive lineman gains, including a 72-yard New edge rusher Dante claiming the rookie even fensive snaps, finishing with
have never lost two consecu- Michael Brockers said after touchdown to receiver Fowler played 44 of 71 defen- possesses a “savage mental- a game-high three tackles
tive regular-season games. the game. “So we definitely Michael Thomas that sive snaps against the ity” that is rare at the posi- for loss.
After each of their first gotta communicate a lit bit sealed the Saints’ victory. Saints. He made a tackle for tion. “Corey had an outstand-
four defeats in 2017, the faster as a defense.” Peters acknowledged af- a loss and defended a pass. “It’s kind of self-explana- ing game,” Lynn said. “He’s
Rams rebounded with victo- Despite the problems, ter the game that he had tory when you have a kicker back. He had to work his way
ries that helped them win the Rams still were in posi- been playing poorly of late. Etc. like Badge who hasn’t back in.”
the NFC West and advance tion to possibly win after “And that’s just being The Rams activated missed since he’s been in the
to the playoffs for the first coming back from a 21-point honest,” he said. rookie linebacker Ogbonnia NFL,” Rochell said. “We defi-
Lynn mixing and
time since 2004. They deficit. The Rams “still have a lot Okoronkwo and waived nitely have confidence in
dropped their final game “Everybody gotta be of confidence” in Peters,” rookie linebacker Trevon him. At the end of the day, we matching on defense
against the San Francisco humbled,” running back McVay said Monday. Young. Okoronkwo began just want to see it go through Another change in the
49ers when McVay rested Todd Gurley said. “And, you “In a lot of instances, he’s the season on the physically- the uprights.” defensive starting lineup
starters and then lost to the know, this was our day.” isolated one-on-one with the unable-to-perform list while Sturgis, 29, signed a two- came on the back end, where
Atlanta Falcons in a wild- The Rams did not sack other team’s best receiver,” recovering from foot surgery. year, $4.45-million free-agent Michael Davis replaced
card game. Saints quarterback Drew McVay said, “and that’s “Whether he’s actually ac- deal in March. He was enter- Trevor Williams at corner-
Sunday’s 45-35 loss to the Brees and they could not come up throughout various tive on game day or not is ing his sixth season coming back.
Saints ended the Rams’ stop him from passing for times this season. There’s still to be determined,” Mc- off a year in which he missed Lynn explained that
chances for a perfect season, four touchdowns. going to be an element of, Vay said. … Offensive line- significant time because of a Williams’ performance led to
but they still lead the divi- Now they face the Sea- those great players will man Rodger Saffold hip injury. the switch, the third-year
sion. hawks’ Russell Wilson for make some of their plays. tweeted that he had apolo- He made his first four ex- pro struggling to match
And they remain in the the second time. “The standards that gized to Goff for an exchange tra points and three of four what he did last season
Super Bowl discussion In Week 5, Wilson passed Marcus has for himself, that that occurred after Saffold field-goal tries to start the when he started 15 games.
heading into Sunday’s game for three touchdowns, with- we have for him, we expect was penalized for a personal season. But then Sturgis “Michael competed well,”
against the Seahawks at the out an interception, in a 33- him to play and make some foul. “This can happen be- missed four extra points and Lynn said. “He’s going to be a
Coliseum. 31 win by the Rams that was of those plays. But, the best tween brothers in a heated two field-goal attempts dur- good corner in this league for
“If anything,” McVay said not secured until Rams part about him is the ac- battle but we won’t let the in- ing a three-game stretch. a long time.”
Monday of rebounding from quarterback Jared Goff ex- countability that he took cident define us. This won’t In an attempt to help Davis played all 81 snaps.
defeats, “it creates an added ecuted a late fourth-down afterwards. The first thing happen again. #WeNotMe,” him, the Chargers even Williams was limited to 21
sense of urgency.” sneak for a first down. he’s going to do is look in- Saffold wrote. changed holders, waiving snaps, all on special teams.
Against the Saints, the Wilson completed 26 of 39 ward and figure out what he punter Drew Kaser and But Lynn didn’t rule out the
Rams had their worst defen- passes for 235 yards and two can do to be better.” signing veteran Donnie possibility of Williams
sive game in McVay and de- touchdowns, with an inter- Rams cornerback Aqib Twitter: @latimesklein Jones out of retirement. playing more against the
Sturgis then suffered a Raiders.
quadriceps strain and “Trevor’s still in the mix,”

Mariota recovers to lead Titans

missed games against Cleve- he said. “He might be in
land and Tennessee. He re- there next week. Who
turned Sunday and so did knows? But I wanted to see
the Chargers’ kicking woes, Michael play. And I thought
Sturgis hooking all three he competed well.”
misses wide left.
the first two Tennessee pos- home games. Henry’s one-yard plunge for “It’s always tough to Etc.
TENNESSEE 28 sessions. Byard ran to mid- The Cowboys led only 7-0 a 7-7 tie. move on from a player,” Lynn said Sam Tevi will
DALLAS 14 field at AT&T Stadium and because of Brett Maher’s Tennessee took control Lynn said. “I believe in all remain the starter at right
spread his arms. missed 38-yard field-goal try in the second half, convert- these guys. We feel like we tackle while Joe Barksdale
associated press
“It was huge,” Mariota and Prescott’s ill-advised ing 11 of 14 third downs. gave him a fair shot. We works his way back. Barks-
said of Byard, while adding throw into double coverage. Mariota was 21 for 29 for stayed with him as long as dale has appeared in the last
ARLINGTON, Texas — that he didn’t see the cele- “That was the difference. 240 yards without an inter- we could. It just came down two games after being out
Kevin Byard pulled in a cru- bration. “The defense has Simple as that,” Prescott ception and had 32 yards to performance.” because of a knee injury…
cial interception, Marcus done an unbelievable job said. rushing. Kicking issues have be- Center Mike Pouncey on the
Mariota accounted for three throughout the year in Cooper scored the first Dallas running back come a lingering problem for Chargers: “There’s a term
touchdowns and the Ten- building us up. They found Dallas touchdown and fin- Ezekiel Elliott finished with the Chargers. Badgley is the that’s been used for a long
nessee Titans spoiled Amari ways to give us plays, to get ished with five catches for 58 61 yards. sixth kicker the team has time, that defense wins
Cooper’s Dallas debut with a turnovers.” yards after being acquired Prescott was 21 for 31 for employed since 2017. championships. If our de-
28-14 victory Monday night. Tennessee (4-4) ended a from Oakland in a trade for a 243 yards and two touch- fense keeps playing like that,
The end-zone pick of a losing streak at three games first-round pick. downs, one of four yards to Punts with purpose we’ll be OK.”
pass by Dak Prescott came and handed the Cowboys Mariota led an 80-yard Cooper and one of 23 yards Jones’ six punts against
after Mariota fumbled on (3-5) their first loss in four drive capped by Derrick to Allen Hurns. the Seahawks weren’t par-


Coach for special teams only isn’t a Kelly priority

have made special teams a points to a team,” Kelly said. with blocking and release communication issue be- Thompson-Robinson prac-
By Ben Bolch singular focus is Oregon, “We believe those are all us; technique on punt coverage cause the Bruins never had ticed Monday and did not
which scored three touch- that’s self-inflicted wounds, and punt returns, and offen- any intention of going for it appear limited by the un-
Chip Kelly, a coach downs as a result of UCLA’s that’s not anything that any- sive line coach Justin Frye on fourth and 10. The coach specified injury that
known for his commitment special-teams breakdowns body else did, that’s what we assists with field goals. said he replaced Adarius knocked him out in the third
to efficiency, didn’t consider Saturday during the Bruins’ did, so we have to correct “Coach Manning is the Pickett with Theo Howard quarter against Oregon. …
hiring a dedicated special- 42-21 loss. that if we expect to win head of it all and I think he after Pickett dropped his Linebacker Keisean Lucier-
teams coordinator upon his UCLA fumbled a punt re- games in this league.” does a great job,” punter second punt in as many South practiced with heavy
arrival at UCLA even though turn, gave up a touchdown UCLA’s special teams Stefan Flintoft said. “I’ve weeks because “maybe it’s padding around his left el-
the NCAA granted teams an on a punt return and failed primarily fall under the di- been very impressed with just a little bit of a slump, bow after injuring the area
extra staff member before to stop a fake field-goal try rection of Roy Manning, the him all year. His focus on it you’re thinking a little bit too against the Ducks. … Guard
this season. on the way to falling behind special-teams coordinator and what he emphasizes much about everything.” Christaphany Murray was
Kelly said it wouldn’t be by three touchdowns. who also coaches the out- and his drills and whatnot, I Pickett was back working not present during the por-
the best use of that coach’s There was also a failed side linebackers. Manning just feel like they translate with the group of punt re- tion of practice open to the
time during the portions of onside kick, a botched field- had no experience coaching over very well. turners in practice Monday. media. … Tailback Kazmeir
practice not involving spe- goal attempt after kicker JJ special teams before this “Obviously, this past Spending more practice Allen, receiver Kyle Philips
cial teams. Molson ran onto the field season, having worked with game is not the best example time on special teams is not and right tackle Justin Mur-
“They’d have to take a va- late and a false start that outside linebackers, corner- of it, but that’s not all him. the answer to the Bruins’ phy were wearing yellow jer-
cation, get a lawn chair out pushed another Molson backs, running backs and of- You can’t just blame one per- problems, Kelly said. seys, signifying they were re-
there for them, have them sit field-goal attempt back five fensive line at his previous son, especially a coach, so we “It’s got nothing to do covering from injuries. …
down and not do anything,” yards, only for the kick to fall stops. just have to go out and re- with that,” Kelly said. “It’s Kelly said UCLA had 12
Kelly said Monday. a few yards short of the Manning, however, is not member our training, turn got to do with attention to missed tackles against Ore-
Apparently, nearly half of crossbar. a one-man operation with your mind off, let your body detail and doing the little gon, down from 24 the previ-
the Pac-12 Conference be- The two bungled field- the Bruins’ special teams. do what it knows how to do. I things.” ous week, but the six
lieves in leisure time. goal opportunities cost the Running backs coach De- think we got away from that dropped passes against the
Five conference schools Bruins six points, adding up Shaun Foster helps with the this weekend as players and Etc. Ducks equaled the number
have dedicated special- to a 27-point swing when punt returners; defensive we’ll clean that up this week Kelly said linebacker Bo the Bruins had against
teams coordinators as part combined with the three backs coach Paul Rhoads and next week will be much Calvert might be sidelined Utah.
of their coaching staffs, in- touchdowns they gave up on works with the gunners on better.” for the rest of the season be-
cluding USC’s John Baxter. special teams. punt coverage; tight ends Kelly said Molson run- cause of an unspecified in-
Also among the schools that “You can’t give up 27 coach Derek Sage helps ning onto the field late was a jury. … Quarterback Dorian Twitter: @latbbolch
D4 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S


Standings have been arranged to reflect how the teams will be deter-
mined for the playoffs. Teams are ranked 1-15 by record. Division
standing no longer has any bearing on the rankings. The top eight
teams in each conference make the playoffs, and the top-seeded
team would play the eighth-seeded team, the seventh team would
Rookie gets first start Heat 120, Pistons 115, OT

as Rivers keeps shuffling

McGruder ...33 3-8 0-2 0-5 2 3 8 A.Davis.......37 7-20 6-7 4-8 1 2 20
play the second, etc. Head-to-head competition is the first of several
tiebreakers, followed by conference record. (Western Conference di- Winslow......34 3-10 2-4 0-6 5 4 9 Johnson......18 1-6 2-2 1-1 1 3 5
visions:SCPS-Southwest; P-Pacific; N-Northwest; Eastern Confer- Adebayo .....29 4-5 3-4 3-8 1 3 11 Mirotic .......31 5-12 5-6 2-16 0 3 16
ence divisions: A-Atlantic; C-Central; S-Southeast). Dragic ........33 7-18 6-7 2-7 6 1 21 Holiday.......39 8-13 5-7 0-4 14 4 22
Richardson .38 11-21 2-2 2-8 4 4 27 Moore ........16 2-3 0-0 0-1 4 1 4
WESTERN CONFERENCE Wade .........28 8-15 2-6 1-1 2 2 18 Clark..........31 4-12 1-2 1-2 3 2 10
Olynyk ........23 3-10 4-5 0-5 4 5 13 Randle .......28 10-10 4-4 1-8 1 3 26
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk. T.Johnson....21 3-5 1-1 0-3 0 1 9 Miller .........17 3-4 0-0 1-1 1 4 9
studying and he really it’s more of a plus for us than
1. Golden State 10 1 .909 9-1 P1 By Andrew Greif understands the game.” a minus when he’s on the
Jones Jr. .....18 2-4 0-0 1-6 0 2 4 C.Diallo ......10 1-1 2-2 1-4 0 1 4
Ellington.......3 0-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 0 Frazier..........8 0-3 0-0 0-0 2 3 0
2. Denver 9 1 .900 1
⁄2 9-1 N1
Gilgeous-Alexander’s floor.” Totals 44-98 20-31 9-50 24 26 120 Totals 41-84 25-30 11-45 27 26 116
3. Portland 7 3 .700 21⁄2 7-3 N2 For a second time in as start followed an up-and- The Clippers entered Shooting: Field goals, 44.9%; free throws, Shooting: Field goals, 48.8%; free throws,
64.5% Three-point goals: 12-31 (Richardson 3-5, 83.3%
4. San Antonio 6 3 .667 3 6-3 S1 many games the Clippers down three-game trip in Monday outscoring oppo- Olynyk 3-9, T.Johnson 2-3, McGruder 2-3, Winslow Three-point goals: 9-29 (Miller 3-4, Randle 2-2,
5. CLIPPERS 6 4 .600 31⁄2 6-4 P2 1-2, Dragic 1-6, Wade 0-1, Ellington 0-2). Team Clark 1-4, Johnson 1-5, Mirotic 1-5, Holiday 1-6,
used a new starting lineup which he posted plus/minus nents by 2.9 points per game Rebounds: 14. Team Turnovers: 17 (13 PTS). A.Davis 0-1, Frazier 0-1, Moore 0-1). Team Re-
5. Sacramento 6 4 .600 31⁄2 6-4 P3 Monday, this time featuring ratings of minus-10 at Okla- when the 7-foot-3 Mar- Blocked Shots: 7 (Richardson 2, Adebayo, Dragic, bounds: 7. Team Turnovers: 20 (28 PTS). Blocked
7. Memphis 5 4 .556 4 5-4 S2 Jones Jr., Olynyk, Wade). Turnovers: 17 (Dragic 3, Shots: 5 (Randle 2, A.Davis, C.Diallo, Holiday).
rookie guard Shai Gilgeous- homa City and minus-18 at janovic plays. He had made T.Johnson 3, Wade 3, Jones Jr. 2, McGruder 2, Turnovers: 20 (Holiday 6, A.Davis 5, Moore 3,
7. Oklahoma City 5 4 .556 4 5-4 N3 Alexander and center Philadelphia before re- 75.9% of his shots within 10 Olynyk 2, Richardson, Winslow). Steals: 10 (Ade- Miller 2, Clark, Johnson, Mirotic, Randle). Steals: 8
bayo 3, Winslow 3, McGruder 2, Olynyk, T.John- (C.Diallo 2, Clark 2, Mirotic 2, Johnson, Randle).
Boban Marjanovic. bounding for a plus-22 at Or- feet of the basket, the third- son). Technical Fouls: None. OKLAHOMA CITY
9. Houston 4 5 .444 5 4-5 S3 The lineup of Gilgeous- lando. After scoring in dou- highest rate in the league DETROIT Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
10. New Orleans 4 6 .400 51⁄2 4-6 S4 Alexander, Marjanovic, for- ble figures in four of the Clip- among players with at least Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T George .......37 6-17 7-7 2-6 8 1 23
Griffin.........40 8-21 6-8 3-15 7 6 24 Grant .........31 5-12 3-4 1-6 1 4 13
10. Utah 4 6 .400 51⁄2 4-6 N4 wards Tobias Harris and pers’ first six games he was 25 attempts. Rbinson III ..30 6-12 2-2 0-2 0 4 16 Adams .......36 9-12 0-2 3-8 1 2 18
10. LAKERS 4 6 .400 51⁄2 4-6 P4 Danilo Gallinari and guard quieter during the trip, aver- “Boban is really unique, Drummond .44 11-19 3-9 11-24 3 3 25 Ferguson ....14 2-3 0-0 0-0 0 2 5
Patrick Beverley had never aging 6.6 points. in terms of if he gets deep Brown ........12 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 2 0 Westbrook...25 6-16 5-8 0-7 9 3 17
13. Minnesota 4 7 .364 6 4-6 N5 Jackson......37 9-22 4-4 2-4 6 5 25 Abrines.......30 2-4 2-2 0-4 3 1 7
14. Dallas 2 7 .222 7 2-7 S5 been used. Gilgeous-Alexan- “I thought he got at- post position, very hard to Galloway.....35 7-15 3-5 4-9 4 4 21 Schroder.....23 9-16 3-3 0-3 2 4 22
14. Phoenix 2 7 .222 7 2-7 P5 der was inserted for his first tacked, I thought people got stop,” Minnesota coach Tom Smith.........26 2-9 0-0 0-1 5 3 4 Patterson ....16 3-4 1-2 0-2 1 3 10
S.Johnson ...13 0-2 0-0 0-1 1 0 0 Noel ..........11 0-2 1-2 3-5 1 0 1
start after Avery Bradley, physical with him, I thought Thibodeau said. “Their Calderon.....11 0-2 0-0 0-1 1 1 0 H.Diallo ......10 2-4 0-1 0-0 0 2 4
EASTERN CONFERENCE who’d started each of the they got into him, and other team has great versatility, Pachulia .......8 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 2 0 Felton ..........2 1-3 0-0 0-0 0 1 2
Leuer ...........4 0-0 0-0 1-2 0 0 0 Totals 45-93 22-31 9-41 26 23 122
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk. first nine games, sprained an than the times that he strug- they have guys who can play Totals 43-104 18-28 21-60 27 30 115 Shooting: Field goals, 48.4%; free throws,
1. Toronto 10 1 .909 9-1 A1 ankle in practice Sunday. gled, from a coaching stand- multiple positions, and that Shooting: Field goals, 41.3%; free throws, 71.0%
2. Milwaukee 8 1 .889 1 8-1 C1 Gilgeous-Alexander av- point, I absolutely loved it,” puts a lot of pressure on 64.3% Three-point goals: 11-35 (Galloway 4-9, Three-point goals: 10-27 (George 4-10, Patter-
Jackson 3-9, Robinson III 2-4, Griffin 2-8, son 3-3, Abrines 1-2, Ferguson 1-2, Schroder 1-3,
3. Indiana 7 4 .636 3 6-4 C2 eraged 8.2 points, 3.1 assists Rivers said. “I thought it was you.” Calderon 0-1, S.Johnson 0-1, Smith 0-3). Team Re- H.Diallo 0-1, Felton 0-1, Westbrook 0-2, Grant
4. Boston 6 4 .600 31⁄2 6-4 A2 and 2.9 rebounds in 24.8 min- great for him. He’s gonna see bounds: 12. Team Turnovers: 20 (20 PTS). Blocked 0-3). Team Rebounds: 12. Team Turnovers: 12 (12

5. Philadelphia 6 5 .545 4 6-4 A3 utes a game entering Mon- everything and he needs to G Leaguers return Shots: 3 (Robinson III 2, Drummond). Turnovers:
20 (Drummond 4, Griffin 4, Jackson 3, Pachulia 3,
PTS). Blocked Shots: 3 (Adams, Grant, Noel). Turn-
overs: 12 (Westbrook 6, Adams 2, Schroder 2,
6. Charlotte 5 5 .500 41⁄2 5-5 S1 day against Minnesota and see it and learn from it. What A night after playing with Galloway 2, Robinson III 2, S.Johnson, Smith). Abrines, George). Steals: 15 (George 4, Ferguson
Steals: 8 (Galloway 2, Smith 2, Drummond, Griffin, 2, Grant 2, H.Diallo 2, Adams, Felton, Noel,
7. Miami 4 5 .444 5 4-5 S2 the Clippers had outscored I liked about him, he came the Clippers’ G League team Jackson, Robinson III). Technical Fouls: Griffin, Schroder, Westbrook). Technical Fouls: None.
7. Detroit 4 5 .444 5 4-5 C3
opponents by 5.9 points back the next night and it’s a in Ontario, guards Jerome 12:00 fourth. New Orleans 28 35 23 30— 116
when he was on the court, new night; he doesn’t let Robinson and Sindarius Miami 28 25 34 18 15— 120 Oklahoma City 36 26 38 22— 122
Detroit 27 26 27 25 10— 115
the second-highest plus-mi- things stick on him.” Thornwell were recalled. A—18,203. T—2:21. O—Taylor, Lewis, Goble
9. Brooklyn 4 6 .400 51⁄2 4-6 A4 A—14,148. T—2:54. O—Callahan, Cutler, Dagher
nus rating on the team be- Marjanovic’s start was Robinson had 28 points
9. Orlando 4 6 .400 51⁄2 4-6 S3 Nuggets 115, Celtics 107
hind Milos Teodosic’s 7.8, the seventh of his career and in 40 minutes on nine-for-21
11. Atlanta 3 6 .333 6 3-6 S4 Rockets 98, Pacers 94 BOSTON
which was achieved in far second consecutive in place shooting in the Agua Cali-
12. New York 3 8 .273 7 2-8 A5 HOUSTON Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
fewer minutes. of Marcin Gortat. Mar- ente Clippers’ season-open- Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Hayward .....25 3-7 2-2 1-9 2 2 8
12. Chicago 3 8 .273 7 3-7 C4 Losing Bradley meant janovic scored 10 points and ing loss Sunday against the Tatum.........34 5-14 4-4 1-2 4 2 15
Ennis III......27 5-7 0-0 0-2 1 4 13
14. Washington 2 7 .222 7 2-7 S5 playing without a defender grabbed 11 rebounds in Fri- Oklahoma City Blue. Thorn- Tucker ........33 3-9 0-0 1-5 0 2 9 Horford.......32 6-9 0-1 0-4 6 1 12
Capela .......35 8-10 2-2 2-10 1 2 18 Brown ........28 7-14 0-0 1-4 0 1 15
15. Cleveland 1 9 .100 81⁄2 1-9 C5 coach Doc Rivers has called day’s victory at Orlando; he well had 16 points in 27 min- Irving .........33 13-17 1-1 2-5 5 3 31
Harden.......35 7-15 9-9 0-4 6 5 28
the team’s best, and in the had 10 and nine Monday. utes on five-for-12 shooting. Paul...........37 4-12 1-2 1-5 13 2 9 Smart ........25 3-5 2-2 1-3 3 2 9
Anthony......23 3-9 0-0 2-5 1 2 8 Rozier ........22 2-9 0-0 0-3 0 2 6
TODAY’S GAMES first quarter Timberwolves Gortat remains in the ro- The pair worked out with Clark..........23 1-6 3-3 0-6 0 2 6 Ma.Morris ...20 3-9 0-0 0-6 1 2 6
Favorite Line Underdog Time guard Derrick Rose scored tation, Rivers said, though coaches 90 minutes before Green.........16 1-6 0-0 0-2 1 3 3 Baynes .......10 1-2 0-0 0-2 1 3 2
Hartenstein ...7 2-3 0-0 0-1 0 2 4 Ojeleye.........3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
at Charlotte 11 Atlanta 4 p.m. nine points, more than half against the Timberwolves, tipoff and Robinson re- Williams III....2 1-1 1-2 1-2 0 3 3
at Dallas 1 Washington 5:30 p.m. Totals 34-77 15-16 6-40 23 24 98
of his per-game average. he used the same center ro- turned to the court in the Shooting: Field goals, 44.2%; free throws, Totals 44-87 10-12 7-40 22 21 107
Brooklyn 1 at Phoenix 6 p.m. Rose finished with a team- tation as against the Magic second quarter. With the ro- 93.8% Shooting: Field goals, 50.6%; free throws,
Milwaukee 1 at Portland 7 p.m. Three-point goals: 15-47 (Harden 5-12, Ennis III 83.3%
high 21; Gilgeous-Alexander by playing Montrezl Harrell tation down a guard because 3-4, Tucker 3-7, Anthony 2-7, Green 1-5, Clark 1-6, Three-point goals: 9-31 (Irving 4-6, Rozier 2-5,
scored six. — and Harrell only — as of Bradley’s injury, Rob- Paul 0-6). Team Rebounds: 5. Team Turnovers: 16 Smart 1-3, Brown 1-4, Tatum 1-4, Baynes 0-1, Hay-
(18 PTS). Blocked Shots: 6 (Clark 3, Capela, Hard- ward 0-2, Horford 0-2, Ma.Morris 0-4). Team Re-
“He’s very cerebral,” Riv- Marjanovic’s backup. inson played earlier than en, Hartenstein). Turnovers: 16 (Harden 5, Paul 5, bounds: 3. Team Turnovers: 12 (15 PTS). Blocked
ers said of Gilgeous-Alexan- “I had a big, not a blowup, ever and essentially moved Capela 2, Ennis III 2, Green, Hartenstein). Steals: Shots: 9 (Smart 4, Tatum 2, Baynes, Irving,
RESULTS der before the game. “He with my staff recently about into Gilgeous-Alexander’s 9 (Harden 3, Clark 2, Tucker 2, Ennis III, Paul).
Technical Fouls: coach Rockets (Defensive three
Rozier). Turnovers: 12 (Ma.Morris 4, Irving 2, Smart
2, Tatum 2, Hayward, Rozier). Steals: 9 (Irving 3,
does remind me of [Rajon] why do we keep saying what second-unit role. Robinson second), 11:48 second. Smart 2, Brown, Horford, Rozier, Tatum). Technical
INDIANA Fouls: Ma.Morris, 8:31 fourth.
Rondo in his rookie year [Marjanovic] can’t do?” Riv- hit two threes in seven min- DENVER
where in shootarounds he ers said. “From now on we’re utes; Thornwell didn’t play. Bogdanovic .30 2-6 6-9 1-4 2 3 11 Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
would call out the plays or he only talking about what he Young.........30 4-7 0-0 2-11 1 1 8 Craig............2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
would already know. I ask a does because he does a lot of Etc. Turner.........23 2-7 3-4 1-2 0 2 7
Collison......27 3-6 2-4 0-1 2 2 8
Millsap.......27 3-9 3-4 3-8 2 1 10
Jokic ..........27 2-3 4-6 2-10 8 4 8
lot of questions in practices good stuff out on the floor Forward Luc Mbah a Oladipo ......35 11-21 2-2 0-6 2 4 28 Harris.........37 4-13 4-4 2-5 3 3 13
Murray .......38 19-30 5-5 1-5 4 1 48
Nuggets’ Murray and Shai seems to always and yeah, there’s areas Moute missed a sixth game Sabonis......30 7-9 3-4 1-8 5 0 17
Joseph .......22 0-4 0-0 1-1 3 1 0 Hrnngomez..24 3-6 0-0 3-5 1 1 8
smile or he knows the an- where he struggles because in a row with a sore knee. Evans.........16 3-9 3-6 0-2 1 0 11 Lyles..........23 4-10 2-2 0-3 2 1 13

drops 48 on Celtics swer. I don’t know what that

means, I just know he’s
of his size but I like the
things that he does. I think
McDermott..12 1-4 1-1 1-2 0 1 4
Leaf...........11 0-2 0-0 0-2 1 1 0
Totals 33-75 20-30 7-39 17 15 94
Beasley ......21 2-9 0-0 0-3 0 2 5
Mo.Morris ...19 3-5 2-3 0-1 4 0 8
Plumlee......17 1-4 0-4 4-7 1 1 2
Shooting: Field goals, 44.0%; free throws, Totals 41-90 20-28 15-47 25 14 115
66.7% Shooting: Field goals, 45.6%; free throws,
Three-point goals: 8-28 (Oladipo 4-11, Evans 71.4%
DENVER 115, BOSTON 107 2-5, Bogdanovic 1-4, McDermott 1-4, Collison 0-1, Three-point goals: 13-34 (Murray 5-11, Lyles
Turner 0-1, Joseph 0-2). Team Rebounds: 12. Team 3-7, Hernangomez 2-4, Millsap 1-2, Harris 1-4,
Turnovers: 15 (14 PTS). Blocked Shots: 3 (Turner Beasley 1-5, Mo.Morris 0-1). Team Rebounds: 12.
Jamal Murray scored a career- 3). Turnovers: 15 (Oladipo 4, Turner 3, McDermott Team Turnovers: 13 (17 PTS). Blocked Shots: 4
2, Young 2, Collison, Evans, Joseph, Sabonis). (Lyles 2, Hernangomez, Millsap). Turnovers: 13
high 48 points, including 19 in the (Murray 5, Jokic 3, Beasley 2, Lyles, Millsap, Plum-
Steals: 8 (Joseph 4, Bogdanovic 2, Collison, Turn-
fourth quarter, and the Denver er). Technical Fouls: coach Nate McMillan, 4:38 lee). Steals: 5 (Harris 3, Mo.Morris, Plumlee).
Nuggets overcame a sluggish start fourth. Boston 34 22 25 26— 107
Houston 29 24 16 29— 98 Denver 19 35 34 27— 115
to beat the visiting Boston Celtics Indiana 22 33 20 19— 94 A—19,520. T—2:12. O—Forte, Richardson, Foster
115-107 on Monday night.
A—14,735. T—2:10. O—Nick Buchert, Brett
At 9-1, the Nuggets are off to Nansel, Marc Davis Raptors 124, Jazz 111
their best start since 1976-77. They TORONTO
are 6-0 at home. Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
Magic 102, Cavaliers 100 Anunoby .....24 7-13 0-1 0-1 0 4 17
In a matchup of two of the Siakam ......30 7-11 2-2 1-7 2 2 16
NBA’s top defenses, offense ruled Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Vlanciunas ..21 4-10 2-2 0-6 0 1 11
Green.........22 3-5 0-0 0-2 0 3 7
the night. Denver spotted the Celt- Dekker .......14 0-4 2-2 0-1 1 1 2
Lowry .........28 5-9 4-4 2-7 11 3 17
Osman .......42 5-17 0-0 1-10 0 3 11
ics an 18-point lead in the first Thompson...34 9-12 1-3 6-16 4 0 19 VanVleet .....28 6-14 3-3 0-4 6 0 17
quarter but quickly made up Hill ............32 10-12 0-0 0-4 6 2 22 Miles .........24 2-4 0-0 2-6 1 5 5
Hood .........30 4-7 2-2 0-1 1 3 11 Wright ........23 3-6 2-2 0-1 0 0 9
ground behind Murray, who scored Clarkson .....25 5-10 1-1 0-0 1 3 14 Ibaka .........13 8-8 0-0 1-5 1 6 17
23 points in the half. Smith.........25 5-9 2-2 0-4 3 1 14 Monroe ......12 4-5 0-0 1-3 0 2 8
Brown ..........4 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 2 0
Murray was feeling it all game, Sexton .......16 2-6 0-0 0-1 2 2 5
Richardson ...4 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Nance Jr. ....13 0-1 0-2 1-5 2 2 0
hitting 19 of 30 shots, including five Korver ..........4 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 2 Powell ..........0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
three-pointers. Murray had two at- Totals 41-80 8-12 8-42 20 17 100 Totals 49-86 13-14 7-43 21 28 124
Shooting: Field goals, 51.2%; free throws, Shooting: Field goals, 57.0%; free throws, 92.9%
tempts to reach 50 points in the fi- Three-point goals: 13-33 (Anunoby 3-5, Lowry 3-7, Van-
nal seconds, but missed a reverse Three-point goals: 10-23 (Clarkson 3-6, Hill Vleet 2-5, Ibaka 1-1, Valanciunas 1-2, Green 1-3, Miles 1-3,
2-2, Smith 2-3, Hood 1-1, Sexton 1-1, Osman 1-9, Wright 1-3, Monroe 0-1, Richardson 0-1, Siakam 0-2).
layup and a three-point shot. Team Rebounds: 1. Team Turnovers: 14 (19 PTS). Blocked
Dekker 0-1). Team Rebounds: 5. Team Turnovers:
The Celtics’ Kyrie Irving had 31 18 (17 PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Smith, Thompson). Shots: 3 (Valanciunas 2, Green). Turnovers: 14 (Lowry 4,
Turnovers: 18 (Nance Jr. 3, Osman 3, Thompson 3, Ibaka 2, Siakam 2, VanVleet 2, Anunoby, Miles, Monroe,
points on 13-for-17 shooting. Hill 2, Korver 2, Sexton 2, Clarkson, Hood, Smith). Valanciunas). Steals: 9 (Green 3, Anunoby 2, Lowry 2,
Steals: 8 (Hill 4, Smith 2, Clarkson, Nance Jr.). Siakam, Valanciunas). Technical Fouls: coach Raptors
Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times (Defensive three second), 6:49 third
Houston 98, at Indiana 94: James ORLANDO
Harden scored 28 points, making a KARL-ANTHONY TOWNS of Minnesota reaches in to steal the ball from Clip- Gordon.......33 9-15 2-2 4-9 3 3 23 Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
tiebreaking three with 34.8 seconds pers rookie guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, who made his first career start. Iwundu.......12 1-4 2-2 0-1 0 1 4 Favors ........23 4-6 3-4 5-10 1 2 11
Vucevic.......26 6-13 1-2 2-10 1 0 14 Ingles.........32 3-13 1-4 1-2 2 2 9
left and four straight free throws to Gobert .......29 6-9 2-4 3-12 2 2 14

Clippers top Timberwolves

Augustin .....26 1-2 4-4 0-1 4 1 7
seal the Rockets’ third straight Fournier......31 5-15 3-4 0-1 5 4 15 O’Neale ......19 5-8 1-2 1-3 3 1 11
Rubio.........27 1-10 6-6 0-3 9 4 8
win. Victor Oladipo scored 28 Ross ..........30 6-14 0-0 0-2 1 0 15
Burks .........26 7-11 6-6 0-0 3 2 22
Simmons ....21 5-9 1-1 0-1 2 2 11
points and made two threes in the Grant .........21 3-7 0-0 0-3 4 1 7 Crowder......22 3-11 6-10 1-2 2 2 12
final minute, but the Pacers’ three- Bamba.......21 3-7 0-0 2-6 1 2 6 Allen ..........16 3-8 1-3 0-0 0 0 9
Martin ........14 0-1 0-0 2-6 1 2 0 Exum .........16 3-4 0-0 0-1 4 3 7
game winning streak ended. [Clippers, from D1] Clippers 120, Timberwolves 109 with. Another skirmish Niang.........10 2-4 0-0 0-3 1 0 5
Totals 39-87 13-15 10-40 22 16 102
wasn’t much of a factor until **TEMPTAG** nearly erupted with 5:32 to Shooting: Field goals, 44.8%; free throws,
Sefolosha .....6 0-0 1-2 1-3 2 0 1
Udoh ...........6 1-1 0-0 0-1 0 0 2
Toronto 124, at Utah 111: Kyle the fourth quarter. His MINNESOTA play. Timberwolves forward 86.7%
Mitrou-Long ..3 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 0
Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Three-point goals: 11-34 (Gordon 3-4, Ross
Lowry led four Raptors who scored teammate Karl-Anthony Taj Gibson shoved Beverley 3-9, Fournier 2-9, Augustin 1-2, Grant 1-2, Vucevic Totals 38-86 27-41 12-40 29 19 111
Gibson ..............32 6-9 3-4 3-9 1 6 15
17 points and had 11 assists in their Towns dominated the first Wiggins .............34 4-16 3-4 0-6 2 3 13 in the chest. Gibson had fall- 1-2, Iwundu 0-1, Martin 0-1, Bamba 0-2, Simmons Shooting: Field goals, 44.2%; free throws, 65.9%
0-2). Team Rebounds: 6. Team Turnovers: 15 (12 Three-point goals: 8-31 (Burks 2-3, Allen 2-6, Ingles
fourth straight win. Kawhi Leon- half with 16 points and 10 re- Towns................35 8-13 3-3 3-12 2 3 20 en in the key, having tripped PTS). Blocked Shots: 5 (Vucevic 2, Bamba, 2-6, Exum 1-1, Niang 1-3, Mitrou-Long 0-1, O’Neale 0-1,
Butler ...............39 6-13 8-11 0-4 5 4 20
ard sat with an ankle sprain as did bounds and then disap- Rose.................34 8-20 4-4 1-3 4 2 21 over Beverley’s right foot, Fournier, Simmons). Turnovers: 15 (Ross 3, Au- Rubio 0-4, Crowder 0-6). Team Rebounds: 16. Team Turn-
gustin 2, Fournier 2, Grant 2, Martin 2, Vucevic 2, overs: 12 (20 PTS). Blocked Shots: 4 (Favors 2, Burks,
Donovan Mitchell for the Jazz, who peared, taking only four Okogie ..............19 3-6 0-0 0-1 2 4 7 while attempting to chase Gordon, Simmons). Steals: 11 (Fournier 3, Grant 3, Gobert). Turnovers: 12 (Exum 2, Gobert 2, Ingles 2,
lost their fourth in a row at home. shots after halftime. Tolliver...............15 0-0 1-2 0-1 0 1 1 the Clippers’ fast break and Augustin 2, Bamba, Ross, Vucevic). O’Neale 2, Burks, Crowder, Favors, Rubio). Steals: 10 (Fa-
Jones................15 2-5 0-0 0-1 3 0 4 vors 3, Crowder, Gobert, Ingles, O’Neale, Rubio, Sefolosha,
Harris scored 22 points to felt he’d been tripped. Gib- Cleveland 21 26 32 21— 100
Dieng................12 3-3 2-2 1-1 1 0 8 Udoh). Technical Fouls: None.
Orlando 30 28 12 32— 102
at Oklahoma City 122, New Orle- tie for the game high with Totals 40-85 24-30 8-38 20 23 109 son was assessed a techni- Toronto 30 35 29 30— 124
Shooting: Field goals, 47.1%; free throws, 80.0% A—15,009. T—2:09. O—Tom Washington, Hay- Utah 31 23 18 39— 111
ans 116: Paul George scored 23 Gallinari but didn’t score in Three-point goals: 5-21 (Wiggins 2-7, Okogie 1-3,
cal, but afterward he and woode Workman, Derrick Collins
points and the Thunder won their the fourth quarter as the Rose 1-3, Towns 1-3, Butler 0-2, Jones 0-3). Team Re- Beverley smiled at each A—18,306. T—2:09. O—Capers, Kogut, Sterling
fifth straight but lost Russell West- Clippers turned to different bounds: 11. Team Turnovers: 11 (11 PTS). Blocked Shots:
other. Warriors 117, Grizzlies 101
8 (Towns 4, Wiggins 2, Butler, Gibson). Turnovers: 11 Bulls 116, Knicks 115, 2OT
brook with a sprained left ankle. options, including Patrick (Towns 3, Butler 2, Rose 2, Wiggins 2, Jones, Okogie). Calling Beverley “my MEMPHIS
Steals: 9 (Towns 3, Gibson 2, Butler, Dieng, Jones, Wig- Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T CHICAGO
Julius Randle scored 28 points on Beverley, who finished with gins). Technical Fouls: Rose, 8:36 fourth
guy” after the game, Gibson Anderson....29 1-5 2-2 0-4 5 2 4 Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
10-for-10 shooting for the Pelicans, 10 points, six rebounds and CLIPPERS said he “felt so stupid” about Jackson Jr. ..32 6-16 3-6 2-6 2 3 15 Holiday.......46 2-10 0-0 0-4 3 4 6
Gasol .........28 2-2 4-4 0-10 9 3 8 Parker ........42 7-15 1-1 1-8 2 2 15
who lost their sixth straight. four assists. Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T the scene and added that he Conley........30 4-8 0-1 0-1 5 1 9 Carter Jr......22 3-9 4-4 6-13 2 6 11
Gallinari ............31 7-16 6-6 0-4 3 5 22
“In the fourth I just Harris................34 8-16 2-3 1-10 2 2 22 owed Beverley a bottle of te- Temple .......27 6-10 0-0 0-1 1 3 13 LaVine........49 13-25 11-14 0-4 4 1 41
Mack .........23 5-10 3-4 1-1 3 2 15
Miami 120, at Detroit 115 (OT): thought Pat defensively just Marjanovic.........17 3-8 4-4 4-9 2 3 10 quila as an apology. D.Brooks.....23 6-13 4-4 0-1 1 2 18
Payne.........40 4-11 0-1 1-3 2 1 8
Beverley ............38 4-10 0-0 2-6 4 5 10 Blakeney ....20 6-13 4-5 0-1 0 2 17
Josh Richardson scored 27 points, alone was phenomenal,” Butler, who has lived in Selden .......19 3-9 0-0 0-3 2 1 7 Felicio ........18 2-2 0-1 0-7 1 2 4
Glgus-Alexander..24 2-6 2-2 2-3 5 2 6
including four free throws in the fi- coach Doc Rivers said. “It’s the eye of Minnesota’s M.Brooks ....16 3-7 0-0 1-1 2 2 8 Lopez.........17 1-3 0-0 3-5 0 0 2
Harrell...............30 6-7 1-2 4-7 2 1 13
Rabb ...........8 2-3 0-0 0-2 1 0 4 Arcidiacono.17 1-2 2-4 0-0 1 2 4
nal 2.1 seconds of overtime, ending funny, we had a hot guy in L.Williams..........27 7-17 5-5 0-0 6 1 20 storm, awoke after a four- Totals 38-83 16-21 4-30 31 19 101 Hutchison ...15 4-5 0-0 0-3 0 2 8
Scott ................16 3-4 0-0 0-4 2 3 8
the Heat’s three-game skid and ex- Tobias and we didn’t bring Teodosic............11 1-1 0-0 0-0 4 3 3 point first half in the fourth Shooting: Field goals, 45.8%; free throws, 76.2% Totals 43-95 22-30 11-48 15 22 116
tending Detroit’s to five. Andre him in until five minutes [re- Robinson.............6 2-3 0-0 0-0 0 2 6 quarter. His steal, score and Three-point goals: 9-27 (M.Brooks 2-4, D.Brooks 2-4, Shooting: Field goals, 45.3%; free throws, 73.3%
Totals 43-88 20-22 13-43 30 27 120 Mack 2-4, Selden 1-3, Temple 1-4, Conley 1-5, Jackson Jr. Three-point goals: 8-30 (LaVine 4-10, Holiday 2-6,
Drummond had 25 points and 24 mained] because the group free throw with 4:16 left cut 0-3). Team Rebounds: 10. Team Turnovers: 10 (11 PTS). Carter Jr. 1-1, Blakeney 1-5, Arcidiacono 0-1, Hutchison
Shooting: Field goals, 48.9%; free throws, 90.9% Blocked Shots: 8 (Jackson Jr. 5, Conley, Mack, Selden).
rebounds; Blake Griffin scored 24. that was on the floor was in- Three-point goals: 14-31 (Harris 4-7, Robinson 2-3, his team’s deficit to four, only Turnovers: 10 (Conley 3, Gasol 2, Jackson Jr. 2, D.Brooks,
0-1, Parker 0-2, Payne 0-4). Team Rebounds: 12. Team
Turnovers: 19 (18 PTS). Blocked Shots: 9 (Carter Jr. 2,
creasing the lead. It just says Scott 2-3, Beverley 2-6, Gallinari 2-6, Teodosic 1-1, to be answered by a three M.Brooks, Temple). Steals: 8 (Anderson 4, Temple 2, LaVine 2, Lopez 2, Blakeney, Parker, Payne). Turnovers: 19
L.Williams 1-4, Gilgeous-Alexander 0-1). Team Re- D.Brooks, Mack). Technical Fouls: coach Grizzlies (Defen-
Chicago 116, at New York 115 a lot about this team.” bounds: 6. Team Turnovers: 12 (15 PTS). Blocked Shots: from Gallinari. sive three second), 6:06 second
(LaVine 8, Parker 4, Carter Jr. 3, Blakeney, Felicio, Hutchi-
son, Lopez). Steals: 9 (Holiday 3, LaVine 3, Blakeney 2,
(2OT): Zach LaVine scored a ca- Leading by five with 2:45 4 (Marjanovic 2, Gilgeous-Alexander, L.Williams). Turn- With two minutes left GOLDEN STATE Arcidiacono). Technical Fouls: coach Bulls (Defensive
overs: 12 (Harrell 4, Gallinari 2, Gilgeous-Alexander 2,
reer-high 41 points, including the remaining in the first quar- Harris, L.Williams, Marjanovic, Teodosic). Steals: 5 Butler rose for a spectacular Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T three second), 8:34 first.
Durant........31 7-11 8-8 0-6 6 0 22 NEW YORK
winning free throw with two-tenths ter after a jumper by Derrick (Harrell 3, Gilgeous-Alexander, Harris). Technical Fouls: alley-oop and the crowd saw D.Green......13 0-1 0-0 0-4 2 1 0 Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
Harrell, 8:36 fourth
of a second left in double overtime. Rose, the Timberwolves **TEMPTAG** glimpses of a player who re- Jones .........11 0-0 4-4 0-2 1 5 4 Dotson .......41 7-14 2-2 1-5 2 3 18
Enes Kanter led the Knicks with 23 were outscored 28-17 during Minnesota portedly has eyes for the Curry .........32 6-17 4-4 2-5 7 1 19 Vonleh........34 3-10 3-4 5-11 1 3 10
Thompson...32 11-21 2-2 0-2 3 0 27 Robinson ....11 0-2 0-0 1-3 0 4 0
points and 24 rebounds. the next nine minutes as Clippers if he is traded. But McKinnie ....29 6-9 0-0 1-2 3 3 14 Ntilikina......16 0-6 0-0 0-1 2 2 0
Clippers reserves opened a range a day after Rivers im- after cutting past Gallinari Bell ...........21 1-2 0-0 0-2 2 4 2 Trier ...........41 5-15 9-9 0-3 1 3 21
Jerebko ......19 2-4 2-2 1-6 3 3 7 Kanter........40 8-14 7-8 9-24 7 2 23
at Golden State 117, Memphis 101: 51-45 lead. They led 63-59 at plored his team to shoot with 1:20 remaining, he Looney .......19 4-5 1-2 3-9 1 4 9 Hezonja......36 6-18 2-3 2-6 2 3 15
Klay Thompson had 27 points; the halftime, with the teams tak- more threes. could not finish a layup at Cook..........19 4-8 1-1 1-7 1 0 13 Mudiay .......34 7-16 1-1 3-6 2 5 16
Evans...........6 0-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 0 Burke.........23 3-7 2-2 0-2 3 2 8
Warriors won their eighth straight. ing entirely different routes “I love that,” Rivers said. the rim and an eight-point Lee..............4 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 3 0 Thomas ........5 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 0 2
to each shooting 51.1%: The “I told our guys we were set- Clippers lead soon grew to 10 Totals 41-81 22-23 8-46 29 25 117 Knox ............4 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 2
at Orlando 102, Cleveland 100: Ev- Clippers made nine of their tling for more contested after Gallinari cut backdoor Shooting: Field goals, 50.6%; free throws, 95.7% Totals 41-106 26-29 21-62 20 27 115
Three-point goals: 13-24 (Cook 4-5, Curry 3-6, Thompson Shooting: Field goals, 38.7%; free throws, 89.7%
an Fournier hit a long jumper at the 18 first-half three-pointers, twos.” for a dunk. 3-7, McKinnie 2-3, Jerebko 1-1, Durant 0-1, Evans 0-1). Three-point goals: 7-26 (Trier 2-4, Dotson 2-7, Vonleh
buzzer and the Magic came back while the Timberwolves Rose and the Clippers’ The victory ended the Team Rebounds: 5. Team Turnovers: 13 (23 PTS). Blocked 1-2, Mudiay 1-3, Hezonja 1-5, Burke 0-1, Kanter 0-1, Ntilik-
Shots: 4 (Bell, Curry, D.Green, Jerebko). Turnovers: 13 ina 0-3). Team Rebounds: 6. Team Turnovers: 17 (17 PTS).
from a five-point deficit in the last found cutting lanes to com- Montrezl Harrell both were Clippers’ six-game losing (Curry 5, D.Green 2, Cook, Jerebko, Jones, Lee, Looney, Blocked Shots: 6 (Robinson 2, Vonleh 2, Hezonja, Trier).
24 seconds. Aaron Gordon scored a pensate for three-for-11 issued technicals after trad- streak to Minnesota, which Thompson). Steals: 4 (Curry, Durant, Jones, Thompson). Turnovers: 17 (Kanter 4, Vonleh 4, Hezonja 3, Mudiay 2,
Technical Fouls: coach Warriors (Defensive three second), Trier 2, Burke, Knox). Steals: 7 (Trier 2, Hezonja, Kanter,
game-high 23 points for Orlando. three-point shooting. ing words at midcourt early was its longest active streak 11:22 third. Knox, Mudiay, Vonleh). Technical Fouls: None.
Harris made four by him- in the fourth quarter follow- against a single opponent. Memphis 31 27 15 28— 101 Chicago 24 23 31 24 6 8— 116
at Clippers 120, Minnesota 109 self as L.A. finished shooting ing defense from Milos Teo- Golden State 29 29 34 25— 117 New York 21 26 25 30 6 7— 115
— associated press 14 for 31 from three-point dosic that Rose took issue A—19,596. T—2:06. O—Brothers, Taylor, Smith A—19,812. T—2:53. O—Phillips, Lindsay, Ervin
L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 D5

Lack of GM Eppler
faith in to bolster
led to pitching staff
said Ohtani is close to re-

By Maria Torres gaining full elbow extension.
Trout, the AL MVP in 2014
CARLSBAD — As base- and 2016, put together one of
ball’s general managers the most complete seasons
meetings began Monday in of his career. His .312 batting
Carlsbad, effectively open- average ranked fifth in the
By Tania Ganguli ing the free-agent signing major leagues. He led base-
season, the Angels’ Billy Ep- ball in on-base-plus-slug-
Part of the reason the pler reiterated his focus on ging percentage (1.088) for
Lakers’ need for depth at pitching. the second year in a row and
center had become so dire Because of injuries to also led everyone in
was they weren’t comfort- Shohei Ohtani and J.C. Ra- weighted runs created plus
able with playing Ivica mirez, the Angels are proj- (191), OPS plus (199) and on-
Zubac, the third-year cen- ected to have left-handers base percentage (.460).
ter on their roster. Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times Andrew Heaney and Tyler Boston Red Sox out-
Zubac, 21, had played WALKER BUEHLER’S season included seven scoreless innings in World Series. Skaggs lead a starting rota- fielder Mookie Betts is con-
only seven minutes all sea- tion that could also include sidered the favorite. Cleve-
son before Saturday, when DODGERS REPORT Jaime Barria, Parker Brid- land Indians third baseman
he got a chance for some well, Matt Shoemaker and Jose Ramirez is the other fi-

Buehler is finalist
meaningful playing time at Felix Pena — a group that nalist.
Portland. could be fortified by a few ex-
He played almost 20 ternal options. Roster additions
minutes and the Lakers With about $40 million Although he had a 5.79
were plus-15 with Zubac on coming off the payroll, Ep- ERA in 33 major league
the floor. He scored nine pler may go after a front-line games last season, right-

for rookie of year

points, taking five shots, starter in the free-agent hander Austin Brice
and grabbed eight re- market. Veterans such as Cy showed enough upside for
bounds — half of them of- Young Award winner Dallas the Angels. They claimed
fensive. The second unit Keuchel or fellow left- him off waivers from the Cin-
played well with Zubac on hander J.A. Happ could cinnati Reds last week, en-
the floor and put the Lakers command contracts with an couraged by a curveball that
in position to win. The 27-year-old had a 3.08 average annual value under averages a velocity around
“I’m really proud of Zu,” By Jorge Castillo ERA with 153 strikeouts in $20 million, according to 82 mph and has a spin rate of
Complete list of finalists
starting center JaVale Mc- 1632⁄3 innings in 23 starts for multiple projections. 2,606 revolutions per min-
for the remaining
Gee said. “He hadn’t played CARLSBAD — Dodgers Seibu in 2018. He owns a 2.77 There are options on the ute.
MLB awards. D8
in a couple games. And I’ve pitcher Walker Buehler was career ERA in his seven-plus trading block too, including The Angels claimed
been on him for the past two selected Monday as one of seasons with the Lions. New York Yankees right- catcher Kevan Smith off
weeks: Stay focused, stay the three finalists for Na- gers’ 18-inning victory over Kikuchi and Shohei hander Sonny Gray, who waivers from the Chicago
ready, and he was. And I’m tional League rookie of the the Boston Red Sox in Game Ohtani, the Angels’ two-way will be 29 during his final sea- White Sox, but they will still
so proud of him.” year, joining Washington 3. It was the only game the sensation, hail from the son of arbitration eligibility probe the market in order to
Since the Lakers drafted Nationals outfielder Juan Dodgers won in the Series. same area and attended the in 2019. Gray had a 4.90 improve depth at the posi-
him in the second round in Soto and Atlanta Braves Acuna’s time in the post- same high school on the earned-run average in his tion. Smith and Jose
2016, Zubac has had trouble outfielder Ronald Acuna Jr. season was shorter — the northeast coast of Japan’s first full season with the Briceno are the only catch-
getting on the floor. He Buehler would be the Dodgers eliminated the mainland. Ohtani, who is Yankees but still generated ers on the Angels’ 40-man
played 38 games in his rook- third consecutive Dodger to Braves in an NL Division Se- three years younger than an impressive 10.1% swinging roster, which is at 39 players.
ie year, most toward the end be selected rookie of the year ries — but he shined at Kikuchi, was posted by the strikes. Angels catchers hit .220 as a
of the season when the Lak- after Corey Seager and Buehler’s expense when he Nippon-Ham Fighters last “It’s more how do you group last year. League aver-
ers weren’t chasing wins. Cody Bellinger, and the 18th hit a grand slam in Game 3. winter. build your roster to protect age was .233.
Last season Zubac played Dodger overall. Widely regarded as base- Kikcuhi nearly decided to against anything coming “There’s kind of some
43 games, averaging 9.5 The leading Dodgers ball’s top prospect before sign with a major league club up,” Eppler said. “When we things in a higher tier and I
minutes. He’s averaging the prospect before the season, making his major league de- out of high school, in 2009, construct a roster we are try- would put the catching in
same in four games this sea- Buehler battled a rib injury but in late April, the 20-year- and the Dodgers were ing to anticipate.” the higher tier with the
son after playing more than in the first half before tap- old batted .293 with 26 home thought to be the favorites to pitching — both the starting
30 minutes last weekend. ping into his potential after runs, 16 stolen bases, and a land him. But he decided to Award finalists and relieving,” Eppler said.
“You earn the opportuni- the All-Star break. The slen- .917 on-base-plus-slugging stay in Japan and became an Two-way player Ohtani In 146 games over three
ty to play,” coach Luke Wal- der 24-year-old right-hander percentage in 111 games. admirer of Clayton Ker- was announced as one of seasons, Smith hit .281 with
ton said. “He’s, even in the had a 2.03 earned-run aver- Soto, who played the sea- shaw, watching the Dodgers three finalists for American 23 doubles, seven home runs
last few practices before age in 80 innings in the sec- son as a 19-year-old, was the left-hander pitch whenever League rookie of the year, and 51 runs batted in.
this, has really started to ond half, which culminated youngest player to appear in he could get the chance. which he is favored to win. Briceno, a rookie last sea-
play well. To his credit … with 62⁄3 scoreless innings in a major league game this Outfielder Mike Trout, al- son, hit .239 with a .299 OBP.
even when he wasn’t playing Game 163, against the Col- season after beginning the ready a two-time most valu-
Hershiser is among Extra innings
at all, [he was] staying after, orado Rockies for the NL year with Hagerstown, the able player, is a finalist again
coming early, in the weight West title. Nationals’ low Class-A affili- Hall candidates for that award. After undergoing season-
room with [strength At that point, Buehler ate. He hit .292 with 22 home Former Dodgers right- Ohtani became the first ending knee surgery, veteran
trainer] Gunnar had logged 1371⁄3 innings. He runs and a .923 OPS in 116 hander Orel Hershiser is player to hit 20 home runs or Albert Pujols is on track in
[Peterson]. Getting his was lingering close to the games. one of 10 candidates in con- more and compile 50 strike- his rehabilitation. Eppler is
work in on off days. Staying 140- to 150-inning range man- tention for induction into outs or more in a season. He optimistic that Pujols will
in shape. Full-court sprint ager Dave Roberts had proj- the Hall of Fame. led AL rookies in on-base overcome his latest health
drills after practice with ected during spring training,
Kikuchi is coming Hershiser is joined by percentage (.361) slugging issue by spring training. The
JaVale. … two years after Buehler had to the U.S. Harold Baines, Albert (.564) and on-base-plus- Angels already have a few in-
“When your opportunity elbow ligament-replace- Yusei Kikuchi has hired Belle, Lee Smith, Joe Cart- slugging percentage (.925). ternal options at first base to
comes, you better have done ment surgery. But Buehler agent Scott Boras to repre- er and Will Clark. Former As a pitcher, he ranked in the serve as Pujols’ complement
those things or you’re gonna wasn’t limited in the post- sent him in negotiations Dodgers manager Davey top three among rookies in at the position. Among them
look bad and probably not season and didn’t appear fa- with major league clubs this Johnson is one of three man- strikeouts per nine innings are Jose Fernandez, who
get another opportunity for tigued while pitching in four offseason, according to a agers, along with Charlie (10.97), walks and hits per in- played 207 of his 225 big
a while. He had done those, postseason starts, in which person with knowledge of Manuel and Lou Piniella. nings pitched (1.16) and op- league innings there last
he had taken care of those he had a 3.80 ERA. the situation who was not Former New York Yankees ponents’ batting average season, and prospects Matt
things like a professional After giving up nine runs authorized to comment owner George Steinbren- (.203). Yankees infielders Thaiss and Jared Walsh. ...
should and he was great for in his first two playoff starts, publicly. ner is on the ballot. Gleyber Torres and Miguel Pitching coach Doug White
us [in Portland].” Buehler delivered his best Kikuchi, a left-hander A 16-member committee Andujar are the other two fi- and hitting coach Jeremy
In 11 minutes 12 seconds postseason work in his final with the Seibu Lions, has will vote Dec. 9. Any candi- nalists for top rookie. Reed are the only confirmed
Sunday, Zubac scored five two outings. In Game 7 of the been one of the best pitchers date who receives at least Ohtani underwent ulnar members on the staff of
points and grabbed four re- NL Championship Series, in Nippon Professional 75% of the vote will be in- collateral ligament surgery manager Brad Ausmus. Ep-
bounds. Buehler held the Milwaukee Baseball in recent years. The ducted into the Hall next of his right elbow in October pler said the club hopes to
The Lakers are giving up Brewers to one run in 42⁄3 in- Lions are expected to make summer. and will not pitch in 2019. He complete the staff next
12.7 offensive rebounds per nings. In his only World Se- him available to major is expected to return as a hit- week.
game, among the most in ries outing, he tossed seven league teams through the ter, but a timetable won’t be
the NBA, a problem partly scoreless innings in the Dod- posting system. Twitter: @jorgecastillo set until January. Eppler
born of their lack of depth at
center. McGee has been
asked to take on a heavier
load than he’s used to. Moe
Wagner hasn’t been able to
play yet and fellow rookie
Johnathan Williams, on a
two-way contract, has been
Event will feature BMX, bouldering, esports
the Lakers’ other option. [Urban Games, from D1] the Esports Forum, and ball, biking, skating and
This week they are expected is organizing the games. The bonded over a love of basket- climbing, but also the best
to sign Tyson Chandler, competitions will feature up ball and esports, Fox said. athletes in virtual sports
whose contract was bought to 14 different disciplines, in- Plans accelerated over such as esports,” Soon-
out by Phoenix on Sunday, cluding roller freestyle skat- the last three months. Shiong said in a statement.
to give them more depth. ing, bouldering (rock climb- “L.A. is a young, vibrant While one of the long-
With Chandler’s addi- ing), freestyle flying disc, and creative city, which has term goals is to get esports
tion, Zubac likely will see his breaking (dancing) and helped to shape youth cul- into the Olympics, “this is
playing time decrease parkour, an extreme form of ture and the urban sports, not a 100-yard sprint,” Fox
again. gymnastics using move- which are the very heart of said. “But this will further
“That’s up to coaches ments developed from ob- the World Urban Games,” the conversation and show
but I’m playing my hard- stacle-course training in the GAISF’s Senior Vice Presi- the added value of esports,”
est,” Zubac said. military. dent Raffaele Chiulli said in he said.
“I’m trying to grab all the GAISF has been collabo- a statement. El Segundo officials have
boards. We had some prob- rating with the Interna- Fox and Jenny Mann, an been supportive of the cam-
lems with offensive re- tional Olympic Committee Australian former track star paign to host the World Ur-
bounds and second-chance to identify and nurture and a former high-ranking ban Games in their city. Mu-
points in the last couple of sports that are increasingly member of the IOC, will nicipal leaders said they
games. That’s my main fo- popular with young audi- serve as co-managing direc- agreed to turn over the city’s
cus, just to get those defen- ences. For years, the tors of the World Urban golf course, soccer fields and
sive boards.” Olympic Games have strug- Games L.A. Organizing close streets for the five-day
gled to stay relevant as their Committee. Soon-Shiong event near the L.A. Times.
Defensive woes television audience ages — will be chairman. Plans include building an ur-
With scoring numbers adding snowboarding in the The World Urban Games ban park in El Segundo be-
skyrocketing, the Lakers late 1990s, followed by BMX Phil Yang will include a venue for fore September.
are like many teams strug- bicycle racing and freestyle THE GAMES’ L.A. Organizing Committee is run by esports competitions — an “This came together
gling defensively. But unlike skiing. Surfing, skateboard- Jenny Mann, who served on the International area of growing interest for rather quickly and we were
past years, it could be worse. ing and three-on-three Olympic Committee, Times owner Dr. Patrick Soon- Soon-Shiong, who recently impressed by the magnitude
Opponents have made basketball will join the ros- Shiong and esports executive and ex-Laker Rick Fox. became the minority owner of the idea,” said Mayor
47.6% of their shots against ter at the 2020 Summer of Daybreak Game Co., a de- Drew Boyles.
the Lakers, one of the high- Games in Tokyo. stead. and worked with them dur- veloper and publisher of The city has not commit-
est percentages in the Eight years ago, GAISF A similar offshoot com- ing the bidding process for multiplayer online games. ted any additional financing
league. staged the World Combat petition, the World Beach the 2024 and 2028 Games. As Soon-Shiong separately has for the games beyond mak-
Their defensive rating is Games to feature martial- Games, will launch in San recently as late August, Bau- been building an El Segundo ing its facilities available,
110.3, among the worst in the arts competitions. But there Diego next year with kite- mann met with the organ- campus for the L.A. Times, Boyles said. More than
league. were only two iterations — in boarding and beach soccer. izers of the 2028 Olympics in which eventually will include 20,000 people are expected
Between the 2013-14 and Beijing in 2010, and St. Pe- The urban games con- Los Angeles and toured ven- an events center for commu- to attend over the course of
2016-17 seasons, the Lakers tersburg, Russia, in 2013. cept was spearheaded by ues. nity forums and esports the five-day event.
finished in the bottom three Although plans were be- Patrick Baumann, a top In- He also spent time with competitions.
in defensive rating every ing made to bring back the ternational Olympic Com- Soon-Shiong and ex-Laker “The World Urban
year. competition next year in mittee executive who died Rick Fox, who formed his Games will be the first op- Twitter: @MegJamesLAT
Taiwan, GAISF announced unexpectedly last month at own esports organization, portunity to not only feature Times staff writer David in April that it would stage the age of 51. Baumann had Echo Fox. The trio met last the world’s best athletes in Wharton contributed to this
Twitter: @taniaganguli the World Urban Games in- close ties with L.A. officials, summer in Switzerland at urban games such as basket- report.
D6 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S


What we learned from the last week of play in the NHL:
Only one Southern California hockey coach
got fired
For most of the week, it appeared possible that both the
Kings and Ducks would have new coaches when they meet
Tuesday at Staples Center for the first of four encounters
this season. The Kings fired John Stevens on Sunday but the
Ducks, who ended a seven-game losing streak by beating the
Columbus Blue Jacks in overtime Sunday evening, have
stuck with Randy Carlyle and show no signs of changing
course in that regard. General manager Bob Murray is ex-
pected to try to make trades before he would resort to dis-
placing Carlyle, who is guaranteed a front-office job after he
stops coaching. The Ducks’ array of injuries has bought Car-
lyle time too. It’s tough to judge his performance when he’s
missing so many key forwards as well as defenseman Josh
Manson. Through Sunday, the Ducks had lost a league-high
93 man-games.

Rinne knows how to party

The Nashville Predators standout, who won the Vezina
Trophy as the NHL’s top goalie last season, celebrated a con-
tract extension and his 36th birthday Saturday. He did well
on both counts. He agreed to a two-year, $10-million deal that
will kick in next season and later stopped 26 shots in a 1-0 vic-
tory over the Boston Bruins at Bridgestone Arena. Nashville
(11-3-0) has won three straight and eight of its last 10 games to
take the overall points lead with 22. “Both the organization
and Pekka want him to play his entire career with the Preda- Michael Owen Baker For The Times
tors, and this helps accomplish that objective, while also sta- WILLIE DESJARDINS leads drills in his first practice as Kings coach. Says the former Vancouver Canucks
bilizing our goaltending for at least the next two seasons be- coach: “I didn’t know if I’d get another shot at the NHL, so this is my chance, I’ve got to make it work.”
yond 2018-19,” general manager David Poile said in a state-

Desjardins to Kings:
ment. “We feel the tandem of Pekka and Juuse Saros is
among the best in the league.”

The meek are inheriting the Pacific Division

Through games Sunday, the Calgary Flames, Vancouver
Canucks and Edmonton Oilers ranked 1-2-3 in the Pacific,
and the Canucks are staking claim to being the league’s most
surprising team. Vancouver has won three straight, includ-
ing a 7-6 overtime victory over the Colorado Avalanche on
Friday that featured a five-point performance by sensational
Swedish rookie Elias Pettersson, the fifth pick in the 2017 en-
try draft. Despite sitting out six games because of a head in-
jury, Pettersson leads all rookie scorers by far with nine goals
‘You’ve got to win now’
and 15 points in nine games. It’s heady stuff for the Canucks, didn’t know if I’d get another for developing player re- hired in December 2011. They
who are deep into a rebuild in their first season without the New coach delivers shot at the NHL, so this is lationships. His success in were 8-1-6 in his first 15 games
now-retired Sedin twins. The Canucks probably will drop in my chance, I’ve got to make the Western Hockey League and went on to raise the
the standings but Pettersson and 21-year-old Brock Boeser message that neither it work. And I think that’s and the American Hockey Stanley Cup.
(four goals, 11 points in 13 games) give them hope for the fu- he nor players can be the same message to the League was a springboard to Sutter’s first game as
ture. players: You have to find a the NHL, and his varied Kings coach was against the
complacent. way to make this season coaching experiences, from Ducks. Desjardins will also
NHL is thinking globally work. What exactly it is, well, Japan and the Canadian col- make his debut against the
While in Finland for two games between the Florida Pan- By Curtis Zupke we have to find out.” lege ranks, shaped him per- Ducks. It’s tempting to think
thers and Winnipeg Jets last week, Commissioner Gary Bett- Desjardins must raise a sonally. Like former coach that past is prologue, but the
man announced preliminary plans for games to be staged The sun peeked through level of emotional invest- Darryl Sutter, Desjardins past is too fresh of a wound.
next season in Prague, Czech Republic, and Stockholm in the morning haze and ment that general manager brings a rugged, western Ca- “Every loss we’ve had has
addition to exhibitions in Germany and Switzerland. But his greeted Willie Desjardins Rob Blake said was missing. nadian work ethic that was been a wake-up call, but this
global reach went only so far. Bettman repeated his opposi- when he got up early and Captain Anze Kopitar disa- evident Monday with a slew is a huge change, and obvi-
tion to allowing players to represent their homelands in the walked out of his hotel room greed with that assessment. of one-on-one drills, in tight ously we wanted to win for
2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, calling past breaks in the in El Segundo. It was more “The care level was never spaces. John,” defenseman Paul
schedule “terribly disruptive” to the NHL season. Players are than 30 degrees warmer questioned here,” Kopitar “You’ll see each practice LaDue said. “I wish him all
eager to return to the Olympic stage after missing the 2018 than his home in Medicine said. “It never was. For, it’s always, the first 15-20 the best. He helped me out a
Pyeongchang Games, and Bettman knows it. Look for that Hat, Canada, and Des- again, whatever reason, minutes, no stopping, no lot in the first few years. But
to become a key issue in the next labor talks. jardins was already ener- whether [it was] the lack of, talking,” said goaltender now we’ve got a new coach
gized to meet his new team. definitely not care, but may- Jack Campbell, who played and new energy. This is kind
The apple didn’t fall far from this tree Then he got lost. be it was passion? Some for Desjardins with the of our last reset of the year,
Claude Lemieux was considered one of the NHL’s dirtiest “I walked for about 25 work? We just didn’t have Texas Stars. “Everything’s and we’ve got to pull it to-
players during a career that lasted more than two decades, minutes and I had to phone that extra step, that extra fast. It’s kind of like a routine gether and start winning
and he became notorious for a hit he leveled against the De- [assistant] Dave Lowry and jump that put us over the top … it translated to games. I games and start climbing up
troit Red Wings’ Kris Draper in the 1996 playoffs that basi- say, ‘OK, where exactly is the and we’ve got to find it now.” think we saw the first the standings.”
cally destroyed Draper’s face. Lemieux’s son Brendan, a for- rink?’ ” Desjardins said. Desjardins believes he glimpse of that.”
ward for the Jets, might have inherited some of his father’s Desjardins and the Kings knows why they lost that Desjardins, though, KINGS TONIGHT
genes: The younger Lemieux was suspended by the NHL for will eventually learn the step, having coached doesn’t have time on his VS. DUCKS
two games without pay Monday as the result of an illegal hit right direction. That was the against the Kings when he side. Many of the veterans When: 7:30.
to the head of the Florida Panthers’ Vincent Trocheck on Fri- expectation Monday after was an assistant with the are well into their 30s and he On the air: TV: FS West/
day. Claude Lemieux, though hated, played on three Stanley his first practice as the club’s Dallas Stars and coach of said he can coax them to be- Prime; Radio: 830/iHeartRa-
Cup-winning teams. Brendan might want to channel his en- 25th coach. His interim stat- the Vancouver Canucks. ing a faster team by moving dio (LA Kings Audio Net-
ergy in that direction. us put Desjardins on the “That was a team that, the puck faster and “’be- work).
— Helene Elliott same ground as the team in when they turned it up, they cause of how smart they Update: Ducks center Ryan
terms of urgency. were so hard to stop,” Des- are.” Desjardins also doesn’t Getzlaf skated Monday and
“You can’t wait,” Des- jardins said. “And I think in a have a break-in period. is questionable because of
jardins said he told the play- lot of ways, they probably “Trust is gained over an upper-body injury, a team
ers. “You only have so many lived off that a little bit be- time,” he said. “But we don’t official said. LaDue said he’s
NHL STANDINGS years that you have a chance cause they were just that have time for that … it’s kind ready to return from an up-
WESTERN CONFERENCE to win. You’ve got to win now. good. And now the league’s of like you’ve got to trust per-body injury. Kings
EASTERN CONFERENCE The easy road would be to getting a lot better. A lot of each other right now. That’s prospect Jaret Anderson-
Pacific W L OL Pts GF GA Metropolitan W L OL Pts GF GA
Calgary 9 5 1 19 52 50 say, ‘Hey, we can’t do it this the teams are a lot more harder to do, but we have to Dolan is expected to have
N.Y. Islanders 8 4 2 18 45 34
Vancouver 9 6 0 18 47 50 season.’ But you can’t afford even. I think it’s more of a do that.” surgery for a broken wrist
Washington 6 4 3 15 50 49
Edmonton 8 5 1 17 42 41 to waste a season, because challenge every night.” The last in-season coach- bone, the team said.
Pittsburgh 6 4 3 15 46 45 you never know what’s going Desjardins, like the fired ing change turned historic
San Jose 7 4 3 17 46 43 Columbus 7 6 1 15 46 51 to happen in the future. John Stevens, favors a push- for the Kings, who got an im-
DUCKS 6 6 3 15 37 42 Philadelphia 7 7 1 15 48 56 “It’s the same with me. I the-pace style and is known mediate lift when Sutter was Twitter: @curtiszupke
Arizona 7 6 0 14 37 29 Carolina 6 6 2 14 39 41
Vegas 6 7 1 13 33 39 New Jersey 6 5 1 13 39 36
KINGS 4 8 1 9 28 45

A time for Kings to look inward

N.Y. Rangers 6 7 1 13 38 44
Central W L OL Pts GF GA Atlantic W L OL Pts GF GA
Nashville 11 3 0 22 47 30 Tampa Bay 10 3 1 21 50 38
Minnesota 8 3 2 18 40 36 Toronto 9 5 0 18 48 39
Winnipeg 8 5 1 17 41 38 Boston 8 4 2 18 39 31
Dallas 8 5 1 17 41 36 Montreal 8 4 2 18 45 40
Colorado 7 4 3 17 52 40 Buffalo 7 6 2 16 43 44 [Elliott, from D1] to be working every day, and
Chicago 6 6 3 15 46 56 Ottawa 5 6 3 13 45 59 fall behind too deep.” sometimes one part of that
St. Louis 4 5 3 11 42 47 Detroit 4 8 2 10 37 53 Defenseman Alec Mar- scale gets tipped too far.”
Note: Overtime or shootout losses are worth one Florida 3 5 3 9 34 41
tinez, always thoughtful, Brown doesn’t see the
point. wore a grim expression need for rebuilding yet. “The
Monday after practice. underlying theme for a lot of
“This not on John. This is on people is questioning
us,” he said, adding an ex- whether we have it any-
pletive to express the depth more. I believe we do,” he
of his remorse. “Any time said. “But guys have to take
anyone loses a job, I don’t a look in the mirror and play
care whether it’s manage- better and be better. You’ve
ment, a player, coach, some- got to quit saying it and
one in the front office, it’s start doing it eventually.”
obviously something that Desjardins said that he
causes you to reflect and felt for Stevens and the
take a look in the mirror. I difficulty Stevens faced in
think that any time this motivating players. Des-
happens, it wasn’t his fault. Michael Owen Baker For The Times jardins also credited the
This was our fault, in the NEW COACH Willie Desjardins takes over a Kings former coach for installing a
locker room.” team with the worst record in the West. solid foundation. “We’ve just
Defenseman Dion Pha- got to find a way to build on
neuf echoed that theme. type of culture where we’ve If this move fails, Blake’s that right now,” Desjardins
Gene J. Pus Associated Press “When a coaching change is had the mind-set that we’re next step will have to be said.
THE PENGUINS’ Sidney Crosby, left, collides with made it’s on the players,” he going to win every night breaking up the team. That Martinez knew little
the Devils’ Kyle Palmieri during the first period. said. “We didn’t get the job before, and it’s something wouldn’t be easy with an about his new coach but
done and ultimately it falls that we have to get back to.” older group that carries a said he heard good things
RESULTS on them but as players we’re If these players want to bunch of hefty, difficult-to- when he spoke to Blake and
responsible for it and it’s not stay together, they’ll have to move contracts. In addition, to players who had played
NEW JERSEY 5 Cancer survivor Brian Boyle scored three times for the first
a very good feeling. I’ve got a get back to their old, win- he has consistently said that for Desjardins.
AT PITTSBURGH 1 hat trick of his career on “Hockey Fights Cancer” night.
lot of respect for John and ning ways. Firing the coach the Cup-winning core has “He brings the energy. All
AT BOSTON 2 Brad Marchand scored the Bruins’ second power-play Don. Both of them. I really is usually the first option for another championship in it. of his teams, they played
DALLAS 1 (OT) goal 4:29 into overtime. David Pastrnak scored the first. enjoyed working for them. a general manager because Shaking up the roster would fast and that’s obviously
MONTREAL 4 Joel Armia scored in the fifth round of the shootout to lift And now Willie coming in, it’s easier than revamping be conceding the season something that we’ve got to
AT N.Y. ISLANDERS 3 (SO) Montreal to its fifth win in the teams’ last six meetings. I’m excited to work for him. the roster through trades, and starting a rebuild. start doing a lot better,”
But as players we didn’t get especially during the sea- “I think that’s something Martinez said. “It’s an odd,
AT WASHINGTON 4 Alex Ovechkin scored on the power play and backup
the job done. And we’re son. that might have crept into strange … feeling. That said,
EDMONTON 2 goaltender Pheonix Copley stopped 31 shots.
sitting here today because “I think all coaches kind the group, players just being with Willie here, we’ve had
PHILADELPHIA 5 Claude Giroux had two goals and an assist to help the of that.” of understand that,” Dustin too comfortable. I think top plenty of resets but there’s
AT ARIZONA 2 Flyers end the Coyotes’ winning streak at five games. Winger Kyle Clifford Brown said. “But I think to bottom that could be no more time for resets. The
For complete NHL summaries, go to acknowledged that Blake players aren’t happy with probably said,” Brown said. time is now.”
was right about the team’s how we’ve been performing. “There’s something to be It’s win now, or feel more
TODAY’S GAMES lack of passion. “You don’t If they aren’t that way then said for being a little uncom- regret they didn’t do more
DUCKS at KINGS, 7:30 p.m. Dallas at Columbus, 4 p.m. get to the bottom of the they probably won’t be here fortable every day coming to to prevent the Cup core
Vegas at Toronto, 4 p.m. Montreal at New York Rangers, 4 p.m. standings playing with much longer, anyway. It’s the rink. Just your mental- from being broken up.
New Jersey at Ottawa, 4:30 p.m. Vancouver at Detroit, 4:30 p.m. passion,” Clifford said. “It’s one of those things where ity. It’s a fine line. You want
Edmonton at Tampa Bay, 4:30 p.m. Carolina at St. Louis, 5 p.m. something that’s got to be in players have to look in the to have fun coming to the
Minnesota at San Jose, 7:30 p.m. your game. We’ve built that mirror.” rink every day but you want Twitter: @helenenothelen
L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 D7


Alford’s fate hangs in the balance

we’ve just tried to do it the UCLA schedule
He may need big absolute best that we can.”
Regular season (all times Pacific and p.m.)
UCLA captured the
season from young Pac-12 tournament champi- Date Opponent Time
team to remain onship in Alford’s first sea-
Nov. 6 Purdue Fort Wayne 6
son but hasn’t won a confer-
UCLA’s coach. ence regular-season title, Nov. 9 Long Beach State 8
finishing third last season.
By Ben Bolch Nov. 16 Saint Francis 8
No autopsy was needed after
the Bruins went on to the Nov. 19 Presbyterian 8
One of UCLA athletic di- earliest NCAA tournament Nov. 22 Michigan State* 7
rector Dan Guerrero’s basic exit in school history.
expectations for his coaches “As far as what went Nov. 23 North Carolina/Texas* 1 or 1:30
is to compete for Pac-12 Con- wrong, we took the China Nov. 28 Hawaii 6
ference championships. trip,” Alford said, alluding to
Dec. 2 Loyola Marymount 7
Ben Howland won the the international shoplifting
Pac-12 regular-season title in scandal that led to the de- Dec. 8 Notre Dame 7:30
his final season as the Bru- parture of gaurd LiAngelo Dec. 15 Belmont 2
ins’ coach, but his teams had Ball and the seasonlong sus-
backslid enough by then pensions of forwards Cody Dec. 19 at Cincinnati 6
that Guerrero felt compelled Riley and Jalen Hill. Dec. 22 Ohio State** Noon
to make a change. How- Alford has won 67.2% of
Dec. 29 Liberty 3
land’s resume included his games with the Bruins, a
three consecutive Final Four lower percentage than pred- Michael Owen Baker Associated Press Jan. 3 Stanford 8
appearances as well as two ecessors Howland (73.7%) STEVE ALFORD , who has compiled a 117-57 record as UCLA’s coach, will enter Jan. 5 California 1
losing seasons and no trips and Steve Lavin (70.8%). his sixth season without the security of a massive contract buyout.
past the first weekend of the He’s also the only coach at Jan. 10 at Oregon 6
NCAA tournament over his the school to last at least five Jan. 13 at Oregon State 7
final five seasons. seasons and not advance to
Steve Alford’s record a regional final since the UCLA ROSTER Jan. 19 at USC 1
heading into his sixth sea- NCAA tournament ex- Player Yr Pos. Ht. Comment by Ben Bolch Jan. 24 Arizona State 8
son at UCLA is one that sug- panded to 64 teams in 1985. Jan. 26 Arizona 7
Prince Ali Jr. G 6-4 Needs to move into leadership role with departures of Aaron Holiday, Thomas Welsh.
gests the Bruins may need to The hope is that a her-
play deep into March to so- alded six-man freshman Jules Bernard Fr G 6-6 A smorgasbord of possibilities for freshman who can shoot, drive and handle ball. Jan. 30 at Washington State 7
lidify his standing. He’s class and the return of two Moses Brown Fr. C 7-2 Shot-blocking, dunking fiend needs a nickname to encapsulate his dominance. Feb. 2 at Washington 1
made three trips to an players who considered Tyger Campbell Fr. G 5-11 Season-ending knee injury considerably thins team’s ballhandling depth.
Feb. 6 Colorado 6
NCAA tournament regional jumping to the NBA could Armani Dodson Jr. G 6-5 Biggest contribution could be pushing his teammates in practices.
semifinal but advanced no help the Bruins soar back to Feb. 9 Utah 2
Jaylen Hands So. G 6-3 Primary point guard will need to distribute first, score second for Bruins to win.
farther, and he’s once again national prominence. Feb. 13 at California 7
coming off the wrong kind of “If we get everybody heal- Jalen Hill Fr. F 6-10 Eager to make news for something besides international shoplifting incident.
banner season. thy, this team is going to be I Kenneth Nwuba Fr. F 6-9 Will fight for minutes in a crowded frontcourt filled with talent. Feb. 16 at Stanford 7
Angry fans paid for a ban- think one of the best teams Alex Olesinski Jr. F 6-10 Stress fracture in foot is expected to keep him out until December. Feb. 21 Oregon State 8
ner reading “Final Fours not in the country,” Alford said, Shareef O’Neal Fr. F 6-9 Heart ailment that will require surgery will sideline him for entire season. Feb. 23 Oregon 7
First Fours #FireAlford” to “but we’ve got to get healthy Cody Riley Fr. F 6-9 Jaw injury sustained in practice will sideline him for at least three weeks.
be flown over campus in and along the way we’ve got Feb. 28 USC 6
March after the Bruins lost to learn because we have a David Singleton Fr. G 6-4 Figures to be leader of the second unit as the primary backup point guard.
March 7 at Colorado 6
to St. Bonaventure in an lot of guys playing for the Chris Smith So. G 6-9 Most versatile player on team can essentially play every position except center.
NCAA tournament play-in first time.” Joseph Wallace So. G 6-2 Probably won’t start any games but could finish a few if Bruins are winning big. March 9 at Utah 4
game. It was the second time UCLA’s expected nine- Kris Wilkes So. F 6-8 Returned to get stronger and improve defensively before heading off to the NBA. Pac-12 tournament, Las Vegas, March 13-16
in three years that banners man rotation to start the Isaac Wulff Jr. G 6-3 Now the lone Wulff after his brother Alec exhausted his eligibility. *at Las Vegas; **at Chicago
intended to embarrass the season will feature five play-
coach made the aerial ers making their college de-
rounds in Westwood. buts in true freshmen Moses Olesinski is out until Decem- who are trying to improve brought in to address the May 1.
Guerrero has since de- Brown, David Singleton, ber because of a stress frac- their NBA draft stock after team’s top weakness. Will his sixth year with
clined to extend Alford’s Jules Bernard and Kenneth ture in his foot and Riley flirting with pro basketball “That’s kind of the mis- the Bruins lead to a seventh?
contract, which runs Nwuba in addition to Hill, a could miss a few more weeks after last season. sion of this team is just, can Alford didn’t seem overly
through April 2021, but the redshirt freshman. after recently suffering a jaw UCLA could go deep into we get better and each and burdened by his fate.
coach said Monday that his The Bruins remain deep, injury in practice when he the season in search of lead- every day get better and not “Whether I’ve been a
boss hasn’t outlined any de- long and athletic even with collided with the 7-foot-2 ership. The roster includes take steps back?” Alford player or a coach, I’ve never
mands for a season that nearly a full starting lineup’s Brown. Brown has earned no seniors and junior shoot- said. “That’s a hard thing to put pressure on myself,” Al-
starts Tuesday night when worth of players sidelined. the nickname Big Mo be- ing guard Prince Ali will be do but it’s a big key.” ford said. “There’s a stand-
the No. 21 Bruins face Power forward Shareef cause of his size, but his six the only upperclassmen in Alford will enter the sea- ard and the standard is, as a
Purdue Fort Wayne at O’Neal will miss the season dunks and four blocks in the rotation to start the sea- son without the security of a player I wanted to be the
Pauley Pavilion. after undergoing heart only 20 minutes during the son. Relying on so many massive contract buyout. best prepared and as a
“Nothing’s really surgery to correct an electri- Bruins’ exhibition romp freshmen means player de- His $3.6-million buyout is coach, I want our guys to be
changed from when I was cal defect. Point guard Tyger showed that he’s far more velopment will be essential only a fraction of the $12 mil- the best prepared. So that’s
hired to do the job that I was Campbell will also miss the than a novelty. to the team’s fortunes. Tak- lion UCLA gave Jim Mora my standard.”
supposed to do,” said Alford, season because of a torn His surrounding cast in- ing over the primary defen- last year to no longer coach
who’s compiled a 117-57 knee ligament. cludes sophomores Kris sive coaching duties will be its football team. Alford’s
record with the Bruins, “and Power forward Alex Wilkes and Jaylen Hands, assistant Murry Bartow, buyout drops to $1 million on Twitter: @latbbolch

Boatwright gets a final shot with USC

could he be if he avoids in- USC schedule
Injury-plagued senior jury?
Regular season (all times Pacific and p.m.)
“We all feel for Bennie,
hopes to lead Trojans what he’s gone through,” Date Opponent Time
to NCAA tournament USC coach Andy Enfield Nov. 6 Robert Morris 8
said. “It’s been emotional for
on his way to NBA. him. The biggest key for us is Nov. 11 Vanderbilt 6
just to get him on the court Nov. 14 Stetson 7
By J. Brady McCollough and get comfortable with his Nov. 19 Texas Tech* 6:30
knee and to be able to go out
Bennie Boatwright keeps and play injury-free and also Nov. 20 TBD* TBD
in touch with Chimezie mentally not worry about Nov. 25 Cal State Bakersfield 4
Metu, his former USC class- his injury every time down
Nov. 28 Long Beach State 8
mate who is playing with the the court. If he can just play
San Antonio Spurs. stress-free, he’ll have a ter- Dec. 1 Nevada 1:30
Last month, Metu was rific senior season.” Dec. 7 Texas Christian** 6:30
only a few miles from the Boatwright recently re-
USC campus at Staples turned to practice but had Dec. 15 Oklahoma*** 6
Center, getting a taste of the not yet participated in full- Dec. 18 at Santa Clara 7
NBA while Boatwright was court workouts as of Friday.
Dec. 21 Southern Utah 8
busy rehabilitating another Enfield considers him a
knee injury. game-time decision for the Dec. 30 UC Davis 6
“He said LeBron’s unre- season opener Tuesday Jan. 3 California 7
al,” Boatwright said, “so against Robert Morris at the
that’s cool to hear. I ask him Galen Center. It would be a Jan. 6 Stanford 5
for insight all the time, how surprise if Boatwright isn’t Jan. 10 at Oregon State 8
certain guys are. … Next year ready to go for the first real Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times
Jan. 13 at Oregon 5
I’ll be on the same path.” test of the season Sunday USC SENIOR Bennie Boatwright probably would have made himself available for
As a senior with an NBA against Vanderbilt at the the NBA draft if a knee injury hadn’t cut short his junior season. Jan. 19 UCLA 1
body and skill set, Galen Center. Jan. 24 Arizona 6
Boatwright is a rarity in Already, Boatwright says
Jan. 26 Arizona State 5
modern college basketball. he is not toting around any
But he didn’t exactly plan it mental baggage from his run USC ROSTER Jan. 30 at Washington 8
this way. of bad luck. Player Yr Pos. Ht. Comment by J. Brady McCollough Feb. 2 at Washington State 4
After a sophomore sea- “Because it’s done,” Shaqquan Aaron Sr. G 6-7 Streaky scorer will look to find consistency with more minutes available his final season.
son in which he averaged a Boatwright said. “You can Feb. 6 Utah 8
McKay Anderson Jr. G 6-5 Walk-on transfer from Pasadena City College has two years of eligibility remaining.
team-high 15.1 points and look at Derrick Rose last Feb. 9 Colorado 7
helped the Trojans to two night. He had 50 points. Peo- Bennie Boatwright Sr. F 6-10 Will have the green light any time he’s open but needs to make his teammates better.
Feb. 13 at Stanford 8
wins in the NCAA tourna- ple said he’s never going to J’Raan Brooks Fr. F 6-9 Won’t be the freshman generating the most headlines but could find a role providing depth.
ment, the 6-foot-10 forward come back. He had sur- Devin Fleming Sr. G 6-2 Senior walk-on played sparingly during first two seasons at USC. Feb. 16 at California 5
debated making himself geries, got waived, came Jonah Mathews Jr. G 6-3 Would have been MVP of the Pac-12 tournament if Trojans had beaten Arizona. Feb. 21 Oregon 6
available for the NBA draft back and had 50. It can be
Charles O’Bannon Jr. So. G 6-6 Five-star recruit had a quiet freshman year but appears ready to break out on the wing. Feb. 23 Oregon State 3
but ultimately decided he done. If I keep my confidence
could use another year to de- within myself, I can do any- Kevin Porter Jr. Fr. G 6-6 Late bloomer recruit had the prep basketball scene buzzing with his elite athleticism. Feb. 28 at UCLA 6
velop and be a part of a thing.” Nick Rakocevic Jr. F 6-11 After two seasons providing quality depth, this is his time to show what he can do inside.
March 7 at Utah 7
much-hyped USC team with During the offseason, the Derryck Thornton Jr. G 6-3 Should have first crack at replacing Jordan McLaughlin with Elijah Weaver injured.
his buddy Metu. Trojans lost program March 9 at Colorado 2
Jordan Usher So. F 6-7 With a big frame and elite athleticism, he’ll allow the Trojans to play a small or big lineup.
In mid-February, though, cornerstone seniors Jordan Pac-12 tournament, Las Vegas, March 13-16
Victor Uyaelunmo So. F 6-11 He can give a boost defensively as a gifted shot blocker; needs to grow offensively.
Boatwright suffered anoth- McLaughlin and Elijah *at Kansas City, Mo.; **at Staples Center;
er knee injury and sat out Stewart, plus Metu and Elijah Weaver Fr. G 6-5 Big things are expected of the point guard once he completes rehab after ankle surgery.
***at Tulsa, Okla.
the season’s final nine De’Anthony Melton, who did
games. He knew he would not play last season because a solid nucleus of returners about his role this season. thing the modern NBA is cement a local talent’s lega-
need surgery, so the NBA of his connection to an FBI in veteran wings Jonah “I have confidence in my- looking for in a player. cy as a Trojan.
was no longer an option. investigation into corrup- Matthews and Shaqquan self that I can get my shot off “I think I’m playing at the “He’s already a part of the
Boatwright is back for tion in college basketball. Aaron, big man Nick Rako- pretty much whenever I get perfect time, because shoot- winningest three years in
one more go of it at USC, and While ideally Boatwright cevic and point guard Der- the ball in any situation,” ers are at a high premium,” USC basketball history, and
after logging three years in would have been sound to ryck Thornton. Much will be Boatwright said. “So getting Boatwright said. “If you he has a chance to be a part
the program he is in one end last season and help asked of the Trojans’ tal- my teammates involved is shoot the ball, you’re gonna of the winningest four
sense as much of a known push USC into the NCAA ented freshman class of going to be big throughout be on the court. I feel like I’m years,” Enfield said. “That
commodity as can exist in tournament, that scenario point guard Elijah Weaver the course of this season.” bred for the NBA.” would be quite an accom-
the one-and-done era. But, probably would have sent (who had ankle surgery and If Boatwright isn’t bitten Boatwright said he would plishment for a kid from
factoring in the 30 games he Boatwright packing for the should be practicing within by the injury bug, he should like to make more than 40% Southern California, some-
has sat out the last two sea- NBA. His return is one of the a few weeks), wing Kevin have a full season to show of his three-point shots after thing he’ll remember for the
sons because of injury, main reasons to think that Porter Jr. and forward NBA scouts what he can do making 36.4% and 34.6% the rest of his life. He has a
Boatwright remains a tanta- the Trojans could reach the J’Raan Brooks. while also playing within the last two seasons. chance to be one of the great
lizing unknown. The 2018-19 NCAA tournament. Boatwright has proved team concept that Enfield Enfield is much more all-time Trojans.”
campaign could be his Named to the Naismith that he can score, and given desires. The former Sun Val- concerned with
chance to finally answer the Trophy watch list, his leadership position he’s ley Village Christian High Boatwright’s overall impact.
question: Just how good Boatwright will be joined by thinking more unselfishly star believes he has every- A big senior year would Twitter: @BradyMcCollough
D8 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S


USC, UCLA open NCAA soccer at home Pac-12 behind top-seeded Stanford year and then decided to have Drew wanted some guarantees level and $162,500 at the American
staff and wire reports
to earn a home playoff date with surgery on his right ankle Monday. and more security for the club if he Hockey League level this season.
San Jose State (9-6-6). The Spar- John Isner will replace Nadal in the was going to replace Tyronn Lue, Donovan’s contract will pay him
USC and UCLA will both open tans, who won the Mountain West ATP Finals field. who was fired on Oct. 28 after the $700,000 at the NHL level and
the NCAA women’s soccer tourna- tournament, have posted 11 shut- When 31-year-old Djokovic fell club’s 0-6 start. Drew has been the $200,000 at the AHL level next sea-
ment at home Friday, with the outs this season, fourth-most in to No. 22 in May after beginning the team’s top assistant since 2016. The son.
fourth-seeded Trojans playing the nation. year with a 6-6 record while recov- 60-year-old previously coached in
host to Long Beach State at 1:30 — Kevin Baxter ering from surgery on his right el- Milwaukee and Atlanta.
p.m. and the Bruins welcoming bow, it was his lowest ranking since COLLEGE BASKETBALL
San Jose State to Westwood at 6. the Serbian was 22nd in 2006 as a
USC (15-2-2) was ranked No. 2 in TENNIS teenager. NHL Ohio State’s 6-foot-9
the nation in the coaches poll and Djokovic has gone 43-5 since, in-
fifth in RPI before last Friday’s Djokovic’s No. 1; cluding Grand Slam titles at Wim- FanDuel joins forces Potter transferring
double-overtime loss to UCLA. bledon and the U.S. Open.
Long Beach State (12-5-3) earned Nadal’s season over Marat Safin went from No. 38 to with NHL, Devils Ohio State forward Micah Pot-
its tournament berth by winning No. 1 in 2000. ter is transferring two days before
the Big West tournament. The Novak Djokovic is back at No. 1 FanDuel has reached deals with the Buckeyes’ season opener. The
teams faced each other early in the in the ATP rankings after a two- the NHL and New Jersey Devils for university has not said where the 6-
season, with USC winning 3-0 at year absence — and the first man in NBA sports betting and fantasy sports foot-9 junior is going. Potter dealt
home. nearly two decades to rise to the play. In deals announced Monday, with ankle injuries his first two
The Trojans, who won the na- top spot after being outside the top Cleveland signs the company has become a sports years and has not met expecta-
tional title in 2016, are making their 20 in the same season. betting partner of the league, as tions . ... Alabama guard Riley Nor-
fifth consecutive appearance in the Djokovic moved up from No. 2 to Drew to new deal well as its official daily fantasy ris will miss the start of the season
NCAA tournament and 17th over- overtake Rafael Nadal, who pulled sports partner. ... The Nashville after having a procedure done on
all. out of the season-ending ATP Fi- The Cleveland Cavaliers signed Predators have signed defense- his heart. Alabama announced
UCLA (14-3-1), also a second nals in London because of an ab- assistant Larry Drew to a new con- man Matt Donovan to a two-year, Norris is week to week after having
seed and ranked sixth in the dominal injury. Nadal announced tract so he can be their interim two-way contract. Donovan’s deal what was deemed a successful car-
coaches poll, finished second in the on Twitter that he was done for the coach for the rest of this season. will be worth $650,000 at the NHL diac ablation procedure last week.


Washington — Recalled G Chasson Randle NATIONAL CONFERENCE


from Capital City (NBAGL). West W L T Pct. PF PA
Rams 8 1 0 .889 299 200
Chargers — Released PK Caleb Sturgis. Seattle 4 4 0 .500 188 156
Signed PK Michael Badgley from the practice Arizona 2 6 0 .250 110 199
squad. San Francisco 2 7 0 .222 207 239
Arizona — Re-signed WR Kendall Wright.
Signed OL Zack Golditch from Indianapolis’ prac- North W L T Pct. PF PA
tice squad. Chicago 5 3 0 .625 235 153
Chicago — Signed OL Willie Beavers to the Minnesota 5 3 1 .611 221 204
Riverside school transformed its program over the last two years as it practice squad.
Cincinnati — Placed LB Carl Lawson on in-
jured reserve. Signed LS Clark Harris to a con-
Green Bay
.438 192 204
.375 180 210
Pct. PF PA
prepared for inaugural men’s basketball season as a Division I program tract extension and WR Auden Tate from the prac-
tice squad.
Detroit — Waived WR Andy Jones.
New Orleans
.875 279 218
.750 220 180
.500 228 226
Green Bay — Released P Drew Kaiser. Tampa Bay 3 5 0 .375 229 275
Claimed S Ibraheim Campbell off waivers from East W L T Pct. PF PA
By Blake Richardson the N.Y. Jets.
Washington 5 3 0 .625 160 172
New England — Signed LB Ufomba Kamalu to
the practice squad. Philadelphia 4 4 0 .500 178 156
Oakland — Waived LB James Cowser. Signed Dallas 3 5 0 .375 154 151
California Baptist coach Rick Croy set DEs Jacquies Smith and Kony Ealy. N.Y. Giants 1 7 0 .125 150 205
a mantra as his men’s basketball team Washington — Placed WR Paul Richardson Jr.
and Gs Shawn Lauvao and Brandon Scherff on
prepares for its inaugural season as a Divi- injured reserve. Signed OT Austin Howard and Gs West W L T Pct. PF PA
sion I program: Be fearless. Luis Bowanko and John Cooper. Kansas City 8 1 0 .889 327 226
“And, ‘Go attack it,’ ” Croy said. NHL — Suspended Winnipeg F Brendan
.750 220 180
.333 205 213
Cal Baptist’s reclassification as a Divi- Lemieux two games an illegal check to the head Oakland 1 7 0 .125 141 252
of Florida F Vincent Trocheck.
sion I school was accepted in July, the Dallas— Recalled G Philippe Desrosiers from North W L T Pct. PF PA
product of a roughly seven-year plan, a Idaho (ECHL) to Texas (AHL). Pittsburgh 5 2 1 .688 227 188
Nashville — Signed D Matt Donovan to a two- Cincinnati 5 3 0 .625 221 237
university official said. The Riverside year, two-way contract. Baltimore 4 5 0 .444 213 160
Cleveland 2 6 1 .278 190 247
school used Grand Canyon University as a N.Y. Rangers — Assigned D Sean Day from
Hartford (AHL) to Maine (ECHL). Recalled F Lias South W L T Pct. PF PA
model for the transition. Andersson from Hartford (AHL). Houston 6 3 0 .667 216 184
Croy recruited a roster of freshmen St. Louis — Recalled Fs Tanner Kaspick and Tennessee 4 4 0 .500 134 141
Austin Poganski from Tulsa (ECHL) to San Anto- Jacksonville 3 5 0 .375 134 170
and transfers with Division I experience, nio (AHL). Indianapolis 3 5 0 .375 231 213
including Mike Henn, a redshirt sopho- Washington — Assigned F Nathan Walker to East W L T Pct. PF PA
Hershey (AHL). Recalled F Travis Boyd from a
more forward from UC Davis, and Ferron conditioning assigment at Hershey. New England 7 2 0 .778 270 202
Miami 5 4 0 .556 187 225
Flavors, a junior guard from Fairfield Uni- OLYMPIC SPORTS
N.Y. Jets 3 6 0 .333 198 213
USADA — Elected David Plummer athlete rep-
versity. Fifth-year senior Jordan Heading resentative for the board of directors.
Buffalo 2 7 0 .222 96 241
is the Lancers’ only four-year player. Thursday’s Schedule
BASEBALL Carolina at Pittsburgh, 5:20 p.m.
Cal Baptist went 28-6 and reached the Sunday’s Schedule
quarterfinals in the Division II playoffs AMERICA AWARD FINALISTS Chargers at Oakland, 1:05 p.m.
last season. Seattle at Rams, 1:25 p.m.
MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Arizona at Kansas City, 10:20 a.m.
The school spent the last two years American League: OF Mike Trout (Angels), OF Buffalo at N.Y. Jets, 10:20 a.m.
Mookie Betts (Boston), 3B Jose Ramirez (Cleve- Detroit at Chicago, 10:20 a.m.
transforming the program to mirror that land). Jacksonville at Indianapolis, 10:20 a.m.
of a Division I school by scheduling National League: 3B Nolan Arenado (Col- Washington at Tampa Bay, 10:20 a.m.
orado), 2B/SS Javier Baez (Chicago), OF Chris- New Orleans at Cincinnati, 10:20 a.m.
tougher competition and adding summer tian Yelich (Milwaukee). New England at Tennessee, 10:20 a.m.
workouts to the team’s routine. Croy said CY YOUNG Atlanta at Cleveland, 10:20 a.m.
American League: RHP Corey Kluber (Cleve- Miami at Green Bay, 1:25 p.m.
his players welcomed the added responsi- land), LHP Blake Snell (Tampa Bay), RHP Justin Dallas at Philadelphia, 5:20 p.m.
bility. Verlander (Houston). Monday’s Schedule
National League: RHP Jacob deGrom (New N.Y. Giants at San Francisco, 5:15 p.m.
“It comes down to all of them embrac- York), RHP Aaron Nola (Philadelphia), RHP Max
ing the opportunity and the challenge to- Scherzer Washington).
gether, and that’s what we wanted to have American League: RHP/DH Shohei Ohtani Titans 28, Cowboys 14
stepping into this,” Croy said. (Angels), 3B Miguel Andujar (New York), 2B Gley-
ber Torres (New York). Tennessee ....................0 14 7 7—28
The Lancers, who will play in the West- Chris Carlson Associated Press Dallas ..........................7 7 0 0—14
National League: RHP Walker Buehler (Dod-
gers), OF Ronald Acuna Jr. (Atlanta), OF Juan First Quarter
ern Athletic Conference, won’t be eligible KYLE ALLMAN , right, driving to the basket past USC’s Elijah Stewart, is Soto (Washignton). Dal—Cooper 4 pass from Prescott (Maher kick),
to play in the postseason until the 2022-23 one of the key players to Fullerton’s success this season. MANAGER OF THE YEAR 6:12.
season. They open this season Friday at American League: Kevin Cash (Tampa Bay), Second Quarter
Alex Cora (Boston), Bob Melvin (Oakland).
home against San Diego Christian. the team’s only returning starter. But a National League: Bud Black (Colorado), Ten—Henry 1 run (Succop kick), 9:35.
Craig Counsell (Milwaukee), Brian Snitker (At- Ten—D.Lewis 18 pass from Mariota (Succop
A look at the other Southland teams in talented recruiting class surrounds him,
Division I: SOUTHLAND including five freshmen and Gilliam, a
lanta). kick), 4:11.
Dal—Hurns 23 pass from Prescott (Maher kick),
SCHEDULE sophomore point guard from Salt Lake ODDS
Third Quarter
Cal State Fullerton Community College. NBA Ten—Jo.Smith 7 pass from Mariota (Succop
Last season: 20-12, fourth in Big West Con- MEN TONIGHT Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog
kick), 5:44.
ference; lost in first round of NCAA tour- Cal State Fullerton at Arizona State ........5
UC Santa Barbara at CHARLOTTE 11 (2331⁄2) Atlanta
Fourth Quarter
Ten—Mariota 9 run (Succop kick), 4:38.
nament. Westcliff at Loyola Marymount...................5 Last season: 23-9, second in Big West. at DALLAS 1 (2251⁄2) Washington
Key players: Kyle Allman Jr. (19.5 points Key players: Max Heidegger (19.1 ppg), Brooklyn 1 (2201⁄2) at PHOENIX
UC Riverside at Oregon State .....................6 Milwaukee 1 (229) at PORTLAND
Ten Dal
per game), Khalil Ahmad (15.1 ppg). UC Santa Barbara at Wyoming ..................7 Amadou Sow (Prolific Prep). First downs ..........................24 18
Outlook: Seniors Allman and Ahmad Outlook: Heidegger is Santa Barbara’s COLLEGE BASKETBALL Total Net Yards....................340 297
New Mexico at Cal State Northridge.........7 Favorite Line Underdog
Rushes-yards.................36-125 19-72
were selected to the Big West preseason Idaho at UC Irvine ...........................................7 only returning starter. Transfer guards Passing .............................215 225
at ARIZONA ST 12 Cal St.- Punt Returns .....................3-11 1-7
all-conference team. The Titans, who won JaQuori McLaughlin, a sophomore from Fullerton Kickoff Returns ..................1-23 1-23
the Big West tournament last season to WOMEN TONIGHT Oregon State, and Ar’Mond Davis, a grad- New Mexico 131⁄2 at CS Interceptions Ret. ................1-0
Comp-Att-Int ................21-29-0
earn an NCAA tournament berth, are ran- uate transfer from Alabama, will boost the Sacked-Yards Lost..............4-25 5-18
UC Riverside at USC.......................................5 at OREGON ST 181⁄2 UC Riverside Punts ............................1-45.0 3-44.7
ked second in the conference’s preseason Gauchos’ backcourt. Fumbles-Lost ......................2-2 1-1
UCLA at Loyola Marymount..................7:30 at WYOMING 71⁄2 UC Santa
poll. Barbara Penalties-Yards ..................3-20 6-52
Loyola Marymount Kansas 5 Michigan St Time of Possession...........34:26 25:34

Cal State Northridge State College, adds depth in the back- Last season: 11-20, eighth in West Coast Kentucky 11⁄2 Duke Individual Leaders
RUSHING: Tennessee, D.Lewis 19-62, Mariota
Last season: 6-24, ninth in Big West. court. Conference. NHL 10-32, Henry 6-27, Davis 1-4. Dallas, Elliott 17-
Key players: Terrell Gomez (11.7 ppg), Da- Key players: James Batemon, (17.8 ppg), Favorite Underdog 61, Prescott 2-11.
PASSING: Tennessee, Mariota 21-29-0-240.
rius Brown (Pasadena High) UC Irvine Eli Scott (12.6 ppg, 7.3 rpg). at KINGS OFF Ducks OFF
Dallas, Prescott 21-31-1-243, Beasley 0-1-0-0.
at COLUMBUS -138 Dallas +128 RECEIVING: Tennessee, Davis 6-56, D.Lewis 4-
Outlook: In his first season coaching Last season: 18-17, second in Big West. Outlook: Batemon is one of three seniors at NY RANGERS OFF Montreal OFF 60, Jo.Smith 2-33, Taylor 2-24, Batson 2-21,
Northridge, Mark Gottfried leads a strug- Key players: Evan Leonard (13.6 ppg), returning for the Lions. Senior guard Jeff- at TORONTO -135 Las Vegas +125 Henry 2-5, Jennings 1-36, Stocker 1-5, Sharpe
1-0. Dallas, Cooper 5-58, Elliott 4-51, Gallup 3-
gling program that lost its two top scorers, Tommy Rutherford (10.1 ppg). rey McClendon led the conference in New Jersey -133 at OTTAWA +123
51, Beasley 3-16, De.Thompson 2-21, Jarwin 2-
forward Tavrion Dawson and guard Outlook: The top-ranked team in the Big steals last year. Loyola Marymount re- at DETROIT -105 Vancouver -105 15, Hurns 1-23, R.Smith 1-8.
at TAMPA BAY -180 Edmonton +165 FIELD GOALS MISSED: Tennessee, Succop 28.
Micheal Warren. Last season, the Mata- West preseason poll, Irvine is led by Leon- turns 10 scorers responsible for 84% of last Dallas, Maher 38.
at ST. LOUIS -111 Carolina +101
dors posted their worst record since be- ard and Rutherford, who were selected to season’s point total. at SAN JOSE -150 Minnesota +140
coming a Division I program. Gomez, last the preseason all-conference team.
Pepperdine College Football FIGHT SCHEDULE
season’s conference freshman of the year, Robert Cartwright, a graduate transfer
is the Matadors’ only returning starter. guard from Stanford, joins the Anteaters Last season: 6-26, 10th in West Coast. Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog
At Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, Indio
along with four freshman recruits. All five Key players: Kameron Edwards (14.7 ppg, at BUFFALO 201⁄2 (41) Kent St (ESPN2), Neeco Macias vs. Jesus Soto Karass,
Long Beach State of last season’s starters will play for Irvine, 6.4 rpg), Colbey Ross (14 ppg). Saturday 10, junior middleweights; Manny Robles III vs.
Jose Gonzalez, 10, featherweights.
Last season: 15-18, fifth in Big West. which lost to Fullerton in the conference Outlook: Pepperdine returns its top three at USC 51⁄2 (48) California
Key players: Bryan Alberts (11.3 ppg), tournament title game. scorers from last season — junior forward at ARIZONA ST 121⁄2 (59) UCLA
At Manchester (England) Arena, Oleksandr
Deishuan Booker (10.6 ppg). Edwards, sophomore guard Ross and NFL Usyk vs. Tony Bellew, 12, for Usyk's WBC/IBF/
WBA/WBO cruiserweight title; Anthony Crolla vs.
Outlook: Long Beach State lost its lead- UC Riverside senior guard Eric Cooper. Ross set the Thursday Daud Yordan, 12, lightweights; Sam Hyde vs.
Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog Richard Riakporhe, 10, cruiserweights.
ing scorer, forward Gabe Levin, but re- Last season: 9-22, seventh in Big West. school record for assists by a freshman At UIC Pavilion, Chicago, Mairis Briedis vs. No-
at PITTSBURGH 4 (511⁄2) Carolina
turns Alberts and Booker while adding Key players: Dikymbe Martin (13.5 ppg), with 179. Sunday el Mikaelian, 12, cruiserweights (World Boxing
three-star freshman forward Demetrius Jordan Gilliam (junior college transfer). Super Series quarterfinals); Krzysztof Glowacki
Chargers 10 (50 ⁄2)
at OAKLAND vs. Maksim Vlasov, 12, cruiserweights (World
Mims. Guard Ron Freeman, a redshirt Outlook: Martin, a junior guard who was at RAMS 10 (511⁄2) Seattle Boxing Super Series quarterfinals); Artur Mann
junior transfer from Northwest Florida Riverside’s leading scorer last season, is Twitter: @rblakerich_ — Updated odds available at vs. Alexey Zubov, 10, cruiserweights.

USOC seeks to end USA Gymnastics as governing body

[Gymnastics, from D1] letes including Biles and Aly Rais- [USOC] letter and is evaluating revamp its leadership and struc- team and all-around final and the
fered through a series of controver- man, who pointed to Bono’s associ- the best path forward for our ath- ture to the USOC’s satisfaction. If floor and vault events in Doha,
sies in recent years, foremost ation with a law firm that had ad- letes, professional members, the not, an entirely new governing Qatar. She also took silver on the
among them a sexual abuse scan- vised USA Gymnastics during the organization and staff,” the gov- body could be built from scratch. uneven bars and bronze on the bal-
dal that included disgraced sports Nassar scandal. erning body said on its website. Or, the USOC could recognize ance beam, becoming the first
doctor Larry Nassar molesting Numerous gymnasts have filed USOC officials have revoked an existing gymnastics organiza- woman in three decades to earn six
hundreds of young athletes under lawsuits against both USA Gym- recognition only a few times before. tion to become the national body. medals.
the guise of providing medical nastics and the USOC. Earlier this year, they issued a set “A complete regime change Now the American team could
treatment. “This is a situation in which of demands to USA Gymnastics, should start now,” former gymnast be looking at months of upheaval.
More recently, the organization there are no perfect solutions,” which complied by, among other Rachael Denhollander, a Nassar The USOC insisted gymnastics
suffered through repeated mis- Hirshland said. things, replacing its entire board of abuse victim, posted on social me- will “remain a bedrock” of the U.S.
steps as it struggled to replace for- “Seeking to revoke recognition directors. dia. “This is for every survivor.” Olympic community, with Hirsh-
mer President Steve Penny, who is not a conclusion that we have If the current process moves Regardless of how the process land telling athletes: “We will work
was arrested for allegedly tamper- come to easily.” forward, it could include a review plays out, the immediate future to ensure that gymnastics training
ing with evidence in the Nassar Officials have given USA Gym- panel, a hearing and a report, lead- looks uncertain for American gym- and competitions will continue as
case. nastics the option of surrendering ing to a final vote by the USOC nastics, which had been celebrat- usual.”
Interim Chief Executive Mary its status voluntarily. board of directors. ing Biles’ medal haul at the world
Bono stepped down last month “USA Gymnastics is carefully There is a possibility, however championships.
under intense pressure from ath- reviewing the contents of this slight, that USA Gymnastics could The 21-year-old won gold in the Twitter: @LAtimesWharton

CALENDAR T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L E N D A R


‘The Front Runner’
plays it fast and funny
in detailing a fall that
still echoes in the U.S.

In the spring of 1987, lead-

ing Democratic presidential
candidate Sen. Gary Hart is-
sued a casual challenge that
turned out to be one of the
most fateful in American po-
litical history.
“If anybody wants to put
a tail on me, go ahead,” he
told a New York Times re-
porter who’d inquired about
rumors of womanizing and
infidelity. “They’d be very
Not quite.
For a coincidence of tim-
ing meant that that off-the-
cuff remark not only came
back to haunt Hart and de-
stroy his career, its conse-
quences continue to bedevil
American political culture to
this day.
That situation ignited
something in filmmaker Ja-
son Reitman, and the result
is the smart, fast and funny
Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times “The Front Runner,” a tip-
MORRISSEY rides the smooth vibes during his headlining set at the Latin-focused Tropicália Music & Taco Fest over the weekend. top piece of entertainment
starring Hugh Jackman as
Hart and Vera Farmiga as
POP MUSIC REVIEW his wife, Lee, that is as sig-
nificant as it is enjoyable.
With his most ambitious

Feeling right at home

film, Reitman returns to the
form of some of his earlier is-
sue-related pleasures, such
as “Thank You for Smok-
ing,” his biting film on Big
Tobacco, and “Up in the Air,”
about American corporate
This time, working from
Tropicália flows invitingly with a robust mix of genres and eras the book “All the Truth Is
Out” by political journalist
Matt Bai (who co-wrote the
[See ‘Front Runner,’ E3]
BY MIKAEL WOOD POP MUSIC CRITIC >>> “Estoy en casa!” festival in which white Englishmen were in short supply.
Morrissey cried to begin his headlining performance at this “Gracias,” he said to cheers after a crisp but hard-hitting
past weekend’s Tropicália Music & Taco Fest, and as far as I rendition of “Hairdresser on Fire.”
know he wasn’t speaking literally. Morrissey’s booking — and the presence of hundreds of REVIEW
Yes, the British post-punk veteran has lived in Southern folks wearing T-shirts with his face on them — told you a lot
California on and off since the 1990s — long enough that last
year the Los Angeles City Council designated Nov. 10 as Mor-
rissey Day in L.A.
about Tropicália’s aim in its second year (and first under the
aegis of Goldenvoice, the powerful L.A.-based promoter that
puts on Coachella and Stagecoach).
But to my knowledge he’s never laid his head in Long
Beach, where Tropicália took place Saturday and Sunday at
the waterfront Queen Mary Events Park in the shadow of
With a smartly curated bill that also featured Kali Uchis,
Mazzy Star, Natalia Lafourcade, Mac DeMarco and SZA —
the last of whom stepped in at the eleventh hour following a
past and
that retired ocean liner.
Which means that Morrissey was deploying his carefully
chosen words — “I am home!” — in a kind of spiritual sense:
cancellation by Cardi B — the two-day concert wasn’t in-
tended to be a definitive survey of Latin pop in 2018; instead,
it was after something of the texture of life around these
Famously beloved by many Mexican Americans here, the parts for members of the Latin American diaspora.
Power of memory
singer wanted to make it clear that he felt he belonged at a So in addition to established Spanish- [See Fest, E4]
shines through in Bill
T. Jones’ impressive
‘Analogy Trilogy.’

An anchor in uncharted waters MARK SWED


“The sun has an appoint-

ment with the moon.”
ABC News’ George That is how a Jewish Bel-
gian teenager, Dora Amelan,
Stephanopoulos talks described her world turned
midterms, Trump upside down by the invasion
by Nazi Germany in 1940. It
and what’s next. is also, in one way or another,
the essence of displacement
By Stephen Battaglio felt by emigrants, for whom
memories of one world re-
ABC News chief anchor main in constant arbitration
George Stephanopoulos re- with those of another.
members a more innocent Though often a prescription
time with President Trump. for success, forgetfulness
Their paths crossed often isn’t always an option.
in New York as Stephan- Ghosts get in the way.
opoulos made his transition The sun’s appointment
from Clinton White House comes early but lasts long
adviser and communica- in Bill T. Jones’ “Analogy
tions director to prominent Trilogy,” given its Los Ange-
TV journalist in the late les premiere by the Center
1990s and 2000s. for the Art of Performance
Perhaps that’s why [See ‘Analogy,’ E5]
Stephanopoulos, 57, has es-
caped the personal barbs of
Trump, who has called the
news media “the enemy of
the people.” But the “Good Obsessive Dylan
Morning America” co-an- fans, rejoice
chor and “This Week” mo-
derator has delivered some
The box set “More
significant moments in the
Blood, More Tracks”
saga of the Trump presi-
amplifies one of Bob
dency, including the first sit-
Dylan’s best works. E2
down with fired FBI director Comics ................... E6-7
James Comey. Michael Nagle For The Times
TV grid ...................... E8
[See Anchor, E3] GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS talks with ABC News executives Saturday as he rehearses for election night.
E2 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R


The Holy Grail for Dylanists TAKES

Green light
By Randy Lewis
song (along with four oth-
ers) in Minneapolis did he
alter the destination and
for vintage
Bob Dylan
“More Blood,
job description to New Or-
leans, the work being carried
out “on a fishing boat,
Aretha doc
More Tracks:
The Bootleg Series, right outside of Delacroix,” A documentary on late
Vol. 14” which ultimately is more soul singer Aretha Franklin
intriguing. is finally eyeing a release
Instances such as these date 46 years after it was
If any artist in pop his- demonstrate Dylan’s own filmed. “Amazing Grace,” a
tory is worthy of a subatomic obsessiveness with rework- gospel concert film directed
exploration of various facets ing a verse or a chorus, a line, by the late Sydney Pollack
of his or her career, it’s hard a phrase or even a single and produced by Alan Elli-
to argue against Bob Dylan word time and again until he ott, is planned for a general
at the top of that list. found the one that felt right. release in 2019 with no distri-
That idea has made the It’s not just lyrics that are bution deal yet in place.
ongoing “Bootleg Series” of at play. He shifts tempos, After years of legal bat-
archival releases a well- meter, arrangements, in- tles, the film got the green
spring for Dylan admirers, strumental support and his light from Franklin’s estate
both casual and hardcore, vocal delivery time after and will screen just in time
and the latest entry is no ex- time. This set also reminds for Oscars consideration.
ception, presenting the op- us just how often Dylan’s ob- It’s set to premiere next
portunity for full immersion servations feel both timeless week at the DOC NYC film
into his 1975 return-to-form and timely, as in this verse festival in Manhattan before
album “Blood on the from “Idiot Wind” that could a weeklong Oscar-qualifying
Tracks.” have been written last week: run at the Laemmle Monica
As usual, this installment Nov. 20-27.
— “More Blood, More Now everything’s a little — Sonaiya Kelley
Tracks: The Bootleg Series, upside down
Vol. 14” — arrived last week in As a matter of fact the
multiple iterations, the most wheels have stopped
intensely anticipated of What’s good is bad, ‘Walking Dead’
which is the limited-edition what’s bad is good
six-CD deluxe box set You’ll find out when you movies on tap
($114.98 on Amazon). reach the top
It feels like a Holy Grail You’re on the bottom “The Walking Dead” is
for Dylan obsessives, pre- using Rick Grimes’ final epi-
senting in authorized form The accompanying docu- sode, which aired Sunday, to
87 tracks encompassing mentation — new essays, de- explode into a larger uni-
all the recording sessions tailed session notes by mu- verse. Andrew Lincoln’s
Dylan did in New York, along sic writer Jeff Slate, scads of character will be the lead in a
with five remixed and re- photos from the period and, series of AMC Studios origi-
mastered takes from addi- especially, reproduction of nal films written by exec pro-
tional sessions in Minne- Dylan’s songwriting note- ducer Scott M. Gimple, the
apolis recorded after Dylan books (Spiral brand, 19 network has announced.
decided late in 1974 that he cents) — flesh the story out The first film, expected to
wasn’t finished with the al- further. start production “as early as
bum. Yet this comprehensive 2019,” will pick up where Lin-
At that point, rock’s approach can begin to feel coln’s final “TWD” episode
greatest songwriter had like one too many mornings. left off.
been largely out of the public Just how much of exhaustive “These films are going to
spotlight since the 1966 near- variation on the 10 musical be big evolutions of what
fatal motorcycle crash that themes at hand you’re up we’ve been doing on the
either forced, or allowed, for will determine whether show,” Gimple said.
him to retreat from the in- this is, indeed, your Holy — Christie D’Zurilla
tense scrutiny he’d been Grail — or just one more cup
under since emerging five of coffee.
years earlier out of the New Certainly, there is no
York folk music scene. small number of Dylan com- Four Spice Girls
The albums he released Cinemax pletists who will lap up every
after his recuperation in FANS of Bob Dylan, in 2017, have something new to celebrate: “More Blood, More shred of tape he ever used. set to tour U.K.
upstate New York, a period Tracks: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 14,” which delves deep into “Blood on the Tracks.” But there emerges a feeling
during which he and mem- of diminishing returns for After many a tease, the
bers of the Band holed up at greatness from him again. terest of trying to glean Is the Loving Tongue.” anyone not cursed with Spice Girls announced a 2019
the house known as Big Then in 1974, light began more about what led to this The reward of getting OCD — obsessive-compul- U.K. arena tour Monday in a
Pink, privately recording to shine out of the darkness. creative outburst from the each of the New York session sive Dylanism — during a mock-news flash starring
what would later surface as Lured away from his home man who’d seemed so quiet recordings is the unexpect- stretch on the second disc Emma Bunton, Mel B, Mel C
“The Basement Tapes,” of more than decade at Co- for so long. ed moments: In a second with nine consecutive ver- and Geri Horner. Victoria
found Dylan back to folk and lumbia by ambitious young Word quickly made the take of “You’re a Big Girl sions of “You’re Gonna Make Beckham is the holdout.
country sources in “John record exec David Gef- rounds that Dylan began Now,” for instance, Dylan Me Lonesome When You The six-stop tour kicks
Wesley Harding” (1967) and fen and his burgeoning sing- “Blood on the Tracks” with reaches his lyric about a bird Go.” Likewise, the eight off June 1 at Etihad Stadium
“Nashville Skyline” (1969), er-songwriter-focused label, a series of solo acoustic sitting on a fence, singing a takes of “Buckets of Rain” on in Manchester.
rather than continuing to Asylum, Dylan came sessions in New York, hark- song like the one he’s carry- the fourth disc that are in- Tickets will go on sale this
push at the limits of rock through with “Planet ing back to his musical foun- ing for a lover, and confesses, terrupted just long enough weekend.
’n’ roll, as he’d done before Waves.” It reunited him in dations as a solo folkie ply- “I hope that you can hear/ for a pair of performances of — Nardine Saad
his accident. the studio with the Band on ing songs of heroes such as Hear me singin’ through “Up to Me.”
Although he briefly sur- a set of songs that showed Woody Guthrie and Ram- these tears” with a heart- The more casual fan has
faced in 1971 for a star turn him solidly back on track, blin’ Jack Elliott and draw- breaking vulnerability. the single CD/two-LP vinyl
at George Harrison’s multi- giving Dylan what was sur- ing on a century’s worth of It’s also fascinating to option ($11.29 CD; $28.49 vi- Mac Miller died
artist Concert for Ban- prisingly his first No. 1 traditional music before discover that it wasn’t until nyl) containing 10 alternate
gladesh at Madison Square album on the Billboard 200 finding his own voice as a the final version of “Tangled versions of the “Blood on the from a drug OD
Garden in New York, Dylan albums chart. writer. Up in Blue” that Dylan Tracks” songs, plus one take
refused to tour, and as the “Blood on the Tracks” And now along comes shifted the perspective of the “Up to Me” collector’s Producer and rapper
’70s arrived, he released al- arrived the following year as “More Blood, More Tracks,” from a third-person narra- item. In a perfect world, Mac Miller’s cause of death
bums that were disappoint- a revelation, a set of dazzling with everything we ever tive to first person (It began, there’d also be an intermedi- was an accidental overdose
ing by his own standards, songs examining heart- wanted to know about “Early one morning the sun ary version with perhaps a of fentanyl, cocaine and alco-
with only modest rewards to break, lust, disillusionment, “Blood on the Tracks,” and was shining/he was laying in couple alternate takes of hol, the Los Angeles County
be found on “Self Portrait” regret, optimism and ro- then some. bed.”) Additionally, in the each of the album’s songs coroner said Monday.
and “New Morning.” A com- mantic betrayal with a bold- The deluxe edition gath- third verse, after the protag- that might crystallize the Miller, 26, was found
pilation of outtakes released ness and bravado that Dylan ers all the New York solo re- onist loses his job as a cook evolution of tunes from birth Sept. 7 in the bedroom of his
in 1973 by his label, Colum- hadn’t demonstrated in cordings and yields multiple in the great north woods, to maturity, without making Studio City home and pro-
bia, without his involve- close to a decade. versions of the 10 songs that Dylan had him schlep across the listener sit through every nounced dead at the scene.
ment, “Dylan,” kept Dylan- For decades, Dylan super made the final cut for the al- the country to Los Angeles growth spurt along the way. An overdose was suspected,
philes even more perplexed fans have sought out boot- bum, plus a few that didn’t — to load cargo at an airplane but toxicology tests were not
as to when or if they might legs from the “Blood on the notably “Up to Me,” “Call plant. complete until now.
ever expect something of Tracks” sessions in the in- Letter Blues” and “Spanish Only after re-doing the Twitter: @RandyLewis2 — Hannah Fry

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L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 E3

ABC anchor in uncharted waters

[Anchor, from E1]
Stephanopoulos also had
a 45-minute off-camera chat
with Trump’s former person-
al lawyer Michael Cohen after
he pleaded guilty to cam-
paign finance offenses and
other federal charges. (It was
the interview in which Cohen,
who had previously said he
would “take a bullet” for the
president, revealed that his
first loyalty is to his “wife, chil-
dren and country” and not
Midterm elections typi-
cally get a single hour of cov-
erage on the networks. But on
Tuesday, ABC, CBS and NBC
are treating the election as if
it were a presidential contest,
devoting the entire night to
determining which party will
take control of the House and
Stephanopoulos, who will
lead ABC’s coverage, made
the case for why this will be a
midterm like no other during
a recent conversation over
lunch near ABC News head-
quarters on Manhattan’s
West Side.

We keep hearing this is the

most important election of
our lifetime. Is that hyper-
I don’t think it is. I’ve
worked in a lot of campaigns.
I have covered more. I think
it’s undeniable that we have
not had a midterm with
potential consequences as
large as this one, in part
because we’ve never had a
midterm where you know
that a special counsel
[Robert Mueller, who is
investigating Russian med- Michael Nagle For The Times
dling in the 2016 election] is ABC NEWS anchor George Stephanopoulos sits between Martha Raddatz, left, and David Muir as they rehearse election night coverage.
reporting reasonably soon
after the midterms. No. 2: through the lens of 2016 and He paid attention if you were different. telling me?” which lost its out and said, “This is not
We’ve had midterms where say I have no idea what’s in the New York Post … He’d humor after a while … At the OK.” In writing.
presidents two years in are going to happen. And in a send [the clipping] over to How did you develop the same time, what happened
challenged by low approval world where small adjust- you with a handwritten connection to Michael was serious, and you’re see- Your contract with ABC
ratings … We have never had ments in turnouts, because Sharpie note on it … And Cohen? ing people you know go comes up next year.
one of those where the presi- of the constellation of races around “The Apprentice” Every time Trump through something challeng- What’s the exact date?
dent has affirmatively put up on Tuesday, could make a stuff, we did stories on him. I wanted to do interviews, you ing, and in these cases it [Laughs.]
himself on the ballot. It’s massive difference, I don’t remember the time he worked it through Michael certainly seemed deserved.
never happened before know. One of the things I’m showed me his check from Cohen. He would be there. It makes you conscious of Have you thought about
where he’s saying, “I’m mak- going to be looking at is: Was “The Apprentice.” You’d talk to him before- how these positions are both what you’re going to do?
ing this a referendum on me,” it a traditional electorate or hand, talk to him afterward. precarious and sinecures at Well, of course.
which makes it much more of not? Did they vote like it was How big was the check? And then I would have lunch the same time. Once you’re
a national election for a a presidential election rather It was big. It was 10 fig- with him twice a year. known to the morning audi- Anything you want to
midterm than it ever was than a midterm election? ures. When he announced ence … share?
before … You are putting that That question alone will [his 2016 campaign for presi- And what is that relation- No.
all together and coming out determine how different this dent], it was me and Bill ship like now? They develop a relationship
of an election where the is. O’Reilly who talked with him I can’t answer that on the with you. Well, do you have any dis-
president won the electoral on the first day. record. But the results speak Assuming it’s you. But in cussions at home about how
college fair and square but As a New Yorker traveling for themselves. this culture, in this media long you want to have the
lost the popular vote and in some of the same social So he has a certain comfort environment, where nothing life of a morning show an-
sparked a strong movement circles as President Trump, level with you. What was it like to see your can be hidden anymore, the chor?
against him in a media envi- he considered you a friend Yes, for the most part he two counterparts at the price of a misstep is very, very This job actually, in a
ronment that is unlike any- or an acquaintance. knows me, and [it’s] always other networks — Matt high. weird way, has been great for
thing anyone has seen before. I’ve known him a long never bothered him to have Lauer of NBC’s “Today” our family. Even though I’m
time. We first met when I a tough question. and Charlie Rose of “CBS What do you think about not there in the morning, I’m
What then will we learn moved back to New York in This Morning” — both lose #MeToo being retroactively texting and Face-Timing
from the results? 1997. [It was] at some party, Does he call you to their jobs inside of a month applied to analysis of Bill with my kids as they get
I’ll answer your questions and he invited me down to schmooze or just ask, last year over sexual mis- Clinton’s behavior? ready for school. Many days I
with questions, because one Mar-a-Lago to fly me down “What do you think, conduct allegations? In the right-wing media can be home when they
of the things we’ve all to the Miss Universe pag- George?” My wife [comedian and now any time I say some- come home from school. We
learned, with a huge dose of eant. I said no. In 1999, it was Not that often. I mean, a actress Ali Wentworth] thing about #MeToo, it’s, have dinner [as a family]
humility, is to prepare to be the first time I interviewed few times a year. It was more certainly paid attention. “Well, but what about Bill every night, because I can’t
surprised. I can look at what him about him running for before he was president. In Clinton?” And they forget, or go out.
we know today through a president. Every few years the campaign, I think I What did she say about it? choose to ignore the fact,
traditional lens, and it leads there would be a flurry of interviewed him something The joke at home was “Is that I was one of the most stephen.battaglio@
me in one direction, and then Donald Trump interviews. like 40 times. Now it’s a bit there anything you’re not prominent people who came

When politics
turned tabloid
[‘Front Runner,’ from E1] Francisco concession to rival
script with former Hillary candidate Walter Mondale
Clinton Press Secretary Jay for the 1984 Democratic pres-
Carson and Reitman), the idential nomination.
filmmaker takes on the genie Even then the Colorado
that’s not going back in the politician was thinking
bottle, the increased role about the future, telling an
tabloid journalism has taken aide, “in four years they still
in our political discourse. won’t have an answer to our
Despite the potential for ideas.”
rancorous finger-pointing, In fact, as Hart prepares
one of the remarkable things to formally enter the race in
about “The Front Runner” is 1987 it’s with an impressive
its determination to be even- lead. Showing how three
handed, to encourage view- weeks in April derailed all
ers to make up their own that is the order of business
minds (at least up to a point) here.
about what happened 30 At the center of what Sony Pictures

years ago and what it means went wrong was a floating HUGH JACKMAN , center, portrays Democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart in “The Front Runner.”
for today. party on a boat implausibly
Given that it details a called Monkey Business J.K. Simmons — on point as together than they had It’s up to us to decide which
story whose start-to-finish where, in a deftly under- always as veteran Hart cam- planned. side to take.
outline is quite well known, stated scene, we see Hart ‘The Front paign manager Bill Dixon — “The Front Runner” Given that “The Front
“The Front Runner” is also a lock eyes with the attractive Runner’ it is sometimes hard to tell treats Rice with respect as a Runner” opens on election
surprisingly gripping piece Donna Rice (Sara Paxton). the numerous Hart staffers bright, ambitious if some- day, the film also encourages
of work, with cinemato- We never see any actual and the various journalists what naive young woman, audiences to ponder how the
grapher Eric Steelberg and monkey business, and the Rated: R, for language apart from one another. and her scenes with Kelly, Hart-stopping change in
editor Stefan Grube deserv- real-life participants have including some sexual There is no such problem deputized to wrangle Rice media behavior has im-
ing a chunk of the credit. never confirmed any, but references with the film’s stars, starting after all hell breaks loose, are pacted politics. Do today’s
They were foremost in what matters here is not the Running time: 1 hour, 53 with Jackman, who does ex- especially strong. successful candidates need
putting into practice Reit- truth but what happened minutes cellent, charismatic work Having this much focus stellar morals as a result of
man’s decision to both echo next. Playing: Starts Tuesday, presenting Hart as an elu- on a candidate’s private life what happened, or are they
Michael Ritchie’s “The Can- At the scrappy Miami the Landmark, West Los sive politician, at times arro- was unprecedented and a simply more adept at being
didate,” one of the director’s Herald, reporter Thomas Angeles; Arclight gant and thin-skinned but a turning point in how we cov- celebrities and surviving
favorite films, and structure Fiedler (Steve Zissis) gets an Hollywood; expands Nov. genuine idealist who wanted er politicians. Did the Herald character assassination?
“The Front Runner” a bit anonymous phone tip about 16 to govern and didn’t see why and everyone else overstep Hart, more prescient
like a classic 1970s Robert the Hart-Rice liaison. he had to reveal his personal media boundaries, or was than successful, seemed to
Altman film, complete with Roughly coincidental with cover it and the candidate’s life to do so. the information sought an see it all coming.
multiple characters, over- the appearance of the Hart family. “The Front Runner” does essential key to character? “Politics in this country —
lapping dialogue and a rov- quote in the New York Since both co-writers Bai equally well with the women “The Front Runner” is take it from me,” he said in
ing, probing camera. Times, Herald reporters fly and Carson have extensive in Hart’s life, starting with careful not to seem to be tak- his 1987 withdrawal speech,
This is most apparent in to Washington to do some- campaign experience, it’s no Farmiga, who brings her for- ing sides with this question. “is on the verge of becoming
the film’s ambitious opening thing reporters had not done surprise that the movie en- midable presence and skill to The portrayal of Fiedler and another form of athletic
scene, set a few years earlier, before: confront a candidate courages us to feel we’re on the challenges of being a his Herald cohorts leans competition or sporting
and presenting, in a formida- about his extramarital life. the inside, including the politician’s wife. toward opportunism, but match.”
ble single take, the entire As structured by Reit- grind of campaigning and Also strong are Paxton as A.J. Parker (Mamoudou It’s hard to argue with
chaotic panoply of political man and his co-writers, “The cynical humor. Rice and Molly Ephraim as Athie), the composite re- that.
staffers, print journalists Front Runner” alternates its If there is a drawback to composite Hart staffer Irene porter who asks Hart about
and television trucks that focus between the cam- the film’s methodology, it’s Kelly, two women who end adultery at a news confer- kenneth.turan
surrounded Hart’s San paign, the journalists who that, with the exception of up spending a lot more time ence, is treated with respect.
E4 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R

has found
its rhythm
[Fest, from E1] was filling in for Cardi B.
speaking stars like Mon (The rapper, one of 2018’s
Laferte, the dramatic alter- breakout stars, was one of
native rocker from Chile, several no-shows at Trop-
and Mexico’s Lafourcade, icália, along with Ronnie
Tropicália offered musi- Spector, Cuco and BadBad-
cians such as Toro y Moi and NotGood.)
SZA, whose diverse audi- Yet the crowd received
ences of course count people SZA warmly, and that
from California’s largest seemed to lead her to loosen
demographic group. up a well-practiced festival
And along with a host of set she’s performed at nu-
young acts using social me- merous events around Cali-
dia to build followings — the fornia over the last couple of
Marías, Surf Curse, Boy years.
Pablo, the Frights — there Among the up-and-com-
were old-timers like Bronco, ers, ’70s-era yacht rock was a
the long-running Mexican common touchstone, with
group likely familiar to many the Marías and Triathalon
teenage festival-goers embracing the sound to put
thanks to their parents. across languid love songs
Vendors sold the promis- and Mild High Club to get
ed tacos (though only in veg- some goofy laughs. Surf
etarian form on Saturday Curse and SadGirl looked
night at the request of Mor- back even further, to rocka-
rissey, a committed animal- billy and surf music from the
rights activist). But there ’50s, but their technique was
was pizza for sale as well. just as sharp.
And crispy Korean-style Those styles came
wings. And a variation on through in Morrissey’s set
the Moscow Mule. too, which combined songs
You get the idea: an ex- from his long solo career
pansive representation of a with oldies by the Smiths
distinct experience defined (including the deathless
too often these days by those “How Soon Is Now?”) and a
seeking from outside to limit tender rendition of the Pre-
or demonize. tenders’ “Back on the Chain
Indeed, that Tropicália Gang.”
came together in such beau- During “The Bullfighter
tifully friendly fashion on a Dies” — in which the next
weekend when President lyric is “and nobody cries” —
Trump was warning about a large video screen behind
invaders from the south — the singer showed gruesome
well, it made you only happi- footage of animals suffering
er to be among musicians of as part of that sport. It was a
so many kinds telling their typically hard-nosed move
own stories. from one of pop’s great
For Uchis, a Colombian provocateurs — though one
American singer who lives in wishes he might’ve taken ad-
L.A., that story had to do vantage of the setting to
with her thoughts on ro- straightforwardly explain
mance and labor and her his confusing position on im-
fascination with hip-hop migration in the U.K. (where
and vintage movie music. his crypto-nationalist views
For Mazzy Star, it was the seem at odds with Trop-
glamour of depression in icália’s progressive ideal).
songs that paired Hope San- Another contradiction I
doval’s breathy vocals with found myself pondering in
David Roback’s slow-mo- Long Beach: As much as this
tion strumming. festival’s value was tied to its
The Mexican ska band broad scope, its relatively
Inspector played a spirited small size — with some-
version of the standard where between 10,000 and Photographs by Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times
“Bésame Mucho” — here 15,000 attendees — was a big COLOMBIAN American singer Kali Uchis on stage Saturday at Tropicália Music & Taco Fest in Long Beach.
was one way to keep the old part of what made it such a
things alive — while Chicano pleasure.
Batman demonstrated its Unlike Coachella, Trop-
belief that hand-played funk icália wasn’t hard to navi-
and rock can still move lis- gate; unlike Coachella, this
teners increasingly accus- easygoing weekend didn’t
tomed to machines. constantly force you think
DeMarco, wearing a about which wristband you
blow-up turkey costume, had and whether it would
performed solo with only a get you where you wanted to
laptop to accompany him; go.
Laferte and Lafourcade set I had such a good time
their big voices against big that naturally I want more
bands complete with horn people to experience it next
players and percussionists. year.
Closing the show Sunday If they do, though, that
night, SZA used her glori- might make it harder for
ously off-kilter R&B tunes to anybody to feel at home.
sing about her “crippling”
anxiety, which she admitted MAZZY STAR’S Hope Sandoval performs in silhou- FEST-GOERS Robert De Leon and Jennifer Galindo
was in overdrive because she Twitter: @mikaelwood ette as the band exults in the glamour of depression. share a moment with Queen Mary in the background.

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L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 E5

Photographs by Reed Hutchinson CAP UCLA

MEMBERS of the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company look back in the second part of Jones’ stories of displacement, “Analogy/Lance: Pretty a.k.a. the Escape Artist.”

Exploring the power of memory

[‘Analogy,’ from E1] early, seduced by drugs and ing to hold on to others but ence. After World War II, it is
at UCLA in two marathon the nightlife of the 1980s and torn apart. the requisite of Ambros, who
performances on Saturday 1990s; that led to prison and, “Lance” is Jones’ own never lost his façade for be-
and Sunday in Royce Hall (I through his physical abuse, moral dilemma. He shows ing the perfect gentleman,
attended the second). paralysis from the waist himself at a loss to know for oblivion.
Three stories of displace- down. how to help his nephew, but All three segments are
ment caused by war and/or The third part, finished he is at no loss in knowing structured piecemeal. The
society are painstakingly last year, “Analogy/Ambros: how to re-create the heady audience slowly puts the
excavated from seemingly The Emigrant,” is taken from world of gay clubs in the narrative together through
trustworthy memory. They a chapter in W.G. Sebald’s days before and during the clues, spoken and danced.
are interpreted through a “The Emigrants.” A uniquely AIDS crisis. “Ambros” is the most
combination of dance, spo- illuminating excavation of Lance has star potential, straightforward and the
ken narrative, music and a haunted figures from the but he also has a split per- most given to song. This
touch of video. But imagina- narrator’s past, it explores sonality — Lance and alter turns out to be a stretch for
tive, expressive and, when with a touch of exceptional ego Pretty. He becomes a the members of company,
needed, exalted dance by the lightness the weight of mem- hustler and a victim, always and the musical style here
Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane ory. on the verge of putting his life becomes more conventional
Company remains primary. “Memory,” Sebald con- and career back together than any other element of
The three parts are given cludes in writing about and never losing his endear- the performance.
over a nearly seven-hour the narrator’s mysterious DANCER Huiwang Zhang performs a heady move ing sweetness. The music’s recompense
span, broken up by a 45-min- Great-Uncle Ambros Adel- during L.A. premiere by CAP UCLA at Royce Hall. “On one planet, love is un- is that it leaves room for
ute intermission and a 90- warth, “makes one’s head conditional, and on the the other elements to offer
minute dinner break. heavy and giddy.” sense. clearly Jones’. The inter- other, it is not,” Lance ob- a sumptuous surface of
The first, “Analogy/Dora: It is as though we are look- He has also put increas- views with Dora Amelan are serves at the end of his own exceptional sophistication
Tramontane,” is based on ing down on Earth from “one ing attention on collabora- spoken by continually shift- sun and moon. and grace. The costumes, so
Jones interviewing his of the towers whose tops are tion. ing dancers in a marvelous Finally, the extraordinary garish for Lance, now clothe
octogenarian mother-in- lost to view in the clouds.” It “Analogy/Trilogy” is co- fluidity that belies the Ambros. After all the glitter the dancers in dazzling
law about her World War II is Jones’ arresting innova- credited to the company’s shared hesitancy of Dora of Lance, Jones brings us the white pantaloons and tops.
experiences, which included tion to make the dancers per- associate artistic director, and Jones. extreme elegance of this As were Cosmos and Am-
working with the Jewish sonify that lost memory, con- Janet Wong. The performers Dora worked with the Jewish German émigré, who bros, the viewer is swept
underground at the Gurs tinually gesturing upward have a say in their work. The Vichy government to help in the years before World War away. But under it all is the
and Rivesaltes Vichy French but unable to fully reach us music, which shifts from children, and many lives I becomes the companion of torment that the travelogue
internment camps near the above the clouds Schubert to disco and much were saved. But when the the eccentric son of a is as fragile as celluloid and
Spanish border. This company of nine in between, is credited to Nazis demanded quotas of wealthy New York Jewish that it will vanish.
In “Analogy/Lance: Pret- dancers accomplishes any multi-instrumentalist Nick prisoners to be sent to con- banker. Cosmos too is a re- “Adelwarth had an infal-
ty a.k.a. the Escape Artist,” number of unexpected Hallett, who is joined by a pi- centration camps, she was markable figure beguiled by lible memory,” Sebald con-
Jones confronts his nephew things, including narration anist and baritone. forced to select adults to the grand life. cludes in his story, but
Lance T. Biggs. Like his un- and singing. The spare décor — a mat- take the place of children. Ambros and Cosmos “scarcely allowed himself
cle, Lance is a talented danc- Jones has said that he no tress, a rectangular frame, Jones asks if that is col- travel the world in high style, access to it.” Over the course
er, African American and longer considers the group, moveable walls against a laboration. Dora says no, but financed by Cosmos’ un- of an afternoon and an eve-
gay. But unlike his uncle, which he founded with Arnie bare stage — is by Bjorn it’s the most awful sort of co- canny skill in gambling. They ning, Jones momentously
who came from a large family Zane in 1982 and which he Amelan, Dora’s Amelan’s operation. She saved more traverse Turkey and reveals that the disquiet in
of migrant farmworkers in has headed since Zane’s son and Jones’ husband. lives this way, but she suf- Jerusalem, intoxicated by memory is, on some level,
Florida and who rose to be- death six years later — a But the fact is, Jones fered the anguish of exotica. Their sun, though, is universal and that we are all
come one of today’s leading dance company. Instead, the remains a choreographer, having to decide who would about to be obliterated as emigrants.
American performing art- ensemble is devoted to per- and the dancers, dancers. live and who would die. Ev- well. After WWI, Cosmos
ists, Lance left ballet school formance in the broadest Most of all, the vision is ery dancer was Dora, seek- can no longer bear his exist-


A scarily fine time on the Pasadena stage

Robin Herford, who was
‘The Woman in Black’ looking for an inexpensive
kicks off its American holiday show, in 1987. The ‘The Woman
script calls for only two ac-
tour with clever and tors, minimal scenery and a
in Black’
handful of low-tech special
playful thrills, chills. effects — with which Herford Where: Pasadena
and his design team devised Playhouse, 39 S. El Molino
By Margaret Gray an atmosphere of delicious Ave., Pasadena
dread punctuated with well- When: 8 p.m. Wednesday
In this era of partisan pol- timed shocks. through Friday, 2 and 8
itics, when we’ve begun to The unexpected hit p.m. Saturday, 2 and 7
fear that nothing will ever moved a few years later to p.m. Sunday. Ends
bring our divided nation to- London’s West End and has Sunday.
gether, here’s a thought: been running there ever Tickets: $25 and up
Have we considered a good since. This American tour, Running time: 2 hours
jump scare? Science has helmed by Herford and the Info: (626) 356-7529,
proved that being fright- original designers, stars the
ened, within a safe environ- charming Adam Wesley
ment, causes the brain to re- Brown and Bradley Arma-
lease endorphins that lead cost — neither of whom, I observes in the laconic locals
to euphoria and warm fellow couldn’t help noticing, is a “to let conversations hang in
feeling. woman. the air whenever Mrs.
This phenomenon can be And that’s all I’m going to Drablow’s name is men-
experienced now at the say about women, in black or tioned.” He sets off to spend
Pasadena Playhouse, where any other color. (When the night at the lonely Eel
the long-running London you’re talking about a sus- Roger Mastroianni Marsh House, oblivious to
blockbuster “The Woman in pense thriller, spoilers are BRADLEY ARMACOST , left, is a man with a tale to tell who enlists the help of the quaking horror of every-
Black” has stopped on its even more uncool than usu- an actor (Adam Wesley Brown) in Pasadena Playhouse’s “The Woman in Black.” one to whom he mentions
first American tour. After al.) Like the novel, the play is the idea.
you’ve shrieked in full- narrated by an elderly man have a strong directorial vi- lar, rambling boss, he reveals Drablow of Eel Marsh The beautifully paced
throated harmony with named Arthur Kipps (Ar- sion, far more elaborate increasingly virtuosic acting House. Kipps doesn’t learn chills and thrills that follow
somebody, after you’ve macost), who has written an than anything Kipps imag- gifts. Meanwhile, the clever, much about Mrs. Drablow may be a bit gimmicky, but
clutched her hand in a vise- account of something dread- ined, involving costumes meta-theatrical framework except that she was “a rum they’re so clever, playful,
like grip and stifled your gib- ful he experienced. The twist and lighting and sound ef- sweeps the audience up into ’un” and kept a great many high-spirited and confi-
bering pleas for mercy Mallatratt has added to the fects and actual acting. The the magic — reminding us papers that might take more dently performed that you
against her shoulder for two script is that, after having actor assigns himself the how little is required, be- than a day to go through. can’t help being impressed
solid hours, can you really written the account, Kipps part of the young Kipps sides imagination, to set a Bluff, good natured and and delighted, even as you’re
consider her a stranger any- intends to read it aloud to while casting the real Kipps scene. The performers start slightly obtuse, Kipps em- jumping out of your skin. It’s
more? (While I’m on the sub- family and friends, hoping to as all the other characters in by reenacting the fateful day barks on this adventure probably a good idea to sit
ject, many thanks to the oc- exorcise this memory’s dark the story. when Kipps’ boss sends him, without the slightest hesita- next to somebody you know
cupant of seat C13.) hold on him. He has even Kipps protests at first, in- a junior solicitor, to the vil- tion. When he gets to Cry- — unless of course you’re in
English writer Stephen hired a young actor (Brown) sisting that he’s not a per- lage of Crythin Gifford on thin Gifford, he’s more an- the mood to make a new
Mallatratt adapted Susan to rehearse with him and liv- former. But from the mo- England’s North Coast to noyed than alarmed by its friend very fast.
Hill’s 1983 novel “The Wom- en up his delivery. ment he slips into his first handle the estate of a re- “sea frets,” or sudden dense
an in Black” for director The actor turns out to role, his younger self ’s jocu- cently deceased client: Alice fogs, and the “propensity” he
E6 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R


opened 1NT, and South is- hand. Others expect quite a
By Frank Stewart sued a “transfer” response. strong hand. Bid 2NT if
East-West had bid up to five you’re sure he won’t pass.
As usual, foreign players diamonds, but East’s open- Otherwise, bid 3NT.
were a factor at the Summer ing lead was an ill-consid- West dealer
NABC. A European team ered ace of clubs. E-W vulnerable
captained by Piotr Gawrys North ruffed, led a trump
won the Spingold, but a U.S. to his hand, threw a dia- ♠K32
squad gave them a battle in mond on the king of clubs ♥AQ7
the final. and led the jack for a win- ♦Q5
After today’s third-quar- ning ruffing finesse. He ♣ K J 10 9 3
ter deal, the match was made an overtrick, 11 IMPs WEST EAST
♠A987 ♠ Q 10 5
tight. When Chris Willenken- to Rosenthal. ♥ None ♥ 10
Eldad Ginossar sat East- Question: You hold: ♠ K 3 ♦ A J 10 7 4 ♦K9863
West for Team Rosenthal, 2 ♥ A Q 7 ♦ Q 5 ♣ K J 10 9 3. ♣8752 ♣AQ64
South played at five hearts. Your partner opens one dia- SOUTH
West led the ace of dia- mond, you respond two ♠J64
monds: five, nine, deuce. clubs and he bids two hearts. ♥KJ9865432
How West regarded What do you say? ♦2
East’s signal is unclear, but Answer: Your partner’s ♣ None
he did well to shift to a low second bid is a “reverse,” but WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH
spade. When South played how much strength it prom- Pass 1♣ 1♦ 4♥
low from dummy, misguess- ises after you responded at 5♦ 5♥ All Pass
ing, he lost two spades. the two level is a matter for Opening lead — ♦ A
Down one. partnership discussion.
North for Rosenthal de- Some pairs agree that part- 2018, Tribune Media
KENKEN clared at five hearts after he ner may have a minimum Services
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASK AMY
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

Pursuing equality, respect

Dear Amy: I grew up in a generation) should speak ing our stay. What is your
progressive city. Gender out, seek role models, be- opinion?
equality always seemed like come role models and work Pay to Play?
an historical issue that had hard to enlighten, and/or
been resolved. I never felt work alongside, and/or even- Dear Pay to Play?: Back
any concern that being a fe- tually replace the people in the Pleistocene era, dur-
male would negatively im- who are currently running ing my own brief career wait-
pact my life. the show. And when you are ing tables during the lunch
Now, graduated from col- finally running things, use shift, late-lunch parties such
lege and out in the real your power wisely and ac- as yours were a familiar (and
world, I get it. My supervisor cording to your values. welcome) relief and wind-
and his manager had dis- That your overlords feel a down from the craziness of
11/6/18 cussed promoting me, but in sense of protection and con- the lunch rush.
a 90% male company, they descension toward you Wait staff between the
were concerned I would not translates into liking you. lunch and dinner shifts keep
be respected as a female in a They have created an open- themselves busy preparing
HOROSCOPE higher position. And they ing for you to communicate for the evening turnover. It is
actually told me this! with them about advance- easy to do this and keep an
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 18): More and more you con- My disbelief was met by ment. Get in there, and eye on a quiet party of two
By Holiday Mathis Don’t ask yourself to do too sider yourself a global citi- condescending assurances “roar” (professionally) for who are lingering and enjoy-
much in a day. You’re strong, zen. You seek knowledge of that they were protecting yourself. ing themselves.
Aries (March 21-April 19): but you have your limits, and other cultures and places. my best interests. When the manager is
Today is the day you can fi- pushing them on the regular Pisces (Feb. 19-March What can I do to help Dear Amy: Every two looking for a place to seat
nally come to a deal. If you can only lead to burnout. 20): If you’re to get unstuck, bring equality and respect to months, my friend and I you, say, “We plan to linger
wait, the terms will change Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): there are cords that need women both in the work- meet at a restaurant that’s over our lunch. Perhaps you
— and not in your favor. Sign We are not the only ones liv- cutting. The tool that will place and in public? halfway between our homes, can stick us in a corner
now and be done with it. ing in our lives. Enhance snip them is a sharp mind Woman Ready to Roar to eat and catch up. These where we won’t get in the
Taurus (April 20-May your self-reflection by ask- making a clear decision to do food/gab fests last two to way.” This way the seater
20): The excitement will be a ing for feedback from others. so. Dear Ready to Roar: My three hours. can pair you with the appro-
product of experimentation. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Today’s birthday (Nov. mother (a farm wife who There are plenty of avail- priate waiter whose shift
Push the boundaries, try This is an ideal time to visu- 6): You’ll do a fantastic job of went to college late in life and able tables, but I feel guilty coincides with your visit.
new things, and suddenly life alize positive people coming keeping your group tight. eventually became a profes- about “parking” at this If you visit this establish-
is fascinating. into your realm, arms out- The benefits of being on a sor) rode the second wave of restaurant. ment regularly, they already
Gemini (May 21-June 21): stretched, ready to give you winning team will carry you feminism. I surfed through I always leave a large know you. If you are a 30%
There’s really no sense in the love and assistance you forward in many aspects of on the third wave. You and (think 30%) tip. Would it be tipper, they know you and
looking back. Forward is the need and deserve. life. Your horizons will ex- those in your generation are more appropriate to just tell value your business.
only way. Sagittarius (Nov. 22- pand to accommodate a new part of the fourth wave. our server when we arrive Don’t offer “rent” money
Cancer (June 22-July 22): Dec. 21): Include a goal for presence. The investment I highlight this so you will that we plan to be there a to a server up front.
You can accept your animal your interactions, for in- you made months ago will understand that achieving while and hand her “rent”
impulses without acting on stance, approaching two start to pay off in January gender equality is a process money up front? Send questions to Amy
them. But recognizing the new people or asking a ques- and increase steadily. Cap- over 100 years in the making, My friend thinks this is ri- Dickinson by email to
wisdom of impulse leads to a tion that draws someone out ricorn and Sagittarius adore and it will continue. diculous, since there are few askamy@amydickinson
more confident and intu- or helps you learn the truth. you. Your lucky numbers You (and others in your other occupied tables dur- .com.
ition-guided existence. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. are: 9, 30, 20, 15 and 25.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 19): It’s said that how you do
Your need to connect will anything is how you do Holiday Mathis writes her FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
culminate in some mischief. everything. Do you think it’s column for Creators
It’s a product of your playful- true? And if it is, what’s that Syndicate Inc. The
ness and sincere desire to saying about you? horoscope should be read
entertain people. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. for entertainment.

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
By Joe Deeney © 2018 Tribune Content Agency

1 “__ Buddies”:
’80s sitcom
6 Words on a check
11 Asian noodle soup
14 Lavender is similar to it
15 Hon
16 Toondom’s Olive
17 Frank McCourt memoir
19 “XING” one
20 Postcard view of a city
21 Hold the deed to
22 Sandy slope ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
23 Salacious
24 J.M. Barrie play
26 Sharp turns
29 Many, many years
31 Deli subs
32 Game with Wild Draw
Four cards
33 Of an arm bone
35 Response to bad service
38 Shakespeare comedy
42 Wombs
43 Mar. parade honoree
44 Genetic messenger
45 Starr knighted in 2018
48 Nine-digit ID
7 Greek storyteller 47 Ultimatum words
49 Antiprohibitionists
8 God, in Judaism 49 Chinese dumpling
50 Gillian Flynn novel
9 Jacque’s “thirty” 50 __ up on: unites against
53 “In that case ... ”
10 Cries of worry 51 “What a kidder!”
55 Discovery cries
11 Temporary retail space 52 High-end German
56 Blossom buzzer
12 “Laughing” scavenger camera
57 What discreet acts are
13 From days past 54 Hindu guru
done on, with “the”
14 Faux __: social goof 58 Rapper __ Fiasco
61 Big Apple paper, BLISS By Harry Bliss BALLARD STREET By Jerry Van Amerongen
18 Arizona resort 59 Mining hauls
for short
22 Crave, with “over” 60 Benign cyst
62 Portmanteau for a
25 Dadaism pioneer 62 BOLO kin
collection containing 17-,
26 Z, in a pilot’s 63 Apple CEO Cook
24-, 38- and 50-Across?
alphabet ANSWER TO
64 Sticky stuff
27 Playing an extra NBA PREVIOUS PUZZLE
65 Joe of “Casino”
66 “__ to suggestions” period
67 California’s Big __ 28 Ahnold’s political
68 Second-string squad nickname
69 Fork points 30 Captures
33 Employing
DOWN 34 Decays
1 Camp bed 36 “Money __ everything”
2 Wild party 37 School orgs.
3 Wizards’ castings 39 Great Lakes natives
4 Skateboard leap 40 Silver lining
5 Have good intentions 41 Fled
6 Smartphone 46 Thanksgiving gravy
predecessor, for short ingredient 11/6/18
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 E7


DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau Doonesbury is on vacation. This is a reprint. DILBERT By Scott Adams

LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

CANDORVILLE By Darrin Bell CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers

HALF FULL By Maria Scrivan

JUMP START By Robb Armstrong


9 CHICKWEED LANE By Brooke McEldowney

NON SEQUITUR By Wiley BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall

GET FUZZY By Darby Conley

LIO By Mark Tatulli

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman BIZARRO By Wayno and Piraro

TUNDRA By Chad Carpenter DRABBLE By Kevin Fagan

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

FRAZZ By Jef Mallett PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz

E8 T U E S DAY , N OV E M B E R 6 , 2 018 S L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R

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Clayton Cardenas, Sarah didates. (6)
Bolger and Michael Irby KCET Connected Å Lost LA (TVG) Artbound (TVG) Å Tending the Wild (TVG) Å Globe Trekker
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one night each year, is air- Jumanji: Welcome to the Steve Jillian Michaels (“The AMC Caddyshack ›› (1980) Chevy Chase. (R) Å Revenge of the Nerds ›› (1984) (R)
ing its season finale. Jes- Jungle (2017) 11:20 a.m. Biggest Loser”); Diann ANP Northwest Law: Uncuffed (N) Lone Star Law (TV14) Å Lone Star Law
sica Garza, Gabriel and 7 p.m. Starz Valentine; Nafessa BBC Cliffhanger ››› (1993) Sylvester Stallone. (R) Å Cliffhanger ››› (1993) (R)
Chavarria and Dominic The Purge: Election Year Williams (“Black Light- BET Meet the Browns ›› (2008) Tyler Perry. (7:28) (PG-13) Å Hustle in Brooklyn (TV14) (N) RAQ Rants (N)
Fumusa star. 10 p.m. USA (2016) 2 p.m. FX ning”). (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
Bravo Below Deck (TV14) Å Below Deck (TV14) (N) Å Flipping Out (TV14) (N) Å What Happens
The Guest Book In this new Casablanca (1942) 5 p.m. Rachael Ray Katy Mixon CMT Last-Standing Last-Standing Die Hard ››› (1988) Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman. (R) Å
episode Bodhi (Jimmy TCM (“American Housewife”)
CNN Election Night in America (N) Election Night in America (N) Election Night in America (N) Election Night
Tatro) goes looking for tells how to keep kids’
rooms organized. (N) 2 Com Tosh.0 (TV14) Tosh.0 (TV14) Tosh.0 (TV14) Tosh.0 (TV14) Tosh.0 (TV14) Jim Jefferies Daily Show (N)
Eddie (Eddie Steeples), TALK SHOWS
p.m. KTTV Disc North America (TVPG) Å North America (TVPG) Å North America (TVPG) Å North America
who seems to have van-
CBS This Morning Author Disn Radio Rebel (7) Coop & Cami Coop & Cami Raven’s Home Bunk’d (TVG) Bunk’d (TVG) Raven’s Home
ished. Meanwhile, a for- Dr. Phil Amanda’s mother
Liane Moriarty. (N) 7 a.m. E! The Princess Diaries ›› (2001) Julie Andrews. (G) Å Busy Tonight The Princess Diaries ›› (G)
mer guest returns with and sister say she is an ex-
KCBS ESPN College Basketball (6:30) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter
fond memories of his last treme alcoholic who has
visit, which included a Today Joanna Gaines; Ge- nearly died twice. (N) 3 Food Chopped (TVG) Å Chopped (TVG) (N) Å Chopped (TVG) Å Chopped Å
party that was crashed by sine Bullock-Prado; Give p.m. KCBS FNC Election Coverage Midterm elections. (N) Å Election Coverage Midterm elections. (N) Å
a relative from West Vir- It Away; Beastie Boys;
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Free Mrs. Doubtfire ››› (1993) Robin Williams, Sally Field. (PG) Å The 700 Club
ginia. Michael Cassidy, Jess Cagle; Mark Ellwood.
Eddie Redmayne (“Fan- FX Jason Bourne ›› (2016) Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones. Mayans M.C. (TVMA) (Season finale) Big
Paul Dooley and Darrell (N) 7 a.m. KNBC (PG-13) (7:30) Å changes leave the future uncertain. (N) Å
tastic Beasts: the Crimes
Britt-Gibson guest star. Good Morning America Te- of Grindelwald”); Damon Hall A Gift to Remember (2017) Peter Porte, Ali Liebert. Å Christmas Connection (2017) Brooke Burns.
10:30 p.m. TBS resa Giudice; “Dancing Wayans Jr. (N) 3 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper (TVG) Å House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Hunters Int. House Hunters
With the Stars.” (N) 7 a.m. KNBC Hist Counting Cars (TVPG) Å Counting Cars Supercharged Counting Cars (TVPG) Counting Cars
The Dr. Oz Show Sons of a IFC The Campaign ›› (2012) Will Ferrell. (R) Å The Campaign ›› (2012) Will Ferrell. (R) Å
Election Coverage Voting Good Day L.A. Addiction man who was convicted of Life Honeymoon Island (TV14) (N) Honeymoon Island (TV14) (N) Happily Ever After (TV14) (N)
and related news will be specialist Lisa Strohman; killing his third wife while MSN The Vote: America’s Future The Vote: America’s Future The Vote: America’s Future Vote: America
covered throughout the Cody Fern; Louise Roe. his fourth wife was miss- (N) Å (N) Å (N) Å (N) Å
day on the major cable (N) 7 a.m. KTTV ing. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV MTV Jersey Shore: Family Vacation The Challenge (TV14) (N) Å Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness
news outlets, including Live With Kelly and Ryan Amanpour and Company NGC Life Below Zero (TV14) Å Life Below Zero (TV14) Å Life Below Zero (TVPG) Å Life Below Zero
CNN, Fox News and Chrissy Metz (“This Is (N) 11 p.m. KOCE; mid- Nick Henry Danger (TVG) Å SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends (TV14) Friends (TV14) Friends (TV14)
MSNBC. Coverage of re- Us”); Kandi Burruss night KVCR; 1 a.m. KLCS OWN Haves and Have Nots (TV14) Haves and Have Nots (TV14) Ready to Love (TV14) Å Haves, Nots
sults from across the (“The Real Housewives of
The Daily Show With Trev- Para Friends Å Friends Å Overboard ›› (1987) Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell. (PG) Å
country picks up at 5 p.m. Atlanta”); Kane Brown.
or Noah Senior writer of Sund Jaws 3 › (1983) Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong. (PG) Å Jaws the Revenge › (1987) (10:15) (PG-13)
(when polls close on the (N) 9 a.m. KABC
Rolling Stone, Jamil Syfy Tron: Legacy ›› (2010) Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund. (8:15) (PG) Å Futurama Å
East Coast) on most ma- The View Journalist Jona- Smith. (N) 11 p.m. Comedy
jor networks, PBS, than Karl; Kenan Thomp- TBS The Big The Big The Big The Big The Big The Guest Book The Guest Book
Central Bang Theory Bang Theory Bang Theory Bang Theory Bang Theory Killer Party. (TVMA) Killer
CSPAN and cable news son. (N) 10 a.m. KABC
The Late Show With (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (N) Å Party. Å
channels. Local PBS affili- The Wendy Williams Show
ate KPBS begins coverage Stephen Colbert John TCM The Best Years of Our Lives ›››› (1946) Fredric March. (7) Gaslight ››› (1944) Charles Boyer. (10:15)
Steve Wilkos. (N) 10 a.m. Heilemann; Alex Wagner; TLC 7 Little Johnstons (TVPG) (N) The Little Couple (TVG) (N) Mama Medium 7 Little Å
of local election results at KTTV
10 p.m. Hasan Minhaj. (N) 11:35 TNT Pacific Rim ››› (2013) Charlie Hunnam, Diego Klattenhoff. (PG-13) Å Terminator 3: Machines
The Dr. Oz Show Sons of a p.m. KCBS Toon Gumball Gumball American Dad American Dad Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Family Guy Å
Comedy Central Election man who was convicted of
Night Special Trevor No- Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) Travel Expedition Unknown (TVPG) Expedition Unknown (TVPG) Monster Encounters (N) Å Destination Å
killing his third wife while 11:35 p.m. KABC
ah hosts coverage of the Tru Jokers Å Jokers Å Jokers Å Jokers Å Jokers Å Jokers Å Jokers Å
his fourth wife was miss-
midterm elections in a Late Night With Seth Mey- TV L Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å 2 1/2 Men Å 2 1/2 Men Å King of Queens
ing. (N) 10 a.m. KCOP
special episode of “The ers Billy Eichner; Chris USA WWE SmackDown! (TVPG) Crown Jewel PPV results. (Tape) The Purge (Season finale) Pe- The Purge
The Real Ron Cephas Jones Hayes; Franklin Vander- nelope takes charge. (N) Å (TVMA) Å
Daily Show With Trevor Å
(“This Is Us”). (N) 11 a.m. bilt. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC
Noah.” 11 p.m. Comedy VH1 T.I. & Tiny: Friends and Family Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Black Ink Crew
Central Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. WGN Cops (TV14) Cops (TV14) Married ... With Married ... With Married ... With Married ... With How I Met
The Doctors An update on a KABC Cine Brüno ›› (2009) Sacha Baron Cohen. Why Him? (2016) James Franco, Bryan Cranston. (9:25) (R)
MOVIES woman who underwent
Encr Manhunter (1986) (R) (6:58) Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem ›› (2007) (R) Resident Evil: Final Chapter
surgery for a prolapsed SPORTS
La La Land (2016) 8:35 a.m. uterus; nutrition trends; EPIX Election (1999) Matthew Broderick. (R) Suburbicon › (2017) Matt Damon. (9:45) (R) Å
NHL Hockey Edmonton
Cinemax bad grammar. (N) 11 a.m. HBO Fifty Shades Freed › (2018) Dakota Johnson. (R) Å Axios (9:50) Camping Å The Deuce Å
Oilers at Tampa Bay
Only the Brave (2017) 9:03 KCOP Lightning, 4:30 p.m.
Show Ray Donovan (TVMA) Å Inside the NFL (TVPG) (N) Å Shut Up and Dribble (TVMA) Inside the NFL
a.m. and 10:07 p.m. Starz The Talk Jane Lynch; Pistol NBCSP; the Ducks visit Starz Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Outlander (TVMA) America Only the Brave ››› (2017) Josh Brolin,
››› (2017) (7) (PG-13) the Beautiful. (9:02) Å Miles Teller. (10:07) (PG-13) Å
Hell or High Water (2016) Annies perform; Robin the Kings, 7:30 p.m. FSN
10:45 a.m. Showtime Thede. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS and FS Prime TMC Rain Man (1988) (6:45) (R) The Firm ››› (1993) Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn. (R) Å


Monday, November 12th

Montalbán Theater in Hollywood


December 1 (NETFLIX)
Q & A to follow with Writer/Director/Producer
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the inside story.

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November 12th-16th, 2018
Call to make an appointment today!
Risk-Free 45-Day Trial2 | Complimentary Lyric Demonstration

As featured on:

Invisible Hearing Device

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93% of Lyric
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LYRIC HEARING EVENT: November 12th-16th, 2018


Lyric is of the charts as far as clarity

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No daily hassles 100% invisible

Designed to be worn Revolutionary design
24/7 for months allows Lyric to sit invisibly
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Complimentary Lyric Demonstration • Risk Free 45-Day Trial2


Could You Benefit from Lyric Hearing?

Answer the following questions to determine
1. Do people seem to mumble or talk in a softer voice than they used to? o Yes o No
2. When in a crowd or in a busy restaurant, is it hard for you to follow o Yes o No
the discussion?
3. Do you feel the need to turn up the volume on your TV or radio such o Yes o No
that it is too loud for others?
4. Do you often need to ask others to repeat themselves? o Yes o No
5. Has someone close to you pointed out that you may have a hearing problem? o Yes o No

How Did You Do?

The answers you have given may present an early indication of whether you could benefit from
a hearing solution like Lyric. If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, we urge you
to call and make an appointment today to have your hearing checked by one of our specially-trained
Lyric hearing professionals.

Learn more at


November 12th-16th, 2018
Call to make an appointment today!
Risk-Free 45-Day Trial2 | Complimentary Lyric Demonstration

Over 200,000 Lyric Fittings Worldwide

Since 2007!
Providing Comprehensive Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Hearing,
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William Lee, M.D. • Cadvan Griffiths, M.D. • Kian Karimi, MD • Chester Grifftihs, M.D. Ashley Lombardi, Au.D. • Kathy Harlan, M.A. • Carissa Bennett, Au.D. Carolina Gonzales, Audiology Aide • Angelica O’Boyle, Au.D.
• Howard Krauss, M.D. • Jeremy Levenson, M.D. • Gregory Frazer, PhD, Au.D. • Gregory Frazer, Au.D., Ph.D. • Sofiya Krauss, Au.D. • Julie Skille, Au.D. • Gregory Frazer, PhD, Au.D. • Carissa Bennett, Au.D.
• Julie Skille, Au.D. • Sofiya Krauss, Au.D. • Kathy Harlan, MA • Betsy Balcaceres, Patient Care Coordinator

11645 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 600 | Los Angeles, CA 90025 18433 Roscoe Blvd., Suite 204
1-888-875-1976 Northridge, CA 91325 1-888-874-5971

West Coast Ear Nose and Throat West Coast Hearing and Balance Center
From left to right:
Left to right front row:
Abhay Vaidya, M.D.
Martin Wareham, M.D.
S. Tricia Kho, M.D.
Brenda Perego, A.A., Janna Cline Chanes, M.S.,
Erin Richardson, Au.D., Hang Lam, Au.D., West Coast
Nick Fettman, M.D.
Carissa Bennett, Au.D.
Hearing and Balance Center
Left to right back row:
Jaesung Lee In association with West Coast Ear Nose & Throat.
M.D., F.A.C.S. Gregory Frazer, Ph.D., Au.D.,
G. Scott Voorman John Davis, Au.D., Jennifer Kwast, M.A.
M.D., F.A.C.S. Lydia Heays, Au.D., Lance Nelson, Au.D.

Thousand Oaks Simi Valley Oxnard Camarillo

301 S. Moorpark Road 2876 N. Sycamore Dr., Suite 303 1700 N. Rose Ave., Suite 460 2438 N. Ponderosa Dr., Suite C110
Thousand Oaks, CA 91361 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Oxnard, CA 93030 Camarillo, CA 93010
1-888-871-1495 1-888-874-6216 1-888-897-9675 1-888-891-0635

Individual replacement needs may vary. Duration of device battery life varies by patient and is
subject to individual ear conditions.
Professional fees may apply. Annual subscription begins the first day of trial.
Based on results from two surveys totaling 109 patients who had worn Lyric for at least 30 days.
Lyric is water resistant, not waterproof, and should not be completely submerged under water.
Lyric is not appropriate for all patients. See a Lyric Provider to determine if Lyric is right for you.
Lyric, Distributed by Phonak, LLC ©2017 All rights reserved. MS055262 909NEW4

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