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to eat: comer Recuerda agregar una s/es para he/she/it (en afirmación)

(Yo) como Él come Come Ustedes comen
I eat He eats It eats You eat
(Yo) no como Él no come No come Ustedes no comen
I don't eat He doesn't eat It doesn't eat You don't eat
¿(Yo) como? ¿Él come? ¿Come? ¿Ustedes comen?
Do I eat? Does he eat? Does it eat? Do you eat?
(Tú) comes Ella come Nosotros comemos Ellos comen
You eat She eats We eat They eat
(Tú) no comes Ella no come Nosotros no comemos Ellos no comen
You don't eat She doesn't eat We don't eat They don't eat
¿(Tú) comes? ¿Ella come? ¿Nosotros comemos? ¿Ellos comen?
Do you eat? Does she eat? Do we eat? Do they eat?

to eat: comer Recuerda que después de did, el verbo va en su forma básica

(Yo) comí Él comió Comió Ustedes comieron
I ate (2) He ate (2) It ate (2) You ate (2)
(Yo) no comí Él no comió No comió Ustedes no comieron
I didn't eat (1) He didn't eat (1) It didn't eat (1) You didn't eat (1)
¿(Yo) comí? ¿Él comió? ¿Comió? ¿Ustedes comieron?
Did I eat? (1) Did he eat? (1) Did it eat? (1) Did You eat? (1)
(Tú) comiste Ella comió Nosotros comimos Ellos comieron
You ate (2) She ate (2) We ate (2) They ate (2)
(Tú) no comiste Ella no comió Nosotros no comimos Ellos no comieron
You didn't eat (1) She didn't eat (1) We didn't eat (1) They didn't eat (1)
¿(Tú) comiste? ¿Ella comió? ¿Nosotros comimos? ¿Ellos comieron?
Did You eat? (1) Did she eat? (1) Did we eat? (1) Did they eat? (1)

to eat: comer
(Yo) estoy comiendo Él está comiendo Está comiendo Ustedes están comiendo
I am eating He is eating It is eating You are eating
(Yo) no estoy comiendo Él no está comiendo No está comiendo Ustedes no están comiendo
I am not eating He isn't eating It isn't eating You aren't eating
¿(Yo) estoy comiendo? ¿Él está comiendo? ¿Está comiendo? ¿Ustedes están comiendo?
Am I eating? Is he eating? Is it eating? Are You eating?
(Tú) estás comiendo Ella está comiendo Nosotros estamos comiendo Ellas están comiendo
You are eating She is eating We are eating They are eating
(Tú) no estás comiendo Ella no está comiendo Nosotros no estamos comiendo Ellas nos están comiendo
You aren't eating She isn't eating We aren't eating They aren't eating
¿(Tú) estás comiendo? ¿Ella está comiendo? ¿Nosotros estamos comiendo? ¿Ellas están comiendo?
Are you eating? Is she eating? Are we eating? Are they eating?

to eat: comer
(Yo) estaba comiendo Él estaba comiendo Estaba comiendo Ustedes estaban comiendo
I was eating He was eating It was eating You were eating
(Yo) no estaba comiendo Él no estaba comiendo No estaba comiendo Ustedes no estaban comiendo
I wasn't eating He wasn't eating It wasn't eating You weren't eating
¿(Yo) estaba comiendo? ¿Él estaba comiendo? ¿Estaba comiendo? ¿Ustedes estaban comiendo?
Was I eating? Was he eating? Was it eating? Were You eating?
(Tú) estabas comiendo Ella estaba comiendo Nosotros estábamos comiendo Ellos estaban comiendo
You were eating She was eating We were eating They were eating
(Tú) no estabas comiendo Ella no estaba comiendo Nosotros no estábamos comiendo Ellos no estaban comiendo
You weren't eating She wasn't eating We weren't eating They weren't eating

Página 1
¿(Tú) estabas comiendo ¿Ella estaba comiendo? ¿Nosotros estábamos comiendo? ¿Ellos estaban comiendo?
Were you eating? Was she eating? Were we eating? Were they eating?

to eat: comer
(Yo) he comido Él ha comido Ha comido Ustedes han comido
I have eaten He has eaten It has eaten You have eaten
(Yo) no he comido Él no ha comido No ha comido Ustedes no han comido
I haven't eaten He hasn't eaten It hasn't eaten You haven't eaten
¿(Yo) he comido? ¿Él ha comido? ¿Ha comido? ¿Ustedes han comido?
Have I eaten? Has he eaten? Has it eaten? Have you eaten?
(Tú) has comido Ella ha comido Nosotros hemos comido Ellos han comido
You have eaten She has eaten We have eaten They have eaten
(Tú) no has comido Ella no ha comido Nosotros no hemos comido Ellos no han comido
You haven't eaten She hasn'te eaten We haven't eaten They haven't eaten
¿(Tú) has comido? ¿Ella ha comido? ¿Nosotros hemos comido? ¿Ellos han comido?
Have you eaten? Has she eaten? Have we eaten? Have they eaten?

to eat: comer
(Yo) había comido Él había comido Había comido Ustedes habían comido
I had eaten He had eaten It had eaten You had eaten
(Yo) no había comido Él no había comido No había comido Ustedes no habían comido
I hadn't eaten He hadn't eaten It hadn't eaten You hadn't eaten
¿(Yo) había comido? ¿Él había comido? ¿Había comido? ¿Ustedes habían comido?
Had I eaten? Had he eaten? Had it eaten? Had you eaten?
(Tú) habías comido Ella había comido Nosotros habíamos comido Ellos habían comido
You had eaten She had eaten We had eaten They had eaten
(Tú) no habías comido Ella no había comido Nosotros no habíamos comido Ellos no habían comido
You hadn't eaten She hadn't eaten We hadn't eaten They hadn't eaten
¿(Tú) habías comido? ¿Ella había comido? ¿Nosotros habíamos comido? ¿Ellos habían comido?
Had you eaten? Had she eaten? Had we eaten? Had they eaten?

to eat: comer
FUTURO CON be going to
(Yo) voy a comer Él va a comer Va a comer Ustedes van a comer
I'm going to eat He's going to eat It's going to eat You're going to eat
(Yo) no voy a comer Él no va a comer No va a comer Ustedes no van a comer
I'm not going to eat He's not going to eat It's not going to eat You're not going to eat
¿(Yo) voy a comer? ¿Él va a comer? ¿Va a comer? ¿Ustedes van a comer?
Am I going to eat? Is he going to eat? Is it going to eat? Are you going to eat?
(Tú) vas a comer Ella va a comer Nosotros vamos a comer Ellos van a comer
You're going to eat She's going to eat We're going to eat They're going to eat
(Tú) no vas a comer Ella no va a comer Nosotros no vamos a comer Ellos no van a comer
You're not going to eat She's not going to eat We're not going to eat They're not going to eat
¿(Tú) vas a comer? ¿Ella va a comer? ¿Nosotros vamos a comer? ¿Ellos van a comer?
Are you going to eat? Is she going to eat? Are we going to eat? Are they going to eat?

to eat: comer
PASADO CON be going to
(Yo) iba a comer Él iba a comer Iba a comer Ustedes iban a comer
I was going to eat He was going to eat It was going to eat You were going to eat
(Yo) no iba a comer Él no iba a comer No iba a comer Ustedes no iban a comer
I wasn't going to eat He wasn't going to eatIt wasn't going to eat You weren't going to eat
¿(Yo) iba a comer? ¿Él iba a comer? ¿Iba a comer? ¿Ustedes iban a comer?
Was I going to eat? Was he going to eat? Was it going to eat? Were you going to eat?

Página 2
(Tú) ibas a comer Ella iba a comer Nosotros íbamos a comer Ellos iban a comer
You were going to eat She was going to eat We were going to eat They were going to eat
(Tú) no ibas a comer Ella no iba a comer Nosotros no íbamos a comer Ellos no iban a comer
You weren't going to eatShe wasn't going to eaWe weren't going to eat They weren't going to eat
¿(Tú) ibas a comer? ¿Ella iba a comer? ¿Nosotros íbamos a comer? ¿Ellos iban a comer?
Were you going to eat? Was she going to eat? Were we going to eat? Were they going to eat?

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Página 4
rma básica

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Página 6
Página 7
Página 8
Tabla de verbos
1 Comer to eat ate
2 Olvidar to forget forgot
3 Conseguir to get got
4 Dar to give gave
5 Ir to go went
6 Venir to come came
7 Tener to have had
8 Trabajar to work worked
9 Decir to say said
10 Escribir to write wrote
11 Hacer to do did
Pasado Presente Futuro
Perfecto Progresivo
Forma be going to

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